✝️ He knows why He paid a High Price - Power and Love - Dan Mohler

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see see the gospel turns most of the ways we think 180 like a lot of Christians using their face to get green lights like they call that favor he's like let the light be red most Christians are used in their faith for nobody in the line at the grocery store he said getting the biggest one see how see how the gospel changes things it's pretty cool so uh Wow hey that first session you guys were here right when Todd was sharing I was pretty happy about that I was like that was really solid I felt like we could have just all went home and just walked in love for the rest of our lives and stayed free just figured we could have been done so we had this phrase for years where we were freaks we'd whoever would go first the other one would always say dude you said everything there is to say what am i I used to say to Todd cuz he always go over time and I'd say you just taught everything jesus ever told you but that's how I felt this morning was that solid or what so you know when you're hearing the gospel when your hearts encouraging it's bringing life Grace's and empowerment grace isn't an excuse lip grace is God's working ability on your behalf you're saved by grace through faith when you put faith in the truth and you trust what he said through what he did grace comes to make that truth your reality without you biting your lip to change that's how grace works that's you being with him and your heart starts to see and you begin to get these knowings in your life would you just know paul writes about it john writes about it you can look up in the scripture many places and you see and knowing and coming to know and we've come to know and believe it's all through your bible so it's just a real big deal the strength of this morning and i feel it in my heart i'm just gonna kind of camp there a little bit i'm just glad you guys are here and you guys seem excited like yeah you really do it's it's it's fun like I know Todd experiences this everywhere he goes I'm I I'm a little more stealthy I'm kind I don't advertise my schedule I go into some smaller churches if I advertise we probably run into trouble I wouldn't be able to do what I feel called to do but uh everybody's always excited and I'm thinking this message we're preaching it calls for change like it's it's telling us who we are so we can live in what he paid for so it's not like a bless you fill your vats and barn kind of message it's like get your heart transformed in and live in the spirit and walk like Jesus walked amen and yet people yeah people are like yeah like like you just yeah and I'm like this is awesome so it just excites me cuz that's kind of all we know to preach cuz he changed when he changes your life then you just share that message like like I never read my Bible to preach a sermon but I never feel unprepared like I've never read my Bible to preach I've always read my Bible to know him and when you get to know him then you live your life in him and then you have a lot to talk about so it's never just theological it's actually really real and it has a Grace and a anointing to impart into hearts if you preach what you see it causes other eyes to go and see so I'm excited about it so I'm just gonna preach something I've been living really for 23 years you hear Todd's say and you know about no guilt condemnation shame some people have a hard time relating to that because they almost go through that all the time and it's never a place for guilt condemnation and shame in a born-again believers life so even if you even if you even if you slip up we're not talking about even perfection here and we're not making an excuse to just slip and fall what we're saying is even if you do slip and fall into something the fact that you care now I don't think we make enough for this we just think you should be broken and crying for two days to show your serious it never produces anything good you camp there long enough it'll it'll mess you up the fact that you care about what you used to not care about me you've changed on the inside like you couldn't even be guilty condemned or ashamed if you weren't alive inside like those things with their perverse they're a perverse way of responding but they wouldn't have nowhere to land if you weren't pure on the inside like if you didn't care you wouldn't care this isn't complicated like you couldn't be condemned if you didn't care but condemnation is never the answer so you got to get a hold of truth and keep going after him and truth makes you free so I just want to encourage you to kill condemnation and shame our lives from the devil there are three major tools of Hell and they're never the kingdom of God never the kingdom of God God doesn't use them ever at any level they're all anti finished works of the cross and they never produce life you with me I feel I feel most Stern in that only I'm smiling but I I can't say it's serious enough there anti finished works of the cross Gil condemnation and shame and a pastored for a while I've been a Christian for a little bit been around a lot of folks for a lot of times and there are three major things that seem to be in people's lives on a regular basis and it doesn't ever have to be you never Adam hiding from God again he took off the things Adam made to try to cover his mistakes you can't cover yourself he closed you in righteousness you got to understand that you never do what Adam and Eve did in 1st John 2 it says but brother and I write these things so you do not sin it doesn't say but when you do it says if you do we ought to notice these words because most of us are expecting to it doesn't say when you do it says if you do that's pretty awesome and he's not preaching perfection there what you want to do is you want to let grace take you where it's possible to go and if you believe things about based on yourself you might miss the grace that changes you like a few way human experience above the working power of God you might stay the same and just have a confession we have so lorded where we've all been we don't do it on purpose it's just we believe what we've lived is who we are and he's saying none of that is as anything to do with who you are that's why he calls it all dead that's why you have to die if you're ever gonna live in Christ you have to die so it takes away everything you've been why are we studying our human experience and past practice so heavily why are we following our own human experience when we're called to follow him why do we say stuff like well yeah but you know how we were yeah but nobody's gonna but yeah we're always and we've kind of created a language through the way it's been in our life's experience and Jesus through the cross is saying what are you talking about like that's supposed to be everything dead it should die in your language too like if you wake up and expect to fail no wonder you fail because you think you're a failure if you wake up and expect to sin you think it's holy - and humble to wake up and say okay look we're all sinners thank God he considers us I'll just do the best I can today it doesn't bring glory to God that's why people are messing up all the time what they think they are is what they produce if you wake up and believe you're a son your life will start looking like sonship if you actually wake up and believe you're right in the sight of God guilt and condemnation shame don't have a landing strip on your soul it can never come in like if you understand you're clean and your holy and you're blameless and you're above reproach not because we're arrogant and we're speak in vanity because we read our Bibles we read our Bibles and he said this is where I've placed you through my finished work if if we would ever just get this that if he says I forgive you through the blood then be forgiven period like period if he says you're right in my sight I love you being loved be right in his sight period there is no yell but there's no well I feel but you don't know where I've been but you don't know my background it's irrelevant he knows everything and he came and he washed it all away and and and and I love the fact that you guys are so excited about this thing you talk so freely I would talk this freely if you weren't excited I just would people need this truce it's his truth that makes free and even if people say to me like they say do you ever get an atmospheres whether you feel resistance of us I don't even pay attention to that resistance what's resistance if Jesus paid attention to resistance come on he he's amazing and and he just lived that life that he preached and he modeled it for us and he invited us in to follow him and now he sits at the right hand he's serious like he sits at the right hand of God mediating on our behalf through the blood of Jesus sits on the mercy seat like that's exciting that I want to look at that more than my ability to fail I want grace to save me I want grace to change me not enable me to stay the same change me it's not it's not this is not grace boy I really blew up on my spouse today thank God for His grace no his grace keeps you from blowing up his grace isn't there - excuse you when you mess up it's there to empower you when you see truth are you with me come on guys we can live this life or he wouldn't call us to it I found this in 2nd Peter 1 it's there and you know it's cool if I turn there it's still there you better get childlike with me you better get simple or life's gonna start speaking a little louder than truth in your soul and all of a sudden you'll believe you're not free alisonj you let something matter moreover what matters most all of a sudden you won't be seeking first the kingdom you'll be seeking your own well-being your own feelings your own yeah be careful with that stuff when I found this in second Peter it says you have exceedingly you all I everybody we have exceedingly great and precious promises by which meaning through these promises we partake of His divine nature what's he saying I have assured through my word that you'll receive everything necessary to be transformed to become one with me divine nature where I'm not just gonna give you a theology of positional right