Converting My Tesla Into An Office For A Day

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
i think this is just what you get when you're off in a car uh i don't think so i disagree i think it'd help if i'm back here so the prank from the last video yeah that still trailing through this video so i guess no one cleaned it up hello hey didn't clean that out yet did we no okay um i guess i can't shoot in my office today then didn't realize we were supposed to clean that up ah shoot i mean have meetings and stuff i have one-on-ones i have one-on-one with woods and i have brainstorm meetings can you work somewhere else i guess i can my office is like my home though you know when you're using someone else's computer and you just feel like all of a sudden you've lost the ability to correctly use your hands it's the weirdest experience that's what it feels like when i don't work from my office how about this because like conference room is okay but it's too big yeah well you've never been like in a big area you don't you want to feel cozy yeah why don't you just work from home because kids kids are loud how about this my car your little nap pod my nap pod yeah i like it's cozy it reminds me of home i'm mobile that's it sam all right that's what we're doing our brainstorms and one-on-ones in your car why not i've had meetings in my car before okay i mean on the phone but not in person yeah i mean they didn't know hey woods you good for our one-on-one later yeah yeah yes all right ball boys unite so it's been a bit since i've shaved your head for a previous video any regrets i mean you're wearing a hat yeah yeah it's in a phase right now it's in a phase one regret um would be not getting enough money from you this is actually more spacious than i thought it was gonna be yeah it is way more spacious um it's comfy it's comfier than like and you have like a lot of control there's three rows so here's here's the thing right the question is now where am i gonna park my office what a cool thing to say right if this video gets three hundred thousand likes we'll actually make a mobile home in office for a day and we'll travel for a day that's cool you like that idea sam i actually do that could be really fun i feel bad because 300k likes on this channel especially on a singular video is absolutely impossible and she just has no idea that that's just not gonna happen right now we're just gonna we're gonna test out the office in in the car we have three different places to park right we have places uh that are behind blue base or orange base or red base what's going to be the most uh conducive to our office vibes you know what i'm saying yeah well i don't know my first thought is just like behind red base because it's kind of like the central yeah location yeah there's a lot of space back there but what about optimizing for shade well what time is it right it's morning so what if we were just to park behind blue base in the morning because look we got shade right here oh that's smart and that was a short drive yeah boom oh what about that nice and shaded not too hot right nice dancing thank you so blue bass blue bass while it's shady i mean who doesn't like shade right you know it's going to be like 80 something degrees today all right so let's optimize the office right because i have a bunch of meetings like i said one-on-ones i have a brainstorming session that's the next thing we have yeah and i gotta be able to take breaks i gotta be able to have my lunch break and have my you know meditation time my me time yeah but if i'm not me if i don't have my me time yeah my me time is generally just me visualizing success for whatever it means for me in that particular day month year life yeah i just like to visualize success even if i don't have it it's still it's still better than just now hey i'd fawn oh you don't want to say that out loud what is that it says i don't oh w q i don't forward wasted utensils that's what that means what does that mean don't tell me what my hat means what does that mean do you want to know what it means yeah i do want to know what it means i actually don't know it means i don't effort with you like i don't mess with you that's what i mean i don't you shouldn't mess with me dog you shouldn't mess it that's right you turn it around yeah there we go so woods i need your help like you're kind of the you're kind of the guy around here that like makes weird things yeah yeah is that not accurate why did everyone get weird about that absolutely accurate unfortunately tell me some of the weird things that you've made in your garage um well i actually live in my garage never mind here's what i'm trying to do here's what i'm trying to do i'm trying to turn my car into an office okay because i don't know if it was you but someone pranked my office yesterday okay someone pranked my office yesterday i heard we got brainstorming meetings we got our one-on-one later okay so like today yeah so we need a brainstorming area we need like a rest area we need um i need to be able to eat lunch maybe i'll tailgate or something like that that sounds cool that could be fun my office space meditation zone a space for meetings yeah i also yeah you you working in there in that brain yeah do you get the vibe you get the vibe yeah all right let's walk through this is literally why i was hired why were you originally hired what was it these types of things these types of things don't go any further into thinking here on that this is it this is why we do it okay okay good good enough for me i keep getting all these group messages from my family oh my gosh i can't the the incoming notifications are too much something going on it's just okay