Prostitute interview-Ronnie

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so Ronnie where'd you grow up um on the north side of Long Beach originally what was your family like growing up my mother had me at 24 so she was a young single parent with five children um I have a great father he's deceased now but actually I came up really wholesome and good until my mom lost her house and we moved to the east side then things just went South you know what I mean so yeah hard on the household excuse me it's hard on the household oh yes correct absolutely and the kids take the hit yes yes and so um basically things start going downhill um like I said my parents they were very good to me I'm the baby of five I was spoiled I had everything a poor child could ever imagine to have you know what I mean and so with us moving and life taking a left turn it made me take a left turn so I left home at 12 not because my parents were not taking care of me or doing this or that because they took very good care of me I left home because um it was peer pressure from school children taking my shoes my jackets you know uh my mother and father they supplied me with a whole lot of material things and um that was a lot of peer pressure so I just left at the age of 12 and what happened at 12 on the streets um I went to the streets and I knew some older prostitutes and um they were like in their 30s and 40s and I was a baby in the bunch and I already knew at a young age what money felt like my birthday is July the 15th I never missed a birthday never in my life because County checks drop on the 15th so you I always had a birthday so I always knew what money felt like were you a fast little girl I got to take off these heels we can't do this one were were you a fast little girl oh yeah I'm not going to say fast I was trying to get fast to the money because see I knew it was like at home and like I said I already felt it so once I hit the street you didn't like being poor no it wasn't a problem for me to get down and get some money I caught my first ho case at 12 and my father he heard the recording and he flipped over the table cuz my mama said keep her ass in there keep that little heer up in there I ain't coming to get her incable ass keep her up in there so my father comes he rescues me he's still on my side I'm lying that ain't me that is my voice so he ends up getting me out or whatever and uh taking me back home with him but saying this to say in terms of my father my father is the first convict with a life sentence my father turned 85 last month and he's deceased now he's the first convict to ever work for the Department of Corrections doing doing urine analysis but he was still for the convicts because he was selling them my brother which is 3 years older than me his clean urine and then my mom snitched on him typical [ __ ] how [ __ ] females do and so uh yeah that's basically about that before you get into your story tell me about those Nails oh how how do you do anything with those Nails I do a whole lot with them I can wipe my ass if need to be or I could touch big long healthy things if need to be I prefer to touch the little ones though but yeah these are just habit forming I love my nails and anybody knows me y'all already know this [ __ ] is signature yeah the Ronnie [ __ ] all right so back to your story so you get out of you you spend a little bit of time in jail at 12 I only spend a couple of days but your parents your parents tried to straighten you out um it was no straightening me up because this is what they created no discipline at home I'm the baby so I can fight the older siblings and they're not going to do [ __ ] to me you know so I left home thinking I was grown but the streets taught me something else but I always knew I can pay myself better than me giving a man money and eventually that's what came along in my life was a man only man that I ever paid and won't happen never again cuz he ain't got no sense there's always a man yeah there's always a dude uhhuh and I care not to mention his name but I have two sons by him can I say my children's name sure cordan and ronze I have two sons by him and I met this man at 15 years old pregnant with my oldest son Chile his dad is from Cuba so I meet his dad at 12 years old I don't stay on the blade that long this Cuban pedophile person that Castro remember Castro sent all them cubas Cubans from Cuba over here in the early 80s you remember that so his dad my oldest son dad was a big time Dope Dealer his name is Julio and so um I don't know where he's at but my son looks just like him and whatever and so he took um he took me underneath his wing and I got off the streets and I got pregnant by him long story short he end up catching a case for um selling cocaine you know Cubans is good for selling dope and so he goes to jail or whatever and I have my son I'm pregnant with my son so my brother had a friend I care not to mention his name he came over there to the house so he was talking to me a little bit so I said you're a pimp huh and he said yeah I would take you with me but you're too young eventually I end up having my son and I end up linking up with this other man who I now have two children by and um he