Parents, What Do You Hope Is Just A Phase?

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parents of Reddit what is your kid doing or wearing that you hope is just a face my seven-year-old saw a ceiling fan installation video on YouTube he is now obsessed with ceiling fans he is going to ask Santa Claus for four new ceiling fans for Christmas there must be something about ceiling fans I work with kids with autism and it's incredible how many of them love ceiling fans with some of the older ones the fans seem to arouse them my teenage son is going through the I don't have to shower every day even after rugby practice phase I have tried to tell him he stinks but for some reason he thinks I'm crazy hope this ends soon start holding all his filthy laundry especially his rugby clothes and when you have a sizable amount and he's at school dump it all onto his bed and shut the room to let the stink permeate every surface then when he asks why you did such a thing and his room stinks tell him thats how he smells when he won't shower my teenage daughter claims that our family is a communist dictatorship and she has no rights Thai side told her it's more like a fascist dictatorship or maybe even a monarchy he won't shave his beard he's 17 and it's very thin and long reminds me of the first time I saw my own armpit hair when I was in middle school I'm getting married next week I asked him to shave and he said but mom it'll take me like two years to grow it back so we compromise that he would at least trim it shorter just tell him that the more he cuts it the quicker and thicker it will grow back after I'm pretty sure most people believe that anyway slang but in a really incompetent way she's nearly three and has started trying to get out of doing stuff by making the most outrageous and clearly untrue statements like you can't brush my hair I haven't got a head and I can't put my shoes on I'm a box and boxes don't have feet etc I try not to just laugh in her face but it's difficult laugh at her and tell her she's not a box she is clearly a bag my twelve-year-old is obsessed with five nights at freddys it wouldn't be so bad if every electronic device he got his hands on didn't get a profile or something named after some weird and a Medtronic character he made four new separate user accounts on the netbook that we let him use to play minercraft named them all after f na our characters my son is 13 he recently started insisting on tucking his pants usually sweatpants until his socks and pulling up his socks and then wearing sandals I told him he looks like a pirate with two wooden legs he is a tall thin stick of a boy so far no one else has mentioned it to him so he thinks I'm just being silly get pictures while you can so he can look back and laugh with you later so my four-year-old is obsessed with Minecraft I enjoyed quite a lot also but I'm really only playing it because he wants to watch but he keeps wanting me to do creepy things like the latest thing he wants me to do is to build tracks and collect all of the villagers into a place and build a machine to kill them I know they aren't real people or anything but no I'm not going to build concentration camps I was playing Minecraft with my four-year-old as I was busy chopping down trees and building the house he was knocking pigs into a ravine and watching them die my three year old likes to pull his dong out of his pull up and yell look at my Dingle I hope this stops before I send him to daycare the flashing might stop but the fascination doesn't die I am currently working in a daycare and I've got 19 preschoolers not a day goes by that I don't say please don't play with your penis in the classroom growling loudly at everything he's 2 and a half just fluted Orlando from UK funny for first are not so much for the next eight or so it could be worse by 2.5 year old has been imitating fire truck police sirens kill me my son is wearing pull-ups and if the smell is any indication he is currently crapping his pants while grunting and telling me right to my face he doesn't have to go poop this crap is really getting old to be fair he probably doesn't need to once he's done talking to you my five-year-old is hitting back kindergarten phase where he's stretching his wings experimenting with independence and seeing exactly how far he can push his parents before something really bad happens he'll sneer or glare at you when you tell him not to do something bad but once he gets in his face and tell him in no uncertain terms exactly what'll happen to him if he keeps it up he starts crying can't have it both ways but if you old enough to run out into the street by yourself and laugh the first time I yell at you about it you're too old to get out of a punishment by crying like a baby his sister went through this phase too and she got over it now she's the sweetest most impo setec most respectful little thing you could ever dream of raising I'm sure he'll get there too you're probably experienced by now but I know of parents that dint on their children every time a tear is shed just let the kid cry sometimes or else you'll end with a little butthole my five-year-old son is obsessed with Bowser from Mario Brothers he talks about him all the time it is getting old and I wonder what the other kids in his kindergarten class think or maybe they obsess about similar things too you can't deny that Bowser is awesome I love all the parents complaining about minercraft and admitting they play it makes me think of that old drug czar where the kid is like isla and I tea from you minecraft is seriously a never-ending black hole once you start delving into the modded community not a parent but my nephew pretty much lives