Teachers Reveal Trashiest Things That Parents Have Done

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teachers of predict what was the trashiest thing you've seen a parent do mum used to be a teacher and this happened to someone she worked with child was strangling another child teacher wasn't strong enough to pull the child off of the other child so ended up having to thump the child until he released child ended up rather bruised parents of the child doing the strangling decided they wanted to try and sue the teacher for hitting their child a result equals teacher who prevented their son from murdering someone suspended from work until the case gets rejected from court work at a school where over 80 percent of our population lives under the poverty line i keep a cabinet full of hygiene products for kids to take deodorant lotion chapstick hair gel feminine hygiene products shampoo conditioner those kinds of things in travel sizes being a teen is hard enough without having to cope with hygiene problems due to lack of funds at home so one day the entire thing is empty odd i refill the cabinet and two days later all of it is gone again refill with the last of my supplies catch the kid in the act of sweeping everything in his bag i stop him take him in the other room and talk to him he told his mother about the cabinet she ordered him to bring her everything he could get she was returning the items to walmart for store credits to buy cigarettes and beer i told him to tell her the cabinet is locked now i bought a bike lock so it was not a lie it is sickening especially sad because it used to be anonymous but now a student would need to approach and ask to unlock it for something they need and might be too embarrassed mother came to a school sports day swinging from a bottle of wine we always felt desperately sorry for her daughter because whenever she returned to school following a holiday at home this was a boarding school we had to wash all her clothes because they reeked off cigarettes and this poor little girl was easily the most unhappy child i've ever seen sounds like boarding school was the right path for her wreck their car buying drugs on the way to pick their child up from preschool and then try to get another parent to cover for them with their estranged husband m only after preschool woman i used to babysit for worked in a school as an assistant or some crap in toronto she always told this story about how the class rabbit would go home with a new kid each weekend they kept trying to avoid giving one kid the bunny for the weekend because it was clear his home life wasn't the best but they finally caved and let him take the rabbit home the parents killed the rabbit and ate it they killed the class bunny and fried it up for dinner they weren't even ashamed when they told the teacher what happened on monday said they were out of groceries or something i firmly believe that class pet should never go home with any student for any reason my mom's a teacher and in order to talk to her parent about a child that was struggling due to the school environment she arranged to meet at the parents house keep in mind this was scheduled in advance with a set time the dad answered the door 100 naked and tried to have the meeting with him naked on the front porch my mom doesn't do anything outside the school anymore well in my profession it's more often what the parents don't do that wins them the parent of the year award but i do have a couple hall of famers i'm a special education teacher so i deal with kids with all kinds of physical emotional and academic disabilities i took care of a little girl once who had a number of complications due to spina bifida her mother couldn't be bothered to take care of her the little girl wore diapers and was cast she required three five diaper changes a day mum would only send five diapers a week the thing is she was getting full services from her community so she was being provided with plenty of supplies we suspect mom was probably selling the extras i ended up just buying her diapers mom would not change her catheter regularly we would change her out at school but other than that she'd go another 24 hours before a changeout longer if it was a weekend the smell from the infection she'd get after a weekend was horrendous she had lice constantly and using bed bug sores mom told us to f off when we'd call and tell her to take her to her doctor found out later in the year that she also had scabies we offered to administer the medications and creams at school mom told us to go to heck girl would come to school in men's underwear xxl shirts and size 16 pants she was eight finally discovered that her nine-year-old sister was changing her diapers and dressing her everyday and sister couldn't find any other cleanish clothes to put on her mom's response i'm busy i have to get to work in the mornings final straw was when the nurse discovered what appeared to be std warts while changing her diaper one day nursemaid for the 10th time another cps report but principal insisted that we call home and report our findings grandma found out tipped off mom and mom appeared at the school 15 minutes later snatched up the kids and disappeared investigators showed up 15 minutes later but mom was already long gone never saw the kids again your principal is a complete [ __ ] staff raise money to get an eight-year-old girl a winter coat live in rural canada girl came to school the next day in a t-shirt in the dead of winter her mom wearing the brand new child-sized jacket the cafeteria which is used for parent meetings has tables with fixed bench seating you have to swing a leg over to sit down parent