Reddit Life Hacks (2-Hour Compilation)

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what are some unethical life hacks nsw gain access to any event by putting on a chef coat carrying two lobsters and walking briskly if you want to sound sick when calling into your work lie on your back while hanging your head over the edge of the bed you will sound congested if your boss calls you in on your day off tell him you've been drinking boz can't fault you for not coming in doesn't give a best impression if you work morning shifts though always book your hotel room with the prefix of doctor when the morning group reassigns rooms for that day's arrivals they are likely to put you in a nicer room to avoid an unhappy pretentious doctor bitching about being next to the elevator also if you call a hotel and they are booked for the weekend just call back later and book your arrival day on thursday with a departure day of tuesday hotel reservation systems are designed to turn away two night stays in favor of three four or five night stays so just call the hotel back later and make the adjustments to your current reservation for just the days that you want make your arrangements directly with the hotel when possible to avoid any robotic responses from a central reservations department former general manager download the crappy watermark lores image that istock gives for free upload that in google's image based search and find many people hosting the hi-res last time i was looking for a job i posted a fake ad for a very similar position on craigslist so i could check out the resumes of my competition extra unethical bonus you can also use their contact information to get rid of them accidentally want to steal something in a secure building buy a wheelchair and put crap in your lap the cardboard boxes for paper reems work well and can be gotten for free roll up to the door behind someone and they'll hold the door for you no need for a key card taking advantage of people's good side is very reliable not everyone is stupid but people feel bad for the disadvantaged there's clothing that allows you to do virtually everything want to do graffiti wear one of those white paper-ish overalls steal a streets in carry a toolbox dress like a mechanic and you're good to go dress up like a technician walk into an office tell somebody you were told to take that pc you can just walk out with it never underestimate how little people question the uniform yes also fluorescent safety vests will get you into pretty much anywhere respect the vest hampton in hotels have a 100 money-back guarantee policy if you aren't happy for any reason at all they are required to comp your room you can do this nearly as often as you like i work for one and we regularly have the same people complain about things like the room was too cold or the fan was loud and we have to comp them one woman has like 180 free rooms complaints on her profile but we still have to comp her the only way around this is for the hotel owner to set up a review of the incident on a per case basis with hilton it's easier just to comp the room and move on hilton pays the hotel back anyway i figure if you wanted to you could travel across the u.s getting free stays our teacher asked the entire class to keep bidding higher on his ebay item he was selling so it looked like there were a lot of people bidding on it and there was a lot of interest on it when someone not from the class had bid higher we all stopped bidding the non-class member was usually the only other person to bid so they got ripped off worked like a charm the teacher would pay us back if one of our bids won my dad would keep an orange vest and an orange flag in his car when we would go to sporting events after the game when the lot was full of angry drunk drivers even getting someone to let you in was a real pain in the butt my dad would have me or my brother jump out with the vest and flag and stop traffic so he could get in the line but then we would jump back in the car most of the time people were not even mad and would laugh me and a couple of friends bypass our uni print queue and pay system by using the printer's ip address to print straight to it rather than using the print release terminals cram a piece of wadded up paper towel in the change return of the vending machine as high up as you can get it without losing it entirely once a day come back and give it a little tap to send all the change it has collected tumbling to the bottom and into your hands repeat i've found that if someone has pinned you in some sort of wrestling move quickly and repeatedly yelling i've got to boner always loosened it hotel concierge services are for everyone in any city in the world just walk into an international chain hotel and ask away ask for directions have them make restaurant reservations for you get general advice you can also store luggage for free at many hotels most places will just give you a claim ticket for your luggage and especially if it's a bigger hotel won't ask for a room number if either the continents or bell staff ask for a room number just say that you're checking in later with a friend her name is kate but the reservation might be under her husband's name you're meeting him for the first time and omg this is so embarrassing i can't remember his name my wife and i drink unsweetened tea not for any noble health reasons we just like it it's about 50 stroke 50 at the mcd's drive through if we will actually get unsweetened tea they often freak up and give us sweet tea one day they gave my wife sweet tea it was the second or third time in a row it had happened and it pee her off so she emailed the owner of the franchise not being great at complaining she wanted it to sound dramatic so she said that the tea was for her husband it wasn't and that i am diabetic i'm not and that sweet tea could kill me they sent us a bunch of coupons for free desserts well played mcdonald's want to sit alone on a bus wear a face mask or just smile at people and awkwardly gesture for them to sit next to you as part of the employee training a target they teach you that if a customer argues over a price and the full price is under 20 dollars to just give it to them for whatever price they claim it's cheaper for the company to move on to the next customer than to call in a price check when meeting someone tell them you are twice as far away from them as you actually are and are willing to meet halfway that is a block away from where you currently are downloading lemur wire pro through lemur add a nsw tag to your added post to get people interested if you're doing something you shouldn't confidence is key you can just walk out of a store holding what you stole and be fine if you know how to act and have a basic knowledge of how the store works bonus trespass with an orange safety jacket nobody questions the orange safety jacket this type of thing happened at the local country club two guys walked and dressed as repairmen and just lifted a brand new 60-inch plasma off the wall and took it away nobody said anything because they thought they were supposed to be there they got away clean this trick has helped me pass a good majority of my college courses send out a mass email to the class the day before an exam saying i have just finished my study guide and offered to swap it with other people never actually made a study guide people would send me theirs and i would then send them each other's back win-win for everyone study guide ponzi scheme if someone wins an auction you have placed on ebay and then decides not to pay you for the item make a fake ebay account and message the buyer telling them that you noticed they had won the item and that you would love to have it offer a reasonable amount more than they won the auction for the idea is that they get greedy decide to pay you after all for your item and then you stiff them when they try to collect from your fake account at this point i would use the fake account to mock them for falling for it all and point out how they deserve it because only scumbags don't pay for auctions they have won don't call in to work sick call in saying that you have family problems that's the end of the discussion or explosive diarrhea it's too embarrassing to lie about the weirdest i've heard of is rich moms hiring handicapped people to go to disney with them so they and their children can skip all the lines road cones road cones road cones need to hold a parking spot road cones in the target spot and the adjacent spots no one challenges road cones you've obviously not lived in new york city even legit road cones are thrown aside to park i used to keep a cup from mcdonald's in my car at all times and whenever i was driving and wanted some soda i would just walk in any mcdonald's and refill my cup i did this for weeks i saw h pull a used cup out of the trash and refill it say you've never orgasmed from facetime to make your partner try harder i've never actually orgasmed by facetime but i can confirm this really does make them try harder i read a story in private i recently about a man who bought a first-class ticket for a plane flight all first-class passengers got a complimentary breakfast in the airport's vip lounge he ate his breakfast then perfectly legally changed the date of his flight online to the next morning the next morning he arrived at the airport had his free breakfast and you guessed it changed the date of his flight again he got free breakfast every morning for about nine months doing this when the airline finally caught up with him they were forced to concede that everything he had been doing was perfectly within the rules but they reserved a right to refuse him service they refunded his flight and full on the promise that he would never fly with them again use the self checkout when buying fruits and vegetables if you're in a crowd and need to get through yell i'm gonna puke to dominate someone in conversation stare at their forehead questionably i would try the foreign thing it's just that i'm just not sure what i would do once i was dominating the conversation for college students torrent your books pdf rather than buying the textbook if you have to bury a body do it vertically satellites look for six feet long holes and marks them for investigation also bury the body under a dead dog sniffer dogs will mark that spot and when they dig it up and find the dog they will mark it as a false positive and move on i remember this being posted on reddit before and an ex-investigator chimed in to say that it is procedure to keep digging when they get a false positive if you're flying somewhere and realize you have something that won't get by security turn it into lost and found go pick it up when you return when buying something on craigslist i use my spam email to lowball the seller by a lot then i use my regular email to give a reasonable offer that is still a good amount under the asking price i almost always have my offer accepted another tip i learned from the rf rugel subreddit is to search on craigslist for moving and then go to the sale and lowball everything also apparently if you go to college campuses during or after finals week you'll be able to get tons of good free stuff because college kids moving out of dorm and throwing stuff away apparently many fridges are easy pickings but never tried it myself flatulence works well for clearing crowds in front of famous paintings at art museums learned from an elderly lady in new york you can take as many many bottles through sarah's will fit in a quart sized plastic bag they are like one dollar and fifty cents at the liquor store compared to seven dollars on the plane or even save them and refill at home for even cheaper ask the flight attendant for the whole can and a cup of ice make sure to mix them in your drink when the flight attendant isn't looking as this is against faa regulations put the empty minis back into your bag and nod the seat pocket much much cheaper buzz i made the mistake of trying to discard the minis on the flight she was not happy not sure about tall chain theaters but this is a sure bet at any amc after buying a ticket and walking past the concessions head to any trash can stay with me here try to find an empty large soda cup and or popcorn bag take this to the counter and ask for a free refill they will take the old bag cup and throw it out thank god and fill a new one with refill repeating in bold around the rim they do this to prevent people from getting more than one refill but it's a surefire way to grab free food in a super expensive theater another life hack don't let your date see you do it the amc i worked at gave unlimited refills on larges and we definitely didn't give new cups we only gave a new bag if it was ripped to a point where it would no longer contain popcorn they inventory every single item in concessions to the point where you need to record every cup bag hot dog etc you need to throw away and damage it out it's very awkward to say no if you go to a fast food place for example and you simply lie and say that there was a big mac missing from your order during lunch russian that your receipt got thrown away with your meal they'll give you another one mcdonald's is very customer service driven you can finish your big mac take the empty rapper to the counter tell them it wasn't good and they'll likely just give you another one they're not in the business of alienating customers over a couple patties ronald's in the long game he's got you for life for married people go out to eat out of town works best won't be recognized and propose to your wife have her say yes enthusiastically get free dessert possibly free meal anytime you ever go on vacation to a hotel or resort i.t is your honeymoon don't order anything extra just let them know and act all lovey they'll hook you up for extra unethical excitement tell them your veteran as well just got back from my actual honeymoon in an email i told the hotel it was our honeymoon and they upgraded our room from a queen standard room to a king suite dropped 25 off the price and brought up a free bottle of champagne want free admission to six flags tell them you are buying a season pass but not staying in the park that day they will ask for collateral usually a credit or debit card they will give you 30 minutes to come back or they will charge your card the full price for admission walk into the park walk around for a few minutes when you leave the gate they stamp your hand with that awesome black light readable only re-entry stamp go get your collateral back from the ticket booth then you can walk right back up to the re-entry gate show them your stamped hand and viola free park admission source ex-employee of six flags and have successfully done this numerous times at my local park and the hurricane harbor across the street till if i ever own a store i should not install a self-checkout line [Music] i lived in upstate ny with a friend for a year we didn't know any people really test drove a truck to move a couch when finished i like it but i have to discuss with the missus i've got your card buy clothes at goodwill and sell them to plato's closet if you need a phone charger go to a hotel and tell them you forgot your phone charger in the hotel they'll pull out a box full of them take your pick work in a hotel can confirm they will pull out a box of old nokia chargers when i was going to college i would walk over to whole foods and get some of their most expensive grass-fed bone-in ribeye steaks from the meat counter the butcher would wrap them up and slap a price tag on them if i was getting meat for a barbecue this was sometimes upwards of 200 bucks then i would walk over to the bulk grains put the meat on the scale and hit print for something like oats i'd cover the existing label on the meat with my much cheaper oats label and proceed to self-checkout it would ask you to scan the barcode and then place the item in the basket it would register the appropriate weight as both labels were from the weight of the meat then i'd pay 88 cents for six stakes and leave i probably did this 25 times without arousing any suspicion tl dr cheap steaks and i thought i was evil ringing up my honey crisp apples as red apples i'd never have the guts to do this what are your nsw or slightly illegal life hacks serious my dad goes thrift shopping a lot he always checks coat pockets for money he has found ray-ban sunglasses and up to 50 dollars college food court salad was weighed to determine price steak under a pile of salad is an expensive salad but a cheap steak my grandfather used to stand in people's yards around state county fairs or the like with a sign that says parking five dollars are probably like five cents back then and have people pay him to park into random people's yards he'd make enough money to go into the fair and have a good day in eighth grade i lived in an apartment and i used to stick a wad of tissue paper up the vending machine change return and every evening i'd reach up there and pull my day's loot of change down i'd pocket about seven dollars per day people just assumed the machine ate their change i remember as a kid i was at a science fair at the university center in my town