Dan Mohler @ KFC - 1 - Where is your identity found?

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hey guys amen [Music] yeah worship was a fun time I really believe that's a gift right I mean you think about those songs that are being written nowadays and how intimate they are and some of them if you've noticed when we sing them is sometimes it's like a prayer sometimes it's just declaring the awesomeness of who he is but but man whenever you have a chance to be in a corporate setting like this get real personal with the Lord don't just get in a sing-along like this isn't a little prep for the speaker right the worship service most of us know this but it's so easy to get lulled to sleep and just kind of go through the motion of a thing but man we got words of truth up there that wreckless loves saw I mean that's amazing so when you're listening to those words and you're looking take that person allow you really gave your son to redeem my life restore my life man when I didn't even understand you knew from the beginning and you didn't change in you and you could just let things get personal and that's how they start coming alive amen or or we just have a God who really somehow wants to be our friend and pay a price to make sure we're in heaven forever and we live kind of puzzled by that but say we believe in that and things don't really change in our lives with that like 23 years ago because I went to church till I was about 20 and he died on the cross to forgive me of my sins and one day this trumpet was going to blow and he was going to come and I was going to go to heaven when he came so I had to make sure I prayed that prayer and I got baptized when I was 12 and one day he was going to come my life didn't change because of that my might my mind said well why's he care so much well why would he do something like that for me I didn't have a good view of me who had a good view of you growing up a lot of us were just aware of what's wrong with us what needs to change and our secrets are our secrets to our own conscience and then internally you value yourself based on the life you've lived instead of the life you're created for and all the sudden this gospel creates more questions in your heart than understanding so all of a sudden I'm supposed to stay in church because he's coming someday and if he comes be sure be good if I was in church its how I believe the gospel growing out that's all anybody ever told me he died on the cross because I was a sinner and I had to accept the forgiveness of sins through the shedding of his blood my name goes in a book called life and when he comes back I'm in I'm on the right side of the fence that was the gospel that's how the gospel was preached to me my whole life nobody ever taught me he wanted to redeem something like my created value my purpose nobody ever really taught me that he wanted to come inside of me and live and bring all that he is inside of me his ways his motives his goodness his love nobody ever really talked to me about transformation and becoming a brand new person died into the old man and his deeds and living to everything he created me to be and I'm not talking about works and trying harder and biting your lip to not mess up I'm talking about believing the truth about yourself through what he accomplished and letting faith bring a grace into your life that empowers you to be what you couldn't be in your own strength he's really really good I'm going to talk about it just a little bit all right yeah you guys okay okay I'm glad I'm here yeah I'm glad I'm here all right you still do that this is the mascot I still come out on Sunday mornings that's really the reason I came back for the children's church you see still come out no but somebody will right I'll be so let down yeah I mean I'd like to tell you that I'm here cuz you're here tonight but I'm here to see that guy on Sunday it just blessed my socks off I remember that so all fun and aside but that was actually an amazing talk what changed in my life a long time ago 23 years in June was that one minute I didn't know God I could have talked about him I could have preached a sermon probably I grew up in church I was asked to lead a youth group when I was 18 I did that for a while I preached a couple sermons and felt important teaching in my youth group I felt important but I didn't pray I didn't know God it's just honestly I'm sorry anybody can preach a sermon I got so much stuff out there available now you just cross-reference and you follow the little a's and the ones and the bees and the and you connect the dots and next thing you know you could present a theologically doctrinally connected sermon for that that's really very little to do with Christianity or why he came preaching a sermon it's the word becoming flesh it's God restoring you back to what he intended in the first place it's you and I realized and that we were trained by a lie our whole life and we grew up with an emotional makeup that was perverted from the time man sinned and got separated from God that all of us in this room were born into Adam and grew up not knowing God personally so your attitudes your mindset your desire your opinions they all were birthed and formed out of separation from God it's human wisdom it's the way that seems right it's full of attitude it's full of opinion full of expression haughtiness pride nobody nobody had to practice to be that way that's the giveaway none of us had to try to be angry it came naturally none of us had to try to be frustrated nobody taught you to be insecure one day when you had an awareness of yourself at a very young age all of a sudden that people laughed at something you wore and you didn't even notice a child laughed at your lunchbox when you were little and you didn't even know they were laughing at you but there came a time where you knew they were laughing at you and your innocence was slipping away and you were becoming more self-conscious more aware of yourself and more aware of how people saw you that's a tough day for everybody because people aren't seeing you in love they aren't seeing you through his eyes it's survival at its best and and everybody in this room at a very young age was being molded and shaped into something that you're not apart from your circumstances something you're not apart from how it all went down because you inadvertently just reacted to how it all unfolded in your life and honestly that's where you found your identity your value that's where you thought you found you and at a very young age you were nothing more than how you responded to how it unfolded they laugh at you when you're in second grade and and you're aware it's you they're laughing at and and you're and you're faced with feelings emotions insecurities uncertainties you you become either introverted or you toughen up and become a fighter but right there's where you start being molded and shaped at a very young age it has nothing to do with God there's nothing to do with the great Potter and it's in that moment you begin to start finding an identity and believe this is Who I am it's it's a sad thing in the church when we don't preach this thing clear enough that people when they get saved they they found a pathway to heaven they found Jesus the way hey I hope I'm forgiven of everything I'll believe it for now and and just sank out for his blood but then they keep that same identity they keep that same insecurity people that are Christians hold on to their past they hold on to the story of how it was growing up who did what to me you don't know what it was like when I was 6 8 10 12 there's a reason that people hold their story so tight it's because it's the only place they find identity whether it's good or bad they found something called them in the story and they're actually believing that's them that's why it's so hard to get people to not look back because it's the only place they really know them they kind of found themselves in that unfolding called life but the truth about the gospel is you find yourself in Christ when he's revealed when you understand the why behind his heart in his motive they didn't just come because you're a sinner he came to fulfill what man failed he came to model a life you were created for he didn't come just so you sing to him in a corporate setting or pray to him when you're overwhelmed he came so you follow him he didn't come to take you to heaven he came to put heaven inside you came to put his life in his nature inside you in the Old Testament his ways are higher than our ways but through the blood and the New Testament Christ in us the hope of glory we become one I no longer call you a servant you're a friend why because a servant doesn't know what his Masters doing that means his ways are always now he changes things he says all authority in heaven and earth has been given under me now go in my name it says he's been given in Philippians 2 the name above every name which every knee and tongue heaven earth under the Earth's going to bow and confess that he's Lord right after it says that the very next words say you therefore connecting us making us one we did not grow up with the attitude of heaven we did not grow up and look anything like Jesus this is that day when we can just think that the things we do Christian is what makes us Christian instead of Christ's likeness in the Christ in us and his heart and his love overtaking us in his motives in our life this is what nobody ever talked to me about growing up that's why I talk about it all the time no preacher ever told me I'm not mad at preachers I don't think anybody understood when I was with my circle growing up nobody ever told me that he died on a cross to redeem my value to put his spirit in me and his life in me so that who I was could die and who he is in me could live then I can actually get renewed in the spirit of my mind and actually be transformed and get up in the morning for a whole different reason of being and not even be self-conscious anymore and not need you to like me or even try but just to wake up to pursue being like him just to wake up to live by the spirit just to wake up to walk in love to wake up and show mercy to you because he showed mercy to me to wake up and not have an attitude towards you that doesn't produce life because he never had one like that towards me to not be judgmental in first impression and he said she said well I think and whatever look I'm done with that I've been done with that for a long time and I'm telling you you can be done with that - don't sell cheap when you've been bought with a price and don't think the way you were trained to think yesterday has anything to do with the way you're created to think don't let the wisdom of the world eat your lunch and swallow you up don't let the way that seems right Trump the truth in your life see that's what's so difficult because it seems right but if you look at the basic thing that hinges on that way that seems right hinges on it's all your own well-being fairness who did right who did wrong victim villain the way that seems right to a man has a whole different foundation than love the way that seems right to man is more like a talk show who did what who did wrong who started it can't believe they did that to you Wow and you were so and they turned around anyway and betrayed your heart wow it must be hard for you to trust anymore any but and the whole audience victim fill in in that scene everybody's losing because everybody's hearts are a million miles away from him and it's just about what one person did and how one person responded instead of Jesus and what he accomplished and how do we come out looking like him I'm gonna talk straight I'm not mad at anybody I'm not even talk to you personally I promise you Jesus did not give his life to put his spirit inside of us so we can think from the same place we thought