Why I won't work a developer job anymore | #grindreel #entrepreneurship

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Hhahhaha I think the youtube algorithm has interpreted his politics better than he can. He has come up in my recommended a lot and I don't watch videos of this nature at all. Its hilarious.

👍︎︎ 299 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

So many of the people I work with in IT are that close to realizing what class consciousness is without making the connection.

👍︎︎ 222 👤︎︎ u/beargrills27 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think the labor theory of value part is the least important takeaway. There are so many other beneficial aspects! An excellent description of the precarious nature of work; lacking decision making abilities; minimal creative control; the hypocrisy at every turn and so on. The first half of the video is a truly great expose on modern corporate life.

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/benis-in-the-pum 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just to butt in here: the labor theory of value is not necessary to reach the conclusion that capitalists are stealing the value of your labor. The value of the product doesn't have to be imbued in it by labor for the labor to have a fair value that is necessarily greater than its actual market value.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/BlackHumor 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's not necessary to comprehend the labor theory of value to attain class consciousness.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Getting my first job made me come to realisations that I would not discover until much later were all covered in Capital Vol 1

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Hairwaves 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've seen so many coding vids where they come to marxist conclusions, but marxism is so alien to coding culture so they never take the final leap and they just become ancaps instead

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Johnny_Noodle_Arms 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I hope that if Marx were never born, that Communist theory will still arise because it is the truth.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Kvltist4Satan 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

As long as people have to work jobs for private companies in a capitalist system then we need to break this fantasy of company loyalty. Be indispensable and leverage the fuck out of the company for as long as possible and be prepared to move on. Move jobs every 1-2 years.

You'll make way more money and at least you're able to exploit the system that's already exploiting you.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Verisian- 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
don't have any fancy intros for this I don't have any fancy editing for this this is gonna be me talking to the camera for however long this video is I just want to address why I'm so anti corporate kind of you know I don't want to work for somebody and why I'm very bullheaded I've addressed this in bits and pieces but I didn't ever go into like the real nitty gritty details of why yeah are you salty Josh I absolutely I am salty and it keeps me motivated if you want to if you want to be honest I am salty and I will never trust a company again first of all let me say this is not a sob story I don't want any sympathy please don't feel sorry for me I just want to explain why I am the way that I am I can't say that without thinking about the office Toby why are you the way that you are so to put this in perspective like fully in perspective I just want to start off with my dad like the nitty-gritty with my dad my dad is an engineer he worked for one company for 25 years and then got let go he put in his dues he put in 25 years of his dues for one company to get let go due to downsizing and not wanting to charge 3,000 percent on parts after he hadn't been doing that for 25 years so they were like you know what we don't have a need for you as a resource anymore naturally my dad takes his retirement savings everything he saved up for those 25 years and he makes his own business that's the only thing he knows how to do is that one skill that's what he did his whole life the company that let him go sued him they sued him because he signed a non-compete clause in 1990 the year that I was born he was 27 years old he was one year younger than I am right now when he signed a non-compete that would only come back and haunt him at the age of 52 and not only haunt him it would allow them to sue him into the ground they took the house that I grew up in they took the boat that he saved his whole life for they took everything I went back and I visited the house there that I grew up in and there was another family there and I was that was really hard to to take in to see another family living in the house you go back and what this is my shed this is my backyard this is my zip line from tree to tree I built this that hole in the corner over there I dug that when I was like 12 I was making an airsoft bunker like it's really difficult to see someone else living in the house that you grew up in and you didn't get to say bye even get to say nothing it was just taken from you and taken from them basically became homeless and he had to move in with my aunt if you think about it like this if I were to live my whole life over again right now that would be my dad's entire work life