i didn't get my change from buying a drink in the machine and reached up to see if it was stuck imagine my surprise when i felt some duct tape pulled it off and about 30 dollars of change came out best of all the arcade in the center was three feet away that was a good day if you think you're close to [ __ ] but want to carry on subtly bite your tongue and the feeling will go away easiest way to prolong orgasm so don't try this if you have a dong in your mouth [Music] those arcades that have a booth where you turn in the tickets to get crappy prizes like chinese finger locks after spending 100 in quarters they always have good prices like mini fridges and handheld tvs etc that require like 10 000 more tickets than you have all those tickets that people turn in are thrown away in a trash can behind the counter when the trash can fills up they throw the trash bag full of tickets in the dumpster out back my friend somehow got a hold of a roll of chuck e cheese tickets online when his little brother had a birthday party he just add those to his tickets he earned and got the big prizes like a nintendo ds and a game once got a lot of hate for posting this to our life pretips but it's definitely worked for me hotel lobbies are a great place to kill time if you need to wait for someone or something in a city i live in nick and occasionally i've had to wait on a relative taking a bus into town or someone is late for something and then i just find a relatively swank hotel with a nice waiting area and a couch and sit there it'll usually be about 20 minutes before anyone says anything and if you need more time just say you're waiting for a friend who is staying at the hotel i haven't done this but a friend of mine did last year at lollapalooza he went around selling brownies to people for like 10 bucks each the trick is they were actually just brownies that's not a trick that is called exactly what is said on the tin a general rule for all of the degenerates and delinquents out there if you look like you know what you are doing people likely won't ask questions of all the examples i have of this the best is when i worked for a small time tech company in town and we ran a giant mesh network that extended across town to multiple apartment complexes a little while after i started we had to rebuild the entire network there were three of us driving around in a personal vehicle to different apartment complexes running wires cutting holes in the side of the building getting on the roof and taking down equipment putting up or altering existing equipment etc in all this time not a single person questioned our motives we seriously looked like we were setting up some major heist sometimes because we would be out till 8 to 9 pm at some places for the desperately broke homeless youth i used to do this when i was a skate rat all you needed was a hammer a quarter and an older vending machine hammer the quarter flatter and flatter till it's the size of a silver dollar one dollar coin whatever old vending machines obviously don't have the greatest technology in them and can only read the now flatted coin to size as a silver dollar then hit the coin return your quarter just became four quarters repeat as much as you like i turned 0.25 into 30 at one point now that i'm older and make good money i wouldn't do this but if anyone is ever desperately in need of money homeless it definitely helps i use a simpler method find a cinder block or brick laying around and flatten it against the glass pane of the vending machine eventually you will gain unlimited access delivered pizza last summer if i ever got really hungry i would accidentally pack in an order of breadsticks their breadsticks are so good with my delivery they are made and sat in a hot box for people to come in and order there are usually 4-6 in at a time and no one questions if one goes missing or i take one on an order if you didn't already guess i would eat them on the way there and no one ever suspected a thing not heavily illegal and i didn't think of this but if you can speak two languages and need to write a quick paper search up a paper covering that topic online in one language and then translate to your current language hard to be called out for plagiarism when the original paper is in a different language this one is outdated due to obsolete technology but here's what i used to do to get high quality movies for the price of a rental rent a vhs dub it onto a blank vhs cassette next open the casing on both cassettes using a screwdriver and simply swap the spools return the tape with the poorer quality dub to the video store and keep the high quality one for yourself thinking back on that that was ridiculous blockbuster put stickers on their video cassettes to keep that from happening if you break the seal to open the unit you'll have to buy the tape i had a boss a long time ago who told me that if his friends were going on a trip out of state country he would give them his debit card to use the friends would go and buy hotel rooms food and other things he then towards the end of their trip report his card missing he can prove he was in the area all week his friends get a free trip to canada and the bank refunds my boss all his money here you'd end up with a police investigation once they see your friends on cctv away to jail learn how to jack off with both hands trust me it will help for the future arms crossed and palms around the shaft with both pinkies tickling the tip lots of lube and pump till you dump if you work in an office binder clips make great chip clips your company probably orders them by the thousand and won't notice if a handful go missing plus they come in different sizes if you're not taking as many office supplies as you can possibly use from your job you want a real american not really illegal but probably punishable my university charges for printing with little devices next to the printer which release the print job to the printer in order to circumvent this i install the printers by their ip address as it goes straight to the printer and prints without having to pay doesn't take a lot of work but i'd say it saved me at least six dollars for the ladies use coconut oil a small amount when you shave your bits it'll be super soft like can't keep my hand out of my pants soft and it helps avoid any little cuts bonus smells really good too always take a crap before leg day at the gym i have one that my dad did back in college more of a one-time life hack than anything his professor basically spent all his free time writing and trying to sell to hollywood a script for a movie he was barely there during office hours he was super disorganized when it came to the students things like that come finals and my dad slept through it he slept through the final and was absolutely panicking so he decided to play things a little underhanded when grades were posted and his was naturally not there he went to the professor and said sir about my test score i noticed that it wasn't posted technically true although he didn't state the reason why the score wasn't there the professor began looking through his notes and obviously didn't find the test but the professor was so disorganized that he was convinced that he had lost the test oh yeah i'm you gotta be plus he said quickly jotting the grade down on the grade sheet my dad got up walked out and never freaking looked back had a spanish teacher like this he'd be on his phone with his agent sometimes during class his style of grading worked like this you have five a's three b's two fs and one c so you have an a for this class because you have more a's than anything else bulk bins a grocery store bag most expensive item write down code for least expensive item works best for nuts buy the shelled pistachios and write down the code for the in-shell pistachios use the self-checkout works 100 of the time usually because the person working the checkout computer for all checkout lanes is just staring into space an off-duty cop in my town got caught shoplifting at the self-checkout he was tearing a small hole in a 12-pack beer cart and so he could scan the individual barcode on one of the cans if you want a new game and don't really care about the case you can do the following go and get one of those prepaid visa cards load it up with say dollar sign 100 spend on it until you have about four dollars five left on it take the card to red box and select the title you want use the card to check it out enjoy your new title they can't track down as it's basically a nameless card and isn't tied to you so you're basically untraceable just remember to not put your email in always jack off before any hard decision that's called a wisdom wank two words chipotle napkins chipotle tabasco sauce if you want to stay in a particular hotel in an area rather than using prison line or one of the discount sites call the actual hotel directly then explain that you want to make a reservation and you're with the conference that's there that weekend so you need that group discount rate when he she asks what conference just start talking about how your assistant didn't give you that information and you're looking for it and just keep talking while you suggest that they just tell you which conferences are there they'll start listing them and you can pick one one time the only group rate was for a college reunion and when i said yeah that one the woman was surprised i wouldn't remember my own college name but still gave me the discount getting rooms for 75.90 instead of 200.300 can be a huge money saver in any major area invariably there will be something going on every weekend if the hotel isn't a terrible one i've been traveling for two decades with that trick and haven't yet had it not work got some type of traffic moving violation coming up and no attorney get a nice haircut dress sharp smile and show up at least a half hour early for your court appearance find out where the prosecutor's office is and go in and identify yourself and ask them what is the best they can offer in the form of a lesser charge be as sincere as you can be many times they will offer you some type of a lesser charge than the original violation this requires confidence so look in the mirror before you leave home and give yourself a pep talk good luck this works a lot of the time because most court systems are swamped with cases and if they can quickly resolve a case for a lesser charge it keeps things moving it's a win-win deal if you're a teacher do all your grading in a bar it's never failed to get me at least one or two free drinks i'm a guy when i was about 17 i started doing kegels about two months later i could stay hard after i'd come and keep going now seven years later i can come seven stroke eight times in one sitting i'm also much harder and maybe even a little thicker but i'm not sure about that it feels pretty good coming multiple times although the last few are usually blanks but still feel just as good i bring my own snacks to the movies i have never bought any produce besides bananas by that i mean when i go to myer i only ever key in 4011 for the produce code organic produce costs the same as regular at the self checkout what life hacks have been exploited so much that they no longer work coupon code sites now they just link you to the sales already posted on websites i have had success googling codes a few times recently got three dollars off my 139 dollar night ticket after it went viral that the toy story characters would fall down on the ground at disney world land when you shouted andy's coming they stopped doing it i wonder how many times gaston has been challenged to do push-up and arm wrestling contest since the viral videos came out i read something that a person could just order a bunch of one dollar coins from the us mint and you would just pay the face value no shipping and handling since they wanted to get more on the market well one guy would buy thousands and thousands of dollars on his credit card and just pay his credit card bill with the dollar coins to rack in millions of airline miles pretty smart if you ask me that could still work with other form of buying money but it would cost something in the end not zero cost a certain bbq chain had a birthday club that would send you a free item via email the email was a word document that was easily changeable so instead of winning a brownie you could change it to a huge party platter as long as you had the correct code i just stopped in to claim this birthday thing oh i won a party platter great i'm going to a party it was famous dave's pressing zero on an automated phone tree to speak to a live person i've encountered many that will just replay the menu options if you press zero i've also seen a few hanging upright after pressing zero and a few more after a couple of zero dialed i remember in the early days of ebay you could search for misspellings of items you were interested in and most of the time you could get it for cheap once everyone caught onto this it was game over and now ebay has vastly improved search functionality still i'll never forget that screaming deal i got on that vacuum cleaner i'll never forget my star wars phase you can get anakin figures surprisingly cheap ordering free carpet samples on amazon for cat related crafts i google searched free carpet samples and had one company send five squares of different carpet free color swatches also one company sent 80 i believe i'm a toddler teacher not a sample hoarder in some games that involved waiting some amount of time you used to be able to change the clock in your device into the future and unlock the item whatever it is you were waiting for and then revert your time and still maintain the item unfortunately now you have to wait i guess the consensus is that nintendo games still allow you to do this most of the time i used to set the time forward five years and start a free 30-day trial for adobe and ms office programs then set it back and have a free 5-year 30-day trial but it's all cinched online now colon looking up unknown phone numbers online to see who is calling you now all you get are paid to see sites look it up on facebook if the person has their phone number in their account info they'll show up the coin drop game at taco bell i was very good at it and usually got myself a 25 cent burrito i haven't seen one of those games in many moons first they had water and bubbles then they drained them then they got rid of them [Music] our local pizza chain used to sell fundraiser stickers that let you do a buy one get one free deal everyone had one but my dad soon found out that most of the restaurants never even asked for the sticker when you went to pick up your order so he would always say to keep the sticker in your pocket unless they asked for it furthermore if they did ask for the sticker they never checked expiration date on them we got so much free pizza that way they have now switched to a loyalty card method that is required for checkout and expiration dates are stored in the computer we had a local pizza place that sold a groupon for a great deal on pizza and you also got some wings and a two liter of soda they never asked for our groupon code so we used the deal three or four times before our guild made us stop i'm wondering if others did the same thing because that place is now out of business calling the cable company to cancel to get a lower rate it will still work but you have to commit to cutting the cable they used to fold at the mention of leaving one line that my old roommate used successfully with a tnt was to say okay then i'm going to cancel my service don't shut it off yet though because i don't want any interruptions in my service i'm going to call comcast and get that set up and then call you back to cancel my service once i have service from them up and running tricking parking garages used to be in the older days when you went into a pay parking garage you got a ticket for your car when you would leave you put the ticket in the machine and it calculates how much you owe they still do that thing is in ye olden days you could simply walk by the gate get a new ticket and then walk to your car and drive out using the new ticket and the system thought you were only in there for like 30 seconds these days they put weight sensors under the ticket area so they won't dispense a ticket unless there is actually a car sitting on top of it okay it's a magnetic sensor not a weight sensor point still stands there is a sensor there to stop that kind of thing now and apparently the uk reads license plates now the vending machine in my apartment accepted dollar coins but would return it right back so all i needed was a single coin and run it through the slot twice to get something and would also get the change back from my two dollars did this a few times a month to check it was still working broken i ended up just leaving the change behind for someone else to use the machine and surprisingly has been turned off and is no longer serviced i found a machine that did this had a number on it to call if it needed service i called and let them know they were complete buttholes on the phone just mean with an angry tone questioning how much free product i