Fear Not feat. Dan Mohler | City Quake Washington | Session #6

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yeah what great testimonies huh isn't jesus good like like that's such an understatement what a great testimony while her while she was sharing her husband was sitting right beside me so when they yelled out you're standing i said was she able to stand like that before he said oh no 30 seconds max mr hubby said he said we've been praying for this for a long long time isn't it beautiful so it's just believing god yeah it's this belief in god so so believe in god let me just expound on this since the excitement of all this is and i was sharing this with them yesterday and even corporately because we did that yeah that's right we put you on the spot everybody pray and uh that's so fun believing is a verb it's not a point in time it's a position of the heart you believe what some people do is they say they believe a promise or a scripture so they try it they don't see the fruit so then they change what they believe are you following me so when it comes to healing believing we're not running a risk it's not hit miss win or lose it's not make it or break it it's not willy or woney you actually see the heart of god through the son crucified and raised from the dead through the word of god and you actually believe what he paid for and you position yourself to receive that through believing and if you see nothing change you have one response as a christian one resp one response as a christian thank you father you're so good i so appreciate your love for me and i so appreciate what you're doing in my body and in my life thank you that's where christian lives right not complaining why isn't this working what door did i open and why is god allowing and what and all of a sudden you got 13 questions that are trying to cloud out the thing that your heart wants to know are you following what i'm saying so what a good testimony what a good learning example i'm so so thankful that jesus will teach us this way and that we'll see a lady say man you know what it ain't all the way there but there's peace there i can't even explain it's like and you know what she's trying to say she feels different there's stability there's strength she's standing she's walking hubby says she wouldn't have stood like that for 30 seconds i'm excited it's coming through believing amen amen so guess where we're going where are we going i have some believers that are probably wondering no we're going there let's go to colossians let's let's go this is where i wanted to go this morning but we went wherever we went this morning i'm not sure where that was it seemed intense you guys were okay though right it seemed intense though i could feel intensity and but but you guys were okay you seemed really okay like you're just like bring it so so i'm talking about relationship communion with god and fellowship with god it's very very very very very important to get to know the lord and commune with him and like when you get when you get a good friend and you become really good friends you didn't become really good friends because you didn't hang out come on this stuff is not rocket science like like you guys are married you didn't just didn't happen like well nowadays some of that stuff happens like internet brides and stuff i guess but you guys got to know each other you got the fellowship together get to know each other and all of a sudden you think yeah man wow hey would you marry me whoa yeah and then all of a sudden you're getting joined in front of family and friends why because you develop relationship and you come to know in your heart man i want to marry you right so you don't drive in a car with a friend i know you won't if you're in my car you won't drive with a friend for 50 miles and not talk i'm talking [Laughter] well i don't have a need to talk i'll ask you questions i'll get to know you if we're driving in a car together who what friends in here drive together in a car for even 15 minutes and don't communicate i'm just being relatable and real with you guys i'm giving you some examples but how many times do we drive in a car and we got worship songs planned but don't even talk to jesus and we let the worship song take the place of relationship and fill the gap of time or noise or space or i know that's not our intention that's not why we turned it on we liked the song but my goodness take every opportunity to be with him to communicate with him you hear a song that catches your heart and touches your heart people have favorite songs i know i'm not a real favorite kind of guy i don't that's i'm a little different i don't have favorite color favorite number favorite i just love color i like songs i you say what's my favorite scripture or i have no clue like if i think i have 100 more just bombard me so every good scripture i call it's in my top hundred yeah every awesome scripture i'm like that is in my top hundred but relationship with jesus second to none so the reason i wanted to go to colossians i wanted to start a little track this morning but i think we'll do it this afternoon because i think i pruned you guys enough i think we did i think we pruned you guys this morning last night was good we had the clippers out last night i could feel it the whole time i mean i had one of them lobbers man i was i was like i felt it man i was like this is good because the last two sessions if you weren't here all we've really established was the reason jesus sent his son and died on the cross it wasn't just to forgive you and take to take you to heaven it was to put heaven in you to transform you to get you back to what god intended in the first place that's gotten missed my whole life as a christian i went to church i was 20 and nobody taught me that everybody preached a cross i saw crucifixion movies everybody said i was a sinner i need a forgiven and he died on the cross to forgive me nobody said he died on the cross to restore me and to restore truth and to put purpose back in my life and give me destiny so they just left me a hopefully forgiven sinner that really had no hope or no purpose or no chance to change and then god was a mystery because it's amazing he loves somebody like me not that we earn or work into his love we receive his love but receiving his love begins to change our lives puts integrity back in us builds character back up when you see his first love you love him jesus said if you love him you'll keep his commandments and his commandments aren't burdensome you see how relationship works i'm not keeping his commandments to try to prove my love i see his first love and i love him and keeping his commandments is simple why because i honor him i respect the person of god nobody's loved me like he's loved me like nobody has come into my life and treated me like god has treated me and give me the access to the kingdom and put his life inside me when i didn't earn a thing i just received what was paid for that's incredible like like all we do is get to a place where we repent we're sorry for the life we live we're sorry for the choices we've made we're sorry for the mistakes we're sorry and we're sincerely sorry but we can't go back and change it regret would eat us alive we can't just change ourselves but man if we're just sorry and all of a sudden he forgives us of our sins puts new life in us we begin to grow in understanding you get a whole new living way all of a sudden our motives are different our purpose is different our perspective is different the why in our life is different just just anybody that's just here that hasn't been here those last two sessions that's where we've been the last two sessions so the cross of jesus christ is not paid in full and fulfilled when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven someday the cross of christ is fulfilled and paid him for when his nature is restored back to love and he's following jesus and walking in the light as jesus is in the light that's when the cross is fulfilled forgiveness of sin is not the end it's the very beginning it just accesses you back to the father so you can have relationship with the father so forgiveness of sin is mighty and powerful and excited about it but that we make that the whole goal the goal is not forgiveness the goal is transformation through the forgiveness are you with me so please don't sell it any cheaper than that christianity is a big deal and it's impossible to live on your own the christian life is impossible without the person of holy spirit you're not going to fulfill matthew 5 and the beatitudes and you're not going to walk out the commandments of the lord in your flesh but yet he commands it and yet he tells us to follow him you can't follow him on your own you can't just say okay you can't listen to the sermon last night and say okay i'm ramped up i'm going to do it. it's grace that changes us it's you getting alone with god when nobody's looking friend and say amen you know what i believe you love me i believe you have you see value when you see me because you see purpose and potential and the life i was living was a zero but you want to make it count you want to make it worth something to where when time expires on this natural life there's something to remember for eternity man i want to live a legacy before you god but more even than that i want to burn a legacy in the hearts of men that somehow they get to know you a little more because i got to know you some and you talk to him like that and you get real and you begin communion and relating and talking and you're hearing these songs and you're listening to a sermon and you're interjecting communicating and talking guys that's how you get to know somebody yeah you ask him to teach you and and and ask him to give you understanding you ask him to begin to form these things in you because it's so what you want to live and here's how it works any teacher in here knows that scripture says this you're saved by grace through okay so grace is god's working power grace is god's ability grace isn't a permission slip there's a weird teaching of grace out there that just says hey thank god for grace like hey boy i sure