living my entire life over from the age of 28 right now for another 25 years would be my it would be my dad's entire adult life to where he is right now having a kid watching that kid grow up putting in his dues for this company giving this company is everything his loyalty for what to live in a basement to live in a basement to lose everything that he worked for that he could supposedly retire on there is no company loyalty you might be loyal to them but they're never boil to you you know that feeling if it doesn't work out I can always just go back home and live with mom and dad it doesn't exist for me it does not that is not a reality for me I can't just go back home and live with mom and dad if it doesn't work out I don't have that option all of this happened when I had my mechanical engineering job all of this I was I was still a good employee I'm still doing good work I just wanted to make it I just wanted to be a nice you know a good performer for the year and get my raise and get promoted and I wasn't thinking long term I didn't have that kind of attitude I just wanted to do my hours and go home and play Halo 5 and overwatch or whatever else I was a good employee and I wasn't there yet I wasn't there mentally of where I am right now when I found out about all this I called it my parents I was like hey look I can take care of you I can handle this I still have an engineering job and you know here's everything I have it was like $4,000 everything I saved that wasn't my rent or like you know just like food here's everything I have in my bank account mom and dad I don't want you guys to live in my aunt's basement because that's like here-take move to Utah take my apartment I it's fine they couldn't get an apartment because if you get evicted which they did that goes on your record for seven years so even if you get back up on your feet even if you get a job even if you get money no apartment will ever give you a rental agreement because they'll look at your record and they'll see that you got evicted and to them that just looks like you didn't pay it doesn't look like you fell on hard times it doesn't look like any of that it just looks like you didn't use straight didn't want to pay you're just out to get them so for the next seven years even if you can get back up on your feet you can't I had to give them my apartment because of that they couldn't there's no way that they would ever be able to apply and get one when they moved here I was sure that I could get him a job at my company I was I was like super happy to be there I thought my job was awesome I thought my job in particular my engineering job was perfect for my dad and so I set him up I got my boss to set him up with an interview and he did the interview and they asked him questions that I couldn't even answer you know what they asked me when I got the job they're like what do you like to do do you like to work on cars and stuff outside of school and I was like yeah no but I knew that's what they wanted to hear they were asking my dad things that you couldn't know unless you worked in the industry nd a special intellectual property type questions like there's no way that you can answer these questions dad because like I didn't know they were gonna ask you this I was only preparing you things that they asked me and they end up asking him like he had already been working there for three years so he didn't do good in that interview I think he failed it so I was like can you set him up with another interview because like there's no way and my boss was like yeah sure so he had a second interview and it was some power-tripping 33 year old guy that was like look like I don't trust you with my multi-million dollar tools and it's like first of all they're not your multi-million dollar tools guy and second of all my dad has been doing this like literally twice as long as you've been alive and my dad's like yeah but I can learn it I can show you what I can do just let me come in let me take a look at what you're doing here let's let's just you know this happens no I'm sorry I don't trust you with my multi-million like no reasoning nothing just that and so he didn't get the job and that right there was the first ding of my corporate confidence in corporations and working for someone was like that kind of sucks why would they why would they do that these are the same HR people that are like ageism and the unjust is bad we should stop ageism but they're the same people making a bullet excuses to not hire my dad when he's more qualified to do my job than I was at the time I remember working that job and going out to lunch we had to badge in and we had the badge out and at lunch they had an area where you could go outside and it was barred in by these black gardening kind of fence bars so you go outside but you couldn't actually leave and I remember looking through the bars one time into the mountains thinking this is like jail I can't even leave right now there's no door I'm outside but I can't leave this is going to be my life for the next 25 years and I would like call up my mom and be like I can't do this [ __ ] but it's a great job honey why don't you try to like support me you know and I'd be there I can't this is not for me and she but you make so much money and you have nice benefits and it's safe comfortable and you can live a good life I'm like but I'm miserable I got my first full-time PHP job and while we were working one day one of the devs noticed that there was a job opening for the same position that I had which we thought