The CULT of Simon Sinek..(The Feelgood Corporate Guru) | #grindreel

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so today we're taking a look at simon sinek he's basically the master corporate guru and before i get started with this video i must say he's an absolutely great speaker fantastic you listen to him speak he smiles he captures your mind he says something funny he breaks complicated ideas down into four or five simple steps draws little diagrams and when you're watching them it's really hard not to like the guy having said that if you take a second and listen to the things that he actually says it's like wait wait what for example like this clip where he's talking about how executives are like your parents brothers and sisters now how do you create brothers and sisters out of strangers common beliefs common values you know parents in other words executives who care about their children's success okay so see this is what i this is what i mean like it sounds really nice there's the nice motivational music in the background but your co-workers are not your brothers and sisters and your executives are sure as heck not your parents not even in a little sense right like simon sinek is the opposite of me simon will tell you that if you hate your job it's because you need more trust and more bonding and more empathy and that something is wrong with your outlook on life he'll tell you to really appreciate the little things and you know simon is hired by ceos to come in and motivate workers to work harder while telling them what they're doing is good but also telling them it's just because you have bad leadership that's why you don't like your job we need good leaders and your bosses they need to change and then everyone feels good at the end of the day and at the end of the speech and all the workers go and make the company a bunch more money and he validates all of the workers without ever addressing the actual elephant in the room then there's me and i'll tell you that this is all nonsense and no amount of team building family atmosphere being invested diminishes the fact that a job is an exchange of value for money for profit that's it anything else is psychological manipulation that's the difference between me and simon sinek now you see simon sinek comes from a background of advertising he worked in new york for the ad agencies of euro rscg and oh gively and mather i don't know he made a ted talk that went viral it's got like 14 million views on youtube and pretty much from there he realized he could become a guru and so that's what he did he started taking basic ideas over complicating them and then breaking them back down into simple little steps and then acting like he was the first one to come up with this unique idea i mean just like look at his books he has a book called leaders eat last or something like that which sounds really nice and it talks about how good leaders you know they're always supporting their the people below them and all that stuff but in real life the leaders don't eat last in real life you're fired sucks to suck i'm gonna get mine first because i'm the leader that's how it works in the corporate world but simon here will tell you that's not how it should be and we got to have good that's not how it is see i don't see the world for what i want it to be i see the world for what it is and so that's the difference between me and simon simon would would be what you call this uh this very well-selling optimistic person right you have the optimists and the pessimists and a lot of people would call me the pessimist but there's more to it than that there's also the realist and then the opportunist and i would say i'm a mix between the realest and the opportunists you guys are discussing between is the glass half full and is the glass half empty and i'm just gonna take the glass and drink and be like it's water okay let's move on and uh but that's not what's what sells what sells is the happy positive fluffy stuff i mean he has a video pandering to middle managers explaining why middle management is the hardest job let me show you middle management is the hardest job in any organization most things break in the middle so this video has 615 000 views pandering to middle managers that i mean just look at this comment section you want to know what middle management actually is it's people who aren't good enough to do the job but aren't important enough to make business decisions why middle management sucks is because people are hired into management positions that have never done the job before and they're telling people that actually do the job how to do it it doesn't make any sense and again this is just 615 000 views on this video talking about why middle management is the hardest job like yeah i get that there has to be communication from the people at the bottom to the people at the top um but any good lean six sigma engineer would tell you that if you can remove steps in the middle and make it more streamlined that's what you would do i mean even elon musk has said that for example i actually don't really like the fact that we lift the cars over and and back ideally that would be a robot handoff getting rid of a middle stage yeah exactly so it's like okay let's eliminate the turntable and just have a robot go to the robot and then you don't have like uh turn table breakers to consider say is the process necessary it's like because the best part is no part best part process is no process so here's a video with 12.7 million views talking about millennials and the workplace and why we're so difficult and he has boiled it down to four points it's so ridiculous the generation that we call the millennials too many of them grew up subject to not my words failed parenting strategies they were told that they were special all the time they were told that they have anything they want in life just because they want it right they were told um some of them got into honors classes not because they deserved it but because their parents complained you can't group an entire generation of people like i wasn't told that i was special i didn't get into honors classes because my parents complained i wasn't told that i could have anything i want just because i wanted it i was told that i had to work for it if you want it work for it i think many of us were there's this other point here technology and social media he says that we're all addicted to our phones and we need validation from people on the internet rather than learning how to have social skills another one he says that we're all impatient because we're used to getting anything we want right now we don't have to wait and then he has this other section environment where he talks about how let me just play is so bad scenario which leads me to the the fourth point which is environment which is we're taking this amazing group of young fantastic kids who are just dealt a bad hand it's no fault of their own right that