A Day In The Life Of A Local Amazon Truck Driver | How To Use Amazon Relay

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[Music] foreign [Music] good afternoon I'm Bria and I'm a local truck driver with Amazon in the Bay Area California today I'm going to take you on my route and show you how I drop and hook trailers I have five stops today which includes four Amazon facilities and one airport live load right now I just arrived at the truck yard and I'm going to go pick up my truck for the day let's go since I'm starting my shift now I'm going to open the Amazon relay app on my phone next I'm gonna go to the top right corner where the speedometer is and on the first box I'm going to click on the plus sign on the right side and change my status to on duty at this point I've already done my pre-trip inspection and since this is an ELD I have to report the pre-trip inspection I'm gonna scroll down and click on vehicle inspection and click the right arrow and click tractor then I'm going to type in the license plate of the tractor that I'm using then I'm gonna double check that everything is good scroll all the way down and click complete inspection sign the inspection report submit inspection and that's going to take you back now I'm going to click resume work it's going to ask you to select what vehicle you're using and then now I'm just going to review the stops I'm going to after I've selected my vehicle I'm going to scroll down and click on no because I am bobtail right now I need to go pick up a trailer so I am not bringing an empty trailer and that's it I'm good to go [Music] foreign I just got to my first stop right now but it seems like there's a line so I might have to wait a little bit once you get to the guard shack they're gonna ask you for the last four numbers of the load ID which you can see on the relay app and then they're gonna give you a place to pick up your trailer or drop off your trailer in this case I'm picking up an empty trailer and I have to take it to the airport it's about 20 minutes later and I barely made it to the front of the line sometimes it's like this sometimes it's most of the time it's not but sometimes sometimes the trucks they start building up hello yeah picking up an empty yeah mxxq all right three five one thank you foreign pick up my trailer it's this one right here but I'm gonna check that the trailer number matches the one that I have on my relay app so you don't you never want to grab the wrong trailer I'm gonna do a tug test [Music] so I'm gonna double check first to make sure that that it's empty just gonna go to the back and it's an empty so I'm gonna do my pre-trip check all the tires and everything light tests all that and finish hooking up to it that way I can get out of here [Music] foreign [Music] so now I'm going to the checkout what they have is like a camera so check that you have the right trailer basically if it's good to go they're going to give you a thumbs up and that's when you can leave [Music] all right I got the thumbs up now we can go [Music] thank you [Music] I just got to the airport and what I was expecting according to my relay app was to drop this trailer which is an empty and get it live loaded and take the same trailer to my third stop but I just checked in right now and they said I can just drop this empty and pick up another trailer so that saves me a lot of time I'm gonna go open my doors right now dock of this trailer and grab the next one after so yeah [Music] [Music] so on this truck that I have right now which is a Volvo to release the trailer from the fifth wheel just press this hold it down and we're detached [Music] all right [Music] I just checked into my third stop and they want me to park in a weird space um it's a little bit tight not the actual parking space itself but the space in front of it so the parking space is there but over there there's a curve so I can't really do my 45 setup but there is some space up there so I'm gonna have to use that to park here see how it goes I was able to park it in three pull-ups because it was it was a really tight space like I said um well it was a weird setup I took three Pull-Ups for me to get it in but I couldn't really take a video of like how I did it because there was a hustler like waiting really waiting to grab my trailer so I just I just dropped it and I left now I gotta drive 100 miles to my next destination so it'll be a long drive but yeah I'm about to check out of this facility [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I just got to my fourth stop four out of five took me about took me about two and a half hours to get here um my trailer is not ready so again I have to wait it's 8 30 right now and my departure time is 9 30 so I shouldn't be here for that long well it wasn't too long ago when I when I said that my trailer wasn't ready now it's ready so I'm going to go pick it up we gotta pick it up on dock door 121 I believe foreign ER is too high and the way that I can see that see right there there is a gap between the fifth wheel and the trailer apron right before the Kingpin so what I want to do is I gotta lower it down [Music] so now you can see there's no more Gap so now now I can hook to the trailer [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah I can cut it all right thank you I just got to my last stop stop number five and they want me to dock on this dark doors [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now I'm returning to the Truck Yard to return my truck back on the relay up the first thing I'm gonna do is do my post trip inspection I'm going to click on vehicle inspection scroll all the way down and complete inspection that's going to take me back to the screen and now I'm going to click where it says on duty on the very top now I'm going to put myself off duty now that I'm done on the top left hand corner I'm going to click the three lines all the way at the bottom it says sign out and I'm done okay I am finally done I just got back to my car I know it's really dark and it's late but um I'm just getting off of work now I've dropped my last trailer I fueled and I came back to drop off my truck and I signed out of relay and now I'm about to go home and I have to work tomorrow um that will be my third day so yeah that's what a typical route looks like for me it could be anywhere between two two and three hundred miles and it's about a 12 to 14 hour shift but it's only three days a week so kind of cool I really enjoy taking you guys on my route today I feel like a lot of people don't get to see the daily route of a local driver so I hope you enjoyed the videos I'm about to go home now and finally get some rest I am tired so yeah have a good night and I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Bria Trucking
Views: 230,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RCVZojUxDhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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