blew up on my spouse this morning thank god for grace no grace keeps you from blowing up grace isn't a permission slip it's not a smooth over mercy are two different things grace is empowerment grace is god's willingness to use his power on your behalf to empower you to be something you can never be on your own that's what grace is so if you're saved by grace through faith every time you apply faith to the truth about what he paid for in your life grace comes to meet that faith and make that truth your reality without you biting your lip trying to change it's not you trying to love better it's you becoming love it's not you trying to forgive it's you becoming forgiveness because you've been alone with god and you see the truth how he sees you through love and how he hasn't hold it held anything he's forgiven you of everything he hasn't held anything in front of you like that he will where well how come you did well i'll never forget will you remember the time he doesn't do that to any of us whoever came to god in a sincere heart of repentance and got met by god sitting with his arms crossed saying oh it's you how long have i been drawing you and you finally show up now six months ago you had the best crack i ever gave you and you ignored me you caused a lot of hell in the last six months and you hurt a lot of people not to mention me i'll tell you what i'm not even sure where we stand anymore and if i can even trust you i'll talk to 24 hours i'll get back to you tomorrow and see where we stand have we dealt with each other that way he hasn't dealt with any of us that way i was so lost the night i got saved i was so arrogant in my own mind i was so deceived and he saved me he knocked on my heart he came to me it changed me forever because i saw i was unlovely and he said that's not what i love about you i love you and i know what you can be if i'm in you and you surrender and i paid for it love you and i yielded myself and surrendered myself and he came inside of me and he began to teach me this gospel that i'd be honest i'm not being mean i'm not being arrogant and i'm not mad at nobody but no preacher in my life ever told me jesus died on the cross to restore me as a son they all said he died on the cross because i was a loser you better believe he had to die because i sinned my sin cost him death but he didn't die because i'm a sinner he died because something was lost and he wanted to restore it why we struggle with that message and think it's high-minded or think it's men speaking too highly of themself he's the one that came as a man pretty radical thought that god would put himself in the womb of a woman do you think about this stuff or is it just a story is it just bible is it just easter thing or is it christmas uh come on be real with me god put himself in the womb of a woman and hung out there for nine months and was born of her came through her birth canal wore those little swaddling clothes and was totally dependent on a woman that's a major mind-blower to me that's more than inconvenience [Laughter] come on if you're god you're god you're the one that was and is and is to come nothing was made that wasn't made through you and now you're in the womb of a woman that you made come on that speaks loud to me and i'm just going to talk about it you know like god put himself in the womb of a woman and was born of a a woman so he could come as a man so he could redeem man so he could fulfill what man failed do it as a man empowered by the holy spirit fulfill all righteousness so you and i don't have to come through the law and come through perfection we can come through him he must really want us back to the father and more than that the father must really really really want us back to him so i'm just done with this false humility language well it's a wonder god considers us he considered you before the foundation of the world what are you talking about you were predestined to be born and adopted it is the sun i'll calm down i'm not mad at people i'm mad at these lies these lies are like the religious stuff that never produced life in no one and they contest the truth and keep the truth blinded in our hearts so we never walk in the measure of grace that's available to change us yeah i know you i know it'll sound arrogant to some some people hear what you're not saying you can say anything you want about what i'm preaching but you'll find out one day that i'm convinced because it says one day when he appears you will appear with him see there's something about knowing him and not just having theology that you can't take from a person there's a confidence in knowing him when you know you're hearing his voice when his presence is on you in the early morning hours when you hear him in the middle of the night yeah how yeah that's how i feel i'm just playing it cool because i'm supposed to preach and i'm supposed to be okay but i'm borderline hanging on right now [Laughter] like how do you take knowing away from someone you can well you weren't hearing god's voice all those years okay see it's just not easy it's not easy you're not going to take away my relationship you can criticize it you can judge it you can say it's something else you can do all you want but i was the one in that relationship for the last 26 years it's where my confidence comes from it's where my boldness comes from see confidence we mistake for arrogance you're not supposed to throw away your confidence your confidence has great reward because you have need of endurance so after the will of god is done you can receive the promise that's hebrews 10 35 and 6. it's there i read it there's nothing wrong with confidence which sounds like there's more to the christian life than being forgiven you have need of endurance which means things are coming against your person your family your circumstances but they're not directed to cause you hardship they're directed to crush your thinking towards the kingdom to get you discouraged to get you to backward step and to turn tail and run to get you to not continue to grow the adversity is intended to stop the kingdom not just crush your family i talked about it this morning you got to make sure you don't take adversity personal and the only way to do that is because you already took the gospel personnel you're not a problem with what you're going through you're a product of what he went through and you're wearing what he paid for every day are you hearing me sorry i feel so aggressive i can't it just you say oh well you can you have no idea until you're in my shoes and this this stuff comes on me it comes like a freight train can you tell that i'm not just prepared for what i'm saying i don't even know what i'm doing in the next minute i'm on a journey with you and i like it i'm trying to read colossians you see what happens and then and i don't even know what just happened it's not funny it is funny it is funny no it's funny it's hard to say some of this stuff because we've been taught by religious sayings and hearings and so jesus said as i hear i speak if a person would declare that oh my goodness well let me go ahead and wing it i actually believe that's what happens to me when i preach so everybody that disagrees with me now they're affirming my heresy all the more because now i'm affirming i hear the voice of god but i believe that's what happens to me when i preach because i have no need to preach guys i'm here because i want to did you hear less i i paid for my plane ticket here i take zero honorarium from cityquake and i covered my hotel room so i'm close so i'm close to a thousand dollars in close just to be here asking for nothing from anyone why because i believe what i preach and i believe it'll make a difference in people's lives and it's not a business deal and i'm not here for finances i'm not here earning a living i'm alive are you following me so that just changes things i'm not here to impress you i'm impressed with the one that i've known and been in relationship with but when you see me kneel during worship you know what i'm saying every time and it's not religious i say lord you know my heart i have no need to preach i have no need to stand in front of anybody i'm not trying to build a ministry i'm not trying to build a kingdom i just want to minister the one that's here i'm not trying to be somebody i don't need to be known you know my heart god they're going to hand me a mic in a little bit you know this room through and through you know this room in detail if they handed you a mic in the next 10 minutes you know exactly what you'd say if you stood in front of this room would you let that be the only words that come out of my mouth and then i get up here and i think i'm reading something and then i go you can hear how fast i talk and it just comes it's not premeditated i go from one topic to the next no i i'm just i'm just trying to explain that there's something about knowing him and having a pure motive and not just doing ministry and not just trying to pray for the sick to see somebody healed not just trying to get a word of knowledge to feel spiritual or like you can hear god's voice guys there's something about knowing him that changes everything changes everything nobody can talk you out of that nobody can take your relationship but here's the thing i can't impart it i can talk about it i can impart the knowledge of it but people say i want what you have lay hands on me i'm like no no the importation message there's a truth to it but it's a very narrow truth i think it's a very wide thing in the church but it's a very narrow truth the examples of impartation was always with strong purpose joshua had wisdom because moses laid his hands on him i get it but it was so that he could step into moses's shoes and do what moses was doing it doesn't mean that everybody moses with laid hands on would have walked in that wisdom so sometimes i think we misguide that and it if we're not careful we're just trying to get information impartation from everybody that we see that has something that maybe i haven't walked in so we want them to pray for me but why would you rob yourself of knowing him why don't you just go to him go to him i