THIS IS NOT REAL - 'A dAy iN THe LiFe oF a SoFtWaRe EnGiNeEr' 1st Edition | #grindreel

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what's going on guys Josh here today we're taking a look at these a day in life of a software developer videos and while they're really nice to watch and they're fun to watch I just don't think that they reflect the reality of the dev world yeah there are some pretty cool jobs out there there are some jobs that give you free food all day long and have sleeping rooms like Patrick's job there are some pretty cool jobs out there but I think you should see them as kind of like Instagram highlights of software development everyone's just posting the best part about their job or the best day of their job and I and I think that they could kind of be almost like pandering to people's hopes and dreams of what it's like to get a software job but what I why I'm making this video is because I just wanted to add some realism into it and talk about like what actually happens at work and what you don't see in these videos and how some of these videos almost there's like more eating in in the video than there is working and how often you take breaks and how that's like it seems really awesome that you can take lots of breaks and go hang out and do lots of stuff but then you end up working a 13 hour day and no one notices that or when people go hang out with their co-workers have to work like that's not always the case you don't always get along with your co-workers you don't always like like you might have a co-worker that's got a pregnant wife and two kids at home then he's got to go pick up one of the kids from school and take the other kid to soccer practice because his wife is sick or something like there's just a lot in here that I think just doesn't reflect the reality of it so nothing against the people in this video nothing against the channels or the companies in this video I just wanted to kind of look at them and just tell you like what could actually happen like there's everyone just seems to kind of see these as like this happy-go-lucky videos I'm trying to keep it wholesome I'm not trying to make this a negative video it's just that everything seems like these happy-go-lucky videos and if you don't know who I am I've worked startup jobs remote jobs office jobs I've had many different kinds of jobs and some of them had bits of pieces of these day-in-the-life videos but I think that these companies that you see these people working for are these really large kind of companies that do offer these things but there are a whole lot more companies out there that go unnamed that a majority of us end up working at and they don't have these kinds of perks and they don't have these kinds of things and I just want to you know I just want to keep it real with you guys that's how I that's how I do things again nothing against anyone in these videos specifically but I just want to look at them and analyze them with you and just tell you what would really happen like no one no one no one talks about deadlines everyone's just kind of like play it chill and just continue working on my ticket and you know just whatever it just seems almost to chill there are deadlines there are budgets there are moments when your boss is like yo the the client that we have right now he basically said he's gonna not give us this next project unless we get this current project done tonight and I know that I'm calling you at home and it's 8:45 p.m. and you're having dinner with your family but I'm gonna need this thing done tonight by 12 o'clock and I'm gonna need you come in tomorrow at 6:45 because we want to do an early meeting to make sure everything is working before we get this up and going like stuff like that happens or or you have a deadline and you're up until 3:00 a.m. and then the next day you get let go because the project that you were working on ran out of money that was me that happened to me like you know whenever it just seems it's just almost to chill like there's no rules and there's nothing like that so I don't take a look at them with you and if you agree let me know if you disagree let me know but I'm just trying to keep it real with you guys like it's definitely great to go from working at Kohl's stocking shelves you know putting stuff on hangers and making 10 bucks an hour to go to be a software it definitely great but just don't think that when you get a software job you don't have to do any work anymore don't think that oh I have the job I can just play X the company Xbox and make 100k a year I don't actually have to do any work I put in my work ahead of time and pass the interview test do the algorithms I'm good that's not how it goes there's just [Music] a lot of jobs you don't have tea and coffee time or team lunch break or team anita's this doesn't really this doesn't really exist you have a team stand up in the morning where you all hop on a call or y'all go stand up in a room for a second to talk about what you've been working on at least that's never happened I've had like five different jobs more food I really doubt that you'd be coding and eating because you're gonna be eating and touching the food and wiping your face and then typing at the same time I highly doubt that you're actually coding and eating it's a 2 p.m. product meeting an hour 10 minutes for a meeting another team meeting where you have team chai time so you go from a meeting to another meeting again no real work is being done here ok 3 28 so we went to a team meeting to a puppy time meeting okay so from 3:30 to 5:00 10:00 so assuming she's working through those entire moments there and these numbers are accurate we're just over six hours of work now and it's 5:10 but