standing I'm gonna put Who I am on the inside of you through the person of Holy Spirit exceedingly great and precious promises by which you partake of His divine nature watch having escaped remember out of darkness into light remember acts delivered from the power of Satan to the power of God right by which you partake of His divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust the word lust there has nothing to do with pornography it has to do with self-centered desire so self-centered desire and His divine nature are totally contrasted you can't be a Christian for your sake messed up never work no wonder people are miserable going to church if they're a Christian for their sake discouraged people show up for services all the time and it's a dead giveaway that life is deciding who they are not the life in them and it doesn't mean they're evil it doesn't mean they're hypocrites it doesn't even mean they're mean or matter or bad I'm not saying a bad thing I'm saying we're destroyed for the lack of knowledge and in all your getting get understanding III don't believe this is impossible I don't believe it's too big of a test for God I believe there could be such a pouring out of truth on the earth that people could show up Sundays to gather together and really be excited to celebrate him together and stir each other in love and good works and break like a football huddle and just go back out from where they came and look a little more like him and when they got there instead of walking in with a sad face because you didn't get the rent paid or walking in with a sad face because of something and give drawing attention to yourself or your countenance and what was starting to reduce to the highest grace you're receiving is that it seems like somebody cares that's just this way man get out of that rat race somebody cares yeah you don't you don't ever have to do that the rent might not be paid but you still woke up with the same purpose Christ too still in you he's still the hope of glory is this thing contingent on everything you're hoping to happen or is he just Lord come he'll come high water do you shine do you walk like he walk do you follow him or do you just try out to him come on guys just just if the gospel could do this little in your motives oh my goodness wouldn't it be amazing if people didn't know how to be discouraged and we actually believed it was possible see a lot of teachers won't tell you this publicity that's over preaching you're in denial that's an extreme everybody's gonna have their moments brother that thing's out of bounds were all this way no we've studied a fallen man we've bought in and said this is us he told us to be born again brand new creatures put off the old put on the new come on if he can change my mind my I through changing my heart he surely changed my whole life wouldn't it be amazing to gather together with no discouragement in the room and if somebody did show up that way we'd sniff it out and encourage them and get that root out that lie what what Todd not Todd kept referring to our talk this morning we were just talking about people being minister trades they always think prayer is the answer prayer is very important make no mistake about it but when you look at prayer in a personal level it's usually prayers of committal giving yourself intimacy communion communion prayers of supplication and prayers for all the saints and for leaders in authority the primary prayer we pray is needs driven it's everything I need everything I want everything I fear so we're feeling a certain way and we say I think I need prayer hey can you pray you just pray this thing off of me it's not a thing training this thing off of you it's getting something out of your belief system stop and relating to the moment in the experience into the feeling too because if you just live out of your feelings you're just a feeling away from another day so then we get reduced to believe it if I don't feel different I'm not free so we keep going after the same kind of ministry that's what Todd was trying to explain this morning and all the sudden we're doing the person injustice we just need to tell people who they really are you don't need prayer most of the time in those situations like we think people you wake up in the morning okay watch you wake up in the morning it happens to people either I've gotten these phone calls over the years and I'm not making fun of anybody I won't expose something so you just never find yourself here and alarm clocks bleep in you were Restless it wasn't seeking Jesus like Todd woke up seven times some of us rolled a little all of a sudden it was 2:30 and you had to pee and you were like oh now I'm up and you laid there for 40 minutes trying to fight it off and ignore it and now at 2003 you finally got out of bed and you went to the bathroom and you got back and you looked at the clock and thought ooh got a little more time before that alarm and then at 6 o'clock man I really don't like that scene I just like to be woken up by the Lord but some people choose that road and man then they're like oh I get it all and then you torture yourself and you hit snooze you torture yourself you just feed your flesh you just fuel your flesh for nine minutes you get yourself to actually believe this is a good thing nine minutes nine minutes goes by me and if you're really fleshy you'll just hit it one more time and then you finally finally finally muster up the ability to get out of bed Europe and you're just heading to the bathroom and all of a sudden you say oh man oh man I feel like oh man I thought oh I know this feeling I felt this way two weeks ago it was the worst day of my life I barely made it and you say I need prayer it's amazing how we get I need prayer I need prayer I need prayer I need prayer you probably don't you probably need Communion and relationship with Holy Spirit he's he's standing there waiting to be with you and you're calling your friend to get him and he's like [Laughter] [Applause] and you're and he's right here what what is what if I'm not being mean I'm not being sarcastic don't leave watch I'm not being mean when I said this way it's just the way I hear it what is so difficult about believing he's there and I'm teaching your heart that that's true what's so difficult about just not calling anybody in that moment because that's all feeling driven man if you're gonna be feeling driven I promise you feelings are never gonna be good in your life I'm full of feelings but they're actually amazing they don't hinder me they're not at the cost of anybody I'm passionate I'm arranging the half the time I have to tone down to communicate I'm feeling all kinds of stuff but it has nothing to do with lies the limitation and pain and hurt and sorrow and despair are you okay there's a there's a salvation to all these things there's a saving of your soul of your mind and your emotions to where you're living out of the true god-given motive in your life and then everything that follows is an agreement to the wellspring inside called motives if your motive is self-centered you're very feeling orient and it's all about me all that's how I feel about what needs to change for me to be okay all about who has to say what not say what for me to be okay but man if you learn to Matthew 16 it and deny yourself in Matthew 6:33 and seek ye first the kingdom of God everything about sir emotions begins to change because the motive in your life and the wellspring in your life is different now you're not waking up for you you're waking up for his great name you're waking up to bring glory to the one that we we love you're waking up to shine you're waking up to live in the spirit and walk in the spirit to commune with him and know him and love people know him because you do that motive would change how you respond on that morning if you're seeking first the kingdom of God all of a sudden Holy Spirit I appreciate you in my life man probably shouldn't drink so much right before bed huh I felt like I had to get up there and I fought it off and you know the story I didn't even sleep that much man it don't mean a thing this thing's trying to tell me my day and blah blah blah blah two weeks ago you are in me and you're amazing and god I thank you you're the lover my soul you the strength of my body you're my all in all and I appreciate that today I ain't got nothing to prove to you I have the joy of becoming and you're in my life empowering me and now you're heading to the bathroom you're freshening up you're in the shower law the next thing you know you don't even remember what it was like when you got out of it and you didn't call anybody for prayer you just know him a little more than you did about ten minutes ago there's a problem when we just keep reaching out this way and don't establish this because you become so dependent on this and then if you're calling brother so-and-so or sister so-and-so if they're not sharp they become the prayer warrior in the church they're the one that prays you through they're the one that reads your mail and if they're not really walking in total fellowship now their identity is based on what they're doing and everybody's leaning on them and they're useful and needful I'm not saying it has to be messed up but it can get messed up quick people do it took me a lot they don't do it much anymore because I talk about them people put everything on YouTube so it's good because people use everywhere I'd go to preach people would just swore me hey can you pray for me they answer me can you just I don't know just pray this thing off of me just pray a Kaffir get this I think it's just I don't pray for a lot of that I'll say what do you really believe it's prayer let me ask you what does that have anything to do with what you really believe what about this and then I'll share a couple truths based on what they're telling me and they go huh wow I think I think we just got this idea you know oh man if they're walking with God if they're walking with God if she's walking with God he just touch me hi but if your belief system doesn't change you'll be in the line the next time a speaker rolls into town why because life will keep speaking louder than truth and how you feel will sneak up on you if