Dan Mohler - Becoming Love

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in our image that's man's created value it's the reason God put us on the earth to shine his image are you following me so the Christian life isn't an answer for blessings it's an answer for transformation because everything we were before Christ was an absolute lie so the day of frustration and anger and stuff ought to be over for us forever I've pastored for years I've tried to settle a lot of things in the church and all of a sudden I realized we don't really understand the gospel we have too many issues we ought to have Jesus we have too many write too many opinions and it proves that we have the form of something without becoming that and it doesn't mean we're evil it means we don't understand the whole picture and I'm not saying that that's you today I'm not here to spank you I'm here to call your heart into a stewardship of this truth so you can make full use of the grace that's on this planet because we can walk in him church I can lay down my life for his namesake and become loved in a place of Prayer where Holy Spirit fashions me and I can rest myself in the hand of the great Potter so he can make me with his creativity the masterpiece I was designed to be where I can look at you with sincere heart where I can look at you through sincere eyes where I can look at you without first judgment first impressions and see that every man is worthy of the blood of Jesus because he was made for God's glory on your darkest day Church God didn't lose sight of who you were on your most rebellious moment God said that ain't you I know who you are and I know what you're made for see the gospel is such a revealing of man's value it's not a revealing of man's sin it's a removing of man's sin the cross removes man's sin it doesn't expose man's sin it removes man sin to expose his value and his created purpose the cross brings destiny back into the picture you can write legacy again yay I don't have to be disheartened I don't have to let life speak louder than truth I can live by faith I can have fellow ship with God and relationship take off the veil and be with him nothing can keep me from that place no man has the power that's why I'm happy I said the other day I don't know when it was we've been preaching all week but don't think in 17 years you don't experience life we all experience life life comes and goes the storms come to the wise and foolish you have to understand why you're on the planet or life will start defining you slowly and subtly and you'll be potted by circumstances instead of truth another sudden you're a person in need instead of a person filled with the spirit all the sudden these things all about you and God taking care of you instead of God transforming you and making you like him in the heat of the fire so where when you're facing injustice all you know is mercy and truth and forgiveness and loving-kindness when you're faced with unfairness you don't have a bunch of Rights you have Jesus and you have the Holy Ghost in you that overtakes people in situations and covers things with grace you don't have anger frustration regrets you have the kingdom of God it's inside of you it's not a Christian principle we shout about it's something we live it's every one of our destiny it's every one of our created purpose every one of us has the value of the blood of Jesus over our lives God knows who every one of you are because there's a time to be born in here you said life is not an accident and you're not a mistake God knows you well and he already paid the price for your Redemption Christ isn't coming he's already come that settles it you're amazing to God he would have not paid a high price if you didn't have high value he didn't die because you were a sinner he had to die because you sinned he died because you're a lost son and he wants you back in the family and he wants his spirit back in you and his nature back in you and his purpose fulfilled through you you did not sign a passport to heaven when you prayed a prayer of salvation you bought into a transformed life are you following me so the days of unforgiveness are over frustration are over offense is not permissible you shouldn't even consider it you should crush it in your own soul in your own temptations with God and never justify it because it's never God because if God was offended he won the sin is done and you wouldn't be sitting here filled with his spirit and if he loved you this way we ought to love others this way the Bible says that why is that true because if that's not true then we want him to forgive everything we've ever done and don't want to become that same forgiveness that would be selfish for me to want God to forgive me of everything I've ever done and hold you accountable for something to where I lose sight of your value your potential and just judge you for a weakness would be deception how could I expect God to love me and forgive me of everything I've ever done and not want to become that towards men Matthew 18 calls that evil and wicked tormented in outer darkness that doesn't sound too good I'm not even saying it means you're going to hell it means your life's in bondage because you don't see clear and you want something you're not willing to become this gospel is all about transformation each seed producing after its own kind the seed of God's Spirit comes inside of you and he wants to reproduce himself after his own kind a seed died and fell to the ground sprung up and it's bearing much fruit where Christ yet little Christ like ones all over the earth that are walking in love walking free doing good things praying for the sick blessing folks not frustrated by crowds and traffic and people in the cashier that's moving too slow we're loving one another as if we're not careful we'll do all the right things this way and this is huge because the only way the world is going to see him is through his people God's doing a good thing in his church I believe it I believe