took etc frick m ran it quite a few more times over the next couple days till the machine was removed applying to a crap ton of random scholarships that nobody else even applies to only need a handful of people even at the local level to take this advice and suddenly there's real competition and with sites like capex and fast web there's more than a handful of people applying to every scholarship in the country there was a gym by my university that was expensive but since it was in nicaragua was about the best one available at the time i paid for the membership once then realized they never checked your membership through the back door since the trainers all knew me by then i stopped paying for the membership and just walked in through the back door and acted like i belonged i did this for like two years before the place rebranded and changed ownership and added a check in kiosk through the back door because i had shared my secret with a few too many people but by then i had finished my career lol my local inca had the same issue i didn't get away with two years but it was the better part of a year downloading a copy of college textbook dank codes and cds means you have to buy your own i'm calling corporate from soccer mom to global domination and beyond nowadays you have to tweet a video of something egregious just to get corporates attention hurting drugs up your butt when you cross the border because they won't check there you just have to put them further up your butt not really a life hack but one time my aunt bought a holiday special edition diamond ring retails at two hundred dollars for ten dollars at goodwill after finding out the worth online my imbecile of an aunt went back to goodwill to tell them what it was worth ever since then they have been researching the value of their donations and have pricing them appropriately teacher you forgot to give us homework being straightforward and asking to talk to the manager in order to get a job that is not how it works anymore the companies put your application through a computer and if you don't set off too many of the algorithms red flags then a human will give you the time of day yes my parents suggested this to me and my siblings for so long they would even get angry if we sent online applications or emailed resumes insisting that it was lazy and all we had to do was show up and make a good impression my dad finally cut it out when he got laid off and learned that walking in is more of an annoyance these days attempting to dress nicely ask nicely give presents to flight attendants to get free upgrades on planes using don for a free rental at red box using motherlode on my bank account thrift shopping back in college we used to be able to go to a few local thrift stores goodwill salvation army etc and find great deals allen edmond dress shoes for 9.99 gently worn dress shirts and pants for three dollars five each used to go probably 2x month and built up a pretty decent wardrobe for my internship first job soon times we'd even find things with tags on them still now after thrifting got popular prices went up dress shoes are now around 15.20 and shirts pants are often 10.12 for questionable quality and often very dated styles if you use coupons you can often get better prices at coles and other department stores than at thrift stores now you can still find stuff if you're lucky you gotta go to smaller gigs where less people shop and where the people that work there don't know what's quality i found a little church run consignment shop right next to the hospital my mom used to work at snagged a 500 italian merino wool coat for 10 bucks using coupons they still save you money bit less than they used to and it takes more work than it used to those couponing tv shows ruined it for everyone by making all the tricks and secrets way to public companies and stores are not in the business of losing money and when it was a small number of people using coupons to an extreme amount then it wasn't so bad for them now a lot of people doing it make it that they start making coupons worth less and harder to use long ago in the us filling for bankruptcy cleared student loan debt this was since outlawed take out other loans and credit cards to pay off student loans declare bankruptcy student loans paid other debt gone i don't actually think you can do this i did learn some things for all these loans when lyft was starting in my area they did this promotion where when you signed up you received 50 free rides well during this time i discovered the google phone app where you could create a new phone number linked to a gmail account i ended up having like 200 free rides i took them to work to my girlfriend's house grocery store you name it my car wasn't touched for a month because i didn't need it after those 3-4 weeks lift caught on and banned me and my credit cards from the app i can't even hail a lift ride when i give someone else my card to put into their account just tell your bank the card broke and get a new card number coupons kroger quit doubling them a few years ago and maya right after that show helped as a canadian watching that show it was mind-boggling the things u.s stores let you do canadian stores have much stricter coupon policies supposedly super bowl sunday used to be a great day to visit disneyland now it's one of the most crowded days in the off season though i'm fairly certain that disney created or at the very least published the super bowl myth to attract more crowds super bowl is still one of the best nights to go out and do things skiing restaurants that don't show the game movies etc are all much less crowded collect calling someone but simply recording a message instead of having them accept the call you have a collect call from yo dude come to mike's house part iii do you accept these charges click you have a collared call from we had a baby it's a boy the real lpt if you have a life tip consider how effective it would be if more people started using it before you tell people about it understanding how to write up a resume so it would hit enough keywords to get past a computer and into a person's hands now you need to do this just to get into the large pile of resumes to be mined by computer we were at the mall we're sitting next to a group teens who i guess learned about the no salt on the fry's thing so you get fresh ones a girl had to wait for a new batch of fries while her friends were eating because she insisted on having no salt as she waited i sat and watched her pick out her friends salted fries because they were fresh if watching the incredibles 300 times with my child taught me anything it's that when everyone's super evil jason lee laugh no one will be a college degree is an example of that master's degrees are the new bachelor's degree feeding your homework to your dog shopping at trader joe's on the weekdays 14-point commas i've had multiple teachers and professors tell me they'll check from day one it can work if you turn in the physical copy but submitting it online will almost guarantee getting caught i had free hbo for a decade from comcast used to call them and say i was going to cancel service unless they give me hbo free for six months i did that for so long that the last time i called the guy read a note that was added to my account saying i've been getting hbo for free since 2009 and that i should be transferred to the counselling service folks if i ask for it again now i just watch hbo shows on 123 movies sorry that was my friend lol sorry that was my friend's dong lol talking to the manager was once an honest hearted method of kindly discussing an advanced issue with someone in the chain of command who can make decisions now it's just something that baby boomers immediately request when they want something i've been a manger in restaurants before and it's insane how true this is like no i'm not going to comp your entire meal that you ate more than half of just because you didn't like it using someone's first name several times after meeting them in conversation in order to get them to like and trust you more it may now even have the opposite effect demo it's still a good tactic but as with everything a lot of people overdo it once is enough a few years back if you left a cell phone charger at a hotel you could go to the front desk and ask to see their box of lost and found charges i lost a cell phone charger in my room when i was here last time some hotels would bring out a box and you could go through it now they all know that it's a profit center and high margin so they sell cell phone chargers in the gift shop and the box of free charges is usually gone i actually just used this a few weeks ago i legit forgot my charger at home went down to the front desk and told them they had won and lost and found so i returned it when i was done for the next idiot that forgets it enlarging the period font size in your papers for college and maybe high school idk now everything is times new roman 12 point with double spaces and one margins they're cracking down on that buying the original iphone and activating the default contract which gave unlimited data and keep it as a grandfather contract what super couponers if you consider their practice a life hack my stepmother is one nowhere near tv level but once those tv shows came out all the companies that put out coupons rolled back on giving them out and made them super specific editing the formatting on a paper to make it longer when word processing first came out since not everyone knew you could do these things there was exploitation of the formatting to extend certain non-obvious components of a paper like the period at the end of a sentence now everybody has to take classes on these programs and it's all known also the people grading you on your papers are the ones who grew up with these tools we know all the tricks what improved your quality of life so much you wish you did it sooner walking after years of trying to run i simply started walking five seven miles a day in good weather it is literally life changing in terms of mental and physical health that's great i'll probably start doing the same i love running but it's starting to hurt the joints as i get older i've heard that walking three miles burns more calories than running one mile so i feel that this will be my solution adopted my block adapt on a block org instead of being sad about trash everywhere i go out a couple times a week with a grabber and a bucket and just clean it up fresh air a chance to connect with neighbors in a positive way eyes on the street neighborhood looks nicer and feels safer zero downside adapt on a block might only be in oregon but a picker is like 20 bucks for a good one i recommend archimed brand they're metal inside and last forever and five gallon buckets are everywhere even if you only do the block around your house it makes a huge difference imagine if every block got adopted swallowed my pride and got a blue collar job for almost 20 years i followed my mother's advice work inside so it's warm when it's cold outside and cool when it's warm outside now i deliver packages outside and the weather doesn't bother me i have no boss on my shoulder and i can do my job however i want it's quite freeing office jobs remind me of school and i hate sitting still i feel most productive when i have real physical results in front of me i have never actually had a corporate job but it seems like monotonous heck taking a yearly vacation my family never traveled growing up so i didn't know what i was missing out on but i have a good paying job with time off benefits and my wife and i have been taking a vacation every year since we got married even if it's just something simple the time away from the usual day-to-day does wonders cpap machine if you snore at all you owe it to yourself to get a sleep study and see what is going on it literally changed my life getting one i went from constant caffeine throughout the day just to function to feeling rested for the first time in years especially if you are overweight like i am your heart is stopping multiple times an hour as you struggle to breathe while snoring it sucks getting used to the machine especially if you have to wear the full face mask but man that first night of actual deep sleep will be life-changing i cannot recommend it enough and i have convinced at least five people that i know to get one and they all say the same thing should have done it years ago quit my job and moved to the mountains i realized i cared more about what i did with my free time than whatever work i did so i got a job where my so and i wanted to live but we live in a cute mountain town now and every day watching the sunrise at home gives me 1 000 more happiness than anything ever in illinois adapted my house as a wheelchair user it's tiny little things like being able to get under sinks that give you so much more independence and makes life that little bit easier my father wasn't in a wheelchair user but he had a wheelchair adapted house and it was nice the layout was spacious and you could sit in a regular chair at the kitchen counter to chop your vegetables i got what i jokingly call a nose job fixed a deviated septum and removed a lot of cysts the ability to breath e is amazing when they removed the packing after the surgery i was giddy i mean my wife and i were in a huge fight at the time and i was practically giggling during it no more sinus infections solid sleep at night better sense of smell it is freaking awesome quality work shoes boots i would go buy the cheapest walmart boots and they would be trash in a few months and i would constantly be sore i now own multiple pairs of carolina logging boots and it's incredible i have a pair i bought in 2014 that are still waterproof i need to get them resold and i bet i get another few years out of them we should really saw that with anyone entering the trades yes it hurts to drop a couple hundred on great boots but they last so much longer than cheapest they almost cover in the long run plus saving your feet a quality mattress a quality chair 30 minutes of exercise daily eating at the same time daily good hydration and seven eight hours of sleep i wish i knew thoughts were fleeting most of the several thousand a day aren't helpful learning to be in the moment and being more conscious i have intrusive thoughts anxiety and being able to tell my brain to shut up is a big step good for you i completely purged my closet and went marie condo on it the amount of anxiety that left me was palpable weird but it was great daily face wash that has bent oil peroxide in it i somehow managed to go nearly 40 years with annoying acne and nobody not one god damned person in my life was like oh hey you use dove soap on your face dude that crap has no benzo you gotta find one with the bends that one sentence would have absolutely changed my teens 20s and early 30s i haven't had a pimple in years now having my feet repaired pro-life tip if you think a toe is broken seek medical attention and have it x-rayed don't make the mistake of simply taping neighboring toes together assuming that's all the doctor could do anyway i made this mistake when i was 19 21 years later and i am still paying for it doctors have advised that it is too f k to rebreak and reset i have broken many bones but this toe injury is the one that always catches me when i am on a hike run on the golf course even playing with my kids frick that toe doctor visits glasses purchased crippling ocd managed sleep apnea found untreated teeth fixed i'm a new person i feel better now than i did in my 20s don't sleep on getting a good general practitioner doing routine visits and coming to them with problems cries in american seeing a dermatologist for my psoriasis in february i started mtx therapy methotrexate and folic acid and three months later i was 90 psoriasis free at this moment nine months later i am 98 psoriasis free after a couple years having bad dermatitis on my hands i finally went to a dermatologist turns out literally all i needed was a stronger steroid than the gp could prescribe and a good hand cream dermatitis cleared up in about a month quit drinking everything else came with that early mornings exercise weight loss rebuilding relationships remembering everything always able to conceive our first baby is due this christmas i'm just happy even on the bad days i'm still 100 times happier than on my best drunken days i'm three weeks alcohol free of my 60 day goal i am in love with my mornings now i'm up by 6 am lazy coffee then exercise learning how to set healthy boundaries and say no giving up on toxic people and removing them from my life not arguing with stupid walking 10 000 steps every day instead of commuting an hour each way every day i filled that time with walking down from 225 to 170 since the start of the pandemic estrangement from toxic family i hear here cut off contact with my folks about 10 years ago coincidentally managed to find a decent job and travel more afterwards without feeling guilty for living my own life it only confirmed i've done the right thing when one of them sent me a message one day saying you're nothing without your family i don't reply but i'm everything without