you don't change what you see you'll never change what you be you're with me the eye is the lamp of the body if the eye is single just sees through truth just sees through him the eye single Hey look good for single eye it's not wide view lens multiple choice yell but well you know no no it's single eye just looks the truth it looks through him this stuff is so amazing like we've got to learn what it means I'm gonna talk about it for a little bit and we'll just talk about like these sessions when you it wasn't the testimonies fun now look there's always zero to power in love and originally grown a lot of you've been dope our love before so it's not like don't ever put on a false sense of something man let it be your life let it be who you are don't just let the moment bill don't just put on a you know an outreach jacket now you got two peoples Ellis with you so we're gonna win the city you can put on a false sense of boldness false sense of ministry identity a false sense of a lot of things when things are seemingly in the moment and they're their intentional ministry this is a simple stepping stone into how it can be in your life and Todd clearly explained that this morning that you just pump gas we just used the lunchtime and dinnertime as a stepping stone into the things that are stirring yeah but never this is not a ministry thing it's just you you're living in Jesus so you love people you recognize some things and stuff and you're aware and you're alert and you just live this way yeah so you're never looking for ministry you just live in your life in Jesus yeah and sometimes he highlights people and sometimes you just know they already matter anyway you say well I didn't really feel led what did you suffer ever heard that well I wasn't feeling that brother well the Bible already told you to go and as you go and Tom where's Tom Rotolo he didn't mean the bathroom remember how he said that as you go that was quick that was funny the girl was talking about in the bathroom and he said well as you go know as you go we're just us guys are amazed by you women how free you are where we need you freedom that you have in the bathroom we don't have that free men we don't have that freedom in the bathroom do we like they're like let's go to the bathroom together like they got potpourri in there it's like a living room in the bathroom I I had to go in and turn the light out of church in the ladies bathroom I walked in I thought I walked into somebody's like one room apartment I was like oh and I went I was you should see me I'm not joking I was like [Music] that decor and potpourri a little chair and a cushiony thing and I'm like they hang out in here like they talk to the feet like you don't do that in a men's room you get in you get out and you look at the wall that's what you do am I telling the truth if you're a guy and you walk in the bathroom and you just look like this this way everybody goes and they push in closer and there's Keef right the whole way up and down nobody can go there like I think he's looking dude you want to mess people up you just go in there and say hey guys how's it going if so I went into a bathroom one time and they were all lined up and there was the little kids one I said now wouldn't it just be like Jesus - give me the little child he said lest you become like look they're like he's talking in the men's room it's so funny think you got a urinal some of them have little walls but ones that don't have walls it's serious and and I am I telling the truth you could be walking with your body into the men's room talking as soon as you hit the door the conversation stops am i telling the truth silent you get in you freeze you stare at your block and don't peek and you get out of there and Suze you get outside you're talking I mean we won't even go like this for the stalls you know you're walking you're looking in tracks to see if you see a jacket or a foot or like am I telling the truth you ladies I heard this I heard that in the ladies room the children are crawling the stalls go up the wrong set of legs and your mommies over there it's amazing we need your freedom ladies well these days dude we're gonna be inside I'm gonna say hey buddy let's go to the bathroom we're gonna try it I'm gonna build up to it this conference is gonna get me free okay that's why we come man just for freedom it's for freedom that Christ made us free it's for freedom not debate it's for freedom not anger frustration and argument is for freedom so if your life and you know your life if you would say your life isn't free then you probably don't need prayer you probably need more truth because freedom is truth in the absence of freedom is the absence of truth the truth will make you free it doesn't say ministry will make you free why don't we always think we need more ministry it's an absence of truth if there's an absence of freedom so what I'm not seeing is taking advantage of my life so when all you're getting get understanding yeah come on it's just simple okay so here's the deal this is what I want to really talk about Todd was reading where were you reading this morning Romans 3 no but you started in Romans 3 let's go there man Romans 3 let's see what he was reading I'm gonna check in on Todd make sure he was reading the gospel ah it's a good chapter it's really good no wonder you were in there see I color my Bible so all this red is Redemption what I got through the blood what I've become because of him all this red all this red can you see all that red who it's beautiful blood red I'm just gonna start where it's red it says in verse 21 of Romans 3 but now the righteousness of God apart from the law apart from you earning working for anything see your whole life you were you were really only acknowledged when you did something wrong most of the time even when you did right you were expected to so nothing was said so you were definitely brought out in this thing when you did wrong a lot of people weren't even affirmed in their doing right because it was expected we don't understand how subtle this stuff is and when you did something wrong you got hit for it and it got exposed and you got yelled for about it you know depending on what family you grew up in but a lot of people can relate to what I'm saying but the only time you really got acknowledged and you're doing is when you miss something you were supposed to or expected to do and when you did that thing nothing was said because it was expected so there's a training from the time you that you have to earn everything that you've got that's why people quickly feel inadequate unworthy not worth right unworthy not worth this they can't hardly receive the message it sounds too good to be true because they know their life but he knows you created value purpose and destiny and he knows why he paid a high price yeah she he wants to pull you out of that place and put his life in you and give you something brand-new so what Todd was saying this morning I just applaud it over and over I was like that was so solid like you can't add anything to it it was that solid so so I just want to expound on this word righteousness because you mentioned it so I'll just take my session and teach out what that it actually means because see you have to start where Jesus finished or you'll never run well I'm gonna say that again if you don't start if your starting point isn't where he finished then you're not on that right just Road you're not you're gonna you're gonna try to earn something he already did you're gonna try to measure up to something he already measured you in you're gonna try to work hard to prove something that he already said through his cross like he already said watch this before you did one thing in the Lord at all through his blood and through his resurrection he already said your life is worthy of this it has nothing to do with what you did it has to do with what you're created for he knows our created value he knows what he purchased he didn't invite see one of the biggest stumbling blocks honestly and we made it the most awesome message is that it's all about going to heaven it's it's actually become one of the biggest stumbling blocks that isn't the priority of the cross is to put new life inside of you it's to transform you to cause old things to die and put new things in you we've made the whole gold across to take me to heaven instead of having coming in to me and living the life he intended from the beginning so we're really distracted because we actually think we pray this prayer to go to heaven but I'm the way I am and probably always going to be that way and hopefully I'll shape up or brush up a little it's disastrous it's such a lie on the night I got saved it had nothing to do with going to heaven I wasn't shunning hell in gaining heaven I was dying to the lie I was living daily so I could live every day for the rest of my life in a truth and of course I'm gonna live forever that's a benefit I'm one with the eternal one he's never gonna leave me or forsake me or change his mind about me and he ain't never gonna die so I'm gonna live with him forever that's a good deal but that's if that's all your motivation is life's gonna catch up with you people are gonna hurt you and break your heart and then you'll sell cheap when you're not for sale and you'll say well what do you expect if you went through that brother well you don't know how that was you don't know what I've been through we you don't know what they did to me we don't what who's like if you'd ever hear Jesus saying that you might have an excuse but you never heard Jesus talk like that you ain't never saw Jesus in mopey mood like mopey mode just sitting on the Mount of Olives rubbing his fingers through his beer how do you know he had a beard cuz I have one we're one Oh somebody's gonna crucify me for that okay you know there's people just waiting for you to say something they don't agree with there are people that do not know the Lord do you understand that Jesus talked to people for years and he's the truth and they killed him for what he said that's scary there was never anybody more right than Jesus and they were so sure he was wrong they killed him why is it any different today scary could you picture Jesus sitting