Curious George 🐵Oh Deer 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] all spring george and ali had a project a garden [Music] they dug holes planted seeds [Music] watered and waited until a tiny sprout appeared it's all up to you now george it turned out ally and the rankings were going on vacation for six weeks the garden was in george's hands every morning he watered and pulled out the weeds so the flowers had room to grow and then one day flowers started blooming [Music] george couldn't wait to send ali a picture [Music] someone else was impressed with george and allie's flowers too a deer [Music] george had to be careful not to scare the deer away [Music] the next morning george was eager to check his garden [Applause] [Music] flowers weren't supposed to go back into the ground were they his dear friend was back [Music] oh it turned out that the deer liked george's flowers too much maybe if george shared his oatmeal the deer wouldn't want to eat his garden [Music] but the deer didn't like oatmeal [Music] she liked flowers [Music] [Applause] allie was coming back in just a few days and george was worried there wouldn't be any garden left when she got home hmm but then he remembered something the deer didn't like oatmeal [Music] if deer didn't like the taste of cinnamon on oatmeal maybe they wouldn't like it on flowers either [Music] george made a special flower protecting formula full of cinnamon if the deer didn't like the taste of the flowers maybe they wouldn't eat them at least that's what george hoped the next morning george and bill arrived early there wasn't a single deer in sight the garden was saved hooray not bad for a city kid the deer had moved on and found food that didn't taste bad to them and after just a few days [Music] the flowers grew back just in time for ally's return flowers oh look at them they just grow how easy is that hey look what i made in camp a deer call it sounds like this look it works here they come [Music] yeah i know my turn [Music] friday afternoon a perfect time for a trip [Music] bottles and newspapers went to the basement but some things had to be taken to the recycling center hey looks like you could use a hand or maybe another foot i'm guessing you're going the same way i am uh-huh i have to pick up a package for betsy the recycling center's right next door stick it all in betsy's wagon i'll give you a lift [Applause] [Music] george are you okay [Music] the wheel i'll get it boy rolled a long way i bet you could get it to roll from here to the other end of the park if you want it might even set some sort of wheel rolling record say what do you think for the record [Music] it's really going it's it's gone hurry after it oh where could it be oh my gosh the package place will be closing soon come on we'll find the wheel later [Music] hey we're here with time to spare our problems are over [Music] oh this is gonna be a problem [Music] good idea george let's take your stuff to the recycling center then we'll have room in the wagon [Music] hey what are you doing george that won't work cuz it's from a baby carriage it's for babies i got something better hmm see now this block will hold this corner up you just pull the wagon and i'll just push this block of wood along with my foot [Music] you tried one of those remember see there's three left george that's it there now they're all the same size hey george did you help steve go get my wagon um look i can explain everything see i have this crazy idea i thought if wait we didn't go get your wagon we brought the wagon with us to get your package but that's what's in the package see [Music] aunt margaret got me a new wagon since the wheels on my old one kept popping off [Music] what's the matter [Music] looks great george i'm so grateful to you for helping steve i want you to have my old one huh too bad we never found the fourth wheel those baby carriage wheels won't hold up long ice cream anybody oh huh hmm i wonder what happened to that other wheel oh well some things are just a mystery [Music] there's nothing hundley loved more than a clean lobby [Music] he only wished that monkey felt the same way [Music] oh sorry about that hundley is that all of it it's not even half of it ah 301's doorbell is stuck again don't worry hundley will show you to the basement great george i'll go upstairs for more boxes why don't you and hundley find a spot for them [Music] hundley decided to find a place for georgia's stuff it occurred to hundley that this was the first time he'd been in the basement by himself now where did that ball go a good lobby dog is fearless [Music] george was right you should save everything because you never know when you might need it [Music] oh [Music] to help pinpoint the noise george divided the basement into four sections [Music] he recorded the creepy noise in each of the four sections [Music] [Applause] [Music] george played the recording and listened closely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now they knew the noise was coming from the part of the basement near the boxes [Music] hundley had enough he was tired of being afraid [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hundley must be the bravest dog in the city well let's get the rest of those boxes down here [Music] haven't you learned noises or nothing to be afraid of [Music] maybe we should keep your stuff upstairs george you never know when we might need it [Music] um help attention attention help the world was full of surprises but george never imagined anything like this this was the museum's first robot exhibit so what do you think george [Music] [Applause] [Music] so easy or what i want 10. this one has a delicate enough grip to perform surgery or do this [Music] now over here are examples of what people imagine robots would be [Music] [Music] this is where we'll put your rare models you will have them here before the opening tonight right oh sure i'll bring him back after i take george home thanks here you can drive the mars rover out wow hundley sure loves that okay george i have to take that with me [Music] thanks i'll see you later [Music] i never knew hundley like robots so much [Music] that's how george got the idea to make a robot for hundley to play with [Music] oh it worked hundley thought george was a real robot [Music] being robotic for a whole hour was tiring george was ready to get out of that thing but he didn't want to ruin it for hundley by letting him see the robot wasn't real [Music] since he couldn't reach the button george decided to relax and wait till the elevator came oh hi professor hi i just came to pick up a small red robot you mean the one in the lobby he said two inches tall but i guess he meant ah two feet [Music] there was the elevator finally george could go home [Music] uh oh i left it right here oh no someone must have kicked it check the floor i don't think you could kick that thing across the room oh sure you could it's only two inches tall you mean two feet i know the difference between inches and feet professor there's a runaway robot upstairs it's small red and says xf-17 on the side you got the controls what controls it has no moving parts [Music] george professor wiseman brought you to the museum because she thought you were my xf-17 [Music] yeah your outfit's so good you almost ended up on exhibit [Music] hey that's a great idea huh we promised an xf-17 model we never said it wouldn't be monkey-powered [Music] and that's how george became a museum exhibit for a day [Applause] [Music] so is it he i believe so your highness your highness what you are in the presence of her royal majesty the princess of bratzvia so now we bow wow a real princess in our lobby and now we leave hey wait a minute you can't walk away with hundley oh we got carried away this may be a descendant of the royal dachshund of brothvia [Music] [Applause] a royal doggy i always knew he was special [Music] we must adjourn to the royal quarters and complete the test only if i come with you [Music] you're both more than welcome especially the fuzzy monkey [Music] he wears much more than a helmet he is not royal [Music] uh shouldn't we weigh him without the monkey [Music] they're the same he is royalty beyond question you're one special dog hundley not henley his name is lord percival buckington the 15th percival barkington [Music] and now lord percival can take his rightful place in his new home [Music] new home you want us to live here not you just lord percival [Music] hundley without me was he really four stripes long huh that guy must have had some strong neck muscles to wear this [Music] they weighed the same too hundley matched all the [Music] measurements george never noticed that mark on hundley before today [Music] it smelled like jelly [Music] percival are you all right there was no time to look for soap [Music] is something wrong fussy monkey [Music] oh do i get him too know your highness now he will go oh wait look lord percival's royal birthmark is vanished impossible that would mean he's not lord percival after all so we made a mistake hundley must return to his old life you hear that boy [Music] don't be too sad hundley [Music] [Laughter] well don't be too happy either please accept our gift of the royal bratsville leak and gravy hoagie [Music] a dog's lobby was his castle and for hundley even better than a real castle [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 4,873,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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