them i set my own bar for success decent headphones not too expensive but better than the cheapest available ones sound is better and they don't break easily sennheiser ftw waking up earlier before work proper coffee and relaxation time is more important than another couple hours of night time gaming i quit smoking same i slip up every now and then but each time i realize more and more how disgusting it tastes and smells got a dishwasher year passed i had been using it incorrectly so i assumed all dishwashers sucked and washing by hand were superior turns out it was user error making sure that tap is hot before starting the machine making sure the trap is clean and nozzles are not blocked putting one tablespoon of vinegar in each wash and buying semi-decent dishwasher detergent made all the difference in the world now my dishes look just as good as if i had washed them by hand and more importantly i save upwards of 45 minutes each day after making diner for five people going to the gym daily lost my fat butt in a year and i am now finally being the person i want to be or at least i look like him good job a good ergonomic chair no more back pain working from home i am unsure if i will ever take another office job i mean who knows i am not going to let it get in the way of making a living but if i have to look for a new job i will actively be looking for wfh commute stress me the frick out i love being home to bake bread make stock with scraps vacuum in my break eat from the fridge at lunch life is cheaper and more fulfilling for me working from home i am happier i sleep longer i wake up and start my day stress free using a little stool to elevate my legs while pooping almost like you were squatting you don't even need to push that much it's so much easier oh and changing my bed pillow squatty potty spoiled me i used to make fun of them now i dislike using the toilet without one off brand is fine too or a stool anything to sit your feet on electric toothbrush i must have really sucked at brushing as i typically had a cavity every year or two now it's been four years cavity free and my teeth look great i don't have dreams of crumbling teeth anymore if you've never tried a water pick you're gonna love it buying a pressure cooker i went my entire life up to my mid twenties not knowing pressure cookers exist my wife then fiance told me to get one instead of waiting eight hours for a slow cooker to do its job since then i can make most of the same meals in the pressure cooker as the slow cooker in a fraction of the time life-changing to say the least need to know your go-to meals my friend i got one and i always forget to use it i stopped negative self-talk if i wouldn't say it to a friend i don't say it to myself my confidence has shot through the roof i heard a tip that when you're trying to stop negative self-talk you should make it sound like a chipmunk voice in your head so that it's easier to discredit and dismiss change my mindset from do they like me two do i like them you have to cure it the people you keep around you as seriously as you choose that perfect movie for movie night the people you spend the most time with other people you will be the most like if being around them makes you happy then don't lose them if you dislike them or don't trust them let them go finding out i have generalized anxiety disorder and worrying and being stressed 24 strokes 7 iced normal now on ssri and i finally can feel how normal people feel agreed found out i was bipolar 2 years ago meds have improved my life 100 and now i can be happily stable late to this party but getting an ostomy some backstory i was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 19 years old after dealing with digestive issues for about four years i tried everything i changed my diet multiple times vegan gluten free sugar free oil free paleo cato you name it i tried it i went through every available medication pills injectables infusions steroids legit chemotherapy homeopathic and natural remedies chinese herbs acupuncture dry brushing colonic nothing came close to putting me in remission the only relief i got was on high doses of prednisone that came with a whole set of its own terrible side effects after 10 years of doing everything in my power and trying all available options i was told that my large intestine had to go and if we're being honest i was so defeated that i said just take it little did i know that cutting out that [ __ ] colon would change my life entirely i woke up from my total colectomy and cried not from pain but because i immediately felt better i was overwhelmed by how amazing i felt and a little saddened that i waited so long and suffered so much for nothing so many people can't even fathom living with an awesome bag but i wasn't and wouldn't be living without it i am happier and healthier than ever my friends and family can't keep up with my energy i can eat again and i am no longer pumping my body full of literal poison just to try and stay alive so i guess long story short myeolostomy is the best thing that ever happened to me and i wish someone would have told me at 19 to just do it i lost so many years trapped in my bathroom dying and now i get to truly live so i will spend every single day making up for lost time this may be a weird one but i started purchasing nice fitted clothing in a wide variety of colors a while ago i lost about 20ish pounds and noticed most of my clothing didn't fit anymore and basically all my clothing was navy gray and black purchasing clothes that fit me and make me feel cute in a lot of different fun colors just make me feel better [Music] setting aside a proper savings account of last year then this year i began shoving money in my savings and now i've got a vacation fund one moving 2 000 miles away from my mother 25 years ago 2 buying a new home last year we chose one with a floor plan that was better suited to our needs every time i left home it reminded me how damaging my relationship with my parents was to my mental health i moved into an apartment on the other side of the country with a friend a few weeks ago and can finally be myself a rolling walker who cares if i'm 30 and look like grandma i can walk my dog i can go to the store i can go outside and walk to the park without being in pain and i have a seat whenever i need it plus the basket is super handy getting back on my adhd meds after being off of them for 15 years my brain freaking works again and i'm so mad i didn't do it seven years earlier when i got insurance getting an adhd diagnosis for me took way too long and way too much money to get a good psychiatrist but it was worth it retirement should have done it much sooner blood pressure down lost weight no longer stress out can now talk to people without wanting to kill them taking better care of my teeth one i didn't know to angle my toothbrush into my gums and to not brush back and forth with an electric toothbrush but rather slowly really slowly drag the brush along the gum line it's okay to brush back and forth on top two as for flossing i had no idea you want it to fit under both sides of tooth on the gums i always thought flossing was just to get food out of your teeth i switched dentist and my new hygienist explained all this to me for the first time at 33 years old i've been brushing and flossing for 33 years wrong and the brushing was wearing my gum lines down bacteria or gingovitis is linked with alzheimer's increased risk heart disease and all other kinds of health issues a simple three-minute explanation changed my life forever drinking the recommended amount of water each day i never drank water unless i was thirsty i went and got a massage for my birthday in april and was told how beneficial it is to stay hydrated and since then i've been a water freak i'm 39 i see a fellow hydro homie keep on chugging this is coming from a man who has a devouring mother if anyone is in the same kind of bow tie was please do yourself the favor and leave the relationship or at least distance yourself to where you feel is good my mother would verbally abuse me telling me i'll never amount to anything or be anything in life like my deadbeat dad she let my stepdad to die in the hospital and left him with nothing it goes on but the point is you're your own human being who deserves everything in life you want and no matter who or what it is don't let them stop you from being you and achieving greatness i'm just a student in 10th grade but i realized studying daily and deleting people from my life who are toxic towards me and my close ones are some things i should have done like three years ago your way ahead of the curve taking advantage of the nearby linear trail nature trail for daily walks it's a great way to observe nature get exercise and meet new people dyed my hair purple and green i'm physically disabled and i thought i was okay with the stairs until the stairs down at my chair turned into grins as they look up at my hair total self-esteem changer redditors what is the worst life hack you have ever tried and have you ever tried one with terrible consequences tried that one that says putting tea bags on your eyes depicts them when i was about 13 however they did not specify black tea so my dumbass uses an apple cinnamon tea cinnamon is a minor irritant so i had red tea bag shaped rectangles around my eyes for a few hours similar i had a cold sore on my lip and read that tea bags would help it go away so i put some moist black tea bags on my lip for like an hour they stain the cold sore a very dark brown color i am so pale i'm almost translucent it was not good and i couldn't leave the house for a while until it all washed off which took many painful washings my friend tried that thing going around on facebook about microwaving your phone if you get water in it i couldn't stop laughing long enough to be of any help to her i can't believe so many people fell for this especially since almost everyone knows putting metal in the microwave equals bad not so much a life hack has a really crappy home remedy but about 15 years ago i had gallstones really bad i found some home remedy that said drinking a whole cup of olive oil straight up would grease them enough to make them pass right through with a little pop i tried it wishing for anything to ease the pain 30 seconds later i puked to the point of dry heaving now i had gall stone pain and sore ribs abs and lower back and my mouth tasted like i just puked a bucket of pee i just went and laid down and cried it's funny because if you have gallstones you are supposed to avoid eating fats and oils the reason is that the gallbladder contains bile which is used to digest fat so when your gut detects fat oil from food it triggers the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the gut so if you have gall stones and or an inflamed gallbladder that contraction hurts like heck a cousin of mine nearly burned his hand off and housed down following some youtube video to take a battery apart to get little batteries from inside he was maybe a simple cousin broke a light blub in the socket did a quick google search eventually i found someone that removed it using a potato cut in half i basically ended up with grated potato everywhere hashbrown time pinterest will tell you to chuck your toilet brush up into a drill motor and give a heck admittedly i've never tried this because i have zero interest in creating a crap tornado in my bathroom but it's about the worst idea i've heard in a while if you need a power drill to clean your toilet you may want to consider eating some vegetables and whole grains putting chapstick on your eyelids makes you high i couldn't find chapstick so i went to the next best thing the tiger balm extra strength pain relieving ointment my god was i in pain and never doing that again as a teenager i read that olive oil is good for dry scalp i put a ton of low quality that is smelly olive oil in my hair the smell didn't wash out for weeks i did the same thing it promised me glossy hair i had to wrap my oil soaked hair in an old towel for 10 minutes then shampoo it took me about four separate shampoos before it stopped looking like a limp greasy mess i tried the life hack where you turn your toaster sideways to easily make grilled cheese yeah small fire happened and now the toaster has lived in my garden for about a year now i remember reading on a thread that a teenage dude thought that spray on bandage would be a good alternative when he didn't have condoms not even a man and i'm cringing i once saw a beauty hack that said you should hold your eyelash curler under the blow dryer for 10 seconds so your lashes curl more i burned my eyelashes off that was seven years ago and i swear they've only just recently grown back completely that sounds like a nightmare i sometimes warm my eyelash curler up by sticking it in my bra for a few minutes while i do the rest of my face it seems to work my friend read somewhere that if you rubbed your own ball sweat on you girls would be subconsciously attracted to you because of pheromones i was intrigued but skeptical so i decided to see how it worked for him he did not get laid that day but did achieve smelling like ball sweat all day at school i never gave it a go my ex heard that there was pheromones in pee that would attract females he decided that more was better he collected his pee for a few weeks and then decided to boil it down to a concentrate that he could use to pick up chicks his parents weren't home so he got boiling he boiled pee all day he didn't open any windows or turn on any fans i'm not really sure how but the entire inside of the house was covered in stinky pea steam almost totaled off the house according to his dad they had to redo the walls and the flooring once tried to use butter as tanning lotion melted a stick in a coffee mug and had a buddy of mine rubbed me down i read it online while sitting by the pool it didn't work at all i tried that life hack where you use a lighter to pop dents out of ping pong balls well it ended up catching on fire and i burned a hole in my mills carpet i tried to make my own fleshlight when i was younger by using body wash and a pillow folded up the body wash had tons of those mini hard cleaning beads never again resulted in pain a messy pillow and had to shower again in my shame i also cut a hole in a watermelon to have sex with it it was cold and unpleasant had to throw the whole thing out my father later asked me what happened to the watermelon i didn't respond man i know the feeling of being a frisky teenager i used to shag the edge of my bed between mattress and the bit below and also poked a hole through a pikachu toy omg that toy was violated i remember a long while back someone on reddit suggested wiping your butt standing up as a life hack there were a number of people who chimed in and said this was the way they've always done it and both sides were amazed that the other existed but it seemed like everyone who tried it standing up for the first time thought it was awful and usually got crap on their balls i read this one a few months ago on reddit and i said out loud wtf some people stand up to wipe their butt my wife was in the room and just looked blankly at me and said how else would you do it three words home bikini epilator using this tool correctly is actually just as awful as mishandling it the diy aspect does not improve anything that sounds like it was about as much fun as the home bikini wax i tried the paper ripped off the wax and i was stuck with tacky wax like substance that took most of my skin off with it when i was finally able to remove it with a combination of rubbing alcohol and extremely abrasive exfoliators on a loofah the whole if you want someone date someone else to make them jealous yes it worked no it was not great it ended in ruin and i'll never think that way again when i was a teenager i got impetigo my mum read on some message board that you could get rid of it by scrubbing your face using vinegar i tried to argue against it but she wouldn't listen and insisted on scrubbing the scabs away with this really rough flannel soaked in vinegar the burning was like nothing i have experienced imagine somebody rubbing vinegar into an open wound i went to the doctors the next day and she proudly told them that she had tried the vinegar thing and they looked at her with a look of horror and were like yay that's not something we would advise i got impetigo when i was in second grade it was horrible and i feel awful for you if you use peanut butter to get gum out of a kid's hair now you have to find something that will remove the peanut butter or they will smell like a pbj for a week my dad used mineral oil that worked better than anything else there's one that comes up on pinterest a bunch it suggests using sticky hooks in the inside of a cabinet to hold up lids to your pants mother freaking glue came unstuck and the lid fell on my gd toe broke the sucker too i love how you censored god damn down to gd but left sucker as is heard via radio show that you can use bleach when you hand wash dishes to make them cleaner read the back of my dish soap didn't see any warnings so i dumped a cap full of bleach in my soapy dishwater the smell