Brooklyn Decker - Plays Along With Craigs Innuendos - 2/2 Appearances [HD] [Read Description]

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stop trying to make goo-goo happen that's a different show every now and again we get wanted to go and I'm like no anyway my next guest is in the end the film just go with it which is available on now I like that cat please welcome Brooklyn Decker everybody [Music] [Music] and something you look absolutely enchanting your lovely dress and your necklace there and thank you you were great spray tan help really look at this isn't like shiny it's like fake it's thank you not my raita and I don't clap I'll spray Tanya no if you wanna hear a nervously provisory like a lovely named Brooklyn thank you you from Brooklyn I live in Brooklyn part-time but I'm named after a horse random I know Mom what I had a horse named Brooke or didn't have a horse a friend had a horse and she liked the name so I got Brooklyn Oh weird I grew up in North Carolina I don't know it's kind of like yeah yeah that's fine yeah that's a nice place no it's got been there I would guess Charlotte I've been there I'm not touring from no yeah I didn't see you whenever that did hide anyone here Alyssa dude why are you there I'm doing the stand-up comedy well I call it stand-up comedy everyone else goes ahem look at false modesty no no it's not genuine yeah no I can relate yeah no um so there you are then um you still live there you live here I live no I live in New York in Austin Texas and I hear you like the barbecue I heard you're a big barbecue fan is that true hey Austin Texas yeah yes absolutely they get a lovely hot sauce store there I was there recently yeah it is but but I like the North Carolina better if you just say not good no the barbecue is better hey you've had both right leg so Texas is very milazzo see and sweet and North Carolina's very vinegary and we still comes above here is the same molasses and sweet yeah spicy yeah well I've had a bunch of different options that snake yeah what oh yeah you know it's a kind of a Freudian thing cuz I've got a small penis oh and this one wraps around right that really it's not entirely true that's a double bluff ah oh it's a long story anyway never mind okay do you like to thank no not even you don't know not a fan particularly do people like I don't know really anybody yes somebody like that lots of people like snakes I got some people like to dance with them here they yeah you dance with thing yes in the bedroom in the bedroom I doubt that tightly my Native American name dances with Bank yeah it sounds really like you have some skills I don't know oh yeah you thought your dad's with snake no though I just you know both streams me anyway look at animals you Jeff any pet I do have a dog bulldog and he was full doc are you have a French I'm afraid I we should race them yeah well mine are like sick palate you know snorting and it's the whole length they sweat until their individual swear don't have sweat glands but mine has wet armpits all the time so I think you want to have a veterinarian look at that but it's normal and really yeah I thought dogs been the sweat glands maybe giggles they're whining to me I don't know she could pee on herself a my dog just pee on herself you want you GPS on a Rona maybe they're wet and apparently we don't have sweat glands according to you could it be I don't know I'm not an expert on great way I don't know well that night is tonight it's kind of nice you've got a lovely dog any of you and my dog would be doing a race probably so hi doc you beat yours in a fight I think cuz you know they're more stout and muscley yeah but I think my dog would probably keep your dog I don't very clever right well the French Bulldog is clever the German Shepherd I've got three dogs oh you oh yeah yeah that's why I know so much about the swag ah yo I just know the sweat secret what apparently what five dogs did you go out with oh they're all much my parents adopt one like every week there's egg passage beagles lab mixes the beagles are the ones that smoke cigarettes oh yes yeah particular after dances with snakes in the bedroom yeah you play tennis no does your husband play tennis guys play tennis he's really good yeah he's okay did he ever say one of the beat your tennis yes yeah yeah he does and and I've been unjustly grow was rocky good I didn't either before I started dating this person but you can say babe come on names Andy Oh Andy Andy the tennis player yeah yeah I tried and I ended up breaking the racquet and it was like this you some it was just stuff flying everywhere at the racket and if you were I'm always impressed they can hold that many balls in one hand see when they cool went up and then and then if they're able to do all that work while still did my husband can hold balls very well yeah well I'm just thinking that's a lot did you having a very big hand what does that