CEOs STRUGGLE To Explain Why They TRACK workers | #grindreel

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At my old company we estimated that our CEO used to spend 30 hours a week monitoring our work & verifying our time sheets to make sure the company didn't lose more than a half hour of wages per person per week.

$230k yearly salary well spent.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/ganjabutweed 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy has some great content. Glad to see someone in tech like him criticizing the practices and leaders of this industry. As a programmer, I'm tired of being surrounded by tech bros and Musk fanboy types.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/daddymaci 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like how this prodoscore seems to rate completely nonsensical metrics. So if I transfer files back and forth between a co-worker and myself, would that count as being productive?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Grouchy_Noise_9428 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

How do you factor in roles and responsibilities. What if my role is more talking and planning vs. say entering invoices which requires constant hands to keyboard?

Is reading not productive? What if I'm reading a presentation or a knowledge article?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ManchuWarrior25 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
and um they know we're watching which is always good what's going on guys so i got this video sent to me on instagram they said hey josh react to this and i said what what what is this and i looked at it it was how employers could be spying on you while working from home and i've made plenty of videos about how employers track you and monitor you and all that stuff and i was like yeah i don't know that's kind of redundant content but i watched it and i was like wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on it's not just showcasing the software it's the ceos and the people in the upper areas of the business that are explaining why they want to track you basically that they don't trust you and i thought that you guys might get a kick out of this some of it's pretty infuriating especially the part when he goes they know we're always watching which is a good thing before we jump in just do me a favor real quick click like click subscribe and leave comments after this and let me know what you think many people are stuck working at home right now and according to a new survey 77 percent of workers want to continue to work from home once the pandemic is over the covenanting crisis has accelerated the global embracer remote by at least 10 years so you have tens of millions of people now that are suddenly remote many of whom are doing this for the first time fun fact i applied to get lab they basically told me i didn't have enough stack overflow points to get hired there so they say that reddit karma doesn't count and your stack overflow gold may never count but in fact it does for some people there's a real fear of if you send all of your employees to work from home won't they just watch netflix play video games you know not get dressed and you'll still be paying them so there's nothing wrong with any of those things that he just listed there's a real fear there's nothing wrong with not getting dressed if you're working at home hey that's great um there's nothing wrong with putting on netflix while you're working at home and let me explain a lot of people listen to podcasts in the background a lot of people listen to music in the background at work a lot of people listen to netflix in the background at work it doesn't mean that they're not doing anything the idea of being tracked at work isn't anything new we sign off a lot of our rights when we go to work for someone and you know it's in that big pile of paper that you get on your first day just remember that just remember that you you don't get all of your rights you're signing them away that big stack of hr papers you need the job right so you can't really say no employers have an interest in trying to understand what people are doing when they're paying for them to be at work anyone who works in it can tell you that if you are in fact working in the employer's place of business using employer provided laptops and or other computer equipment and you are transmitting information across employer-owned networks you are absolutely being monitored in surveillance in the uk for example it's been very common to have biometric scanners for cleaners to know you know how long they've been in a room for and many companies that existed pre-pandemic have already developed software to track employees and they're taking screenshots of everything that he's doing they can even see his file transfers up here the what they're what this is keystrokes they're tracking keystrokes we take a number of data points be it a crm tool that they're currently using a phone system like advantage an email system it could be g suite or microsoft 365 we aggregate all those data points in a real-time proprietary dashboard that provides an awaited score we record and transcribe all your phone calls now to me that doesn't sound good in any way shape or form it just sounds like they're using you to help develop their ai probably but here's the problem with all this tracking there used to be this thing called innocent until proven guilty and tracking flip-flops that to be guilty until proven innocent because if you don't have anything to hide then what are you worried about and this is the biggest argument that you'll get from these people what are you worried about i should be able to see everything that you're doing and that's just not okay all of it is recorded we use ai tools to massage that into a real-time score that you see as does your boss and the ceo and the vp of sales and the chief revenue officer everyone is seeing the productivity you are now officially a human robot i guess and so the way that they try to market this is that well you can use it to compete and have fun against your peers and so all your peers can see that you're not doing as much as the other people and it's just a it's a race to the bottom and it's a tool that you could gauge yourself against your peers this is such [ __ ] it's a tool that you could use to gauge yourself against your peers again this is a that's a race to the bottom and that's a win for all the managers and the executives and the ceos but for the employees that's a race to the bottom that will create a terrible work culture one example of a company that uses proto score is vanage i've recently in the last year pre-pandemic gone to a virtual sales force because of the capabilities for protosport was there ever any pushback from employees that are like i don't like that you're tracking everything this feels a little too big brothery you know of course it depends but again that always depends on who you know in sales if you want to be victim you can always play your victim hold on hold on hold on he did he just he just dodged the question completely i don't know if you guys noticed that there but he says is there ever any pushback from people we don't want you tracking us well