was awful and i started getting light-headed unplug the sink vented the apartment and went outside for a while found out later that i had made chlorine gas looked up what went wrong turns out there's a big difference between adding bleach to dishwater and rinsing dishes with bleach water took me longer than i'm willing to admit to realize you didn't have some kind of fancy electric sink i wanted lighter hair for summer and used lemons for it when i was 13 about seven years ago bad move hair was dry staying on the hair theme i put banana in my hair because 17 magazine said it would leave it soft and silky when i was 15. while guests ranking what it was impossible to wash out and i had to pick banana clumps out of my quacking hair for flip in three weeks i had rotten banana in my hair lesson of this girl's lifetime don't listen to 17 magazines life hacks bunch of teddy pickers i read that egg wash was great for your hair cracked an egg on my head in the shower rinsed with hot water yep i had to pick cooked eggs out of my hair not fun you would think i had learned my lesson nope heard beer was great for your hair again in a hot shower poured some over my head got transdermally drunk and shower fun times opening a bottle of wine with a screwdriver when i didn't have a corkscrew shattered the neck of the bottle sliced open my hand and needed stitches and i'll take dumbass drunk decisions for 800. alex hum it is strange screwdriver and screw and pliers was my way to open anything with a cork for several years never had any problems with that i followed the advice of a russian life hacker youtube video to make an air conditioner with dry ice and fans i didn't realize that this creates carbon dioxide which is highly poisonous it was so hot out i wanted the air conditioner to keep my dog cool while i was out of the house the combo i never got another dog after him he died because i was a gullible idiot and if he hadn't of died then i probably would have by using it the only comfort is that it was painless you really can't trust stuff you just find on the internet just for clarification c02 isn't poisonous it just displaces the air in the room causing suffocation a light bulb broke in my ceiling light and i read you can get one out by sticking in a carrot and unscrewing what was left of the bulb it got lodged into the bottom half of the shattered light bulb and i had to call the super to get the carrot bulb out of the ceiling i was worried we'd lose our deposit renting means you'll never get that deposit back anyway though i used chipotle hacks to get more burrito for my buck the extra food isn't worth the weight gain and health problems that resulted go on iodine and baby oil hair removal it is supposed to be like nair didn't remove a single hair and stained my legs yellow read somewhere that leaving mayo in your hair for a little bit will help moisturize it didn't have mayo but i had miracle whip and decided to leave it in overnight to let it really soak in i could not get the smell out of my hair for a week i also read that to make easy grilled cheese put cheese slices on bread and into the toaster destroyed the toaster and almost burned the house down i am not a smart person i once saw one that suggested instead of buying expensive binoculars just stand closer to what you wish to view you know stand closer to those birds climb right on down onto the field at a baseball game leap off the top of the grand canyon what could go wrong walks closer to the moon when i was the and 15 i wanted to get high bc in high school at school so with no way of getting weed i decided to try oregano like a lot of people say but i didn't want to smoke it because i would smell like oregano forever so i decided to drink it water didn't drink the taste down so i trued coke then milk for some reason i thought that was a good idea i proceeded to vomit for three hours straight didn't get high mom thought i was dying lesson learned putting any of the following on my face are skin care from bulls youtubers who don't know crap but pedal to young impressionable girls i was 13 lemon juice cinnamon and baking soda i tried a life hack that said to put your toaster on its side to make cheese on toast easily i literally set part of my kitchen on fire my mum had to replace the work surfaces because i burnt a hole in it freaking buzzfeed tried the opener wine bottle with a shoe thing at 4am and seven cops showed up at the door responding to a call of domestic violence heard that turmeric was good for the skin so i made a homemade face mask with turmeric and yogurt my face was yellow orange for some hours which i spent trying to clean it off i tried sticking ice cubes in the brand new dryer because i heard it helped the wrinkle didn't even get to see if it worked before my dad lost his crap when he found out why the dryer was making that noise i've done this one numerous times it works flawlessly for me the shake the water off your hands thing so you can dry them with only one paper towel flung my wedding band down the drain on my first day of work luckily i got it back thanks to a speedy plumber i tried to clean the blender after making a smoothie so i put some boiling water and washing up liquid in it i put the lid on press the on button and the lid shot off i got a face full of boiling water and went blind for a few minutes completely recovered now but i haven't made a smoothie since i say the freaking wet wipes toilet paper hack that radit loves to jerk over real life pro tip if the packaging says some crap like safe to flush up to four at a time or something they are not freaking safe to flush go live in an old apartment where some neighbor of yours clog the plumbing system and you had actual crap backing up out of multiple units in the complex then come tell me how awesome of a hack it is have you heard of the one about putting cheese on a piece of bread then turning your toaster sideways that lit my toaster on fire i had scorch marks on the bottom of my kitchen cabinet and no one noticed made okay grilled cheese with minimal effort though don't know if it's a life hack but i took ice and put it all over my sinuses nose and eyelids to open up my nose during the flu the burning oh god the exquisite pain i didn't do it but i was looking up ways to stop sweating on my upper lip when i have makeup on this [ __ ] suggested that you put salt and ice on the sweaty area to stop it i'll just stick with sweaty upper lip i tried the drinking diluted vinegar will help you lose weight ugh even diluted the vinegar water was so acidic and awful i had heartburn for a few days afterward a few years later i saw this natural remedies list on my mills bulletin board a cure for heartburn was drinking diluted vinegar i laughed so hard at that boiling milk in a kettle a group of us were on holiday in a rented house and i did this for some hot chocolate everything seemed all right it was good hot chocolate then the pungent smell hit the kitchen the next day we didn't realize what had gone wrong at first when we did my ass was the book of the joke for six months straight time's running out need to do these dishes dress and leave the house in five minutes see the blender sitting there all nasty with crap remember the life hack about the soap and water blending technique fill it up put it on there didn't know you had to hold it down and the soap and water went everywhere on the table on the food in the toaster everywhere the neighbor kid drowned because after his dad accidentally dropped his fishing pole in the pond in order to recover the pole he let his dad weigh him down with cement bricks and stick a garden hose in his mouth to breathe through while he sunk down to get the pole he was 15. what are some unethical and possibly illegal life hacks my dad was a private investigator when i was a kid 85 of his job consisted of just sitting in his truck waiting for someone to come out of somewhere if there was no free parking available he would just park wherever he wanted and then put four traffic cones around his truck eventually he even got a hard hat and one of those fluorescent vests construction workers wear and threw them in the bed of his truck to make it look like the truck belonged to a construction worker he never once got a ticket need references for your job interview have a friend fake it just make it believable and don't pick something you shouldn't be doing references are just people who don't know you calling people they don't know for information they can't confirm if you're otherwise qualified there's no reason it should be a barrier my friend tried this once and used me as a reference ended up on a half an hour call with a third-party fact-checker the fact checker happened to be my neighbor's mom my friend got the job but it was a terrible experience all around this one isn't really illegal but if you go to dunkin donuts about 30 minutes before closing time they will give you all their leftover donuts if you ask if you don't they just throw them away sadly all the ones by me are open 24 hours long so i can do unethical things now this won't apply to all parking garages but i used to park at one where right before i paid my ticket at that vending machine type doohickey i would walk back to the entrance gate press the button for another ticket and pay instead with the new one i would be charged according to my stay of 30 seconds when in reality i had been there for hours i went to a university where the student-to-parking ratio was extremely terrible you would basically have to show up two hours before class if you lived off campus to get a parking spot personally i lived on campus so for me parking wasn't that bad unless i left the campus before 5 p.m so every time i walk to my car later in the day i noticed that a parking spot right in the front prime piece of parking always had an orange cone on it there was nothing wrong with it it just had an orange cone later that semester i had to go get something out of my car in the morning and see a guy drive up to the cone spot get out of his car put the cone in the trunk and proceed to park turns out this guy has been doing this for months using the cone to reserve his spot apparently no one ever questions or moves the cone when he places it back on the parking spot when he leaves tld dr guy used an orange cone to reserve prime parking spot no one ever questioned it at a red box put in the promotion code red box brick room or break room most places get one free movie a day for their break room for having the machine on site and don't utilize this if nobody has used that code within 24 hours it you're free if your lie embarrasses yourself people are more likely to believe it cindy thinks you ate the last cookie you couldn't have because you had awful diarrhea the key is to be as hesitant to give this excuse as you can be i could have sworn i had one more cookie cindy i've been crapping all day in my experience a pizza hut or other pizza company hat shirt and bag will get you more places than the uniform of say a copper-armed courier because nobody would impersonate a pizza guy but would impersonate a cop also not illegal to impersonate a pizza guy definitely illegal to impersonate a cop was just talking to my wife who sells cars tonight learned that you can roll negative equity from a previous car into a lease total your new car and only be on the hook for your insurance premium so here's an unethical illegal example of the above own a car that is only worth fifteen thousand dollars but for which you owe twenty five thousand dollars you have ten thousand dollars negative equity in your car lease a new car and roll in your negative equity the dealership will take your old car pay the bank for your old car and charge you some additional amount on your lease to make up for the 10 k in negative equity you rolled in now drive off the lot and total the car you will have to pay the deductible on your car insurance typically 500 but you will be excused from your lease which means you were able to unload 10 k worth of debt for 500. this is an example of insurance fraud by adding a random one-way third leg onto a round-trip flight you can sometimes fool the airline into dropping the fuel charges that usually add 300.400 onto the ticket it's called a fuel dump by frequent flyers buy never con amazon turn it into a rep-up with caliber which creates another copy then return the book i've only ever used this for university textbooks those guys deserve it for the prices they put up if you create a live linux usb stick you can boot from that and access any unencrypted files on any machine running windows 7 or earlier if you have physical access to an unencrypted machine you can almost always access its files can be done easily for windows linux and os x i'm not sure about the less common ones like bsd though this is not illegal and is only slightly unethical whenever i see a 1 800 number on a product i call the number and make some sort of complaint i like to show that i like the company i am calling but that the product i have wasn't satisfactory i don't ask for anything i just want to complain so that they can get better at their jobs this works even better is the complaint is real usually at the end of the call they ask you to provide your name and address i always give a fake name fake phone number and fake email but my real address i've received tons of free stuff coupons letters of thanks and sometimes i will get a check for the value of the product as a refund this also works sometimes if you try the opposite you call the 1 800 number and start praising them saying how much you love their product and that you will be a client for life you can use an empty visa rewards bank card to make in-flight purchases the cards cannot be run while in flight so all transactions are completed once you land so you can receive any item you want for free there is no way to track the failed transaction because your information is not tied to the card my friend is a pilot and i have done this for years but it could be tied to your seat number which most likely is tied to your info holy crap r.i.p inbox also highest comment thanks all if you dress up in a clown costume and walk through the mcdonald's drive-through they'll give you all the money in the cash register if you're holding a gun asking for an answer on reddit will often get you nothing so mention the wrong answer and you are almost guaranteed to get the right one because people are more eager to prove others wrong than help a stranger bonus when submitting oc don't say you made it say your wife girlfriend made it cunningham's law comma the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question it's to post the wrong answer if you have to bury a body bury it then fill in the hole halfway put in a dead animal and fill the hole when sniffer dogs find it police will dig down and find the dog call it a false alarm and keep going unethical and possibly illegal this guy if you have to bury a body some dude wrote a book about life hacks his best one back when the gov was rolling out the new one dollar sir caju coin you could buy them from a gov website and get them shipped tax free to your house with no s h charge it was the gov way of encouraging circulation so this guy uses a high yield mileage cc to buy about five thousand dollars worth every other day and simply takes them straight to the bank to deposit into his account no money spent millions of free miles pressing 0 for a human when the greeting has kindly asked you to listen to the entire message before pressing anything if you swear a lot too it can detect it occasionally and get you a human organic foods look a heck of a lot like regular foods at the self checkout new blender nope just a lot of idaho potatoes sorry mom i thought this ps4 was bananas want free lunch or even to make a few extra dollars and look like the office hero when flyers for various restaurants come out they often have buy one get one free coupons in them tell everyone in the workplace you are going to go to x to pick up lunch take orders and money for said orders used 241 coupons pocket the difference when we were teens we used to go to the movies on busy nights in large groups two people would buy tickets enter the theater one person would head back outside with the two stubs and bring a third person in third person would exit with both stubs and bring a fourth person in we sometimes repeated this until we had over a dozen people in the theater for the price of two tickets the ushers never saw the same face more than twice we just opened the exit door to go directly outside for other people when you have drugs on you also carry a helium balloon with you at all times if you get busted by the cops attach the drugs to the balloon and let go the police will not be able to find the drugs and they probably will get fired for shooting at a balloon unless you use a black balloon it's so stupid it might actually work when applying for a job online submit two or three fake resumes along with yours that are equally impressive when you and the other candidates get called in you will be the only one to show up for the interview also you might want to submit them through different ips or