Creating the DEADLIEST POTIONS in Potion Craft!

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let me tell you a story about how engineering came to be you see back in medieval times I think it was probably the year 1069 nice well there was a cult of Architects rising up growing stronger by the day but then the chosen one yep that's that's me in this story decided to do something about it I purchased a rundown property near the coats and turned it into a potion shop knowing that once we get a name for ourselves as the world's best ocean seller The Architects would make my shop their primary destination for all their Botanical needs and that is when we'll strike yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to potion craft and this is actually sponsored by tiny build the devs so thank you very much for supporting the channel uh really appreciate your very strong looking chemistry set over here oh and up here bloomingo devs they are definitely on the engineering side of the spectrum right anyway so right here we are we've got to make our first potion that's basically on the right here we've got different ingredients and as you can see as we hover over them can you see like in the middle there's a sort of dotted line and so basically whichever one of these I put in is what direction will go and we've got to get to like the like different recipes so if we let's go for the fire Bell purely because it says Bell in it so we've got that weekend we can hook up oh no it broke into loads all right it's okay it's okay it's back so the sort of aim on this is to like move this thing in the middle to the potion so if we if we were to shove that in there and you see that line has now appeared so we can now stir this and as we stir we move we move across the line ending up at The X so now we're here we started there so we can add a few more little ingredients yeah so let's say we want to add another Fireball can you see in the middle now like there's not just the X there's also this little thing so that is putting it in that thing the the mortar and my mom was a chef I should know this the meso important is that it anyway we just give it a give it a boost give it a boost and then you can see now that's grinded up we go further so we've got the ball of grounded up stuff you can then just throw that into the cauldron and then as we stir we can go even further so we've ended up over here we've collected all those book things on the way and the books they're just like XP so we we gain stuff doing that but essentially we just want to keep moving till we find like another one of those that is a potion icon so we'll just keep doing that where's the thing there it is get all that experience yummy yummy ooh look post an icon all right so another fire Bell I think I'll shove that straight in you know it's worth noticing as well we've also got this thing so this adds water to like dilute Your solution and look as we add water can you see we're moving right and now you sort of want to do that every so often because the aim to as you get these potions look as we move closer so that's that's a level one potion we're sort of we're touching it we're gonna get like a weak potion but if we keep going and getting closer to the middle you see that should change to a two there we go and then if we can get it spot on we get a three which is a strong potion We're not gonna be able to do that this time we could sort of use another plant to move in like a different direction so for example if we add this one you can sort of see the line goes around there so if we if we go past and then come back we'll get to about there ish and then we can just add some water to move back that direction see what's going on here as we get closer we've got a three so we're perfectly lined up we can now blow the Bellows get some heat going on and we've made a potion a fire potion and because it's a level three it's a strong potion of fire right so we can save that recipe then that just means we can make it again quickly in the future but for now let's head to the left because look this is our shop these are the first people that want potions now what is this first guy want I apparently got bit by a fish that had some teeth so he probably wants some sort of healing potion so let's head back now remember we're not trying to hurt people yet we've got to we've got to gain the the trust of the architect cult nearby uh so first off let's just finish this potion of fire um I guess we could we could offer it to him I mean do you like the look of potion of fire yes I do bad yes I do I don't need this potion I mean you could you could set a fish on fire then you could cook it and then your hand will heal naturally over tight no okay fair enough so yeah first off we need to explore this a bit and try and find the potion of healing and first let's head to the right because this is our enchanted garden now basically every day there's lots of different things to collect and all these different things there and all the ingredients for your potions they've all got different like movements and stuff gimme gimme gimme and then let's do some exploring so I'm gonna try and lob this in the castle and oh goodness in the mortar all right come on no not in there all right what I actually wanted to do was just that so I can grind it up and go further all right anyway let's go this way we're getting lots of experience I mean by the way you might notice those so that's obviously like a death area so if our potion goes into there it's not on voided it's no good to anyone it's basically if you end up in there that's a potion of architecture um right I can see there is a potion to the right there so if we use a water Bloom smash it up again yeah we should end up going straight through it so let's try and be a bit careful here can we get the three there it is so let's get the old Bellows going nice save that recipe that has a strong potion of frog lost anyway we'll finish that and then we'll take some of this smash it up then we'll go upwards with that just to see what's up here so we'll keep going we've got to be careful of the death careful of the death just keep stirring just keep stirring oh that's a potion so let's have a look at this