is your family okay is there some big announcement my family's always okay they're just true they just figure right there they just complain about not being okay when they're really okay you know what i mean you know what i mean really daddy today what does that mean you're like my family complains i don't appreciate my threadbringing he didn't say that my bread brings out that's a little bit of a joke you know bringing home the bread i know what it means okay i'm not happy about it i think he meant bringing home the bacon but still i never even understand that phrase because it's like are you literally only bringing home bacon to your family like your family only eats bacon some type of bacon worker feed your family something else what's wrong with you they'll die too much fat all right so here we go uh let's take a peek at everything we got going on here uh let's just open open her all up and like hey woods just walk around with me for a second oh my gosh i i literally they they will not stop i i need to turn off i need to turn off my phone yeah everything's okay they're just arguing over who's getting the most steps this is you know that's what white people argue about i was literally just gonna say i started a step competition with my family um i also subsequently learned that my sister gets 15k steps a day so i just quit the competition all even stepping all together it's just it like that's unattainable you know this is a electric car right i think this is going to be a better look for you anyways i don't know but i know it's oh i like the way it feels and peels off of my head right sensations that other people will never feel because you're bald yeah so what i'd like in here woods is i'd like this i'd like this area to be my workspace i'd like that area to be my chill space this we're gonna have some brainstorming sessions okay and then here maybe we'll like maybe we'll tailgate or something you know what i'm saying yeah yeah like break room back here yeah yeah a little break room okay um and then this under here secret compartment for whatever you you want to hide down here that's i know you like to hide things from me okay yeah no you could fit a person back there if you needed to that's exactly true okay watch out already your office space is way cooler than your old office space so that's well i can't even get into my old office it's uh oh that's right because yeah someone yeah someone cool not not either no you guys just both think it was really funny though right yeah well yeah you don't think it was it was really funny who did it you did what who did it stan who i know you know who did what sam i don't know what you're talking about i'm gonna need to be honest with me right now sam i don't know what you're talking about are you ready let's check it out that didn't take too long maybe like a half hour maybe like a an hour and uh i got an office ready to go i can do some solid deep work good stuff all right show me walk me through walk me through my dude let's see let's see your genius okay so yeah what do we got your office area my office area yeah i'm do you want i'm supposed to i'm supposed to sit on a cactus no i'm sorry no no no you have to lift this up to get underneath it and then you do whatever you want with the cactus just sit on it if you want i don't i don't want to sit on it another thing i notice is your petals greasy that's not grease there's tape that i could never get off from when i bought it okay back here was the room that you wanted yeah actually we got we got a meeting in like five minutes so let's let's uh let's keep looking at everything else okay cool yeah welcome and then we got your break room back here oh my break room yes we have snacks cool you got your water all right your water yeah yeah yeah okay yeah and it's hot that's really hot and then over here oh my zen room yes look at this zen room my zen room this is beautiful that's beautiful i i really appreciate that woods no worries oh i got a waste bag basket i got those my plans i got my books all right awesome so we have a meeting now in four and a half minutes so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get three minutes of solid zen time and then you guys can come in for our meeting how about that yeah okay sounds good don't bother me thank you realize we can just like see you right that doesn't that doesn't really do anything does he know we need curtains yeah curtains curtains who want curtains how much time does he need to meditate fine you guys can come in i can't i can't meditate with you guys whining and complaining so much anyways so just let's have our meeting that's fine that's whatever i'm gonna go into my office real quick you guys can go into the conference room well you have that if you have it there i can't see you oh well you're not going to sit back here am i going to sit back there with you does this go down or something no because then yeah that can go down i guess wow that goes down a lot great solid where should i go we'll just have the brainstorming meeting with the window open that's the beauty of being outside is that we get air flow so we don't asphyxiate brainstorm yeah right brainstorm we don't want to forget what we're doing yeah that's the focus topic okay what is that are they scented no you don't want to sniff expo markers that's great oh it's kind of loud what's happening back there life i think this is just what you get when you're off sleeping in a car i don't think so i disagree so first off what we want to write uh we want three ideas let me bring it a little closer three ideas i'm not left-handed so okay do you want me to know are you left-handed sure that's upside down right-handed