just fed me a whole lot of fairy tales a whole lot of false lies like his teeth and uh he just recently got out of the federal penitentiary because not only did he explore me at that young age see when he got me I was already turned out a [ __ ] ain't turned [ __ ] out I turned my own [ __ ] self out I was going up the alley to Mr Nicks may he rest in peace old man Nick everybody know old man Nick from uh Long Beach old man Nick and I was busting little dates with him on the [ __ ] first getting me like $175 you know what I'm saying so he didn't turn me out he turned me on to some things that I shouldn't even put myself through and so basically it was just a waste and he went to jail for human trafficking pimping and pandering and um I also have paperwork to back what I'm saying like I said I don't want to say no names but these young girls were 17 years old that he explored it just like he did me when I was 15 I don't care if I was already out there catching cases I was still a minor and you were my brother's friend so in the midst of it my brother and them they tie this man up they they got him naked they tie him up they're getting ready to do something to him but only reason why they didn't do nothing to him because they figured I was going to tell at that time I probably would have now I wouldn't but yeah do you want to mention that this is somebody that's that I've interviewed that's on my channel uh you did interview this person you have interviewed this person and my thing is I'm speaking in terms of awareness because here's the thing people try to make the whole life So Glamorous but really it's a hard ass life because I retired from off of the blade on Western in the 50s I never worked Figaroa a day in my life so y'all need to get the [ __ ] up out of here with that [ __ ] I'mma tell you the dangers and the regrets that this life carry and I told my pastor this my pastor he's a pimp also and he goes to the same church as me and my children father go to we sing in the same choir I'm not in that church anymore because I live in the mountains but I'm going tell you what what people don't tell you about this longevity game that haunts you and I told my pastor this I can lay in a bed and I could be sleep and I could feel these male inabus demonic spirits sexual Spirits coming to me having sex to with me in my sleep because this is what I attracted out there in the streets living that dark life sleeping with you sleeping with you sleeping with you so I have all these demonic sexual Spirits that's bottled up in one and they come and they have sex with me yeah yeah that that's what happens that's what happens doing when you're out there prostituting you attract sexual demons it's just like now I have a man I think he's my man I don't know but if not [ __ ] it go I don't give a [ __ ] once me and him get into it and I'm used to running my own [ __ ] it's like okay get your [ __ ] go see he's going to lay up with another broad I'm going to try to jump in the nigga's Pockets because at the end of the day don't nothing feel good to me but some money if you don't have any money you're not respected if you don't have no money you can't take a [ __ ] because you can't produce a turd cuz you can't feed yourself so at the end of the day I'm just about money and what I don't like about my children's father is he promotes my sons to be pimps all on a [ __ ] man and this and that no I would never promote my daughters to be a hoe excuse my language I suck the dick so you don't have to sit your ass behind a desk get an education get your own money and that's the only thing I have a problem with his game but then again he went to the feds for 10 years for [ __ ] on to little young prostitute 17 years old had her name tattooed I got I got it in my phone I can back whatever I say and then he had me at 15 you know he's just a loser my son running around here no teeth in his mouth I mean come on that's the first thing a person look in is in your mouth and at your feet you know so yeah he just has my kids just going in all the wrong directions he just ain't [ __ ] how many years were you in the game or you still in the game um I wouldn't say I'm in the game like that I'm in a game when it's pressure when it's pressure because I'm so wrapped up into me I am so wrapped up into etoya is very selfish so if I have a man and like I say me and my man is off I'm going to get some money I'm 51 years old I'm not a badl looking woman you're great looking woman considering the [ __ ] that I've been through so you know I just hey I take it as it come that's it I know how to cook I can clean I sell plates sell me perhaps sometime you know what I'm saying before far as me oh I need a [ __ ] laying in my bed no [ __ ] all that no no no I'm strictly about the money what what have you learned about men what have I learned about men from these Decades of of this um you have to be self-present ation that's the only way a man is going to respect you if you're self-preservation just like me my whole family says and and you know men that I have been with you're bossy you want to run [ __ ] how was I running [ __ ] when I was giving you my [ __ ] money how am I running [ __ ] when you ain't even got