mean it means this is your chance to score points with your husband big great man hands great good sorry dad is good hands of a man that's an athlete you know you can imagine the kind of like an yeah yeah nice pretty good tennis player I I met once Bjorn Borg didn't you yeah I did I've never met him yet well it was weird because he looked like a crab that I'd lost a fight like a big giant claw on one side now tiny claw on the other side my god why but without the tennis racket just hands yes I know anything with the angle of the standard ah I don't know I hope that's not like the future that's my husband does your husband Stein like there's a law not yet all right well then yes if you come home any standing like this you'll have to say hey knock it off yeah yeah thank you for the heads up on that just to eat me right yeah well bro did you meet Jeff by the way he's uh he's not Robbo hey I like your mohawk dang cool so much her lyricism know he gets intimidated sometimes when he really likes people he goes very quiet they talk to dawn like I say when he really likes me yeah hey we're at a time here what about a awkward pause - organ or touch my glittery ball I got to tell you though with the touch my glittery bone we haven't really thought it through yet it's still kind of half-baked I think you know I'm gonna do the mouth organ because John did the awkward part and the balls touching grazing things I like your style you're a team player I am you do you came here to pick you you put on the Spree ton and yeah you said I'm doing it yeah no I like it yeah all right then here's your here's your order of Colleen yes bronze ever been touched and it's a virgin organ if you will and this is the time good oh my god I got an all right continues commences yeah yeah this is like rolling right you ready yet can you play this yeah okay he said the what for the drugs wants to blow into blowin smoke and everybody would don't you tap it I like it with the glass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi Brooklyn you look sensational I mean really what a lovely dress I have a little bit of a Fupa happening Oh water would you call that a Fupa you know that stands for Fupa absolute that a Fupa I'm not going to say it on there I can say it on television and you must pay a poopa is a flabby upper area Oh God oh yeah yeah no ice no that's enough for today yeah it looks great hello guys lovely I did how's everything else okay yeah great seems to be fine sorry I brought that up first that was really inappropriate no I liked inappropriate it's a thing that I do right I know ever seen a polar bear i polar bear yeah yeah they'll stalk you okay I don't get it every talking to Domenic mother and polar bears will stop before you're even followed home by have not and nor have I gone diving with sharks or anything until very very dressy I don't know he was saying this and I thought I need to be living because clearly I find you on the show friends with it better life by friends with their Liza very different that what what what's different about it we have better lives right okay so that's really it right is it is a sicko it's a sitcom yes no we it we obviously are going to draw the parallel with friends because friends with better life dude I know you don't want I didn't either when I read it fun um so basically we start later in our lives in the past us and we have 60 room friends some are married a newly divorced single I'm newly engaged and we're basically following a group of friends that are trying to maintain their friendships even though they're kind of going down different paths and it takes place in LA it's not New York yes hey good cheer for Ellie if you were really familiar you woulda cheered from it yeah yeah yeah where are you probably going up again North Carolina Charlotte yeah and you're Charlotte yeah north carolinians not too high and they're from the Canary Islands have you ever visited Canaria I've never have well I I might have I but I fancy it you want to go why not I like Canaries I like Islands what are you going andgo reef diving I do I've ever painted of your enjoyment now would he do married a reputation spoon laughing I come on you must do something you're a terrific shape thank you it's called having great parents I don't do anything to deserve it you said your parents Oh - I do they I worked in my yard no I mean you must play tennis your husband please daddy please senator I play no tennis really because I will always be the most terrible player in the house and I just feel like well he's a world champion you know that's a losing battle I refuse to fight what might the Donna be you're his wife he's got one you win no no no you know when you're married to an athlete there's no letting win that's not even in their vocabulary that's not even like no that's that's not going to happen well you have got to learn where the power is god I'm telling you if