Busting French Fry Myths (How To Make the BEST French Fries)

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I love that Trevor is so unashamedly himself these days, standing up for who he is and where he draws his lines, calmly and clearly and without rancor.

I love Josh, Nicole, and Vi too -- they're so fun -- all the Mythical Kitcheneers and the Mythical Crew that pull it all together and add all the excellent touches.

(And of course I love Rhett and Link very much, too).

But lately Trevor is just rockin' it. Go, Trevor, go!

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
Mmm. Mmm, that's a toasty fry. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen. But, what happens when you actually break those rules? Do the food gods rain fiery vengeance upon thee, or are they arbitrary myths peddled from chef to chef just waiting to be broken? To find out, I've assembled this highly trained team of culinary specialists, to put them to the test. Because this is Myth Munchers! Yeah. Hey! What's up guys? Hey! What was that about? I don't know, I went through a sword phase. Am going through a sword phase. Anyways, you ready to munch some myths today? Yeah! Fantastic! So today, we're munching all the myths about french fry cookery at home, 'cause there's a whole lot out there. But, huh? Sorry, I'm not gonna strike you with my katana. It's just scary. Today, we are munching french fry myths. There are a lot of home cookery french fry myths out there. I'm really excited to get into this. Y'all ready for it? Ya! Yeah. Were you impressed? Sure. Okay. Thanks. First up, best napping spots at work, by Josh. First up, eight out of ten, the couch in Matt and Kevin's office. Honestly, that's true. If I'm there, people assume I'm working, most of the time I am streaming track and field and napping on that couch. This couch, 9.5 out of ten. It's comfy, there's a bathroom nearby, which is to say, pee off the ledge, down into the sink in the other kitchen. Rhett and Link's wardrobe. Seven out of ten. I like to hide in the clothes and it smells like them. Don't like this one. I like the hardwood, but it is very bright. And then the actual GMM set, it's too busy because oftentimes, they are shooting the show there and I'm trying to sleep under the desk. Yeah. Nice! This is important for anyone that works in Mythical Entertainment. This is honestly a spot on the list. Yeah, that's my favorite. Yeah, it's there, it's there. All right, first up, we're going potato type. Were going russet v Yukon Gold versus Irish red potato. Everyone says russet's the best, it's got the most starch content. BS, propaganda, I say, we're gonna find out though. Peel versus no peel. All these fast food restaurants that came up with their fancy or natural cut fries with the peels on them. I don't like it, I'm pretty mad about it, but, were gonna see which yields a better fry there. See if there's anything in the actual cookery we can notice. Soaking versus not soaking. This is the hardcore science aspect of it all. They say that soaking the potato will reduce the amount of starch on the outside which will get it to brown less, yielding crispier fry. Who knows? Do you know? No. Do you know? Kind of. What? What do you know? I don't want to ruin it for everybody. And then we're finally going to single fry versus double fry. This is the biggest one out there, right? They say you have to cook a proper french fry the Belgian way. Blanch it once and then fry it at a higher temperature. However, we've done the old single fry method on the Cook Food Good Mythical Kitchen thing that we did. Remember? We didn't get a ton of views, but we're very proud of the work that we put into that series. And so we're gonna test those directly against each other, see what yields a better fry. Do you feel prepared? Yeah! Yeah! More than I thought. Oh, that's pretty good. I'm excited. All right, so we're all gonna write down our predictions on what's gonna win. Nicole, pass those out to your friends. Except, don't give one to the one person in class you kind of don't like and then you just make them kind of think about that moment for 20 years in the future. Anyone didn't get invited to Emily Vandermark's birthday party in the second grade? Just me? Sorry. That's okay. All right, let's write down our predictions. Vi, in my hands, I have three varieties of potato, all that were grown in the glorious state of Washington. The best potato producing state in all of America. Don't tell Trevor. Take that Idaho. All right, so we got russet, we got Irish red, and we got Yukon Gold. They say you want the starchiest potato possible for a french fry, but, who is they? I don't know. Maybe I'm making up a fake nemesis, so I can think that I can succeed against some sort of false adversity. But, russet is gonna be starchiest potato. That's what most people use for potatoes. Yukon Gold is somewhere in the middle. Then, Irish