he's deepening us with purpose he's taking the offense out of our hearts this stuff send me everywhere I travel I know people want other sermons sometimes but it's not what we want it's what we need you can't let anything to find you people you can't let life Potter you and fashioned you you can't let the words of a man or the lack of the words of a man define your heart Christ has come do you get it Christ has come and said this is who you are this determines your value this is where you start and this is where you finished we just sang that you're my everything and all I need is you we just sang it it's not okay to sing it and not have it true that's called religion are you guys okay if I'm talking this plane okay you don't want me to like preach something rosy right okay good cuz I can't so you just have to sit me down get another speaker because I'm not going to just give you some rosie can you tell I'm not mad at anybody can you tell I'm not spanking you I'm cheering you on and saying that's understand why he lives in us let's understand why his son died on a cross I'm concerned that some of us think it's just all about us being blessed it's all about us being transformed because if it's all about you just being blessed your life doesn't seem blessed you're discouraged and you got a ton of questions and then all your faith is being used to try to get that breakthrough and that blessing that you think it's all about no it's all about you having peace with God and you're shining like light and you're walking in love and showing mercy and making peace in the face of trouble in trial and fires come on people have run through stop signs and demolished and trust my cars that doesn't mean I'm walking outside of grace and God's not protecting me once the metal crashes that's when he shines he's not on the curb sitting Oh God why'd you let this happen what did I do wrong why aren't you protecting me that is not Christianity that is self-centered deception are we okay I'm a home guy sit me down if you have to come when these things happen we take it personal and it proves that we don't understand who we've become and we always have a reason if we're not careful because of life to be less than who he says we are in him and all that's causing that is a lack of perception and a lack of understanding when that metal crashes Christ sure oughtta shine it's not about didn't you see the stop sign why didn't you stop if they saw the stop sign we wouldn't be sitting like this it's not about looking at your car shrugging your shoulders dragging your foot and then go on to try to tell them why it's okay you already showed them it's not come on these things are real they happen to us and we respond a lot of times like the world taught us but we've incorporated Christ in and we're good people and we're not mean in harm but we get ruled by a lot of things that have nothing to do with who we are but who we are is supposed to be released in those things are you guys okay because if somebody just gets in your face and tells you off you better be formed in Christ or you're just going to react like a man that says they believe in Jesus but you're still just a man you're going to pray things like god I wish you'd change my boss if you love me why do you let him spew on me like that that'll be your prayer that is not Christian prayer it's feeling sorry for yourself and thinking he's your problem how about loving your boss and crying for him and asking God to open his eyes so he sees the value of his life and others you're not praying for God to knock him off his high horse she's showing him Jesus through your life and you're letting your life convict him you're not upset because God's letting him talk to you that way come on because if that's the best we can do you're telling the devil just keep poking me because it's working big and you got me in derision and I'll still go to church and I'll sing loud but I won't be happy are you guys okay with me I've just decided to live this way seventeen years ago I went to church till I was 20 but then when I was 33 I got born again it's true I went to church till I was 20 and the last church I went with spirit-filled and I sang loud and raised both hands because everybody else did but I never encountered God never sought God never prayed to God never asked him to transform me never told him my life is his I just went to church to connect and find identity I went there to feel loved and accepted gave me another circle of friends but I never sought Jesus I just rubbed elbows with people that looked happy and it made me feel like I fit in but I had no ability to answer life with him so life swallowed me up like it does a lot of folks but thank God when I was 33 Jesus came save my life forever I'm undone now I played it real cool for you guys actually I'm staying very subdued no no I am no no because I have to relate I don't I'm not here to freak anybody out but I am ten times more nians I didn't you're see and I promise I'm in this thing I'm a soldier I'm surrendered I'm a no-nonsense man you are not going to change the Jesus in me but you will get touched by him I tell people if you're not ready for change don't do me wrong because if you do me wrong I won't get mad at you I will cry for you because if you do me wrong you don't know who you are and that hurts my heart for you and if you do me wrong you don't know who I am and that means you're in deception and you're blind and I will cry for you in a bedroom when nobody's looking I won't cry because of you I won't call a friend and say pray for me they hurt me I died a long time ago friend I denied myself a long time I didn't pray a prayer to go to heaven I denied myself I picked up my cross and I'm following love when I'm in my bedroom praying he will hear my prayers cuz they're coming from the right place not complaining compassion you know what Holy Spirit will do he'll come and go get that injustice and touch that person he'll come get you in the middle of the night