on the Mount of Olives and he's just bombed and Peter comes walking up what is it Lord hey are you okay yeah I don't know Peter but Lord I've never quite seen you well I've been thinking you know Peter I'm just gonna bury my heart with you man I'm done always just saying I'm okay I'm good I'm good I'm good you know I feel like I'm supposed to because I'm supposed to be the example and but the truth is men these people I mean the more good I do the worse they treat me the more truth I share the more they call it lies I mean I raised Lazarus and now they want to kill me they're just so twisted I don't they don't appreciate me I feel so unloved I mean I don't even know if I want to go face them today they're gonna come in throng me again and they're gonna listen and then god I don't even know why he does this Lord I don't know why you let me hear their thoughts their farts all cool like I mean I don't even really appreciate the gifting at this point because I can really handle all these things they're thinking but you ought to be a my shoes Peter and see how I feel you're doing good and they call it bad you're doing right and they call it wrong after a while a guy can only take so much so Peter I think the best thing you can do is just put your hand on my head and pray man just read and then John comes walking up John come here no don't say a word you're not laying on me today I am laying on you please John just hold me John just hold me don't say anything just hold me it'd be so weird so that chapters not in your Bible yay and he said were to follow him not that so watch this he never taught us that so where'd we learn it he never taught us this this example that we're all laughing at cos we can relate to the way we'd all be feeling if we were in his shoes in that day but he never taught us that and he's the good teacher and he said let no one on earth be your teacher you have one teacher he's the Christ so if he never taught us that word we learn everything we say we know sounds like we ought to put off the old and put on the new sounds like we all had died everything that ever was so we can live to the truth of who he is sounds like our lives are called to be transformed sounds like it's more than a confession in a position we take seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus whoo maybe it's living everyday in him and living by the spirit maybe it's not a confession of position maybe it's where you're at in this earth maybe you're in the world but you're not of the world maybe every day you would wake up by the mercies of God you present yourselves a living sacrifice acceptable unto Him it's your reasonable service of worship and you are not conformed to this world but transform because you think like you never thought before yeah I bet that's Christianity yeah so 2nd Peter 1 says you have great precious promises by which you partake of His divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust so what Jesus wants to do through the cross is put his life inside of you and his spirit inside of you his ways inside of you his motives inside of you his heart inside of you he doesn't want you to just pray for the sick he wants you to take on his heart and nature we say your will be done on earth as it is in heaven right how it would be done in so we say no cancer in heaven no on earth and we get revved up to pray against cancer because we have a dead giveaway that this ain't in heaven it should be on earth and faith rises and it's true you go ahead and do that right but why is it always have to do with the power of God why isn't it always about the heart of God there's no animosity in heaven there's no jealousy there's no hurt and brokenness there's no regret there's no despair in heaven see we've let life teach us who we are and he said now I'm gonna show you who you are now follow me so you can only find your identity through him anything else was going to be a lie I'll show you short you can only find the truth about you through the truth and he has a name yeah come on we were taught a language we were taught emotions you you didn't you God did not give us the emotions we grew up with let's stop putting that on him well God gave us emotions no he didn't Adam gave you those emotions they got all twisted up through separation from God and Adam became self-centered he was loved a minute ago now he's cut off from love and in need of love and he's self-centered and he can't even take responsibilities blaming God he's blaming the woman [Music] it's the first effective sin Adam did you eat the tria forbid uni it was the woman you gave me he couldn't say yes but what he did say is if you when they gave me the woman I probably wouldn't they ate the tree you guys deal with it but don't look at me self-defense self protecting self-justification me me me self self self come on you can't be a Christian for you you can't be a Christian for blessing you can't be a Christian for well-being and that's not being taught in the church actually it's being taught that's why you're a Christian for him to fill all your vats and barns and then the people who ain't working out for that way are discouraged and wondering why God's failing them and they can't have a relationship because they have a genie who ain't grant no wishes I am NOT a Christian for full vats and barns I am a Christian to become the man he paid for that he intended from the beginning and anything less is unacceptable because he purchased this and grace will take us there yeah come on and if the way I'm thinking the way I'm believing the way I'm responding to others isn't producing life then I'm not following him if I'm just hurt and taken back and self-centered and and conscious of myself and Lois steamed and all about me I'm missing something because I'm to seek ye first the kingdom of God yeah that means you wake up every day and think about how your life can bring him glory how your life can rightly represent his name without striving without pushing and shoving just in relationship becoming that thing he paid for through the person of Holy Spirit no sudden your motives come into agreement and he aligns your eye to what he sees and next thing you know you're just living your life in Christ yeah come on if we would focus there and suddenly even there's there's good folks trying to be good that's a mistake enjoy being his wake up and be his wake up and already beloved wake up and be his favorite even though I am you can claim it if you want be his favorite yeah go Wanderers Christians would get out of bed and stand up in the morning and they know they got to go to work and the bosses been acting out of control and their co-worker he's been unfair and irrational and sometimes still tipsy from the night before and wonder if none of that would bother you nerds it is an honor to have the sphere of influence and step into the middle of all that and just shine instead of God I thought you loved me why didn't you change my boss by now and if I have to work with Billy again without alcohol in his breath I don't know what I've done wrong to deserve this hell in judgment you need to get me a new job god I ain't even here in your prayer closet ain't prayer those words are coming out of your mouth and they ain't even get near the drywall the ceiling to drop yeah I put in four other applications and I haven't got one phone call god what have I done to deserve this you need to show me favor I can show your scriptures where I found favor in your sight if you'd be really listening I forgave you I wrote you in the book of life I don't remember your sins anymore I replaced your old nature with my nature how about putting it on [Applause] come on this is just a simple gospel it's all about change anything that allows you to complain is alive from Hell Satan would love to keep you believing you have rights when you already died to yourself how can you deny yourself and be driven by so many rights well I feel well I think well that hurt well they shouldn't well how come will you how do you deny yourself and all those things keep living what is how you feel have anything to do with it what you believe should Trump how you feel in time should just overtake it and bring that thing into alignment if you get tempted to feel sorry for yourself you're a warning trap Hell itself could you picture Jesus feeling sorry for himself what's the matter Lord oh well I got to carry this cross now I mean I've done nothing wrong I mean Barabbas killed a man I raised the dead he's causing conspiracy I'm trying to make peace here something's confused but I'll do it anyway but it's not fair could you picture Jesus on the cross in an analytical whirlwind moment of human reasoning you bunch of idiots look what you've done to me if you haven't seen by now you will never see I've done nothing but good this is the best you could do to me open up your eyes you bunch of fools we don't understand his language in the world we grew up in makes an amazing talk show he's a victim and were villains but nobody wins in that scenario because the victim stay victims in the villain stay villains but in the gospel we get born again and he comes with righteous judgment to swallow up all the wrong and give new identity to everyone involved so this is what he says when he's on the cross forgive them father they're blind and deceived and they don't know who they are but we know we know from the beginning and if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me and it would be awesome then if he would just look out into our eyes through that kind of teaching when you piece all together and speak to our hearts and we could hear Jesus on the cross saying stuff like this I know who you are people and your worth every stripe on my back your worth every blow to my head I've known you all from the beginning we've been there from the beginning me and the Father and we've known you we know why you're here and we know who you are and you're worth this price don't shy away draw unto me take it take it and run well let heaven come inside of you let my spirit come inside of you you were not made for you you were not made for the flesh you were made for my kingdom and you were made for my glory and you were made for my great name don't be amazed