red is known as a waxy potato, which means that is has a higher moisture content. People say you should never fry with that, but, we're about to find out. Why not? Why not? Let's do it. That's what we're here for, we're here for the hard... We're testing potatas. Potatas? Potatas. Potatas? Patutus. We're testing patutus. All right, so wait, we're doing the Cook Food Good method of french fry cookery here. So, this oil is cold right now. Crank it all to high, and we're gonna hack up these potatoes, get 'em in there. I thought we were supposed to dump 'em in when they're cold. Well you put them in there cold, but- And then you cook 'em as you turn the heat. It'll get there, turn it on now. You don't even know your own method. I don't watch the content that we produce. Seeing myself on camera, I'm convinced is gonna steal my soul. All right so, you cut up that russet, I'll cut up these. Were using three liters of peanut oil right here as our control, and then we're gonna be doing eight ounces of potato in there. We're gonna cut 'em into, why do the lights keep flickering, dude? I mean why not? We got ghosts? We got ghosts, that's a security concern to me. I'm actually really excited about this, 'cause, I never tried other kind of potatoes to make fries, and I fricking love fries. I do too. What's your favorite fry typically? Like, are you like a topped fried girl? You like those big old like drunk food plates? See, it really depends. 'Cause, if I'm drunk, yeah, I do like the drunk food, but we don't drink here 'cause we are on YouTube and we're Mythical Kitchen. We are morally pure. But, I'm actually a waffle fry. Oh yes. Shorty. Waffle fries, you should get a T-shirt that says "Waffle fry shorty" on it. Oh my god, can I please? That would sell, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's do it, let's do it. I'm a fan of the curly fry. Give me the curly fry 'cause it looks like a duck's penis. Oh man. Why did you put that image in my mind? I don't know, I honestly didn't even mean to. I've never seen one, but I don't want to see that. A curly fry? Go to Arby's. I was about to say Jack in the Box. Because those are my favorite curly- They got duck penises at Jack in the Box, now? Yeah, they do actually. Got to find it on the hidden menu. Jack in the Box, come through for another collab, we'll put duck penises on your menu. All right, almost done with these fries. Give me one sec. I'm ready when you are. All right, wait, hold on. So I go one in and we're gonna toss these into the oil. Which one? We got to remember. Oh wait, the skin's on yours. Sorry wait, I don't have the Yukon Gold. Here, you cut up the Yukon Gold. Okay, okay. When I make fries at home, I use Yukon Gold just 'cause for me, it feels like elevated for some reason. Right. Like I want to be like a little bit fancy and be like "I'm using Yukon Gold potatoes today. They cost 13 cents more per pound. I can afford it." Okay, I got my fries ready. Someone the other day said that I was bougie, 'cause I mentioned going to a dry cleaner. How is that bougie? There is a whole place you can just take clothing to and they'll clean it for you? Yeah. I found that out recently. That's wild. That's where I take my sneakers actually. Because, I am the worst sneaker cleaner ever. I throw away my sneakers when they get dirty. You have two pairs of sneakers. Yeah. Your church shoes, and... whatever those are. I wear black ones now, so you can't see how dirty they are. They smell. I also don't wear socks. Okay, so, how long? Oh! Yeah. We got to tell them. We over here telling me about your shoes. That makes sense. We're cranking the heat all the way to high on these. In about 25 minutes, they're gonna turn into delicious fries. Again, this is the Cook Food Good method. The official french fry method on Mythical Kitchen. And then we're gonna check back and we're gonna salt them up with my little special pouch pocket. Oh, do not do that in front of me. What? I'll do this over here. Salt it up with our special pouch pocket. Then we'll see which one's best. Okay, I'm excited. All right, russet's ready to be pulled. I'm gonna stand over here, so I don't get popped up. Vi, here, take my Tony's! Take my Tony's, Vi! Russets are done. That's all the Tony's on there. We're just gonna be doing Tony's Cajun fries. Oh did I burn you with the oil? You hit me with a fry. Sorry, dude. I'm gonna come at you with Irish rednecks. Okay, wait, I'll do that after. 