feels good feels good when he's like oh yeah it's not me it's not it's not me it's uh i was just dealt a bad hand by society and my parents growing up like obviously you want to relate to that and we put them in corporate environments that care more about the numbers than they do about the kids they care more about the short-term gains than the long-term life of this young human being we care more about the year than the lifetime right and so we are putting them in corporate environments that aren't helping them build their confidence that aren't helping them learn the skills of cooperation sounds good that aren't helping them overcome the challenges of a digital world and finding more balance that isn't helping them overcome the need to have instant gratification and teach them the joys of the impact and the fulfillment you get from working hard over on something for a long time that cannot be done in a month or even in a year wait hold on i know i i get that i understand the value of hard work over time i think most of us do actually and so we're thrusting to them them in corporate environments and the worst part about it is they think it's them they blame themselves they think it's them who can't deal and so it makes it all worse it's not i'm here to tell them it's not them it's the corporations it's the corporate environments it's the total lack of good leadership wait hold on in our world today that is making them feel the way they do nope that's not see so it sounded good right he's like i'm here today to tell you that it's not your fault millennials it's the corporations and most people be like yeah josh isn't that what you say yeah that is what i say but then he says it's the fault of bad leadership and this is where it all falls apart simon you're not addressing the elephant in the room but you're appeasing all of us you're appealing to us you're trying to validate us and make us feel good here's the problem right the problem is not bad leadership the problem is that companies want you to act like you own part of the company they want you to work like it's your company but they don't want to pay you like it's your company they don't want to give you that the benefits like it's your company right you're not allowed to watch the clock because that's bad why would you want to be a clock watcher counting every single minute before you can leave but you can bet your ass that your boss is watching the clock and seeing if you leave every single minute it what about the fact that you have to leave a two weeks notice but your your boss can fire you on a whim and it's the it's the hypocritical things like that the very one-sided nature of corporate that makes us hate corporate it's not bad leadership good leadership doesn't fix those dynamics of power i'm sorry you can't cover it up like that simon that's just again you're making everyone feel good it's not your fault it's leadership they just need to care about you more no that's really not what it boils down to simon but that's what i'm telling you isn't what sells isn't what what you can put into a book and and get on the new york times bestseller what he says does here's a video that has two million views where he talks about how it's okay to be the idiot in the room and like the overall sentiment of the video that's like it's okay to ask questions and it's okay to not understand something and it's okay to like verbalize that because maybe you're helping someone else but this is a a two million view video that essentially over complicates that sentiment boils it back down and makes everyone feel good and that's what people want i guess i'm an idiot like and i'm not being i'm not being flip about it like i don't understand very complicated things and so that's true ask a lot of questions i mean i'll give you a perfect example so a long time ago i had a client so let me pause here for a second and just say simon has a very um predictable process for how he does these videos he asks a question or poses a question and then tells a story to relate to you and capture you and maybe he'll make a little joke and then make you laugh and in the middle of these stories he's always sure to tell you that it was some big client or there was some generals or some executives at this big company and so and you know he uses that subtly to elevate his credibility and make himself more of an authority on the matter and then after he tells the story he uses science terms to boost his credibility some more he also speaks confidently about everything that he's saying you can't question it he doesn't tell you what to do so to speak but he still tells you what to do for example his like best-selling book start with why it's not very commanding it's kind of like you know this is what you should do and he puts himself to be in this kind of alpha position without being overbearing about it and again that's what sells it's a marketing tactic and that's what he comes from he comes from advertising and marketing so this guy really knows how to grab people i mean just look at look at these videos like look at this comment aavfx very true if you won't ask you'll never know bro this is the same that you learn like day one in school and the teacher says hey raise your hand there's no stupid questions someone else is probably afraid to ask just raise your hand and ask you're probably helping other people but here's a two-minute story about how he does the same thing in his 2 million views he just panders and i get it right he's he's relatable he makes you laugh he smiles i mean i i'd almost want to call him simon snake oil you know they brought me on to do some work for them but and so all the sea level executives and me see right i got to mention they're all c-level right like the chief whatever powerpoint that they had printed up in front of them and i had it as with as well and i didn't understand a freaking word of it yeah right i was like looking around like yeah i'm r and i and so i'd raise my hand and say i'm really really sorry like he's such a good speaker his body language is perfect he's smiling he knows how to capture people and that's exactly what he's doing based on your logic a plus b equals d can you just say it again please i'm really i'm really sorry to slow the meeting down everybody you know and you could see the consultant getting frustrated with me and would try and explain it again i said i'm so sorry and one by one all the c-level executives said yeah i don't understand it either now if the idiot hadn't spoken up yeah how the does this have two million views i don't i don't get it dude like i raised my hand because these uh these other c-level people were too afraid to and they didn't want to admit that they didn't understand it so like you know it's okay let me let me go back to another thing uh millennials in the workplace and so i keep meeting these wonderful fantastic idealistic hard-working smart kids they've just graduated school they're