that I would hang here and die of course I would it is worth it all you're worth it all cuz I know who you are in me and I know who I am in you so rise up and believe don't believe your feelings don't believe the world don't believe your former pains believe me says the Lord wouldn't that be cool that's what the gospel says ya see the gospel isn't something to argue over it's a life to become and if you don't catch that you'll get caught up in the arguments it's not about sitting over coffee and debating your belief system it's about walking in love towards the people all around you come on be real with me we've walked into settings wondering if anybody noticed wonder if anybody greet us well I know people who left churches that ain't going back here I wasn't too loving and I say it should have been you were there you're mr. collie we're always waiting for what somebody can do for us instead of how he can make us more like him you with me come on we can live this thing man I know this I didn't live the past life that Todd lived but I lived in myself in such a terrible way I personally believe I was as selfish as any man that ever walked the earth it's okay for me to have that belief it's not condemnation it's sobering I saw the wretchedness of selfishness in my life and the reason I got saved that night I didn't ever want to live another day for me because I saw it was an absolute zero and I cried I was I was horrified when I saw the selfish state of my heart and I realized I was living at the expense of everyone in my life because it was all about me I had zero capacity to love in selfishness I had zero capacity to be sincere and genuinely care I said what I needed to say I did what I needed to do but the ultimate result was for me and it was the most horrific sight I ever had On June 9th of 1995 and I just cried and cried and said my life is pitiful it is one big empty nothing I can't live another day this way I kept saying the Lord I have to be the most selfish man on the earth I kept saying that over and over and I believed it I still do I'm glad I believed it because you know what he did he 180 that thing so what I gave him he took it and then gave me what was from the beginning also Narula I died to live I didn't ask Jesus into my heart I didn't if I die tonight if I hit a tree when I leave the meeting are you ready where will you go that isn't how I got saved Holy Spirit let me see in my heart there was no denial allowed and it was the most horrifying sight of my life the state of my heart I didn't want to be that one more day and I said and he said and that's a big deal oh really baby watch this I was I was separated from my wife for five months we weren't communicating I was already at an attorney and I was celebrating divorce I already had plans to move in with a girl eight years younger than me and just start afresh feed my flesh and right in the middle of all that Jesus came I was celebrating that I was separated I said to my wife good I'm glad you're finally there with me so we can move on what did I waste 13 years of my life with you for arrogant vanity twisted deception all at her expense yeah just think what that does to a woman talking like that but for those 13 years on your nights off he wanted her to go to bed with you you wanted to have a marriage relationship you Wanda yeah and then when it all falls apart yeah thirty minutes after my born-again experience my wife came to mind it took 30 minutes because I was so overwhelmed by him I you have no idea I was running around at work in the aisle back and forth I know I was pulling my hair I was jumping I was freaking out I was going you real you real you're really real I was freaking out and he left me there with him nobody came in nobody disturbed that moment he just left me freaked out I'll never forget it I had to work I said I got to work but you're real huh I get a case you're so real I put my case down it was just I was freaking out 30 minutes in you say you're still freaking out brother no I calm down just enough to communicate that's about all I've done but 30 minutes in I thought of my wife I would have told you I hated her before work I thought of my wife and I went oh my goodness she's such a peacemaker she's trying so hard she just took this thing silently oh my goodness I ran her out of gas I pushed her over the edge she has tried so hard she has been so good to me what happened my I changed would like him into me when I died to self I couldn't see through me anymore all the sudden I'm looking through the Spirit of God and all of a sudden for the first time in my life I knew I loved I was like and the more I thought about her the more I wanted to hug her the more I thought about it the more I cried the more I wanted to tell her I'm sorry all the sudden I was blind but now I see it was amazing now my wife wasn't having this kind of encounter my wife was sitting at home with a 26 year old that used to have Harley's pull up at her driveway multiple Harley's they'd stay all weekend I was I used to call her a biker chick kind of degrade her and get cynical it was just cuz I didn't have a Harley I was jealous I was wishing I had all I remember being degenerate like that I remember her she would come out and do her garden and her wet flowers on purpose she wear the stringing us bikini she couldn't she put her butt to the road and she'd pull her weeds and I remember looking out my garage going oh my goodness she was my wife's counselor teaching my wife how to live and have fun and make the most of the moment so while I'm getting delivered she's at home hurt by me because I outweighed her revelation of Jesus I weighed the love so she's smoking a joint it's just the craziest story my wife if you knew my wife it's mind-boggling she's sitting about smoking passion a a doobie Jackie you know my wife she's sitting there smoking pot and they got a little mixed drink on the picnic table she's she's sitting there talking this is it be just like my husband to come home when these days and say I found the Lord when she said that she told me all this later cuz she was so mmm when she said that while she's saying that I'm at work getting absolutely undone by Jesus so guess what they guess guess what a little counselor said she said well don't you listen and don't you ever go back you know how men are they don't even realize they lost a good thing till they lost a good thing don't you ever reduce yourself and go back you make him pay you make him live without you now she's like yeah I ring the phone I don't even know what I'm doing I'm just God's real there wasn't insecurity it wasn't please come back to me I just rang the phone I said hey she said what do you want I said I'm not even sure I'm just overwhelmed I Sakura it's amazing God is so real and she would click we were trying to live in the same house so we didn't blow all a little bit of finances so when we divorced there wasn't nothing so we were sleeping in separate rooms but we wouldn't talk it was horrible put your children in that it's all because your hearts are hard it's not even about anymore who's right and wrong it's just your hearts are hard you've allowed each other to decide each other see you can't sell me cheap anymore you nobody's gonna talk me out of this thing I've been saved too long I've seen too much as a pastor we're letting a person decide who we are and how we are in the trouble is their name's not Jesus so we're making people Lord singing he's Lord and proven he's not we're letting what we've been through matter more than what he's been through we're drawing identity from stuff instead of him and we're saying well you wouldn't be talking like that if he lived in my home brother see you're already snared and in your mind your home is a justifiable circumstance to not pursue his image and walk in the spirit so your tomorrow is gonna always be yesterday until you find that to change well you don't know what they put me through well wonder if Jesus had that beef wonder if the cross time came and he said nope enough is enough you have no idea what they put me through see if you can't find it in his life don't give permission for it in your life and if you didn't learn it from him then you didn't learn it at all are you with me cuz I went home that night and she's quiet timid she's always in her room with the door closed she we ain't talking and that night when I walked in she was waiting for me in the living room and that is not my wife my wife is timid quiet I don't even know where the button was but she had I think her claws were that long she was like if I wasn't born again a couple hours ago I would probably been very scared I walked in and she told me how much of a fool I was why cuz she's hurt she doesn't understand you're a food animal er if you think you're gonna pull this you're just trying to get the family to side with you to come out smelling like a rose and make me look like the witch do you see what's happening it's all about ourselves isn't it so about how we appear to others all about what everybody thinks so all of a sudden you're a cat in a corner and I'm standing there and I'm like I feel so sorry I want to tell her but she's gonna call my eyes out if I try to say I'm sorry and I didn't feel like I needed to right then I was like now at the time I'm just thinking god you're real woah and she's talking and I couldn't wait to go talk to the lord in my bedroom and I just said look I understand you know I get um you know sorry the best I can say but and I just took off I went to the bedroom I remember days being in my bedroom just pray and I would just come out to go to work I remember one day I come to the door I open the door and she was standing right outside the door because she was listening I'm not ditional my wife I'm showing you what pain can do to a woman that she's amazing my wife she I watched her fellowship with God every day my wife's doing so good she has a heart for people she cries when somebody calls me and says something she says what's going on and I'll tell her she'll just start crying and she'll just go pray she's just the sweetest thing and she's ministering to some ladies that she used to work with staying in touch doing visit stuff my wife's a very good girl