before we knew him he said do not be conformed to the world and you study that out it means it's ideas it's logic it's wisdom it's philosophy it's motives doesn't just mean murder rape and adultery just means thinking for yourself man you just get a little thinking for yourself in your life and see where that takes you we all know next thing you know you're angry frustrated judgmental feel sorry for yourself nobody cares nobody likes me next thing you know you're insecure now you're doing things to get attention instead of cuz you care or love and all sudden it's just all about you trying to be somebody and you find yourself through him you come to a church you get involved but you're running a risk if your motives not pure because maybe even there they didn't seem to appreciate you give you what you need and now I lay down my life I gave extra time I serve double and nobody's even said thank you now we got another hurt person in church coming and singing Hallelujah come on I'm just talking I've been a pastor for a while I see this stuff startles me we got to screaming out from the rooftops hi what's the why behind your life why did you wake up this morning what motivated your heart you're just trying to get by you just hope and she likes you you're just hoping he digs you are you just making your own way it's not harsh sober mercy wakes us up every day if you're awake it's because mercy sets out yeah wise mercy wake us up every day just give us another day to shine another day to be like him another day to follow him because then if she likes you or he digs you has a whole different look and a whole different outcome and a whole different purpose hey I live for myself I feel like I was the most selfish man on the planet that's how I see myself when I wasn't saved I'm sure other people were like me but it's it's sobering when I look at how I was I don't do any condemnation hitch sobering I go because I know how I lived I felt like my family owed me I felt like they owed me just cuz I went to work and made money to pay bills I felt like they had to do everything the way that pleased me they were my subjects not my family I know how I was before I was saved it frightens me to think that I was living that way and had the capacity to function that way for 33 years and still say I love you and then Jesus comes and reveals himself to me and in my mind I'm the most selfish man that ever lived on the planet and what I saw in my heart was so wretched I couldn't live that way another day because it's absolutely a zero I actually had a revelation that my life and my motives were taking me to a big fat zero and then when I read the Bible and it says unless a seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone now I get it because if I just live every day pursuing me my well-being my welfare even my blessing my provision you can spiritualize it all you want if you're a Christian for you and your own gain that's not why we're Christians you're gonna use it's a big mistake you're gonna have a terrible time and that's not negative speech and that prophesy doom if you're a Christian for you you're in trouble it's unscriptural the Bible says if you follow me you better deny yourself don't be a Christian for your gain your sake your marriage to be restored or you to get the job you went to school for you become a Christian to become the person that he created you for from the beginning that he intended man to be from day one and you give up the old so you can become the nail and you die to the old man and his deeds seek you live to the new man who's he Colossians 3:10 he's renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one who created him do you see what the gospel is a restoration back to the image of God in man it's back to the way it was in the first place I look over the last few generations and what it slowly gravitated into in this self-centered thing man we got people mad at God discouraged there's discouraged people to go to church we can't hardly talk about it because it's expectable of course there's this discouragement to give away your eyes are on you you say you don't know what I'm going through right there that's what I'm talking about no thanks for helping me that's the giveaway because what he went through is supposed to Trump that because you died to yourself and give your life back to him and then he lives in you and lives his life through you so if he wasn't discouraged when they called him a liar you probably shouldn't be discouraged because they blamed you for something at work you didn't do so if he didn't get mad and speak to seeped out of his mouth we probably should be careful in that moment because if death and life is in your tongue it's probably important what comes out because we just blame everything on the will of God we just blame everything on the sovereignty of God and then men believe that everything that happens is God instead of taking the privilege they've been given to walk in the spirit and live by the Spirit and speak life and so Kingdom seeds and reap Kingdom thanks to love and make peace and show mercy and see men for their value not their faults and be able to weep for people instead of weep because of people boy that's a good transition you know where I got all this stuff from Jesus I'm reading my Bible one day and I realized on the night he was betrayed he laid down his life and gave his blood in his body on the night he was betrayed and I thought on the night were betrayed we call a friend and cry tell them all about the betrayal and then say pray for me and then your friend spiritualizes the conversation and prays some blessing over your emotion so you feel better can we call that Christianity oops I mean if that's what we're living from we're just one moment away from falling out and falling apart we're just the people button away from ship-wrecking we're just one injustice away and then to injustice is hook up for bed on the night he was betrayed he gave his life not be a mean follow me tonight if we're Christians we understand because we already gave ours so I'm just talking to Christians if you're not a Christian why not it's the most humble beautiful amazing thing that all God would ask you to do is give back what you never were created for give back what you are not right he's asking for your life people Christians say pastor say this possible cost you everything it just costs you what you never were give back the lie so you can have the truth and that truth will make you free and he that the Sun sets free he's gonna stay free cuz he sees so his life's not his own so he lays down his life come on it's just good and sober it's good to hear it out of about 10 different people cuz it gets in out of the mouths of two or more yeah cuz cuz sometimes it's just easy to get up in the morning if you don't stay sharpen these screws and comune them back this way to God we'll talk about that a lot this weekend we got a lot of time tomorrow if you come out come I'm gonna come I'm here I'm gonna be here tomorrow if you're not that's fine you're here tonight I got your faces tonight I'm just gonna let a rep but tomorrow we'll explain more and teach smarter gave me a lot of time so I can really just pour out my heart but how easy it is it to just wake up and not take heed of the things you've heard baba says take heed of the things you've heard it's in Hebrew Stewart's right there takes earnest heed earnest heed that's even more than taking heed take earnest heed of the things you've heard least they slip away and all of a sudden you're just getting a little hurt a little touchy little offended well the sudden you're just a little letdown because your spouse said that and you can't believe it now you're meditating musing on the fact that they said that and where'd that come from and how they have a capacity instead of just covering them and loving them in the midst of whatever they said now you analytically and debriefing it and two hours later you're a mess you just get out around people who aren't thinking for others and you didn't deal with that in your heart and your bedroom you didn't deal that in the shower and talking and communing and understanding who you are and why you're alive that thing will slip up on your next thing you know you're just another angry person that goes to church see the whole strategy of the enemy this isn't condemnation don't get heavy on me look the whole strategy the devil is to kill the light he doesn't care if you go to church he cares if you shine he could care less if you go to King's fire he could care less if you go wherever he cares if you shine he cares if you start walking in love he cares if you start looking like the one he can't stop yeah he can't defeat mercy he can't stop love wonderful you become those things how you doing back here man good to see you family reunion are you with me the devil could care less honestly I've come to believe this I actually believe this he care less if you do your daily devotions some people let their daily devotion take the place of knowing the Lord so they qualify themselves by doing their devotions instead of knowing they're already qualified through the Sun so then they do their devotion to have intimacy and know him more to look more like him look you can do your daily devotion and never commune with God you can have a Christian t-shirt ringtone screensaver and bumper sticker and be mad at somebody and think all those things you do Christian mean you're Christian Christianity is Christ's likeness Christianity little Christ's like one it's who he is in you and your surrendered your yielded I'm not talking perfection here I'm talking purity of heart I'm just talking to motive to wake up to live in the spirit to have a healthy why behind my life no matter what no matter who does what says what that doesn't mean you don't believe for a better job but until that job comes or if it doesn't come maintain the same countenance walking the same joy pursue the same peace and love with one another don't let the answer what you're believing for dictate what you express or it's idolatry all the sudden you're just like the devil when he's talking about Joe he's only the way he is cuz you're blasting your hedge demon you made him fat no wonder he's the way he is you take away the blessing he'll he's like anybody else out there he'll curse you to your face like every other man that's the devil talking to God see why you can't be a Christian for you because you'll take life personal instead of him you actually think you have a reason to be mad at God you actually at your circumstances trouble your heart and you won't be able to pray because you'll lose your view of him you'll wonder where you failed what door you opened and why is he letting the devil and and now you have all these questions instead of knowings in relationship and all of a sudden your life is only as good as it's going and all of a sudden life is speaking way louder than truth and your focus is on what you're going through instead of who you've become in him and that's when it gets tight and tough and that's when people lose their joy their countenance their productivity and their expression and that's the goal of Hell itself is that your light would never really shine that you would never really love one another but that in some subtle way you just come to God for what he can do for you instead of how he can make you more like him it's the goal of Christianity is Christ likeness its transformation it's a whole new way of thinking everybody this room was trained by the wisdom of this world whether you like it or not knew it or not by sheer instinct you grew up a certain way all our emotions looked a little the same some expressed a little more than others in some avenues more than others so we type our personalities and we're this person this and we everybody's