15 seconds out Chef, Irish reds coming in, Chef! I'm ready, I'm ready! There we go. Oh, look at those. Those are fun, they're smaller. The Irish red aren't gonna get you the big long fries. That's okay. They look tasty though. I'll eat these fries. They're beautiful. All right, get 'em dusted with Tony C's. Ooh, this is exciting. This is gonna be a good day. All right, now I'm coming in with Yukon Gold. Don't breathe, Vi, don't breathe! I can't, I gotta sneeze already, but I gotta hold it in. I've got the black lung, Pop. You go, you go, you go. And that, is how it's done. All right cool. Let's go to oh no! Okay, okay. Let's try russet first. This is gonna be, grab a russet. Okay. Looks good, feels good. Feels crispy. Got some nice crispy skin on it. I'm gonna break it open. Try and dissect it. Mm, that is indeed potato inside, Vi. I was trying to hold in a sneeze, it didn't work. Okay. Woo, hot. That's a classic french fry. Yeah. Ain't nothing special about it. It's so hot. Oh, God. Oh, God. You dropped it on my shoe! No, not the sneaks! No, if I wipe it I'm gonna get grease on it! I'll pay to have them dry cleaned, which I now know is a thing. Thank you. All right, let's go to Yukon Gold next. Okay. Grab one. I want this one. This one looks nice. And it's still really good. Yeah. It's just like slightly creamier. It's creamier on the inside. The outside doesn't get as much of a crisp as the russet. Mm-mm. There's not that extra crunchy, like, with fries. But it's interesting, I think the creamy on the inside is really delicious. And like we said, this is a high starch potato, which means there's gonna be less moisture in there. So the outside is gonna be able to withstand a harder fry, so you see there's more browning on it. Okay. Yukon Gold's definitely not bad at all. You can easily make a good Yukon Gold fry. Yeah. Why do we always do this? All right. Red? Let's try the Irish red. Okay. Irish red's rocking a little bit more flop. You can see it like bends and flexes in the middle. It's kind of really fluffy. It looks fluffy in the middle. Ooh. Ooh, I really like this one, I'm not gonna lie. I do too. It's really silky on the inside, but like, it doesn't eat like a french fry. What do you mean? It eats like a fun, silky, potato dish, but you're not getting like, you know, the crunch that you would on like... This just reminds me of like, breakfast tomatoes, and how I like... Breakfast tomatoes? Breakfast tomatoes. She says potato, I say tomato. Tomato. You know what I meant, man. Potato. C'mon Vi join in. ♪ She says tomato, I say tomato ♪ ♪ Tomato ♪ I don't know this song. They're all good potatoes, but I think the one that does yield the best french fry... It's the classic. It's gotta be the classic. It's gotta be russet. You can't go wrong with this. It's like perfect crunch on the outside, and it's nice on the inside. All right so russet's moving on, we've got to tell Trevor and Nicole in the other kitchen. So I have an idea right, right? we've got these nice little sticky thing thang thang thangs, we're gonna make a bouquet for them. Why? Why not? Oh my god, Nicole look! Josh and Vi sent us an edible arrangement. Ugh, I hate edible arrangements. Oh my god, that's disgusting. It's delicious. At least russet won. And what a coincidence, I've got two of them right behind my back. Ew, Trevor. Ew. Oh, God. So now it's our turn to test peel versus no peel. I love me some unpeeled french fries, 'cause they remind me of Wendy's. Why're you laughing? Yeah. No. Wendy's has the natural cut, they introduced that. Wendy's. So you're from Idaho. Yeah. I sure am, Nicole. Land of the potato. That is true, yes. So, tell me a little bit about how many times you've peeled a potato. This is probably... God, at least five. You wanna see something really cool? Could be more. Stop. Check it out. Isn't that awesome? Yeah. No, Nicole, that's the coolest thing I've seen all day. I know. I know. Is this harmful? No. If the potato's green? If I ate a raw one, then you can eat the green. Okay. What about when people say don't eat potatoes that has eyes on it? Like what does that mean? I don't know. Potatoes, I don't think have ocular organs. No, no, no, but they're like the eyes of the potato. Like it has eyes, you know what I mean? The little, the little... Oh yeah, like the Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Yes, my dad loves Lord of the Rings. Yeah, you shouldn't eat your potato if it's a dark lord. No, Trevor. See, you're just going off on tangents. What is this, A Hot Dog is a Sandwich? What is this? A Hot Dog is a Sandwich? Out Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts. Yeah, listen to them. Can we fry these? I have six french fries that I need to fry. Okay let's put them in. One, two, three. Oh, they're cold oil. Well we've got to turn it on, this is the Mythical Chef Josh method. Oh yeah. Well you gotta lock your burner. We really weren't prepared for this huh? Down and turn? Down, and then- Okay. I turned it on now. Now we wait. What do you want to do for 25 minutes? Wash out my mouth of this raw potato. You want to do the christening of the Tony C's? You. Oh, that's so much! Shh, that's good. Breathe it in, embrace it. I have asthma. I can see the particles in the air. I literally have asthma and I don't care. It's called immersion therapy, get stronger, come on. It's gonna be so hot. Trevor. Okay. Which are we trying first? Okay we can try peeled first. Okay. 