oh he'll start working on you if you ain't ready for change don't mess with me cuz I will love you into the kingdom I promise you I could tell you so many stories you would sit there with your mouth open I could tell you some really fun stories you're not ready for salvation don't do me wrong cuz he will come and get you because he loves you and so do I you will not see the day where I'm hurt needing ministry because people aren't treating me right of course they're not they don't know who they are forgive them father they don't know what they do I didn't see Jesus going God are you kidding me I healed other sick and this is the best they can do for me I'm a little tired of this you know they're bunch of stiff neck why don't we love him anyway let's regroup and think this over I mean if they didn't change by now are they ever going to change they're just a bunch of losers I don't see Jesus doing that on the cross let's see Jesus say and Father forgive them they know not what they do but if I model love somebody might see somebody might yield if I can lift it up I could draw men unto me and somebody might change and all of a sudden love might get reproduced and cover the earth with your glory God so I'll lay down my life for them no matter what it looks like because I believe your love is greater than what they seem and I'm going to take the hit so they can rise up what's love do lays down its life for everyone doesn't get hurt and offended and need ministry counsel in prayer trying to help you buddy you'd be amazed how I count some people when they come to me hurt and all this stuff and I talked to him straight up well let me ask you a question why are you so hurt what didn't you hear what they did to me well yeah I did but why are you so hurt why aren't you hurting for them did you even consider crying for them because if they did that to you they don't know who they are man they're the one in trouble not you they're in trouble they're blind or willful or rebellious or something you're not a victim they're in trouble come on if God sat on the throne and was victimized by humanity he'd never send his son he's not a victim of your sin he's the father of creation and he loves you and he never lost sight of what he made you to be so he sent his son to get us out of the mess not just to bless us and make us feel fuzzy and take us to heaven someday but to put himself back inside of us so we can fulfill what we're on the planet for in the first place and it's not to feel good it's to become loved but when you become loved you feel good in the face of everything because you see clearer the last lady that came through a stop sign and crashed my car it was a brand new truck people bought it for me as a gift nobody ever bought me a truck it was pretty humbling I'm the kind of guy that buys one a couple years old and runs it till it's dead and then prays over it to live but when I was driving when they bought me the new truck was 13 years old Toyota they'll just keep going I'm just running this toy and I liked it it was just a fine fit and thing for me it was just like nice pair of pants or something for it I didn't want to get rid of it I like one of them starry-eyed intercessors I'm not making fun of them they hear a god she walked up to me I heard the Lord for you I said stay away from me just stay back talk to me from there I said what he said so I love these girls they're amazing she said he said you need a new truck I said honey you didn't hear god I'm not even thinking new truck I don't need I love my truck no you're getting a new truck I said okay yeah I'm not really taking risks here yes I didn't know I was about ready to travel about twenty-five thirty thousand miles a year minister all over the plate I didn't know I was about ready to be released into something different and this old truck I had probably wasn't the best thing so these people put money in an account and got me a brand new truck I'm only driving it three months I was so humbled by when I drove it off a lot I I didn't need a truck I wasn't coveting a truck so I was overwhelmed and humbled by it I wasn't like yes Wow my baby mm-hmm I was just like what I was just driving down the road crying saying god this is your love this is people's love this is overwhelming this is really cool three months later this lady drove through a stop sign and just oh wow that pretty little truck spun me around threw me up in the grass she just made a mistake she put up the stop sign looked this way saw a big long line of traffic and the one in the front was turning and she thought oh I can go and forgot there's another direction and I'm coming 35 to 40 and never touched my brakes and I didn't want to t-bone them so I tried to whip in front of her she caught my front wheel well went across my passenger side smashed a bit it was all she hurt my little truck spun that thing through Minyard everything went white I wasn't in heaven it was my airbag I knew because they looked and didn't see Jesus eyes airbag so I busted out my airbag and was over at their car if you dassault in video I don't know what it must look like but it's just the way you think when when you see you can't you can't let the metal crash and then try to apply the sermons you hear pastor preach you have to become it when the metal crashes because if the metal crashes you're going to try to serve doctrine instead of become doctrine you're going to try to be okay instead of be okay and you're a day late then you're gonna go okay okay I'm supposed okay I'm supposed to be all right I'm supposed to love them and supposed to be angry okay I'm John yes Jesus example later the world City O'Neill hey everybody sorry it's weird that's that's plastic and inside you're like gently she hit me oh my god no we don't work out oh come on there's no power in that and that metal crashes you don't even want that capacity you want to have been with him in intimate with him and who he is has come inside of you and you've been together and you've yielded