labeling themselves with letters or numbers because we're so desperate for identity and then when you do that then you get justified in however you express yourself because you're this type you're this number you're this personality you're studying a fallen person and you're locking yourself into an expression that doesn't even come from him and then people spiritual I said well God made me this way no no Adam made you that way I've heard this one a lot since I've been saved well God gave us emotions brother he didn't give you the emotions you grew up with don't credit him for those crazy things come on you know God didn't give you the emotions you grew up with they haven't produced the righteousness of God those emotions have made you all over the map so when you look at what they're producing you can see the fingerprints on them it just comes natural it's the fall of man somebody does you wrong you're ticked off angry insecure hurt take him back whatever you're telling me that that's God God made you in His image and that's goddess that's God he's a basket case we've done broke his heart a thousand times over nobody can fix him he's Humpty Dumpty he has fallen off the wall man he's amazing when your worst day ever he wasn't taken back he wasn't sitting there shocked and going oh and after all I did for them but now they're gonna I don't even know how I could trust him from this day forward well they just proved to me they don't love me they just want my hand they sure don't want my face and then he started treating you different you know why he doesn't do that it's not because he's God just cause he's loved for so generic with him well cuz he's God hmm no it's cuz he's loved and he made man for His image and he said the goal of our instruction first Timothy 1:5 is love he said if you don't have love you got nothing he he gets extreme with it with giftings he says you can have knowledge of all mysteries all knowledge all mysteries that's a spiritual icon to us somebody that has knowledge of all mysteries that's closest thing to Jesus we've seen that's a pretty big deal right there everybody wants importation from that dude all knowledge all mysteries faith to move every mountain every mountain that ever stood in front move aside faith BAM move BAM move come on we're like lay hands right there buddy oh he does it on purpose he's extreme with his description he didn't say some knowledge in some mountains he said you can have all knowledge of all mysteries you're gonna faith to move every mountain what he's saying is you can have what looks like the ability of God and the power of God but if you don't have the heart of God you've got absolutely nothing I don't think my goal is to prophesy my goal is to become like him and as I become like him prophecy will be clear and sharp and productive and I won't be self-conscious and self-centered engaged in my spiritual awareness on how God's using me but instead who he is in me very important very important especially when all of us were born into no identity you understand all this right when man was born he was born outside of what he's here for so that means he's lost so nobody in this room growing up has any clue who they really are it's not until the light of the world comes it's not until truth Springs out of the earth man don't be tricked and anything else he's the Lord here's what impresses me so much but here's why if I didn't have the revelations I had back in the beginning this is what grabs me this stuff grabbed me is very 23 years ago I'm thinking you came on that childlike sit on my that you came I believe you came in my heart I believe you came in through the womb of a woman you came as a man that's a big deal I think we've been lulled to sleep on some stuff it's just an easter story Christmas no no God became a man to redeem man back into what he intended from the beginning he is he is so impressed with that vision not with man apart from him but him in that that he would come and single-handedly take care of sin and get it out of the way and let it come on him and become who he is on that cross he became sin he must really want me righteous and holy and blameless and pure in his sight he must really want me forgiven and empowered Nick come on we gotta let first things matter first you know this is the fact that he came something that has their attention or have we been religiously lulled to sleep by that knowledge for all these years and then other things matter more than what matters most and now it's how I'm doing how works gone how I'm being treated what family member just did something off the wall how your spouse just so my goodness one of my kids help me Jesus so we reduced to that just trying to get by just getting through gospel a survival kit man don't confuse this intimate love is if you have some special access to God so he can make everything work for you you have this special access to God because he never stops seeing you for what you're here for and what he created you to be and you got to grow up into that in all things Christ in you the hope of glory it's the only hope of glory is the Christ in you it's not your well-being it's not your circumstances this is not your getting a promotion is it Christ in you is the hope of glory how well you love how well you walk like him how well you follow him that's why he came I think about this stuff guys here I'm saved for 23 years you know you see some of us think back you preached something deeper they steep he came we gotta sit on that long enough to it freaks us out I mean cuz then he's saying watch what he's saying when he comes I know who you are you're worth it I've known you from the beginning you don't know who you are you think you're this side of the other a product of this or that no no I know you from way back no matter where you've been love hasn't failed I haven't changed my mind about you and sin is abounded grace is come greater we let the devil win this thing we are in this thing for keeps and I'm gonna pay a price become what you were so you could become what I am a son from the beginning and I'm gonna put my life in you my nature in you and I'm gonna restore you we've all sinned and fallen short and we got to pray this prayer so we can go to heaven when the trumpet blows and that amazing how that's the thrust that we actually use are you going to heaven you're going to hell and then people that have no revelation of his goodness love their stumbled by the health side of it well why were you loving God throw people now now we got this long no sisters human knowledge debate well if God knew Adam was going to eat the tree why'd he put the tree there in the first place so God's the one responsible for all this chaos I mean he's the one the only reason you can think that way is because animate the tree and you actually think you're right that's a sure sign of the fall all these intellectual debates and said just reveal in the heart and motive of God see when you're making about heaven how you actually miss the point and you allow men to embrace something through faith they say claiming what they believe but staying the same and then were just positionally changed seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus but I'm still on this hell hole called the earth and we gotta endure through this suffer brother but one day he's coming ah that doesn't sound exciting I honestly believe that's deception Christ in you not just the person beside you Christ in you not just the person that seems hungrier than you Christ in you Christ in you who do men say that I am well some say and others say and you know some say who do you you say I am see you'll never rise above what you say and what you really say this isn't harsh what you really say will be revealed through the way you live your life the just shall live by faith and you'll know them by their works so the way you live your life reveals what you really believe so if you really believe God came to transform you into zimmy's even if you're struggling with love you're pursuing growing towards it even if you're struggling with forgiveness or unforgiveness you're not justifying it talking around it staying the same your before him you're talking you're praying you're seeking yeah see when I talk about perfection talk about purity of heart talk about growing up into him because you can't let anything on the why behind your life and have possession of your heart the why behind your life is your heart why you live why you wake up why you say that why you do that why you go there you know people go on a mission trip sounds so good in Christian you can go on a mission trip for wrong reasons you can pursue being a pastor for wrong reasons why do you do what you do hmm because if the wise not seeking first the kingdom of God him for his true glory that's how you could have knowledge of all mysteries don't have love and missed the boat you can give all your goods to the poor well the poor will have your goods now they'll be happy for a season so the goods are going but you'll have nothing if you didn't do it because of love well why would I give my goods all my goods to the poor if I didn't have love because you might do it for name for yourself you might do it to feel good about you I'm going to do it for the simple shallow accolade of somebody saying you're awesome and you need to believe that so you got to hear that I've seen people serve in church find their identity through serving in the church church not recognize it and then say you are awesome we couldn't function without you I don't know what this church would do without you and now they're serving double-time and go on extra extra extra mile because they're finding an identity and what they do now I'm not saying that that couldn't be through an absolute pure heart but I've been involved in situations where it wasn't that and then they're on very thin ice because they constantly need the affirmation and if they go the extra extra mile and don't get the extra affirmation and they can't find themselves it's just a simple vomit if you're finding identity through what you're doing it's backwards you find identity through who you've become and how he sees you through his son period if you find identity through your gifting your calling it's very dangerous you find identity through what he accomplished to who he is in you that's a little guard and protect your heart all the days of your life you find your identity in you he says your holy blameless and above reproach in his sight guess what the easiest thing to do in the morning is then wake up and be that don't wake up and try to do that wake up and be that and guess what that being will translate into expression and that awesome the Bible says if I present myself as a member on to righteousness Israel produces fruit to holiness all of a sudden I'm expressing holiness without trying to be holy all of a sudden this communion is doing something in my heart and rekindling things and restoring things that were lost through sin and self-consciousness and human nature and all of a sudden the spirit that life is something's awesome inside yeah just communing and all the sudden there's things restored like just a true sense of diligence and sincerity oh my goodness these things got lost through the fall of man and every man on the earth was all about himself Jesus said you got to die to that you got to deny that that's the lie so the biggest lie on the earth isn't all the stuff we focus on like like I know it sounds like watch I don't have all the answers on this but I know this is true it's the biggest problem on the planet is in politics it's not racial conflict it's not terrorism the biggest problem on the earth is it every day men wake up and live for themselves when they're made for his image and a bigger tragedy his men go to church and do the same and think church