understand paul and timothy and he wanted to deposit a gift i i've read it all i get it all but it was always with purpose and it was always for leadership and to step into a position that i can't lay hands on you and impart to you the relationship that i have with jesus but boy i hope i can inspire your heart to go be with them because it's the change of your life like there's nothing like knowing him there's nothing like waking up in the morning and just being totally okay like just totally okay because he's here he's in you and it's like yay this is what i wanted to talk about this stuff for so i hope we're leading up to it because i really feel like i'm supposed to do it the lord said to me a long time ago you won't totally understand this but i can explain it but he said to me a long time ago do you know why you live the way you do i knew what he meant right away because he said it to me because there was things on my heart when he said it consistency never trying it makes some people frustrated when you say christianity is so simple like i've been saved 26 years i'm telling you the truth guys there's not there's not there's no struggle to being loved by god there's no struggle to being a christian living christ i think there's a struggle with remaining self-conscious having wrong identity taking things personal needing affirmation i think those things we keep alive and that's where the struggle is because we think that's all normal but that was adam you're born again the lord said do you know why you live the way you do and i said yes because your mercy is amazing and you're awesome and you're incredible loving god and i started to say just what you just said and i felt like i heard the lord chuckle in my heart and say that's not the answer i'm looking for and i would have said what you would have said that's the only answer you are which are by the grace of god if a man has some it's been given there's no boasting in men he said nope not the answer i'm looking for i'm like it's the only answer he said dan everything you're praising me for everything you're saying i am is who i am but watch this you get this it needs a place to land in your life it's one of those things to say pastor that god's merciful it's another thing if you receive the mercy of god do you know that god's merciful and there's people that won't receive mercy do you know god's loving and forgiving and people won't receive forgiveness won't forgive themselves do you know that god through the cross is saying you're worth it and there's people that are saying they can't be so i guess we do participate don't we i could say god loves you all day and i'm right every time i say it but until you receive and believe the love of god you won't benefit from that truth and you'll live as if you're unloved that's why the just lived by faith that's why it's impossible to please god without faith now when we hear please god without faith we hear displeasure if we don't have faith it's not displeasure in the way he wants to cut you off or he's mad at you rescoring and what it means is he can't he can't enjoy the pleasure of a father's heart when a son's walking in fruition we hear displeasure all the time when we hear god's not pleased we hear displeasure i don't think it's always the case he said do you know why you live the way you do i said yeah because you're amazing your grace is sufficient you're incredible merciful god he said that's not the answer i said it's the only answer he said dan it needs a place to land he said let me tell you why you live the way you do he said the night you got saved you saw your need for me you saw your sinful life you saw your heart you were sin conscious and you were like oh my and you looked and he said but you were only sin conscious for that moment until you repented and yield to me but he said ever since that moment dan this was years ago ever since that moment you've been a son in your heart and you never went back to that sin conscious and he said in everything you're praising me to be is always landing on your life so you wake up knowing who i am and knowing who you are in me every single day there's a consistent truth that's alive in my heart that sets the tone every day whether my wife's in identity crisis for eight years whether my kids were running wild at the same exact time whether my mother was dying of a sickness can you see any of that in me can you see any of that testimony in me when i'm talking can you see my wife in a coma on life support with brain damage do you see that you're never supposed to see that because it's never about the fire you've been through it's about the lord that you bow to it wasn't about shadrach's fire it wasn't about nebuchadnezzar's fire it wasn't about meshach's trial it was about their non-compromise they won't call something lord that's not and it wasn't about the fire burning or going out it was about them never changing because it was about the fire jesus would have put it out right away you know what he did he stepped in the middle of it left to keep burning unbound his boys and made sure they were free in the middle of the trial and left it raged the whole time until old nebby called view and said what jack come on out there it's the veggie tales shack benny come out of the fire you ever see it oh it's so powerful man it's veggie tails when the light shoots down into that and then all the light comes out i cry i'm like my little granddaughter sit with me and she's literally and i'm like i know that i know what's about to happen because we watched it like 25 times so i'm crying as soon as they show the furnace it's veggie tales but it's truth he's about to come into their fire they won't sacrifice or they won't they won't compromise they won't they won't bow to something that's not lord and they don't it's not about them dying it's about them living in honor they're not scared they're not scared for their lives they're not in survival mode you've got to be very careful in today's christian world that you're just not a christian to make it whatever that means and that it's just all about you and your sentiments and your family and your ducks in a row and your ira and your protected family and then if one thing ruffles you fall apart and don't even know how to pray and got so many questions and wonder where god is you never understood in the first place why you are what you say you are and that's not cool because it's not your fault because you might not have been taught and you didn't understand jaw shadrach meshach and abednego come out of the fire there ain't no smell of smoke you can't even tell they were in there but i'll bet they were passionate i bet they weren't passive oh wow you see that benny yeah that was something you're not calming the dudes down nebuchadnezzar was so freaked out he didn't quite catch the idea he's going to kill everybody that doesn't bow to his image right and he's going to throw them all in the fire now he's going to throw anybody in the fire that doesn't bow to shaq rack and benny's god so now he's still going to throw you in a fire but it's if you don't it must have been a pretty radical thing see these aren't just bible stories this stuff happened to people and these three hebrew boys had the honor of saying king what's your fire to us you can't threaten us with our lives we love not our own lives under death we're not going to compromise and bow to you and live with that on our conscience when we know he's the lord and you know what if he chooses not to save us from your fire i'll tell you what he's still the lord nevertheless our god will deliver us from your fire you've got to love that see see i don't know if you pay attention to this stuff the king's decree was so urgent that when the guards of the king opened the door to throw shack rack and benny in there what happened toasty bacon man they opened the door and got consumed by the heat of the fire let me ask you a question so how'd shakrak and benny even get in the flames how did they get in the furnace if the guys that were going to put them in got devoured no i don't think they walked in i think jesus said this is going to be fun they're bound head to foot they can't even see they're completely bound they don't even know where they're at they can feel the heat they didn't walk in the furnace somebody knocked them in there and it wasn't those two guards now don't take that as theological absolute i'm telling you i have fun with that i think jesus said i like you boys living in an old covenant under a law of sin and death and you've got a revelation that i'm king and lord of all tell you what see he didn't if he'd put out the fire that would make the fire intimidating he didn't put out the fire that would make the fire better and lord over the men he left the fire burning to prove a point he's lured over everything there in the fire he didn't keep him out of the fire they went right in the middle of it you ever been in the middle of a trial you ever go through something you were hoping you didn't have to or believing you want make sure you don't change your mind about truth oh that's just good solid preaching right there man come on i pastored long enough to know that people that what they're going through decide who they are and how they are we ask christians how you doing and our answer is the two biggest trials and keep me in prayer come on them boys didn't have a problem they had an answer we're not people loaded down with a hundred different problems guys we got one amazing answer and it's christ in us and you're supposed to never again fear he says fear not i didn't ever study this out but i heard preachers say it but i never studied it out but they said there's 365 fear not so don't be afraid in your bible that's one for every day so it's like god has all the bases covered fear not don't be afraid so you can grab one in a daily devotion grab a fear not and don't be afraid and have one for every day so when are you ever to be afraid never perfect love casts out all fear fear involves torment and whatnot are you kidding our lives are sealed man sentiment's a big enemy to the church human sentiment a lot of us a lot of