What It's Really Like to Be a FedEx Ground Driver

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hey guys what's up I'm Jordan and I work for tisix an independent contract service provider for FedEx ground and today I'm going to take you a day in the life of a FedEx driver let's go deliver some packages every morning I get to the terminal about 8 30. next I grab my scanner go to my work area and organize my truck obviously get all your little stuff in your in your shelves organized before you put any of your ICS obviously in the more you can get on your shelves the more room you'll have for all the big stuff on the ground the extra time that you spend organizing your truck will save you a lot of time out on your route and at 9 30 when the bell rings I shut my back door and it's off to the rat race this is our iPad that's using ground Cloud for our navigation systems it gives you a pretty much rundown of everything that you need information wise for each stop in each package I always try to make it to where I'm running out of the passenger side door just like because I said it's quicker but now we're good to go [Music] obviously the bigger the truck the more you have to look out for your your tail swing and stuff like that but the first day or really the first like couple hours are kind of nerve-wracking this comes second nature I usually whip this thing around like my car almost seems like foreign thing that I do with the seat belt here is I put it around my steering wheel this also reminds you that you have to put it on when you run back in the truck and it's a lot more efficient to put on so we're at 75 17. grab my scanner right here 75 17 right here I don't scan inside the truck I'll run out especially with packages like this I'll run out I'll run up scan it while I'm running click it and deliver it caffeine is your best friend when it comes to driving a FedEx truck Cafe 12 seconds later I'm out of caffeine it's not good not good at all I don't know about carrying this one it is very heavy it says it says I have another one how are you let me just put it up there for you all right you're welcome thank you too so whenever you come to a stop you'll always want to park in front of the driveway the possibility of someone pulling out of their driveway if you're in front of it or behind it there could be oncoming traffic so they could be backing out and then you'll have a collision and then you just cause a wreck so always park in front of the driveway foreign [Music] regardless of what the sit is to put your your bigger packages in the back trying to get them through the side doors a real pain so kind of organize your bigger packages in the back by their SIDS or you'll usually know where they're at if you do it yourself since this is a big package I'll go ahead and scan it I'm not going to take this up there with me and then I will take a picture of it whenever I set it at the door normally I don't like parking across the street to go to a house because I've known people to get out of their driver's side door with a small package and they've gotten hit by a car but there's a car parked in the way of the front of the house so we're gonna go around the back this package is 140 pounds I might be able to get it we'll see this is one of the ones that's going across the street oh I think I might be able to get it I don't power it for nothing [Music] 75-67 it's a big package so I'm pushing it in the back thank you [Music] Indiana weather gets pretty hot in the summer and you're obviously in a big metal can so it gets really hot these trucks don't have ACS a lot of times I'll bring like a cooler full of water bottles and I'll literally just dump them on my head like a couple times a day just to stay cool it's not a very big dolly for this hi how's it going oh not too bad all right thank you you might have to push push the bottom of this I don't know I see the the lip is so small so what we can do is Dolly is terrible sorry this dolly is terrible we're gonna scratch that the lip is so small the package is going to stay on there and they're heavy okay [Music] definitely not a good idea to wear white Ultra boost today [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so these are a required signature that we couldn't get i'll code it and then since we're at the end of our route um I like to put all my coated packages together that way I know what's coated and what's what's not all right guys so we're about to do the last stop of the day one package of 35.26 going to these apartments [Music] thank you okay all right guys we made it back to the terminal as you can see after a good long day a little bit dirty but nothing too bad thank you for joining me and we'll see in the next video [Music]
Channel: Joe Thomas
Views: 56,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a day in the life, amazon dsp driver, day in the life, delivery driver, delivery gig, delivery service provider, do fedex drivers make good money, fedex contractor, fedex ground, fedex ground driver, fedex truck, follow, funny fedex, how fedex, how much does a fedex driver make, how much money do fedex ground delivery drivers make?, indianapolis, ipad, the average salary for a fedex ground delivery driver, truck driver, van delivery, what are fedex ground delivery drivers paid?
Id: asPPBO4dC9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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