Johnny Knoxville - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #93

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This took too long to happen and 1 hour isnโ€™t enough. He needs to come back and do another asap.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheRavenSayeth ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Little did these two know that Too Hot For TV has already seen the light of day, unofficially.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PeriwinkleTragedy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is it just me or is Knoxville talking in a kind of disjointed way?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BigDogAlex ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 12 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Do they talk about Bam?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PadoDrso ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sadly i missed out on getting a signed board :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TIH99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 12 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everybody and welcome to the greatest wild ride of all time i think i can safely say that this guest is the most requested most in-demand guest that we could possibly get that's right it's johnny knoxville the main star of the number one movie in the world right now jackass forever which is still in theaters and really could use a visit from you this weekend but man i'm so excited this episode we get into every little detail of the things that were not allowed to be shown on jackass and that's right it gets very very juicy so i want to start this just like i start every single day which is with athletic greens yes man my diet has kind of gone to hell and i'm not getting enough greens and i really don't want to become unhealthy so i go for one scoop of this stuff and in every single scoop i've got 75 vitamins minerals whole food sourced superfoods probiotics and did all kinds of good stuff and it tastes absolutely delicious when i get done drinking it with my with my water in the morning i'm totally hydrated i've got all the nutrients i need for the whole day and i feel great about it because this stuff is absolutely delicious telling you i live by it i swear by it and i love it and i want you to try it too plus dude get a load of this if you go to stevo they're going to give you an entire year's supply of immune boosting vitamin d and five free travel packets of ag-1 which is what i use every morning so look out for your health man become healthier and fill in the gaps in your diet take care of your your gut health your dig your overall health get on down to stevo now let's get into it ladies and gentlemen johnny knoxville yeah dude yeah dude you know scott randolph and the gorgeous paul briskey yes yes hello people have been begging for this one this podcast is going to do unbelievably well oh well we hope so yeah um so yeah dude um but we recently had this awesome time i was sitting down with the hollywood reporter telling uh the oral history of jackass i had a blast doing that yeah that was funny but i didn't come away uh i always understood that your story was that like right out of high school you moved to l.a to go become a big movie star yeah like um well a month out of high school i moved out to los angeles to attend the american academy dramatic arts and for a six weeks program that was my excuse to have my parents let me go to los angeles and i attended the first two weeks and didn't go back because i was 18 in los angeles and i was just partying so much uh and spent the summer out here ran through all my money and my parents convinced me to come home and uh i went home for a few months worked at a restaurant made some more money and came back for good in january of 90. okay when you're working at the restaurant were you filming stuff or were you just working knocks on that was a busboy but like you weren't like because when did that video of you with the shooting yourself in the chest that was like 95 96 yeah 95 96. probably shot in 95 and came out in 96. yeah something like that yeah that that whole bit of like self-defense was all included in that or maybe shot 96 came out in 97 but yeah that was the first time you ever had filmed anything right and i wasn't even going to film it right i was going to just write an article and tremaine suggested i film it as i always understood it your story and i describe it that way is like the bad company song shooting star is that kind of fair to say like well i i i mean well there were a lot of pills and whiskey beside my bed at one time uh but yeah i mean that that's your version of it that's that's wonderful yes i i love it i mean like john says johnny was a schoolboy when he heard his first beatles song but like it's like when you were a schoolboy you decided you wanted like you were in love with the movies right i remember when we were filming the first jackass movie you had this like i think it was on your ipod you had like old school uh like classical movies like that you were listening just the audio of it and i was like what are you doing oh right right like the theme song the cinema paradiso or or uh bits from casablanca yeah i love it yeah i mean like it was crazy it wasn't music it was like you're listening to the actual scene just the yeah just the audio of scenes from movies yes and i was like so confused by that and you were like hey man i love movies yeah that's how my family we ate around the television i'm either watching television like samford and sun or the andy griffith show or watching films yeah so that's how we connected you're just going from there and it's my version of your story but it's like you know you know you say mom i'm going to go away i'm going to be a big star you go out to l.a and uh and don't do [ __ ] for the first six years besides i studied a little but mostly i was partying and spinning my wheels i mean i knew you i know you wanted to be a big movie star and uh and you did find some success in television commercials right well when my then girlfriend got pregnant we had a daughter on the way that was the point in my life where i decided i have to do something so i just started trying to make anything happen any positive step forwards uh so my friend john linson got me a job writing for magazines like bikini magazine and which is now defunct and my next-door neighbor at the time was antoine fuqua and he helped me get a commercial agent and it's funny because i never really got call backs before i started writing for magazines but when i started writing for magazines it took the pressure off i'm like well i'm i can do this so i don't have to lean so heavy on this and it relaxed me on the auditions and i started getting call backs constantly nice yeah there was less desperation there yes less nervousness i had such a fear of talking on camera like i remember i wanted to be in i decided in high school i wanted to move out to los angeles and be in the movies and we filmed something they filmed something at my high school my junior year it was something about i don't know they filmed us talking about nutrition and everyone else was like really good on camera and i was terrified i couldn't even say anything so it took me a long time to get over that fear of talking on camera hmm were you were you terrified of talking on camera jackass the first season no you had it he had it by then you had it yeah yeah no i like by the time uh i filmed the self-defense equipment bit uh like you're probably totally comfortable yeah yeah but when you're like so you get the job writing for big brother i will say i'll come back to this sir with my friends filming yeah i would still get nervous walking on a hollywood movie set thinking i'm gonna get fired at any second like the read-throughs i thought you were more funny like the ringer no i like the ringer that's why you're wearing theaters i like so what was your uh i was just gonna say like uh because i never really thought of it