with us so close enough he's 5 and is right in the midst of his picky eating stage it's so annoying because we will be eating one thing and he'll insist on eating something else and he's hardcore so he'd literally starve himself and eat what we're eating so we usually give him but sometimes we're eating a food he likes but because he doesn't want that food that day he'll try to claim he doesn't like it I don't like pizza though we ate pizza yesterday yeah but I was just pretending because I don't like pizza I like pasta he's a great kid polite and kind but sometimes I kind of want to dropkick him a few miles because he's gay on my nerves I have a 14 yellow who is obsessed with socks he spent like 19 dollars on a single pair of socks they have to be these nike elite gold-plated something-something I hope he grows out of this fast I've started wearing fancy merino wool socks usually smart wool at some other brands too and they are so much better than regular socks it's amazing your son is onto something upgrade your socks upgrade your life pull-ups at night he is going to be seven and although most mornings that pull-up is relatively dry I am really looking forward to never buying another dang diaper pull-up again I read this as the exercise and was like man I wish I got into exercising that young and then I finished the comment and got really confused before figuring it out edit fixed a parenthesis my five-year is 100% bathroom independent he just forget to wipe half the time he also has a habit of waiting until the last possible minute he can hold his pee this means he either are unleashes the Beast and lets fly or B has trouble with his belt and wets himself sure it's sort of fun predicting when the cross house potty sprint is going to occur but it cannot be healthy so not 100% toilet independent since the bathroom routine includes wiping my three-year-old has just discovered his penis can not only pee in the potty but if properly an goal can form a fine arc of urine that will land on anything he aims it at which at the moment tends to be the cat yes my toddler is currently into peeing on the cat which then runs all over the place getting his pee everywhere Thank You toddler your girlfriend's of the future will be hearing all about this I wish I'd been into cool crap like that my 9 years old son really likes sleeveless shirts my grandma bought him a bunch he chooses his daily outfit which is a sleeveless shirt with shorts every day all of the shorts he owns are plaid it's like he's all preppy on the bottom and hillbilly on top I don't care too much because who really gives a crap what their kid wears as long as one it's appropriate for the event and to is clean it is embarrassing to go out in public with him bid Frick it he's happy showing off the guns chicks dig biceps bra crying just crying screaming for hours and hours and hours to the point where I consider taking him to be seen by a doctor then just as I am about to arrange it he stops then does it again he's only five days old but I am already feeling the pressure and stress my ten and thirteen year old are all hot topic all the time as a legit punk kid back in the 80s this seems wrong to me my types were shredded because I was too poor to get new ones it was just a bonus that they looked cool Hot Topic has some cool things but I feel like it should be utilized to enhance a look not to just be a head to toe walking marketing ad for their staff my twelve year old has been obsessed with yo-yos for a while now I was afraid he was going to get picked on at school because of it turns out he's gotten a bunch of other kids interested in them enough that they're starting a yo-yo Club to teach each other yo-yo tricks one of their ApS is going to help with that part and the engineering teacher is going to help them design and make you Yass on the new 3d printers that's the opposite of a problem frozen she has this one dress that she wears it gets washed she wears it again leather rinse repeat we watched the dang movie most days she's onto her second copy she has a cape that goes over her regular clothes on the days her dress is being washed I can repeat the entire script I'm over frozen I honestly don't understand the hysteria with frozen out of every Disney film ever young kids are obsessed with frozen currently my son 15 keeps spending hours in the woods near my house I don't want to hinder his individuality but I used the parent control on his phone to track where he goes I found this treehouse I don't know if he built it or found it and when I climbed up I saw magazine papers covering the wall yumpin to them with Polaroid stacked up everywhere bigger weirdest part were all pictures of birds with bird feathers in the yarn and on the floor in the corner there was what turned out to be a jumpsuit covered with various types of feathers I don't know why he hasn't felt comfortable with talking about this he knows I love him and I think I know what this is about I will accept him whether or not he's realized he's actually a Quine on the inside provided he doesn't want to feed him like a mama bird update I thought to check his room today after remembering him this he has a drawer full of little bones the thing I want to be a phase is the culling the rest is whatever I could always buy him feathers and help him staple them on at first I thought he was doing drugs in the woods then I thought he was a stalker then I was like oh okay it's just bird-watching that's an okay hobby then I was like WTF so my twelve-year-old son keeps saying that he is a beam boy at first I thought it was just a stupid game but I checked his internet history and it is 85% being related I hope it's just a phase real human