Google Wannabes - "cOoL nEw MoDeRn sTaRtUp OfFiCeS" | #grindreel

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[Music] [Music] which TEDx speaker came up with the universal stares I need to know was it simon Sinek who came up with his dumb idea if you're working in corporate America you're probably familiar with these new hip modern open offices in all of these glass wall meeting rooms a glass wall bathrooms glass wall everything these days everyone needs to be able to see what everyone's doing no matter what privacy goes out the window and it seems like everyone just wants to be Google everyone just wants to have the cool office and so what I thought we'd do today was take a tour of some of these cool offices and some of their amazing perks that would make you want to commute to their office so this is what is this potato quality first of all I know that you guys probably don't notice this stuff but do you see you see this potato quality here is they filmed it with a paper plate if you're gonna make a video app look this is 4k this is supposed to be 4k and this is potato quality all right anyways they said that this is a open culture this is not something that is unique the big stairs happens to be something that all of these companies are doing like we need to have a gathering place where we can all look over each other's shoulders it also ensures that we can find each other just send each other a message like what this is a video store you're the new choppa voted for all main Americas murder warriors hidden that up TV Thank You corresponding alpha build up why is the core piece of information that every single startup has to share is their foosball table and the fact that there's still there's no ball in this foosball table what what does she should just spin around hahahahaha you see startups and foosball tables are like almost as bad as vegetarians or people that do CrossFit they just tell you about it before you even asked or before you even cared like Oh what is what is your business do well we have a start-up and we have at least three foosball tables in the office right now bro but what does your business do okay so imagine trying to get work done the other page boom gone yeah wake up we just made a sale we don't care about your problem solving but we just made a sale how is that a good thing who came up with this idea we're gonna bang a gong and just distract the whole [ __ ] company every time someone in our sales department makes the sales developers have fun the chill zone the place where there's probably a bunch of bugs unless these are fake in which case this would just be a giant dust collector this right here is the only time anyone ever uses the mariokart room the only reason this mariokart room exists is for videos like these or for when they bring customers in to say look at our office look at how cool our offices and we happen to have a young mariokart room where you two can play some Mario in your downtime but you're not gonna have any downtime there's gonna be two [ __ ] distracted by that gong every time someone makes a sale [Music] is that a submarine with people's picture that's alright we're literally in kindergarten we've got the yoga ball chairs we got the little periscope with the monkey around it and then some yarn around some text on a tack board what happens when someone's fired do they just take to take your photo off the team I'm off the team submarine there what a waste of money can you just divide this out into like better monitors or chairs for people why do you need to spend money on yarn and thumbtacks and a [ __ ] periscope price there's not nurseryrhymes on the walls [Music] development rooms concentration rooms the entire office should be a concentration room the whole place you should be able to focus in there shouldn't need to be like a separate area or where people go to focus that should be the whole office what's this stop like maybe some sound but these people are gonna have headphones on anyway so otherwise the visual distraction is not going away there's nothing super like you can concentrate it's nothing special about this I don't get it here's a LinkedIn post about concentration rooms from time to time everyone needs to concentrate without being disturbed no all the time people need to be able to concentrate without being disturbed what's the what's the alternative people are supposed to concentrate while being disturbed and that's like the mainstream that's what we should do as fewer and fewer people have access to their own closed office it is therefore crucial to have a focus room they are used to focus on very important tests long telephone conversations video conferences and meetings shouldn't every task at work be a very important task why do you need a special room for this this is a joke what is what is flex about this I don't see anything flex about this you saw that I hope you had a good impression and that's what it's all about for these companies that's all they care about is having a good impression not about having actually good culture not about treating their workers right it's all about the impression to the people that are gonna get hired there it's all about what it looks like what it feels like but when you get there and you actually spend 40 hours a week there you're like wait I don't use any of this stuff and this is all just a waste of time and money and I think if I just had a nice or desk and a chair in my own little space I would be much happier oh by the way I could probably get paid more since you'd save all this money instead of buying all this junk there's a post I found on LinkedIn that said love my work space love my office now would you guys feel if you had to work with someone this close someone was sitting right here and you had to sit right there here's an example of a person who actually said that my work station at Gallup I thought of investing a little of my free time is Friday cleaning my work station my whole journey with the Gallup ran through my eyes so many drops from my colleagues and sweet memories behind those drops so many gifts that I'll cherish all my life all those rewards and recognition reminding me of every effort is simply no less than worth those books who turned me into reader and my top five strengths just sit right on my desk so overwhelming love my job love my office here's one from Ubisoft welcome back to our team members we concocted a welcome back pack for them to which they found on their desk now they can both protect themselves and others and treat themselves at the same time they're giving you a mask a 50 cent grocery bag a card that says welcome back some tissues hand sanitizer whatever this thing is and a tiny little cookie you really went overboard here welcoming your people back you give them a whole mask and some tissues and some sanitizer oh you shouldn't have yeah oh you you really shouldn't have they should still be at home working here another example of a company that has some stairs why does this need it do people actually do this during the day or is it just for the video you might guess that it's just for the video some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost this looks like a prison wall that's like the text that they use for the corrections facilities here's another one with the stairs [Music] [Music] which TEDx speaker came up with the universal stares I need to know was it simon Sinek who came up with his dumb idea [Music] [Music] that's it for this video guys I hope you enjoyed these office tours in fact there's a lot of office tours around the web and the more I see the more they look the same but they're actually pretty entertaining to make fun of so if you like this video be sure and hit that like hit that subscribe button a little bell if you hate corporate just as much as I do and leave a comment let me know what you think I have a discord you can post garbage jobs corporate cringe stuff I guess that's it if you'd like to support the channel some other links down there thanks for watching guys and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 124,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, modern offices, google wannabes, office tour, startup office
Id: 7pK3N-ZHyG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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