Curious George 🐵 Double-O Monkey Tracks Trouble 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] betsy had asked double o monkey to keep an eye on steve he disappears every day and won't tell me where he's going and steve never keeps secrets so this one must be big i tried following him myself but he always catches me guess i'm not as good a super spy as you oh betsy was worried that steve was making her another good luck gift for her dance recital [Music] at the last recital steve baked betsy a cake [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time before that he brought flowers [Music] steve's good luck gifts had a way of going bad [Music] betsy wanted double o monkey to follow steve and blow the lid off his potentially messy plot because whatever steve was cooking up she wanted to be prepared [Music] george what are you doing here huh oh uh well cool gotta run george wanted to keep steven his sights but if george could see steve steve might see george again and then he remembered [Music] when double o doggy needed to follow someone without being seen he used a tracking device that made a sound only he could hear george didn't have anything only monkeys could hear [Music] but he did have a tracking device that didn't look like a tracking device [Music] a keyring for my favorite soccer team the metropolis ringers this is so cool thanks [Music] george betsy's gonna love this betsy was right steve was making another surprise for her now i just have to find a box and george had to find out what [Music] it felt like a jar and it was wet [Music] paint double o monkey was too late [Music] luckily super spies are very fast on their feet way to go george [Music] here we go again [Music] this is for you it's beautiful thank you but why'd you make me a vase because it wasn't anything that could slop on you look it's supposed to be you doing your solo ah the paint got smudged somehow when i set it out to dry but i kind of like it it makes it look like you're actually moving it sure was lucky you were here george that vase would have smashed into a zillion pieces double o monkey saves the day again [Music] the man with the yellow hats hat was special but what made it so special george come on it's time to go when i put my hat on i'm all ready to head out the door huh what [Music] okay george that was funny but you know the rule no one is allowed to play with the yellow hat [Music] george sure liked that yellow hat [Music] what made the yellow hat so great [Music] it was just plain fun george i need to wear the hat for an important speech at the museum please don't play with it [Music] that's what george wanted a fun hat that he could play with [Music] [Music] [Applause] george wanted his fun hat to be more than just a normal hat and in conclusion bloody bloody blood etc so forth and so on [Laughter] that's some hat and yellow [Music] [Applause] can i see [Music] oh boy this is one fun hat [Music] wow if i could have had a hat like this i may never have gotten my yellow one [Music] that was the best thing anyone ever said to george you want me to have it this is the best thing anyone ever gave me [Music] oh surprisingly comfortable oh no i'm late george i've got five minutes to get to the museum for my speech i i have to make a good impression [Music] [Laughter] george was tempted to play with the yellow hat but the man had asked him not to because he needed to wear it to give a very important speech at the museum oh boy [Music] uh professor wiseman asked me to speak today about the scientific method [Music] of course we've all heard the saying what goes around comes around um haven't we [Music] did i say something wrong no continue this is fascinating oh what stuck to my hat oh [Music] i'm wearing george's actually i can explain [Applause] the scientific method is about thinking creatively taking chances and being willing to fail and you made that point very dramatically i did oh so modest now where can i get a hat like that well george made it i want one i want two [Music] [Applause] and that's how george got his picture on the museum wall there's nothing hundley loved more than a clean lobby [Music] he only wished that monkey felt the same way [Music] oh sorry about that hundley is that all of it it's not even half of it ah 301's doorbell is stuck again don't worry hundley will show you to the basement great george i'll go upstairs for more boxes why don't you and hundley find a spot for them [Music] hundley decided to find a place for george's stuff [Music] it occurred to hundley that this was the first time he'd been in the basement by himself now where did that ball go a good lobby dog is fearless [Music] george was right you should save everything because you never know when you might need it [Music] [Music] to oh pinpoint the noise george divided the basement into four sections [Music] he recorded the creepy noise in each of the four sections [Music] [Applause] [Music] george played the recording and listened closely [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now they knew the noise was coming from the part of the basement near the boxes [Music] hundley had enough he was tired of being afraid [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hundley must be the bravest dog in the city well let's get the rest of those boxes down here [Music] haven't you learned noises or nothing to be afraid of did don't shed [Music] maybe we should keep your stuff upstairs george you never know when we might need it [Music] um help attention attention help the world was full of surprises but george never imagined anything like this this was the museum's first robot exhibit so what do you think george [Music] [Applause] [Music] so easy or what i want 10. this one has a delicate enough grip to perform surgery or do this [Music] now over here are examples of what people imagine robots would be [Music] [Music] this is where we'll put your rare models you will have them here before the opening tonight right oh sure i'll bring him back after i take george home thanks here you can drive the mars rover out wow hundley sure loves that okay george i have to take that with me [Music] thanks i'll see you later [Music] i never knew hundley liked robots so much [Music] that's how george got the idea to make a robot for hundley to play with [Music] oh it worked hundley thought george was a real robot [Music] being robotic for a whole hour was tiring george was ready to get out of that thing but he didn't