in their entry-level job i sit down with them and i go how's it going they go i think i'm going to quit i'm like why they're like i'm not making an impact i'm like you've been here eight months you know oh look all these boomers here like bro i would quit too if i was at a job for eight months and i'm not making an impact i don't feel like that is something that should be laughed at by all these boomers in the audience or these gen xers or whatever right like if you're at a job for close to a year and you're not making a difference and you want to quit it's not laughable that's like a legit reason if someone doesn't want to feel like a number after eight months that's not laughable like what what is the show and so what this young generation needs to learn is patience we have patience we just don't have time for your you know like i definitely know the value of hard work over time and delayed satisfaction but i don't have time to get paid minimum wage when i know that you're cashing out lambos he just has a way of making everyone feel good about themselves without ever addressing the fact that there are power dynamics in corporate i mean there's even an article on forbes that that that is author simon's neck is full of hot air and other reasons you should follow his leap because he knows how to market right um deploy scientific lingo yep he does he does do that command to control position himself as the guy in charge without being too obvious about it he's careful to speak in an unthreatening tone at the same time choosing words that establish him as an undisputed alpha thinker i'm simon sinek uh i'll take it i'll tell you a little funny story about see immediately starts the video off with i'll tell you a little funny story every single speech this man does i'll tell you a little funny story so for example i i had a meeting at the pentagon and i was meeting with some big general and see you know he uses the credibility i had a meeting at the pentagon with some big general instantly boost his authority about whatever he's about to tell you about this is a weird one this is a real real weird one i'm simon sinek and you're watching behind the brand with brian elliott leadership is the decision to take care of the person to the left of me and to take care of the person to the right of me and the best leaders are actually the best followers oh let me stop you right there simon uh i don't think that's true i think that just makes other followers feel good many of the followers are like one of us he's relatable uh the best leaders are the best leaders that's is what it comes down to leadership is the choice to take care of the people to the left of me and to take care of the people to the right of me to see that they succeed they advance that they do well in life sometimes at the expense yeah that sounds real good right like it's their job to make sure make sure that you're gonna succeed that's not how leadership works in the corporate world simon we all know that leadership means that i'm gonna tell you what to do and you're gonna do it and if you don't hey well we're gonna put you on a pip and then you're probably gonna get fired and if you do do something if my team does do great work well i'm gonna get credit for all that great work because i'm the leader like it shouldn't work that way like you're saying yeah but we all know the reality of how this world actually works is what i'm saying i get it now we are all the leaders we are all leaders we're all followers i get it now we are all the leaders no no you're not behind the brand guy we are not all leaders and all followers it's just a it's just validating and making us feel nice and good about ourselves and i'm just employee number 8b 743 but i'm a leader so the intern to the president ceo the intern has to be thinking about the person to his left and the person to her right and when we all do that then we are better together wow he just said that like it's some mind-blowing thought you should you should treat people good and when we all do that we'll work better no sherlock i'm gonna give you guys an example of how simon speaks and can make anything sound interesting okay so here goes a peanut butter and jelly is the perfect example of what you can achieve by combining three ingredients to make a wonderful product now for example if the c-suite is the bread the managers are the peanut butter and the employees are the jelly you'll have a great sandwich as long as your ingredients are top quality but what we're finding now is that the bread has become stale and your peanut butter and jelly is no longer as tasty as it once was what you need to do is pay me a lot of money to convince your workforce that the bread isn't actually stale but they're just thirstier than normal i mean like this is how he speaks like here's one that sounds really heartfelt and good this is a tweet average leaders give people something to work on great leaders give people something to work for i mean honestly wouldn't great leaders do both 2 000 retweets 9 000 likes like so so basic comparing ourselves to others might be natural but it's also deadly by taking an infinite approach and reframing your competitors as worthy rivals the success of your peers becomes fuel for your own growth as opposed to your source of insecurity okay comparing yourself to others isn't deadly right like if you obsess over what people have compared to what you don't you make yourself depressed over it right yeah that's bad but comparing yourself to others is how you get better that's just that's how life is you just you want to get better you look at what other people are doing how they're doing it and then you look at what you're doing and you try to improve it's not deadly but when he says it like that sounds really nice how do you win a game that has no end the more simon started to understand the difference between finite and infinite games the more he began to see infinite games all around us he started to see that many of the struggles that organizations face exist simply because their leaders were playing with the finite mindset in a game that has no end the leaders who embrace an infinite mindset in stark contrast build stronger more innovative more inspiring organizations that they have the resilience to thrive in an ever-changing world while their competitors fall by the wayside ultimately those who adopt an infinite mindset are the ones who lead the rest of us into the future please mumbo jumbo buzzword jargon here here's a video from his twitter where someone asks my question is college waste time i know there's a whole movement against college and one of the reasons as a movement against college comes from people who've done extremely well either while they were in college and dropped out mark zuckerberg and so they stand up and say you don't need college i didn't need college well that's true some people don't need it but there's more to college than simply the the