this way but when you're writing for big brother in your head are you still like i'm just going to do this while i try to become a serious actor like the whole time this was like kind of for sure just like a day job while you're still pursuing being i was yeah i was trying to pursue both whatever click first that's what i wanted cool okay yeah and and uh so you've got some television commercials going you're you're writing for mags but you really like as i understand it my version of your story is that you just kind of felt like okay man i'm gonna now it's time to really make something happen i'm gonna i'm gonna put myself on the map and that was kind of what the self-defense equipment was it was like a big thing to just get get the attention get the ball going oh man we're about to hear how johnny knoxville's rise to stardom truly began and i bet you've never seen him or me with any facial hair because we always like to keep a nice clean shave and if you're looking for a nice clean shave for a very reasonable price boy do i have an exciting deal for you because i swear by these products from harry's i've been using them for years now it's just good quality the best quality you can get no gimmicks nothing but just a killer razor and for first time customers of carriers if you're going to take advantage of this opportunity you get this starter kit it comes with a five blade razor a weighted ergonomic handle foaming shave gel and a cool travel case to protect your blades when you're on the road and man i love it dear i always have a good clean shave and i love my hairs if you go to harrys.como you get this starter kit which is a 13 value but you're only gonna pay three bucks telling you you can't beat it i love it so go to harry's dot-com that's h-a-r-r-y-s dot com slash devo to pounce on this deal because you're gonna love it now let's hear about johnny knoxville's big break and so you've got this idea and you're gonna do a product review of self defense equipment with the the red pepper spray point blank in the eyes the stun gun the taser gun and and what the world didn't know about was the the smith and wesson 38 caliber handgun the plan was you're going to shoot yourself with a bulletproof vest on and then people don't know that because mtv wouldn't show that part but uh that's really the pivotal moment where everything like that's like the the thing yeah that's what clicked for me um and i felt like also when i got to big brother i felt like it was a special group of guys and but the self-defense equipment was the first time in my life where i felt like i had momentum yeah did did you uh were you introduced to big brother in a professional capacity before the self-defense equipment i met jeff on a video that spike was directing for uh a ban for wax right okay and i only remember this because the date because it was the day of the oklahoma city bombing we're on the set and we heard that we're like oh jesus so that stuck in my head that that's the first day i met jeff and i think a year or so goes by and i went down to world industries to meet with them because i was writing for mags by that point and but i had it was a skateboarding magazine and i didn't have any idea what to write for a skateboarding magazine because i didn't skate so it wasn't until i had the self-defense equipment idea that i was like oh maybe that's something they might like right oh man and then i remember seeing you in big brother magazine with the the first the self-defense and then like then in the bowl ring like you were doing stuff with bowls just for the pages of big brother yeah i was just trying to think of ideas but the i was disappointed in myself that day uh because i went up to gary the fuse ranch in nepal california and i got on the so-so bowl right he had other bulls but i got on a social bull and i felt like a real failure right and and after that because he said he had a bull up there named mr mean that like even the cowboys hated to ride and so that stuck in my head and when we decided to do the show i'm like i have to uh get my self-respect back and uh get on mr mean only you think of it that way that um can you tell us about that my favorite thing you ever wrote for big brother magazine which was where uh you had um you you were posing as an agent prank calling professional skateboarders oh right and getting them to do like silly right campbell soup commercials yeah yeah yeah he was calling like the biggest names in skateboarding saying i'm an agent and i've got you know i've got something i think he'd be perfect for and it was just like the worst look of you know pitching them like you know and would you be comfortable with your shirt off like you know at the end of these pro skaters and say oh yeah totally man like he was saying how do you look with your shirt off like you got me i'm pretty ripped dude it was that was the funniest thing ever man and uh and you said that that back in the day that they're you know with the partying i i'm pretty amazed that that you seem to have just put it down you know like all of the the you know the crazy pills and the whiskey and yeah no i still have drinks now now and again uh but the pills i put down um and did you have to do anything to put put them down was it just like probably when you have kids you probably want to tone it down a bit right yeah sure yeah well i mean with madison like it kind of was the opposite you know i i wouldn't he wasn't ready yet i wasn't ready yet and like i wouldn't because i would see my father drunk and i didn't want her to see me drunk so i try not to do that at home yeah right but i go out and just get smashed so i was yeah there were points in my life where i was partying way too much yeah um did i just kind of phase out or was there a moment where like i gotta make a change um it i think after number two you know and i yeah i got together with naomi and and started uh calming down then yeah i would notice that because on number two and you've said this plenty that we were all on our absolute worst oh my god and everything that we did just worked so like everything we did on camera like just worked so well in that movie it was like god and uh and yeah you're uh three times all just about behaving badly partying and then four years later jackass 3d like it just seemed like you you had done an about phase you were a totally different guy there was no bad behavior there was no partying you were just singularly focused on pouring all of your time and energy into trick nut shots okay you really you traded when you traded like one i think that's fair i was uh i would get obsessed with shooting and also i think maybe it's a fair thing to put out there that i may have been addicted to doing the larger stunts the stunts that really could take me out i think i got really obsessed in that too which i'm still coming out of right right because i know i can never get in with another bull again but i physically miss it if that makes sense i get it i get it and and um we just did the press junket for jackass forever and um it it like it seemed like we did hundreds of interviews and it seemed also that a lot of the the questions from the interviewers were like so this you know this is it the swan song it's over yeah and and i and i said well actually after each and every one of the first three jackass movies knoxville declared on the record that it was over and this fourth movie is actually the first time he hasn't declared that i keep saying like we may we might we might not but there's no like definitive answer but i i think these reporters have to come in with some angle right right so it's whatever i understand i think what they're what they're interpreting is uh you're saying that you're done risking your life you can't get and get in there with bulls anymore this is the last movie that you're really going to risk your life for right right and thank god because i don't want you to i don't i i never wanted to see you with the bull in the first place i definitely never want to see you with another bull again and if anybody reacts to