Curious George 🐵Bowling for Bobolinks 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] the man had organized a bowling tournament to buy a nesting ground for the babalink birds and found a big donor in mr glass [Music] the more pins people knocked down the more money would be donated for babalinx [Music] so the children were having a practice game before the tournament to get better at knocking down pins [Music] you see now you can practice with something that doesn't squish or squirt [Music] oh good you're here we have to cancel the tournament ah cancel the tournament we have an emergency normally i rack the children's bowling balls and mr berg polishes the shoes but mrs berg's back has been acting up so we switched and now mr burke's fingers are stuck ah i have to drive him to the doctors on account of i can't steer with bowling ball hands ow [Music] there will be no one to hand out shoes or work the concession stand we can do it [Music] we keep all the shoes over here oh let's get you to the doctor before you do any more damage don't worry we'll have things back to normal in no time and you think you can handle the shoes george i'll go get the popcorn started [Music] mr berg sure had a lot of shoes luckily george had a lot of hands me and my team need shoes [Music] thanks george handing out shoes was easy the sprout bowlers reporting for duty huh wow good thing they gave the little kids extra time to practice yup that shoe is too big for a kid most bowlers wear the same size bowling shoes as their street shoes little kids probably don't know that monkeys didn't know that either but then monkeys didn't usually wear shoes size 10 size 10 and size 7. [Music] you're right george the size is written on the back good eye they could find the shoes quicker if the size numbers were in order [Music] george hadn't noticed these colored signs before there was a blue man a red lady and green children they were the same colors as the shoes maybe the different colors meant they were different kinds of shoes the shoe with a number in green was the smallest green numbers must be for children the shoe with a red number was a little bigger hmm red numbers must be for ladies the shoes with blue numbers were the biggest of all [Music] blue numbers must be for men [Music] when you match the numbers and the colors you got two shoes that were the exact same size [Music] thanks george the fundraiser was a huge success [Music] and the babalinx got their nesting ground [Music] good morning george i'm gonna sleep five more minutes okay [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] sorry this here roller coaster whips and snaps your own hairpin turns at 70 miles per hour so come on down to zadie island and ride the turbo python 3 000. that's captain's orders everyone was excited about riding the turbo python 3000 except the man with the yellow hat he was afraid of roller coasters and remember the first and last time he rode a roller coaster it was so long ago he was just the boy with the yellow hat [Music] and since that day roller coasters upset him okay i'm a grown man i have no reason to fear a roller coaster [Applause] uh enjoy the ride george i am thirsty [Music] excuse me i'm sorry but you can't ride the turbo python 3000. oh you have to be as tall as this sign to ride and uh you're not that's it honey go to sleep nothing makes you grow like a good sleep and i want you to grow up to be big and healthy [Music] all this growing made george tired if sleep made you grow he could do two things at once [Music] sleep made george grow a lot at least in his dream [Music] i'm sorry you can't ride the turbo python 3000 you're too big [Music] george didn't grow as big as he had in his dream but he grew enough to be five licorice whips tall [Applause] seeing betsy lose her hat reminded the man with the yellow hat of that fateful day [Music] that's it i'm not afraid of roller coasters i'm afraid of losing my yellow hat your hat is safe betsy what's with all these sour faces i don't like sour faces at me park you know ah hi there captain zaney you see this monkey's too short to ride the turbo python 3 000. too short [Music] he's not too short monkeys don't grow very big that's why we have the you must be this tall if you're a monkey side you can ride george and i'm coming with you but first give me all your licorice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] friday afternoon a perfect time for a trip [Music] bottles and newspapers went to the basement but some things had to be taken to the recycling center hey looks like you could use a hand or maybe another foot [Music] i'm guessing you're going the same way i am uh-huh i have to pick up a package for betsy the recycling center's right next door stick it all in betsy's wagon i'll give you a lift [Applause] [Music] george are you okay [Music] the wheel i'll get it boy rolled a long way i bet you could get it to roll from here to the other end of the park if you want it might even set some sort of wheel rolling record say what do you think for the record [Music] it's really going it's it's [Music] gone hurry after it oh where could it be oh my gosh the package place will be closing soon come on we'll find the wheel later [Music] hey we're here with time to spare our problems are over oh this is gonna be a problem [Music] good idea george let's take your stuff to the recycling center then we'll have room in the wagon [Music] hey what are you doing george that won't work cuz it's from a baby carriage it's for babies i got something better [Music] see now this block will hold this corner up you just pull the wagon and i'll just push this block of wood along with my foot [Music] you tried one of those remember see there's three left george that's it there now they're all the same size hey george did you help steve go get my wagon um look i can explain everything see i have this crazy idea i thought if wait we didn't go get your wagon we brought the wagon with us to get your package but that's what's in the package see [Music] aunt margaret got me a