Daniela Ruah - "Your... Wife Must Have So Much Fun" - 3/3 Visits In C. Order

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we welcome the lovely daniela ruah you you [Applause] you look sensational ugh you look lovely yeah yes we are very well after your fighting with vanity yeah that happens you also look really good with the with the t-shirt on once but I tell you where you weren't wearing a shirt and a tie wearing a t-shirt sexy thanks very much when with everything on on the show on the show oh yeah sometimes I do that following you around no no that's why you can you absolutely that's a lovely name rule I was bad as that Scandinavian good no no no no no it's it's of Hebrew Moroccan descent no it's a Hebrew word it means wind and spirit in Hebrew nice beautiful I said I think I had that album in the seventies where are you from I I was born in Boston but I my parents of Portuguese and I want like Portugal yeah Boston - yeah but I thought Portugal's very what does that mean that's everybody goes around doing this Oh all right thankfully I only go one person doing that it was me but I did like Portugal Portugal beautiful night I grew up I grew up in a town called Koosh Koosh Koosh gosh that's really good I believe in support I'm Lea not everybody can pronounce the words all that easily you got like a shish shish shish in the same yarn oh no no no no kakashi obrigado winter bunny following yes we tackle perseverance a lot of spaghetti for introducing yeah I used to go do stuff a tent called saga which is yes very nice right on the corner where the Atlantic meets a Mediterranean right exactly it's that most of the name of the brand of beer so I was enjoying that kind of thing sure do you fight there you go fishing when you're there I like to go fishing no I I've only been fishing once I think I was ten and this was in Minnesota so it's a very good note like fishing Vince is back in the water anyway so and no no I go back every chance I get pretty much summer holidays when we're on hiatus from the show right and Christmas holidays for sure I sure the very big hit isn't it the the NCIS world Los Angeles [Music] [Applause] are you carrying a son for national crime investigation scene La Naval Criminal Investigative Service right bandulus as you play a detective I play a special agent and you can really study your guests before you everything about you before you come oh I wouldn't be curious I'd be like oh yeah already know okay fair enough fair enough what did you ask me you play I play a special agent and special agent agent in the end we the North Face place the goal is what we just bad yeah no I don't want to spend anyone know if you don't want to offend anyone we should probably throw a commercial right now I wonder what sensors yes yes by the way I thought it was gonna be at comic-con tonight and I'm really pleased going down after the show to Comic Con tonight it's going to be there during the day and age coming up for the show again tomorrow and then you come back for the weekend are you going to comic-con no but my colleague on the show is Barrett for always Eric Beale yeah he's like gender nerd and he'll be there right but I don't I don't know what you're trying switching um I I don't dislike it but it's just never something that has attracted me please please fans who likes life I don't start hating me they will not hate you no matter what you do or what you say you had them the moment you walked out everything fine thank you chat they're mostly chats who are there at a wealthy chaps I don't mean you know spatially so where are those on the show really oh can I get coffee I don't I I don't remember the name of the episode but it was I had to come in riding a motorcycle and and and and they required that I wore chaps and they wanted me to wear it for the entire episode and I was like that doesn't make any sense come on it makes a lot of can more things would you write a big one can you write it want to thank ozz for the show no no my character rides a motorcycle and because of that I've actually considered getting my motorcycle licenses which I don't have so don't write around in LA I use I know it's a no it's really dangerous um but uh but no but I'd like to if not for the show I really like learning new things and really what books fly and I live to fly that's really good no I haven't considered that just yet what do you want to learn then what you'd like to write a motorcycle freedom right okay you can't do that was this bit of a leg to the you know you're the Hawkgirl on the CBS show no does he enjoy yourself on the motorcycle look like no way sister get your get in the back of the limo and go to the set they won't like this no no no I'm much preferred like the down to getting down and dirty with okay okay I didn't mean to put it that way no I'm not into the whole like limos and big stardom thing I much prefer you know to walk for example walking in this is turning into a really weird conversation yeah I I saw in the back of your book which your team gave me that you did modern dance but