us get tricked into our whole prayer life is just god taking care of our family and everyone that concerns us and protecting it's not wrong to have a general faith about that and believe that but make sure you're on the earth to shine make sure in the earth to walk in love make sure you value others people's children as much as you value yours because they're worth the same come on if god's not biased why are we so we think our family is more important than the neighbors you're supposed to love your neighbor as your greater love hath no man than this he lay down his life for his i got enough scripture on this and you just can't talk me out of that you all good so this goes to my point on colossians chapter 1 that if we don't start developing a relationship and spend time with god and see ourselves how he sees us how are we going to run this race worthy of a prize won't we grow weary and well doing won't lie sneak up and trip us and stumble us and by time we don't have to give won't you find yourself going through a season of wrong believing and then waking up one day and going oh man how did i and then you get bummed out and then you let another season go by because you're bummed out know what i'm talking about we tried to touch this this morning i feel confident we're touching it now you who were once alienated enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now he's reconciled that's colossians 1 21. so i want you to understand that you're in my mind we're working contrary to the kingdom and everything the kingdom represents he's not just talking about gross sin he's talking about self-centeredness your mind in my mind was hinged in the wellspring of self-centeredness that's why your emotional makeup was the way it was when you were born when you were born into adam the emotions you had there's nobody in this room nobody in this room that can't understand this we were born and we had no identity we had no clue who we were none of us you needed loves to support stability you needed the right elements to make you okay and a lot of us didn't have most of those elements so then our past becomes our story and i'm this way because of this and that becomes our lifelong testimony who knows i'm telling the truth watch at a very young age you're no more than how you responded to how it unfolded and you find that as your identity and it's never the truth about you you're in third grade they're laughing at you you thought they were your friends and now you realize they're not laughing with you they're laughing at you in a fun-making way and you're old enough to perceive it and you're like so now you're faced with choices you can get introverted broken insecure and low esteem or you can harden up toughen up and fight no matter how you respond it's not you then you're going to live in your life well i'm this way well i'm this way no you were fashioned that way through the fall of man through sin through deception through happenings but then christ comes the way comes the truth and the life comes and he says he shows you through his sacrifice who you really are and what you can really be and all of a sudden you say death to all the things that ever were forgiveness to everyone that ever did and forgiveness to me i'm going to call it all dead you go get water baptized and you die in the likeness of his death and die to sin once and for all and you come up even as god raised jesus by the glory of the father so you shall raise in the newness of life that's christian right there that's christian and then he gets to romans 6 10 and he says so the death jesus died he died once wants to sin once for all the life he lives he lives to god verse 11 likewise you likewise you wrecking yourself dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god in christ jesus remember that phrase i used false humility here's a false humility well yeah but brother we're always going to sin everybody's sinning we're probably sinning right now we just don't even realize you're probably sinning all the time how do you reckon yourself dead to sin and boast in your ability to commit it and call it humility first peter 2 he bore your sin my sin and his body on a tree why that we having died to sin might live for and by stripes were healed how can you die to sin the mentality the sting the stain the regret the desire the compulsion how can you die to that identity and still proclaim it on your life daily the bible specifically says to wake up every day and do not present your members as instruments for unrighteousness but present your members as instruments for and for righteousness which produces its fruit to holiness come on it's all scripture it's all there and it's almost hard to preach this stuff like people are like well yeah but what are you saying like what are you saying you're perfect i'm saying i've been made right in the sight of god and i live from that place and that place inspires me to live beyond what i was ever capable because grace is working through faith are you following and all of a sudden there's things in my life i would have wrestled with before there's attitudes and feelings and emotions that would have been a challenge to me and all of a sudden they're not even relevant to me because of what i see now because of where i live from now because of where i'm motivated now so i'm not trying to not be hurt because if you're trying to not be hurt you're hurt if you're trying to forgive you're in unforgiveness i'm done living in that realm i don't want a grid for unforgiveness if all he does is forgive me he says a servant that can't forgive a brother is an evil and wicked servant who wants to be forgiven of everything he ever owed and did that was outside of god and then he can't forgive his brother for something he did if you took that that currency in that parable in matthew 18 that story took the currency you're talking millions and millions of dollars and a few hundred bucks so the servant was forgiven millions and millions of dollars of debt by the master and he choked his fellow servant for like 500 bucks and had him thrown in prison which means it's really it's it's talking this way it shut him up in his he shut him in his heart as a debtor you know the servant the servants of the master said hey this guy that you forgive everything he master came and he said what is this you've done you evil and wicked servant that's intense language guys what's he saying you want to receive something from me that you're not willing to become come on it's the whole goal of the cross it's multiplication each seed after its own kind jesus was a seed that fell of the ground and sprung up and he's bearing much fruit christ in us after his own kind the body of christ the master said you even the wicked servant you want to receive something you're not willing to become you want me to forgive you of all this you owed me and you can't forgive your brother for that guess what happened to him bound tormented outer darkness that's a soul equal place of duress that's a place of mental duress that's a place of that's not cool because you're living outside of your creative value and you've got things harbored in your heart that you were never created to harbor and it's a place of torment who can tell me that they were ever an unforgiveness if you tell me they were blessed and producing fruit for the kingdom who can tell me that you were angry offended or frustrated at anyone and you were producing great fruit for the kingdom and bearing witness of the nature of god you see it's a terrible trap to live in that and think it's normal because it stops the expression of him so don't you come up with a right good enough don't you justify your story good enough to be found outside of looking like jesus well i'd be if it wasn't for you don't know what they put me through brother well you're telling me that if you and all of a sudden you're justifying not looking like him making the thing that happened lord and rule and dominate your life and then sing he's lord that he's the governing factor of your life no friend if you need a person to change in your life for you to be okay you've made them lord if their name's not jesus i don't need anybody to change i didn't need my wife to change i loved my wife and wanted her to change for her sake because she has a destiny but if i'm waking up for my wife to love me i'm sorely miserable and i have a big vacuum and now i'm going to fall apart or break down in time but if i wake up to shine into love she ain't costing me a thing she's making a draw on the very motive i live by yeah you get it i hope you get that it's called following him i'm not being sarcastic it's called following him not singing to him we're good at singing to him i think he'd rather us follow him oh i might get in trouble for this you can hold an all-night worship and if you ain't following him you entertain yourself more than likely why do you have to do an all-night worship if you're not following him following him should inspire an all-night worship you're not all my worshipping to prove something you all make worshipping because you become something and you see something and worship begins when the nature of god is revealed yeah you're not trying to draw his favor you have his favor he sent his son i hope you caught that i hope i didn't get in trouble over that one so the wicked works that were in our mind was self-centeredness jesus said if you come to me deny yourself now watch this so yet yeah yeah while we were in this wicked place why am i reading this because i want you to see how god sees you because if you don't see how god sees you you won't be empowered to go be with him when you're alone sometimes the closest people get to the person of god is in a corporate setting where there's a corporate anointing and synergism in music and whatever and they come to those settings because it makes them feel close to god because when they're alone they don't go to him they feel blocked they feel self-conscious they feel unworthy and they don't have that communion and fellowship that's why a lot of people like to come to order calls and get touched by god and be filled and fire and feel god