attendance is what makes the difference but here's the deal you can fill every Church seat in every church on Sunday and the world's not going to change but if the people become loved something has to change going to church will not change the world becoming more like him hostile so maybe the reason we go to church is to be her like wonder if we get so good at this because they're good it doesn't mean they're wrong but wonder if we get so good at this and fail to become her and wonder if we just learn how to do good Church to where people like coming sounds like a pastor dream and fulfillment one of the biggest traps on the planet is just trying to do better Church so people want to come the reason you come is to be stirred up and loving good works to be empowered to go the reason you come is be empowered to live within your sphere of influence and shine light and walk in the light as he's in the light the reason we come is to marry to going so we come to be empowered to go but because people church shop then pastors try to provide a product they're looking for it's a trap it's the biggest trap to any pastor is to turn inward and just try to do better Church and call it success because you got a thousand people coming but are you pursuing those thousand to walk in the light to make peace through the week that unforgiveness is unacceptable because it's outside his nature I got some wisdom on this house asking the Lord why people struggle so much with forgiveness versus unforgiveness well there's a couple reasons if you look at it just on the surface like well because they still are thinking for themselves so they have lines people can cross chips that can be knocked over so they have unspoken expectations which means they're getting failed are you following me but even in that I'm saying okay but even in that why is unforgiveness like people will say this who's ever heard somebody say this well you need to back off and just give me some time sometimes it just takes some time and they talk about forgiving or they say we'll stop back off I'm trying to forgive if you're trying to forgive you're in unforgiveness what's that even mean I'm trying to forgive it's not a okay door it is what does that even mean I'm trying to forgive it's a perspective it's a perception it's a position of heart forgiveness isn't a feeling and it's not a got it see what which we deceive ourselves we're buying time we don't have when we allow I'm trying to forgive brother that that's religious that means you're in unforgiveness so I'm like Lord why is that why is it like that why do I hear that from people here's what I saw in my heart when I was inquiring Lord it's a while back people that struggle with unforgiveness have never accepted true and total forgiveness and have stood clean before the Lord as if they've never sinned him and overwhelmed by his goodness a lot of people say forgive me Lord and still live in the memory stained and tainted identity of what they've done and where they've been and they haven't gone clean and free and never looked back but if you ever just be forgiven and stand boldly before God not presumptuously boldly confidently because of what Jesus did the design of that is to overwhelm you with the goodness of God in such a way that it changes your eyes and all you can see men for is what they're called to be not where they've been what they're created to be not what they've done and instead of getting mad at their mercy rises up because you know if they knew who they were they would not be living that way and instead of crying because of them you begin to cry for them cuz mercy triumphs over judgment are you with me so the just have to live by faith we have to realize what he did on the cross even though we all sinned and fallen short of glory even though son of us some of us say we say yeah but mine's different brother I knew better and still when did it well you say you knew better but now you really know better Peter said I'll die for you I think he was really serious he found out a little more in the moment took that sword and started doing some cutting I think he was really serious when he said I'll die for you I think everybody at the table was serious when they said they'd die for him because they all whispered among themselves and said we'll all die for him he said he's gonna be struck and they're gonna scatter and when he was done talking underlying scattering Jesus said they were gonna scatter well aren't you scattering I think they were serious who's ever heard somebody say well you don't understand my sin was willful because I knew better and did it anyway so they put themselves in a different category and forbid themselves remission of sin when they actually see more now than they've ever seen who ever thought you knew something found out you didn't really know it and then you knew it but before you were willing to say I know it and then time go by and now you know it see so I've just seen people come up with about every little line that keeps themselves from this goodness that wants to watch over every one of us because honestly it's not your willpower that causes you to change it's not just your discipline that causes you to change is that message of seeing the gross nosov your sin that causes you to change it's His goodness that leads you to change that's why there's so much language out there Christians against each other what ain't just about is love and goodness it's judgement to God's at judging God and will you show me one scripture where his judgment leads me to change mercy triumphs over judgment John 12 I did not come to judge you but that you might be saved you'll have my word remember the sword in the mouth when he comes you'll have my word that will judge you in that day ain't that amazing he says I didn't come to judge you whether you be saved and then we think we got to say well it ain't all about love brother the greatest of these is love is he loved us this way we all love one another if you don't have love you got nothing it probably ought to start there [Laughter] in some strange way when people uphold the judgment of God it gives their hearts permission to remain that way as well when you see him for your for his love and His mercy his forgiveness your heart response in those things be careful it's a trap out there are you with me so if I see my life the way he sees me truly the way he sees me it's designed to look through my eyes and see you that way so now I'm not just being loved by God I'm being restored back to loving like God it's what he paid for it's the goal of our instruction he didn't pay just for you to get your name in a book called life and go to heaven someday that that's not the that's not the fulfillment of the Cross that's not paid in full Paden fools you're transformed life old things passed away behold all things become new not conformed transformed by thinking like you've never thought before that's paid in full so the deposit of the blood of Jesus into the earth brings dividends back to the Father it's called the glory of his inheritance not yours his think about it its reasons one the glory of his inheritance in the Saints the glory of what he inherits through the deposit of one son each seed after its own kind we turned it into a beneficial prayer that blesses me because of that self-centered tendency and he meant it to be transformation and changed from the beginning the glory of his inheritance the exceeding greatness of his power the hope of his calling not your calling it's call it I can show you your calling in first Peter - it's to suffer when you're treated bad for doing good and take it patiently to this you were called birds are calling your calling is to suffer for doing good and take it patiently because you have him as your example to follow it's right there it's in first Peter it says what credit is that if you're beaten for your faults and you take it patiently but when you do good when you do good and you suffer for when some way sure good and calls it bad and you take it patiently and you don't let that faze you it's commendable before God why because to this you were called why you're in a perverse generation you're living in the world that's after its own right now you're a pushover passive doormat enabler come on was Jesus any of those things was he a doormat people said well I ain't letting nobody make me a doormat well then God's the doormat because he just loved you and loved you and you just didn't wake up and do everything you knew that was in your heart but he just loved you and loved you and you just didn't even follow your conviction but he just loved you and loved you I guess he's the doormat I don't think so I think he's loved I don't think he's a pushover I don't think he's an enabler I'll think that sooner or later his goodness gon get to us and we're gonna find change in his goodness and then we'll be inclined to become what's so good so I'm going to try to what's up in this you can't walk this thing out like we're preaching it tonight unless you let it wash over you and you become this thing first you got to see he loves you this way no matter where you've been no matter how many times you repeated that thing you gotta say well you have not changed your mind about me that's designed to empower you to not repeat that thing you know we're almost every addictive cycle comes from and behavior people having a low esteem not seeing themselves for what they're worth actually having derogatory beliefs low level low value beliefs about themselves personally that's where almost every addictive cycle comes from people not seeing who they really are in him so then you don't have a good view of yourself even because of the thing and then when you repeat the thing it affirms what you believe about yourself so now the trees bad in your eyes so the fruit has no hope and then we say well it's amazing he loves us because people are people yeah I got a little growl out of me didn't it I just felt that I just came up it's such a lie and then people cry himself to sleep or doll themselves and shut themselves down so they don't have to cry himself to sleep but the only reason you do that is because you actually do care inside you're just being misguided you couldn't even feel bad about anything if you weren't alive inside so feeling bad can't be the answer feeling bad or at least point to something good and say man there's more than hope for me actually care come on we take some of the stuff too lightly I know people that go to church and live in condemnation in secret so they're living heart is getting abused by lies and the fact that you care is getting twisted and producing a wrong fruit called condemnation but you couldn't even be condemned if you didn't care if you were what you were tempted to believe about yourself you wouldn't even care if you're so lost I've heard people in counseling sessions tell me some pretty serious bad things about themselves because their life proved it to him but they were broken inside over what they were calling the truth and if you can just talk to them about their brokenness and show them what that is and how it's being misguided it can bring total freedom to somebody just the fact that you care is exciting to me somebody I'll pull you in the secret and cry their eyes out and tell you the baddest thing they've done and they've been coming to church for the last three years and I got to tell you this secret I've been sitting on it I just go who's ever had somebody open up and tell you someone could hardly get it out it makes me so excited that they're talking about it and that they're crying so hard and almost always across the board look at him and I say man I'm so excited to see how pure your hearts become from the gospel you're alive and they say oh I heard what you did and we'll talk about that in a minute but but I see who