and you've surrendered and that wonderful Holy Spirit has fashioned you and when the metal crashes Jesus is all there is are you following me and you don't have to think about your response because you've become the response you'll have to try to be okay because you love God and love people and it's not about you and it's sure not about your pretty little truck it's about people it's about love and I promise you one day we'll all realize her soul is more important than that truck or my inconvenience one day we'll realize it as a whole men's souls are more important than our stuff I busted out that airbag I ran over that car I said sir he's in the passenger side he's the guy I thought I was going to t-bone if God went intervened and I t-boned I might have killed them it was a young girl and a passenger and I was going right at him and I was so glad to see that they hit me when I ran up to the car I realized I didn't t-bone them they crashed me I didn't know how it happened I just know it was like I was on amusement park ride for about two seconds and then I'm over at their car and I'm like hey man I want to pray for you I want to bless you look that was a heavy impact I just want to make sure you're okay that there's no kinks no hurt no pain father in Jesus name at my Hannah's head handlers heart and I'm just blessing the girl is bawling backseat Paul and uncontrollably I reached in honey it's okay sweetie honey jesus loves you Jesus makes all things right run around to the lady I said honey I really just want to bless you I need to pray for you and she's just staring out the window well I didn't know but this wasn't her car it was her daughter's a week before she demolished curves she just turned 65 now what do you think pressure is on her right now she just turned 65 this is the stuff we don't know but if we value our lives more than others if we love our lives more than others instead of taking the burden off of men we will put another weight on them because we'll think for ourselves and not for them and the mind of Christ thinks for them watch this I don't even need prayer right now guys pray for me I was in an accident what is that why do we why are we so vulnerable what do you mean pray for me I was in an accident no I'm in Christ pray for me I'll get worse I said to her honey I need to pray for she's staring out the wind and she says oh no it's a brand new truck I stood a little temporary thing in a window and she just realized that she hit a brand new truck to her that meant something to me I'm thinking what I said honey I sounded so rhetorical to her I said honey it's okay it's just a truck thank god you're okay I want to pray for you she said looked at me so mean mad she said you don't understand that is a brand-new truck and I'm going okay okay she said that driver is gonna be so mad at me and I said honey I am the driver and she burst out in tears and said oh god bless you why because she's carrying so much weight so much responsibility so much guilt so much condemnation and Jesus takes that off of men doesn't add it to men Jesus doesn't hold you accountable for your sins when you repent why am i angry at her for missing a stop sign she's a human being she's the value of the blood of Jesus Christ and I better not not my life and my stuff get more important than her value or I don't even understand why he lives in me I'm being real strong and straight for some reason like this this morning watch this if that's not true I don't even understand why I go to church because that's the reason he's in us to love the world around us we're not here to be loved we've been left we're here to become loved because if God made man in His image and God is love God made man to love not need love the only reason you grew up needing love is because man got cut off from it when he ate the tree so we grew up in need of love in need of esteem in need of reputation in need of appreciation trying to find our value through one another that's why we were hurt so bad offended rejected you're not rejected any more you've been accepted in the beloved you're grafted back in you're in the vine you're fruitful branch come on you're not in need you've become I don't need you to love me if you do that's awesome I am so fulfilled in love it's ridiculous I don't need you to acknowledge me honor me show me attention I'm fulfilled in Christ to know the love of Christ is to be filled with all the fullness of God I want you to like me I want to get along I want to be family in the body of Christ but I will not put a weight on you shoulders so that if you don't fulfill that I'm affected and diminished that would disappoint me and cause you to fail I'm called the love you not expect of you because if I put that on your shoulders and I need him to be something so I'm okay then he's Lord come on don't see say well I would be more if it wasn't for so-and-so well I just didn't feel too left in that church well you didn't go there to be loved you went there to love if you understand why you're saved well yeah but people just do me wrong all the time and just hurt me wrong you know I don't know why it and all sudden you let them be the reason for who you are and you're no stronger than the weakness around you and you've been identified by life instead of the Christ that's in you you guys good am i making sense come on it's strong in my heart can you tell how strong it is in my heart it's God wanting to fatherís into this thing because he wants us to do well because he's found people that are willing to do well I wouldn't cry this out if you weren't on page come on why does God preach revolutionary stuff because he's found revolutionists people that if they'd hear and get understanding they'd say yes and I'm just believing he's found a crowd like that today but saying you know what I'm going to gain understanding from this I'm going to put off the petty things I'm not going to let things rule me anymore I'm going to grow in Christ and be with Christ and who he is in