but man back then she didn't know what she sees now all she saw was the wretched husband she was married to so she let where I wasn't decide where she was so every day she was a product of my dysfunction and now I'm changed and she's mad because you have to make up for it we think well I'll never forget what you put me through if God took that initiative we're all done see you see we did not get this language from the Lord this thing is all about becoming love and being changed but she's standing outside my door and it was I still remember it it's a great testimony did she share how things can change and how you can respond because here's the deal guys I will be straight with you if I'm doing all this just to get my marriage back and I'm insecure or am ill motived why would I expect Holy Spirit to be involved some of us are so insecure we're like just trying to get our spouse to change their mind and the more insecure you get the more you solidify they don't want to change their part I thought people come to me as opposed you gotta pray for me you gotta pray for my spouse to come home and I'm like maybe that's not our priority prayer right now what do you mean they need to be with me we're supposed to be married how about if we prayed Christ gets formed in you and how about we just start praying that you grow up into him and live secure in Christ and get this first and then as God sees who he is in your life he can entrust who he is in you and he has something to bring them back to so he ain't just bringing him back to you lab would be a bummer just bringing him back to you she's standing outside the door she and her little arms crossed now listen to the analogy listen to analytical thinking you make me so angry you stand in there and you pray like you're some holy man I don't think so you live like the devil for 13 years and put me in those kids through now and now you're in there like you know God and I'm like what do I say I guess you could say welcome you know if you'd really guard your heart and protect your heart and not let me decide your life but you really be in free relationship with God you'd probably praying and seeking to be able to see that I am really transformed and I am the man of your dreams in the spirit and you probably so you don't say a word to her you lived so messed up you're not trying to change her you're being changed and you're gonna let your change begin to speak into her without you even realizing it or trying it because my goal isn't her changing I want to become the man he paid for period it's not what I can get out of God it's how I can be more like Kim that's the goal so seven weeks went by she fought me tooth and nail she went out of her way you can just stretch your mind she went out of her way to make me angry break my heart and get me to prove to her conscience that I was a hypocrite she just was looking for a reaction on me she could go aha and then relieve her conscience which was screaming because she knew the Lord I didn't when I met her she was six months saved looking for change in her life sadly enough at that time she met me wrong person at the time shouldn't even been together really honestly if we get right down to it God's just merciful and he makes things work together for the good but we had no business being together I told her I was a Christian the whole nine months we were engaged while he had to do is take one look at me for one day and know I wasn't a Christian I tried to sleep with her constantly I violated her conscience made her cry over and over and over and just kept telling her I love her yeah but now I do love her and she can't see it cuz she's hurt or pain manipulates you and unforgiveness manipulates you you're not made to carry that stuff it's not normal to heaven unforgiveness will mold you and shape you into something you're not unresolved conflicts hurt and pain will mold you and shape you into something you're not it'll cause you to do things you would never do if you were free and living in the spirit it'll generate desires of survival instinct and they'll be real to you and you'll live for the moment instead of live for him she fought me for seven weeks to break my heart but I didn't have a heart to break nobody was counseling me I didn't have one counselor in my life I had nobody in my life nobody I would just spend time in my bedroom in my Bible and Jesus would show him if I didn't have love I had nothing and he was showing me what it looked like and you know we always say about Jesus healing the brokenhearted and somehow we get the idea that we're all supposed to have broken hearts all the time and then he heals them come on he's not superglue he doesn't piece it back together and then you break it any pieces and break it no no he heals the brokenhearted he gives you a perspective to where your hearts not vulnerable anymore wonder if we teach people they don't have to be broken look in seven weeks I probably had a basis in marriage to say I was broken if somebody's going out of their way to hurt you you probably think you have a reason to be hurt but Jesus taught me I'll never have a reason for that so I couldn't even see hurt I couldn't even see pain I'm seven weeks old in the Lord and my heart was that protected in the truth that all I could do was weep for her cuz I knew I heard her and all I could do was weep for her cuz I knew it wasn't who she was she was deceived because she was hurt and I just wanted the honor of loving her for the first time in my life come on if this isn't legit you could just say oh well I'll love somebody else nope I'm married to her I want to love her for the first time in my life I'll finally see her value I would love I would love to walk that out yeah you say yeah but see yeah but she'd nothing god never said your name yeah but he'll yell but whoever came to the altar sincere and came for repentance and God just showed up on a throne sitting there oh it's you I'll tell you you've been bugging me for a long time friend I always thought I'd be happy on the day you finally came to this order but I'll tell you what I'm not so sure anymore it's good I don't slumbers because you two kept me up many a night remember six months ago I really moved to her heart you had the greatest opportunity to be saved that night and you pushed it off you shunned me you kicked against the bricks you went out and caused six more months of Hell and pain and now your backs against the wall and you want to come here and cry and say you're sorry I don't even know if I believe you in fact I don't even know if we have a future you say God would never do that why cuz he's God no cuz he's loved and he made you for his image in Christ is the wisdom of God for men now and Jesus said follow me follow my example so I guess if God would never say that we should never say that I guess if he can't see it in him you shouldn't see it in us you know a hurt and pain and things we've justified in our lives because we haven't known him like we sing come on us grow up into him in all things not just provision and protection character and heart in the manifestation of love yeah my wife snuck in the back door one day she wanted to catch me in an improper situation she was looking for justification so she left for the whole weekend she left for the whole weekend it's left me there with the kids I was honored my kids were clinging to me I'm not joking man my boy was five I would walk through the living room father I just thank you I just said he'd just be following me going and I just being God I thank you for my family I thank you for my children I laid my hand on his head five years old totally into the carpet and I just keep walking just keep praying he'd get back up after a while and he just followed daddy God I just think of boo I'm not kidding you for one whole year I lined my ten my five year old and my wife up in front of the bed before I left for work and just worship God and laid hands on them they just laying over top of each other and Jesus just in the room and I Jets how I left for work for a whole year my boy four days three days into this whole thing he's a signatory baccarat Ibaka Sundiata basa syn da ba ba ba Hassan de and I'm like he ain't even saying nothing I say when I pray in tongues like he was but it was a cup bubbling over he's five years old he's just sitting there praying in tongues playing with his toys he said well now brother that's theologically flawed I woke up Monday morning 10 hours no I woke up yeah 8 9 hours saved praying in tongues sobbing and crying and praying in tongues nobody laid hands will be nobody taught me anything I just woke up praying in tongues what do you do with that say I had an encounter with a lying spirit and all these 23 years I've been living in a deception now I'm gonna go with the fruit that's before the Lord I'm gonna go with lives that are changed I'm gonna go with things that I've seen in her in him my wife walks in six hours after she left she waited six hours and see tiptoed in the back door she's trying to catch me sprawled on the couch screaming at the kids watching some trash anything she could find to relieve her concerts to go haha and guess what she caught me doing I sitting indian-style in my living room I had the Book of Psalms open and I was teaching my ten and five-year-old the beauty of worshiping God yeah she's peeking around the corner and I saw movement and I looked and there was her face and I said hey did you forget something she said I'm fine and she stormed upstairs and she came back down and took off she said she yelled at God the whole way to her sister's house why would you do this now all the time I prayed oh he was just freaking out how could you cuz she couldn't get away from it she knew I was changed so she said well even if he's changed it's too late now we learned a lot of language on the earth didn't we we sure learned how to be selfish jesus said if anyone come after me let him first deny himself he didn't say prayer prayer to go to heaven he said deny yourself it's the biggest problem in our lives I'm not a politician and I'm not a philosopher and I'm certainly not the sharpest man on the planet but I believe I got this one right president isn't the problem it's not Isis it's not