was kind of weird because we were all wondering where he was gonna sit the room that we worked in was probably as big as the room that I'm in right now except with three people with three desks and all of us had three monitors so we're you gonna fit a fourth person in here I came in early I stayed a late twelve hour days 13 hour days just like you see in these day of the life videos I worked hard because it was my first job as a dev and I wanted to impress people I wanted that one day a week remote every Wednesday the company got to work remote but not us devs because we were new and we had to get trained up but it was okay for the boss to be late on Wednesdays or whatever days but then he'd get mad at you if you were slow on a task that he gave you but if you went to him to ask for help he would close the door and say I'm busy I can't right now come back later and then you go back to your desk and you continue to be stuck and I go back later hey you got time I can't right now Joe and then close the door again and then he get mad like why is this taking you so long one time you said to me word-for-word I think this test should have taken you a lot less time than what it did and to be honest I really just pointed in your performance this was after like a month of being there and I remember thinking you are an absolute doll you're full [ __ ] you why would you ever say that to someone this is not constructive feedback but that was the only job I had and I took it to heart and I was like you know what I got to do better I got to be better and I was already working a second job I already had a second job working after my main job that I would go to to learn more code I would work I would show up early I would stay late then I would leave and I would go to my second job and stay even later then I would ride my bicycle home at like 11:30 at night and he told me I wasn't working hard enough are you kidding me the posting that we found earlier had been filled because it was removed from online we all went to go do our one-on-one walks with the boss and typically what I was just talking about where he said he was disappointed in my performance we would go walk around the block one time when it was my turn I was last I didn't go around the block I got up walked across the dev office into the founders room they sat me down and said Josh it's not working out you want to know why people it was because they found someone that would do my job for my salary that had way more experience so I negotiated $50,000 for my first job salary no experience they found some guy with like three years experience that was willing to do it for $50,000 so they said hey you know what this guy is a better deal and that struck me right there a better deal I'm a deal what they're getting a deal on me I'm a product and that was kind of a ding to me like hmm interesting so some guy is willing to do it do what I'm doing for cheaper and more efficiently apparently on paper I don't know I wasn't there to actually find out and as I walked back to get my [ __ ] I remember asking can I say goodbye to my friend like my coworker well at least I thought he was my friend but he was just a co-worker he wasn't a friend he was he was a wannabe coworker friend he was a tend to be will hang out after we don't work here anymore friend but that never happened and I said can I say goodbye to him at least and they said no just get your stuff you need to leave like get your stuff you need to leave like I was getting kicked out of a club or getting kicked out of a store or something you need to leave what do you think I'm gonna do do you think I'm just gonna run around the office and yell and scream and be like you know do you think I'm gonna show have a scene or something right now and you just want me to get me out so this doesn't happen cuz all I wanted to do was say goodbye to what I thought was my friend and two weeks later after that he was like hey man are you okay we'll still go play airsoft and hang out play paintball and video games don't worry that was the last time I ever heard from him so you know fake people you know your co-workers are not your friends occasionally they can be but I'd say more often they're not their co-workers and not people that you would go hang out with unless you are already friends and you got them a job there or you get lucky and you find someone that's super cool but occasionally you'll go get a drink with them after work to talk about work and I don't want to do that I've been working all day I don't want to talk about this anymore this is not benefiting me I'm not the CEO after that I left I got my stuff I got on my bicycle and I rode in my part-time job because at least I still had that I wasn't in dire straits yet I roll into the part-time job they're like dude what's up why are you here so early I'm like yeah they just let me go and they're like what really I'm like yeah I have no idea why I think it's because they found someone else to do my job we saw a job posting like wow that really sucks I remember one guy his name was Justin shoutout to you Justin you probably don't remember me but he said to me Josh this is something that you it sucks really bad right now it's just terrible it's just the worst thing that could happen I understand what you're going through but in five years from now you'll be laughing at it you'll be looking back and you'll be in such a better place it won't even matter Justin you're right so I'll never forget you saying that to me I appreciate you I made like 1,200 bucks a month