Customer knows he paid for a curbside Delivery But Expects us to drive 2Miles to and from his site

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[Music] not even the depths of Hell could have forged a diamond this special all right y'all what up we back so uh gave this customer about an hour call ahead I already started unstrapping I just jumped back in the truck to grab my GoPro to record this but yeah let me know how your day is going leave it down in the comment section so this is the situation as you guys can see it's pouring rain not that that really even matters to me cuz I do do deliveries in any weather but uh you know the issu is that this customer said his driveway is about a/4 mile long or he said it is a/4 mile long so here's the Dilemma so my job is curbside is a curbside delivery you know not that I want to piss anybody off but quarter mile really with one skid like a quar mile with one skid you figure you drive that all the way down it takes about I don't know couple minutes 5 6 minutes to drive it down there quarter mile at the rate of speed this machine moves at and uh you know drive it down there and then drive it back you already drove a half mile now this customer got four skids of material just like y'all really want me to drive two miles on the Moffet like that's that's really unreasonable like you know if I could see the house from the road you know like that that's a reasonable driveway okay cool bring it up the driveway but a quarter of a mile like thanks but no thing now what I'm going to do is I'm going to double check it on the map to see if if it's uh if it's like a dead end or [Applause] whatever and yeah it looks like a dead end it's not a through Street like no thanks no thanks I'll I'll put the picture up on the uh Instagram page and I'll try to uh uh remember today's date today is the 25th I think something like that it's Saturday so whatever that whatever that is you know but you know within reason to like bring it up the driveway I could even understand maybe a couple hundred feet but a quarter of a mile with four skids of of heavy material no thanks so you know I called the customer he told me a quarter of them mile he gets deliveries down there all the time yeah that sounds good but my thing is like why the hell are we driving a quarter of a mile down down your driveway like that doesn't make any sense it's a curbside delivery ooo that one had a lot of mud on it sorry let me see show you guys are good let me show it's not dirt on the camera yeah so yeah/ quarter mile dude so you guys want me to drive 2 miles down there and I know some people are like oh why don't you back down yeah that's cool except I don't have a spotter and it's not a controlled environment like the hell and it's going in the middle of the woods who's to say that I even have enough space down there to to even offload on the side so I'd rather just stick to the contract where it says curbside delivery and I told him I'm like hey you know it's a curbside delivery right he was like yep I get deliveries all the time I'm like all right cool so you know just one just wanted to tell him so he knows it's no surprises and uh people try to escalate this issue up it's like is it curbside or is it not curbside you know I mean I'm not going to be a douchebag and leave it right there but I'll I'll bring it like a good part of the way down and he can come up with his truck and come grab it it's like I mean am I wrong two miles on the mopet all said and done and I know some people are like oh why don't you stack it okay even if I stack it you know even if I stack it that's going to be more than a mile or about a mile on a forklift like why are we even driving a mile on the forli and it's like kind like one of those things where it's like go above and beyond do what you can do and it's like I can do it but the point is is that we keep doing it and it opens up a can of worm and you know these customers need to understand that we're just a delivery service our job is to basically leave it at the mailbox if the mailbox is on the curb not even the post office goes down that way I mean they'll probably do it to drop off packages but that's not you know they it's a small package probably sits on their lap the whole time and they don't have to drive down there multiple times you know and they got these little tiny trucks they get in and out of there so I just wanted to show you guys what like what that means it on the map it doesn't even show a cue saac or nothing like that if it was like that then I consider driving down but I'm not backing down blind and I have no idea why the moth started doing [Music] this that's definitely an electronic beat and not a [Applause] squeal [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll leave it right right off to the side where it says private property [Music] [Music] I'm going to go take a quick peek down the road to see what it looks [Music] like it's just like a boat or [Music] something let me [Applause] [Music] see yeah but then if I back down it's like I don't know how far that goes you know how far that off cut goes it could be in the middle of the mud or something like that I'm going to take some pictures uh and I'm definitely going to take the pictures of this as I left it here I'm not about to drive 2 miles down with the muop it and then drive the truck down there especially if I don't know what's down there you know like if our job is to leave it there then why the hell you know I'm going to call the store and just I'm going to call the market manager to let him [Music] know I have no idea what that noise is so I'm going to take a picture of what I can see from here and then on the next delivery just take a picture of all that I can see maybe back up a little bit more look they even leave their garbage cans down here I'm going take a picture of that boy is it cold out here with the rain and [Music] everything yeah I'm not going to bore you guys with this entire delivery so I'll do one more skid and then uh that'll pretty much wrap it up but I'll keep the GoPro on my head just in case something you know something else happens you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys I'll see you guys on the next video thank you all so much for watching leave it down in the comments section what you think about a 2m delivery on the muet and uh you know the situations that may circumvent from it uh but yeah thank you guys so much I appreciate appreciate it I'll see you guys on the next video later
Channel: Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
Views: 50,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xOyet9fNWRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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