I have done yeah really cool yeah what did you learn it wasn't what I did it I'm sorry I'm sorry got a job and I fell into some fabulous company no because I majored in dance that's why I created my did I did yeah um contemporary choreography and dance itself in England in London useful that is none of your business ah I bet you do oh no no no no I do not I did I used to I quit I did you were in London wasn't I did I went to university in London and in Burlington which I used to write but I live there I live I wear my t-shirt so I I live right next to the Arsenal Stadium are so I used to go there every Saturday you are one of those damn guys in our street that would just make noise well is Soaker some Portuguese Hawk girls are sleeping upstairs let's enjoy our Soaker quietly yeah we got it going on y'all yeah that's great yeah what's that cleany buddy you said that before that was great but it looks good is that great old women tonight well we're done it works for me not just commercial this is like it yeah you can see an eye out to the end of the show everyone they'll be done it's really fun okay you can stay okay I mean we have to do after this commercial break now some more stuff that's it well okay you know nothing bikes all right [Applause] [Music] well it's what's called very cheap animation what we doing you got a picture of a cat then you take a photograph of a hat and put it on the car and then with thinking that into trouble once for having a cat kick of rats ass people get offended when you will be kind of mad kids without your impression of me you do an impression of me don't you I wouldn't dare you do and it's like that's I know why I'm does is that I when we showed a drawing of a cat killing a drawing of a mouse people got upset and I'm like it's drawings and anyway will cats watch this show my cereal is to have any fit I've had pets all my life and when I moved to the States from Portugal I wasn't really sure what my lifestyle was going to be like it was going to be easy to rent a place with a dog or a cat so you can't you have to bring your own so I held up but I'm going to very soon a document where I've been looking around shelters recently and don't yeah okay not so much for I've never actually had cats apparently they're quite nice as pets I've never had any around the house on them yeah I am I just I don't want my furniture all scratched up and I don't know whoopee maybe if there's a cat that I really like you know but for now I think dogs the priority something usual like a bat I don't want the with it guano all over the place is that the name of a bet I just use for your dogs make their own special kind of go on but it's not white it looks a little bit my daughter viable you know what it's why if you leave it long enough first talk show and I'm talking about but you're gonna do like that hola all right well we're done that's the end of the show I mean you know we're not done either you'll go into a fabulous career and I'll grind away here for a couple more years and I'll keep watching well you can come back as well rock on [Applause] guess there's a star in a CBS head show that's all CBS guess right now huh mmm something smells fishy must be a lot of CBS guests on the show it's not like CBS know we're actually on CBS must be a coincidence in some way hmm is it true or not - oh that's right it's true or not you know that bad thing just starts happening whenever I see the word true now don't do it bye that guest stars in a CBS hit shows NCIS Los Angeles oh that's when we do the dances now when we say Los Angeles oh yes okay go [Music] [Applause] [Music] tends to be too much thought to remember he says that NCIS Los Angeles also in the film Red Tails and syrtos January the 20 L come to lovely daniela ruah everybody [Applause] you look very very nice this evening we may I say thank you very much you look quite Portuguese do i yeah well you're Portuguese I am yes well then that's good oh you do you look kind of you look very European Mediterranean kind of thing even though for chillin on the Mediterranean were part of us no you said that last time and I was maybe a little nervous and I just kind of went along with it and said oh yeah and then I got slammed on Twitter because the Mediterranean actually finishes in Gibraltar we're after tax really oh yes so I had the whole system of European commands Amina no idea of the Treaty of Versailles nothing to Mina well the Europe Portugal's the thin bit on the edge of Spain right what do I do you do not kind of moon like women thing like you're doing something naughty and I don't like it what you said it's how you said it well it's not I'm kidding you go there for Christmas I did I did I went I spent Christmas there and well Hanukkah for me Jewish I am Jewish oh really I couldn't I didn't know that I just wanted one of about four or five hundred Jews in Portugal ah yeah did you have a nice hair on the conference how do you say Hanukkah in Portuguese Hanukkah see Hey yes it was it was it was wonderful I got to spend time with my little brother he