your saying that you know in any kind of a critical way let me put it out there that it was on the third movie i showed up and i said dude i'm not gonna risk my life i've survived enough you know i've made it this far i've lost my [ __ ] sense of humor for being in a wheelchair or a coffin right over a dumbass [ __ ] jackass i'm not doing it and i pretty much stuck to my guns i said i said if uh if if it's a risk of paralysis or death i'm not doing it but if there's not that risk then i'm in and i don't think i backed out of anything yeah no you i mean if you didn't say that i don't think anyone would realize it because you've performed so great in jackass 3 and forever so well thanks man that now i showed up with the same rules on jackass forever and one weekend i i called it that the treadmill stunt was uh a real problem for for the spine and the brain for everybody yeah i called it and i and i i consciously deliberately threw my rules out the window for that you did yeah so i understand what you're saying when you when you say that you miss doing the physical stunts because here i knew not to do that and and how long were you out for when you passed out you know like for like a minute or so you know the duration of time that you're knocked unconscious is a lot like uh the height of bridges any [ __ ] whoever jumped off at 20-foot bridge says oh man it was 100 feet you know like and anybody's ever been knocked unconscious oh man it was minutes five minutes to it but like you timed the the book yeah i i specifically timed the bull and it was like about a minute five seconds just because i want to know right i want to know what happened to me and um uh god there was a point that everybody everybody was saying that you were out for like five minutes no that's not true it probably feels like that when you're like is he gonna wake back up you have no idea if you're knocked out you have no concept of time right sure the only way to know for sure is to go back and watch the footage yeah because my memory was erased for a little bit um what's the difference when you pass out like snoring or not snoring is like snoring you're [ __ ] out says you're trying to swallow your tongue so yeah cause you didn't snore did you i snored with the bull and i snored with butterbean yeah i don't know if you snore on the treadmill i i couldn't tell you i i don't have any idea was this like you know recklessness in character for you like when you started doing this stuff for a big brother and like if a friend who you grew up with saw that would they be like there he goes again or would they be like whoa knoxville's like a great question well i i you know honestly i was a little rambunctious but i wasn't the most wild or rambunctious guy at the school you weren't like let's jump off the roof and let's [ __ ] do this no not really yeah but i mean the the people who knew you when you were in high school in grade school and they saw you on jackass where they're like wave where'd this go no no it wasn't it's not a shock to them because i was a loudmouth and you know was always in some some kind of trouble but uh it wasn't that big of a shock but i wasn't the wildest or by far the toughest but i mean that's the thing about jackass none of us are that tough right so it's like i think that's what people can connect with this we're not some manchester guys out there trying to uh you know uh that there is uh an every man well i mean we are every man and uh but i will say about the treadmill it could have been less that the results could have been a little better for our heads but there was a pad down right before we filmed like a rubber mat down and i just said lose it for sure because it's just when you see pads on the jackass set it doesn't work and right do i regret it no you know we're all okay but i have to maintain the sure remember after that dave england called me up he's like hey dude just a heads up like steve hit his head pretty hard meanwhile i got texts from steve booking a tour to austin and he's like i'm like wait a minute what's going on here you had this whole tour going on you're like okay let's get this guy on the road and i'm like dave just told me that you were out and you're like yeah i'm in the hospital yeah he booked the tour hardest working man in show business right here for sure it's possible uh um you know i i would like to take this moment to to let everybody know how awesome the jackass slingshot game is oh the jackass human slingshot on mobile game yes you can get that on google play or the app store so it's actually a lot of fun yeah if you have an iphone you go to the app store and you type in jackass human slingshot that'll do it and if you have an android you go to the i have no idea yeah and and in either which way you're an absolute idiot if you don't do that yes thank you steve all right now i'm interested yeah i gotta go and and you know and plus dude look at this shirt i'm wearing just people listening can't see it but i'm wearing the the dickhouse shirt with the rainbow i mean this is an iconic american treasure the the dickhouse logo and only just recently did dick house start selling merch yeah we we sold it like kind of low-key but never in a focused way that we have now what do you guys want to talk about the thing with the thing with the pink with you guys together and the yeah we've got uh like tony soprano over here yes we you had never signed merch to sell ever once in your life and and then all of a sudden i designed this skateboard with that it's half me happier and this great design now let me tell you if you're gonna go and get one of these skateboards that we're talking about which both johnny knoxville and i signed a lot of people will you know how it's going to get shipped to you with ship station this is the secret behind all of my merchandising operation is that we ship everything so easily at the best possible rates and just fast and efficient ship station i'm telling you man it's e-commerce these days if you're not in the e-commerce game then you're blowing it dude because this is how i am rising above man i'm not going to get away with doing what i do forever and so i'm trying to sock away some cash so that i'll be taken care of later and i'd like for you to do the same and if you want to ship more stuff easier cheaper faster ship station's the way to go i swear to you this is how i ship everything from and you know i'm always promoting that stuff so i'm going to give you a 60-day free trial with shipstation and this like interface that you're going to be using no matter what you sell from if it's on amazon if it's on etsy if it's you got your own little website every different platform seamlessly integrates on shipstation's interface it is so easy and it is so helpful plus they give you rates with all the different carriers that are normally reserved for fortune 500 companies you're going to be shipping everything way cheaper and like i said a 60 60 day free trial if you go to now when you get there you're going to click the microphone in the top right you click that you're gonna type in the promo code stevo and you are set up to get to shipping like using it for free for 60 days telling you it is time to make some money so go to click the microphone in the top right type in the promo code stevo and make ship happen yeah dude now let's get back to the game how did i talk you into signing those um i don't know it was a really great graphic and we'd never done anything like that before and i thought it would be fun it's so cool that you know like i look at that i've got i've got one up on the wall and my my edit bay this skateboard and you know have that like the left side of the face is you and then the right side of the face is me and uh god i love it and we only have a little bit left so they better go get them right yeah and you check it out yeah the johnny or skateboard you guys got some signings but yeah yeah yeah you you haven't practiced your signature a whole lot because sometimes you sign at coxville sometimes you sign it at knoxville well it's just