locations go to walmart and get a six pack of ibc root beer take the bottles out and put whatever beer you want into it as long as it's a brown bottle then go through the self checkout you get a six pack for six ish bucks regardless of your age got a cracked windshield drive around on the highway for a bit and find a rock truck call the number on the back and tell them a rock flew out and broke your windshield sometimes they will pay for a replacement i'm quite late but i figured i'd share my dad once told me this when i started to apply to jobs and amp colleges if there is a list of things that are posted on the site of what you are applying for copy and paste them into your application with white text if it's run over by a computer it will catch it and send it to the interviewers getting you an instant interview if all applications are looked over by people it won't be seen at the bottom and won't matter to them photo copy the out of order signs at the computer lab so you can reserve one for yourself later if you have a problem with it being full disclaimer i have never actually tried this if a married person or the opposite sex is telling you the bad stuff about their spouse you can bang them this is actually so true it's unsettling i've noticed that it only takes about two or three prompts spread out temporarily to instill a false memory in someone struggling to write cv or can't get a particular job post fake job offerings on websites such as indeed co-uk for that position you're interested in and watch the cv's resumes pour in which you can then copy for your own advantage did this in college buy all your textbooks and keep the receipts return to the store later that day or a few days later most bookstores don't give 100 refunds after the first week grab the book you bought off the shelf take the book to the cashier and tell them you want to return it and show your receipt if they require a reason say you drop the class or are sharing the book with a friend get money back and leave never paid for books and got money back on resale at the end of the term most cashiers they have especially at the beginning of the term when you are buying books are temporary student workers who don't give a crap most of b-time holy crap no way this works if you're ever traveling and forget your cell charger cable just go into any hotel and ask to check they're lost and found there will be a box full of cables you may want to act like you stayed there previously i tried this and they asked for my name and room number if you're going to the movie theater hide snacks in your pockets unless the theater explicitly bans food from the room it's totally fine usually and most employees don't get paid enough to care get caught and really want to be unethical if they tell you to throw it away just make up a condition that would require you to intake more food diabetics and hippoglycemics need sugar i have a friend who did this a couple of times when he was broke and reasoned that some things just cost too dang much we went to a store and he bought something that he needed like printer ink or whatever later he goes back to the store with just the receipt leaving the item he bought with me he picks up a new one off the shelf and returns that at the register with some bogus explanation like it wasn't the right kind or whatever so he gets the money back for an item that they never sold it's basically a harder to spot form of sharp lifting i think this is the reason why some stores have their return places outside the entry my friend is a sneaky and morally corrupt sob invent a social or political perspective made up mostly of lies but peppered with truthful or trophy insights network with at least a few people who believe you because they want to believe something this is you're a group as you're a group grows you collect a b group of people who follow you because they can't believe how full of crap you are tell you're a group that a bash at you is a bash at all of them and that b group simply lacks the courage or genius to see the truth tm make up clever nicknames for members of your b group watch both groups grow in proportion to each other sell some merch and find some sponsors now you're pundit you can ring up anything at a self checkout as bananas by entering the blue code 4011 as long as the weight is accounted for the machine won't know if that's bananas imported african coffee or prime metha [ __ ] rib you'll still be paying 0.49 clb i do 94 011 for organic bananas costs a few cents more but it's better for the environment in canada if you chose the french option when calling any call center it will put you through to someone who also speaks english instead of the outsourced foreigners who can barely speak english this is something i think most places wouldn't want you to know as they have to pay a living wage for these workers want a free breakfast stop by a local hotel that offers free continental breakfast did it just this week orange juice was watered down but they had a waffle maker need to return something to a retail store out of warranty buy the same thing swap out the old item in the new item box and return with your handy receipt naturally this won't work with items with a serial number like a ps4 but i haven't paid for hair clippers in like four years you can go to college pretty much for free as a teenager if you run down to the courthouse with a friend and get a marriage certificate you could even annul the marriage right after submitting your fafsa it knocks your parents income off of your federal aid calculations and as you're probably broke you can then get plenty in grants i jokingly tried to sell my girlfriend at the time on this her mother was not amused in hindsight that marriage probably would have fared better than my actual first marriage people rarely question the guy in the big yellow florescent jacket hard hat and or clipboard optional depending on circumstances when someone says have a nice day don't say you too hoard everyone's nice days until you are immortal on nice days other people's nice days if you want more than one glass of water but don't have any more water just drink the first glass twice free batteries i recently needed a battery for my thermometer none of the stores around me sold the right battery and i didn't have time to wait on amazon just to take my temperature i bought a replacement thermometer swapped batteries and then return the new thermometer how to actually deal with unwanted boners flex every muscle in your legs especially your quads for at least 30 seconds as hard as you can when you relax blood will rush from the boner to your legs works every time can be done standing up but works best when seated a basic we is a game pirates dream machine with a few simple procedures which you can find fairly well documented and thoroughly explained with a simple google search you can install the homebrew channel on your wii once that's done you'll have access to loads of emulators basically giving you infinite free access to the entire libraries of the nez snez genesis sega cd game gear game boy color gba and ps1 as well as being able to play pirated gamecube and wii games so add a complete libraries of both of those systems to that machine as well if you're willing to invest in a reasonable large hard drive say two terabytes or do you can even go around with all of those games available to you at any time serious what are some life-saving tips you think people need to know and in what situation would they be used when walking in big five territory if you encounter lions don't run if they come towards you growling it's to say you are too close but they will not attack you just walk away slowly and don't lose sight of them or stand your ground intelligence is your biggest weapon then shout and clap your hands and they will run away or source and crew the wildlife guide with more than 10 encounters with wild lions in the last year seriously don't run also lions are way faster if you're being tied up puff yourself out as much as possible so it'll be easier to wiggle out off tense muscles inhale deep and stretch out your arms and legs to make more space that's what horses do to get a looser saddle strap on their belly if you're performing cpr on someone who stopped breathing heart has stopped don't stop until emts take the body away don't stop after two minutes thinking well that didn't work cpr typically won't cause the victim's heart to suddenly start and or for them to jerk awake it's mostly to force blood circulation to prevent brain death you're not forcing life into them you're preserving a corpse to keep a revivable state tips for cold weather dress in layers holds heat in better stay dry protect your feet hands and face if you plan on going long distances have a plan to move on top of the snow and let people know where you are going never go on ice unless it is at least four inches thick six inches if you have a snowmobile eight inches for a small car 12 inches for medium tracks clear ice is stronger than snow ice always watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia protecting your feet keeping them dry is huge in any survival situation if a service dog comes to you for attention immediately locate their owner they could be using a last-ditch effort to get help a few months ago when i was on a delivery for work i was stopped by a dog who ran out in the middle of the road residential i got out and tried to move the dog but it followed me all the way to the door of my delivery once i was done i checked the dog's tag to bring it home and i noticed he had all kinds of medical tags after i realized what the dog was trying to do i ran towards the correct address and the dog led me through a screen door on the porch his owner was passed out on the floor and i called 9-1-1 the individual had a phone brought by the dog by its head and a bag of medications by his side the dog had done everything it was trained to do but the person had passed out before it could do anything the ambulance came got his pulse back and took him to the hospital i don't know if he ended up surviving but if i hadn't checked the dog's tags and realized it was a medical animal i wouldn't have hurried blatantly invite myself in his house and ultimately get him to a point of survival someone get this dog a steak a person who is drowning doesn't look like people drowning on tv when someone is drowning they rarely cry out can't wave their arms around and will often just bob sink at the surface for a very little while often gasping before submerging don't expect it to look like the movies when you're keeping an eye on swimmers in the us and i think some other western countries you can notify your department of state that you are going overseas for free i think it is the smart traveler program this means an event of a natural disaster political issue etc they will know you need evacuation they also update you on the state of the country as time goes by so you don't accidentally collide with some trouble a lot of accidents happen just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time so if you're traveling it might be worth looking into also embassies consoles have emergency numbers they answer 24 hours a day save on your phone this phone number of your nearest embassy console when abroad if you get in many kinds of trouble with the police other legal issues medical stuff if you're a victim of a crime lost your passport etc they can help you much more effectively than your family friends back home can do not pull objects knife glass splinter etc from a deep wound they might be sealing or slowing flow from an artery or they might cut an artery when you pull them out put pressure around such an object to slow bleeding till emergency responders take over if it's in someone's eye don't pull it out wrap it to secure if possible cover both eyes to minimalize them trying to look around and cause damage if someone is choking but they are coughing talking do not intervene let them cough it out the ability to cough is a sign that air is able to get in and out and that they only have a partial obstruction in their airway if you try to intervene with the heimlich or back blows you could force it out or you could dislodge the blockage and cause a full obstruction obviously if they're not breathing or coughing then you should definitely administer back blows just remember to check in between each one in case you partially dislodge the object if you fall into water don't panic you don't have to be able to swim you just have to float hold your breath and let yourself bob to the surface if someone is in trouble in the water they will absolutely kill you in the mindless panic bring something with you a float a rope a towel and use that to bridge the gap between you so you can tow the person in if you must make direct contact come up from behind and slip your arm across the victim's chest pull the victims back to your chest and keep his her arms facing away from you i've been in the deep grip of a fat little eight-year-old and he nearly took me out if a panicked drowner does grab you do everything in your power to go down toward the bottom most will let go that's the last place they want to go recognize that even if you are both a strong swimmer and a trained rescuer you are still risking your own life if you go to the aid of a swimmer in trouble take it very seriously if you're stuck in a stampede as soon as you get knocked down your chances decrease significantly if this is the case however and you can't get up immediately assume a protective posture with your feet tucked up and your hands covering your head try to position your face in the direction the crowd is moving so you don't get kicked and try to get back on your feet asap this is by far one of my very worst fears holy crap i can't imagine how scary that would be i had a friend get lost and go down a logging road and get snowed in she was reported missing for several days when they found her she'd managed to keep herself alive by packing the single water bottle she had with her with snow placing it on the roof of her car and waiting for it to melt then she'd drink and repeat if she hadn't thought to do this she'd be dead she had frostbite on her toes but after several weeks of physical therapy made a full recovery i live near the gulf of mexico at the end of one of our beaches there is a waterway with a heinous rip current there are signs everywhere in many languages warning people not to get in that water to stay off the jetty every single year people drown there because they ignore those signs i was there every day last week and each time there were tourists climbing on the wet and slippery jetty despite the signs and the obviously wild water my tip is for people to obey warning signs they are there for a reason i wonder if we put a death counter sign or a days without an accident on this jetty sign if people would get the message better a few survival tips for mainly the desert but also a lot of places if you are lost in the desert or a lot of places for that matter the number one thing you can carry to increase your chances of being found is a small reflective mirror anytime a plane flies overhead you can reflect light towards them and you greatly increase your chances of being found this seriously is more important than carrying more water with you not that water doesn't help it's just not realistic to carry that much water on your back furthermore if you get stranded in the desert with a vehicle do not leave your vehicle to find people you are a lot harder to see than your vehicle and your car can provide shelter your car has some good reflective mirrors to signal with especially the rear view mirror people die all the time doing this often found only mere miles from their car finally the universal sign for needing to be rescued is waving two arms up and down if you wave only one arm to her passing plane you will not be helped or at least are less likely to be helped also because a few people have been wondering what to do if you can't use both of your arms there is another universal way to signal for help that is more versatile the way i can best describe it is three of anything quick signal three gunshots three whistle blows three flashes of a flashlight three flashes from a reflective mirror etc just make sure they are spaced widely enough at least one second and that you spend a considerable time before making your next three signals there have been many deaths that could have been prevented had this advice been followed i think if i was in a plane low enough to see a single person in the desert waving an arm in the middle of nowhere or next to a stopped vehicle i would probably report it anyway if you get caught in a rip current swim horizontally parallel to the shore at the fastest speed you can comfortably maintain don't worry that you're going further out eventually you'll be out of the current and can slowly head back inland try to swim against it and you'll just tire yourself until you drown also one of the ways to identify a rip current is to look out for gaps between the waves the karma gap between waves may look safer for you to play without worry about waves washing