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doodle dog Oh wants you to like the video and subscribe right now hypothetically if I needed a bald head for a video what should I do use a bald cap 33% goal out 67% dye your hair green and use it as a green screen yeah this is big brain time teacher everyone get in group of three my friends me yacht owner has a pool on their yacht the entire ocean surrounding room Mr joke to you me finishes the essay in five minutes by handwriting the teacher trying to read the essay teacher asks me how I'm able to understand my own handwriting me I was there when it was written teacher hands me my ass a to read it aloud my ability to comprehend my own handwriting Adeus me getting rickrolled in 2050 and I meet my family they're rocks protons neutrons electrons petition for Samwell l.jackson to become new Amazon addicts a voice having the TV volume on an odd number having the TV volume on an even number having the TV volume on a multiple of five when your phone autocorrects holy crap - holy carp judge Dean swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth me yeah judge who do you like me oMG they're ash Ketcham finally becomes a Pokemon master after more than 20 years Brock from Pokemon finally got a girlfriend after 20 years of being single parents it's not that hot just eat the food what's the word for 60 minutes are ya winning sana no legend 27 keeps killing me I haven't heard that name in years me uses this sanitizer app or own a virus on my hands understandable have a great day when you get in the car and it's hot as Frick and the a/c only blows out hot air how did this mean get resurrected no freaking idea understandable have a great day after surveying four thousand seven hundred sixty-one women a new study found that the optimal team size for women to reach or miss supposedly eight inches well we are halfway there some random kid 100 plus years ago rain rain go away people in the Sattar a desert today first half of 2020 I survived the worst my life will be perfect from now on second half of 2020 third half of 2020 everyone till I can't be that bad July 2 characters hate each other and regularly try to kill each other fan fiction writers I think we all know where this is going dad wakes up early to go to work me who pulled an all-nighter going to get a snack I wish they would stop swearing in these videos how am I supposed to watch this with my kids good question what many drivers think they look like what they actually look like gamers there I just walked across the whole map to complete this mission gamers now why is there no fast travel in this game washing our bread so it's cleaning welcome to the gang kid we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and baby shark what did baby shark do do-do-do do-do the level 1 boss me who completed all the side quests taking 10 minutes - close your eyes and patiently wait to fall asleep literally forcing yourself to stay awake to the point of exhaustion where you fall asleep by blinking just a little too long when you at a party and your mum texts you I'm gonna beat your ass when you get home Firefox Firefox copy singing along to your favorite song decides to look at the actual lyrics damn bruh if Squidward is having more fun from you you know something went wrong don't knock unless I married you birthed you or ordered food from you Rober understandable have a nice day when you have oil when you have farmland when you have tea come here you little shoes when you pause a single player game just right I don't know which part of this is worse is it the position of the straw or the fact that you have to constantly make eye contact while using is fast-food burgers in pictures fast-food burgers in real life I'm homophobic what does homophobic mean it means he's afraid of homes no it doesn't interest rates mortgages stop it Patrick you're scaring him are ya winning son yes I'm in ranks dinner's ready nobody English teachers when you forget to capitalize an eye you like water air why do so you mean you already like 72% of May flirt you are falling panic you have a water bucket in your hand car you are not playing minecraft panic the Lego piece when I'm trying to find it the Lego piece when I'm looking for another piece 2020 is 50% complete they had us in the first half not gonna lie I prefer the real hot dog I said the real hot dog this is fine me puts a nice looking bath bomb into the water everyone else at the aquarium looking in chess the queen and chess nobody animals an avatar three bulls no wishing for death no falling in love never bring back dead people I want to have schism Detroit there are four all's me trying to control my laughter in a serious situation hiding cigarettes in your bag hiding cigarettes in your pockets found a way to sneak cigarettes into school lol person shoots me me I'm too young to die bullet understandable have a great day the email in something of my phone to myself to access the same thing on my computer tag boomers when the computer loads for longer than two seconds nobody engines downloading VPN so they can access tick-tock don't touch my garbage in your opinion what's the height of stupidity and a gift how tall are you the fastest things in the universe sound large expansion of the universe LMNOP Vladimir Putin wins Russia vote that could let him rule until 2036 just watched a man pulled his mask down took off and just like that I've lost all hope how to kiss a boy walk over to avoid extend your lip caressing his cheeks tenderly without moving your head or body extend your lips so they meet the edge of Israel scream look noot noot noot man who lost on by plunging it into lava smugly refuses to describe what lava feels like everyone roses are red this doesn't rhyme run faster or I'll drop this sign teacher calls me up for presentation blood cells at first you had my curiosity but now you have my erection girls doing tick-tock dancers are just as cringy as boys doing for tonight dancers 50 most popular women 7 justin bieber google no need to thank me xbox kids rappers using every curse in the dictionary wait it's all drawn always has been when I died once the people had done group projects with to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time my group members finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary how to kill an introvert stop him to death by pulling a stranger in his kitchen what's going on I'm in this photo and I don't like it my mum when the cat needs food your cat my mum when we watch TV and she wants to cuddle my cat our count the murder Hornets are not gone we lost track of them I have to go make a call when it's your friend's birthday but you forgot I got you some toothpaste Apple your phone is completely waterproof my phone when my finger has a drop of water on it who the Frick is this a whole new bird driver doesn't speak a word the entire ride extroverts who actually wanted them to talk to introverts believe Lashon followed ariana grande what that's interesting that I shouldn't care last month my cap disappeared a week ago I found him and brought him over today my cat came back now I have two identical cats we've had one yes what about a second cat