'Cause it came out of the fryer first. That's a delicious fry. It's lovely. It's really, really good. Good fry. Okay. Now these look really au naturel. You know what I mean? Yeah they look really, like at the Wendy's. This is a fry you get from the Wendy's. No you have to say Wendy's! Wendy's! Like Wendy's. We'll get one with skin on it. There's so many, just pick one. Hmm, which one? Which one's calling to me? Let me just... Do you see this bead of sweat rolling down my forehead? Do you guys ever like get your tarot, It's hot, I'm fricking stalling. You ever like go get your tarot cards read, and they go "Close your eyes and just put your hand over the one that makes your intuition like feel the most alive"? No, because I'm a celibate Christian gamer, and I don't believe in witchcraft. You should start believing in witchcraft. No, I did that for like two weeks once, it was bad. Okay, let me tell you what's going on with this. I love the idea of this. You wanna know what I hate about skin on french fries? Uh-huh? Is you get the little pocket of air. Yeah. The skin puffs up and you get this little pocket of air. Totally. Then when you bite into it instead of a crunch, you just like, it's just deflating. It's a deflate, it's like, you ever been to those bounce houses, and then some like evil kid pulls out the air and then everyone like starts to suffocate in the bounce house? What kind of kids did you hang out with? Bad ones. The peel, pleasant. You know what you're getting, it's delicious. There's no battling textures. It's just delicious, crunchy, crispy, soft. Peel wins. Peel wins. How are we gonna let them know that? Well, Josh spends a lot of time in the bathroom. Should we write it in there somewhere? I think that's a great idea. Vi I found this, it said that peeled won. Where, where did you get that from? Women's bathroom. Ooh, they have floss in there. Yeah, they also got this new brand of toilet paper called Tampon. Tampon? Oh, I know that brand. Yeah, I like it. I use it often. Sometimes I just go, I make sure no one's in there first. So I like knock. I go, "Hello, have you any tampons?" So we have russet potatoes that have been soaking here. People say that you have to soak fries in especially cold water because that draws out the starch and starch is what causes potatoes to brown sooner and get burnt before they get crispy. So if you like actually see the water, see how it's kind of cloudy? Yeah. That's literally the starch from the end of the potato that is sort of like leeching off of it. So like, that does happen. I just don't know if it actually yields a crispier fry. 'Cause I've made some unsoaked potato fries, pretty God dang delicious. Yeah, they were pretty good. That's what I'm saying. Curious to see how this ends up. Cool. So we're gonna take these, and I'm gonna dry them off in our handy dandy Mythical Kitchen towels, now available at mythical.com. Gotta plug em. Gotta plug em. Vi, plug some merch. Plug some merch for the people. Plug it. Tell 'em to buy something. Buy our aprons, towels, buy Josh's hair. What? Available on our website, $40. Have you been stealing pieces of my hair and putting them up on the website? Are you making a voodoo doll out of them? Maybe. Drying these off on the towels here, I'm trying to get all of the moisture off because like steam is the enemy of crease, creaspiness? Steam is the enemy of creaspiness. And any cooking, so we're trying to get the steam off. What, what's ew? You ew. You're the one who's picking french fries out of her Invisalign earlier. I'm sorry to put the Invisalign on blast. Vi, get an Invisalign sponsorship. It's okay, my teeth are nice now. They look great. So these are pretty dry. Yeah, it's feeling nice. All right. I'ma drop them in the cold oil. Okay. I'm gonna drop these. I'm gonna go left pot, you go right pot. Oh geez. Why did I do that? No, no, you know I had a bad experience with oil. Oh yeah. You got hit in the face when you're doing the steak. Yeah, I did. You took it like a champ, all that boxing training. All right Vi, we got both french fries, we're about ready to pull it. Yeah I'm ready, I'm ready. If you look at the soaked ones, they don't look too much different than the non-soaked. Mm-mm, they have pretty much like the same crispiness. Oil has been heating at the same temperature. I mean, I can't see any other variables that would cause them to not show any difference. And here we got the I'm so good. Tony C's, Tony C's, Tony C's! Okay, hold on, hold on. Where the Tony's at? Where the Tony's? Right here, right here. It's in my pouch, my kangaroo pouch. Give me some pouch seasoning. You want to do that one? Yeah. Thank you. Pouch seasoning needs to be a thing. Yeah, it does. Until it gets in your nose. Yeah, yeah. That's fair. Can't be nose seasoning, that's something else. I didn't hold