over your head or overtaking little timmy but a small patch of calm water in an otherwise choppy sea is often a rip current death from a rip current is completely avoidable when you're making a turn across oncoming traffic keep your wheels pointing straight ahead until the opportunity comes for you to make the turn if your wheels are facing into the turn and someone hits you from behind they will push you into the oncoming traffic and dead you will go ah finally something i can use if you work around stuff that can cast someone easy metal scrap sheet metal or really any factory or construction work wear a belt idc if you don't need one to hold your pants up a belt can be a quick easy turn okay and save a life source my belt saver life also always wear safety glasses and don't use gloves long sleeves around machine tools if you find yourself hurt in a public place direct your pleas to one person not to the crowd cause everyone will think somebody else will help you it is called the bystander effect one of the reasons in cpr first aid training they tell you to point someone out and say you call nine one one if your car breaks down in a remote area cuts off from civilization stay with it to draw attention burn a tire during daylight somebody is likely to see the thick black smoke to add if you are in a bad situation your car does not matter anymore it is just a thing if you are freezing then rip up your car's seats and wrap the foam around your feet and hands rip off your review mirror so you can signal rescuers been to a fair few places and the one that kept me from harm most is always be aware of your surroundings seems common sense but you can't only imagine the number of people who might have escaped harm were they a little more attentive to the world around them in any place in any situation focusing less on yourself and more and what's going on around you will keep you alive longer than just about anything it's likely too late for anyone to see this but hopefully this helps a few nuclear warfare is a serious threat that hasn't been mentioned yet the following was common knowledge during the cold war era but most people my age don't know what to do in a nuclear disaster in a nuclear explosion most of the damage and death is caused by the shock wave the blast creates not the fireball which has a comparatively small radius one day you may find yourself outside or looking out a window to see an extremely bright flash as bright as if you were staring straight at the sun do not attempt to locate the source of the flash you have maybe 8 10 seconds to respond if you're far enough away from the fireball lay face down on the ground and put your thumbs in your ears and fingers over your eyes breathe through your teeth since you're laying face down the shock wave will mostly pass over you if you're standing up it can cause your lungs eardrums and other organs to explode once the shock wave passes over you you need to find shelter immediately i said before that most death from the explosion is caused by the shock wave well far more death is subsequently caused by nuclear fallout after the blast do not attempt to travel anywhere just get underground if you're next to a complete stranger's house or a business don't hesitate to go inside and hide out under as much concrete and steel as possible you need to remain in this location for the next 48 hours this is critical even if you survive the blast if you attempt to go home and spend just 20 minutes outside traveling you will more than likely die of radiation sickness to radioactive material after a blast decays exponentially and you will be safe to try and find your loved ones after 48 hours if you don't wait this out you definitely won't be alive to find them when you're ready you need to leave the city and get as far from the fallout as you can i haven't thought about this stuff for years interesting how it comes in waves they should teach this again in schools i think the overall thing to keep in mind is that in high stress moments you will not rise to the occasion but you will sink to your level of training like mike tyson said everyone have a plan until they get punched in the mouth such good advice in threads like these where everyone gives complex advice like if someone throws a knife at you look at the knife to see if it's carbon steel if it is a well-placed strike with a nearby rock must contain quartz will shatter it in mid-air posted before but relevant here if you see someone wearing a motorcycle helmet have an accident do not pull their helmet off for any reason by all means loosen the chin strap but leave the helmet on and let the paramedics or doctors deal with it you don't know what that helmet is holding together same thing with children in car seats if you're in an accident do not take children out of their car seat no matter how much they're crying if you think you're being followed turn right four times since you'll get to the same place they shouldn't be following you anymore if they do you might be in trouble since it's a common warning that you shouldn't go home when you think someone is following you the smartest is to go to a police station if someone is beating you and you can't resist the best is to lie on the ground and cover your head this is usually known because it obviously protects the most important place in your body but it is also important because it will make the aggressor feel guilty and probably leave you if you ever get lost the first thing to do is stop moving sit down stop freaking out and think if you give in to panic and lose your head you can screw things up so badly for yourself that help will never find you remember the rule of three starvation will kill you in three weeks thirst will kill you in three days cold will kill you in three hours lack of oxygen will kill you in three minutes panic will kill you in three seconds to add on to this i've heard that spending three months alone is enough to drive most people crazy and break their minds or something something i've seen already before when getting a new home apartment get a carbon monoxide detector they are cheap and can save your life if you're outside in a lightning storm and your hair starts floating seek immediate shelter you're about to be struck by lightning if immediate within 15 seconds of movement shelter is not available put both your feet together squat down on the balls of your feet and grab your ankles if you're struck this will give the lightning a direct path down to the ground and hopefully minimize damage if a known diabetic person faints gets dizzy give them something sugary immediately if they got sick because of high sugar levels hypoglycemia the repercussions of increasing their sugar won't be as terrible as the damage caused if no action is taken giving that little amount of sugar if they fainted due to a hypoglycemic episode can be life-saving kids don't float for a number of reasons kids aren't as buoyant as adults kids should always wear a life vest when in a boat of any sort as well as when playing around streams ponds lakes oceans etc a small child can drown in no time in many places there are laws requiring kids to wear life vests in boats where i live vests are also required at public recreation areas fire departments even have free loaners those inflatable armband flow ice wings aren't sufficient they can easily slip off of the kd will take them off they can pop they also give adults a false sense of safety and not watch the kids closely enough and don't forget that a drowning kid may be perfectly silent no thrashing around or crying out just quietly not breathing never take your eyes off a small child in the water period never use water wings not only are they insufficient for life-saving they hinder learning the proper motion to swimming if you go hiking always tell someone where you are going and when you should be back when you arrive leave note on your dashboard that says where you are going and expected time back if you realize that you are lost and can't reasonably find your way back to a trail stay put it is common to watch survival shows where they say follow a river or a fence so that you find people but this often ends up in death common search techniques benefit more from you not moving so they only have check each area once putting the note on the dashboard will make you an easy target for theft instead put it in the car somewhere not visible if the person you notified of your trip contacts the authorities they will go into your car to look for clues on your whereabouts how to use a ripper pen it's for when someone is having a severe allergic reaction super easy and most models are the same take pen auto injecting syringe out of tube then take the blue safety cap off the non-injecting end stab with a swinging motion the orange needle end firmly into the affected person's outer thigh you won't see a needle it pops out when the orange end is depressed there is no need to remove basic cloths pants first you will hear and feel a click pop hold it there for a few seconds call your emergency response number if someone hasn't already i've also heard it as blue to the sky orange to the thigh my mom has serious allergies so that's what i was told as a kid for the love of god if someone is having a seizure do not put a spoon or any other object in their mouth to prevent them swallowing their tongues don't be a polite victim you're probably a nice person and want to behave within society but if you're being mugged it's because the bad guy doesn't care about kindness nor does he deserves yours shout run make sure everyone around you know what's happening say out loud what you think the mugger intentions are don't be afraid of making the mugger uncomfortable that's the point once there's at least one person aware of the situation that's not you know the mugger of course freaking run fast which is a way to identify if you or someone else is having a stroke a facial drooping a section of the face usually only on one side that is drooping and hard to move this can be recognized by a crooked smile arm weakness the inability to raise one's arm fully speech difficulties an inability or difficulty to understand or produce speech time if any of the symptoms above are showing time is of the essence call the emergency services or go to the hospital i think i'll remember this for a long time mainly because the nhs had a big campaign to make people more aware of this a few years ago if you get an infection in your arms or legs and it is hot to the touch or streaking take a picture and go to urgent care or the air skin infections can cause loss of limb or your life if they go unchecked i got cellulitis in my arm and went to the doctor got meds and they took a sample to culture the next day i went to the air and the doctor was concerned until i showed him photos form one hour two hours four hours 12 hours and 24 hours ago they fast-tracked me and got me into a room and on iv antibiotics asap which saved my arm the tone of the a doctor changed from mild concern to near panic when he saw the photos and how quickly the infection had spread from the time i entered the air to the time i made it to the room my arm swelled up and the red streaks had spread even faster if you ever need to break your car window all headrests attach and can the metal ends are meant to be used to break the glass helpful if you are in a sinking car not all headrests detach in your vehicles it's becoming less likely due to active head restraint technology better to have a combo seat belt cutter and window breaker stored within reach of the driver this is for driving on snowy or icy roads if you ever start skidding do not brake that will only lock the tires and frick you harder what you need to do is take your feet off the pedals and steer with the skid until the tires find grip again to add to this bc people in my town drive like there's a goddamn foot of snow on the ground when it's just an inch four-wheel drive gives you exactly zero ability to stop any faster don't tailgate people leave following distance and don't drive 60 miles per hour in the snow if it's brown lie down if it's black fight back if it's white you're freaked for bear encounters i've met so many casual hikers in bear country with no idea there's bears in the same woods as them if it's white good night realize that your family medical history is your medical future check your blood pressure and maintain it using all means available to at or below 120 stroke 80 unless otherwise directed by a doctor former candidate for stroke now happily 117 stroke 78 carry a basic first aid or emergency kit in your car on your person work home everyone laughs at me for this i have a kit i added a whole bunch to my la little snacks etc not just for doomsday prep but imagine you get stranded in a storm or snow or like a comment above mentions a dessert having some water food milo blankets and some others could very well save your life until you can be rescued not only this but my work first aid kit sucks legit some tiny band-aids and a few alcohol wipes i've gotten bad wounds that weren't hospital go home worthy but would have been a b to go the rest of the shift without a bandage my little sister had a bad bug bite they weren't laughing when i had sting relief my co-worker forgot her lunch i gave her one of the bars a fruit snack and shared some of my lunch what are some psychological life hacks you can do to give you an advantage in situations i learned this on here a few years ago for anyone in customer service or works for many different situations but cs is a big one put a mirror behind you at the counter this way angry customers who approach you will have to see themselves in the mirror behind you and the chances of them behaving irrationally lower significantly no one wants to see themselves act like a [ __ ] if you're in a group meeting and you suspect that someone in there might come after you about something sit right next to them they were hoping that the group would provide some sort of herd defense but if you're right next to them it can't be anything other than personal this tends to make them back off or at least substantially temper what they say source had a job with a huge target painted on my back for years keep your friends close and your enemies closer if you ask someone a question and they only partially answer just wait if you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking if you really want something from someone frame it as an offer rather than a request when teddy roosevelt was running for president his campaign printed out three million leaflets with a picture of teddy and a copy of a campaign speech the campaign then realized that they didn't have the rights to the photo instead of explaining the situation to the photographer which would have given him leverage to ask for a lot of money the campaign made an offer that they would use the picture giving the photographer lots of publicity if the studio paid them 250 dollars of the studio paid the money this is used quite often against young artists and it sadly works with many of them late to the party below it if you're playing be a pong and your opponent is playing like he sold his soul to the devil all you have to do is ask what he is doing to with his opposite throwing hand dang bro you're playing hello good what are you doing with your left hand when you shoot this will make him conscious of his left hand and he will start messing up almost every time drink well my friends this is a great strategy that works for pretty much all types of sports when your opponent is flowing the trick is to get them out of their body and back into their head by asking them about their technique or their process when you first meet people try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them it might be because you look for a second or two longer but all i can tell you is that people really respond to it every one of these that's pretty good i keep imaging a socially awkward dit user just completely freaking it up in sales though i guess it could be applied in other ways once you make the sales pitch don't say anything else my boss at an old job was training me and just giving me pointers i was working at a gym trying to sell memberships he told me that once i got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices that the first person to talk will lose it didn't seem like a big deal but it actually worked often there were long periods of awkward silence as the person tried to come up with some excuse but usually they bought it was quite impressive actually chew gum when you're approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping i can't remember where i heard it but apparently if we are eating something in our brains trip and it reasons i would not be eating if i were danger so i'm not in danger has helped calm me a few times i used to debate with a sandwich in high school well not with an actual sandwich i'd bring it for eating foot and the door phenomenon people are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first gradual commitment is a crazy thing i've seen it happen and there is nothing you can do when i worked in retail i had a tendency to get real