soldier pilot I have the hardest job in the world no I have amateurs what was that Punk Taco Bell cleaning lady amateurs hero in movies gets shot 18 times is there no don't leave me there understandable have a great day Daniel the cooler Daniel I'm a robbed you you can't that's illegal understandable have a great day robbers after seeing this Florida inmates use criminal skills to rescue baby from car the criminals well maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore teacher what did you do during vacation me I went so coning which is basically reading to someone teacher who did you saw can with me I did it to Journal teacher whose Journal me a good friend who has lik my teacher what's nygma me it's this really weird disease rest of the class dat where do babies come from you you're vegan girlfriend chicken wings hey can I copy your homework yeah but change it up a bit me swallows tablet without water everyone else in the Samsung store till I can't be that crazy right July agent Hitler FBI me after waving back to someone who was waving to the person behind me me doing an exam the ink of my fam Nintendo due to budget we have take your cart away with moji it's a fair game there [Music] anonymous hero donates hospital 200 human kidneys follow me that really tough piece of beef jerky are ya winning son no some guy keep kicking my ass and calling me B nugget he says he Fricks my mum every night damn right I do B nugget a Vietnam War American sniper volunteered to crawl for three days across 2,000 meters of open field containing an enemy headquarters took a single shot that killed an NVA general and then crawled back out without being spotted he is Amon of focus commitment and sheer frickin will animal species in Avatar be like go come over the Dutch can't I'm busy go I got spices the Dutch me when writing a school essay and the teacher said it had to have 1,000 words how I stretched a 15-minute story into nine freaking years my dog whenever I'm eating something Alfred also my dog when I try to touch what she's eating my food with a dolphin player sax like this or like this mum while arguing this is my house mum well cleaning this is our house Xbox and ps4 calling each other gay PC with rainbow lights friend what's so funny me you wouldn't understand I want to make a baby softly don't bully beats up kid the kid I'll get my brother to come beat you up bully your brother's probably not even strong the next day the kid the older brother dolphin grows human arms no one crisis at a time do not question the elevated one are ya winning corn no new master 69 called me addy had 20/20 for everyone else 20/20 for the introverts the Four Horsemen of smiling all the time Australia puts mesh over sewers to prevent trash from going into the ocean the rest of the world after seeing this haha yes die trash uber driver introverts you get 5 stars hello your assignment has not submitted years please email your assignments sorry madam Internet's a a problem that's your problem madam I have mailed my assignments I haven't received yet that's your problem modern problems require modern solutions guys literally only want one thing and it's freaking disgusting bully punches kid school you should be ashamed of what you have done bully it was on accident school understandable have a great day but link said free robux scientists successfully recreate tyrannosaurus rex embryo from chicken DNA Rise of the Planet of the chickens teacher telling us to get in groups everyone else finding their friends me Beach takes months to bring rocks to the shore me throws rocks back into water Beac me wins lottery every one in a five-mile radius we've known each other for so long students are attending parties as part of a disturbing contest to see who can catch on at 19 first a city council member says Alabama students throwing audit parties to see who gets infected it's not out of the question you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage I'm very laid back I only care about two things every person on earth had their opinion of me the crushing psychological weight of being alive say my mom saying I'm a failure me the owner of 10 cars 11 votes 7 houses and 15 million dollars in GTA going to the principal's office last year going to the principal's office this year Aaron livesplit has crashed due to the following reason success livesplit suffering from success contractors aren't you a little young to doofus Feeney yes and ferb yes contractors understandable have a great day behold the one commandment vines will always be better than tick-tock what if mosasaurs were still alive 2020 that's not a bad idea I'm booked until September maybe I'll release it during November teacher the test isn't confusing the test I'm safe understandable have a great day that will be $20,000 six years ago when me and my partner got together I asked did she ever worried she was in a coma right this was just her coma dream ever since on a regular basis I'll whisper wake up Natalie please we love you and then pretend I didn't say anything for six years that's the evilest thing I can imagine no matter how badass you are you'll never match you're a [ __ ] riding an alligator me kills a sheep for some will and mutton everybody else at the furry convention class clown at school class clown at home when everything in your life is going wrong but then you step on a leaf and it makes a really good crunch the scariest things on earth the dark clowns sharks serial killers death monkey in Toy Story 3 I waved to a man because I thought he waved at me apparently he waved to another woman so to get out of the awkward situation I kept my hand up and a taxi pulled over and drove me to the airport I'm now in Poland starting a new life when she say she don't have kids but her purse seems mad suspect Russia what's the point of voting if they've already decided Putin can stay in power until 2036 sounds like communist propaganda but okay we'll take two happy meals please make sure they got the boy toys in them who controls the means controls the universe ilan unlimited power also along Eli Eli got there are left pyramid there are rights there are four types of men people when a human is killed in a movie owner anyway people when a dog is killed in a movie freaking for how big are you 6 1 no I'm then below the waist on idk I never measured send me a pic and let me tell you looks like about 37 inches Maps America world war Civil War two sealed bags are just soft bottles change my mind we having a generally good day my parents yelling at me for a minor inconvenience cycles you may be old but are you this old brother new Alaska man hijacks fire truck drives 15 miles to local bar with sirens on Florida man are you challenging me me watching my dad come home with his magic juice and a belt when the library kicks you out for putting the Bible in the fiction section like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous dankmemes videos thanks
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 1,178,783
Rating: 4.9396172 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes
Id: PAU3wrYK_Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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