can we get the three oh not quite what if we give a little bit of water oh it's so close to being a three but it's not quite but to be honest let's just let's just Bellow it I'm not gonna see this one this is a potion of swiftness okay well we'll finish that and then I'm gonna go I'm gonna go down this time I'm gonna do okay two in a row look now we can't even see where we end up so let's head down that way keep moving down oh look at all that XP okay so we have we have the potion the question is how do we end up there on a one at the moment I mean I could definitely use that one to get in the right spot the trouble with using that is I've only got one of them so it's probably quite a rare thing whereas if I can do it with this one I got 17 of those yeah I saw that we'll shove that in go over to about there get give it some water to head back oh no no I had the three but I put too much water in Easy Does It Easy Does It Right there's a three there's a three get the Bellows going strength we have a strong potion of strength nice so save that recipe finish and by the way you may have noticed while we've been brewing all these potions and stuff look in the top right we're now level seven because the more books you collect the more potions you make the higher higher your experience gains so let's let's do some of this so I'm gonna make my prices 10 more profitable definitely better to do that before I actually sell my first potion because that is just free money we can also make our map visibility bigger so yeah we'll do that a few times and that's all of our points done oh yeah look we can see way further now and because of that I can see look there's a potion there so we'll head over to that one right with there I think just add a tiny bit of water and then that should be a strong potion boost there we go give it some air boys oh we got a strong potion of healing exactly what we needed so save that recipe finish the post and then head back to the left so fish man I've cooked up a potion that you might be interested in oh do you like look of this one yes I do bad so I'm gonna shove it on there oh look at his face he was loving that now we got two things we can do here we can either sell straight away for 29 quid now but in the words of gray they are rookie numbers so we're gonna haggle and basically when you haggle this this little arrow like goes side to side and you gotta click on all the all the gold icons and the more you click on the like the more profit you make and then you finish on the green one but if you it up you get a bad deal thankfully on this one we only get minus no coins now but if you change your topic to like one of the higher ones that we get minus six coins uh so I'm just gonna I'm gonna go for the easy one now and we're gonna talk about all these things as we haggle you want to distract your customer from realizing that they're spending money you want to be like oh yeah those breads and pretzels they're getting way more expensive aren't they bread pretzels grapes uh there's also two sausages and carrots like yeah yeah yeah yeah I I've I've bought those before as well and then he's like yeah I you know what I appreciate this guy I'm going to give him a bit more money and there we go we've got classified coins the best price so we sell that for 34 quid my haggling skills are Unbound anyway the next guy his stomach hurts and he's got the runs because a certain Alchemist sold a potion yeah that's probably the architect one you've been mixing with the wrong crowd mate I'll tell you whatever potion that could help you a strong potion of strength do you like the look of it yes I do so we'll shove it in there no why are you angry you can use this to go and beat up The Alchemist he gave you the runs no he's not happy he's not happy right fine let's go make him a potion of healing and so this is where the recipes come in I could I could could put all the ingredients in try and get back to that potion again but if we just come up to the recipe book we got the strong post of healing there so we'll Brew this recipe boosh head back to the man wiggle it in front of his face you want it don't you don't you he says excellent this potion is perfect damn right it is because they engineered it um but we're gonna we're gonna haggle for a better price so yeah grapes and sausages man and have you seen the at least other thrusters and carrots so they all they're sort of phallic aren't they and then blah blah blah we've got to ten so we can sell that for 39 squid boot one happy customer well this guy this guy burned his tongue on hot suit um he also he wants he wants a healing tincture and unfortunately I'm I'm all out so if we go back and try and try and Brew one of these we'll see it's no longer an option because we don't have the the right ingredients we've used them all up so we've got two options we can either try and find another way to get over there or we can just we can just sack him off now I'm trying to I'm trying to try to make a name for myself here I need the architect cult members to head over so I am gonna try and get there myself one way or another so we'll use a bit of that we'll give it a boost and then if I just put one of those in without mixing it up I think we should definitely end up where we want to so we'll give this a stir there we go there we go now we're getting close we're in level one level two territory but if we keep going past American to about there add a little bit of water and Bob's your uncle we've got a level three again save the recipe so we can make that one again finish potion back to the shop make this guy admit that engineering is better than architecture yes and then shove it on there now we're gonna try and haggle about alcohol so yeah I was in I was in the pub the other day mate and um well anyway the guy was like stop there mate I don't want to hear any more take my money and you gave me an extra 11 quid so cheers dude oh and look at this so this is the local herbalist um and I'm going to be very inappropriate and say show me your goods oh it's just it's just flowers and plants and stuff but yeah we can we can trade we can buy them for a very high price so that one's 23 to buy we can only sell for 1.9 quid so we're