my poor penmanship yeah you know the end slips away a little bit like when i was in grade school like i would get straight a's except for penmanship it would be solid c or c minus yeah you ran like a pharmacist yeah yeah tell us about uh your baseball career like that's a little known fact todd that you were like a hardcore baseball guy yes i love baseball and when i was moving out here was like am i going to go try and play baseball uh honestly i probably went to a junior college first uh i could have played in junior college or and eventually maybe have made a move up uh positioned to division one but yeah picture but i already like i was coming out here for the american academy dramatic arts and my senior year i kind of blew my elbow out uh we still had a great season but i was like god i need to get out of here i need to get out of knoxville because i thought like i was just i'm probably gonna get in trouble if i stay yeah most of my friends either got in trouble or became cops there's like three or four that you know thrived um so for people who maybe don't know knoxville is not your birth last name when did you adopt the name johnny knoxville like when did that when i started writing for magazines i didn't want to write under pj clapp [Laughter] phillip john clapp yeah like i don't want to read that guy giant knoxville isn't it and uh and so when uh one of the stunts that you did for for big brother and and i don't even know if you guys were cooking up the idea of jackass yet but you you tried with zero skateboarding skills you tried to drop in on a half pipe like a 10 foot tall vert ramp right and you might as well have just jumped off the deck and straight to the flat bottom sideways right on your shoulder because that's what happened uh it was the most brutal slam ever and it was just absolutely fantastic well my fear was if i under commit i'm just going to slide down on my back so i didn't want to waste anyone's time so i just stepped off the cliff you didn't waste anybody's time it was the most brutal slam and and i'd heard that someone said that for like years after that that your shoulder was really messed up from that slam and that like you had trouble like turning the steering wheel of your car like you couldn't make a left-hand turn in your car because of that possibly i remember having trouble driving my car after the butterbean ko because it gave me vertigo okay and when i would lay my [ __ ] my head to the side to lay down the room would span if i drive around a curve the you know the car would spin so i had to get on some medication for that it took a while to wear off uh but it's possible yeah sure like sometimes you get hurt and it's tough to drive your car you uh you told you said that you lost your sense of smell yeah i have to be right up on something to smell it and it's not that great so my sense of taste is probably compromise my nose has been busted a few times so i said that should you attribute that i believe so otherwise i don't have any idea and then there was a point uh the way where your back was super compromised right like on jackass 3d we had like a professional like uh what was the guy with the massage table yeah yeah um it's just a basically a a chiropractor who could because what my back i blew my back out at the end of jackass number two i would just be walking down the street and my back would seize up and i'd fall over after a bit no no no this is just movie's over i'm trying to live my life and my back would seize up and if someone wasn't there to help me i would just fall over wow um because i uh herniated a disc in my lower back and when my uh body when these psoas muscles they're like big sausage muscles here would detect that detect pain back there they tried to protect it and they would get really hard to put up a barrier around it but when that happened it would just pull me to the ground so what i did is i got on an exercise regime and found a chiropractor who would just stick his thumb right in those muscles and they would release and after that i was a new man and i found a really good i found the best anti-inflammatory but but actually that diclofenac is so that actually did help a lot so through exercise and the anti-inflammatory uh it's it's pretty good now every now and then i have to get the chiropractor come and release it but uh it's all right um the the i remember when i was in in 2008 i was in rehab and uh you came to to visit me just to show love and support it meant so much there was one uh visit where you showed up and and you had like the full like your hair had grown out i was like whoa knoxville's got gray hair and that was that was 2008. yeah i let it go gray for a little while i just got sick of it and but madison told me that she liked it dark and so i started coloring my hair my daughter madison told me she liked the dark so i started coloring my hair again i remember so when did uh when did you start when did you first color your hair my late 20s that's crazy man yeah i was going gray soon my dad was completely white-haired at 19. wow yeah steve martin yeah wow that that's crazy man and uh yeah i mean it have you handled the this all this what do you call it the reveal like uh i think you had a fun way of describing all of a sudden uh revealing the gray hair silver foxville oh yeah no i yeah i can't remember what i said but there's something about uh i can't remember it yeah i remember writing you something about right but and it just seems with full confidence like i think that uh i'm so much more of a sensitive like uh you don't like going gray i enjoy it yeah steve doesn't like aging at all nothing about it on aging yeah well you're in that uh i think everyone gets a little bummed on aging but you're in that place where it's just a little gray right so you're just coming to terms with it i had many years to come to terms with it i knew what was under here you know yeah yeah so so was that like a very freeing like acceptance of growing old or just even like we've never been grey on camera before have you yeah was that hard to do no i was so i did feel liberated because like i have to go every three weeks to get my hair colored and after a couple of weeks it would start you'd see the white everywhere and it's just a drag right so it's like a lot of work it's a lot of work yeah and um who thought we'd be talking about hair coloring on this but it's but it's true but i'm psyched i'm so happy with that i don't have to color it anymore and i like look look what happens it looks like what that oh i've only seen really uh positive feedback about it yeah i i think it's great do you guys have a favorite bit of the new jackass do you guys have uh i i want to say how impressive it is to me that the of all the jackass guys nobody lost their hair yeah that's true we don't even have any like legit bald spots yeah although they're when i had my dark hair in the beginning of the movie there is a little like uh quarter-sized thing that spike took care of never had a problem with it after that yeah and uh the the new movie god covered screwed up movie theaters but now uh if anybody's paying attention to the news the the story is that that everybody's lifting the mask mandates kobe is in such sharp decline like for the love of god movie theaters are back this weekend and it's time for everybody to get to the damn movie theater right yeah fingers crossed this downturn keeps going down because the world just not just everyone's been through it the whole world's been through it i don't know what's going to happen but i'm just riding the wave that the numbers are down and everyone can get to the ears and enjoy the movie safely because there's 300 theaters closed last week for over the weekend because of this no there's a snowstorm or something right it was like a state of emergency in like 26 states from new mexico to maine i was like come on like what the [ __ ] on our opening weekend we gotta have the whole country snowed in with ice and sleet and and states of emergency hopefully that's not going on this weekend yeah and hopefully