that's not left-handed upside down right-handed is still right-handed what's the difference how did you learn you're right from your left i was on a boat as a child and i was saying right left with my hands i remember because i was really excited to learn you didn't learn the actual right and left in boat speak so that was that was actually incorrect what is it what are the starboard important no no right and left is complex enough oh oh jeez that was that wasn't me that wasn't me road rage no i do not have road rage i i do not have road rage i only yell because how are the other drivers supposed to hear my driving advice to them we need to brainstorm we need three videos i'm trying i'm in pain what are you writing how about we have a video here's a video idea a video idea where my crew cleans out the prank mess in my office i don't like that no no it doesn't really make sense it's not clickable it's not entertaining like but it's but it's useful but it's really useful yeah that's not that's not content though you know what if you do another video where you give us all a thousand dollars and individually like spend it in a day and it's really cool everyone i give everyone a thousand dollars just on your team that'd be like six thousand dollars wait how many people do we have on our team i don't i don't think i want to no i think we should move forward with this um i don't want to do that that's going to be jay hannah one two three four five six seven okay so that's like 7k i think we can swing it who's we that's the crew for a thousand dollars yeah 7k video budget for that one a normal video budget is around 500 a video which is still pretty crazy um but i you know and we are a business so we have to make our money back otherwise we we can't employ people and people don't have jobs but it seems as though like i'm the only one that cares if we're making money in this company i don't know i think the fans are really gonna like it my diaphragm hurts how do we i think it'd help if i'm back here oh the cactus the cactus so uh are you gonna oh do you need well we could just take turns in the do you want to turn in the break room you can no i'm sure last time i came out here was peaceful i just got a you know usually the break room's pretty peaceful well i'm sure it helps when it's like inside do you think that maybe there's enough room for no okay that's fine no what can you get me a thing of water please yeah i gotta say it's a little snug this is cramped it's a little snug well oh look at this the whiteboard just that's great stuff let's let's use some no not so close are you never put show me open the mouth what no yeah i do think of myself as a bald mentor for woods you know there's not much time before i can really teach him everything i have to offer before he grows his hair and ruins everything does that feel weird it feels nice all right do me more yeah that's great that's great i guess i won't i guess i won't sit like there these snacks kind of suck anyways did you just need another tesla wow bigger area what if hey babe yeah curious i'm not able to use my office today so i'm wondering if you could uh if you could drive the uh the white tesla over um no well if i it'd be just just for the day just for the day i i don't know i mean the kids could just play with the nerf guns there's a lot of nerf guns that that could be played with um no i mean we have goggles it'll be totally safe i don't i don't think atticus can shoot oh you mean luna might shoot atticus ah he's got to toughen up eventually okay so i'll see you in like 15. cool all right love you all right we're good we're good do you have another tesla so a lot of people often uh are so surprised when they they say you have two model x's and i'm like no i don't i have one and they're like uh you have a white one and a black one as if they're like i know some facts well here's some facts for you sweetheart the white one is my wife's and we're different people you know how that works we're only one person for a small period of time hey okay can you can you park right here like right here she's uh yeah okay sorry i i didn't come fully prepared all right you're good right there babe thank you um yeah so if you're taking the car you're taking the kids right uh no yeah i'm sure definitely yeah you want to play with the nerf gun luna yeah you can shoot woods right you want to shoot whoa that's a cool move wow a gymnast all right okay go go get some nerf guns and shoot woods okay do you want to come this way i'm not wood i know you know the ropes around here it's like high fives but you can just go in this way no kevin is not second in command at high five studios technically amanda is second in command because she she owns half of high five studios and then if a man and i go then it's still not kevin it's luna and then atticus i'm starting to understand why kevin doesn't like it when i have kids all right i think we're good i think we we got just the amount of space that we need so she's checking to see if he pooped did he poop i don't know when we were driving no he just poops a lot let's go get sierra this is going to be her new office got a front desk right here i think is we're going to be front desk and then right there i think we're gonna have a waiting room i think that's gonna be the most optimal experience and then we'll just have this as like the conference room or something like that all right thanks babe i expect to have my car fully clean when i come back you can handle that right okay cool no yeah you can you're good you're good i have a new front desk for you a temporary new front desk because it's it's really difficult that we're like at a distance can i use