sometimes all they're doing is like wow he's still there while he's still touching me wow he still cares don't ever ever ever come to an order for that reason stand in your seat or in your spot and lift your hands and be your own article and say i believe you love me or you never sent your son and i know you're not disappointed and angry and even if i have some conviction right now that i haven't been in these last couple weeks and i've been taking for granted some things man my conviction is before me god and i'm asking you to continue to follow me and give me and all of a sudden you're communing with god you're setting straight your heart and your yeah that's relational instead of wearing fig leaves or presenting yourself to being something that you know in your conscience you're not right so watch this yet now he has reconciled who's the initiator he didn't say your mind or my mind changed he said while we were living this way he made the move to reconcile yet he has reconciled us this is a big deal this is god almighty like he must really people get mad at this but watch this he must really think a lot of what he made man to be to do what he did through his son you go to a car lock guys you know this you know this you go to a car lot they got 15 five in the window you kelly blue book it you think man there's they're in there they're in the zone they're being pretty fairest kelly blue book it's sport 15-4 they're asking 15-5 they're pretty well and it is immaculate and you're looking at kelly blue book you guys guess what you still do you try to get them to absorb your taxes your transfer fees and you bring them down at least a thousand maybe 1500 and say i'll tell you what i'll buy it for 14. 14 if you cover my right you're not going to go in the car lot and it says 15-5 kelly blue book at 15 4 and say i'll tell you what i'll give you 16 3. that's a nice ladies you find it it's like the most beautiful outfit and you're like whoo it's a little high whoa but man wow and all of a sudden you think you know what i can spend this for that what i'm getting out of what i'm spending yeah it'll be heavy all right but you're not going to go up and offer them another time more than that why because you set a worth on it and you're only content to pay a certain amount for what you believe it's valued at why doesn't anybody teach the cross that way why my whole childhood you just make it about my sin and my depravity when once i actually see who knows that he can put a new heart in you and you're not wanting to sin you don't wake up to miss the mark who knows that that can be true if jesus said that the pure heart shall see god pure in heart there must be a possibility of someone having something that he's calling a pure heart so no one ever preached the gospel to me this way nobody said that jesus saw the value that humanity possessed when it was surrendered submitted and in its created value filled with holy spirit nobody ever said that we're not making much a man we're making much of him he made man with intention and he's determined to fulfill that intention no matter what the cost because he knows what the product looks like christ in yell that's intense to me they always just said he died because of my sin nobody said he died to redeem my value and restore the truth about my life and that's what holy spirit showed me in the bedroom i promise you that's what he showed me and that's what set me on this journey and i started to see the whole gospel and all the scriptures through that one truth and all of a sudden everything made sense and you could discern all the scripture and not have to throw any out any away you know how people define a scripture but then what about these two scriptures you look at the new testament read the whole way through knowing that god restored you back to love back to his image and paid a price to redeem your value and every scripture makes sense and explodes in your heart and all of a sudden you actually have true joy in your christianity because it's good tidings of great joy so the joy flows out of the good news that you see and understand it's not happy sad there's a joy the joy of your salvation it's actually joy unspeakable settle down brother you don't understand yeah it's not a flaky thing i understand it can be i can understand it can be a put on thing but scripture says it's the joy of your salvation and it's good tidings of great joy which will be to all people so make sure you're all people you with me so he reconciled us how'd he do that in the body of his flesh through death so jesus did this while we were yet sinners while we were alienated with twisted minds and motives are you with me he reconciled us haven't we our whole lives stayed away from people until they changed oh come on i got you [Laughter] yeah well yeah but you can't tell me that they don't just get on your nerves you run that by jesus and see if that fits see you're supposed to get new nerves why you still got the old ones the mobius first impression read the room when you walk in instead of see it for the value it has i can show you in second corinthians 5 where you don't judge any man any longer according to the flesh but you see every man for his destiny his potential and his value watch this in the body of his flesh through death to present you oh my goodness you guys with me on this does anybody turn to this it's colossians 1 or did you give up on me and think i'm never going to read it you might as well repent and get there because we're there man you're going to miss it now we waited all this time colossians 1 verse 21 22 and 23 watch this in the body of his flesh through death why to present you this is the same you you who were alienated enemies by the wicked way your mind worked yet now he has reconciled you through the body of his death to present you same you holy blameless and above reproach where in his sight ah [Laughter] i think you ought to be with him i don't think you should be bashful i think you should come boldly into the front not arrogantly boldly into the throne room of grace if you see that jesus the high priest he's passed through the heavens and he's the son of god is sitting there mediating at the right hand you probably ought to come boldly into his presence are you with me look holy blameless and above reproach in his sight this is how he sees you through the blood through the resurrection for your justification right the blood that speaks what better things than abel's blood that marked cain for the rest of his life are you with me it's it's all here holy blames for prejudice sight but this is where faith comes in watch this watch this if indeed uh oh sounds like a little proviso here a little condition if indeed you you same you continue in the faith grounded and steadfast watch this and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel in which you heard sad thing is you go to church your whole life and never hear this hope but you're hearing it and i believe you've heard it but you can go to church your whole life and never hear this hope just that you're always a sinner you're always going to be a sinner just be glad you're forgiven and hopefully by the skin of your teeth you'll be in heaven when the trumpet blows stay faithful in church and bring your ties too maybe you'll make it isn't that what a lot of us were brought up with that's what i grew up with i grew up with he died on the cross because you're a sinner and i'm like i'm little and i'm looking at the cross scenes and i'm watching crucifixion movies i'm thinking that's incredible and he's all beat up but they're leaving me the same and then they say make sure you stay in church because you don't want to not be in church when he comes and i'm thinking wonder if he comes and there's no church service because i'm little i don't know and then you tell me all these wild bible stories in children's church like you really tell me some crazy stuff man crazy stuff guy sitting in the belly of a whale for days gets thrown up and he's fine doesn't even have acid burns from the whale little boy just swung a sling and killed a giant i'm like come on what so you teach me stuff when i'm a little kid and then when i get old enough to believe it and stand in my situation you tell me to use wisdom in fear and self-preservation it's just funny what we do oops i'll back out i'm backing down i'm sorry no no i can't come on i make this comment and somebody really wrote me a long email and they made sense in their heart but they i'd made this comment once i shouldn't make it again i'll get another email but i said and it was a good email it were just compelling me to be honest i said the way i don't even preach how i live from the pulpit because everybody would say you have to use wisdom i don't even preach how i live from the pulpit the way i actually live in everyday life i don't preach it because people would try to do it if they respect me instead of see it and become it and other people would say well now brother and it would just create this big debate well you got to use wisdom god is this and god is that and god's given us this and that i'm not putting anybody else down i'm just telling you i don't preach how i live i've never shared it from the pulpit in detail i'm not against any of these things that we go to i just believe the gospel and it's working really well i'm just going to go with god yeah you get it so now i really opened up a can of worms oh lord jesus another person wrote me an email i made this comment and they said aren't you a teacher shouldn't you be sharing anything should you give us the opportunity to i think you should reconsider it so now i did it again please honey don't send me that email because it was well written she wasn't angry she was she was hungry i remember when witchcraft came at me years and years ago to try to crush me and stop the momentum of christ in my life witchcraft which is in my town praying curses and the lord even showed me it was voodoo against my life i was the only one in our church that was chilling and saying hey you ought to be glad they're coming to church like don't be afraid of them why do we got to go downstairs and hold