you are and then the trouble is you think you are what you just told me but you're so much more on the inside and you're believing a lie and the trees staying the same in your eyes so the fruit can't change but in a minute here if we can make the tree good we got good fruit on your horizon without you doing anything different just believing different that's sure beats well you can't do that you're a Christian you're representing him you need to shape up or ship out you either for him or against them gathered to him or you scatter so you can use the word from the wrong places and do serious damage create legalistic stuff you could tell them all that you did what you can't Gentiles represent him you're supposed to go into work shine as a light you can't oh my goodness you see he said you either for me or against me maybe some song I'd say something's wrong with your heart we need to kneel and pray do you get this this thing straight i baptize you twenty times whatever it takes that's sometimes where pastors try to get people to change you got to teach them who they are in him and you have to get him to see themselves through his eyes yeah Jesus raises from the dead all them guys that said they would die for him he raises from the dead he says to Mary go tell my brother --an he didn't say go tell those weak-willed to face [Music] backstab and act like they loved me he said go tell my brother his covenant term it's family you know what he's saying you go let him know I haven't changed my mind about him there's still to me who they were before they ran and even after they ran I'll see him in a minute then he goes to the father takes his blood into heaven and makes peace through his blood shoots back to the earth he must think a lot of us see that's what I get out all this not some mysterious story that he wants us in heaven forever and ever never whatever that means a Reviver and every conversation right well what's heaven gonna be like well what are we gonna do that for like ever like we're just gonna sit by a throne forever and just like two million years from now horny and then preachers say well he's so holy you won't even know it was 2 million years but yes yes yes and we're trying to relate to heaven be honest with me you've heard all this some of us have thought all this stuff is you teach people who they are you teach people who they are now that he came he came into that room his disciples such in John 20 it's amazing it's it's one of my favorite when I think it's my favorite a whole bunch more scripture bombs Bard's me as I saw the Word of God but I don't really have a favorite scripture but that's in the top hundred it's definitely in the top hundred well two hundred it's up there it's ranking up there oh man the words good huh see now the words just racing through yeah he says go tell my brother I'm going to my father and your father to my god and your God what's he doing I still see is one nothing's changed we've been one from the beginning you just haven't known it you just don't know who you are forgive them father they know not what they do that sure beats what a bunch of idiots I heal the sick multiply their food I raise their dead and they want to release Barabbas is out there killing people this is a confused generation and if they didn't change by now it ain't likely they're gonna I'm not sure what I'm doing up here not even sure if I like them anymore you said where he couldn't talk like that cuz he's Jesus he couldn't talk like that cuz he's love I couldn't talk like that cuz he's love he couldn't talk like that because of what he sees forgive them father they have no clue what they're doing man they've been deceived they've been born into Adam they have no identity they're sheep without a shepherd but I'm here if I be lifted up I'm gonna draw all men unto me I'm gonna open the door to salvation to all men I'm gonna come and sit at your right hand and put my blood just like we talked before the foundation of the world this thing is just about a rap I am pumped hey I'm coming I'm gonna commit my spirit yeah it's all there man then he raises from the dead marries there go tell my brother in going to my father your father you look up the word father there you know what it means to come forth from I'm going to the one I came for from and I'm going to the one you came forth from that makes us one that makes us brothers that's what the word father means to come forth from the word God means source of life I came forth from the source of life how many people grow up sure their life's an accident or sure their life doesn't matter because life says so how many people get tricked into suicide for whatever reason vengeance get even discouragement despair hurt pain life's not worth living in than they do the ultimate act of deception a human being can do is take their own life when it was never theirs you see how tricky it is what's my life I'll do with what I want it never was your life friend you're not taking your life you're taking his life in you suicide is his life in you you're taking his life you're taking purpose potential legacy into your own hands because it's your life never was your life leave me alone I'll have an abortion if I want it's my life how cut if I want it's my life I'll do drugs if or when it's my life get off my back I'll do with that my life what I want to who's ever heard those phrases you Ola see it never was your life from the beginning let us make man in our the image got lost through sin and sins running wild apart from him he comes and takes sin upon himself the slayn to take a way the sin of the world to reestablish truth and raise up sons and daughters we turned it into a beneficial prayer that blesses me and takes me to heaven some day instead of heaven in me now and his ways and my ways become him one so he says he tells Mary and he goes to the Father in the same day in the evening John 20 it's right there it's same day and II think is look in your Bible if you want same day and evening he shoots back to the earth he comes into the room there's no death shut up there the doors are locked or in fear the Jews they're there in a fear fest like they're not interceding and praying they're not shot God on Ibaka right they're like so afraid like what happened to him is gonna happen to us we'd have been doing the same thing I'm not busting on him we'd have been doing the same thing don't think you'd have been doing something else if I was there out of him praying yeah save me he walks in a room and what's he say to him peace to you peace to you why does he say peace because he just made peace through his blood they've done nothing right everything they said they wouldn't do they did do and everything he said to do they didn't do and he comes and says peace to you why because he made peace through his blood and then he says this well first he says this here check check me out it's me guys cuz they were probably like we would have been this can't be you I mean they're praying for Peter to get released from prison when he knocks on the door they say surely it's his ghost or is angel some translations different yeah the brand for him to get released from prison he's not gonna the dirt as they will it can't be Peter he's in prison weren't you praying for it to get out he's at the door must be his angel religious you know you can pray stuff because the need and not believe a thing you can find your most spiritual moment and the fact that you prayed instead of believed you get driven by the problem your whole life and call it prayer he walks in the room peace to you shows him his hands his side and it says they were glad when they saw it was the Lord and the very next thing of us now mouth was peace to you again but it's a different piece the first piece I made peace through my blood peace to you you're my brother the second piece is come on I know how you're feeling right now what do you think they thought as soon as I saw it was the lorry as soon as they realized it's the Lord what's the first thing that tries to hammer him they're picturing themselves running could you imagine what was going through Peter he does be real he's standing there you Constance said I never knew him three times but when you were with him you said I'll never deny you Lord but he did and now he's standing there this is his first since denying him so the second piece is him saying look I understand I already told you I know I'm here love you boys peace he's comforting him he's telling to not be condemned to not stand her and let what they did wrong ravaged their emotions and their mind and ultimately their identity he's separating him from that and then he says to them after the second peace what's Genesis 1:26 say let us make man in our image in our own likeness and that's given dominion over the earth would you agree that's what it says it describes what Dominion the birds and fish and then every creeping thing but once you say that Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our image in our own likeness and give him dominion on the earth you good with that what's verse 27 say so God created man in his own image in his own likeness both male and you ought to love that ladies you have the same creative value as the man your value is His image it's not served the man it's his image from the beginning yeah [Applause] so Genesis Wan Jesus is the Redeemer he brings things back redeemed means brought back to original value so Jesus is the Redeemer so John 20 Genesis 1 let us make man in our image right verse 27 so God made man how do you make man John Genesis 2 describes it right and man became so he did that in Genesis 1 Genesis 2 describes it details now we're in John 20 through the blood blood on the mercy seat peace to you oh man it's you bummer peace to you as the father sent me he's the Redeemer he's modeling us life he's showing us what life looks like in the father empowered by Holy Spirit let us make man in our image John 20 as the father sent me so I send you you get the connection and then he goes what did he have to breathe on them for them to be filled with Holy Spirit he holds all things together by the word of his power he could say be filled and they're filled he breathed on them to let us know hey guys my blood brought you back to the beginning today one where man was made for God's image and as the father sent me now I'm sending you because were one Christ in you the hope of glory firstborn among predestined to be conformed to his image beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord being transformed into the same image from glory glory even by the spear the Lord see it all makes sense now receive Holy Spirit what'd he do he took him right back to Genesis 1 because everything in that breath got lost through sin is the day you die Adam boom it was all lost so I'll brought back through the Redeemer as a father sent me so I send you for God so see here's what we do as the father sent me so I send you we think miracles power thunder lightning all the time we say your will be done on earth as it is in and we say ok and I'm not saying it's wrong but it's our focus ok no cancer in heaven no cancer on the earth and it gives us faith to come against cancer because of that prayer no animosity in heaven no pride no jealousy no insecurity no anger no frustration no discouragement no complaining no self-centeredness no self focus no disheartening isn't it amazing your will be done on earth as in heaven is always about the power of God in our theological breakdown instead of the heart of God which is where all the power of God flows from your will be done on earth as it is in heaven anus in heaven who is wise and understanding among you James 3:13 let him prove that they're wise by the good conduct of their life that their works are done in the meekness of wisdom but if you have bitter and their self seeking