racial conflict it's everyday everyday men wake up and live for themselves when they're made for God's image it's where every argument comes from it's where all the hatred exists it's where all the tips for tat it's where everything that doesn't produce life and focus on the kingdom lives man living for herself Paul said don't be wise in your own opinion and we have opinions a dime a dozen James said slow to anger quick to listen slow to anger quick to listen and slow to speak what are we don't want to hear it got a whole lot to say and I'm really ticked off slow to speak slow to anger quick to listen that's Jean that's the Christian what of all of us most all of us been our whole lives ticked off don't want to hear it got a whole lot to say guess what love does lays down its life for another guess what we've all grown up doing living at the expense of each other they say how bad attitudes putting pressure on each other you're in a family of three four and you cop an attitude that puts pressure on your other three and they have to respond to you you're living at their expense you're not adding life you're drawing from it you're taking from it you be careful young people just copping an attitude whatever and just shutting your door and avoiding and putting people under pressure parents getting ticked off and scolding your children because they've crossed your line you're not supposed to have a lie you don't say Billy get to your room I told you once I told you honey but mom but dad just get to your room don't do that to Billy you walk Billy in his room and you sit down and you weep with Billy and you tell him why you're pulling some things and discipline some things because his life is a whole lot more than what he's given himself to and you make sure Billy knows when you're done with him that you did it for Billy and that if he continues to live this way these kind of things are gonna cause pain and limitations in his life and you're trying to teach him at a young age because I love you boy and then you wrap your arms around him and you pray with him while you have disciplining him and you walk out of his room so Billy knows you're not mad at him even a little bit that you actually believe higher ability than he's given himself yeah you got a great opportunity some you got homemakers here some of you women how many women would say you're a homemaker you're like you just keeping down the fort man you holding down the fort caring for the kids washing up them clothes yeah the head of top Todd said you're waving your hand for Jackie listen how do you do all things to the glory of God whether you eat whether you drink do it all under the glory of God how is that possible how does a guy in Dallas in the summer and he's a roofer go to work every day and do his work to the glory of God when it's a hundred degrees plus on that roof and you already know what it was like the last two days and now you're on hump day and you got two more days before you even have two days of break you recognize that your life is for the kingdom and you stay thankful so you receive grace in all things and you don't go to work with an attitude you don't grumble you don't complain you stay and fellowship with God and you do what you do and even if you see it as a season and you're looking for a transition of jobs while you're in that transition do what you're doing with all your heart to the Lord yeah so you set an example to man if you're a homemaker and you're at home please don't get caught doing this like guys don't be driving to work man I can't believe I got to go to the grindstone again God you got to get me out of this crazy job I don't know if I can take it much more and I can't stand the language if I hear one more f-bomb today come on stop it you're just you're just getting in a weird place man you come home and you're burned out and you're expecting your spouse to understand well they're just cursing all day and they're tearing each other up and they're cynical how much can I take like I wouldn't even know how to be like oh I'll be like so where's Jesus and anything you're saying like why did you go to work for them to treat you the way you were hoping like since when did your preference become Lord I thought you went to work to shine what's it matter what they were saying this should make your heart more merciful towards them your home maker please don't get caught doing this you're at the wash and you look down and there's this big load of wash and you just did three loads yesterday and you're like you would think I'm married to this wash machine but just seems like all I do is wash wash wash wash what and you put out you said I think that man wore this shirt for 25 minutes I don't even think that Chu ah Johnny did not tell you a hundred times that never do your stuff inside out that's it I'm just washing it inside out you can do it yourself but you just left from your little tea time with your little prayer group girls that you just pray a blessings over your family blastings over the children bless my husband Lord and now you have to wash your cursing everybody you say Johnny if I told you once I've told you a thousand times that boy will just never get it he'll just never get it well what am I supposed to do that you pick up that a little inside-out shirt and you can't chuckle cuz it's inside out for sure and you say oh that boy I know you're gonna turn things for such an amazing way like this boy sometimes Lord you've been growing me how you select simple things frustrate me like this but now I just feel like all I can do is prophesy over his life God just like I'm turning this shirt inside out and around you're turning little Johnny inside out Anna and you just shut out about soon but I see then you get your husband's shirt whoa next thing you know you're done all the washing you're looking for more that wasthe incoming on you you just ready to speak over your family you up there in the kitchen cook cook cook all I do is cook we should just ordered out I don't even wanna cook to some of your women is like Amy go ahead and cook and eat out but what I'm saying is watch your attitude make sure you don't get tricked into self-centered things and do what you do to the glory of God I'm telling you find so much grace you get it that washer you get in your car and go to work and you start blessing your family and thanking God that you're in the position you're in it's called laying down your life not living for yourself come on I'm telling you it'll just grace will flood your heart you will have a view of your family that is second to none you will value little Johnny even when his shirts inside out you'll find your daughter she changed like three times and you'd be like I don't even know she had this on you like sniffing cuz he just changed three times looking in the mirror he threw it in the wash man if something like that is gonna mess up your day you are a sitting duck Satan sitting back on and then you're a church holy holy and he's sitting there going yeah right I turn to Roman's three and Todd read it this morning in his bedroom we probably ought to just check it out verse 21 no we're going there I feel the doubt and unbelief we're pressing through the unbelief we're pressing through it I I've created the unbelief so I've got a press through it hey you know no I'm kidding I'm kidding we're gonna really dis romans three verse 21 but now but now man but now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed being witnessed by the law and the prophets see it's amazing the strength of the gospel is the righteous judgment of God through the blood of Jesus Christ he made us right in his sight the word actually carries the definition of innocent and holy he who knew no sin was made to be sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that means the righteous judgment and expression of being judged right by God through Jesus Christ it carries the word innocent and holy first Peter - let me quote it for you he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a tree and we yeah that's exactly right we're like yeah but watch is that we having died to sin that means its identity it's consciousness it's memory it's desires its identity see there's a response of faith in the believer Jesus did something amazing you can scream about it for the rest of your life but he said hey you better put it on you better open it up you better unwrap that thing if righteousness is a gift you better open it up and then don't just say oh well I didn't quite my size that ain't quite my color I don't know if that's gonna fit put the thing on it's made for you yeah and don't look at the gift is yellow you shouldn't have because this is a oh yes I should have cuz I've known you from the beginning and the one I know ain't the one I've been seeing all these years it's time to die to the old so you can live to the new you put it on it's called righteousness righteousness of God apart from the laws is revealed see it's apart from the law so so so it's witnessed by the law and the prophets in the in the in the days of the law animals had to die innocent little spotless lambs they would sell them at markets I mean these people had to like kill stuff they would split the little doves open and like Cottone for sins come on we're right apart from our works we found rest through God right or through Jesus with God I make jokes about it I'm like could you aren't you thankful that you just stopped living by the law because if you live by the law then you need to start doing something with your little cat and your puppy in your parakeet you get off the computer and little hammies and trouble he's over there in a wheel and he sees you in the computer and as I starts twitching no no then you get off your computer there you go down into the basement and little hammy well son the parakeet ain't even singing no more because this is all there under the law come on if you're gonna live under works in the law then you probably ought to just start doing something with your pets you're not under the law you've been made right in the sight of God so what do you do if you sin first John - you have an advocate Jesus the righteous and he'll plead mercy over your sins so you run to him you don't