I made FNAF 1000x more dangerous

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all right we're checking out the only game where in order to win you have to go deep it's happy whe is oh or I could just get too bad right away super duper easy now as you will note this is not just a bottle flip you can get more bottles minus the e but then you must go to the next level and complete that as well also I noticed there is balls it doesn't really describe what exactly the balls do they're just there okay I hear someone in a great deal of pain in the distance okay easy not too bad wow oh we're going deep get in there oh okay that's okay that's really okay ah my favorite bottles the blood of the innocent I think I'm going to get the gry will find a way it's kind of like the rising son of Grey Hood over here or something I don't even know where you're supposed to land like are you supposed to go inside of that hole or something I don't even understand how I'm supposed to achieve this oh there we go okay so you have to jump up inside and your bottle basically has to do the impossible and somehow land like here go of course sure yeah this is a great idea oh I'm going to be at this a while what's the question mark do oh I'm okay now on the plus side the question mark did allow me to go deep which I do appreciate and you kidding me medium I wish there was a medium rare that's how I like my steak be nice to throw a bottle at exactly that level of cookedness all right I am I'm definitely touching the gry ball or whatever you'd like to call this I'm I'm getting inside of it it's just not easy go my violin ketchup bottles provide tomatoey sustenance to all those in attendance why do I keep hearing the sound of pain down here pretty easy [Music] what okay it's not inside but that's pretty cool are you kidding me going to be a little bit more difficult than I previously anticipated that's all right though I've got all day oh it was inside that sounds terrible sniper okay this gra will find a way thing is pretty legit wow wow oh oh how about that now that I have gained what I wanted in life we must continue downward to the next level okay ah we got a ball fall okay oh yeah now there's a lot of Swords I noticed oh my God hold on stop so I didn't see this I was already over here good thing I didn't fall down the right side okay you know what let's uh let's stay in the middle yeah let's let's go let's go this way there we go yes a little bit of Nixon yoga never heard anyone oh God okay we got a real problem here people I meant to Zig and I ended up zagging and that is right there okay Nixon I need your feet to go back yes perfect yes okay stop they're growing man they're everywhere hey good we have to do this very controlled and very slow because they put these things just everywhere he good oh God okay we're fine I don't know what I'm holding on to but I guess whatever it doesn't matter oh yeah human Plinko board here we go do not touch do not touch the swords there we have it and yay this is called the Pogo fight of power Pogo fight I like riding the trends fair enough okay so This Little Child did nothing don't want to murder him I will knock you off of your Pogo Podium because that's kind of the entire Point ate your peanut butter and jelly sandwich I love chunky peanut butter banged up your car wait wait did does he have insurance or does he not have insurance I've been trying to get the lock on the passenger side door fixed forever so uh if I can blame that on you I will out of the way I didn't actually see what this other guy did ate your PB&J sandwich again how many of these sandwiches have I eaten like in one day brand new fad diet the peanut butter and jelly sandwich diet stole your cat all right no survivors you don't touch the cat I got four of them so I guess if you stole one of them I would have three additional options but still I'm going to take this sword with me cuz I don't I I would hate to leave it behind all right Florida man it's you and me stole your dog ah no joke that broadsword came out of my butt only to almost go right back into it he yeus Big Shot don't get AED winner this is oh God the called rope swing there's no other context it just says thanks okay oh oh god oh no I should oh I could still do this y oh what what the what happened I was fooled oh never mind I wasn't fooled won well I was fooled but I was fooled into not being fooled anymore this is called case 2 jetpack run all the maps I've made are 100% possible that's very concerning that you mention that before I even start the board don't go up okay don't press BL bar for too long you break in half all right okay uh oh yeah this isn't too bad doing good okay oh boy we do have ah okay all right I see where the challenge is here ah lima bean green my favorite color come on baby just very oh yeah calm and collected calm and collected yeah ah I love using my head as a wrecking ball this is called Mortal Kombat can I uninstall Mortal Kombat and just just leave this the answer is no okay fair enough all right we've got go wao oh god oh I'm fine I don't know how but I survived that left a little bit of strawberry jam on the sword no big deal uh oh oh we got scorpion whoa I don't know how that missed but whatever Subzero hey do I do I go over the ball of death or I guess I can go behind it oh it's just connected to him that was the Limpus Subzero death ball I've ever seen ah whoa oh oh my God is that that is that how Liu Kang fights does he attack you at light speed and randomly explode but when Mortal Combat uses [Music] landmines stop it oh boy oh this is a problem this is a problem I left the board okay all right keni scorpion Subzero ow okay that that Frost ball thing was much better than the last one you've clearly been working out ah mortal combat's no joke Subzero not today Liu Kang He Man Sonia is definitely the best Mortal Kombat character I can tell you that I haven't played the new one but if it's anything like this boor she is grotesquely op ow the Scorpion blade is deep in my rectum this right here is a medical emergency I wow huh whoa oh we're doing it now boom big dodge Liu Kang didn't know about that okay stop stop stop nice no no no yes also was it wasn't Sonia originally blonde she not blonde anymore no idea I mean she could have got her hair dyed what oh B right CH no you don't I know what's happening here you're trying to fall on top of me not today oh hold on I me all right you know what we're going to go past this as fast as possible are you ready Mortal Kombat Hardest Game of the Year 100% so far now Scorpio you can fool see you go right underneath them look at that right there could not stop the one billion IQ Strat don't you do it Subzero whoa ow ow