in your heart don't boast and lie against the truth for this wisdom never came from above its earthly sensual and demonic for where there's envy and self seeking every evil thing is present but the wisdom that's from above is first pure it's general it's peaceable it's willing to yield it's bearing the fruits of righteousness in those who make peace Wow two different wisdoms they're listed one the way that seemeth right to a man well they should have never did that to me well don't tell me that didn't hurt wouldn't hurt you well they should have known better well how can I ever trust again well that's why I put my guard up that's the first wisdom oh my goodness you guys okay haven't we all been taught to think and talk that way and when we think and talk that way don't we find people that agree with us and they're our support system let me just share this one little thought because we're always looking to minister to each other but if you would put yourself in the shoes of the person talking to you and you would be hurt like they're hurt you can't help them you'll just have sympathy for them and you might even pray for them but Holy Spirit's not there like you're thinking it's not here to make you feel better he's sure to make you like him because if he can make you like him that's where the pain goes away you see why just won't even make the pain go if he can change the way you see he'll change the way you be so he says as the father sent me so I send you that's Genesis 1:26 through his blood that's 27 making man in his because he says if you forgive the sins here's what he's doing he's taking the the Ray family here and he's saying here's the baton of the New Covenant New Testament church I'm gonna give it to both of you they take that baton he says look if you love them like I've loved you then they'll know my love and the way to forgiveness but if you don't forgive them what God forgiven you how will they be forgiven when you represent me and your my body you're my people you're my heart you're my wisdom you're my expression so if you forgive they'll be forgiven if you don't forgive how they gonna be forgiven are you with me now you look at what's happened to the church over the generations legalism darkness works judgment hair too long too short too much jewelry no jewelry hat covering for and missed the heart of God through it all and create on ma city animosity and fight among ourselves instead of love the world around us with who he is don't you get caught up in religion doesn't change a thing it actually makes men think they're alright when there's nothing in their life that looks like you so they quote scripture from anger instead of compassion oh I've met people that can quote the word twice as sharp as I ever have been able to and they're mean probably the goal is not quoting the word it's probably becoming it so until you see it in our lives I guess we're still growing it and don't know it like we could are you with me just a good stirring up keep your heart in the right place this is why we're alive this is why we'll go to bed tonight and if we wake up tomorrow this is why you see what I'm saying and you don't let anything matter more than what matters most it's not some overbearing overzealous got to think about him every second people get that way it's it's a perspective that you grow into where you understand why you're alive and it's what matters most and it starts dictating your attitudes your responses your expressions that's because you spend time with him in that truth and your thank him for the gift called life not the dread you're not trying to get through life life's inside you the only reason life's a grind to people or whatever they call it is because they wake up and live it outside of why they're here so there's no grace in there going are you with me so just a little reminder and just a little yeah this is why he came y'all good with that now here's the deal you got to live by faith and you get to know God in your own life in your own heart it's not the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who do you say that I am are you with me and there's nothing I preached that you can't live apart from any other factor a person in your life right now if you live by faith you can't say but you don't know what I'm going through brother that's where he I mean been talking about that talking about what he went through to give you a different perspective if I'm only doing as well as my wife is at the moment then she's the lord of my life she's governing my life she's deciding me I need a higher wisdom if I wake up to be loved by you I'm only as good as your loving me and I'll remain insecure and only as strong as the weakness around me are you with me so every day you wake up my prayer my heart is your conscious awareness would go this way and you would realize every day's a gift I just turned 56 in December I don't know where 56 years went I can't even believe I'm safe 23 years I was just thinking back at something that was in 2011 and it feels like it was about six months ago and I was trying to think all the stuff in between times racing kiddo I'm telling stories in there 45 years ago and then I'm looking at young people thinking when I was their age and I was my age that was a fossil like like that was Ancient of Days right there that's like that man is old like I remember I'd look at my granddaughter she's 12 and I'm thinking when I was 12 and somebody was 56 that is a geezer older than dirt from the beginning and I'm thinking now I bet fossil so I don't know where time's going kill but it ain't stopping and you can't get yesterday back can't let it you can't let that eat you you know what I'm just gonna make use of today yeah but yesterday can't get it back you can't rewrite the page so why don't you just write a new fresh page why don't you just start waking up in truth right now you start going after what's convicting your heart right now yeah I'm making this specific remember it's prayer that you wouldn't just go oh yeah it was good well what what he's talked about a lot but did you would actually leave here with a personal conviction sure that you would actually say you know what I need to start thinking about the why behind my life and waking up with a narrow healthy why I need to start going to my workplace with a different view and attitude and perspective so it's never a grindstone or just a source of provision but it's actually a mission field and I have a sphere of influence there's people around me he paid for there's people that he really loves even the ones that don't know him because he's known them from the beginning well if you let a simple truth like that start getting in your heart that man if they knew who they really were they wouldn't be acting the way they're acting that'll just free you up and start releasing some love if you just start realizing man if they really knew who they were they wouldn't even have that attitude instead being frustrated by their attitude you have compassion for them because you realize they don't understand forgive them father they don't know what they're doing cuz if they knew they wouldn't be sitting there oh my goodness let that make your heart be merciful not frustrated you say well that just gets on my nerves no I'm talking about getting new nerves yeah brand new y'all good I pray something over you and then we're gonna pray okay hey man how'd you sneak up Mary you just slipped on up there huh he says he's like the Holy Ghost she's like the wind you don't even know he's he's - what were you singing during worship when you're singing out of your heart I was on my knees and there's people all around me it sounded like you were singing that you made us holy what we sing is that what you're saying what's the exact phrase you say you made us holy do you make churches which subleader up our singing you made us holy heretic and blasphemer it's a sad reality I thought that's what you were saying it sounds like Kings fire I know this guy a little bit so I'm thinking you guys believe this you gotta understand he made you holy if you don't start where he finished you can't run well he makes the tree good yeah not you trying harder he makes the tree good you gotta let the tree be make good if you wake up and acknowledge that you're holy in a site guess where your conviction will stay in holiness guess what fruit it will begin to produce holy responses in your life and all of a sudden you're living beyond where you could if you didn't have this revelation so it's his grace working in you he gets all the glory you're not a super Christian you're a believer and all glory goes to God because you are what you are by the grace of God I love that you sang it for a little while and your whole team was singing it you made us holy Jim have people would struggle with a phrase like that but it's Bible says it was a time in your life in my life where we were alienated in enemies by the way our minds worked in wicked manner that means just waking up and thinking for herself when we're made for his image of me to love so you gotta love that unless no you gotta know B don't ya make sure you're nice to him look what there is zero self-consciousness right there watch unless and plus my preaching was so good they just can't hold still they got a rod get around no but watch this unless you become like a little child not a child a little child because it's not long into little that you start getting aware of yourself start getting a little conscious of yourself that's not fun it's called a loss of innocence and when he says unless you become like a little child he said unless you get your innocent place restored or you're ignorant to what is evil and excellent and what is good you will not see the kingdom of heaven ain't that something that's a prayer of ours just continue to restore my innocence as if I was never touched by anything outside of you then I would wake up and just see myself the way you've always seen me and conduct myself the way you paid for yeah come on it's a big deal when you're sincere about what I'm saying you take serious attitudes attitudes they're not a dime a dozen are you kidding me they're not even accepted attitudes that don't produce life little judgments first impressions whatever right it's non-permissible you don't even allow your heart to drift there and if it would drift there you shift over here quickly because you see where that is you got to work out your own salvation you got to walk that out amen some well pray this father I thank you for grace on our lives I thank you for empowering us to live this way to walk this way and to just simply shine I'm praying that we would really really really be empowered through just the mouths of two or more just even this week and just saying things that a lot of these folks really do know in their knowledge that it would be cemented in our hearts that it would become our being our expression or real everyday living I thank you there's no striving there's no works I think you just the joy and the freedom of becoming keep it that clean all weekend keep it that simple and let our lives just continue to shine the beauty of who you are yes and let people really really get to know you simply because we've been privileged to know you at some level let our lives in you produce life in you in others I ask it all in Jesus name Amen amen let's do this real quick we have time or do have to stop okay but what's too late are we too late am I did I talk too much are we okay I'm looking I'm like it got to be nine o'clock already you gave me this thing early too you guys would you tell them two songs to get Dan up for a song no they sank three I said twice the tempo so we go quicker but she's saying it that you made us holy see I like that that to me was it I was down on the ground and I just stood up and I thought