wore a short skirt and was commando she also got up several times it's funny that you wrote parent not mom now i have to imagine a dad in a short skirt our vice principal is a former army sergeant who's built like a tank he's well liked and an amazing role model in a community where many of our kids don't have a good male role models on several occasions i've seen mother step well over the line and make very sexual comments to him directly in front of their kids i mean in plain sight of their own children and in ways the kids notice he's always very respectful and often asks another staff member to join him if he sees one of these parents coming to talk but it's pretty dang trashy when it comes to some of the innuendo i've overheard these aren't jokes either they try to get handsy with him too your vice principal sounds like a bro principal skinner my cousin is a teacher and she once had a parent come to her parent teacher conference extremely drunk and right before the meeting tried to pull out a bag of coke and start doing limes police were called and so was cps the school also had to call nine one one once because a parent overdosed in the parking lot while waiting to pick up their kid and the poor kid was too young to understand why their mom was slumped over in their car jesus that's rough as a teacher i can't imagine having to explain that to one of my kids your cousin is doing good work my mum's story a girl and her parents were being interviewed before starting high school the primary school this girl went to notify the high school that the girl was autistic when my mom tried to discuss how they can best cater to the girl's needs the parents interrupted the parent sent the kid out of the room say to my mum she's not autistic anymore she grew out of it the girl is clearly autistic and the school was trying to help my school mandated a psychologist for me because i kept complaining about suicidal thoughts and when they told my parents because they had to oh boy needless to say i never spoke up about being depressed again i'm a high school teacher one time a parent of a child who had been going back and forth with another child on social media came to the school to confront the other girl the mom ended up bursting into my classroom to try to fight one of my ninth grade girls sending us into a lockdown until the woman was removed by the police i taught elementary school i had a third grader who was well behind all the other children and reading skills he seemed capable of reading but just never put forth any effort so i would pull him aside every chance i got into to him it was paying off he was progressing nicely then his mother showed up one afternoon mad as heck because the boy was learning to read it took me a while to figure out what she was screaming about it seems she was receiving disability payments because her boy was [ __ ] and incapable of reading if the caseworker found out the boy could read the payments would stop luckily she caused such a commotion that the assistant principal got involved and she was threatened with a rest but the poor little boy was scared whenever i tried to teach him i despise people who try to directly profit at the expense of their children's future it's a very evil kind of selfishness i volunteer at after school programs to help tutor i had a student earlier this year good kid loves math loves computers wants to be a programmer when he grows up he's really struggling in seventh grade because he has no computer at home we have to do his online assignments at the program but we only meet twice a week i pulled his mom aside and explained how he could be doing much better in school with some kind of pc and internet access at home she says she can't afford a computer i tell her that for 200 i could piece all the parts together myself for a fully functional setup that would be sufficient for at least the next few years i'd even build it with him so he could learn some extremely valuable information i'd even front her half but she'd have to pay me back she says no way still way out of her budget mind you while we're having this conversation she's barely looking up to speak to me too busy scrolling through the gram on her iphone 10 i say frickit i'll do it myself scrap together all of the parts i can for free i only had to buy an hdd the setup was really out of date but still worked gave it to them kid was thrilled about a month later i noticed he's trying to finish all his hw at the program again i ask his mom if everything's okay with the computer she says it broke down i say okay what happened i'll pick it up and try to fix it she says she had to throw it away i pulled the kid aside and ask him he tells me she sold it to her cousin for fifty dollars i really don't like calling people trashy when they're apparently stuck in a culture of poverty maybe she needed that fifty dollars for the light bill or groceries but at the same time she spends 3x that amount on her cell phone each month so it really just broke my heart it was like she's doing everything in her power to ensure the kid has no freaking chance at a decent life i work in a school in one of the most socially deprived areas of the uk at parents evening we give every parent a printout of their child's grades in each subject alongside their target grades last year we had the parent of an 11 old respond to this printout by shouting what the frick am i going to do with this i can't freaking read can i just was in front of other children parents and her child's teachers mum slept with her daughter's adult boyfriend kicks daughter out of house daughter goes to live with dad mom tries to say dad molested daughter real piece