15 Updates UNEXPECTED in Minecraft 1.14

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hey what's going on guys slaw god zip here most of you guys know that if you attempt to use a bed in the nether it will cause the bed to explode but did you know that that rule only applies to players villagers can sleep in beds in the nether just fine but hey get out of my bed it's still my bed or did you know that you can make what essentially amounts to floating ladders as of the recent 1.14 update well whether you did didn't doesn't matter stay tuned because today we've got fifteen unexpected features that came out in Minecraft 1.14 number one you've scaffolding plus snow equals hidden base now I know a lot of the OGIS out there knew about this one already was one of the first to come out but you can still use scaffolding when snow is on top of it notice we are able to climb and sneak right through it so take advantage of that in your winter minecraft worlds to make yourself a hidden base that you can cover using snow layers on top of scaffolding blocks we find the perfect square to get through here we should be able to locate a very special base you'll know you found it when you stop sneaking all of a sudden and then you just sneak right back down once again and you are inside a lovely hidden base nothing to see here what about what about man it wasn't kidding anyways we move on to number two speaking of scaffolding it's excellent at clearing lava woods no one expected this one we're gonna try and clear all the lava in this pool with dirt I'm gonna see roughly how long it takes am I going to necessarily count enough but as you can see you have to place each of the blocks individually and then hey if you wanted to clear that out for one reason or another you got a bigger bag up once again however the beauty of scaffolding blocks is the fact that they are a one-click break notice the difference in speed here and never mind that I'm almost dead nothing happened off-screen you see that look how much faster we were able to clear that out number three half block size two snow block houses if you saw my previous video on crawling in Minecraft and we didn't by the way you can click the I in the corner right now or at the end of the video you'd know that you can now fit into one by one block areas using trapdoors and crawling but did you know you can fit into half block size areas as well I present one of the world's smallest minecraft houses we are literally up to the 1/2 block and fitting just fine using a combination of snow layers as well as crawling and you can still fit very different block types that can actually be used within we've got dirt a chest and a brewing stand inside we've got a nice working furnace we've got something brewing maybe in here no nothing this time and we got water buckets snow and iron so you could get out a lot faster if you wanted to but look at the difference in my ear even in a one by one you can get a lot more cramped this one with the bamboo this one is cool we'll get there with time next up we have number four villager bunk beds this was something that was originally in game a while ago and then removed you used to be able to bunk with players just like this above each other one over the other on the beds well it comes back in the form of villagers now doing it when it's time to go night-night so we're gonna turn it to night time and check it out the two villagers will fight over who gets the bed first and it looks like a boy whoa someone wanted the top bunk how embarrassing Wow you're worthless dude just getting bad already no one cares about you doesn't mean go on go on look at him he's eyeing it big you know I gotta give a little push you get you get right on in there okay stop staring him down he beat you to the bunk fair and square there we go adorable well as adorable as you can get sleeping with your eyes open which by the way is not very adorable number five we already saw this one villagers can sleep in the nether we'll show you again just so you know must be nighttime though yes you do have to have things set to nighttime so I don't know press this button over Jada today it's embarrassing we're gonna head into the nether and show you what we mean once again oh boy I did not leave this place in good shape as you saw earlier when you attempt to sleep in the nether what you don't get to it later just blows everything up sorry I mean excellent tea and tea for when you're in this portal but you know other than that you know hey can you sleep Villiers have abused Villiers villagers however happened to love the warmth that the nether provides they also love to bother their sleeping room mates apparently and they'll go to great lengths to get their even resting on top of magma blocks come on guys pull yourself together number six bamboo and berry bushes aren't extremely nice yet unexpected defense system against illidan ice little area set up over here that will explain to you visually how this system works this villager over here is going to act as our bait that's re essential essentially the villagers and Vindicator are going to want to reach this villager because they can technically see the villager through these bamboo box and through the bushes however because of the unique hitbox of the bamboo blocks it causes further complications for these pillagers namely they cannot shoot accurately through or around these bamboo blocks and because they're not full-sized blocks it also confuses the villagers pathing ability so while a pillager would not normally go instantly through a berry bush because of the bamboo is being nearby as it is they will walk right through it and