curt with rude customers when i realized i was just taking the bait i decided to be super nice even when they would get openly hostile some of them would get even crazier and they look like tools kill them with kindness legit if you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people they will react the same to you it doesn't always happen the first time but it will definitely happen next time the man's best friend effect when you're studying learning something new teach a friend how about it let them ask questions if you're able to teach something well you understand it promise yourself you'll never talk crap about other people even when the people around you are talking crap even when you agree with the crap they're saying you don't have to make a big deal of it just don't partake in it once people get the idea you're not into saying mean crap about other people behind their backs the amount of crap they talk around you will decrease it isn't fun to talk crap unless everybody is talking crap your decision to stop talking crap and their eventual reaction to you not reciprocating the crap talking will positively affect both of you as well as your relationship i don't know for me since i made this change in how i interact with people the amount and quality of my friendships has grown people will trust you more if they haven't listened to you gossip about other people you will be seen as more a more positive person than other friends who do talk crap the gap gossiping used to fill will be replaced with way more interesting and or intimate conversation too but idk just stopped talking crap and be kind not to mention said crap talkers are waiting to talk crap about you when you leave so give them no firewood for interviews i recommend altering your psychological state beforehand tell yourself i've known these people all my life we're old friends catching up i can't wait to see them visualize the experience shaking hands making eye contact having conversation what things can you not to wait to tell them hold an open pose stand with your legs apart hands on your hips and shoulders back while doing this and smile this may sound cliche but you are in charge of your own psychological state and the power of suggestion is strong for interviews i recommend altering your psychological state beforehand right oh pop some acid before my next interview got it people are extraordinarily aware of their sense of touch if someone a member of the opposite sex accidentally rests their knee on yours let's say they know it's there it's more powerful if you do it on purpose but at the same time it has the potential to be weird putting your hand on a girl's shoulder is sometimes really hot for her or kinda weird either way you'll live but one way you'll probably get something good in the other way you weren't getting anywhere anyway people will remember not what you said but how you made them feel also most people like talking about themselves so ask lots of questions about them a navy lifer i worked with taught me the c1 do one teach one method the last step is the most vital step for your comprehension if you are taught a new task at work most people learn to do the task and then perform the task if you find another employee to teach what you just learned you will comprehend the concept better and retain the info for much longer whenever i train a new associate at work i ask them to go show another co-worker how to do the task they just learned magic when a group of people laugh people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group read wanna know who wants to bone who look at who they look at when everyone laughs if someone else knew this trick and looked at you to see who you were looking at and visa versa you would both think you liked each other i always try to figure out everyone's motivations for what they are doing are they trying to take advantage or are they genuinely trying to help someone in business situations who stands to profit always follow the motivations and always know who profits by knowing this you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of if you find someone being altruistic you know who to befriend the best one i ever heard was apparently if you have a warm hand when you shake somebody's hand you immediately become a more desirable person to get along with lesson warm your hand in your pants before shaking hands with samoan i work with mentally disabled children and have found it highly beneficial to describe their capacities in such a way that i indirectly describe their limitations as opposed to the reverse in real life terms avoid negative words when pitching something unfavorable to an audience that you want to receive it well if you can do it in writing all the better because you get to pick out your words carefully also focus the manner by which you intend to fix things rather than the problems johnny can't even speak in phrases and only turns his head to you when you say his name but doesn't make eye contact he won't sit in a chair for more than a minute unless you repeatedly tell him to nope try again johnny uses words to communicate so the next step is to strengthen his skills up to the level of two word phrases he responds to his name by turning so we're going to work on his ability to maintain eye contact johnny is able to remain seated for longer than one minute if given repeated prompting which would you rather hear about your kid this also applies to other types of work use it to present anything negative works magnificently thank you this really opened my eyes i really hope i can learn to do this effectively becoming a good and confident teacher and speaker as a shy and low confidence person is my ultimate goal tug i bet my sentence didn't even make sense my personal favorite is when people are angry at me if i stay calm it'll get them even angrier and be ashamed about it after a calm woman six at false attribution of arousal when you take somebody out on a first date take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating for example roller coaster or horror film this gets their adrenaline up it makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity if they enjoy those activities otherwise it makes them think that you cause nausea or nightmares i remember the last time this thread showed up someone posted that if you ask someone to do you a small favor cognitive dissonance will make them believe that because they did that favor they therefore must like you after all why would they help someone they disliked i don't have a source unfortunately but i believe the original comment did if anyone can find the previous thread i think ben franklin said this originally and it's right on the money the moment your alarm wakes you up immediately react by sitting up pump your fists and shout yeah why why why ee yea hit snooze you know how a joke ceases to be funny when you have to repeat it well use it to your benefit if that butthole in the group is making jokes at your expense act like you can't hear him and ask him to repeat it like three times by the time he says it a third or fourth time no one's laughing the rest of these are defenses i like this one it's a weapon i cannot take credit for this i remember reading this from another as credit post the key to confidence is walking into a room and assuming everyone already likes you prison is going to be great always give your kid a choice that makes them think they are in control for instance when i want him to put his shoes on i will say do you want to put your star wars shoes on all your shark shoes on make it a practice to get rid of filler words and phrases such as are um like you know etc instead use short pauses to gather your thoughts before speaking though avoid shatner style pauses using filler words keys whoever you're talking to that you are thinking about what you're saying leaving them out makes these thinking spots less noticeable since you aren't essentially announcing to the world that you are thinking and makes you seem more sure of yourself speaking slowly allows one to figure out the end of the sentence it's one of the most consistent pieces of advice i given coaching competitive speech pay attention to people's feet if you approach two people in the middle of a conversation and they only turn their torsos and not their feet they don't want you to join in the conversation similarly if you are in a conversation with a co-worker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction they want the conversation to end you should check out carol kinsey gomen's research on these types of things in the workplace refer to people you've just met by their name people loving being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away say your friend introduced you to peter after five minutes he decides to leave don't just say bye but instead say bye peter i hope people really pay attention to the you've just met part i work in an office surrounded by mediocre managers who consider tips like these more important than actual substance and it's like some kind of weird social experiment we've sat next to each other for five years mother and when you look at me i know you know who i am plan something every wednesday that you can look forward to everyone looks forward to the weekend but that always seems like a long ways away when you are getting up monday if you plan something small to do like treating yourself to some frozen yogurt or setting up a movie date you will look forward to that and the beginning of the week then by the time it's over half the week has gone by and you are that much closer to the weekend the physical effects of stress increased breathing rate heart rate act mirror identically the physical effects of courage so when you're feeling stress from any situation immediately reframe it your body is getting ready to do courage it's not feeling stress this has been posted before but if you want to stare at someone unashamedly look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes when they fail to do that they'll look around usually nervously for a second and won't look at you again for some time this is your chance to straight up stare at this person for at least 45 seconds after a person breaks up with someone they are at their most vulnerable state for manipulation because of the flood of emotions this could be used for the good or evil purposes when my buddy broke up with his manipulative girlfriend i made sure he had a good day but i should have manipulated him this sounds a bit silly but if you're asking for a favor always use the word because i remember reading about a study done at a university where they used every imaginable combination of words to ask if they could cut in line for the photocopier and they found that using the word because short-circuited people's brains into believing that there's a reason for it even if they said something stupid like could i please cut in line because i need to make some copies when you find yourself in a situation where you're forced to do a job you don't care about instead of thinking of the job as something you're doing while you wait for your one true passion just forget about what it means to you and think instead about doing it well making sandwiches to pay the bills make really good sandwiches and be friendly doing skutt work for your co-workers since you're the lowest on the totem pole do really good skutt work sweeping floors make your floors the cleanest if you get your ego out of the way you'll realize that there's a lot of joy to be found in doing anything well with passion integrity and care for the people who you're serving and the people around you will recognize you as a passionate serious caring person even if what you're doing isn't what you're truly passionate about perhaps more importantly it will create the habit of excellence you don't develop that habit by slacking your whole life and then suddenly being awesome once you reach an imaginary plateau if you want to build rapper or gain someone's trust quickly match their body posture and position if someone is sitting with her legs crossed cross your legs if they're leaning away from you mean away from them if they're leaning towards you lean towards them mirroring and matching body position is a subconscious way to tell if someone trusts you or is comfortable with you if you're sitting with your arms crossed and you notice someone else is sitting with her arms crossed that is a good indicator that you have are successfully built building rapport with that person you can use this in any situation where you need to gain somebody's trust quickly matching somebody else's body posture will psychologically signal to them that they can be comfortable around you this can benefit you in any job situation or any interviewing situation or any situation where you need to gain a person's trust quickly did i mention it builds trust quickly if you and a co-worker s are slacking off just talking to each other and your supervisor comes up and starts saying what the heck are you doing or blaming your group for something just look at one of your co-workers and don't make eye contact with your boss your co-worker will likely be looking at your boss and when your boss sees you looking at the co-worker the anger will be directed at them and not you it works almost every time a guy i worked with used to be the laziest and always started screwing around but never got in trouble he told me his secret and i have used it successfully ever since you are in control of your emotions and thoughts try replacing some immediate responses tell yourself you're happy about something or you're excited eventually your brain will end up believing it that's the same for being down and that's why you should never try to diagnose yourself but saying you're depressed or have social anxiety would end up with you being more anxious and more depressed you won't notice it at first but over a few months it will have a pretty noticeable effect on your personality connor you are in control of your emotions and thoughts don't think of an elephant whatever you do do not think of an elephant if you're into psychological hacks then you must read get anyone to do anything also on itunes audio books it's a fascinating easy to understand book written by a psychologist the hacks are divided up into chapters how to catch someone out on a life for example a brilliant technique i gave this to an old manager i used to work with he was having problems with a board member that hated him and wouldn't agree with any of his suggestions regardless of how good they were after applying techniques in the book that all changed i also used it to get a date with a woman who i considered worry out of my league it worked i'm ashamed to say if you are angry at the person in front of you driving like a grandmother pretend it is your grandmother it will significantly reduce your road rage and increase my fear of a zombie apocalypse due to there being a dead person driving be really nice and courteous to gardeners cleaners garbagemen etc be sincere about it not only do you surround yourself with people who are happier than they'd otherwise be you generally always get better service when you feel nervous about some type of job performance realize that you'll be dead someday internalize it let it sink in for me this helps me realize that what i am about to take on ain't all that big of a deal do not try this if you're a surgeon you don't have to you get to stand up straight no slouching hands out of pockets and head held up high it's not just a cliche you literally feel better and people around you feel more confident in you not always a must but try to dress well for important occasions including interviews if you look good you feel good and if you feel good you will do good in a negotiation setting always start by anchoring meaning start on a more radical extreme end of what you expect to get that way you and the other side can work to that result rather than you locking yourself out of it avoid saying i think and i believe unless absolutely necessary these are phrases that do not evoke confidence and will literally do you no good when playing a game of cards with casual players mutter to yourself the exact opposite of what you want to happen so if you want your opponent to fold then mutter please don't fold please don't fold an overwhelming amount of times the opponent will fall for the bait when feeling anxious clean up your house apartment you will feel happier and more accomplished than before from an academic standpoint this is mostly just on chair psychology but from a real world standpoint these have all worked very well in my personal and professional lives four is really cool to know however i feel five is an easily readable bluff if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 167,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, life hacks for girls, life hacks for home, life hacks for school, life hacks food, hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: jyJqFnkyzpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 4sec (8764 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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