turned five this year and that's lovely you know yeah conceived a job like like a lot of Portugal he's unemployed right now oh yeah that's terribly sad and I with no joke instances under the last arrest of the show then really what we're going for tonight and really sad economic report and female body parts apparently what I was I fit that I didn't see anything I only have that clitoris thing I thought why is that would you say that let's demystify the clitoris that's what I say [Applause] I didn't got freaked myself out there I'm terribly sorry I went too far so no I never said it was rude it's no God last time I was here we were talking about bat crap and now we're talking about clitoris is it well you see why we're on the subject is that kotharis is our quarter I well I only have one so I think littering [Applause] so you were in Portugal dad did you go anybody else in uniform alone no then I only have two weeks have you ever tried around Europe never been around another look um I have I've seen many places never been to Scotland oh yeah I think you'd like it I think so too oh it's lovely shaped like you'd be like ooh she's nice Wow yes anyway yeah no yeah I traveled to to a few different places in Europe but it was one of those stupid things when you live in a place you end up not seeing as much as you should that's lived here for 17 years never been to the beach I'm an idiot yeah of course I've been the bad one meaning that's true what is it is true for example I went to college in London that was there for three years and I never traveled up to Scotland or Ireland I only ever went to Wales like Wales lap dances you gonna win was it a will I there was a love interest thing going on there you big is a Welshman French demons French that's worse seems of team of the Frenchman whose painter Ivan wait you're a stunning women you can do better overnight I'm gonna get the Gordon ripped out of me for my friends for this is my new thing when I'm outraged what do you think but what's what's the why who your friends you know I know all of us on by my whole group of friends you know went to an English school in Portugal and then we all kind of transition to England that was a natural course to take and and there also there you do you all get together and solve mysteries we solved the mystery of Secret Santa I'm presenting yeah well tradition I don't know why dad I'm sorry I yeah we are going away from all that and I brought it back I know I disappointed you I can see in your eyes and look at you can see something do you do Secret Santa yes yes it's a tradition at my place every year this year was the fifth year that we did it we do a secret santa and and it's always rigged yes because I don't know how to Secret Santa works oh okay well basically you pick a name out of a hat right and that's the person you buy a present for and they don't know every time is it you're very irrelevant today I'm irrelevant every day that that way we have read my reviews so you don't know who gets you a president and so you get the present and you have to guess who gave it to you and on to all those people in a circle and it's really fun that is your place in London or as you plannin on Portugal and forward Portugal by your loving friends come to Portugal well because they everybody moving behind this is free plan oh my god you know um I'm really really very very attractive you know that girl you really are a single one I heard but it didn't go all the way around this is my new thing to get women to like me I think is one feeling that like I want to take care of you guys I am repelled by your hideous tingly body yeah I don't know where to go from there oh yeah I've never had shingles you can touch wood you never will have yeah I've never had an STD it's great it's gonna be speedy I never went out with a Frenchman is red flaming whale [Applause] anyway bro decide you want to do their guys fries I don't get negative I wanna do cash prize guys brought bring it on [Music] [Applause] big prize all right 50 American dollars that singles acceptable but any well you can do that secret santa thing with it um don't touch it until you've earned it like you never said that in your life all right so perhaps you said is a sort of weird hybrid of Welsh and French at some point wow that was an sides like that Frenchman trying to speak Welsh I don't think he did yeah you can't think English there I don't know if you will yeah but they don't like this apparently the longest word in the world is a Welsh word yeah it's a Welsh wheel weigh station is it yeah it's something something something something something something go go go yeah hi I've spent a lot time alone all right unfortunately that's not your question oh it is what is the longest word no it's not you can answer the question you can do true or not true you can guess what's in my box Oh apparently who plays going speedy you're lucky you're very attractive I tell you that fatso my well if it's an STD you got it no to pull it up okay oh no thanks um so how do you want to do the thing or the thing