ow ow oh oh my face did really good at blocking some of those shot oh no no no no no no you don't no I can't get past Sonia oh why don't even ask how I did this I have this gigantic weighted like wailing harp oh in a place that is very compromising okay Sona it's you and me oh yeah here we go yay I finally beat Sonia like I guess I got her that one time but man I have not been there since since just now okay oh yes oh I finally beat Mortal Kombat what a game this is called Impossible 2 no idea what happened to Impossible one may have already played it what what happens if you go this way ow okay all right what happens if you go even further this way nothing all right so what's so impossible about this hey hey no Okay so we've got some gaps not too bad not a not a huge deal I'm so dead or am I down the way I want a nice clean area to jump beautiful I I love it see I don't need any of these guys so they can just take they can keep going they can take a hike yeah keep rolling everyone keep rolling nice stack of domino style homeless guys I'm probably oh I didn't think I had enough mustard on that jump and leap over doing good oh woohoo hold on yeah yeah I don't think so ow I'm okay I am am wearing another human as a hat but that's a fashion statement totally normal in this day this day and age it's great okay so where do I go from here oh I do win hey gray don't try anything you know better than that oh my arm I knew it you little gray still plays man time to die uh-oh ah ah ah you won't escape this ah like You Did In My Level impossible 90% I told you not to go down here why did you do it's what I made of so I want to try something real quick they may be saying gray what are you doing just just trust me on this okay just trust me on this we're going to grab we're going to jump we're going to oh hold on now what you can do uh-oh oh God ah I just wanted to do something real quick I survived your little box just because I thought it would be funny to do all right now let us do the actual bottle run and go oh my God okay all right start you up a little bit faster a little bit faster than I thought of oo I I won uh yay I wanted to find out exactly what I had missed oh that's what it was cool this is called Welcome to Jet ball it says it might be hard Sorry by poopy master all right press to start you got it okay oh ow oh my okay this isn't just hard you are starting off with the abusive Rockets okay so you need a uh oh oh god oh yeah it's fine we're fine we're okay so you need a plan going into this and let me show you how we're going to do this okay we're going to very slowly fall down okay there we go this one's a little harder no big deal see now if you notice we have our leg that was attached to us it's not any longer but we're still good friends now our leg is going to go flying and it's going to help get rid of a couple of rockets now once that gets R of some Rockets we're going to flipy do this way there we go oh there goes an arm oh god oh yeah I'm fine everything's fine oh grab on the wall no big deal fall on down God yay poopy Master this is called bottle run spikes says bottle runs are too easy so they added spikes sadly my child oh my child's back hey I was going to say I'm not doing this alone alone we're in this together oh my God okay all right so apparently you have oh you have no leeway for leaning oh God for leaning back too far now whenever you are posed with a problem like this you just need a little extra forward speed oh yeah that's hot over the mustard just enough ah yes nothing like going to a birthday party that I absolutely was not invited to can I leave the answer is no it's always a little concerning when you're at a birthday party and you know there's no one there and all the presents have been left behind also where's the cake at o oh what happens if you walk into the the Red Death Square let's find out go ahead oh my god well never expected a total Fade to Black all right through the red Des Square okay I have to find is that like a like a sad cupcake that was a sad cupcake right over here there's one I have to find some eyeballs just put those on the platter this is a normal day with grave still plays got any extra eyeballs laying around over here you never know okay look at that right there take his eye out of his head run on through so when you say let's eat you mean like the cake right not human flesh or anything is it am I the only person who thinks that that would be the very first go-to when it comes to feasting upon the insides of segue guy all right Nixon oh wow got like a like a guitar solo going on over here that's kind of awesome if I if I walk past you are you're going to bludging me to death with that guitar what color was the small present are you kidding me I have no idea how do you even choose what do you do you pick on the oh oh you pick on the balloon I don't know it better is it pink oh God green okay guess it was red now we're going to remember to pick up the eyeballs as we go past them here no big deal there we go got the eye and the random drug pipe I don't know what that is okay red bam got it let me pass if I had a $5 bill I mean I'd throw it or something you working hard all day let that bow tie strangle you to death all right what else we got going on over here how come any time oh scene transition what is happening here is that a spotlight or is this like a sniper's Crosshair should I should I go fast or should I go slow I am highly concerned oh what was that oh there's a head there is a there is a blinking head right over here can leave I'm just going to oh waa okay I was going to notp my way out ah God this is a very elaborate Board of death I'm not going to lie there's a lot of ways you can die here okay keep on rolling through all right here we go now we have to survive so I don't know do you go you go like close enough and we go this way how do I how do I leave where's the parking lot at my Honda Civic is parked outside like in a handicap spot probably end up getting towed okay did he did he leave I think he left cuz I've I've segued much further than I've ever segued before he's back okay he's definitely following me it's very tense you know having the fov of a game from 1991 it's like playing old school maroin or something I have been seg oh survival yeah hey so far so good oh I did it I lived the whole night yay well I had 30 birthdays and 29 of them killed me anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of Happy Wheels next time stay foxy my love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,535,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U7ctGCYluHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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