everybody's heard how ridiculously good jackass forever is it's a critical darling it's crazy that the critics finally like us you know i think we got a little that on jackass 3d and a little bit on bad grandpa and it's been so long since we made it this is just my guess i don't i don't know anything about anything i don't know [ __ ] from apple butter but i think the critics now who are riding were in high school when the first jackass came out and they have a fond memory of it and now they're in charge right they're running it so and i think also that i think we did a pretty good job with the film so i think it's a mix of those two things but could be other things yeah i think for the old school mind it was probably hard to see what you guys do as like sort of an art form and like sort of the beauty of the image of what it is but now it's like [ __ ] are we making art i think so i don't know that yeah it's like there's such a branded look and feel of jackass too that's like obviously very authentic it's not like something you guys sat down and wrote down but i've always been curious actually there's like a i edit steve's videos so like i'm you know like when did the you know you guys say a thing blah blah yeah good and then everyone walks off camera and the like the walk off camera after you've like said your funny thing is kind of like jackass branded thing i don't know that always happens but there's definitely like if you get the sense that you've just put a button on something you're walking we have the instinct to get out of frame yeah like did that i don't know when did that start or did you have any well all i know is like when i did the self-defense equipment article for the video i introduced myself i'm giant knoxville united states of america and i introduced what i was going to do in the bit and when we did the tv show spike said you should introduce yourself every time he really liked it i'm like all right spike knows better than me for sure that man is so great so that's what started like hi i'm stevo this is the butt chugger yes because spike's idea really even though the first time um the the first thing i did that for was the goldfish and i couldn't do it so knoxville said hi i'm johnny knoxville and this is stevo and he's going to do the gold gears trick because you're nervous on camera i was so nervous i was useless on camera for for the longest time now we can't get him to shut up you know what but he went when i was particularly useless when it was on airplanes oh god you and pontius man on airplanes were the like why because you're just so [ __ ] up yeah i mean you didn't sleep for five days before and then you went on an airplane you know what i want to do i want to make a youtube video about the truth of gumball rally oh man oh man is right you are about to get a juicy scoop on the truth of gumball rally where we were really choking our chickens of course no chickens were harmed on gumball rally and no chickens were harmed in the making of just egg this is made from plants it's a bottle that you get at the supermarket and it comes with this liquid egg program you pour it into the frying pan you make decadent delicious scrambled eggs egg sandwiches quiche it's super healthy too man zero cholesterol and in fact it's got cholesterol lowering polyunsaturated fat i'm telling you chicken eggs wish they were this healthy for you it's totally delicious man it's an exciting new product and i want you to go find it at the grocery store man it's out there it's epic they need you to know about it because it's that healthy it's for good people and if you're a good person you're gonna try it now let's hear about gumball rally [ __ ] show wait wait yeah but it was this this thing that they do every year with like a bunch of just obnoxiously wealthy people and all these luxury cars and they just pick some journey to go on for us it was we raced cars with millionaires from london to russia and back in a huge circle through 12 countries some billionaires yeah max cooper puts it together but i remember like you would think it's a bunch of millionaires and billionaires and but but they had pretty good spirit they're pretty good spirits oh for sure yeah it's the fun ones yeah totally i mean if you're doing something like that these guys want to like pedal to the metal so that was that was a jackass special and like how did that even come up like uh i was i'd gone to london with um mike ballard okay right to film the me getting shot out of a cannon in brixton and my friend john morales drove us to brixton but he john had a friend max cooper max cooper comes over and said hey i'm just getting this i've done this a couple times this gumball rally thing do you guys want to do it and so i took it to jeff and spike and they thought it would be fun and did mtv go for it right away oh i don't remember i think at that time mtv was pretty happy like to do what i mean the show was doing good so right so so we start out and it's it's knoxville and and me and pontius in the car with like one one other person ponies and i are in the back seat gooch was driving and someone else maybe dimitri was in the front seat they had this big ceremony in the middle of uh like hyde park in in london they're blowing up fireworks all these and start and all these luxury cars taking off as soon as they start this this race pontius and i just started jacking up and i was between them you know i'm in the bag but point between them you don't see it as bad enough why i think you were in the front i think it was just german not in the back we decided that we were going to have a a contest to see who could blow the most loads in the car while it was moving and full of dudes and uh and we've rubbed ourselves raw like just leaving london they were like double decker buses like looking down on us like you know as they passed and uh it wasn't until the dead of night when when i got my uh when i got it done and i remember which is really weird for you because uh right did it take that long that means your first load you blew yeah yeah and and by the time i blasted that one there was just something about being in the car full of dudes and of course you know like yeah you know it was only when everybody was only once everybody was asleep except for the driver was i able to to get it done and i blasted this window so that i wake up knoxville i'm like hey knoxville wake up dude film this and and i could make knoxville film i'm like pan from me and ask me what's that on the window and i had shot it all over the window and uh and then like the next morning knoxville switched cars yeah by the time we got to france i was out of there had fun 2018 b team kind of a thing yeah i was who won uh tied four loads a piece at the end wow it was i mean their windows looked like a krispy kreme doughnut it was just oh and it's the smell oh god that bleachy [ __ ] smell for sure when because we made sure we documented every single load and mtv didn't even show one yeah my goodness the indignities this man has had to face but in the history of jackass there's very like little that didn't make it somewhere somewhere yeah you know too hot for tv or right right you can kind of count them on uh yeah i made a video and i put it on youtube and included some of the things that i was like oh yeah this wasn't even allowed on tv and then like with within a very short time of me posting that video i received a a strike from from youtube oh really yeah how many strikes you get you had three strikes and your channel is deleted for is there like it's deleted for a year or it's deleted it's deleted forever but like a strike puts you on probation for like a certain amount of time and then the strike will will go away so how does that work do you now run your stuff by youtube before you post it um it would be nice if everybody could do that but uh you really got to just kind of you know censor yourself a little bit yeah maybe you'll be you'll be kind of careful until the strike goes away this this happened a while back oh so how long do you keep the strike