hands and pray in tongues you're just showing you fear them you fear what they stand for you should just be excited they're here go give them a hug but you know what they were doing at night they were coming they were taking human yarn and pouring it on the door handles of the church and doing chants and curses and they they saw where my heart was and what i was preaching and i don't know what was going on but it was one of those things like stop the momentum of this i was ready to sit down all the teenage boys in youth group and talk about telling them to stop peeing in the ivy outback i thought they were using a quick escape just you know a boy just a little more complicated for a girl to go in the ivy but a boy can pull it off and i'm like these guys should be using the restroom not the ivy because you'd get around the back door and all you smelled was pee and we realized it was on the door handle and then all of a sudden this witchcraft stuff starts hitting my body all my friends freak out people that love me and respect me people i look up to they're all how can this happen to you you understand righteousness more than anybody i know how's this door open and they ask all the questions that you're never supposed to ask you're supposed to stand in what you know see john the baptist asked a question he already had the answer to when he was in trouble there was no one on the earth that had a better revelation than he but when he was in prison he asked the disciples to ask a question that he already knew and jesus said blessed is the man who's not offended because of me and then he esteemed john and told us even the least in this kingdom would be greater than he ain't that something so all my friends i i would love to tell you a different story i didn't have one christian relationship in leadership that understood the witchcraft and they agree with the stand that i took so they all sat me down in a community meeting like all of them and me and told me i was in spiritual pride and that i didn't want to lose my testimony or my message and that i needed to get help and i said it's witchcraft i what do i need help for it's witchcraft i got all the help i need i wouldn't trade that season in for a thing three times that thing came and tried to kill me and i thought i was dying one of those times it really seemed like i was dying you know what i said while i was losing breath and passing out in front of my family he said why weren't you in the emergency room you need to use wisdom you need to calm down because it was witchcraft i'm just not sure we're ready for this kind of warfare if we're not careful we love our own lives a little too much i think we ought to love him a little more because you're looking at a man that understands he ain't never gonna die it's just a powerful revelation i'm in the south there i got cops sitting around me because there's a death threat on my life isn't that ridiculous because somebody doesn't like what i'm preaching and if he comes and preaches he's not going to make it out there he's going to die and i had to dismantle the policemen because i said this isn't your fight i appreciate you there's a place for you in society but you're in the wrong place this is spiritual it's intimidation if you don't face it you always run from it i said so let's let it play out they said they're going to kill me let's see if they can and i dismantled it and he said i don't agree with you sir i said i'm not asking for your agreement please honor my request and they dismantled the whole thing and i hung out late and i stayed like i did last night i was one of the last ones to leave i drove myself to where i was going and i took myself home and you can see i'm fine it's amazing how people that don't have that revelation then they say well brother you should have used wisdom what about your family what about your children i think god already has all that understood and i think they already understand i'm in this thing for keeps and i'm surrendered i'd rather die in faith and live in fear that's just me talking that's me that's just me but i remember i said something in the holy ghost when i was dying of witchcraft it felt like i was dying i couldn't even stay awake i was losing i had so much i had more pain in my body than i thought you could humanly feel there's no way to describe it and i said holy spirit would you take my face to the father and ask him to look to the right and he'll see why i have a right that's what i said it just sounds so profound jesus came and delivered me it was the most dramatic probably thing i ever experienced in the lord i don't talk about this stuff you can watch countless hours of youtube and you'll hear me talk about manifestations and stuff but my ceiling opened up and a waterfall was pouring out of it and it was splashing on me and when that thing ended it was like i never experienced a trace of witchcraft in my life it was like i've always lived in the presence of god i can't even explain the rejuvenation and the thing i experienced it was off the hook there's no human words that was just emotion stop the lord said bless your wife because they went all through it with me they all went through it with me they came in that day when it looked like i was dying and they ran to me just pray around me and surround me and pray and i was just staggering through the house leaning on the wall going as the deer pant full of water couldn't even sing my daughter at night came down to help me and stand with me and she said it was so overwhelming the atmosphere of demonic stuff she ran to a bedroom and cried we walked through that you see why i'm like this because i don't have a theology i've walked with jesus for a while by the great privilege of grace and god and went through some witchcraft stuff and it made me what i am today it made me learn how to not fear and be afraid because he really is lord i don't need shadrach's story i appreciate it but i got my own not afraid of trials i'm not picking a fight i'm not picking a fight but you go ahead and squeeze me because you're going to get jesus are you following me it's a little on the intense side i get it but it's truth it's how a christian lives you read hebrews 11 and see if i'm not right on that how they were sawn in two and how they suffered so much for being christians how they were in caves and places it says whom the world was not worthy all these people lived that way not even receiving what they were believing for and living for because the day didn't come yet we're in that day i think we could show every bit as much integrity as those patriarchs let's not get soft in america that's not cushion the message and make it all about me getting something being protected i'm so protected it's ridiculous because i'm standing in eternal life you get it i don't know how i get here with you guys i think it's your fault i don't know somehow i think you want this if indeed you continue in the faith you're going to stay holy blameless and above reproach in his sight if indeed you continue in the faith grounded and steadfast and not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard which was preached to every creature under heaven of which i paul became a minister let me paraphrase what he's saying he reconciled you and me through the body of his death to present us holy blameless and above reproach if we keep believing it and don't let anything change our mind that's what he said that's your place every day waking up a sun in your heart consistency none of this no up and down moody just not feeling it brother no no no you wake up and you're just not who's ever woke up and you could have used another hour's sleep maybe two whoever woke up and said man i sure don't want to go to the job that i have to work right now and if you're not careful and you don't live by the spirit that thing starts to overwhelm you next thing you know that thing dictates your mood how you respond to your spouse your attitude while you're eating breakfast and rushing out the door it affects you when you come home because it was a long day and it was just like you expected because you didn't feel like going in the first place now you're a little moody and grumpy and you expect her to understand because hey cut me a break you don't have to go through the place i have to go through every day it's a hell hole come on people talk like this and then they justify their their mood i promise you that can all go away in the bed when you're laying there and you wake up and understand you're a son no matter how your body's feeling you could use another two hours sleep i agree i understand there's mornings for all of us like that but you don't let that stuff dominate your life and you trust god and you trust grace and you look up and nobody's even listening it's just you and god well thank you for today man i appreciate your grace in my life and i appreciate god for just holding us in fullness and i thank you for my job i used to dread man i used to dread working beside johnny and now i see johnny just needs your love man i used to despise my boss if my boss knew who he was he wouldn't live the way he lives man i'm so glad i get to work there that's your beach just praying for a christian job wondering why you never get one i'll tell you why because god has bald and chained you to the one you're at till you get a revelation [Laughter] so we're not gonna let anything change our mind so who are we when we wake up in the morning holy blameless and above reproach now here's the thing that i don't know that we understand as much as we should some pastors are afraid of preaching righteousness because they think it'll give people permission to sin it's the total opposite if it's preached clear if i'm keeping my eyes on holy blameless and above reproach it convicts me and convinces me that that's where i live so it exposes everything contrary to holiness it exposes everything that's of the flesh that's why to live in righteousness is to produce its fruit to holiness romans romans 6 we might as well just look at it quick there's a teaching i do i love to teach a bunch of scriptures and piece them all build a big old storyline