from my startup so I had some savings whatever as enough time enough padding and for me to find another job and then the business model of the startup that I worked at changed and it was no longer viable and then we're going to get any more money from their investors and they were just a couple months away from getting another round of funding more money from the investors just a couple months away and then everything changed hit the fan you know they had to squeeze everything had to stop all spending on everything that didn't really matter and you know it didn't matter me hey Josh I think our time has come to an end here please give me your laptop alright this kind of sucks whatever you go it's fine I have I have another job lined up anyways that's probably good that I don't work two jobs this time because last time I got in trouble with my boss for working two jobs so it's fine I'll just focus on this one job and I just get really good at one thing for once instead of trying to just work a lot and that was my remote job it was a remote react position I made sixty-five thousand dollars a year it was awesome working your underwear show up to stand up you know play Wow take some breaks do some tickets do whatever really kind of hands off super chill job and then one day the entire dev team was let go the CEO decided that his salary and his company profits were more important than us we didn't get severance we didn't get notice we had no idea that this was coming we stayed up the night before working until 3:00 a.m. she probably heard this story before literally we stayed up on a Google hangout all six seven or eight of us they're just taking turns changing the music while we did QA on all of the different features that we were trying to make sure worked by the launch we woke up CTO said hey guys we got a meeting alright hop in the meeting you have five minutes to exchange contact information I'm removing your github information on closing down the slack wait what someone else decided that his livelihood was worth more than my livelihood that's when [ __ ] got scary that's when I realized I was expendable this has already happened a couple times already I didn't wear the thing about it like that because the circumstances didn't really put me into this you know struggle did I talk about it I always can add up like a buffer of some sort but this time I didn't this time I didn't have a backup because I wanted to focus and I wanted to get real good at doing one thing so I put everything else on hold this was the part where I tried to do YouTube for full time go back and watch my vlogs super bad vlogs I thought I was going to be able to do it and I wanted to do YouTube so bad so [ __ ] bad I wanted to be a youtuber I loved making content I loved doing this eight months went by and I couldn't get a job couldn't get a job so I'm paying my parents rent because that's in my name because they couldn't get one right because they're evicted status and I'm paying the one up here in Salt Lake City where I live now I did everything in this life that you are supposed to do I get a non [ __ ] degree mechanical engineering I learned tech skills I can program I can build websites I can do things I have skills I can provide value no one cared all I wanted was the opportunity to work and I applied for hundreds and hundreds of jobs and I did hundreds of interviews and I get to seven eight nine stage sorry Josh no I got car notes come and do I got rent come and do I got my parents rent come and do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do Josh yeah you can't pay your parents rent now they're gonna get evicted but that's on your name so you're gonna be evicted from your parents being evicted and then you can't pay the rent where you're staying at right now so you're about to have two evictions and then they're gonna come tow your car so you're not even gonna be able to get to any of these jobs that you're applying for to go to these interviews what are you gonna do Josh what are you going to do even if I did happen to find a job and I got two evictions on my name and they repo my car how are you supposed to bounce back from that my record has gone to [ __ ] if that happens it is absolutely not my fault it is not that I don't want to work it is not that I'm lazy it is not that I don't hustle so here I am looking at my bank account just going down and go down and going down and this is the part where you've heard me say I had $300 after my bank account you know it wasn't a good place it wasn't a good place you know what I mean I was preparing myself to be out on the street it was bad when something like this happens to you you just moved back in with your parents right but I can't move back in with my parents because I'm paying for my parents rent they just make enough money working at these menial fast food places to buy food and pay their little bills you know they don't want the fast food place don't want to give him 40 hours doesn't have to pay benefits so I you know I help them interview after interview it always came down to somebody else gets to decide somebody else holds that power of if I'm gonna be able to pay my rent or not someone else gets to decide if my car is gonna get repo someone else gets to decide if I'm gonna have two evictions for seven years on my record does that stack to 14 years I don't actually know but someone else gets to decide and that's not up to me I put that power into the hands of some random company that gets to decide what my life is worth and all they had to do