a [ __ ] place to stay but the [ __ ] is on my in my name and if I don't pay it I'm the [ __ ] is getting the eviction so what I learned about men it's just self-preservation you have be more often to you than you are them because my kid's dad he never taught me nothing every time we got some money he was glowing in fakes tracks of fake hair trying to be like you know Uncle pimp snake you know what I'm saying you know as he say the Hollywood division no that's Long Beach ain't no damn division ain't nobody in no feds what the [ __ ] I'm from Long Beach division no I'm from the north side of Long Beach that's how the [ __ ] you say it but yeah I just do me that's it cuz at the end of the day if it ain't about no money [ __ ] it cuz I'm not gonna starve with no [ __ ] and I'm not g to struggle with no [ __ ] true [ __ ] story right here my [ __ ] and Gill Anthony we end up getting into it at church because the whole church that we go to Pastor lywood young Church Pastor lywood used to be a a pimp himself he's like a brother to me so my D feel was threatened because I know all these pimps and prostitutes that's all the church is full of is pimps and hoes and I loved it because the church taught me something it you know what I mean and um I was doing [ __ ] at church that I wasn't supposed to be doing I'mma keep it baby if you in some pain hit me up [ __ ] cuz I don't take the [ __ ] so anyway uh me and my dude got into it so I'm always carrying around be mace so we got into it so he start on me so I end up masing him in church and I had everybody flying in the parking lot so at our church they think I'm kind of crazy but [ __ ] don't disrespect me can I say [ __ ] I'm black I'm just mixed but yeah so you know even my kid's dad he was there at church when he sees me he backs up cuz he doesn't want any part of me and I don't have respect for no man man that has to pimp on a young girl he's I was 15 he was 25 see he couldn't handle a real mature woman you know and that's my whole conversation every day it's about some hoing and it's about some money I just put my son out 35 years old just got out the penitentiary and the reason why I put him out is because you spend a night at your friend's house and you jump out of her bed but then you got to come home oh mama mama uh I need some gas money to get to my parole officer in Lancaster like [ __ ] you should established that before you jumped in the bed with the broad so I got sick of that [ __ ] so I threw that [ __ ] out the [ __ ] playing with you that hoe ain't gonna play with me so he tells my mother my mama mad because I won't be a hoe like she used to be I told my mama check this out ain't no way in hell you could be 35 years old trying to be a upand cominging hoe if you wasn't 13 doing it it's not going to work at 35 so as the [ __ ] goes by he seen everything I'm talking about see when you're hoing it's a misdemeanor when you rob a [ __ ] it's a felony and that's what the [ __ ] he did he robbed that girl stole her car took her credit card took her money broke on that [ __ ] Like a downtown [ __ ] I said oh but you saying that you didn't want to be a hoe least if you was a ho it's a misdemeanor case [ __ ] you done [ __ ] around and caught a whole [ __ ] felony that's that square [ __ ] and my son is handsome as hell but yeah I threw that [ __ ] out cuz I'm not taking care of no grown ass [ __ ] I pay $1450 by myself and all I get is my SSI check and shout out to my little brother Prosperity Rose and I love you too late the great nephew keep getting your money you know what I'm saying 15 toes down all across the town yeah Prosperity rose again come to steal your toes again had to get that in there to my little brother nice plug nice plug um I let me ask you a simple question does you you've a lot of experience in the game do you do you see have you ever seen anyone make money get rich in the game um I could say quite a few people that I have seen one of them is my little brother Prosperity Rose uh he had his bra working on a blade for like eight or nine months now she's uh a secretary at Century 21 so she's you know taking up some kind of courses for property management and things of that nature so he has took her from concrete and blew this [ __ ] straight up so if I can turn back the hands of time and my little brother is 33 Prosperity Rose I would have teamed up with the [ __ ] I mean I ask him for vice right today just like he asks his me for safety measures with his H you know in terms of how do they get in the car what happens if a trick is driving fast what do they do [ __ ] take that [ __ ] car and throw that [ __ ] in park the car ain't even got time enough to think it's G to go and that's your time to Bell out you know when the trick pull up oh get in don't grab the thing from the outside slip roll down the window baby put your hand in there and open it up to make sure you can get your ass out so he taught me things and I have taught him things but uh you know it it's it's it's I have I've seen some successful uh you know some successful pimps yeah Lake the great he's doing very well for himself very well that's my little brother's his partner that's his pimp partner so because the late Kenny red