of work i called a parent about a behavior issue i must have been on speakerphone because i heard the kid come home parents start screaming at and wailing on the kid cutting calling them all sorts of names i don't even know if the parent remembered i was on the phone i hung up the phone and went to my principal teachers are mandated reporters don't hit your kids in front of a teacher i honestly wish i had a teacher like you i was abused my entire life by my parents and was even slapped by my father when i was younger in front of a teacher and they didn't care i also remember telling two different teachers about me being abused and they didn't listen or care which all made me believe what i was going through was normal this one was pretty funny a parent brought out a pack of sweets or something and her son asked can i have some to which the mother responded where's your freaking manners how about fricking please i fassa palmed so hard nice moment of humor in an otherwise depressing thread oh my god i've worked in behavior units juvies for a few years so you can imagine the families we get my fabs took the kids out on the last day of turn pull into the driveway and one of the kids mothers is standing there can of monster in one hand cigarette in the other and wearing a mini skirt and knee-high boots in the middle of winter one grandparent used to come in wearing a dirty singlet with his belly hanging out would try to kiss me and called me love darling and babe a kid left grounds without permission so didn't have his phone etc which we confiscate mum came to pick it up and when the principal tried to engage her in a conversation about her son's behavior she attacked him with her handbag i worked in a similar job we had one family that encouraged the kid who we believe had fetal alcohol syndrome to not listen to us we believed because if he never graduated the program they wouldn't have to care for him on a home visit once the first thing said to him when he came in the house was that he had to sleep on the floor because they got rid of his bed i have to there is a parent who would walk through our closed campus every single day as teachers we are supposed to stop her because it's a closed campus every single day she would pretend she didn't know the rules we always knew it was the same parent because she let her younger children who weren't in school yet ride around on their scooters ahead of her one day she was walking through with a stroller she was not paying attention and her freaking baby started falling out of the front of the stroller i saw four teachers jump up to help the kid and the mom didn't even acknowledge the other one happened directly to me during parent teacher conferences i was meeting with a mom and her live and boyfriend about her son at the end of the conference i asked if they had any questions i could answer for them and he started asking me personal questions and flirting with me i deflected and told them i had more conferences but other teachers have told me that parents have hit on them before so it's probably pretty common not a teacher but a college administrator parents will call in very frequently when there is an issue with their students living situation if they're in but whole frequent i quote ferpa to them best example i had to build a student for around 600 and damages to their room at the end of the year mom called me p off about this because they had tried to repair the damages poorly he ended up yelling about this over the phone and i reminded her that her son was 22 years old and that i could only talk with him about this kid calls me back the next day and apologizes for his mom being a bee to me and asks if i'm able to just balls his mom when she calls back it's a weird line of work i worked at a nighty job on college campus for a few years parents would call all the time trying to creep on their kids grades passwords friends ferpa was always there to save the day im sorry maram congress says i am not allowed to give you your children's grades not a teacher but my dad once worked as a groundskeeper at a primary school worst thing he ever saw was a guy dropping his daughter off to school and before she went through the gate her dad went through her school bag and took out all of her packed food and left eating it essentially leaving her with nothing to eat that day dad was so angry he said he wanted to knock the guy out right then and therefore leaving his child with no food for the day but he ended up going straight to the principal to tell them what he witnessed so it could be investigated properly and get the kid help my kid went to the preschool run by the public school system one day i saw one of his classmates every student was either three or four moms opened the front passenger door kid climbed in and they drove off with the radio cranked and the little girl dancing on the seat leaning against the dashboard the back seat was totally empty not even a car seat the next day i offered the lady my other kid seat i'd buy another one on the way home she told me to frick off and drove away with her daughter again standing on the front seat i let the principal know and we watch the car drive off into traffic towards the highway l day three i've called the police but they'll only come out of i call during the pickup great that'll only take 30 minutes for them too after mom drives off with daughter dancing on the seat again i tell the principal i'm reporting the mom to family services if she won't intervene on day four a guy shows up in her car and comes nose-to-nose with me without even so much as an introduction he says if i keep harassing his woman i'll regret it i tell the