was say here's an offer Josh and they did eventually that was the last job that I had I got so lucky and I am infinitely grateful that it panned out that way and as much as I am grateful for it I do not feel guilty about leaving it you know why I say do what you can in these interviews you know why I say do things that stand out you know why I say put two years when you only have one year is because you're expendable they don't care about you you are a profit margin decrease to the company if you work an extra 40 hours a week you know what you did you bought the CEO a new yacht you know what you're gonna get $15 Olive Garden gift card a pat on the back and a thanks for being part of the company family everyone's like Josh you always tell people to like stretch the truth and like omit things you need to be honest with the company that you're applying to and tell them everything about you and I just don't think that's the case for example do you think it's fair that I get penalized for a job gap that I have no control over it's not that I didn't want to work it's not that I couldn't work it's that someone else decided that they didn't want me to work for them so by no fault of my own my job gap from software job to software job increases not my choice I didn't purposely be like I didn't want to work I'm unemployable and I'm gonna get penalized for that by the company looking at that and saying oh he's probably just unemployable because this gap here is it gonna ask about it if you acknowledge that it's there you're done so what I do is I always make whatever month it is I'm applying to the job if I don't have one it says I'm still working at my last company and I don't care because if I if I put oh my last job was eight months ago they're gonna look at that they're gonna take my resume and my application my cover letter they're gonna put that [ __ ] in the trash oh there's background checks Josh background checks check things like criminal history and stuff like that well they're gonna call your a previous job don't give them the phone number to your previous job give them the phone number to your friend and say it's your manager and have your manager vouch for you your manager you know I'm I'm aware that these rules are dumb but I'm not I'm not I'm gonna get the time of day from them to discuss the change you know they just want to hire somebody and that's fine I get it so I'm gonna put what you want to hear so I can get to this interview so I can get some money so I could pay my and bills if you think that like I'm being dishonest or omitting things or being kind of Shady next time you go to an interview ask them this question so you're offering me a salary of $50,000 how much money and profit am I making you see if they tell you see if they don't omit that are you making $200,000 off of me but you're paying me $50,000 what is the profit margin on this project that you're hiring me on for is this project three million dollars and you're paying me fifty thousand and the other devs one hundred thousand you're still making a lot of profit there what's the what's the budget here is it fair that they get to know all the information about you and your financial situation but you don't get to know anything about their financial situation is that fair is that is that not shady is that not dishonest does that not transfer well sure as hell isn't transparent they know everything about you but you can't ask a single question about them in their financial situation but they can decide what you're worth how much how much are you taking home mr. CEO how much money are you home at the end of the day and yes I know you started the company and you were here and people started coming and they just started cashing checks I get that and then I get sometimes you're an investment and they have to train you and I have to spend money before you generate the money but at the end of the day you're gonna be generating them more money than they're paying you as you can remember from the first example they got a better deal on someone but the point is you are expendable you are a profit margin decrease there is no job security there is no company loyalty there is only job skill security and your ability to sell yourself in the interview doesn't matter what projects you have I'm sure they help but your ability to sell yourself and be charismatic and say yes I can do this hold on let's talk about this if you're gonna say no anyways then might as well let's talk if you don't do it yourself your life will be held in the hand of somebody else and you can hope and pray that if you take that job it works out for the next 40 years and you retire at 65 or you end up like my dad giving 25 years of his life to a company that took everything that he ever earned and now no one will hire him because he's got a four-year job gap I decided no more I made a promise to myself that I would only work for someone else at that point in time until I could quit and that's what I did I don't trust anyone I saw it happen to my dad it has happened to me I didn't want to believe it do you think that I grew up wanting to be an entrepreneur and doing this myself no I wanted to grow up and I wanted to get a regular job and do my time and do my get get to my golden years my golden wheelchair where I can't even do anything because I've been sitting down an engineering job for four years and now my back's all messed up anyways I was pushed into this situation and now I wouldn't have it any way any other way I would I would not do it any other way now