they will push people around them right through it as well until you end up having a whole bunch of dead pillages on your hands but hey there's worse things right why don't y'all keep pushing to make a happen there we go it's a party now baby and this guy's gonna be just fine they won't be able to make it through well maybe this guy I don't know hard to say you really want him don't you it's not gonna happen we could even go into survival mode and you see they'll try start firing boughs off but for the most part they're not oh okay well maybe they can't get me speaking of unexpected see for the most part they actually just hit each other I mean every once awhile you'll get one through but you know good defense system number seven campfire mob farms officially added in-game campfires will do damage the moment you stand on top of it I mean it makes sense it's literally got fire on top so use it to your advantage make a fun mob farm we're gonna get some spawn eggs and spawn in some lovely little piggies and you know let them cook they will in fact cook and the hoppers underneath them will collect the pork chop which oddly enough you'd think would have been cooked but hey we're talking about unexpected stuff today it's a cheap form of spikes will call it made of wood and for whatever reason you don't take damage on campfires in the pocket edition version of the game unless they changed it recently but I don't think they did number eight floating railroads yeah seriously this is awesome you can now place minecart tracks on top of trapdoors you could not do this in previous versions of the game first we're gonna you know get some trapdoors underneath the top block this is what you'll need to do place those blocks down and then get the trapdoor on the above state such as this then you can put rails on top of it and you can manipulate the trapdoor in whatever direction you see fit after that we can walk right through this rail fantastic and it still works we got a minecart right here to show you just that so let's put this guy down look at that we're in this minecart right now even though there's nothing technically below us even though we can actually walk right through this minecart still goes right across the rails and it does the very same over here as well this is how these trapdoors are actually placed to make for a mostly in air rollercoaster which is what I expect to see pop up and a lot of once people start using this to their advantage get up Nick come on I'm stronger than yeah things like do now let's try yeah look at this beautiful what an interesting experiment social experiment alert yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's it let's see if we can connect these two rails together and ride it the whole way through can we do you think we could do you think we could make it happen maybe hmm like that's one's gonna work let's see let's start the other side the ultimate mine cut experience yeah hey that's it Oh number 9 floating ladders well you know floating right you can see we've got trapdoors oh jeez so don't mess with the trapdoors won't slip in place I suppose because that will cause the ladders to essentially break instantly but as you can see here in plain old vanilla there's no command magic happening here all you got to do is place down a trapdoor on the ground it doesn't matter what type of trapdoor it is any type of wood will work put it vertically just like that and then on whatever opposite side makes sense you can place the ladder down and that ladder will in fact work fantastic look at this very thin ladder will be fantastic for bills although you may opt for this version instead however this one will require the debug stick which is in game it's an in-game item you can get in creative mode by doing /give @p debug using it will allow you to have placed ladders and be able to manipulate exactly where they are in game so that you in theory no longer need that trapdoor at all and can just have a working ladder willy-nilly wherever you want minute number 10 sleeping entity models note takes a few seconds to actually appear on the bed yeah well if you didn't know what this one was check it out turns out not just villagers or I have the ability to sleep in beds you see we've got a nice oh gosh you're uh you're one of those how likes to sleep off the side of the edge yeah you can make creepers sleep in-game in fact you can pretty much change it to be whatever you want to place in there all you'll need to do is change the actual thing that is typed in using this command block so we could do a phantom kill this guy summoning now we've got well I mean he's taking you know that yeah now it's nighttime look at him oh my god I love very glitchy though quite interesting yeah I'm just gonna kill yo could we make a lightning bolt can we make a lightning bolt sleep in a bed nice oh wow he's so peaceful how about this one uh I don't know if it's gonna work or not I'll see if it moves hey man aren't you tired don't you know okay well can't say it wasn't unexpected we've only got five more unexpected features to go over so before the video ends make sure you leave a comment in the comment section about which thing was most unexpected to you maybe it was number eleven Fox's take on food effects and not just food effects but special item effects in general so we've got a little hodgepodge of things to explore right now I'm gonna spawn in a fox and we're gonna give them a course true and if you don't know what course fruit are they're basically a type of food item that you can give and use in game and upon eating you will teleport to a nearby area so believe it or not foxes can actually eat