because you can't get away from it i go into hebrews 10 hebrews 10 talks about the law shadow of things just a shadow of the good thing to come wasn't the very thing because if it was wouldn't they have been ceased to be sacrificed they're just killing all these little lambs and turtle doves and bulls and just think if that was your pets just think if you lived in that day you'd see how much you love your kitty you'd be shutting off the computer and carrying a little kitty down into the basement be a bad scene man little hammy's the only pet left he's up on the wheel he sees you get on the computer he puts a little feet against the glass his eyes twitch and he's like nobody that goes down them steps ever comes back all the sudden you're on your computer you get the little pop-up oh jesus oh jesus click little hammy there we go can never make you perfect those sacrifices were a reminder of sin every year that means jesus doesn't want us reminded of sin it says if those sacrifices were sufficient the believers the worshipers once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins what the first couldn't do the second could do it says it right in hebrews 10. that means the goal of the gospel is to get you free from the consciousness of sin where you let the battle be won by his blood and you live in the victory called righteousness that's designed to put integrity in your life and diligence and restore the things that were lost through the fall of man so we've got to preach it clear romans 6 is is amazing remember how i said look i'm not against you praying the sinner's prayer with people i think it's just a cool tool but make sure you give them the whole story make sure you talk to them about order baptism just don't do street corner prayers if they have if they're talking to you get water baptism in the scene so that they understand they're dying to live they're dying to something so they can live to something they're not just praying a prayer to go to heaven in case they die why would we just give that tiny little snid bit and call that born again there's no place in the book of acts they preached the gospel and didn't preach water baptism no place you can't find one place where the believers weren't baptized immediately because it was part of the message because the message was transformation not go to heaven sanctification set apart come out from among them and be ye separate i'll be a god unto you and you'll be my people are you with me not one place in the book of acts you'll find believers where they weren't baptized whether it wasn't in what men and brother were cut to the heart what should we do repent and be baptized all of you for the remission of your sins even in kunia's household when holy spirit got zealous and excited and fell on him before they were even water baptized boom and they're all praying in tongues and peter said look who can forbid them water since they've received the same fear we've had that and they all took them all to the water the first thing on peter's mind let's get them in the water die to live die to live isn't that cool yeah it's cool so here we are at the end of romans 5 and sins abounding and where sin abounds grace what does abound much more so then paul's writing he's writing in chapter 6 he says what then what shall we say then shall we continue in sin so grace may abound certainly not i have the new king james i like new king james just because it's not the thou shouts wilts and wilt knots and thou knocks it's not the elizabeth in english but it says the same thing it's just an english term so i like the new king james so whatever version you like that's fine but the new king james says certainly not some bibles say of course not let it never be there's a lot of different translations that say the same thing watch this shall we say then that's continuing sense of grace abound certainly not here's his reasoning how see nobody taught me this growing up people watch how shall we who died to sin live in it any longer he's not talking about perfection stop freaking out over that right he's saying the identity of sin the stain of sin the memory of sin just being identified by sin how shall we who what come on this is not my sermon i'm reading it right out of the bible how shall we who died to sin live in it any longer watch or do you not know well some of us just don't know so it's important to know so paul said you know what i'll take care of that some of you just might not know this do you not know that as many of you as were baptized into christ jesus were baptized into his death what is baptized into his death mean you'll see in verse 10 he leads up to it but he mentions it three times in a row so it's a big deal baptized into jesus death so when he died i died when he rose i rose with him you get it it's like so good so do you not know as many of us were baptizing the christ were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we shall be raised in the new or walk in the newness of life does that sound like a new creation yeah all things becoming new all are some so you think he's talking about motives will why you think that's where we need to realize he's changing the whole person he's changing the what makes you tick the why behind your life if that doesn't change how will you change if he doesn't change your perspective how's your life going to change if the eye is the lamp of the body and as a man thinketh so he is then these things are important so you have to have a what a single eye your eye has to be single not wide view lens not multiple choice not yell but what if well yeah you know nope no way not away the in the gospel fun christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father so you're going to walk in the newness of life for if we have been united together in the likeness of his death so this is three times he said this in three verses so we're gonna find out what that means then certainly so it's not just about dying it's about living certainly if we died in the legs of his death and certainly we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection do you hear the synonymous do you hear as and just like the hearing makes us one did you ever notice how jesus makes us one with him all the time like when the bible exalts jesus to the highest degree he'll say you therefore he's like name above every name heaven and earth everybody's going to bow earth under the earth above the earth every tongue is going to confess you therefore work out your own salvation with fear and trembling yeah do all things without grumbling without complaining why so you can be revealed and seen as innocent children in the midst of a twisted world that's not living that way whom you shining forth as a light hold forth the word of life that's scripture it's philippians and it's amazing he says all authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me now go with my name comes into his disciples riddled with fear afraid they're going to get crucified like he was hiding in a room afraid he comes walking in says peace to you as the father sent me so i send you as the father sent so i send you for god so gospel's amazing okay so we're gonna we're gonna be united together in the likes of his death i'm gonna be found in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this is another time you better know knowing this that our old man our old man he was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves of sin he used the word slaves a lot here in this chapter and in almost every case the the word slave means bound and chained to serve one's will there was a time we were bound and chained to sin to serve its will we were once a slave to sin don't let any bible teacher tell you that you're still a slave to sin because it's not what the bible teaches he doesn't write to the sinners of ephesus and colossae in philippi he doesn't write to those who are about to miss at any minute he writes to the saints as a man thinketh so he is it's a big deal to believe this because it's how you receive grace to walk in what you believe and it's how your life changes knowing this that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be a slave to sin now watch this see i can't speak for somebody that prayed a prayer to go to heaven but i can speak for a man that gave his life for he who has died died what to himself to his own will his own ways to his own life to rule in his own life he who has died has been what uh oh wait is this in your bible is this just in my bible do i have a wrong version you have been made what you have freed from what now wait a minute brother you're always going to sin you're probably sinning now you just don't have a sensitivity to perceive it because you're so far from the holiness of who god is you've got to have sin right now right and that what people say you hear people talk like that in the church what are you saying pastor you're perfect you better be careful with your message that's borderline heresy man you're blaspheming everybody sins you probably sinned today do you ever hear people talk like this he who has died has been what freed from sin now if we died with christ we believe that we shall also what see it's not just dying it's living that's the fun part knowing third time you better know knowing that christ having been raised from the dead dies no more death no longer has dominion over him now here's the death we were buried into in baptism for the death that he died he died to sin once for all but the life that he lives he lives unto god connectivity making us one likewise you you you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin but alive unto god in christ jesus our lord therefore don't let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in its lust and do not present yourselves as members of an instruments of unrighteousness to sin but yourself but you yourselves to god as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to god for sin shall not have dominion over you because you're not under the law you're under grace see there's where there's where people are afraid to preach righteousness but watch what paul says what shall we say then because