me is going to shine people are going to know him because I'm alive did it or you could be another hurt Christian if there's any such thing heaven doesn't understand what a hurt Christian is the church sure does we accommodate that we sympathize with that we understand why they're hurt we make them a victim and the person of villain and our hearts are hard while we're ministering they did what to you oh my god ition honey oh honey I'm so sorry they did y'all baby God that is not Jesus you're teaching them and giving them permission to be broken you're teaching them that men's wrongs dictate your life that is not Jesus guys you think it's Jesus but it's human sympathy and the only reason we give it so quickly is cuz we carry the same pains come on you okay are you guys hearing what I'm saying come on sister Sally's in the church he's the sweetest thing there ever was she walks by a flower out of season and it blooms she's precious and then somebody does wrong and we're so offended because she so doesn't deserve it cuz he's the sweetest thing that ever lived and now we're angry and hateful towards him and all we want to do is Oh Sally and then the only reason we pray for that person is because we're mad at and no wonder they don't change because we don't love them we're mad at them come on Sally's nas lost nothing she's still precious he's still in Jesus Sally doesn't have a problem the person's in trouble and you hug Sally for a minute you say man I'm really sorry they treated you that way you know you're really okay right because it has nothing to do with you and who you are don't take that personal that would be deception honey don't you even cry over that man we ought to feel so sad for him do you realize that he mustn't see and understand oh my goodness Sally that's right somebody cheats on somebody and and we make them a villain and the one cheated on a victim you let my wife cheat on me I will cry for her I won't even know how to cry for myself my wife doesn't owe me anything I love her the world's 5050 the five needs men the five needs of women that's the world throw that out of you're believing because if you're subject to the five needs of your spouse you're always running the risk of not fulfilling them and you're the reason they're not okay that's stupid that is not the church the church is love it's not human psychology is that okay if I talk that plain I'm not being offensive I want it to sound fully so you stop thinking that way who's married here you guys married so if she has these five needs and you believe their needs and you want to love her and be sensitive to that and just fulfill that in Christ because you're a man of God that's one thing but if it becomes a doctrine a psychologic and now you have to be sensitive that now you're fulfilling that as a servant instead of a spouse next thing you know you're subject to fail and she has a reason not be okay because you missed one come on that's insane that's insane but somehow we go yeah that makes sense it's called the way that seems right to men but it's way always leads to death but it sure we have you read it in a book wow that makes sense and then you preach it god forbid there's my wife if I'd go home from this trip and find something like that out god forbid that the best I could do is go in a bedroom and just cry for me and not have the capacity to see that if my wife was in that position something dark has shattered her soul there was something in her that is so wrong and god help her and show her mercy why would I be so crushed if I'm loved or do I believe she wakes up for me yeah but you're in covenant she's your wife you and I gave myself to her to be one with her I didn't say I love you do you love me I just said I love you here's my vows to you I'm not there to hold up her vows her to hold up her vows I'm there to live true to my I'm not her accountability partner I'm her husband and I love her so if she goes AWOL that should make me cry for her because truth is so amazing she mustn't be seeing it it's too easy to be another hurt human being another statistic another one that just needs nurtured it's the easiest thing on the planet it's called flesh I know a lot of people aren't used to this kind of preaching right here this stuff is extreme the whole it because it's wrecked so many people and there's people that carry what I've spouse did to them for the rest of their life and it's still in their language and 20 years later you can still see the hardness when they talk that's a tragedy when you let somebody potty you like that when he's the great Potter and the Christ is actually living down inside of you god forbid you let him be so suppressed because you have your eyes on the wrong thing it's not because we're evil it's because we don't understand but here's the key I'm calling you into understanding so if I give you this kind of message you've been set up because now you've heard and now you have an eternal conviction and you have to decide what you're going to do with what this man that's ranning this morning is saying but when I'm talking you can hear its truth Canyon yeah you're not even wrestling with it because it's Jesus because it's exactly how he loved us and he didn't say sing to me and pray to me he said follow me and he said as the father sent me so I send you we just think that's miracles come on we go on this power surge and I'm into the power of God but we're not on a power surge we're becoming love and the power flows through love because we're healthy and rooted and grounded we're not weird and flighty and flaky we're not on a power trip we're sons of God you follow me yeah I don't want to heal the sick and be offended at my brother I want to love my brother and heal the sick well push into healing the sick push into the love of God and you'll see the sick healed because faith works through life you follow me listen if you're in this sanctuary and I'm speaking and you had anything in your life that was defining you anything that you had