Dave Chappelle For What It's Worth Full YouTube
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Channel: Adewale Ogunjimi
Views: 9,446,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dave Chappelle: For What It's Worth (Film), Dave Chappelle (Comedian)
Id: JxhG3H2-EIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2014
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I love Dave's stand-up, but he leaves a lot out of the joke about the kid in Florida who got life for 'wrestling'. I actually did a class project about this same instance when I was in high school for my criminology class, and Dave is so off base here I feel like someone needs to point it out. He received life in prison specifically because the injuries were so severe they most certainly were NOT from 'wrestling'.
Now, do I think it is appropriate to sentence a 14 year old to life in prison? No, definitely not. But to act like he was just 'practicing wrestling' and his victim was hurt by wrestling moves is insane. He brutally beat that child to death and had a documented history of violence.
Time stamp at 30:51