my breath 'cause I forgot. No! We got unsoaked versus soaked. We soaked these for, you know, a full hour. We dried them off really, really well on paper towels. The way I'm looking at it right now. I said paper towels, Mythical Kitchen towels. They're towels. We should come out with paper towels, just so I can say the right thing. Let's try it though. I mean, I'm trying to stall so I don't scorch my mouth again. Yeah. I'm just trying not to sneeze. So let's do it. You can just get some ranch. If you scorch your mouth, you just coat it in ranch. No, only you do that. Why? Let me empower you, Vi. Not with ranch. Barbecue sauce, yes. Mythical Kitchen. Empowering you with ranch. All right. Let's try, grab a fry, grab a fry, grab a fry. Okay. Trying the unsoaked ones. It seems like they steamed a little from the inside. Ah, ah, caliente. potatoes in Cajun seasoning? Amazing. That's a great fry. I can't imagine anything better. I'm gonna grab the soaked one. See if there's any, really try and note the crispiness. They seem a lot squishier, softer. I don't have any crunch action happening. Crispy, crunchy. Soaking it did nothing, right? That's what you're saying. No, not really. Which is crazy, because this is like the one french fry thing that everyone says you have to do. Right. Like every single french fry recipe says soaking them. And I don't know if there's any variable because we're just doing the single fry method, not double frying. But I can't see anything that would affect this differently, with a double fry method. To me soaking is a myth. It is. It doesn't do anything. It just wastes time almost. The unsoaked one's just flat out better. Way better. Unsoaked wins. Yes. We got to get what's their faces? Tim and... Shorty and soft boy, that's what I call them. Tim and Kim. Tim and Kim, Mythical Kitcheneers assemble! Kitcheneers, you have assembled. Hi. Yeah, we're here, what's up? Thanks for stopping by, chilling, chilling. Anyways, we have our unsoaked russet potatoes that have been peeled. These are cooking Mythical Kitchen method, single fry. But these right here, these have been blanched at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes to cook through. This is the double fry method that literally everybody swears by. And this is at 375 degrees. So Nicole, go ahead and drop those in there. Yeah, yeah, you. Oh man, okay. These are almost ready. These are a couple minutes away. So we're gonna fry these at 375 just to crisp them up, just to get them nice and golden brown. And then we're gonna test to see if the double fry, the Belgian method. Yeah, yeah, love those Belges. Let's see if hundreds of years of Belgian ingenuity and knowledge is worse than us doing something once. Do you want me to just kind of poke at 'em? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they don't stick . Hey, someone acknowledge Trevor. He did something silly. Does something feel off today? You have a cape on. Give us a show. Yeah. It's just in case anyone tries to throw something at me from behind. Go to mythical.com to buy the new Mythical Cape. Turn around. You could get two. You could get two and then tie one on the front and one on the back, and be fully protected from spills. All right. So check out, these are the double fried ones. These are looking a lot more like french fries than the single fry, Mythical Kitchen method. You know like these are, we're getting a fair amount of browning and we're gonna keep it going. They're almost done, they're getting there. But these are looking a little hard to beat at this point. Yeah, those look like they have freckles. Why do the french fries have freckles, sir? Trevor did you give them your adorable little freckles, your beautiful little beauty marks? I count 'em every day and I have all of them. Good, good, good. I count your freckles every day, too. 12. So these have been cooking in cold oil, a single fry. You turn the heat up on the cold oil and it gradually cooks the fries, supposed to almost mimic the double fry. But we don't know if that mimicry is actually gonna work. I'm gonna these are done? Is mimicry a word? Mimicry is a word. I didn't know that. Mimikyu is a Pokemon. God, God, God. What? What? Read a book. Read a book! All right, I'm gonna pull the Mythical Kitchen method fries. Oh jeez. Oh God, it's hot. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. I'm not gonna hurt you. It's not a good thing if you yell "Don't hurt me." Oh hold on, let me turn around so I don't get splashed. Okay, these are gonna need another like 30 seconds. 