said that ain't nobody ever got rich in the game well you got to look at look at Bishop I mean he went from pimping on a corner to pimping in the church no disrespect Bishop you just breaking on them holes on Sunday I would love to come to your church yeah but um it is what it is were drugs ever part of your life um I dibbled and I dabbled I dibbled and I dabbled I mean being out there you know in that type of world jumping in cars with strange [ __ ] meeting these [ __ ] that only want to put your foot on your neck a [ __ ] going to slide you some [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but you know I can't blame me dibbling and dabbling and drugs on a [ __ ] whatever I did I did it because I did it I did it because I did it because I only paid one [ __ ] and that's my kid's dad only paid one [ __ ] and that was him and that right there no yeah yeah yeah he's full of dope you know what I'm saying catching cases with Miners and [ __ ] like that don't nobody respect that [ __ ] at all so yeah drugs play a big old part but um you know I never could do a lot of dope I tell you that I drink three shots I'm loaded so you know I like too many material things you know what I'm saying so I ain't gonna lie like oh I ain't never hit the sh oh I ain't never snorted no yada oh I ain't never took a piece of crack and put it through the [ __ ] foil yeah but after you do it for a couple of more times the [ __ ] makes you sick it makes you nauseated so you can't go on so that's been my problem my whole life drugs make me nauseated so I never can go green green green green Green I can smoke weed all day long I was on the most expensive drug in the world Promethazine with Codine my habit was $250 a day just to buy one bottle so who you think I'm choosing up with this [ __ ] or the bottle you know the dope always win I'm choosing up with the bottle you know what I'm saying I got some [ __ ] but I can't show you because it's gonna go bad for us but uh yeah you know I just do me you know what I'm saying was it easier when you were a teenager 20s 30s 40s what what what AG is um best in this game in my 20s I went to the penitentiary because I stabbed up this bra from Long Beach insane her name Kiki Brown and me and the bra got into it behind a trick so the trick dropped me off at the highway Center on PCH and so the broad you know she talking [ __ ] I'm talking [ __ ] so she mixes me that means what my ass [ __ ] put Bigfoot on my ass so long story short I said when I see this [ __ ] again I'm gonna [ __ ] her up so I already premeditated what I was going to do so when I seen her I stabbed her up eight times and they sent me to the penitentiary I don't know I always could just get when when you were a teenager was it easier to make money well no because I didn't know what I knew today and right now I'm older so the money doesn't come to me like that like I can't come off like hey you want a date no I have to be in the grocery store and I'll see and and see I'm very choicy I'm very choicy I have penis sizes I have colors you know just all kinds of stuff like where I live at now in the mountains I have to date these ccasian men with long ass clu cluck be beards down to here looking like the grand wizards of the clu clut Clans and they pay me and everything is good so basically I mean since I'm older it's harder but I mean it is what it is at the end of the day you're just not going to be up in my face and not give me [ __ ] what what do you prefer uh white men uh black men Mexican as I'm I'm you know it's it's from off the concrete with the game you know as the isms made up we are not and I'm considered as a duck cuz I'm dark skinned so they would call me as a a duck so we're not allowed to date black men because that's considered as a threat you know so what's easier what's easier is a ccasian man oh and don't get a little dick Asian you really good they so easy to pacify cuz they're not very nasty and they don't want as much they got these little dicks so they're just easy they're very easy you know but um oh that's where we left off at for instance if I'm in a grocery store and I see a guy because I'm gonna look what's in your basket see if I drink $6 organic milk that stays good for three months I'm not getting ready to talk to you if you got some Kroger milk in your basket or you got some generic ass 99 cent eggs and some generic ass sugar hell no hell no I put good [ __ ] in my body so when I'm in a grocery store I just look in the man's basket and know whether to hit on this man or not because I'm going off of what he's putting in his side his body he doesn't have Kroger water this man has alkaline water this man ain't got Crisco grease this man has olive oil oil and we all know that that's way more expensive so once I see the good items in the basket I'm like oh that's a good catch and I'll just compliment the hair is gray oh my Lord I just love your silver that is so amazing you are just so handsome men are easy aren't they yeah and then he might have a sling I'll just ask him like hey how are you what happened and he'll be like oh I just had surgery and da D this da D that and then all Li and say that I surgery too because I'm really trying to seek what