I just need prayer just need to get through this God's working me through this no change your view today you can change your I you can see man I'm just seeing this wrong I'm holding them so accountable I'm making them my reason for not being okay and they're the one hurt and I probably should consider praying for them and praying that God touched them in His mercy and love them and increased them and bless that I was was in my office a wife had just left a husband it's a sad thing man it hurts it's a sad thing you wish it wouldn't have to happen right but there has to be an answer she just got on the internet got playing around and was sure she fell in love well she's already married what are you even doing on the internet because there's unfulfilled expectations there's unresolved things and the longer they're married the farther they grow apart they have a marriage and they have two young children but they don't have intimacy anymore in the sense of I into me you see they don't have I'm not talk about sex I'm talking about intimacy and all the sudden they have unresolved conflicts and and go to bed with anger and they don't make right the wrongs and that stuff builds next thing you know you look at somebody and your heart doesn't see what you used to see so you get on the internet now you have needs now your needs driven now your unfulfilled because you're putting your value in flash instead of who the one is that lives inside of you and all son she falls in love watch this it's impossible for her to love that person on the internet it's not love it's deception it's emotional fantasy it's concocted through hurt and letdown its total deception and demonic there is no way he/she can love him God is love it's a human reaction of emotion to her pain and she's using it as a healing a surgery and a band-aid and it's a lie you don't follow in love you become loved so you can see clear and now the fullness and the strength of God in your life you enter into a relationship not because you need them and they make your world spin and they don't know what I'd do without you and then they go ah that is the world are you guys okay you're not hearing me mean I hope because I am so not mean inside but I cry over how we get hurt by not understanding these things and how good people spin and toil good people spin and toil because we don't understand people that honor Jesus for dying for them but don't understand the grace that allows them to become like him and look through his eyes and then they're still letting life to find them instead the one that they actually do love that's why I talk like this not because we're bad mischievious people not because this church has sinned because we're actually good people that are trying to do right and were destroyed for the lack of knowledge so in all your getting get understanding doesn't say in all your getting get blessing you know you're getting get understanding because it will transform my life if a man's perspective can change his whole life can change true and isn't the gospel all about bringing light isn't his word the entrance way of light doesn't his word make a see so there's light on the trail so we can walk a straight narrow path that's why we teach and train and sharpen so we grow up into him in all things this lady got on the internet and fell in love it's absolutely a false it's a farce I went to her and I told her why she can't be in love she already had plane tickets she already filed for divorce she was going to go sleep with a man she met over the internet just jump in his arms because she found love I said you're married are you kidding me Christ lives in you what are you doing she said I'm just tired of being good it's never really paid off I'm ready to have fun I said fun you're gonna put your yourself in the arms of a man you don't even know satisfy his own dysfunction for a moment lick his wound for a moment and call it love and needs going to meet need and lick each other and nobody's going to get healed that's fun that's deception that self-centered self focused deception and she said well I'm doing it and I balled Oh eyeball and I walked away ball she did it he went in his bedroom for five days screaming like a madman the husband it's all sudden his whole world shifted see we got to work things out I understand that he probably wasn't being the husband he should be and I understand the counselor gets it say well you really took her for granted and you really and put in the counsel there given her permission to be the way she is when love covers a multitude of sin and mercy triumphs over judgment and Jesus is just okay the guy here Christians talk about being emotionally abused you try to emotionally abuse me you will get emotionally abused trying to emotionally abuse me how do you emotionally abuse somebody that knows who they are it's impossible for you to abuse me emotionally is a joke to me like for me to put boundaries around my life to protect me from you is a joke to me what am I so vulnerable of what am i protecting if I'm protecting he's not my defense why am I so afraid of you hurting me he got to put up boundaries brother so you don't get hurt again why are we heard about come on was Jesus hurt is God hurt is he in us are we made for his image are we the body of Christ probably all to be heard he's in his bedroom screaming and ranting and raving for five days go god you got to bring him in go cuz see like five six days later he can walking him off as he's ball and uncontrollably now what are you thinking as a pastor when he comes through the door bawling you think you know the state he's not doing well times taking its toll I got a pastor in but it's going to be tough God because I have to speak truth to this man I got to pull him out of this I got to give him a reason to stand it's like when I went over to another lady's house when her husband left her and she's in her in her little little sleep clothes in her living room crying her kids are sleeping I said honey do you