generally only worth buying like the really the super rare stuff anyway I'll buy another buy another I'll buy two light leaves I'm gonna haggle as well try and get some money off no she wants to talk about herbs I know nothing about herbs I know about grapes and thorns and more grapes and then I've also seen like leaves and plants and grapes and Thorns again and then one time I got hit by a thorn and it was really thorny she's like that's great banter Matt I'm Gonna Give You 16 quid off because I like you and you're good looking and quite clever oh thanks that's very kind of you yeah you may see at the top as well we keep getting like little little achievement things if we press this button we do have like little tasks they're sort of just to keep us on the right path okay so the final thing we'll do is create a potion of poisoning I'll guess 25 XP but also finished chapter 1 for 500 XP I mean look there's loads of different chapters I've already done some of these from the other ones as well and then oh we got new customers so this guy wants a potion that can get rid of cockroaches bed bugs and other insects where hell let's let's get involved then I reckon if we go I'm thinking like down right we're gonna head over this way and try and see what's there oh look we're nearly on a potion straight away it will go from about there add a load of water we're heading the right direction so we'll give it a little bit of a stir there we go there we go and then back again I think this is it this is it there we have it get the Bellows on so what is it our poisoning a strong potion of poisoning well that means we finished the chapter as well loads loads of bonuses and not only that we have your potion so you need a potion that will get rid of cockroaches and bed bugs and stuff well mates I have a patient strong enough to kill an entire colony of Architects and oh you like the look of that oh we're gonna we're gonna talk emotions I know all about emotions mate the one time I was angry and then another time I was happy and then shocked and sad and happy again she needs to get revenge on someone and to do so he needs a potion to help start a fire am I legally responsible for this yes oh well there you go there's your potion and but first let's talk music you know I was in a band I used to play guitar and drums and harp I didn't I didn't actually play the harp but definitely guitars and those and those and those and yeah let's haggle 20 oh man she gave us an extra 20 not gonna lie with a face like that I did not expect her to overpaid but I will take it 99 quid kaching and would you look at that it's Santa look what he's asking for a potion of freezing he knows if he can make the whole Christmas thing about snow and reindeer and being up north and stuff he is going to be on something and who made this dream happen who invented Christmas yes it was me because I have the strong post version of freezing I'm not even gonna haggle you know what I like you mate I'm gonna give that for you stock price just remember remember who got you to where you are now now being 20 22. so no more customers today we could do a bit more exploring and stuff but there's there's no more plants to get so we're gonna head upstairs and we're just gonna go to bed and we're on to the next day so if we head downstairs and go straight to our garden look the plants grow back every day so we've got a load of the same ones that we've had before but also look bottom left that is a new one I think it has an ice fruit oh look I'm already getting the I'm getting the haggling in early yeah just sparking up conversation before I give him what he what he wants are you a hunter yeah so he hunts trolls and ogres and stuff I mean he's telling me the pay is decent so this guy he's got cash to spend he's after a potion of healing so we'll Brew this one because it's pretty cheap we'll try and hypnotize them into give me lots of money are you gonna give me lots of money yes anyway this guy I think he's probably gonna want a potion of hair regrowth oh no the lock on his front door is stuck how does he get into his house I tell you what potion of strength make bash the door oh no that was okay I mean you could try burning it yeah no potion of swiftness yeah what if he ran at it really fast oh no he went off mad but yeah you've gotta you've gotta Like You Gotta Give the customer what they want if you just show if you just throw random posts to them they're not gonna be happy they're blooming out so yeah tangleweed 88 quid uh not worth it I'll tell you what though I could buy some of those Thorns grapes leaves just throwing words oh we got are we outside we have to pay one extra coin this guy wants a strong poison well I'll tell you what mate you have come to the right place now should I be asking like what you need it for or I mean the topic is assassination so I'm sure this is legal right have you ever played that Assassin's Creed game where you have to poison an arrow and kill people with knives like knives and then things and then yeah 16 quid well this person they want they want a potion to help them shop wood all day without getting tired but it's best if the potion is weak so on the map where was the potion of strength okay it's down there so let's try and get back down there there we go there we go give the Bellows weak potion of strength finish the potion I'm not gonna save that recipe and we only deal with strong potions here unless you have a special request for yourself so is that look weak enough for you yes so it's shove it in there 112 quid I am haggling that yeah my band is called polar Point damn it all right it's technically my old band it's not it's not a new band I don't I'm not actually in it anymore uh damn kovid was the end of that wasn't it she's like yeah I know all about that have 18 quid covert's hard so yeah 130 quid from her thank you very much so brand new day we've got what is that a hairy banana that could actually be very useful oh look out look out it's a rival Alchemist uh now I'm asking him to show me his Goods I don't know how I feel about that oh so I can buy some Enchanted paper I think that gives us like extra pages in a recipe book hey what's 170 quid for it I'll tell you what mate let's talk