if you want to play the victim there's nothing there's nothing playing the victim about saying i don't want to be tracked you're assuming that that there's that i'm doing something wrong and that you're entitled to see what i'm doing i mean this is typical corporation and um they know we're watching which is always good they know we're watching which is always good for my wallet and my bottom line and uh refilling my yacht our technology allows for the monitoring and tracking of the work that the user the worker reports as work done basically instead of reporting to an office we report to the cloud and the cloud is the canvas and digitizing the workflow enables us to work better and keep people accountable for the work that they do what they should do is say this is the work here's what i need it done by get it done if you don't get it done let's have a conversation about it if you don't get it done again well bye see you later you know if you don't trust your workers hire better transparent business says that this type of system is both easier for the worker and ultimately results in them having more privacy it's about consent hold on hold on it doesn't sound like it's it's it's consent if you're required to sign it to keep your job that doesn't sound like consent that just sounds like well i have to have my paycheck and i don't have any other jobs lined up so i'll sign when you have a worker going to the office you are monitoring them all the time there are cameras everywhere and this is an invasion to the privacy people are super stressed out they don't need a micro manager on top of their head so with this they just can say okay my process is transparent i'm working working so as i'm working actually working i can share with what i'm doing about a year in they switched over to this real time energy so instead of going per case it was per amount of time that you were actively working and they knew exactly when you started your computer and you locked in how much time you were on the phone everything was marked on my one and one i got in trouble because i had too much non-productive work i didn't move my mouse or it wasn't i i had too much lock time or something and i got in trouble and that that upset me because i know i'm a hard worker and here's the thing yeah with with those sorts of software or tracks your inputs and your mouse movements and stuff that is not an indication of hard work or not hard work happens up here especially in the knowledge field it happens up here and a lot of times you're solving up here and taking that output and putting it here so when you're not moving your mouse you're not typing it it doesn't it doesn't mean you're not working as a c-level employee or colleague myself as a person i've always been very fearful of employees being remote i've always wanted them in the office i wanted to look at them feel them i'm a very tactile leader i think i wanted that and i was always uncomfortable are they working that was me at every single cubicle that i've ever been in i mean not really i wasn't that open with it i mean i i disguised it way better than that but like this is who like if you can relate but if you look at the academic research on the topic you find that these systems might not be accomplishing what you expect the evidence most broadly in the academic literature is that hard quantitative targets don't work they don't make people feel good about their work they don't make people feel happy and secure in their employment and so they tend to have an effect of well burnout is one of the main ones and decreasing morale implementing uh surveillance or productivity tracking essentially masks a deeper more systemic issue and that is do people actually know what makes them successful at work we've known since the 50s that people do their best when they're given their goals they're given the tools to meet their goals and they're set on their way we increasingly find that um employees are willing to forego some of their privacy in exchange for jobs particularly in the current uh economy but when it gets down to individual data it's just i can't think of any other reason you would do it then you don't trust your people both proto score and transparent business promote the idea of openness and keeping workers informed on what's happening but companies are not legally required to do that there's a really good point right they get to collect every single bit of information about you but you don't get any information about them the more you think about it the more it starts to seem really silly the people interviewing you get to run background checks on you the people interviewing you get to know how much they're going to offer you in terms of money but you don't get to background check the person that's interviewing you you don't get the background check the ceo of the company you don't get to know how much he's getting paid you don't get to know any of that stuff right but if you're going to put this company in charge of paying you in charge of your livelihood shouldn't you be able to have some of that information too but instead no they just treat you like cattle the key here is don't just look at how often someone is sitting in front of their keyboard or in front of their desk that was never a great way to measure productivity even in the office fundamentally we believe that you should measure results not hours spent and that's how it already works for many people in management when are we going to start measuring the ceo's productivity at the end of the day it's investor returns and how we do that and grow the stock price right for public or private company what an [ __ ] bro he just smiles he goes well at the end of the day it's about that bottom line of my new yacht and my new private jet you know what i'm saying so sleazy bro personally i would never work for an organization that wants to track you and i would suggest you guys think long and hard if you really want to be part of that because the more people that sign on the more employers are going to see other employers do it and then everyone's just going to be tracking everyone and you will be put on the defensive by every company thinking that well if you don't want to be tracked then you must be doing something wrong if you want to see more videos like this click subscribe we make fun of corporate here a lot we talk about corporate and the antics that go on because i just want the people that work those jobs to be taken care of and treated fairly if you'd like to support the channel i have some links down in the description i'd appreciate it if you take a minute to check those out i have some courses some uh some free trials you can check out for skillshare and such and i guess that's it i'll see you guys in the next one thanks so much for being [Music] here [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 305,418
Rating: 4.9315224 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, teramind, tracking software, employee tracking, employee monitoring, ceos explain why they track employees, ceos tracking employees, your boss is watching, time tracking software, prodoscore
Id: 5S_Y_CJLiO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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