I was a world champion tennis player and I was playing you you'd win it's a picture battle situation and to be fair he has tried and I ended up breaking a racquet so really it's shocking but I am the one with the worst temper in the household you brought the racket in a Cantrell yeah I'm not good wait there's yes there's no sugarcoating I threw a fit are you very competitive person yeah I just throw rackets when I'm getting a tennis lesson and crush them into a little bit well I'd be like you know I guess it would be tough because he'd be trying to help you and you'd feel like patronized a little bit he told me you know what he said to me I shouldn't mean okay he said to me and just get that so we're playing and I've never played before and he says to me um you know honey yeah what to where you want to hit the ball and then follow through just point and follow through and I said stop talking to me like a five-year-old like you can tell me like an adult how to hit a tennis ball you're right girl you yeah and he said to me if you play like a five-year-old I'm going to have to talk to you like yeah so I crushed the racket into a million little bit yeah yeah that but to say the majority live faking rare merriment or no you got to find something to do as you get older you wouldn't say nicely fit forever you're gonna find something you're oh yeah let me I run and bulks and use that machine like that oh and you play the Shocker and you hit a little bit once the show well you going to pick something down didn't you yeah yeah don't like he's a better ball control looks of Norfolk so fine and I love I love you know I live in Austin Texas now so this feels very this is home to me hopefully that's a good thing well a bit of a mess all right you know horses is looking at him I feel like that sexercise pronounced well the plans do you walk to see the horses no I just I Drive by slowly and look at them I'm concerned that you're not getting enough activity I like Austin Texas Oh have you ever been a ironsides barbecue what was the name of that place yeah that place iron iron whiskey whiskey whiskey iron iron we went up like that was great really yeah yeah party iron working on a stub stubs and Franklin's though Stubbs is a great music venue with barbecue and Franklin's is the legendary barbecue in Austin Texas no I think the irony one is a legendary one you know what you know you need to go though North Carolina Carol I live in North curling but Carolina barbecue there it's better than Texas sorry Austin whoa hey oh you know I'm kind of Austin no but it's North Carolina also a very different kind of Texas than the rest of Texas I like Portland it is like like we're all a bunch of hippies down in Austin you very happy - did you eat a little kale are you a lot of kale and I look at a lot of horses so I stay fit it's the kale do the horses eat kale probably in Austin they do yeah no but I am I might your head sorry I'm not a hipster I'm just like my parents didn't let me watch television Oh tell us oh you're all that's there that and it's like look but it's a hamster I feel like you're exposed to cool and you choose to be cool and I feel like if you're a hippie you're not even exposed to the cool stuff you're just kind of a weird granola person not sort of what I am we have like are you regularly very kind of I mean I Drive past horses I'm driving so that's yeah but are you in a car that doesn't use both of you yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a lot of em I know I know I know there are a lot of us were weird I'm sorry you're probably weird you have to how about we're on there so but where are you that way are you a hippie or no yeah I'm happy you i yeah I know I like the internal combustion engineering is both really making a good good footprint no no I don't really I lied over the years right when our craft powered by keel is see that's the way to do only so much I'm having a bit of a tan there riveting conversation you know while we're out of time you want to you want to kick your ball at the horse yeah marker really laughter I mean we could do an okra pods or I would love to do an awkward for nothing better than dead air right I enjoy it yeah you want to [Music] you
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 613,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson, geoff petterson, craig ferguson talk show, the late late show, craig ferguson flirting, craig ferguson flirting masterclass, johnny carson, funny moments talk show, late night talk shows, brooklyn decker, brooklyn decker victoria secret, brooklyn decker photoshoot, brooklyn decker craig ferguson, brooklyn decker talk show, brooklyn decker interview, brooklyn decker hot, brooklyn decker kiss, brooklyn decker model, brooklyn decker movies, geoff craig laugh
Id: 6gxoQfDOVn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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