run from him you run to him you don't run from him and his righteous plea will bring righteousness and keep righteousness over your life the design isn't to enable you to keep on sinning it's so that you see the goodness of God in that judgment of righteousness and that he believes better about you and knows you have a greater purpose and potential and he sees you apart from your ability to sin and he sees you for purpose in him it's the whole goal that the goodness of God would lead you to change that you would actually wake up one day and truth and go oh my goodness I wasn't made for this I was made for this and all of a sudden you step out and step in and all of a sudden the gospel itself has raised your identity not your actions not your own fruit bearing the gospel itself has raised their identity and low esteem has become healthy esteem and all of a sudden you see the value of your life in him and now you live up to what you see rather than follow that old thing are you with me in that way it's not by works it's by faith and guess who gets all the glory and when you see your life changing like that you know it's changed because you live with you and all of a sudden your conscience goes free and all of a sudden you're not living in secrets and all of a sudden you can preach all this stuff because it's your life and your reality and you compel people with these truths and you go to bed tonight and your conscience is clear you actually go to sleep feeling good about yourself in God it's a real good place to live sure beats secrets when there are none even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe for there is no difference for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God or fall short of the glory of God being justified freely by His grace through the redemption the restoration the bringing back to original value that is in Christ Jesus whom God set forth as a mercy for our sins that's what that word propitiation means mercy seat by his blood through here's your part here's my part through what through faith to demonstrate his righteousness because in his forbearance God has passed over the sins that were previously committed it's just so amazing to demonstrate at this present time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus come on that says it all right there if you and I believe that BAM never again guilt condemnation shame it'll end struggles you wake up and you're right with him you present yourself a living sacrifice acceptable unto God you do a roman six you wake up and you present yourself as members to righteousness working its fruit and producing its fruit to holiness I've done this as the pastor for a long time when I'd counsel people I'd ask people what their prayer life looks like I would ask people how they talk to God when they're alone and a lot of people look at you funny they don't have a fellowship time with God they just have a prayer list not saying the prayer list is wrong but do not have a fellowship with God you'll never get to know him you'll just always keeping the hopeful meter of what you need if you don't get alone with him you'll never get to know him if you don't commune with him how will he ever reveal himself to your heart if you don't seek him how will you find him if you don't draw near you with me I've learned this lots of Christians as I was growing up in the Lord and pastoring and leading and stuff and I know it's changing rapidly today but there's still many people never talk to the Lord when they're alone and initiate communion with him where they just acknowledge his love for them thank you that you see me pure in your sight I so appreciate you making me clean through the blood I've talked to countless people that never even thought that way when they were alone let alone talk that way that's a giveaway right there but we're trying harder we're trying to be better and that's why we're sure we're failing I'm telling you guys this gospel is our only answer it's our only true hope he's not our way and he's not a good choice to try he's the way yeah and there's something about you starting where he finished there's something about you every day waking up and not being afraid of being in denial but actually waking up every morning and saying you know what man you made me holy blameless and above reproach in your sight you made me worthy of housing your Holy Spirit you passed over all the sins committed separating them as far as East in the West and you made me right in your sight thank you for making me worthy of your life in me of your love appreciate you Father that would be amazing way to live yeah I'm just telling you straight up if you don't start where he finished you'll never run well if he rules his kingdom with a scepter of righteousness and the strength of the kingdom is righteousness then you probably ought to stand in it if he paid for it because as a man thinketh so he is the way you see yourself is what you'll produce the Lord wants to fine-tune and brighten the lamp of your body and it's your perspective even on your own life wonder if the blood is enough wonder if the work is finished wonder if there's nothing I can do to become more righteous wonder if he did that all wonderful my places to by faith put that robe on and never take it off I wonder if the beauty about understanding what I'm saying is itself intended it's big picture intended the more you see God sees you this way the more you understand it's how he sees everyman and it'll begin to teach your heart how to not give up on people get frustrated if people judge people or be critical to people because you understand that in your weaknesses he came and made you strong and that when you were missing it he treated you as if you made it and all of a sudden what he did for you and what he did in you begins to translate this way and all of a sudden you're not just forgiven you've become forgiveness you didn't just obtain mercy you've become merciful he didn't just make peace with you you've become a peacemaker and all the sudden the gospel is multiplying in as many as belief this thing is not a confession it's an expression he transforms our lives don't you stand your feet I'm gonna pray over you are you proud of me Tom that I ended so early where's he ain't even ready is he using you closing out look at that they told me 4:20 it's 4:17 I gave them three minutes that's amazing we can live this life guys it's by simple faith the first expression of righteousness you'll see in your Bible the first expression is already in Genesis 3 God revealed his righteousness in Genesis 3 when he came to Adam and even what did he do he took off their fig leaves they were covering their sin but who knows it wasn't covered if he left them fig leaves on them every day they woke up what are they thinking of when they see them fig leaves the day they sinned and missed God the day they threw it all away and God doesn't want to leave them sin conscious guess what he does he takes off their fig leaves and he puts on animal skins made with his own hands now we understand that you can find the blood covenant there and without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin I get it but we miss righteousness there see we say well I almost had to die it was the first sign of blood covenant stuff and animal shedding their blood the room it's in and no forgiveness without the shedding blood I get it not making light of it it's just not my point right now watch if he leaves the fig leaves on them all they're aware of their identity is riddled with the day they missed it but if he prophesies over them and tells them there's a seed coming through the woman who's going to crush the head of the enemy and then he puts animal skins on them every day they wake up and see them skins what are they aware of the day God promised to hope a future salvation right so Jesus didn't even come yet Jesus didn't even shed his blood and gods already saying I don't want you focused on what you did wrong I want you focused on how I see you and the hope you have right in front of him so he took off the lie and put on a higher truth are you getting this and it was a way of God saying I love you you have a higher creative value than what you performed I'm gonna bring out the best in you if you don't put that thing on how will you ever manifest that truth I'm just telling you as you stand there humbly waiting to pray let your days of guilt condemnation shame be over let the days of yell but be over let the days of hooome be over yes you and you begin to thank God that He loves you and nothing can change that but you he'll still love you but he won't be receiving it she's one thing if I look at you man and say hey God really loves you I'm always right but it's another thing if he's being loved by God that's our highest goal once you lift your hands into heaven with me would you Father we just received you this morning would you from your heart every hand its raised every person that's participating from your heart would you just thank God right now from your heart you can whisper it out you can say it out just say thank you for loving me thank you that truly through this gospel I'm clean in your sight you value me you love me you've washed me you came to live inside of me and you came to transform my life I yield to you you're the great Potter and I say yes to your love yes to your mercy yes to wholeness come on just receive it put it on well some of you say this some of you need to say this thank you that I'm clean no matter where I've been no matter what was ever done you have me standing here before you clean you've changed my heart you've changed my life and you've took everything away that was not of you thanks for making me brand new I receive your love I receive you Holy Spirit I'm gonna live in you all the days of my life amen man thank you you you [Music] you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 10,048
Rating: 4.8784194 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Faith, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace
Id: xT9HL7uHiXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 48sec (5928 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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