for it's not lifetime it's not forever no the strike will go away after like i want to say 90 days or something okay so so you don't have to like walk on eggshells too bad is that your only strike uh i've had a three i had a warning and then two strikes and the two strikes went away but the warning stays i think there was the hot sauce you can get it at on amazon and uh because we put it up in my butt and we really showed it like putting it going in my butt and like me pooping everywhere i was kind of like in hindsight that was we're number three yeah we're number three on amazon right now fyi yeah with your uh hot sauce yeah that's great well the first like one and it caught me off guard i i put the the best um the best wake-up pranks of jackass and wild boys i thought we're like what a fun video you know like whenever the mamba and we slapped people in there you were pure hell to wake up yeah you woke up spitting and wanting to fight yeah for sure the only time i was ever tough is right when you wake me up yeah yeah then he calms down real quick but man he comes out swinging and he jumped out that window didn't like the wake up pranks because um it's like assaulting somebody who's not consenting you know like they're sleeping yeah they're sleeping and they can't consent and you're hitting them it's like an assault yeah but i mean you're filming with us so you're kind of consenting walking on the stairs but i understand that was my insured of the whole video i was like you know i'm falling asleep on the very irresponsible dude you just want footage yeah you're begging for it but but then then i got the strike for the one and i showed it too box downstairs i i was like all right that was just so simple and dumb could have been terrible oh it could have been terrible knoxville got in a [ __ ] cardboard box with like a couple pillows cardboard box they tape it up close and then just knock it down the stairs end over it don't don't don't don't don't down all these cement stairs it was a i don't know what i was thinking you know i you know i'd been i just came off a film right and the guys have been kind of carrying the load and i hadn't been able to do a lot of dangerous stuff because i had been doing a film and then i was like i got to get back into the swing of things and get everyone's respect in my mind that's why i was like i had lost respect by doing this film so i'm like i might as well come out swinging and oh man i went it goes skip skip and then it takes a big jump and all the impact i absorbed on my lower back it just slammed and that just felt like pure hell i probably uh started my lower back problems right there yeah box downstairs and it was like counterintuitive because you could you got to like just trust that you're in the box he can't see you right right right no without it being like uh a one long take without any cuts like you know you could have like i mean but nobody that's that's nobody doubts us never nobody doubts us and what was the the other okay there there was uh i'm johnny knoxville and i'm gonna get hit by a car real soon oh yeah that was from the big brother video i think poop i don't know yeah i'm sure like like can't put it on youtube so people probably don't even know about it yeah yeah the car like when they see that uh i don't know the buckle is sure if they get there early they can see it but what was your strategy with the car because it hits you but then you like end up on top of it like a cat through the windshield over onto the roof the car never slows down yeah my oh my only thing i wanted to do was get up on the hood i didn't want to have my knees taken out right yeah so i just tried to get up on the hood and after that that car was hauling it's the most epic [ __ ] shot he says i'm johnny knoxville and i'm going to get hit by a car real soon he's standing in the middle of the road and showing up the car just comes goes blowing right through the frame he goes through the windshield the car never stops and and and later somebody asked you there was a quote in big brother like what what were you thinking standing there getting hit by a car ed knoxville's answer was oh well i wore two pairs of jeans so i'd be safe i i i think i was totally serious because i there i do have those irrational ways to think that i'm safe i remember when i was doing the python or the anaconda ball pit i was like man what i have to avoid here is the snake biting my wrists and severing my arteries so you put on that i put a strip electrical tape around my wrist and in my head it was like it was safe but little did i know after i filmed that bit the guy was like yeah one of these anacondas took off someone's calf muscle last week but in my head that was that electrical tape saved me it was your suit of armor yeah yeah yeah and and another one was when you when you shot yourself with the smith and wesson 38 caliber handgun and you're wearing like a used 300 bulletproof vest you tucked some porno magazines under it yeah yeah yeah yeah thinking that was going to help it wasn't it was a brand new vest but it was the cheapest one they made god yeah i had some leg worlds up there whatever flint had whatever tremaine got from flint just laying around and and you said there was a shot it was on camera like you're trying to shoot yourself in porto magazines or falling out of the bush out and then i've been over to pick it up and so i'm stepping back in and i have the gun pointed right at the camera it's just so irresponsible wow was it by design that you just put one bullet in the gun so that you would have the suspenseful like click click i put it wasn't by design just to put one bullet in the gun but it the the hole it going around i thought it was like going to be one shot and over but i didn't know anything about guns so all the way around but it helped yeah oh my god that footage is intense i i'm trying to think okay so another one that was never allowed to see the light of day and it was genius was uh the hardware store all right yeah yeah tell us about that one um i put on a prison orange jumpsuit and get handcuffed and get my hair all dirty and my face full of mud and i go in the hardware store out of breath and i'm like oh can you help me get these off you know referring to the handcuffs you have a hacksaw oh yeah yeah yeah and we did that once just randomly right me spike jeff and someone else and we didn't have any camera hides or anything and but like he got a huge reaction and like four or five card loads of cops show up and they all have their guns out and spike and jeff are like what do we do do we take off or you know the best footage was that one of the cops pulls up like it screams in the in the frame or the footage is great the cop gets out of their car but doesn't put it in parks so this cob jumps out of the car and the cards this cop car just continues and crashes into a [ __ ] like a telephone pole yeah that was the second time we did it yeah and the car that's the cops came both times you did it yeah the cops came both times we did it but it wasn't covered because we didn't know what we were getting into right and we didn't know but so it's poorly covered and we had to do it again and the second time that's when the cop didn't put her car in park and it hit the telephone pole and by that time i was on the ground with my hands out here i'm like oh no we're really in trouble now she goes up to knoxville laying there with her gun on she says why aren't you in jail right and god and she told me afterwards she goes if you would have moved one little bit or tried to get away i would put the bullet in your ear so yeah so i knew like when cops drew their guns just do what they say yeah um and i asked her afterwards i'm like was this the oddest call you've ever been on she goes no i had one guy bug naked up the top of a palm tree and he was on uh like pcp or something and he slid all the way down the palm tree balls and all right oh he was straight to the middle hospital yeah flawless was there any punishment for the bit like did you get i seem to recall that