The Ladies Complimenting & Flattering Craig Ferguson - Fresh New Compilation 2017 #2

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[Music] um depends on what he looked like I mean if you're a killer date I don't really I guess what I'm normal besides that can you say that can you say are you a good sign right of it yeah I can do a little bit there but I think I'm forgotten most of it yeah get to take a break we'll be right back with Jennifer Beals oh you look very nice indeed if I may say so you look really nice too and I love that tie your acting thing are you using your powers of acting to distract me why do you think so lowly of yourself you're so hot that's definitely no I like okay Ella Schmoyer how do you know huh I just made that out that I am a certified douche inherent evil Lucia Constitution Kristen's other job yet the promotion provided you know they mean I don't care what I don't even know if I want to know what it means because it means a whole lot to me yes if you wanted to write my name in this guy I heard that like uber caused and was charging $500 on Valentine's Day to do that Craig you could have just taken me out to dinner [Laughter] yes yes absolutely I wish I'd thought of that I you know I thought the skywriting would have been more of a surprise you know what kind of doctor is your system internal medicine so all our work is done indoors what does that mean internal medicine that means like it's all organs no she doesn't do here no it wasn't no get off you're just showing your teeth for money right well no I don't have a boyfriend what else what else is going on yeah what you're looking for now young you looking for no interested right now um you know I'm always looking to be surprised [Music] yeah that would be that would be a little bit what else can I get killed yeah Oh what nothing yeah my son my son made me a little piece of sir we were on the beach last year and he made a little piece of string and he tied it on me and I can't take oh yeah what am i doing this dump I should be out there for the career yes you just talk a little bit like Sean Connery and all what sure you're from gosh gosh gosh guys I'm very attracted to the kiss guys Portuguese ladies you always do this to me I was forget my train of thought with you I mean most people are nice but most people aren't right and crap on the internet right exactly and even if it's a nice article if there's comments don't ever read them apparently according to some people in right across the country various sources I suck I'm like oh yeah thanks genius I didn't know that yeah you don't suck at anything let me be the first to tell you you know that's true you are so funny and so amazing and my mother is madly in love with you I mean I can't say that I'm madly in love with you because I've been married for 23 to get bacon I get it you better offer I understand but seriously no my mother literally I mean when I call she's giggling and she's saying you know if it's 9:30 my time and she's young my boyfriend's on and I can't talk you know it's very emotional her name is Pat hey Pat [Music] lookin good Pat undo the top button [Music] okay that works she is going to be so happy yeah you have no idea if that's all it took average of that all the time to everybody you know I might try it on the grumpy lady in the front row you know I think he won her over I think I went over to her into a joyful mood there's no question she actually loves you now I think here I love your generous spirit but I think that's taking it too far no no she just nodded when when I said you love him now Kyra Sedgwick that's why my father and aside from the fact that the whole the whole thing is kind of a bullcrap you don't you don't like you don't like Valentine's Day I have to drug it mine oh thank you very much can you inadvertently eat gluten his end everything no I mean I think you just know right if it's like bread it's bread is good I thought gluten was like jello because the dead that can you eat jello are you a vegetarian do it be like cute great walk back across thank you very much indeed you help yourself go on you're like on my top five list you are happily married woman yeah and you're happily married yeah yeah um so what I mean you can't have a list all right tell me about the list I like the list and who else is on it and what's my position I think your fourth I might not be the third but I'll do it I'll do the listening Dave you're on it Dave Matthews is on it he's my math is Right any better is on it right Jeff Bridges is on it okay yeah and Daniel day-lewis in you maybe you before Daniel day-lewis oh you must be crazy that you Lee Lewis is adorable he's gotta be now no unfortunately not he's like no I think he's like 120 yeah and when women meet him there like he's like really nice to meet you better Nisha yeah she does that voice which has the same effect on women is a French accent - anima be able to control myself yeah let's do it again I'll talk like this you're waking up time to fit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you shouldn't have started that you know that great it's a very dangerous game you don't know French people we are terrible with accents and Scottish accents specifically we there's nothing will start he thinks he can get me go nothing will stop me all right I don't think that I'm just nothing I won't do with you I know that I don't think I'll be working when I'm 91 you don't think so no by whose choice yours or the network don't you believe it you look so gorgeous that you're gonna go for a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lawman have said that and have been disappointed you know what P yeah people from Cleveland we like to eat yeah and so that's why I like Cleveland that's not the only reason I'd say you know because many other towns enjoy food like I like Cleveland you're you really are yeah alright not quick enough that's why I'm stuck in this all right Iceland is in the North Atlantic its capital city is a Reykjavik give or take 25 miles an hour give or take when playing badminton how fast does a well hit shuttlecock fly over the net shuttlecock why is this in miles or miles-per-hour km/h which would you prefer I can do the math in my head [Music] miles per hour certainly so how hard is a hard shuttlecock have so much fun [Music] yeah she's gonna have a lot tonight I tell you that was a good film yeah JJ Abrams yeah he's clever and he he's very very clever yeah bastard not so much if I was clever out of work my way over here by now very clever you travel it differently you're an a personality and he's a you know art maker yeah artist I'll be back in eight months ed can never get rid of him Kenya
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 4,097,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt
Id: 4SYZqvr641o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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