about phallic objects so yeah there's like chode ones cone ones there's loads of them there's little ones there's he's like mate I don't want to hear any more just take the paper and go she wants an endurance one we might have to do some exploring you know so what you can do you can like find on the map when you want to go to for example I want to have potion of strength and rather than Brewing it you can just continue from it so if I click that we are now down where that was very which means from here we can we can do a bit more exploring I reckon probably going right as the best idea okay so you can see we're gonna go into there let me just show you what happens as you go in can you see as we enter can you see that the level of potion goes down if that empties your potions ruined so I'm gonna use a little bit of water just to dilute ourselves away from there and then we can continue going forward to get that experience there's a potion there is a potion there give it a stir be very very careful Matt we gotta get the strong one got to get a strong one a little bit more water with a high boys and there we go strong potion get the Bellows on oh wild growth and basically because we went through the strong potion initially we we sort of get the two effects combined so this potion is a strong potion of wild growth and strength yes maybe I'll save that for now finish the recipe anyway for now we keep exploring and that is a strong potion to get the fire on dexterity and I reckon let's explore up there oh and look look we found we've found one so we're going like around the back of it and add a bit of water to head backwards tiny bit more stirring yes Mana or Mana depending on your pronunciation now I'm trying to end up up there so let's stir the pot through those we're getting lots of XP up here oh look there is a recipe now I've been using quite a lot can you see this like a very very faint line can you see like just under there and the idea is if you can line that up with this line down here this dotted one they go straight to the to the potion recipes and as we come closer you see those lines are now lined up so a bit of water oh I added too much water damn you right hand why don't you always do what I want you to anyway Bellows we found a strong potion of explosion so save that recipe even though it's not very efficient then oh look at this that's going to go straight through if we Mash that up a bit Easy Does It Easy Does It we go very slightly fast add some water then that is perfect oh acid I did away your endurance is but it's not just it's not just this is it or it's just strength I'm an idiot right this guy wants potions he can use when he's out hunting I mean swiftness do you want to be Swift I mean dexterity that could be useful it's got a paw print on it you're not gonna hunt dogs are you 223 quid right let's haggle that's gonna be some fat cash all right we're getting more popular we're attracting more and more people we might attract our first architect oh this person wants to be more agile so they can pickpocket people without them noticing I mean if you pick boxing Architects why don't you try this potion of swiftness no that she didn't want that I mean perhaps there's a stealth one to find a mashed out of shove that to the side oh my goodness we've made a bridge you know what that means we need a bridge review a single spam Bridge using stronger shape principles inspired by a pestle or a mortar or whatever part that bit is it's useful for allowing our herbs to roll oh no they pass straight past it well anyway I think we might be touching the straws with this one so I'm going to give this a 0.3 out of 10 fruit review see the stirring is going to take a while let's oh we nearly died from Poison I didn't see that I did not see that that could be perfect it could also not be perfect I can't quite tell let's smash it up anyways oh we're too low the goblin trim that would likely get me to the right place actually oh that's looking good that is looking good all right then a tiny stir there we go there we go boost Stone skin strong potion of stone skin how random I'm sorry lady I don't have anything to give you so I'm gonna have to end dialogue she's gonna home angry but as the local mushroomer show me your goods oh wow he's actually selling that a Mad Mushroom fat and firm yeah well we don't have any of those so we'll buy some of them lots of long ones smaller ones very small ones Tony ones cone ones and then all the other ones in between minus 89 quid that was banging whoa this guy's selling like crystally stuff does that mean I can use portals or buy one of each oh no in this person so they need protective or strength potion but they don't like the smell of the Mad Mushroom what why would that smell I just don't know anyway thankfully my strength potion it doesn't it doesn't use mad mushrooms so it will Brew one of those for him Wang it on there he's a happy boy oh my goodness this is taking a turn hello any desire for some mushrooms wink wink well let's wink back I'm scared this guy's gonna show me his Mad Mushroom anyway oh what is this sees nothing uh can I help you looks around the room I'm gonna look around the room as well seems to suddenly remember something and turns towards the exit you sure you don't need anything it stops for a second but leaves I reckon that's an architect I think they're on to me anyway that is enough brewing potions for me I'm heading off to bed one more time I hope you guys enjoyed remember click the link in my description if you want to check out the game yourself it's really really fun but yeah I will say peace love and mad mushrooms bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 440,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strategy, video game, gaming, gameplay, walkthrough, tips, strategy game, potion, craft, potion craft, alchemist, simulator, alchemist simulator, potion craft alchemist simulator, alchemy machine, alchemy, poison, health, haggle, brew, demo, recipes, all potions, fire potion, rpg, potioncraft, rce, real civil engineer, potion simulator, potion craft full release
Id: 780ePWp_vYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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