mind if I go over there she says honey I know here you go just be a pastor and she didn't go with me our kids were at home I just ran in her house she's standing living-room trembling crying because her husband's calling with a woman she's broken cry I just cried as a walk across through much cry doesn't mean I can't be sensitive but I'm not going to sympathize you and allow you to stay there I'm going to let you understand that I understand that this is not fun but it's not who you are and it doesn't have to rule the rest of your life and I remember holding her and she just that this held her like she was my own daughter my own sister and I'm okay in that position I'm cool with that God's okay to you might not be you might have a different theology but I'm a pastor and I'm okay I'm holding her and I'm crying and I said I'm so sorry he made this decision kid out I'm sorry this is the way it has to be right now and I just wept with her she's who and as soon as he started heaving and crying I just pushed her away and looked right in the face now you listen to me and you listen good and then I spoke truth and pulled her out of that thing that she was crying over you follow me I let her know that I understand but this is not where you're staying because I cried for real because it's not fun I don't like that a Christian gets so deceived they go sleep with another woman that's a problem that shakes me when we go to church and intercede with them for years and go to a home group and watch them worship and now they're sleeping with another woman it freaks me out the capacity of flesh when you don't stay close to God when you don't guard your heart for out of your heart flows the issues of life it's amazing what flesh is capable of apart from Jesus and it Sobers you and it makes you like me can you hear the passion in me can you hear I'm talking Stern it's not because I'm mad at people it's because this thing is real and this is real this is not a religion we're not serving a doctrine we are the people of God we are a family listen man come in my office he's crying so hard it's ridiculous and I'm thinking oh god help me because I have to talk to him I got to pull him out of this he comes through the door and he knows me they my folks know me they know where I they know how I am you come in my door for counsel you know you're getting truth but you know I love you but I ain't soft-pedaling nothing I've asked married couples because they won't cooperate in a marriage I asked him if they're born again I said wait a minute I'm confused we've been here five minutes we're making no headway you won't look at him he won't look at you are you guys saved what do you mean are we saying are you saying well yeah well you sure don't look like it or act like it so let's get a grip because I don't see one thing about Jesus in your life right now no wonder you're hurting you've got your eyes off of him and on each other and I can't help you if you don't get real and get born again right now that's how I talk to people when the door is closed because I am NOT going to let you play that with your flesh and give yourself a permission to have those rights when you're telling me you denied yourself well then deny yourself don't tell me what you don't know how I feel what's that have to do with anything what did you give yourself to or I just don't feel like forgiving right now you just got to give me time you just got to give me time back off I just don't want to get forgive me time knock it off where do you get the right to buy time you died remember they said and I understand it hurts and understand it's inconvenient but don't justify your flesh and raise it from the dead because you will live integrated incorporated it's not Jesus incorporated it's Jesus is Lord but you didn't incorporate him into your life he became your life you didn't invite him into your heart he overtook you so so she says he says don't worry pastor it's not what your it looks like it's not what you think I'm really okay I went really she's bawling perfuse Lee really you're really okay yes I heard the Lord I said what he said watch this you guys are going to like this I'm going to close with this this is where I camped are you okay that I camped here this morning we could do a hundred different things today and it could be Church but I have to go with where I'm at okay because we come here to stir each other for loving the works that's first and foremost that's why we're here we're not just here for what God can do for us we're here for how he can make us more like him that ought to be priority he said to me I heard God I said what'd he say he said well for five days I was in the bedroom screaming like a madman he said I was yelling at the ceiling I was yelling at the walls and I've seen God where are you God where are you how could you let this happen God you've got to bring back my wife God God where are you he seems just freaking out for five days doing that he said and God left to go on for five days and he said the presence of God the tangible awareness of God came in the room and stilled him just enough to listen and he said when he got still he said when I got still I knew God came in the room and I went and I'm you know he's thinking God's here because he's tangible and it wasn't one of them overwhelming God didn't cuz God could have turned up the heat and just floored him right God just gave him an awareness that I'm here son and he just was aware that God was there and here's what God said to him he said why have you been praying this way all these days you do not have a problem the average pastor doesn't understand that comment but God does what why have you been praying this way for five days you don't have a problem and watch what he did what do you mean I don't have a problem what is this one kind of joke to you what are you a comedian now what is this a joke my kids don't have a mother I'm holding divorce papers my wife's in the arms of another man here's the justification