new wagon since the wheels on my old one kept popping off [Music] what's the matter [Music] looks great george i'm so grateful to you for helping steve i want you to have my old one huh too bad we never found the fourth wheel those baby carriage wheels won't hold up long ice cream anybody [Music] hmm i wonder what happened to that other wheel oh well some things are just a mystery [Music] welcome to the incredible edible arboretum a cornucopia of exotic comestibles blueberries alicia blueberries are my favorite bush-based fruit come on george [Music] it looks like you all forgot the county sprout rules uh rule number one never eat any plant that you're not 100 certain is safe and that means consulting the edible plants guidebook um no it means getting an okay from an adult right rule number two plants are living things you can kill or hurt them if you're too rough so don't pull on them and don't break any branches come on [Music] why is the screen flickering [Music] either the earth is off its axis or i forgot to charge the batteries okay george can you climb that tree and see where we are [Music] and bill bill bill where are you going don't worry i've got my handy backup compass this way folks bill a sprout never leaves the trail that's rule number three phil oh my excitement's really growing cause we don't know where we're going [Applause] in this direction green in this direction a path [Music] george couldn't believe what he was seeing someone was trying to break that branch somebody was not being a [Music] oh sprout this man was wrecking a tree [Music] hey are you a monkey cool [Music] i always wanted a monkey but my mother said no george had to do something and fast this tree was in trouble [Music] hey return the headgear monkey [Music] george didn't mean for the hat to get or wet man but george couldn't wait around he had to check on that tree george wished he could think of a way to get the branches back on the tree he needed something sticky really sticky like mud george thank goodness i found you oh i'm sorry i left you in that tree oh dr greenbean nice to see you huh sorry we're late we've had a rough day tell me about it first this monkey ran off with my hat and now my tree lopper has vanished [Music] hey what's going on who put mud on this uh george ah so dr greenbean was cutting some branches and you thought he was hurting the tree oh you should have asked oh wait oh you're a monkey well anyway this is called pruning you make a careful cut and it doesn't hurt the tree at all [Music] hey i got it uh mr sproutmaster according to this you're going the exact wrong wait you're going the right way nevermind proceed [Applause] [Music] bedtime in the city when all little monkeys like to hear a good story of all the bedtime stories double o doggie was george's favorite it's a super spy's job to discover secrets and double o doggy is the best he has lots of tools to help him oh that's a periscope remember [Music] well inside the tube are two mirrors the mirror at this end reflects whatever it's pointing at to a mirror at this end [Music] that way double o doggy can see things without being seen himself [Music] all right good night little spy monkey the next day george started practicing to be a super spy like double o doggy [Music] george if you have any paper to recycle put it in this bin okay um george [Music] a super spy needed a spy name george became ah double o monkey professor wiseman i was wondering can we meet an hour later a super spy had to be smart quiet and quick with his hands and feet there's this thing i want to get for george he is going to love it [Music] sometimes super spies had to go undercover oh great see you then he'd only been a super spy for two minutes and double o monkey already had his first spy mission find out what the man with the yellow hat was going to get him [Music] oh it took a while to get the angle of the periscope just right [Music] he was gonna need something to hold it all together [Music] at last double o monkey had his spy periscope and not a moment too soon [Music] except maybe charkie [Music] [Music] how could he keep his eye on the man with the yellow hat now [Music] [Music] you wouldn't be a spy monkey would you he did you make this wow this is very good really but you know it's not nice to spy on people and can ruin surprises like this now do you want an official double-oh-doggie periscope or would you rather just make another one [Music] you want both [Music] when you're a super spy monkey you need lots of ways to keep your eyes on things [Applause] [Music] look hundley it's your buddy george [Music] come on in guys thanks for letting hundley spend the night while i'm gone [Music] i brought all of his chew toys and snacks and grooming supplies [Music] thank you hundley and this is a list of everything hundley needs and when he needs it [Music] oh that's quite a list he's used to doing things in a certain way [Music] this is the first time we've been apart in three years seven months and 15 days i'll pick you up in the morning just like we talked about bye-bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time i'm gonna do the laundry [Music] whew [Music] next add one half cup of water [Music] [Applause] hmm ah hundley had been taught good manners to be neat and to chew his food thoroughly waiting for hundley to chew wasn't george's idea of fun [Music] george couldn't wait to find out what was next on the list [Music] [Music] just to make sure hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important george checked the list [Music] hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped hundley sleep and kept nightmares away [Music] hundley knew george was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] hello hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right george [Music] hundley says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes a squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 3,163,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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