principal nothing she can do they stopped bringing the kid to school after that as a teacher your principal is a crap head god damn it we are mandatory reporters and even in my small town if we see something we go above whoever and report it blamed me for their child suicide attempt their kid wasn't even coming to my class and the suicide attempt was apparently not bad enough to hospitalize her or get her the help she needed the parent confronted me with this in the fall by the spring we had a meeting with us the kid and my administration and the parent came around to the fact that their child was essentially gaslighting them and using me as a scapegoat but blaming someone who had spent maybe five hours with their child in a group setting for a suicide attempt was really low while it's not okay i can see how someone could rationalize it the idea that it is their fault is too much for them to bear so instead they find someone else not a parent but we had a babysitter who would roll up about two feet from the curb in her ancient dented to crap gold van have a pre-teen in the back slide the door open and then scream getting at the tiny five-year-old she was picking up the poor girl started crying every time the [ __ ] say team my mom is a middle school teacher just about every day some crap parent doesn't come pick up their kids because they literally forgot about them or were passed out drunk on drugs then the poor child gets sent to daycare which is not free then the crap parents complain about the charge my mom has had to bring random kids home before who barely know the way home it's really sad i am a teacher we are not allowed to put kids in our cars and take them home there are legal reasons at play there but i often wonder how many parents would take advantage of us and have us driving their kids home all the time when i taught in lower west virginia a mom showed up to a 5th grade sports event md out and wish i could have said this was atypical i had a kid whose aunt was his legal guardian i told her that he was acting up in class and not doing work so she threatened to put him back into foster care if he didn't pull his crap together we told our kid the gypsies would take him parent witness to her event not a teacher my kids very first day of school she's four one stroke two in the gym hall all the kids and parents are in lines according to class and one by one the teachers come and take them away our group was last to go as we are waiting a guy storms and clearly drunk starts shouting at a woman in the line why the frick didn't you tell me it was now i've been looking everywhere etc etc he slapped the mum another dad in the line pulls drunk dad away and pushes him he falls down on top of another kid that kid's mum screams drunk starts to run out squished kids dad chases him he made it out of the gym but then got caught and the crap kicked out at him in the school reception everyone is freaked out kids are crying then the very happy teacher who is completely unaware comes in i start googling prices for private schools squished kid had me laughing i'm so sorry a male parent came in and explained how his son was a mistake his explanation was that he was just young dumb and full of cm when i taught english in china my good friend and colleague started sleeping with one of the mothers a woman 15 years his senior and married i taught her daughter and would often hear stories about how they snuck around behind the husband's back at least it wasn't the daughter when i was a sub i had to sub a fourth grade class for two weeks the kids had to write a story about their family and read them to the class the smartest girl in the class wrote about the dog her dad gave her except every time she mentioned the word dad she said my dad sorry i mean the sperm donor i asked the office about it her mom is crazy f my girlfriend refers to the father of her child as a sperm donor but never in front of the kid not a teacher anymore but an rn kid wakes up from dental surgery a four-year-old who needed a root canal several extractions and fillings horrible dentition mom dad nowhere to be found post-op eventually wander into recovery and from parking lot reeking off cigarettes and weed proceed to give the four-year-old a baby bottle of mountain dew the pediatric dentist took the parents aside into a consult room and yelled at lectures then they told him to mind his own freaking business scooped up the kid and walked out saddest part was i remember the poor kid who had filthy feet and hair also reeked off cigarettes he looked so defeated already all i could think was that this kid has an uphill battle for a decent life being an rn is heartbreaking not always for the reasons you'd expect i work in a middle school with an elementary school next door two girls from my school were arguing all day and told their parents about it when they got out of school the parents proceeded to call their families up to the elementary school and fought in front of a bunch of kindergartners knives and everything the cops were called i think some of the parents are still in jail for gun possession parole violations one of the kids was pulled from our school and put in foster care coma the parents proceeded to call their families up to the elementary school and fought in front of a bunch of kindergartners knives and everything this sounds like a scene straight out of family guy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
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Id: OORdtT9rzac
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Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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