she came in at 8:00 so she just should have left at 4 o'clock not a lot of companies pay for breakfast lunch and dinner or they even offer that when I had a job it was offered every other week and then it was eliminated I didn't have free food every single day that I went to the office and I kind of think that's unrealistic to expect I don't care how many puppies you have at work it went after my eight hours I'm out so here's something I kind of like points right here we have 634 hang out with the team so you came in at 8:00 it is now 6 o'clock and it's really cool to think about that you might like have these super awesome coworkers that you want to go hang out with after work but again what about the guy that's got a pregnant wife and two kids at home that he's got to go pick up from school or he's got to take to the game because his pregnant wife is sick and can't do it like it's really it's really nice in your head to think about like oh I'm just gonna have all these awesome employees when me best friends forever we're gonna do everything together we're gonna work together we're gonna go do activities together that's just not the reality of things most the time it's like oh four o'clock some dudes leaves 4:30 some dude leaves because he came in at 8:30 you know 3:30 somebody leaves cause it came in at 7:30 what happens if you don't get along with people on the team do you just force yourself to to do that like there's a lot of time spent alone and then you just come to work and go home and those are those are just realistic days okay so it's 650 before she leaves she came in at 8 o'clock 804 I believe and now it's 650 that's uh that's almost an 11 hour day how much work got done in there we don't we don't really know but that's an 11 hour day which i think is an exceptionally long day you I do my 8 hours and then I leave I don't care how cool your campus is I don't care how many puppies you have I don't care how many breakfast lunch and dinners you're gonna give me I do my 8 hours and I leave because there's more to life than this and a lot of people feel that way too especially older people but when you see these people in like Silicon Valley it's just not 11 hours of your day that's insane you're supposed to have eight hours work eight hours free time eight hours sleep that's how it's broken up I would highly say don't don't stay at your work 11 hours a day five days a week that's just insane I get it it looks super cool that there's all these like you know free perks and this and that and I'm not trying to be negative I'm not trying to downplay it it's a cool job but just keep in mind that there's a lot more to it than just eating food petting puppies drinking coffee all day long I mean as it is 11 hours am I the only one that just like wants to go home and like play video games or I just want to go home and like get some space from everybody because I see these people apparently 11 hours a day nothing against her or anything like this it's just you guys get it let's move the next one alright so day in the life of a software engineering intern when I was at all of my jobs we didn't all go have lunch together sometimes we'd have lunch together but not every day as we go I would call our girlfriend and my mom and dad we go we go pay bills at lunch or something we go to the bank like every single time they're like oh team food meeting more food meeting always food meetings if you think about it they're feeding you breakfast lunch and dinner because they don't want you to leave you have no reason to leave they just you could stay there for 13 hours and have all your needs provided for you and then why would you ever have to not work okay so here we have the part where he's playing fortnight and I worked at a startup that had a we that you could play if you want but no one ever played it and if you were the guy that was over there playing that you should be working and making those investors money like it was a nice idea like yeah we have a weed well I never saw anyone ever sit down and play it had dust on it so my job and we had a refrigerator full of Lucroy if you were to pull one oh that was somebody else's we had regular regular break rooms where you go and you put your name on your lunch bag you put your name on anything you bring or someone's gonna take anything it's just community property pack your lunch and your little ninja turtle lunch sack and you bring in you sign your name on it and that way people don't mess with it or you tell the people that forget their food or like leave leftover food in the refrigerator to like go throw it away because you're stinking the refrigerator up like where are those parts okay so if you work from 2:00 to 3:00 to go get coffee so get a drink for happy hour I don't know how much work happened in between getting coffee and getting another brewski for happy hour but okay this is actually preach Hill he didn't even do that much work and he's still left at five so you know good on you for not doing it thirteen hour day interns just don't just hang out with other interns interns should be going to talk to the other software engineers interns should be going to each department and learning what they're doing like sometimes there's not a group of intern sometimes you're the only new guy and you don't have a group of other interns you have to make your way into that clique sometimes it's a diverse age range and not everyone wants to head out to the escape room people got responsibilities they got kids they got stuff they got family to go take care of they have life to go live and so like this idea of just hanging out with your co-workers every night it's kind of cool it kind of reminds you of like college and stuff but what