CURSED Minecraft Mods

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today's world is brought to you by mr. bacon and CJ who works in the office of me thanks CJ pigs baby today's first mod oddity the Mahdi is to punch me not mine it's courtesy of Bayer nine eight nine sir and this mod makes regular survival minecraft a lot more difficult I mean like my health down there you're probably wondering hi ran out of those hearts well cool the punch me not mod will make you take damage as you break almost every block there are a few blocks that you can break no problem one of which is leaves over almost every single other block will cause you to take serious damage in fact as far as I know only leaves and hay will keep you safe for one of the later mods in the video today we're gonna need to make ourselves a flint and steel so we may as well do it here because I see some iron and I see some gravel so this is a painful experience now the good thing about the touch-me-not mod is if you get tools you won't take damage from getting supplies so we're gonna go ahead and make ourselves oh gosh I'm have to oh gosh hurry up oh I almost died from one tree but yes as I said if you were to have an actual tool to mine these with you won't take any damage you just you just can't punch all right I forgot you can't like you need to use like oh no way wow so using the wrong tool will also make you take a whole bunch of damage you must be joking me I'll tell you what it's it's a good thing we have one more piece of wood otherwise I would be dead for sure you actually have to that this is this is weak I don't like it I don't like and look now we've got our iron so now we can make a flint and we can make a flint and steel just like we're gonna need this for later mod ouch that hurt take this back Sibyl ah now luckily you can still attack creatures using this mod but you have to be careful to not accidentally punch the fence otherwise it things I get bad number 2 on next occur [ __ ] mod that shouldn't exist the block craft remind these build should not exist with these mods the modest courtesy of epic squid three one nine and it allows you to add very very interesting shapes to your Minecraft world slants half-slabs fences and the best part is you can texture them to look essentially however you like but how does it work well let me show you you're gonna need four sticks place the four sticks in a crafting table just like this to grab yourself a framed block you can then use this frame block to draw other things to get different shaped framed objects there's fences and walls and here's how you'd make those things this is how you make a wall is how you make a fence stairs and slabs as you already saw and there's more even than that if we were to go to the creative mode inventory for this mod you'd see that you've got them for outer corners you've got them for inner corner you've got him for pressure plates you've got him for any type of block pretty much but okay what's the appeal they look whatever right it's it looks like a box it's begging for some more love attention detail well that's what you can use these other blocks for we're gonna grab all of these and give you a fantastic example of some of the things you can do with the block craft remodel that you shouldn't be able to do for example maybe you want a half slab observer maybe you want a pumpkin fence how about a redstone lamp stare heck maybe you want a lovely where's the what maybe want a slanted T&T and what's more you can actually go up this object you can literally walk around it if you want this back at any time you just go ahead and I got a bunch it and if you've got the punch me not mod it's a bit of a painful experience but you can add basically any block to any shape using this mod you can even use the mod to make special frame two doors that will open and close which means that you can hide them plain view maybe don't want anyone knocking on your door cuz they think you don't have one but you do right inside here fantastic either way beautify areas by having half slabs more luscious rolling hills than normal can literally walk up grass maybe a nice little desert area you add a nice let me look it's fantastic you all you need is a frame fence and then you put a cactus a texture on it and look at that now you've got a lovely cactus that's attached to send you can even apply odd blocks to box frames to make for some very very interesting results this next one's gonna be real good opposite DeMint I opposite dimensions yeah this mod seriously shouldn't be in Minecraft mirror that fleeting steel like what it's alright we got another one you'll put this flint and steel into a furnace start cooking it why well because we need to get a new item known as a steel in Flint yes steel in Flint it's a different item I swear you're gonna need that steel and Flint to open a portal to the opposite dimension scary new place where things are opposite to get there you're gonna need mirror blocks yes mirror blocks this is how you would craft such mirror blocks you need one iron ingot surrounded by a whole bunch of glass place it in portal shape and then take your steel in flint to light that baby and then we go to show you something new namely I chase did you see it I don't know where a mooshroom got me well that's because in the opposite dimension friendly mobs not too friendly no literally they will try to attack you meanwhile scary mobs don't have much to do with you lay the best all evil mobs in the opposite dimension are just chillin and hanging out and Cedar Rapids I hide the pigs get away okay back in we go but this time in creative mode yeah so take it out the reverse to mention the opposite dimension first of all the trees they're not on the ground they spawn in the air so that's pretty opposite I can get with it okay so the leaves hey the wood set of wood leaves its opposite come on guys keep up and as you saw earlier roaming around our tons of mobs usually witches would be you know man mad at ya they you know get mad if you punch them now they just kind of run away they still love you they just you know they want to think about what you did and they need space for that it's actually the evil animals of destiny that you got to watch out for as we already saw in fact it's kind of a death wish to not have Armour ready so let's look around we've got reverse creepers here they're happy to see you look at that face so happy oh the pig it's a standoff huh what's a porker yeah I literally have your best friend in my hand try something yeah did not think oh yo people were oh yeah I'll make the carnitas of you friend okay watch out where your hats by the way oh he hurt you guys feelings hurt by me yes as you can see normal mobs are honestly they're just kind of after you this one knows what's good for him so I suppose he's leaving me oh oh okay yeah I challenge you to got all mad about eating you relax okay if we were to go into spectator mode you'd also notice something quite interesting all stone has been replaced with dirt all dirt has been