these objects and so the moment he does look what happens not only does he actually eat the course fruit but he used the course true it as well you can get a little more sinister with it such as giving the Fox oh you know a puffer hey hey you're supposed to hey where're you going much better why don't you go ahead and grab the puffer fish there we go much better so we didn't know when you eat a puffer fish you uh you get poisoned so sorry about that man don't worry I'll make it up to you allow me to explain I'm gonna give this guy a diamond sword with fire aspect on it and he's gonna grab it and put in his mouth the cool part about it is he will actually use the sword against this poor innocent chicken notice the fire damage that was instantly done to that chicken it's because the sword had fire aspect on it and he went for that chicken really fast you could even give this fox a totem oven dying and if we were to try and kill this guy with the totem and dying his hands you'd see that he used it and was given the different effects that come with the totem and died he's still on fire though sorry buddy number 12 village your belts will change based on the amount of trading you do with them this one's a little more obvious but some of you may not have noticed look at the belt of every single one of these villagers once they transform we're gonna spawn them all in right now let them do their thing fantastic you'll see that they have different badges that will change this guy has a simple coal badge and that's because he has the novice level of traits okay I haven't done anything we now have the iron belt over here and you can see that badges change - more of a brown yes come show it off get a little closer he literally has a book on his head moving further along you can see that the trade amounts to increase alongside the color of the badge typically speaking as well we've done some command magic to maybe make the trades not be as impressive but the idea is that the graphic will change the more you trade with these guys so this one's got an emerald bell and this guy's got a diamond belt as well your worst trays though but trades nonetheless and you may need some emeralds for those trades so number 13 is perfect for you easy emeralds with the stone mason this is a new villager profession that was added in Minecraft 1.14 s village and pillage update and guess what now you have a reason to collect diorite and granite the two ugliest blocks in-game or at least by popular opinion I personally have no problem with them and now I especially like them because we'll be able to trade them away to get emeralds look at that full stack of diorite instantly becomes four emeralds let's see if we can get anything decent from these librarians for our trouble we get an emerald okay no one cares or the book or wood glass we can get some glass we can get a compass we could get whoa I think cuz I punched him he raised his prices get away he did it's a 24 now yo you just gonna toss up 28 okay I'm sorry this is fun this was actually also kind of unexpected the more you push on this guy poor guy he wants 30 emeralds dude it's never gonna happen number 14 suspicious stew from Brown mushrooms if you didn't know there are now brown mushrooms in game this special spawn egg will make it Brown by default but you normally get a brown mushroom by making sure lightning strikes a red mushroom however you feed a brown mushroom of flour and then milk it with a bowl and you'll get a suspicious - variant dependent on which flour you used on this poor mushroom you monster stealing its mushroom milk so sad so look we're gonna feed this guy flour okay great and now we're gonna milk him and with that we got a suspicious - okay flour milk flour milk flour etc etc etc there's gonna be a chart found on the Minecraft Wiki that will tell you what effect you get but depending on which flower you use on this mushroom but believe it or not all these different suspicious twos will give us a different effect upon consumption and using a brown mushroom to make them is way faster than crafting it in an in a crafting table like I'm just using my hotkeys right now and we just made so many stews and one regular and finally number 15 ring the bell to subscribe yeah seriously you should subscribe to my videos if you haven't already defined illage yours and pillagers in-game bells can be used as an elegy mourning system so if you weren't aware these now spawn in in villages you can use them to gather villages or you can use them to identify enemy pillagers villagers evoker z' Ravagers etc etc let's imagine a raid you see we got all these guys looking fine looking good hanging out if we were to hit this Bell they would all become highlighted so you can see them from behind walls dang it right is it you could see them from behind walls from underground does not matter it's a easy way to figure out where the last of your pillage your raid invaders are ok so don't stand a chance for more exciting videos about Minecraft updates and features you didn't necessarily know about make sure you hit that subscribe button let's see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,669,611
Rating: 4.6852236 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.14, minecraft update, new minecraft update, new, update, unexpected, unexpected minecraft, glitches, glitch, bug, villager, enderman, village and pillage, village, pillage, logdotzip, gaming, how to, nether, minecart, diamond, unexpected updates, top 15, top 10, top 5, snapshot, minecraft snapshot
Id: CKkY9d58Z6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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