there was a lawsuit that was settled for like five thousand bucks uh our one of our producers got arrested metha meta got arrested and i regretted that because i was on the set i was the one who should have got arrested but i really didn't know how things worked and uh but that was taken care of and uh why'd she get arrested because she was her name was on the they're like who's producing here who's producing here and she's the one who stepped up yeah so one of my favorite bits in it i'm not sure if it's on the jackass but certainly the big brother was uh when you ordered the eggs and bacon you scratched the bacon out and you put [ __ ] down there my sausage looks like poop yeah that's a good bit yeah up until then i had been doing stunts and that was the first prank i did and i don't know why that was why i thought of that but it's so good i'm trying to think of it like there's really very little that that that couldn't ever see the light of day i got branded the heart over my heart they said they wouldn't show sizzling smoking flesh see we said you could get branded well yeah we said you could you could shoot it but we didn't say anything about airing footage of sizzling smoking flesh what the [ __ ] do you think branding is yeah yeah the vomit didn't get aired yeah the vomit yeah with dave england uh even though the reshoot of it did yeah yeah but the original was much funnier because it was one of it's one of those ideas where yeah it's like the super glue from jackass number two it was a rainy day and what we wanted to shoot was we could no longer shoot and right dave england said hey i can eat all the ingredients for an omelette and then puke it up into a frying pan frying pan and cook it and then how you you volunteered to to eat it it was just a [ __ ] show and florida the moon's hot yeah manny was there manny loved that [ __ ] so much yeah the naming of bits is always like crucial like yeah vomit or whatever the first time you met manny you uh like you were like okay like i want to get bitten by a rattlesnake man he says you can't do that right and you're like really pushing for it no no like just let the rattlesnake bite me and we learned that when manny says uh no that that means [ __ ] no yeah yeah if manny's sketchy about it then it's like all right all right because when manny says yes that doesn't necessarily mean you're good what was that when you were getting you were before the uh you're hanging out over the alligator pit and what was his safety plans he says if an alligator gets a hold of stevo stevo will relax and hopefully the alligator will release him [Laughter] he's so great i remember like one of the it might have been the first time i ever filmed with with with uh manny when we went out to do the hammerhead thing it was the first well the first day on the with sharks and manny and uh they chopped barracuda in half and and strung them all up and like bloody and just chum chopped up barracuda fish strapped all over me and and then manny put me in the water with the sharks [Laughter] yeah and i remember my dad decided my dad says how could it possibly be safe to be covered in chum swimming with sharks and i looked at dad like dad manny was there god god i might get off my case yeah [ __ ] manny's like my little uh force field yeah that's how i feel about uh gary lefew with the ball i mean i feel that way about manny too he's he he's just he's tarzan right right and you do feel even though you're doing something [ __ ] you do feel like somewhat safe just because he's there and the same way with gary lefew with bulls for sure uh i just always feel like he's well he always he's always got my back and he always has he hires the best bull fighters uh because they're crucial because if you go you get ko and uh you're alone in the ring with the bull it it could be even worse yeah for sure there was a time where everyone's gonna know this with manny we put the fish hooks through my face and cast me out to the sharks manny's manny's chopping up the you know he's just chumming the water treading water hacking up fish and he sees this maker shark going after me like it's gonna bite my foot and one of the very few times manny ever became uncomfortable while filming like i heard he screams stephen watch out right and and i hear that and so i'm like [ __ ] i panic and i go to like you know kicking to go swim away and in that motion i inadvertently kick the maker shark in the head as it's going for my foot yeah which was like arguably one of the closest calls i've ever had yeah and and i think it was like years later i asked jeff tremaine i said jeff dude if that maker sharp bit my foot we were two hours away from the the coast of hurricane katrina devastated louisiana like what the [ __ ] was the plan like like a helicopter i mean like what and and tremaine said oh we didn't have a plan we got god like how do you explain how lucky we've been i well i was in arkansas getting ready to do the riot control test and i was talking to jeff and talking about casting you out to sea with the hook through your mouth chummed up waters with sharks and i was like jeff what what is the uh how does what's the best case scenario of this because how's it going i mean if we get footage that means something terrible has happened and how do we air that like what are we going for here and he's like oh no it'll be great i'm like i really had questions about that so it was one of those things where right it couldn't have went any better like you didn't get hurt but you almost got annihilated you almost were missing the foot right i mean like it's like great jeffy you've explained the the beginning in the middle but yeah at the end there's only one way for this to end for it to air right i remember being troubled by that bit but i wasn't so troubled that i said don't do it i did i did have pause i was thinking of your steve right yeah and it was the same thing with the alligator tightrope i i as i understood it my job for the alligator tightrope i was like oh yeah and then tomorrow i'm getting bit by an alligator like i'm going to walk on the table fall off and then in the alligator pit and then i get bit yeah yeah and that was another one i remember feeling like not getting bit by the alligator and it just taking the chicken out of the jog strap to me that like felt the way you described getting on a social sociable i was like oh man like you know i've lost my respect i showed up to get attacked by an alligator no no but that was great you didn't even because you could have yeah you very well could have and you stuck it out and you did all you needed to do yeah so i mean that's a great bit yeah and in hindsight i'm not i'm not upset about it but uh but i remember thinking oh i really got away with one today yeah yeah um what uh yeah what are some of the other like just crazy like where we've got angels i mean i i i think about dragons and i really believe that they're not like the rocket for the rocket yeah it not only almost killed me but one rocket goes out back like 150 yards and goes right between kassick and scott manning's ear is just shut and that would have decapitated one of them or both of them it was a foot long metal rod that was an angel um the the steel wall falling on me at the end of jackass number two because the the guy who rigged it is like you get to your mark don't move it's a this is a this is a steel wall you will die if it hits you and then what happened that's like travis pastrana telling you not to let go of the bike i'm not listening like before i do a stunt i don't sometimes i i you can be talking to me but you can see in my eyes and i'm far away you know i remember seeing the wall hit you thinking like that was that was the bit you know like no no that wasn't supposed to happen wow and uh i remember on the set i had uh my daughter come down because i thought this is like no one's gonna get hurt today we're just it's pretty casual and then at that door that steel wall slammed me and it goes silent on the set except for madison and she goes dad what are you doing you idiot