subjects that we learn do we need the subjects in college yes not really yes yes you do most of the stuff we'll study in college we won't need in future in our future and it won't help us be successful i mean but we're learning true but it's cool we're learning how to interact with other people for many of us it's the first time we we've left home okay we're learning to fend for ourselves do our own laundry so are you telling me that i should go to college and get into thousands and thousands of dollars worth of student debt so i can learn how to do my own laundry and budget my money what money i'm a college student are you out of your mind simon 51 000 views get a job provide for ourselves budget our money that's a new one for many people they're living in dorms they're learning to interact they're learning independence they're learning self-reliance it's also the first time in a classroom where your professors will expect you to disagree in high school largely hold on no your your professor is not going to expect you to disagree with the math that he just wrote on the board he's if he writes an equation and you say it no that's not true he's going to be like excuse me this is math yes this is correct maybe in a philosophy class where he's like what do you think about this should this be or should this not be those are useless degrees anyways customers will expect you to disagree in high school largely you do as you're told you take the test and that's it in college in college you do as you're told and you take the test and that's it that's that's the same it's about discussion and it's about disagreement now sometimes there are no right answers so one of the things you'll learn is how to disagree how to form an argument there is so much more that you learn in college that will help you in the rest of your life so i should i should again get into student debt so i can learn how to disagree are you kidding me choose your classes based on the quality of your professors not based on how easy the classes are or sometimes even just what the subject okay you want to know something simon the the easy classes are the ones where you disagree with your professors like the philosophy ones so here's a video where simon says if your boss is terrible don't hate him don't dislike him have empathy for him and again this is what he does with his whole speech it's not your fault the leadership is just bad feel sorry for them i'm gonna tell you go get a different job that guy you know bye i'm out i'm not gonna be like oh man i'm so sorry that you feel that way i guess i'll just keep working here until you figure it out and can adjust your viewpoint from finite to the infinite no go get a different job bye don't tolerate having a trash boss just because they're not an infinite minded player you're an infinite minded player and your boss is a finite player do not hate them do not blame them yes blame them empathy for them maybe that we don't know where they worked before we don't know what conditions and that they worked in before we don't know how they were beaten down remember that they've made it through the ranks they've made it to their position following the finite rules of the game and so when you tell them you have to change why would they change like what got me here worked just fine now they're ignoring the fact that they're they're highly stressful they they struggle with trust they may not sleep well what are you talking about simon all of those things that cause personal stress are usually because we're playing by the wrong rules for the game we're in that's what are you talking about we're talking about infinite and finite now but we were talking about a boss that was bad like where are you going with this simon the single the first thing to become a leader is you have to want to be a leader like if you don't want to be one there's nothing i can do so you know there's a funny there's a funny joke how many how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb one but the light bulb has to really want to change not even funny uh what do you do when your employees won't listen or how do you make people listen asks chelsea ooh chelsea okay there's a wonderful little book called how to talk to kids so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk yes it's a parenting book it's also a brilliant jesus christ come on like his first advice to get your employees to listen is to read a book about how to talk to kids like how condescending is that are you for like is that really your advice what's going on here we go why do we chase profit why is money and the accumulation and the accumulation of it a top priority asks alan well partially it's our society our society has defined success by your car your house your bank account well apparently you define your leadership training as a hundred thousand dollars it's society is it is it simon it's unfortunate it's just the way we've gone it doesn't have to be that way but it is we chase profit also because that's how uh we're judged we're judge and our companies very often by how much we produce by how much we bring in um we need to change the incentive structures we need to judge people by helpful how helpful they are to others are they good team members we need to find better balances in our society and this is all nice need to learn to be sound and learn to disconnect ourselves from the material and find joy and happiness in our friends and the things that we do in the experiences that we have not just my god so i think it just takes practice and uh and a little change in our society you see how he just like swerves these really difficult questions you hate your job you just need to be a little bit more zen buddhist and it's society's fault which then begs the question how do we change our society change starts at home okay depends what you want to do i just don't get how this guy's such a guru like he comes from advertising he did a ted talk and now everyone he's like tony robbins he's just like tells everyone what they want to hear without actually telling them what what it is you know maybe i should start doing that just just type in like look on youtube look at look at all these simon sinek motivational videos this is nuts i'ma start i'm gonna this channel is becoming a motivational channel that's what i'm doing if that's what gets these and can pay off my house i'm doing it anyways guys if you enjoyed this do me a solid click thumbs up click like click subscribe and leave a comment let me know what you think see in the next one
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 235,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon Sinek, joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, the cult of simon sinek, simon sinek leadership, simon sinek motivation, simon sinek ted talk, Simon sinek millennials
Id: k6UZWH84wXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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