we already covered this in verse 1 and 2. what shall we say then because we're not under the law and under grace should we just go ahead and sin certainly not we already settled that do you not know that to whom you present yourself a slave to obey you are that one slave whom you obey whether it's sin leading to death or obedience leading to righteousness what's he saying how you see yourself and what you believe about yourself is exactly what you'll produce you know them by their the eye is the lamp of the as a man think is so e you see why it's important to preach this because people that believe outside of this and they see themselves as less than what he paid for will never walk in what he paid for even though it's there guilt condemnation shame three major tools of the devil never god never god he never subcontracts it out it's never the lord the lord never uses those three tools guild condoms they're anti-finished works of christ guilt condemnation shame you know what guilt says guilt says i'm not forgiven well i don't feel forgiving well i still feel guilty well i feel dirty well i don't know you know what condemnation says my life's worthy of judgment jesus said i didn't come to judge you i came that you might be saved but you will have my word that will judge you in that day john 12. yeah what's shame what's shame saying shame saying what i'm ashamed of is still who i am still me that's why i'm ashamed because i believe it's still me you see how they're all three anti-finished works of jesus and they all suppress the finished work don't you yield to any of those three ever they're the tools that the devil uses constantly on christians guilt condemnation shame come on the bible doesn't say when you sin it says if you sin and stumble don't be dismayed discouraged and throw in the towel you have an advocate jesus the righteous you run to him don't run from him run to him you with me okay i'm closing this up i got to be done here was it four o'clock my time or am i past my time did i blow up my time oh serious let's stretch this out no we'll be good we know when i'm done no when i'm done i'll be done i'll be down here soon soon a day is a thousand years thousand years a day soon soon [Laughter] two more generations will pass on the earth we'll still be sitting here no we would probably miss it if we did that we would definitely miss it wow present your members as instruments to righteousness for sin won't have dominion over you you're not in the law you're under grace don't you know that whoever you present yourself to obey you're that one slave don't wake up in the morning and get on this holy mentality like okay i'm gonna get up this morning and i'm gonna i'm gonna try not to sin wake up and enjoy being his son if you wake up and try not to sin you'll be sin conscious you'll take a test that he never laid on the desk you'll grade your own scores but if you wake up and enjoy your his it will empower you to live like his if you believe you're a son your life will look like sunshine as a man think it's so he is you know you're getting get understanding are you with me we're destroyed for the lack of so if we can get this thing we can stop a lot of destruction i mean that's the fourth time he says do you not know that you're a slave to the one you present yourself as but god be thanked that though you were sinners and slaves of sin yet you obeyed from the heart this form of doctrine to which you were delivered see why i'm taking this time to preach all this to make sure you can't never say this doctrine wasn't delivered you go to church your whole life and never hear this there's certain churches out there that won't even agree with this even though the bible says it they'll turn it interpret it a whole another way based on human experience and they'll let our lives be the teaching of the gospel instead of the scripture and having been oh my goodness he's going to say it again the lord must be pretty secure and having been set free from wow you became chained and bound to righteousness to serve its will so your only option in christ is to wake up and be righteous it's your only option you've got one window to crawl through it's like the little porter on the plane you know you just got that one little window that's all you got squeeze through righteous that's the only thing you're allowed to wear my my my he speaks in human terms because of the weakness of our flesh just like i used the air prancilla was illustration right for just as you presented your members as a slave for uncleanness believing that's who you were and that's what you wanted to do right and of lawlessness leading to what more so now because everything's changed present your members as chained and bound to righteousness to serve its will and its purpose is holiness here you are walking out holiness without biting your lip to be holy because you believe what the cross did and you're starting where he finished and that's how you'll run well if you don't start where jesus finished you'll never run well you'll try to accomplish what's already done you'll fight a battle he already won are you with me so watch this for when we were slaves of sin you were free in regard to righteousness do you see how powerful that is right there if we're marked with righteousness then we can't be slaves of sin so sin is not even in the conversation when we were slave to sin we were free in regard for righteousness so now that we're righteous we have to be free in regard of sin it has to be that way don't let anybody tell you any different because the bible is saying this i mean is this that hard to understand you just read it and go wow and the just shall live by so what fruit did you have in the things which you're now ashamed for the end of those things is death but now third time having been set free from and becoming a slave chained and bound to god to serve his will you have your fruit to holiness that's the second time he said that isn't it and the end of that everlasting life for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god the gift of god eternal life in christ jesus our lord you stay really close to that truth and that'll keep you really close to him please talk to him like he's in the room talk to him like he's listening don't say well it never seems real stop just live by faith talk to him and believe he's in the room yeah yeah communicate these truths to him thank him for these truths put these truths on in faith and in prayer i teach out of colossians 3 all the time because it's a powerful chapter it teaches you how to put off and put on put off and put on it's a place of prayer you put off the flesh you put on the spirit you put off the lie you put on the truth colossians 3 will be powerful if you get some time to just sit and camp and read that and talk to the lord about it and thank the holy spirit that that's a working thing in your life yeah countless times when you weren't looking and nobody was around i was down on my knees and just taken off and putting on and believing the gospel i love that i'm in my room with the door closed i would turn the clocks to the wall in the beginning because i didn't want to be distracted by time because i wanted to get this and i didn't even know i was changing but everybody around me was like what is happening to him and i i went from someone that you would give up on to someone that you invited to your church to preach [Laughter] and it's just funny how god can change our lives yeah so who wants to live this way okay now watch there's a reason i said that watch how simple this is that's the most important part of the whole sermon right there your yes determines what you're gonna walk in to become love you have to be willing to become love you gotta take away the lines and the chips and yeah but you're telling me if and all the analogies that question love you have to say yes to this message to even have the possibility of growing up into it are you with me yes your yes is vital so i liked you yes because you even added a woo to it so you all are like not just yes you're like woo so that's good news to me and i just believe the things that we preach will become fruitful in our lives amen uh where's tom who's coming up who's closing out here he's just shocked that i'm finished already isn't it you just caught tom sleeping tom's like awol like he disappeared he's like ah he'll go another 30 minutes that's all right he's humble he'll come out and repent and say i believe wrong things about brother dan he'll he'll make it right he'll make it right tom's a good guy tom will handle this but i was going to ask you to stand and then he's going to ask you to sit but do you mind standing quick can we just do what we did this morning and the reason i say lift your hands to god it's just a sign of yieldedness surrender submission right so father we just stand and we yield to you and we lift our hands before you we are honored to be here in you for your word let your word become life in us and fruitfulness in us god do a work in us by the person of holy spirit that will make all these these revelations and truths become reality in our lives and god i just thank you for marking every one of our hearts today that we would all pursue this truth and never grow we're in well doing and never turn back that we would go forward and become everything you paid for i bless every person every soul here every mind every person here i bless with this revelation and believe god that you're going to mark us with the tenacity and the grace to never stop short of what you paid for not to strive but to enjoy growing up into you in all things so i bless this house families relationships marriages god everybody we've touched and prayed for uh for healing this weekend so far we just thank you for the hand of god working in every situation in a mighty way god we receive it all in jesus name amen amen
Channel: City Quake
Views: 4,177
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Id: 4E2rvSUr1Fs
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Length: 93min 57sec (5637 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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