happens if you don't like your co-workers I'm sure we've all had people that we don't like to work with and you just want to leave alright so here's something so he's an intern it's nine o'clock he finally gets home from his day and he does some more studying and you'll notice a reoccurring pattern in these videos where it's nine o'clock you're gonna go home and study more it's nine o'clock I'm gonna go home and replace some video games it's nine o'clock I'm gonna go home and turn on Game of Thrones and Netflix and it's it's nine o'clock I'm gonna sit in my bed and watch videos on my phone until I fall asleep so I no clock I'm gonna get off my Lube whip it out and beat my meat and go to sleep like I don't know like all these people are just studying but apparently everyone's just all about code all day long like literally nothing else exists except for this job like maybe these people just have to go home and code there because they don't ever code at work because they're too busy eating food I don't I don't know this is probably like the most accurate one that I've seen wake up gets to work at about 9:00 meet with the interns check in and make sure everybody assume what they're supposed to be doing and he gets to work time to code close for another two hours goes and get some coffee tell us some more good go get a drink real quick three oh five four o'clock he's at he decides that he's done code he's gonna do some design used a little bit different part of your brain yeah it makes sense but not the whole day doing 5:20 p.m. this dude's out of here just like it should be pick up basketball and who's gonna play the basketball before he heads out for the day perfect right this seems more realistic dude comes home he doesn't even he doesn't even tell you what he doing between 5:00 and 8:00 probably because he's not doing that much doo-doo picks up some dinner go get some food 9 o'clock coffee shop editing so dudes making YouTube videos in between right this is he probably working on a side house with just like any of us would be doing because we have other interests dude stay in productive but he's not just like cohhd cohhd cohhd cohhd cohhd right even in the video he's doing design which makes more sense I don't I'm not trying to roast any of these people and while they're super awesome please don't work 13 hour days please don't work 12 hour days because then you start to set the expectation for everyone that it's okay to work 12 hour days and then it's okay to work 13 hour days and that you should always go hang out with your coworkers I have to work and that there's nothing else more to life than this and that you should just eat sleep and breathe your job and I just I just don't believe in that at all I get that these jobs look super cool and these jobs do exist but please understand that there's a lot more regular jobs out there where you just come into work at 9:00 and you go home at 5:00 and then in between you have some meetings and you do some code and you don't get free food all the time just remember that these are like Instagram highlights of jobs and they're just showing the best parts of their jobs and not every job is like this and so when I watch this and I see people doing it for these reasons to think that every job is like this it's not how it is I worked at all kinds of jobs I had a remote job had office job had a startup job where we had all these cool things bring your dogs to work grab a beer if you wanted to only on Fridays after 5:00 but it was still a lot of work in between where we were just sitting there a whole lot of time and we were just like I don't know how to figure this out and just like six hours of staring a stackoverflow like you could have just you could just pull up stackoverflow my screen right now put a camera behind me and then do Dan a life of a software engineer and then boom that would be that would be it maybe bring up slack and where you're the part where you're just like meaning to your co-workers with slack gifts for like 30 minutes about that part keep in mind that there's a more realistic approach to this and you still have to keep learning you still have to keep doing you still have to keep coding you're not just going to get six figures in three a day and play xbox this is just not how it works I don't want to like shatter any of your hopes and dreams and stuff yes you can go you can get a much better life in a [ __ ] like lunch every other week is still awesome compared to making 10 bucks an hour work in retail at Kohl's restock and close on the shelf you know like of course it's way better but don't just go in there thinking that you don't have to do any work that's all I'm trying to say so I appreciate you guys just keep realistic expectation yeah you can have fun at work and you know hang up your coworkers but it's still real life that's all if you if you would somehow enjoy the video if you vibe with what I'm saying maybe hit subscribe maybe hit thumbs up let me leave a comment let me know what you think wasn't trying to piss off anybody I was trying to keep it real when I watch this and like deal have you seen this I'm like yeah that's kind of like not real so hope you guys enjoy the video and I'll see you the next one [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 1,070,327
Rating: 4.827641 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, engineer, adayinthelife, computer science, facebook, cs, airbnb, software engineer, startups, silicon valley, google, backend, frontend, a day in the life programmer, software engineer a day in the life, google job, startup jobs, learn to code
Id: 4OSrjhzJ-B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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