replaced with stone all the ravines are lovely dirt spectacles of wonder and truth and destiny it's some combination of those so why you won't find much for ores in this world you may end up writing some fantastic poetry my parents just don't understand there's not much else to the world other than this though so we're gonna go ahead and head back to the portal and say goodbye to this weird dimension seriously why was this made I mean thanks for making I get a video out of it but oh wait oh he wants to give me flowers oh this for me oh you don't have to say anything I notice hand it over number four on this list adds in bouncing balls by Rex piss seriously balls disgusting who would add something round a Minecraft well I guess rec Smith so you'll need eight slime balls and one purple dye to make something quite special surround as such another purple bouncing ball or you know you could use any day you want see what I mean ooh get those blue balls we got red balls yellow balls all sorts it's lovely I love it gosh and look y'all ready you can bounce with them I love it yes yes - good use your bouncing balls to see yourself reaching new heights you already bang nice I missed it BAM okay huh if we do there it is can we just can we just stop in a pre-sale fast that you did that you look closely you'll see that there is in fact a durability so you cannot play with your balls forever but hey if you think those balls were impressive you got to check out the balls that are in this chest right here black bounce anyways to make when all you have to do is surround your balls with gunpowder and then you'll get a dynamite bouncing ball but we're gonna need gunpowder as ammo and warning these balls create explosions you'll need to know that if you do happen to have some gunpowder on you but look at what happens BAM notice my gunpowder in my hotbar it's going down by one every time I squeeze the TNT ball you see right click boom use use use in fact you can use it up to three times in the air before you hit the ground so you can use it to get extremely high up look at this Oh lovely lovely oh yeah how about it or if you're feeling a little bit brave you can use your ball to break your fall from higher distances by right-clicking before you land similar to the tnt ball we also have the snow bouncing ball and the egg bouncing ball which use snowballs and eggs as their ammo and they work similarly to the TNT where you get three jumps with each one so they got a reason to collect all these different eggs you can even use it as I said with the snowballs - and you can get some serious ID on these puppies in fact check it out we've got a fun little area to mess with right here BAM I mean I goofed it but can we just yes okay it's a little it's a little hard to work with sometime not gonna lie Oh Oh lovely can we just I know you're probably better off using the most powerful ball it shouldn't exist the never ball you need eight slime balls and one nether star what do you need to have killed the wither to get this nether star bouncing ball but you will never need balls other than these afterwards check this out look one right click gives you the ultimate of Destiny we just skipped one what am i magic ein I fallin matters not check it out look at my ultimate bouncing goodness look come on we need to get to that one yep oh boy every once in a while you'll get a second bounce upon landing and you won't take any fall damage and you don't even have to look down you can literally look where you want to go and help yourself aim by doing that you see it's a little bit easier that way but I'm just still bad it's time for a bonus mod before we get to our final mod in this list this is the slabs betta slabs by patrol guy the reason this is a bonus mod today is because as of minecraft 1.14 a lot of these were added in as half slabs and so to an extent this is no longer up to date however because we're not 1.14 today's video I do want to make note of that there are still other half slab you're looking at right here a half slab iron or a half slab of glass half slabs of wool stained-glass oars logs you could make for some extremely interesting looking wood types and tree types if you had access to half slabs for decorative purposes and the mod comes with its own interesting controls that will allow you to place the half slabs in very interesting directions allow me to explain regular right press that now you got placement mode is random so it'll just go all over the place you got the fill mode it turns slabs into full blocks you got rotational mode so you can place it diagonally fantastic got a circle of slabs around me you've also got axis mode which allows you to kind of place it alongside the midpoints of blocks sometimes in the air you've even got slope mode so you can put the slabs diagonally look at this it's fantastic and you can climb them no less as well so it's kind of like that block carpentry mod from earlier on you even got faced which is slapstick on the pointing side of the block I won't act like I know what that sentence means and of course a plain old a vertical section good luck getting rid of them especially if you're planning on using bedrock slabs to do it yeah I decide I'm gonna keep this ball the final mom that shouldn't be minecraft the meet mod by block expert I mean do I do I need to elaborate you'd like like you know but not only to add these meat blocks it adds in meat tools and meat ingots and it even adds in you ready meat or oh yeah there's even a special item known as ultra meat and you can use this ultra meat to make some very beefy armor a raw meat leggings raw meat chest plate what am I Lady Gaga let's go I'd very much like to cook up my armor please if we could do that again well okay that's uh that might be the thumbnail I don't know look at that we got a nice cooked meat chest plate for our trouble it doesn't look like it actually changes much on the armor values but hey you've got a nice oh gosh just the idea that this is meat I'm wearing is kind of amazing there's also a block of meat ingot a meat potion a meat dagger and a meat wand nice use the meat dagger to stab things with your little meat and I assume you drink the meat potion when you're depressed about your life yup gives you slowness and speed sounds about right finally the meat wha oh well okay
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,699,348
Rating: 4.8149261 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cursed, cursed images, minecraft cursed images, minecraft cursed, minecraft meme, cursed minecraft videos, minecraft funny moments, grandayy, cursed minecraft, minecraft update, no swearing, gaming, minecraft videos, cursed memes, meme, logdotzip, comedy, glitch, minecraft glitches, glitched minecraft, minecraft 1.14, mods, minecraft mods, cursed minecraft mods, cursed mods, modded, minecraft 1.14 mods, minecraft mods 1.14, mods for minecraft, mod, top 5, minecraft top 5
Id: aqJep4V2pqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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