here the natural wisdom and he's screaming at God he said the veins were blowing out of his neck he said and you're going to come in my room and tell me I don't have a problem he said he was screaming to God like he's never screamed at a human being he said in God as calm as could be said it's exactly what I said you don't have a problem your wife is in trouble and the only one you could cry for for five days is yell and I thought you died well she cheated on me I can leave now that's the council I don't know if I could ever trust again anywhere I might as well move on or if God that way about you he'd never send his son don't you get condemned if you've been divorced and don't you get condemned if you made those decisions but we ought to learn from now and we ought to do right and let God redeem are you guys okay can you hear the wisdom of God and what he told that man because be honest with me our emotions are so in charge a lot of times in our natural wisdom and it's even integrated into the church that even ministers don't understand what God said to that we think they need sympathized with and God said why are you crying for yourself you haven't even considered her and I weep for her she is lost and I'm in you and you're okay you're not sleeping with another woman she's lost you're my son why are you crying I'm serious we just sang an amazing song you're my everything and you're all I need the reason these are everything's not cuz he meets all our needs it's because without him we have no identity and without him were in the rat race of life trying to find ourselves and it's every man for himself and it's survival of the fittest but once he shows up we know who we are and he's our everything because he defines our life and the reason he's all I need is because I'm reconnected again back to love and love fulfills me and now I don't need love I have it and I've become it and my friends it is the Christian life it's not going to heaven it's becoming love the cross of Jesus is not fulfilled and paid in full when a man prays a prayer to get his name in the book of life the cross of Jesus is fulfilled when his nature's restored back to the image of God because that's when he's fulfilling why he's on the planet so mercy woke every one of us up today to give us one more day to look like our daddy so throw the privilege of offense and anger and first impressions and judgments and presumption out of the window in your life and don't ever give it a voice again because the Bible says you judge no man according to the flesh why because you see every man for his destiny as potential because blood has been shed so every man must have high value so don't ever walk in a room again and assess the room walk in a room and be loved we'll never go to a room to see if people are loving it ought to be you're there because if you go to be love you might be disappointed then you might leave and you might tell to friends that that place isn't loving and now you might be working on the wrong team you guys okay I'll pray over you guys man there's so many things we could have done this morning but I have to go with where my heart is you can minister for an hour and a half and pray for people and prophesy who knows that's true or you can say workouts saying and believe you're right let's believe I'm right today so I'm not taking a ballot on that I have to believe that so my conscience is clear I'm not going to take a vote I believe in that's what God's saying to us as a church let's be the most loving people boulders ever seen let's don't be yeah I'm a Christian I go to city on a hill let's be city on hell let's let her light so shine before men that they see our lives lived and go wow there is a God arise shine Church your light has come you're not people with a lot of issues and problems you're people with amazing answer it's life in Jesus Christ can I pray over y'all father I bless this house and I bless every person in this place I bless every individual heart every individual soul I bless marriages and families and children I just thank you for an impartation of wisdom god I thank you for a healing and restoring of hearts I thank you that you turn perspectives today in such a way that pains that never went away would just leave because they see different God they don't need deliverance they need to see different God ah thank you the pain just leaves because they see different and I thank you they realize they're not a victim they're a recipient of the kingdom of God that you've loved them and that if men didn't appreciate them or see who they are they don't have to harden their heart and turn from men they just realized that men don't understand but God you know so father we're not hard-hearted people we're not running scared and we're not pressed down we've been lifted up and I bless this house and I thank you for the rebel that's here thank you for the gospel that's growing in this place thank you for the move of your spirit I thank you for an increase in the release of just your healing power your knowing your discernment God above it all I thank you that this place is known for their love because if this place is known for the love God all those other things will be evident and prominent so I bless this house and I thank you it's a house of mercy a house of forgiveness and never a house of offense I just proclaimed that there will be no divide here there would be no root of bitterness here there would be no defiling of many I thank you that you convict the heart of every individual to be a family member and I'll thank you that you give us the grace to let go of rights and become who you are father I bless this house and I thank you for it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: City on the Hill Church
Views: 199,882
Rating: 4.8394356 out of 5
Keywords: Cityonthehill, Full-Gospel, Jesus, Bible, Teaching, Becoming, Love
Id: xfXoP9KBPGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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