kind of pain medicine that they gave him so I'mma go into the game like I take pain medicine but I'mma really take the [ __ ] and sell a number 10 Norco for $19 so you know it's various ways to get a date you just don't come off just selling yourself you have to come off with a offering I cook I clean show some pretty videos of your beautiful kitchen and and all your nice you know dishes that you prepared and that draws you up in his house and after that you just take it easy you make every man that you encounter with your boyfriend and how you keep a [ __ ] from off your doorstep when you meet these men they'll be like oh well where do you live well honey I live with my aunt and my four cousins so therefore I'm already letting you know I don't have my own [ __ ] so my finances is [ __ ] up which live by myself so that keeps a [ __ ] from off your doorstep because you live with somebody and people don't like strangers coming to their house so anything they need to do they know they got a rent a room you don't need to know where I live all you need to know is I'm in need I ain't even got my own [ __ ] you feel me so they G to give you some donations you know and that's just how I work my [ __ ] men men like to help damsels in distress right men like to help women that's basically helping theirselves if you step in my house you're going to look whether it's just a two Beed room and I live by myself you're going to look like damn this lady has some kind of class about herself but if you go to broad's house up the street at the projects couch all [ __ ] up pillows all nasty and dirty [ __ ] got a raggedy air mattress up in there you already know you could buy a bottle of liquor and smoke two blunts and you can move this [ __ ] with with me [ __ ] you already know you got to come with something matter of fact don't even give me the [ __ ] money how about paying my car note how about paying these two bills for me and then I'mma reward you because all the time men don't like to give females their money see you got to buy me tricks and you got to pay me tricks it's a big difference and I learned that [ __ ] about 15 years ago [ __ ] don't want to put no money in my hand but he'll buy me AB b c and d you feel what I'm saying so I just take it as it comes it's all about the money yeah yeah and just like my mother would always tell me you're better off by yourself than what a mate because when me and my [ __ ] are off from each other I have to start all over again Gathering up these men to help me you know what I'm saying cuz I damn sure ain't gonna pay no [ __ ] straight out oh my damn sinuses okay so what's next let's keep it going let's keep it going so I know y'all enjoy this [ __ ] right here Saucy me for the record are you uh hello Beach finest are you are you are you addicted to the the money like like can you separate Love and Money basically like I say I'm 51 so if it ain't about the books I could give a [ __ ] about the looks and the looks come with love because see with love is hate harm deceit jealous Jey and all that old other [ __ ] if Tom go home to his wife he just want me to wax him down real good and he going to go lay with his wife and give her a hug at night and think about my black ass while I'm acting like the you know the little [ __ ] [ __ ] slave you feel what I'm saying so I have a man yeah I love him would I cry if he left me hell no I'm trying to jump up in somebody's pockets and reason why I can't go and get another man is because man my [ __ ] just broke up what I look like bringing you to lay up in my bed I'm trying to jump up on some [ __ ] money so you know I love but I have a strange type of Love at times I think I should have been a [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying just like my kid's dad the pedophile I care not to mention your name [ __ ] I'mma save you he had a hoe we brought the [ __ ] cute little fluffy white [ __ ] we brought her from Fresno so we bring her down here long story short I end up knocking him for the [ __ ] I had the [ __ ] for eight days and pimp snake from out alone Beach you know that that's a good [ __ ] right there snake is some real pimping he's some real game Snake was laughing about the [ __ ] and then the [ __ ] never came back like for nine hours and I said to myself snake then knock me for that [ __ ] and he knocked me but um quite a few times I didn't knock my kids daddy for his [ __ ] because here's the thing [ __ ] you doing this so same ass low vibrational ass pimping she go out there get the money give it to you and you take her shopping with her money and she tells you thank you a [ __ ] want to feel the [ __ ] money so when I was knocking his hoes I knocked them for two [ __ ] and I'm young knocking them hoes you feel what I'm saying and I'm sending them [ __ ] I'm sending them like I said only half ass paid one [ __ ] and the [ __ ] was doing me so grimy I robbed his ass the money in my son cordon's diaper and that's how that [ __ ] foot got [ __ ] up cuz me and my sister chased him out the window with butcher knives a twostory window that [ __ ] never got shot in his ankle that [ __ ] came from me and my sister oh my dead ass black ass daddy Dennis deo's red my viewers