she singing what it sounds like it caught my attention what would it look like in the morning if you wake up and get up in your bed and get up out of your bed and instead of just checking in with your flash your feelings your work schedule ooh ugh ooh help me Jesus calling that prayer what would it look like if you wake up in the morning and just sit up in your bed or just even just lay in there facing up you just put your hands out like this you haven't even gotten out of bed yet father I'll thank you this morning you've made me holy through the blood of your son Jesus you just washed me clean through everything you accomplished through your son I thank you I'm clean I'm holy and blameless I'm pure in your sight God thank you for robing me and righteousness filling me with your spirit and filling me with your love wonder if you personally with nobody else there we'll begin to accept these truths and say yes to them and actually believe them without any second thought yeah I've had a lot of people say a lot of things to me over the years because I've I've been the same passionate way the whole time I've been saved people that know me for 23 years I just saw some people that knew me when I first got saved they came to a church I was that down in Maryland they walked in surprised me I was like hey and they just wept when they saw me and what people that have known me my whole life tell me in private they say what I appreciate about you is the nonstop consistency of your life that what you see is what you get and every time I see you you're the same you're not burdened down with a trial you're not well my wife hasn't been doing good well my kids are making some bad choices right now you've just been on fire and in love with God even though those things were happening and I'm thinking yeah I don't know what else I'm supposed to be but there's a reason the Lord showed me a long time ago the reason that I stay consistent without trying is because I believe I'm a son and I'm not Singh conscious I believe he loves me and that empowers me to live in a way that he paid for and if I would realize I'm outside of that well I would see that quick when I and I would run to him but I think we're too busy deciding if that's even possible let alone what that looks like I think we tricked ourselves into following ourselves while we say we're following him and we let our own sin driven human experience dictate what's possible so we say falsely humble things like well nobody's perfect brother what are you saying you don't have sin well we're always sin and we're sinning all the time we're probably thinning right now [Laughter] religion and the devil loves you to believe that stuff we're not declaring we're holy to mask our sin we're not declaring we're righteous to cover up our flaws righteousness dueces its friend to holiness the pure in heart shall it must be possible to have a pure heart yay come on okay so here's what we're gonna do I usually don't have no music for this but you're doing so good just do what you're doing plus I like you so much because he was singing you made us holy I'll just never forget that I'm not gonna forget that I thought wow these guys are really preaching the gospel here for your worship team to be singing you made us holy this is a big deal to me because that should be in your bedroom every morning that's what you ought to see when you look at yourself in the mirror it's not presumptious it's not proud you got to start where he finished if you live to try to be accepted you'll feel like you're not if you live because you're accepted your actions will agree with what you believe yeah if you just wake up and actually believe you're his you'll live like your hips you don't ever have to prove your his your life proves it so wake up and be his amen can we can we do this quick can we pray for the sick or anybody that wants prayer for healing could we do that y'all good it's not too late right it's like we're not past the healing hour I just thought I'd check see what the room believes you know we do it oh okay I've been doing this for years when I travel we pray for the sick and way way way back way way way back I used to line people up pray for everybody in fact that's why I got invited to churches sometimes it was just because of the way I ministered there's giftings in my life I enjoy the giftings who enjoys gifting who like I love sitting on an airplane and I'm like you just like you just sniffing something out in the Lord you like now they're little earbuds on you say something what it's just fun there's just no other way around it it's just fun when I used to travel years ago when I traveled I was preaching actually in churches before I was a year old now lord I was being invited to guest speak in several churches and I wasn't even a year saved the main reason was my gifting so everybody wanted to partake of my gifting benefit from my gifting get a word through my gifting so people see me and they come up and say just pray for me whatever God tells you just spray whatever he says whatever he says there's a little ways into that the Lord said hey what you're doing is great and the fact that you've grown into some things and you're seeing expressions of who I am in your life and stuff but how are you multiplying training equip and empowering like you're just ministering and I went like who are you equipping and I said I'm not even thinking about that I'm just having a blast I remember and it just flips people out and they'll make you they make you a hero they make you an icon like like it's gifting no man has anything let's get this straight nobody has a thing unless God's giving it so there's nobody that's a real big deal but God we somehow think your extra spiritual if you have a certain gift if you have a gift you have a gift it's without repentance I remember services where I would line people up he would just freak people out and and I got in trouble doing it I don't talk about it much it was it was getting me in a wrong way because people made such a big deal out of gifting and and when I was first young and saved and I was pretty early on this thing I I would lying people I remember saying don't tell me why you're here I don't want anybody to even tell me why you're here and I would teach onward a knowledge and then I would just say while you're standing here and the number one thing you're believing for right now is this now it just freaks people out there like wow but they make you somebody and I wasn't handling that well in the beginning I don't know who would handle that well if you never get a real grip on that if all you do is just minister out of your gift our goal isn't to minister our gift it's training equipping empower people to be more like you for the work of the ministry are you with me but I remember in that season doing that and it was such my heart wrong I used to think if everybody wasn't stuck to the floor of the wall I did I believe that if everybody wasn't stuck the floor the wall God didn't come like he could and it started getting weird with me because it started to be about me and manifestations and gifting and I remember minister and wouldn't even leave the platform now I just point and shout and you ma'am and the stripes stand up fire and everybody's like but if it's getting weird it was getting weird with me it was all about manifestations important and there was a season where it was happening so profuse but the people that were hurt and after the smoke cleared was still hurt there was folks that had cancer laying screaming on the floor stuck to the floor couldn't get up somebody carry him to the car but he still got the cancer and I didn't think too deep on it and but things got weird for a while your motive is important you could open a door so big anything can happen in a row he paid for stuff and it doesn't always have to be through it I've seen four stage cancer disappear and nobody even really prayed are you following me and the person with the cancer didn't even shake or feel the goose bump you see well I felt he okay great so what if you don't he'll feel heat nothing's happening we got to be careful with this stuff I changed a lot of things over the years I got in trouble the way I'm Minister he got me in trouble I've never said this publicly ever probably got it recorded I'll cause a little bit of stuff probably Oh Lord what am I even doing I'm not sure everything that was happening through my life at that time was God because it became important to me for me I'm not sure everything was even God when y'all don't know me back then some people knew me back then one night I went to a church and this is when I changed I walked in and had my finest suit on not that I'm against wearing suits I just thought you were supposed to but I don't I don't even know if I have a suit I would want to wear right now I just have it I don't have suits I this is me I'm comfortable I don't know what I'd do if somebody asks we had to do a funeral huh I have to cry go try to get a seat I just don't do funerals really then I don't do weddings so I'm pretty covered but I walked in this church and I had my fine suit on I had my little tie chain and I felt like a preacher and everybody's just stroking me coming and we are so amazed you came to our church you are so anointed the way God moves through you oh my goodness you ain't even been saved the way you hear his voice and I mean I'm like yeah I'm anointed whoo it was getting weird with me but I didn't see it and on that night it was such a holy atmosphere people were laying out everywhere pastor's wife were prostrate on the floor I should've them with them I'm standing there Wow come wait to minister the Lord this is good man I'm praying to him all the time I'm seeking Him I'm hungry it's crazy how this stuff happens how your heart motives can get shifted and how you can feel important and miss grace and humility how you feel like somebody and miss that you're nothing if it wasn't for him even this whole honor one another thing that's out there talks so much about honoring each other be careful with what we're trying to honor and find honor in the Bible says how can you believe you who honor one another you need honor from one another meaning you need it how can you actually believe that'll get in the way there's a healthy honor but there's a thin line I think sometimes honors even over preached I'm not sure why I'm telling you this story it'll make sense here at some point because I never told this story in public ever him ever you guys are the first had a handheld mic on a wooden platform just like that handheld mic I don't like handhelds I'm gonna use some other mic but the handhelds there and I'm not hooked up yet the worship team we lost the worship team that night there was nobody available there was one little girl see it was a skinny little thing she she was over by the keys and she was down below the keyboard she had her hand up like this but she looked like she was wilted and somehow she was hitting them high keys it just sounded like rain or something but she's just deep pink and everything she touched was like people were just Jesus was in the room it was real I just can't wait to minister didn't realize how I was about to get fathered so I'm looking and I'm like Lord what do you want to do what do you want to do what do you want to do who do you wanna speak to what you want to do a my eyes fixed on the lady and the Lord gave me a word with timeframes and details that if I was wrong how would it look pretty foolish but if I'm right here's the problem with a word like that if you're right then people go now your own fragile ground because if you're being moved through like that you better use that as a simple example to show people what's possible that this grace is available and have your highest goal to multiply that grace so other people start