because I know I know what it is I've seen it like the veil has been lifted I understand where you're at Oh Josh you're just negative and you're just salty you're just mad and you know what I am and that's what keeps me motivated every single day to get up and make videos because if I don't make these videos and I don't perform I don't get paid but that doesn't mean it's in the hands of somebody else that's in my hands I control my life I will not work under you I will not work for you I will only be your equal man to man CEO to CEO entrepreneur to entrepreneur if we sit at a table and you have a business doing billions in revenue and I have a business doing a few thousand great but on an entrepreneurial level we are equal I am NOT under you you don't get to tell me what to do or else or threaten me with disciplinary action or you know we're gonna have to go with termination and then whatever l10 try it that's already happened to me you can't do it I've already experienced that I've already done it cool and that right there is the most confidence boosting thing that I've ever experienced in my whole life up into this point these these 28 years 29 years I've been on this planet the most confidence boosting thing I have gained is realizing that I don't need anybody else but myself to put food on the table and money in my bank account I don't need your job I don't need your projects I don't need you I know that sounds really selfish I know that sounds like antisocial and I don't like people I just don't like corporations and I don't like businesses that treat people like they're expendable resources if you ever get called a resource at your job I would almost say walk out you are not a resource you are a human you deserve to be respected as such if someone's calling you a resource you are a itemised thing on their bottom line and they just acknowledge that without really without really saying it waking up knowing that I don't have to depend on you to accept me for your job or for you to tell me what I'm worth in terms of dollar value give me $50,000 you're telling me I'm worth $25 an hour that's it one sixty minutes of my life is is only valued at $25 an hour to you that's it that is what my that's what you think of me as a person no [ __ ] that I'm worth more than that and if you want more than that and you got to go do it yourself I don't have to pretend that I like these meetings I don't have to pretend to care about this project I don't have to pretend to care about these co-workers I don't have to pretend anything I can just say what I want to do what I want and I get a lot of messages saying Josh that's not very professional you know what I don't have to be like I don't need these companies I don't need to work in these companies professionalism is just some [ __ ] way to be politically correct and beat around the bush and not say what you feel because people might get their feelings hurt or some I don't need any of that anymore I can be direct I can be real I've already blacklisted myself from this industry I know no company wants to hire me and great I don't want to work for you anyways I'm not saying that I won't you know I won't work with you I will partner with you and I will help you and I am open to suggestions I'm not an end-all be-all know-it-all type person here I'm open to working with people but I will not work for you I'm the martyr for you guys I am openly saying things that people everyone is thinking but no one will say in fear of never having a job again if you see a CEO and you don't know if he's a CEO at a grocery store are you gonna treat him with some form of reverence like oh man because if it's your CEO at your company that's probably how you'd react probably out of fear or probably because you want something out of it more or you want recognition or you want something from someone you want a confidence booster or I don't know I don't acknowledge that I've removed that fear aspect because I don't need it these CEOs and CTOs and executives of these big huge corporations there's just people like you and me but somehow as these companies get bigger they get more conservative and the employees start to put these people on pedestals and it's like oh it's like taboo to even think about talking to them and that benefits them is what I'm doing risky yes absolutely could YouTube collapse today or tomorrow yes absolutely well I get to monetize one day maybe who knows I don't put all my eggs in one basket am I the best at anything absolutely not I'm not the best at anything that I do I'm not the best making video I'm not the best at color correcting I'm not the best at lighting I'm not the best at speaking to the camera I'm not even the best at writing these scripts to do these videos like I'm not the best at anything I do what I am is hardworking and consistent and passionate about this because I just love it I enjoy doing this this is what I love to do what am i doing really I don't really know well what I am doing is saying things that people are too afraid to say this is too real I guess you know I have I have plans I have plans a B and C and stuff like that but I've recognized that this might not work out and it's a risky thing to do but you know what I wake up every day and I'm excited to do this even though sometimes I don't feel like it I always in here I know that this is what I want and I enjoy doing this I get paid on my results if my stuff performs well hey I did great if I learned something great I learned something I can use that as applicable it doesn't mean