are going to figure out who this is ho ho ho yeah yeah are are there good pimps out there we we know they're a bad pimp here is my thing I look at it like this don't do [ __ ] to a female that you don't want done to your child now what what what what cuz my kid's dad he never taught he never taught me answer is no he's used to well I'm not g to say that because it is like my brother Prosperity Rose successful pimp take a [ __ ] from low to high no [ __ ] ain't even selling no [ __ ] no more you know what I'm saying um Lake the great respected pimp he gets his money you know good [ __ ] but what you come in the door on that's what you come in the door on long as you do what you need to do here that's on you at the end of the day you know what I'm saying but my thing is is that um what do females need and what I leared what I got out of the game the little that I learned from my kids dad is just in terms of staying down he didn't never teach me stacking abilities and how maneuver to do this and do that you know what I mean so when when when we have these pimps the only thing that I got out of it was a [ __ ] telling me to stay down but once I got the staying down I was good I didn't need you for [ __ ] we're living in a [ __ ] Motel you know what I mean like we not doing [ __ ] [ __ ] we putting cup of noodles in the microwave you running around here with a [ __ ] fake ass Jerry Cur blowout hair weave you know like one time me and my kids Dad we was in Oakland California and he knocked a a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] had a wide ass [ __ ] mouth like a [ __ ] horse and my kid's Daddy see he didn't pimp with the mind he pimped with his dick and that and that's a big ass [ __ ] you never can get that [ __ ] [ __ ] up never can get it [ __ ] up so he knocks the hole we bring the hole from Fresno down there to Long Beach and me and him end up getting into it so that's when I stole his money and put it in my my son's diaper and you know me and my sister chased them out the twostory window but saying this to say every time he has got some new work he forgot about his old work and so when I looked at that like I'm not getting anywhere with him people knocking on the motel door telling us to check out and I'm young but I got family all up and down Long Beach so I never had to stay but we never grew we never grew and just like right today like [ __ ] you went to the feds in your 50s for [ __ ] with a [ __ ] 17 year old [ __ ] I got the [ __ ] I put it all on Facebook yesterday every [ __ ] thing like get the [ __ ] up out of here I could never turn a trick with a little young boy you know what I'm saying I would never tell my daughters um you better go and get a date if anything I'mma [ __ ] the pimp off and the trick too that's my daughter I did this [ __ ] so you don't have to live this life but I'm telling you don't be no fool either don't get out your boyfriend car coming in my room talking about mama you got $2 on some pads hell no [ __ ] you should have had the best of pads and the best of [ __ ] wipes if you just got out the car with your [ __ ] now that's what the [ __ ] I promote that was the last [ __ ] you went to sleep with and the first niggaer you woke up with so have your Necessities that's where my oldest son got it [ __ ] up out so I love the game I love the game I respect big pimps that that that do well and stuff like that but for me paying this [ __ ] paying that I ain't never been with that [ __ ] I want to F my own money when I knock my kids dad for his two hoes [ __ ] you ain't got to give me all the money just give me half of the Trap I just want half see I had to come with something new I couldn't use my kids daddy game you giving me all the money all on the ho break on the [ __ ] in the goddamn D swap me buying her some generic ass ho clothes and this [ __ ] thank you Daddy what the [ __ ] you mean thank you Daddy the [ __ ] need to be thanking you I didn't Rob my kids daddy about two three [ __ ] times [ __ ] up there [ __ ] get the [ __ ] on yeah [ __ ] after I take your trap the [ __ ] tra in my [ __ ] too and I'm ready to take a coat hanger ass whooping behind it so let's go [ __ ] is robbing the tricks part let's go huh is robbing the tricks part of the game um it's a part of the game it's a part of the game you would give a game of black eye like one one time uh I think I was about 17 me and my kids Dad we was in uh Vegas so I just learned how to pickpocket and I used to run with these two hoes named Vera and Coco they pimp was named silky from out of Albuquerque he got a brother named International T yeah so uh they taught me how to pickpockets so me and my kids dad I knocked my homeg girl for him we went to Vegas and so uh he put us down so I run up on a trick so I pickpocket him so I didn't have enough sents to peep the money that I was pickpocket and I just took the all the money out the wallet and stole the watch and got on so anyway uh about time I ran to the motel room and beat on the door like I came up I came up I had about $200 worth of uh $2 bills so so he was mad as hell he like [ __ ] you didn't [ __ ] up you didn't blew up the track like [ __ ] it's whatever you know [ __ ] I thought it was all 20s