hearing like that not to build a ministry or be gifted there's no scripture that tells me where to point out anointed people build a conference around them to minister to Church it's to train equip and empower the church well here's what God had to say about that night in my heart my heart was slowly crossing into this place that wasn't good and when I got that word I was like oh that is so amazing because I had heard words and I knew it was a word from the Lord like if I'm sitting beside you on a plane and have a word like that I'm not gonna fish around I'm just gonna say hey three weeks ago you were told I'm gonna say it like I heard it cuz I trust that it's right on and they're gonna go what are you psychic and our response is well kind of but not really I'll explain but that happened didn't it yeah and then God moves that night I took the mic I flipped it on and I was like it was weathers atmospheres were like nobody wants to talk but I couldn't wait but I wasn't gonna just bust in you know you learn how to minister unfortunately even it learn how to you know you know goddess in this place right now he's you just know how to do it right and while he's moving administrator for you ma'am I got this word and I was gonna get her up and fire that's what my plan was I flipped on the mic and I went this happened to me I've never told this story in public I went I had no human ability to speak people say to me all the time I don't even really like vagues like you like you don't think about you mentally to your life but this is one thing I get from people they say is so ho you this is something like I don't even know what you're talking about I don't even think about you male the other not want to walk in you Millie but I'm like but I get this when that stuff happens to you it will produce humility without you try it'll put the true fear of the Lord in your life so I got a word that is so ridiculous accurate detailed and time frame I flip on the mic and I go and I have no human ability to speak there's no way I can make sound now you let that happen to you and maybe you understand me and some of the ways I come across to my passion because in that moment you know he's real before it happens but in that moment he is really free and I've hold that mic you know what and he said see Dan you couldn't even talk if I didn't let you and I can hear I can still hear the sound of the handheld bouncing off the wood because it fell right out of my hand and then I collapsed like you shot me with the gun and I curled up in a ball on the floor for probably three quarters of an hour and wailed and cried at the top of my lungs ripped with conviction and pride so I got up from that place and confessed my sin to the whole church told him what happened to me it's amazing the word for the lady was dead-on and I still gave it to her but I gave it to her in fear and trembling and real soft and quiet so much afraid to give it to I said it all started when I looked at you ma'am and what I heard in my heart was this and is it you up I said I know it's really detailed but it's just God and yeah just that's a come on stand up up come on up here I said I want to pray for you and just God's just telling me that and I'm doing a room when oh my she's laying way back there on the floor and I was like oh dear Jesus so when I got home the fear Lords on me I begin to commune with him cry I cried a lot you let God take your voice and your trying to speak and you can't make a sound that's something and I I pulled way back I pulled way back and the Lord just left me just kind of respond that way I pulled way back I did some counseling I taught a little bit at my church but I pulled way back I said I didn't even go travel anywhere for a while it just you let it happen to you you could tell me I should've this or that but you let you let God take your voice that if one day I was sitting early in the morning reading my Bible and praying about some things you know a community and the Lord sit down right beside me it's like he put his arm around me and he said hey when I got your attention back there and I knew what he was saying he said I I didn't tell you to turn off and I don't want you to be afraid just understand it's me he begin to father me talk to me about multiplying equipping and that's it okay and slowly I began to come out of that kind of grow up into him in some ways he was directing me so I started we started praying for the sick all the time and services but I'll get everybody involved I can't tell you how many people have gotten empowered how many people have been healed how many emails I get and people say man that was the first time I ever really stepped out and prayed and oh my goodness you made it so simple dad had had it since we're gonna do tonight okay can we do it we won't take super long I know I do everything long I'm sorry he was a gift of long I'm a teacher I dub teach when you pray for the sick there's two things you'll run into lots of different situations but there's two things you learn in two you'll run into people that if they were healed in that moment they wouldn't necessarily know they'd have no way to gauge that because it comes and goes its internal what we need to test you following me you have to be no way to know and then there's other people that would absolutely know because they have physical symptoms impairment weakness grinding pain whatever you guys know what I'm saying you got two categories here's what you need to understand you have to need to understand this they're both the same ones not easier than the other they both require faith and they're both the same don't favor one over the other don't get intimidated by one or the other some people tell me what it's easier to pray for people if they wouldn't know if they were healed because she could just release faith because you don't have anything to check and you just believe and I'm like he's supposed to be sincere you're not it's not your this it's not an out who glad they can't check their body they might still be hurt and if they could that's a no they're both the same it's the same faith it's the same prayers here's what we need to know and I'll teach this everywhere I go your prayer your prayer never has and never will heal the sick it's his finished work it's what you believe about what he accomplished couple with the love he has for people that's where healing is I don't want to keep it so simple here tonight okay it's just real simple like you can teach for days on this stuff I think we've been over taught on a lot of this stuff and a lot of our teaching has come out of our experiences instead of His Word so be careful about that make sure that what you believe is because of Jesus's life not what happened or didn't happen what I believe comes from him in his life my mother passed from sickness that doesn't change his word your mother doesn't give me much confidence we're following Jesus not my scenario I'm growing I'm learning so are you if you're finding truth through my experience maybe we're looking in the wrong place because people say well pastor Dan's mom done sickness and I know he was praying for and he's walking to righteousness and he got a revelation and he didn't see her healed you can't tell me he didn't have a mustard seed I mean God must have want to heal people that's what people do I've seen it over and over you can't go there we're growing we're learning it's one of the most painful seasons turmoil seasons in my life because of what I preach and what I believe and I didn't know what I know now so I had some wrong beliefs but it was just emotional it was my mom and I go to a service and see people healed and there was my mom and once there was two people with the same disease she had all their symptoms left right at the order I just left the church I just didn't talk to I said I gotta go I was crying they were jumping around laughing and all excited and all their impairment left I mean it was dramatic and I don't let nobody touch me I'm like I'm in this thing right here I'm in this river I'm well I got a breakthrough today I'm going to go pray for my mom I drove all the way over a whole way across town to my mom laid hands on her nothing changed but then you live in that moment you turn it into a point in time all of a sudden face the point in time now you're now if it doesn't change you didn't get nothing belief is his hit miss win lose he does hew he doesn't heal when he told me through all this is faith is a position of your heart you believe for people if I'm walking down the street and I see somebody hurting and I can see they got something on their arm embraced in their honor like to keep their arm and I said hey what you do all I this I that does it hurt oh man does it hurt listen man are you in a hurry well yeah I gotta get it and I got this appointment listen give me 10 seconds okay this would be awesome just 10 seconds what I just want pray for you man please don't say now 10 seconds man really oh I don't know if I know listen man just 10 seconds want to believe God if I had have never seen this before I'd probably be a fool to just being talked like this but he's a healer and he changes things and I ain't praying just to see what might happen I'm believing he'll come that's aggressive I get when I talk to somebody so when I pray for them what happens if they say well I appreciate you praying but I got to get going and you prayed about 15 seconds not 10 so I got a roll I have one lady say well thanks for trying thanks for trying see I used to affect me and you stud I would live by that moment a lot of Christians a lot of us won't pray for people because we're afraid nothing will happen so then we don't pray so we already have what we're afraid of so I think we ought to just get over all that and get over us and go after it right so we're gonna pray too not for the sick I'm gonna get you guys involved with me we're gonna do is clean and quick as I can but it'll be fun it'll be effective Jesus okay he's good he gives people he just steals people it just does and what he gets excited about is if people in need of healing that have a situation or humble enough to say hey this is in my life this is a situation I've been encountering I know it's not God's will I just believe he has something for me called healing see a lot of people are so taught and over taught they're like well I don't want to stand up pray because I don't want to claim it I don't want the pharmacist is any among you sick let him ask you can ask without taking on the identity you could ask without empowering it all you're doing is saying man I got this situation in my body and then I just know it's not my lot in life he is so good so amazing he changes things he loves me just pray with me I just believe he wants to heal this is simple you see what I'm saying so tonight it pleases him and excites him if you have a situation less than what you'd call holding and you'd say how won't somebody believe with me I'll tell you what really excites him is somebody would get out of their chair and say I'll be that person that believes it's one thing if I would line you all up and pray and flow in my gift and look try to get some momentum and I know some folks would get healed and and that would be great for them and I get all that but I think we can have that same fruit if we all just step out in faith I believe we can have that same result that's what I'm fixed on I've been believing that for a long time and and seeing God do cool things when we pray like this are you with me you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 43,945
Rating: 4.7875648 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, King's Fire Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 28sec (7708 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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