on the inner box or the come on click the question all right just a question all right [Music] Iceland is in the north of last its capital city is a Reykjavik give or take 25 miles an hour give or take when playing badminton how fast does a well hit shuttlecock why over the net shuttlecock why edison miles or a mile fire km/h which would you prevent I can do the math in my head what do miles per hour miles per hour said so how hard is a hard shuttlecock your wife is have so much fun [Music] yeah you're gonna have a lot tonight I tell you what's my margin of error 25 miles I was in my mouth a hundred and hundred and eighty yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we are you I'm really well you look great may i see how elegant and beautiful you look yes thank you very much and I like the clip as well did that continue and I'd actually never seen that clip before this was the first time that they let it out then let it I guess out episode that's a bit racy for CBN maybe someone should go off on CBS people are like woah oh that's nice do that again well here's the thing it was one of those really awkward seems to shoot because there's a giant camera and there's you know our whole crew is sitting around us and stuff like that and they're like okay so just looking directly into the camera which is a security camera and just just fix it up the section hooks because I'm trying to get better on you every not all right that's what I know I kind of look a little bit kind of crazy I understand but but you see what you do is you go like this you could have must up your hair and then play with your lips oh come on I just been through hair and make all right well you can do you - good sorry Alex then try to look like you can't say you can't remember what you were thinking I forgot or not the contrary - remember no we use obviously looking straight into this camera then we're trying to get the person who's watching the security cameras to kind of call me back and and obviously it worked it sure cuz they scripted it but do you ever use your beauty to get what you want in real life Danielle of course not what are you talking about I'll give you anything I'll give you anything you want I'll give you all the money I have my pockets what are you I want to residuals no there's no residuals in late night late night it's like we make it it's done that's it what I mean it's like this show now real I see so you can back home for the holidays yeah yes I'm going back home and then which part of Portugal we from Lisbon I've been there well we had this conversation kiss guys it's goes on the town you said it right last time as well just guys yeah yes you just talk a little bit like Sean Connery and all what this is Julia from Kish gosh just guys I'm very attracted to the kiss guys for to these ladies you always do this Meow's forgot my train of thought with you mean no could be a I'll give you everything I have here what would you like I want it all so actually my clever dog pieces we have got some party equipment over here kind of party it looks like some hats and some blue things that's a do you want you want to blow a thing all right here I haven't even looked at this what's in here I think we're getting ready for Christmas oh wow look at that look at a ball with wavy the conversation between us run out to the point where we need to yeah it's like we're married so I got the boring stuff without all the good stuff before it no no no I'm just saving it up I'm let me just get as open and Angela has a charm on the show right this is your first time on the show like this is the make-out date you wouldn't be that happy if it was true hang on I'm trying to get this little Wiggly thing out here I think you'll be happy when they do I'm usually a little better that's I'm just excited hold on you can even work here you can you take mine and then I'll get yours oh it's an affliction here get what you blew in there I'm sure you do apparently not more a little softer more consistently you the hoardings is funny yeah I don't know if that's a horse laughing I was going to say it's kind of weird that we can't see his paws behind the door we just see horses enough pause hmm because of all the food sorry I anyway well we're out of time that was an interesting visit very informative it was great I loved it why don't you go to commercial there daniela ruah everybody [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,106,712
Rating: 4.8595901 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, geoff petterson, geoff makes craig laugh, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, johnny carson, david letterman, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, daniela ruah ncis, daniela ruah interview, eric christian olsen, ncis los angeles, daniela ruah hot, ncis la, daniela ruah kiss, kensi and deeks, daniela ruah interviews, ncis, daniela ruah sexy, sexy actress, hot actress, celebrity, the jayleno fly
Id: vbaOyFpL8jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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