everyone started laughing after that because you know i moved around a little so oh wow yeah and and like that the golf cart with uh yeah that could have been that was almost real bad yeah that was i feel like for for years after that the golf cart was referred to as the incident yeah like that good because that one was really really scary but yeah we've been we've been incredibly fortunate man we've had a lot of incidents and uh you know this is something that with the concussions i tell you know i can't say it enough i [ __ ] hate when when you get in front of bulls even on jackass number two like in the footage in that that movie i'm just like i'm so visibly like not okay with it i never was okay with the bulls and um with the you know all the the butter bean with the the on your action point like there's been so many concussions you know who's super worried about your uh concussions is dr drew right i don't know like why he's privy to like the the extent of your uh concussion history but he but he's he seems to be well aware of it and highly concerned and i think that he exacerbated my concerns so you know i said this to uh to the men's health reporter i was like you know like with uh knoxville's brain and my dad being 78 years old like everything my dad says every conversation i'm like scanning it you know like it's like like like please god don't let there be any dementia coming in and i do the exact same thing with knoxville like every text every conversation like is that has has the concussions [ __ ] up his brain like you know is he still there and uh you and my dad like have uh you know never never faltered yeah my brain was [ __ ] up for a while after the this last one it was for a few months that i it was scrambled yeah i mean dude the treadmill was nothing compared to that bullhead and and i had headaches and and irritability and [ __ ] memory problems for like three weeks after the treadmill yeah no i it was you know i got all kinds of cognitive tests and just scored so low on most every thing i i the neurologist is like did you have trouble paying attention i was like yeah you know because i was trying to edit and i couldn't sit still right and he's like because you scored a 17 on the uh attention portion of the and i was like out of 20 he's like out of 100 out of 20. forever optimus eventually because it just started it just started spiraling downwards and the antidepressants helped reset my brain so uh and you know time time helped my brain to heal and recover wow but uh didn't mean to bring the show down when a doctor's giving you kind of bad news like that or bleak news at least like are you you're able to stay optimistic or do you get like were you actually kind of scared like [ __ ] maybe this is like not gonna get better uh a little scared but i am pretty much an optimist so i just have to believe that i'm going to get better even like when i was a kid with asthma i'd be in and out of the hospital all the time right and couldn't breathe have to spend the night in the hospital i just kept thinking i'm going this is going to get better this is going to get better because it's pretty scary right when you're a little kid and like i almost died when i was eight but i just think thought like [ __ ] it i'm like everyone else and i'm just i just got to get through this jackass four and theaters everywhere in the world everybody get to the theater man i'm gonna say this in the intro too i've got to man like like the the covid numbers plummeted [ __ ] it's okay to go to the movies it's everywhere around the world yeah there's not everywhere yet but it's done really well around the world yeah it's doing really well it's really really good we want you to go see it we want you to be wearing a dickhouse shirt when you go and see it so so get that dick house shirt we should probably put those on your website too right like we said i took photos with will fox wearing them and then we'll put the johnny o boards right behind those yeah yourself both knoxville and i signed these special johnny o skateboards get yourself one of those get you the get the mobile game the jackass slingshot boombox have said this sooner but but i say this often and i mean it every time which is that i can't thank you enough and i can't express enough gratitude just in general like how much it means to me that in all of my little like uh side projects all my little stevo things like how you've always taken the time to to to read my books to watch my videos to critique my comedy specials like no matter what the project is everything i've ever sent you and asked you for feedback not only have you taken the time to really really check out the project but you've given like very thoughtful constructive feedback and and you didn't ever have to do that and and you doing that like it makes me feel so emotional like i could just cry because because your support in in doing that for me uh [ __ ] it it means the world to me well i love you and i'm proud of you and i'm happy to see you flourishing and you know so um happy to do it i love you and i love you buddy i love you so much man your opinion matters so much to me you're uh you're like you're a big brother figure you're a hero you're uh you're the captain man and um you know everything good in my life really came from you my sobriety my career well like i helped in some areas but none of this would happen if it hadn't been for you right you took responsibility you kicked the ass you stayed committed like what i gave you nudges a couple of times but you're the one who took the uh bull by the horns i think that works here and that's what's so impressive like there's a lot of people that have you know have uh chemical dependency issues or whatever they're dealing with and they can never they can never get it licked but like credit to you you know you not only have taken care of that but i've never seen you better in your whole life well thank you man um you got me started in every one of those good things in my career and my sobriety it was you who got me started and uh i'm so grateful for that and and i really think too that that our relationship is is stronger better closer now than it ever has been before and yeah that's accurate yeah we're we're clear yeah right we're we're we're absolutely clear and uh you know i'm easier to be around than i used to be still kind of tough small doses is better me too like i have my issues in uh uh whereas i would stay distracted with what i was distracted with you would you were the same way you were headed one way i was always headed another and now it's like we can sit and talk yeah i i love it so much i love you thank you love you buddy thank you for my life and my career that's a little that's stretching it but uh it's a good way to end he's a showman he's a showman people oh yeah i love it goodnight everybody that's just gotta make you feel good huh i mean [ __ ] i love that dude i love that it was a long time coming and i'm so glad we finally made it happen sorry about those two weeks off too man the the one week off was just because we were so busy with the movie and the press junket and everything and then the week off after that was because of the stupid covid you know i [ __ ] tested positive for covid and even if it looks like the test didn't say positive in that video we put out there's the faintest little thin line on there and uh that was the second positive so yeah i mean but nothing happened to me man i didn't get sick it was just a dumb test but whatever i i digress i'm getting emotional getting riled up uh thank you for sticking around to the end you know i love you and get on over to and get yourself the johnny oh skateboard man look at that thing dude it's sick all right thanks everybody i walk off camera like
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 945,574
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Id: MBNvk9CA1j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 30sec (4410 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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