Craig Ferguson Laugh Attacks - Fresh New Compilation 2018 #3

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Still clueless why he’s not on tv anymore. His flirting is next level.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GolfXXX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Norm McDonald and Craig would have an awesome Podcast.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yaabu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
why do people say an elephant never forgets I've never understood this Kristen do you know what I think because elephants have very very good memories I know that seems like a very common-sense answer but it's true I mean they actually doing they don't no no no it's actually I saw this on Mythbusters they there are the smartest ones next to us they mourn their dead they get drunk yeah that's these are all smart things to do no I saw in Mythbusters they because it's a myth that an elephant never forgets what happens that they got this elephant and they blew up I don't get he didn't blow up an elephant Oh Lord a few moments later unfortunately no it's movie about a whale rescue that's great the wheels you know whales never forget the aquatic version available whales do not forget and the mourn the dead and get drunk do you know they use the idea of the elephant's graveyard this is true that the the elephants bury their dead I know I told you that [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] she's Larian swept Sibel she says dear Craig it's not really a she that's what to make me laugh because I I made myself laugh and then I forgot the trick is not to make me laugh I played a harmonica and assassins on Broadway is that a restaurant it's a musical all the Saxons I love you guys go everything are you smelling your finger yeah yeah [Applause] what are you clapping for what is that ovation for think about what you just clapped for do you think there would be a time in your life that you would actually use this finger that come on no come on dude you do use that how can I keep writing without getting bored well Lily you got to have to start doing interesting things in your bed [Applause] that was the best 40 bucks we ever spent I'm telling you that robot [Applause] [Laughter] you know what I'm thinking as well is that when rickles sees this he's gonna lose it I gotta buy he's gonna go bad dear Craig and Jeff this is for you - I just said dude boy - a skeleton is that right do you say good is that offensive to say good boy does I talk to you like a dog or some who talk to me like the dog you like to chew on a bone frog all right this is as hey Craig and Jeff my 10 month old son loves your opening song and anytime Jeff talks as Jeff Pfeffer stop your toys down the kitchen oh yeah oh come on you've gone too far you got your bar before he even went anywhere you got I could see it I could see it in your blue eyes but watching this television from all from London and they have a way of talking and television I think we should do general right right well what they do is this whenever I someone is talking on television in Britain they talk like this they say today I'm Majesty the Queen opened a shop and then she went somewhere else they talk like this a little bit like this and then they finish off those sentence like that they start talking and then they go it's a really interesting way to choke to ever example if we were watching British television I'd say welcome back to the show with me and Jeff they begin a sentence and someone is grabbing them by the testicles the person let's go the testicles did you notice that I couldn't understand a word that you said at all I think it comes from there used to be an Australian broadcaster years ago called Alan Whicker and Alan Whicker would always talk like this and then finish his sentence longer and I think they all copy them I think that's very interesting I'm lying I'm sorry for making light of terrible tragedy punching lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again or it gets the hose again put lotion in the basket tatianna says dear Cregg do you think you could ever do a show without using your sound effects machine I could but it'd be like having sex without your genitals why I mean that's the best bet you know [Applause] [Music] ah this is my job [Applause] I don't know I can still do that yeah I am I thought I could only do that in the old studio it works here - yeah what about this does this still work here [Laughter] [Applause] hey wait wait you have to hear this I'm sorry to interrupt a really great story ba I was in the grocery store the other day you know who I saw at the salad bar Winfred Brimley salad bar Wilfred Brimley cocoon the salad bar helping himself to salad that's a doesn't he have diabetes did I let you about diabetes like he doesn't those conversions I want you to pick up the phone right now [Applause] good for you Brimley you're getting solid because you've I'm a decent man I'm trying to eat a salad here snapping you're damn good diabeetus salads a way to go I think I just want to know if you have diabetes Wilford Brimley's gonna kick your ass says dear Craig I have a 3.9 college GPA and I've been single for over a year our man intimidated by intelligent women and if so why I didn't really understand the question yeah [Music] oh no I just like boobies and beer that's right goofy just likes boobies in there is that goofy or Pluto Pluto what the puzzle who's that you fear Plato [Applause] sorry man's my caffeine pants your skin here so so floppy maybe it could tuck on a little bears oh sorry man there's a good boy [Applause] I'm sorry I'm for some reason I was thinking you know actual real horse and then because of a power series alright but I you know anyway look that the open show as I love you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] that's a new noise you [Music] I love it with neither that I'm sorry but I know it's a fart oh gotta give a ride sighs gorgeous man Aurora tell why you're driving so fast the g-men were a government bad lady over there who's really pissed off with me I'll go as I won't look alright anyway sorry every now and again you get one who you just can't sit down [Applause] and I'm sad too Rosen you know what keep standing up Jim Jim restless legs just gonna stands up like that like everybody welcome back to the big show where sometimes we stand up sometimes we sit down I'm always getting that wrong Larry and sweats and Ville in North Carolina says dear Craig I was filling my bird feeders the other day I was spelling my birdfeeders [Applause] [Laughter] Oh [Applause] [Applause] Hezbollah man this is good I can't believe I get paid for this crap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,625,669
Rating: 4.9081516 out of 5
Keywords: craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, super happy fun time hour with robot and old man, craig ferguson laugh attacks fresh new compilation #3, craig ferguson laugh, laughter, tv show laugh, tv host laugh, tv host laughing, craig ferguson kristen bell laugh elephant, laugh attack 3
Id: Ykl2jNx3Dss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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