want to ruin it for hundley by letting him see the robot wasn't real [Music] since he couldn't reach the button george decided to relax and wait till the elevator came [Music] oh hi professor hi i just came to pick up a small red robot you mean the one in the lobby said two inches tall but i guess he meant ah two feet [Music] there was the elevator finally george could go home [Music] uh-oh i left it right here oh no someone must have kicked it check the floor i don't think you could kick that thing across the room oh sure you could it's only two inches tall you mean two feet i know the difference between inches and feet professor there's a runaway robot upstairs it's small red and says xf17 on the side you got the controls what controls it has no moving parts [Music] george professor wiseman brought you to the museum because she thought you were my xf-17 [Music] yeah your outfit's so good you almost ended up on exhibit [Music] hey that's a great idea huh we promised an xf-17 model we never said it wouldn't be monkey-powered [Music] and that's how george became a museum exhibit for a day [Applause] [Music] for city heritage week the man with the yellow hat repainted the endless park statue [Music] and george helped oh missed a spot thanks george [Music] ah my yellow hat [Music] [Music] oh thank you george what are you looking at spider webs well spiders spin those webs with special spider silk they live there and the webs catch their food [Music] hold it spiders don't eat apples they eat small insects and flies [Music] george didn't want to eat flies but he likes spiderwebs so much [Music] he wondered why he couldn't make a monkey web which would catch monkey food [Music] oh no if it's caught in your web it's yours to keep [Music] oh no this is going to be ruined george are these to cover the statue [Music] wow you even brought plenty of extra strong tape so it won't blow away thanks you really saved the day [Music] george let's get home before we get caught in the rain oh hey what's this [Laughter] [Music] well that is a pretty good monkey web george [Music] it looked good but could it catch anything no [Music] what [Music] can we help oh yes please this is my grandfather's collection of antique postcards they're priceless we'll never get them all oh it's hopeless the museum wanted to display them now they're going to be lost oh my what luck that this big sticky web thing was here oh that wasn't luck that was a monkey [Music] rain i've got to recover that statue now oh and i'd better get these to the museum fast [Music] thanks again [Music] the spiderwebs had to be saved from the storm too [Music] [Music] making webs was hard george was impressed little spiders could do such amazing things george got rid of the rainy day [Music] and gave him a sunny mountain view [Music] [Music] tracy taught her chicks to walk tall and be proud like a chicken [Music] [Music] [Music] it was time for a bath because in being proud like a chicken neatness counts [Music] george [Music] would you come here please [Music] neighbors will be here soon for our monthly game lunch so i need you to run to the store we're out of toothpicks it's not a party if you don't pick up small food with toothpicks uh-huh oh we need marshmallows too and a new deck of cards you uh you got some jelly on the old deck [Music] so take this list to aydah and luke's general store okay [Music] that sounded like a chicken in trouble george could see those six chicks needed to be rescued now all the chicks had to do was walk across [Music] the bridge wasn't chick-safe yet [Music] what could he do to make it safer [Music] that bridge had sides made from triangle shapes [Music] hmm [Music] george suggested they cross one at a time in case the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them all [Music] but the bridge was plenty strong it even held a whole hand [Music] a job well done george could now rush home with the marshmallows toothpicks and cards maybe not straight home [Music] that must be some party if you need more marshmallows toothpicks and cards already [Music] now it's officially a party all righty we're gonna play goldfish yep [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mama come see what the chickens built they are geniuses we better start looking at colleges and that's how the rankin's college fund for gifted chickens got its start [Music] bedtime in the city when all little monkeys like to hear a good story of all the bedtime stories double o doggie was george's favorite it's a super spy's job to discover secrets and double-o doggie is the best he has lots of tools to help him oh that's a periscope remember [Music] well inside the tube are two mirrors the mirror at this end reflects whatever it's pointing at to a mirror at this end [Music] that way double-oh doggy can see things without being seen himself [Music] all right good night little spy monkey [Music] the next day george started practicing to be a super spy like double o doggy [Music] george if you have any paper to recycle put it in this bin okay um george [Music] a super spy needed a spy name george became double o monkey professor wiseman i was wondering can we meet an hour later a super spy had to be smart quiet and quick with his hands and feet there's this thing i want to get for george he is going to love it [Music] sometimes super spies had to go undercover oh great see you then he'd only been a super spy for two minutes and double o monkey already had his first spy mission find out with a man with the yellow hat was going to get him [Music] oh it took a while to get the angle of the periscope just right [Music] he was gonna need something to hold it all together [Music] at last double o monkey had his spy periscope and not a moment too soon [Music] except maybe charkie [Music] [Music] how could he keep his eye on the man with the yellow hat now [Music] [Music] you wouldn't be a spy monkey would you he did you make this huh wow this is very good really but you know it's not nice to spy on people and can ruin surprises like this now do you want an official double o doggy periscope or would you rather just make another one you want both [Music] when you're a super spy monkey you need lots of ways to keep your eyes on things [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,330,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: yRMMTdQ56Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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