but they were all $2 bills so um you know it just it just it it varies and I I will always it's the oldest profession in the world I will always you know uplift the game you know what I mean just learn oh yeah yeah yeah I wouldn't have [ __ ] with my kid [ __ ] ass daddy cuz he's a [ __ ] pedophile he's a loser he's a loser like I said I don't have a a track record of paying [ __ ] Can't no [ __ ] really pull up with my bipolar ass [ __ ] please my [ __ ] that's in jail right now I be playing that [ __ ] that [ __ ] let you know I MA his ass in church my kids dad that went to the feds he don't [ __ ] with me at all like oh here come this crazy ass little [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you already know but yeah I would have changed a whole lot of things you know what I'm saying but you know it's empowerment for a man to pay you your wealth and your worth and it's empowerment for a lady to make a man feel the way that he wants to feel see a lot of hoes they I got [ __ ] and Dick instructions straight the [ __ ] out you're not getting ready to suck on my titties I'm not getting ready to lay on my [ __ ] back and let you hit this fat ass [ __ ] we ain't doing none of that I'mma bend the [ __ ] over and I'mma tell you whatever you need to hear you know so I come with a whole lot of instructions cuz if you turn into trick seven minutes max you should be gone [ __ ] what is you doing all the way butt naked you got your brawl off your T-shirt off your shorts off I mean like godamn so I run a hard [ __ ] bargain I run a very hard bargain but I aim to please I aim to please because you'll be surprised what a [ __ ] can do and a [ __ ] throw some [ __ ] sound effects on that dick eat that [ __ ] up that [ __ ] be like put some sound effects on it you done you're done you're done put some sound effects on it suck that mother [ __ ] for about 3 minutes real [ __ ] good give him some sloppy toppy gag and all that old [ __ ] and after that honey just been on over and twitch your ass up and some you done seven minutes you're done you're done you can turn the trick while your [ __ ] go to the store it's over come on grass man what do you got [Laughter] Pedro give me some grass and some dough Ron Ronnie what would you say is the most important lesson you you learned in all these years the most important lesson that I learned um is to just always be yourself and if it's not beneficial like a referee with a whistle cut it a loose and just don't be no [ __ ] and if you leave your folks [ __ ] don't go run to another [ __ ] don't go run to another pimp cuz they don't respect that [ __ ] they don't respect it at all you know just do you you know like that's the [ __ ] Mario he a pimp from Oakland oh my God I am so out of pocket but that [ __ ] was fine than a [ __ ] and I don't even like yellow [ __ ] he had the Shirley Temple curl so my kid's dad the one that's got out the feds he put me down and he kept the other [ __ ] down with the wide ass dick sucking horse mouth so when he put me down I think I made like 1,400 so I wanted to get back to Long Beach we're in Van eyes on saoba it's a track and so um then it wasn't cell phones so I seen his pimp partner Mario pumping gas so I had all my money keister in a condom up my coochie and I had $150 in my hand that was my last date that I had the $150 date because they was eating my little cute young ass up I had them [ __ ] tricks lined the [ __ ] up so I walk up to his car so I put $150 on his seat so when I put the b50 on the seat he looking he was like what's that and he was like oh [ __ ] you giving me some money you choosing up and I was like yeah I'm choosing up he is like 150 ain't enough I was like well I can make more money I need to get to Long Beach now I'm 17 I'm really giving this pimp the buck 50 to get me from out the van eyes to Long Beach like I have to get my kids and he already knew like this is uh oops this is you know I didn't say the name his name this is you know whose uh bottom [ __ ] right here so he was like well you got to give me some more money ain't enough so I dipped my hand in his window real quick like let me snatch up my buck 50 cuz [ __ ] you're bull [ __ ] so I end up getting a ride from Van I to Long Beach from a trick so that went all around Long Beach it was all in Oakland what I did and I was out of pocket I didn't give a [ __ ] I wanted a ride my kids Daddy was was still going to [ __ ] with me he wasn't about [ __ ] anyway [ __ ] couldn't even control when he was smoke crack [ __ ] smoke crack he' be like and then standing up on that one ass leg that me and my sister [ __ ] up yeah he's just a waste and for him to just you know feed my kids that that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but you know my sons are grown and they do as they do just know niggaer you ain't laying up on my [ __ ] couch cuz I'm the pimp I need to get paid too all right Ronnie thank you so much for sharing your story you're F you're fascinating thank you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 329,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: 72sqSW4dXas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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