those walkies uh sure great yeah i don't know if they're charged sierra this is how i'm going to communicate to you from the other car other car what does that mean your front desk is now in the white model x and my office is in the black model x you're giving me a tesla no no uh definitely not david not gonna nope nope so david's nice and all i like his content but if i can get views without giving people teslas i'm gonna do that first so this is a company tesla can i drive it around like for errands this this is not a company tesla this is the secondary office but is it the companies for company use look at this see this is better than your existing front desk right not as spacious this is real synthetic what do you mean look look see this okay look there you go there's something that's on my laptop yeah for sure that'll hold whatever you put on it that'll that'll definitely hold anything don't let that fall on the screen because that'll that'll shatter it that wouldn't be good you'd have to replace it so uh that's going to be the waiting room right there you got the walkie talkie this is testing testing testing testing copy poppy okay thank you okay so you're gonna have a waiting room um right now uh so just expect people to come and knock on the door if you don't recognize them though sierra don't open the door that's critical information okay okay because i do have some enemies and they know what cars i have okay i'm just going to get some work done get a little airflow in here all right [Music] cactus people often ask me how i get work done uh at high five studios with so many distractions all around and then i you know politely and delicately remind them we make youtube videos we are the distraction you good sierra said you were pretty aggro it's fine that's good no we're fine you don't have to use the walkie i can hear what you're saying sierra roll up your window so we can't hear you so the walkie is more useful is this a broken tesla you're an elephant luna i'm working right now this is what i mean kids yeah i probably won't have any uh pretend like you can't hear us thank you okay uh so here's the here's the deal i called this one-on-one because you know a while back we released a video where you were living in the studio yeah yeah and i realized that was like really nice and you needed it and yeah everything else happened but people are thinking for some reason and i don't quite understand it but i you know i have to always go with popular opinion because otherwise people will hate me and i won't be popular we don't want that we don't want that that'd be really risky in my position yeah but that being said everyone thinks i should fire you they were like how does he still have his job if he's like everyone boxing the video all right uh well i was also pretty much up keeping the studio maintaining it oh true getting groceries true uh someone needed to be there to make sure that ac was on yeah and working at a hundred percent capacity and it was um it was a little matt 100 100 capacity yeah like it if like it needed to work all the time all day every day and it did so you're welcome for that but also more so it helped me out okay so it was so you're saying it helped me yeah you know that i'm your employee so why wouldn't it help you right uh if it helps you it helps me yeah that's not that's sound logic what's your current position creator which i was also doing an abundance of creating you should be terminated because that's just not true yeah so here's what is what i think needs to happen you can't work here anymore okay yeah well i'm not firing you so much as you're quitting inventories it it's it's easier glow for me okay firing people is hard for sure and that's why i really try to make it easy for me i don't really care what they feel like i'm really honestly not going to see them again that's why i'm firing them oh shoot you see that's this you're hitting it hard no like that's how you wake it up you knock you don't knock like that that's really that was like the softest knock i've ever seen oh shoot dude uh we're gonna we're gonna talk about ac we're not gonna have any ac right now it's kind of a nice breeze coming in right now um here's what i say i say we we uh we go into the tesla today's ac and sierra can get in this tesla yeah yeah sure could probably handle that all right um the windows don't even roll up great great it's just completely dead [Music] sierra we're gonna have to kick you out of what happened to the car so it started moving and i didn't know what to do during a meeting so i just hopped out amanda summoned it ah she summoned it i keep telling her not to do that this is this is dead yeah yeah this is dead so listen do you think you'd give me a ride home do you think i can get my job back [Music] can you actually get me a ride home though i rode my bike high pegs all right you can have your job back come on you have to ride on the pegs though so i got home all said and done it was great uh it was great to bond with woods he hit a pothole i'm not gonna hold it against him i i bruised my ankle watch this video right there uh and watch that video right there i'm gonna get some ice it still hurts even every time i talk about it it just it kind of hurts because it's just i don't know it's maybe it's just emotional pain
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 411,470
Rating: 4.972106 out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, dope or nope, team edge, get good gaming, fun, funny, comedy, vlogger, hi 5 studios, tesla, prank, challenge, battle universe
Id: YwJvKlq0jko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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