that I have a skill that I can't transfer anymore I learned what I need to make what I am worth by default I get paid what I am worth right now because if I were to do more I would get paid more than I'd be worth more I don't let anyone else decide things for me maybe I just seem like I'm a giant control freak and I'm just very bullheaded and you know what I am now I wasn't like this I wanted to be a people pleaser I wanted to be a manager please sir I wanted to be everyone's best friend and I wanted to be the best employee ever I wanted to be the best worker and work my way up to the top and climb that corporate ladder so bad until they just took that corporate ladder while I was climbing it and just pushed it over by Josh am i salty about these companies and do I hate corporate BS yes absolutely they took everything that my family had and they kept trying to take [ __ ] from me and I will never ever ever do that again I know that everything that I do for someone else is giving them a deal and that's just profit by default right buy low sell high I don't wanna be part of that equation okay yeah I know right now technically I work for YouTube and I work for Google and knob you know this is my channel and it's owned by them so technically I'm working for them and if you're a freelancer you're technically working for your clients and your customers I get it you know knowing what I know now why would I ever take 10% of what I make now and do it your way how to do it be threatened be fearful every day am I gonna lose my job if I don't do XYZ do I need to do XYZ who do I have to impress today I don't have to do anything I made $22,000 this month in a month that's somebody's you know that's six months of some junior dev salary I don't say that to flex I don't say that to be all look at me I just say that like I know how to do it myself I didn't need anyone to get there but at certain points not about the money it's just about living a good life and that's what I want for everybody that watches this channel go get a job go get a job learn the skills do not get comfortable do it yourself if the CEO of the company that you work at now were to just hand his company down and he handed it to you and you didn't make any changes to that company and you ran that ship exactly the way it was running the day before it happened stay at the company if the CEO hands the company down to you and you make all kinds of changes left and right go do it yourself you owe it to yourself to see that full potential you will find full potential at this company but you will not find full potential of what you can be and I know this sounds kind of esoteric and it kind of sounds Tony Robbins and I get that some people don't want it and if you don't want it this videos not for you I'm not saying the channels not for you I'm happy to help you guys get jobs if you just want to be a worker great go do that if you try you might fail I failed a whole lot I got like five hundred something videos on YouTube and only 10 of them mattered that's 500 failures just like Thomas Edison level I just want everyone to be able to have that kind of flexibility and I really I've recognized for you philosophers out there that it is not possible for 100% of people to be entrepreneurs and for everyone to have their own company that won't happen and I'm well aware that everyone will not start their own company and try to do it themselves I'm very aware but for you guys that are watching this channel you think I could do this I just listened to like a couple books I was walking my dogs down the street about a year ago eight months ago I was listening to Gary V's crushing it he's like you build a brand blah blah blah blah blah and I listen to another book about unscripted and it's like do you accept what people say that your life is worth every day I was like man not really no that's kind of sucky but now you know why I am the way that I am I am very I have been burned over and over and over and I watched it happen to my family and I watched it happen to friends and there are some people that it never happens to if I had a different experience starting off when I first started my career I'd be a probably happy-go-lucky employee again you know I'd be back to where I was you go read my medium articles where I'm like I'm so excited to go to work and I just want to code and I'm working I'm gonna keep on hacking I type those words I'm gonna keep on hacking it's not me anymore it's not me anymore I'm gonna ice inacol sure realist sure are you an optimist or you pessimists for you a glass half-full or a glass half-empty type of guy Josh get out of the road I got stuff to do I don't want you guys to have to experience that I won't you guys have to ever ever have to go through this always look out for you first you gotta be Europe you gotta be your own mental point of origin first you've got to help yourself you cannot help other people until you help yourself when you're in an airplane and the little air bags come down you put it on your face first the airline ladies tell you put your oxygen mask on first and then help other people that's how you have to be in life do not feel bad for that do not feel salty for that do not feel that's just my two cents I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 882,912
Rating: 4.8550024 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, jr developer jobs, entrepreneurship, work at google
Id: MbUvTbD9q4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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