being I guess it's more like his attitude but he's really materialistic and status conscious as much as a six-year-old can be he's always comparing his stuff to other people's stuff I don't really understand where he gets it from because I'm not like that at all on the one hand it's cool if he's willing to work for the nice things he wants on the other hand it's not cool if he's just so obsessed that it's taking over parts of his brain you know he only wants to play sports that have the most gear because he likes the gear not necessarily the sport he has to have the nicest shoes if his friend has some cool thing he must also have that cool thing he's the one who leaves the toy store saying that's really cool you got me these things 'but why didn't you get any this - yes i've tried putting everything back and leaving the toy store this just seems to be the way he is right now he also thinks he is an expert after spending two minutes learning about something that is really infuriating no you're not an expert on sharks because we read half father kids book on sharks he also likes to be the best no you're not good enough to be in the NHL you are 6 ok yeah all good skater now but guess what if you just sit there congratulating yourself instead of practicing all those other guys on your little league team we'll just glow by next year I mean I don't say this to him I just tell him to keep practicing idk my six-year-old thinks he's Bruce Lee and my 9 year old thinks he's Paul Phoenix roughhousing is good but dang it they tag-team me while I was asleep all I hear is water and I'm out cold again minecraft and KSP granted I play the crap out of some KSP but I had to buy him his own laptop and get it for him because he was freaking up daddy's missions my daughter is obsessed with death she is 9 and blask hypothetical questions such as if this ferry sank how many people would die or are there sharks in these waters how many people have been eating she seems to have toned it down a bit in the last few months piercings he's 18 and he's got snake bites ear gauges and appear cept on that he puts this god-awful big ring into Jesus I really hope I'm wrong but I feel like that kids never going to get a decent job looking like that from expirience personal and friends the air gages may be the only lingering part of this I had multiple piercings all over my body some visible and some not in my early twenties and by my mid-twenties when I started getting serious about jobs I thought these really need to come out and no one can even tell I had any of them not a parent but my little brother has been playing a lot of computer games and instead of using the normal hand configuration ring finger on a middle on WS and index on D like a normal person he uses his index for all four keys it drives me crazy what the Frick out of all the posts here this worries me the most not a parent it's my 14 year old brother wore shorts to school the last two days with temperatures between 0 10 degrees Celsius pretty sure every eighth ninth grade does that my nine-year-old daughter dresses in as much blacker she can get her hands on and is flattered when people compare her to Wednesday Addams she's also very into some YouTube that I really really don't get like Miranda sings and endless videos of people putting together outfits for deferent occasions which wouldn't be that weird if she didn't try to insist on spending 80% of her life in the same shapeless black shmatte I was your daughter I'm 35 and still wear mostly black for some of us it's a phase for others it's how we know we look great Crocs freaking Crocs my 8 y ou had a hand-me-down pair full y ou was dying for a pair like her big sis then two-year-old wanted some too next thing I know my dling husband will want a pair an divorce is just so expensive hoping the Crocs phase goes away soon she likes to drop her pants shake her butt at me and sing Botswana butts when er she's nearly six at least she only does it at home as far as you know not a parent but as a kid I used to have a Hercules phase after binge watching the Disney movie used to take one arm out of my shirt like a toga and walk around with a sword insisting to be called Hercules I miss my toga obnoxious YouTube videos my little pony shopkins minecraft I don't know how these people get so popular because their voices are downright painful I truly wonder if cookie swirl keeps friends with her fakie little girl voice she has to be in her early 20s I want an interview where she's asked what do people say when they find out your YouTube is all about you playing with kids toys my 13 year old daughter judges the freak out of everyone who is the least bit different from her and is incredibly annoyed by almost everyone and everything I'm hoping she will quickly learn to stop giving a crap robux of my gaming pc he's 11 and always goes back to roblox I don't get it I have a huge steam library but I can't get him to play anything else when my daughter gets upset annoyed overwhelmed over thar she turns her head to the right and spits on the floor like a continuous six inch long saliva snail my kid is about to be three four the last four months or more he has been using the toilet absolutely fine now he shoots in the garden he likes the moon to see his his bump lumps his words not mine if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 352,405
Rating: 4.9475799 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, hopes, just a phase, parenting, parenting tips, parenting fails, parenting 101, parenting counts, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: mcWviKnjo2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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