30 seconds on these, Chef. 30 seconds. Good blind Tony Chachere seasoning. Okay, okay, okay. Stop! Bless you! Shut up! All right, here we go, double fries. Yeah, man, look at that, huh? Those look like real fries. So now that we know that those look way better than that, since this is actually your method, not the Mythical Kitchen method. Can you stop attributing it to us? Are you gonna disavow the Mythical Kitchen method? Yeah, that's the Josh Scherer method. But we don't know if it tastes any worse. If you just feel 'em, this feels really crispy. This is gonna be a dog fight to the end. All right, should we try these? Yeah! Everyone grab a Mythical Kitchen method fry. I'm gonna grab the best looking one. They're all ugly. They're all ugly but they're all gonna taste good. Just grab one and eat it, grab one and eat it. Stop complaining about the fries. Yum. It's crunchy as heck. It hurts. All good things hurt sometimes. All? This is a crunchy fry though, right? Josh, is there any reason we put Tony Chachere's on these instead of salt? What did they say? It's canon? It's canon now. Tony Chachere's is canonical. All right. I'm feeling, I'm touching all of the fries. Bite it quick, we bit it. Come on. Ow. Mm. That's a toasty fry. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm, mm. Mm. Oh, you just... You just tapped me. Sorry. What are your thoughts? Tell me your thoughts. Good. Good, but better? I like the texture of those. Much better. You think it's much better? This one's almost too crispy. Trevor thinks this one's too crispy. This one's a little bit too crispy. I think it's because when you start off cooking the single fry in such cold oil, that you get so much oil penetration in the skin, it almost gives it like a tough skin. Yeah, a little bit tough. It's almost like... potato skin. It's almost like potato skin. Whereas these are nice and light, they got a really fluffy interior. The exterior is nice and crispy. It doesn't get a sort of tough leathery skin like that. And you get all the burning of Tony Chachere's. Where's the aioli? Yeah, no ketchup? You can't provide aioli for yourself? You can't bring your, this is a BYOA establishment. The Mythical Chef Josh method, I don't think is as good. Double fry has officially taken the victory. All right y'all, double fry won, that makes our winning Myth Munchers approved french fry, russet potato, sounds sexy. That has been peeled. It has not been soaked. And it has been double fried. Even though I stand by the Mythical Kitchen single fry method, and I don't think the country of Belgium should have sovereignty. It's just France, stop lying to everybody. You're gonna make a lot of Belgians angry. Yeah, yeah don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about. I respect you, Belgium. Nicole. Yes! What did you guess? The only way to reach french fry nirvana is russet, don't peel, soak, and double fry. So I got two out of four, which isn't horrible. That's terrible. Trevor, what did you guess? The correct answer will be russet, peel, soak, and double fry. And this is my home. I got three out of four! Pretty bad. Vi, how many have you gotten? Russet, peel, don't soak, double fry. I finally won, and got all of them right! Vi is four for four, she is the undisputed champion, unless I also got them all right. Yukon Gold, peeled, soaked, single fried. Also Washington potatoes are better than Idaho potatoes. What's up, Trevor? Does it say Idaho potatoes are worse than washington? What the frick, man? I was talking a lot of crap about Idaho. Why? I guessed right that you should take the wrapper off the potato before you fry it. That was pretty good of me, but otherwise I really bungled this one. But that's it, I mean I think we learned a lot right? Like it turns out the double. Well, maybe I was the only one who learned a lot. Cause y'all seem to get some better answers than I did. Not really. But I mean, soaking, you kind of can, or you can't. All these potatoes are pretty dang good, right? Yukon Gold, I thought had a really good showing. Even the red was really interesting. We learned a lot about fries today. I'm very happy with the results that we got. I'm happy that I got to spend time frying things with friends. And like they say, french fries, bench fries, two bits a quarter and that, that my friends is the real message here. Don't soak your socks. Thanks so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes for you every week. We got new episodes of our podcast... There's something in your tooth. Oh my God. That's so gross. I know. Get it, get it out. Oh, geez. We got new episodes of our podcast that we host together. We're way too familiar with each other. It's called A Hot Dog is a Sandwich. You can get it wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @MythicalKitchen, with pictures of your mythical dishes, under #dreamsbecomefood, and now, the most important part of the episode, we get to test out my post Myth Munchers bloat. Pretty good today. Yeah, impressive. Try and pop it. Try and pop it. Hey you, cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 658,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 6gZ9VHy6CiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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