Hi5 Studios Big Re-Opening Party!

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when everyone comes in we're going to have like a big celebration a big bash and i'm going to read the speech and then we're just going to party and have fun and it's going to be amazing welcome back to high five studios what's going on guys welcome to a brand new video video i'm excited for because today is the day we open up high five studios again and that's something i'm very very excited for today is something that i'm very very excited for today is the big day for two months we've waited three months i don't know months high five is reopening finally i already wrote already a breakfast already woke up no i can't say that i don't know if i woke up yet but i'm going to work let's go let's go to high five let's see what's up we'll see what's there let's see what's good really excited to get back in the studio because we're finally able to make some really good content but before we do that i want to have a big welcoming party all right now i'm aware of the situation i'm aware that people can't be too close together we're going to make it work i'm going to figure out how to make people feel connected again it's going to be awesome okay so i'm gonna pick up cj we're gonna workshop some things we're gonna brainstorm some things we're gonna set up some things we're gonna do our best to make a kick booty party per government standards because we ain't trying to get anyone sick over here heck no dude heck no safest party on the planet what's up what's good what's up what's good dude do you know i haven't seen another human being in like three months you can't tell that i'm smiling you're smiling yeah you don't smile with your eyes now i see you're smiling dude me too man all right so we got a big job ahead of us okay are you ready no are you you're not no okay i've never even been in this car dude you've never been in my car no are you sure yeah we don't hang out well whose fault is that is matthias exclusive with who he has friends with for sure um it's definitely inner circle vibes going on i feel like i'm on that like mid to outer ring making my way to the center what are we doing we're gonna get to the studio in a little bit and i want to make sure we're setting up the dopest party possible for uh like high five reopening you see what i'm saying like yeah high five is legally allowed to reopen okay there's just some safety parameters that we have to make sure we're achieving but uh it's gonna be a grand old time all right are you ready yeah all right you call me the party captain who calls you that it's your mom huh everyone it's your mom what does it mean to be a party captain um you know it's just i don't know it's more of like a self-proclaimed title um has nothing to do with um popularity it's more of a feeling um we're gonna head into blue base we're gonna do our little check-in thing we set up the check-in thing anyone there no no one's at the studio no one's been at the studio other than obviously woods and since he's been living there i had her government standards i hadn't do the the check-in thing so that we're able to like uh was that we're able to you know take off these puppies but i gotta make sure you're you're uh you're not gonna yeah i just got over it last week so yeah all right cj you can see i'm i'm wearing my high five uh anniversary through your anniversary shirt i'm not um i'm so stoked clearly you're not as big a fan of my company as i am not it's well known so the turnout i'm hoping for is hopefully like three maybe four people dude right i love that can you imagine four people that's more than i've seen in the past couple months in the past two months i have not seen anyone um even my wife really wants uh to commit to social distancing from from everyone yeah i mean i don't know if i've have you guys seen people on camera i don't even remember four people that work here honestly sarah no that's my sister she doesn't work here sierra that's it we're logging in here uh yeah and we're taking temperatures what is that antibacterial i think you spray that in your mouth check this out ready let's i can't see anything oh cool check this out i thought we were going to do like a you do mine i do yours 98.3 i don't know about you but that's a perfect temperature what's the legal limit i don't think you can be healthier than that so it's kind of crazy uh how healthy i am comparatively speaking to how i beat my body up like this morning i had a mcgriddle and you know pancakes to begin with it's already like cake for breakfast a mcgriddle like that's like a pancake sandwich for breakfast that's all i'm saying what are we measuring you didn't sanitize before you used it i did i sprayed that in my mouth there now it's sanitized see we have sterile wipes right here all set up is that the whole wipe it can be unfold it what am i a seamstress there it is that's the whole wipe that's it you should see the size of our toilet paper it's actually not much bigger looks like a book for a fairy there you go thank you sir you're welcome whoa that you can get contact drunk from that holy cow it's like 100 proof it's like 100 proof dude what am i reading 98.5 higher score than you you're good oh i can breathe again i can breathe again i can't get mine off my ears there you go so what we got to do now y'all is we're let's figure out let's figure out the party let's figure out how we're going to set it all up yeah let's let's have a meeting meeting time clearly this is my seat let's take this one yeah take that one i also would appreciate it if when you talk to me you'd slightly angle this way okay just in case i'm gonna start here tell me when to stop that's i feel safe now okay we're doing our best to take all the necessary precautions to ensure that people are safe most importantly psychologically safe because i found that people just don't seem to care about their physical safety as much i could actually i could see you so yeah you can see me all right so cj yeah the biggest thing we gotta we gotta focus on is attendance getting people in the studio again fine turn around the lack of respect here so what can we do to get people in the studio again we're making amazing bribe bribe we could do that if we had money but that's why we're trying to get people in the studio because we okay we don't have money okay a safe place a state like the walking dead what's that it's a show dude so you're a fan of the walking dead yeah i just re-watched all four seasons or four of the nine um why i know it's a show like but why are they dead we're promising them a better life we're promising that okay sanctuary so we make hi-fi even safer than their own home and that way they'll just migrate to high-five i mean this place is pretty sterile already so not a lot of i honestly stuff i don't remember the air conditioning being this loud that is so loud theme theme theme sterility no that's not that's not a hospital i don't think that's good hospital theme sound good i think yeah i think the the thing that's going to make people feel most safe is just a super sterile environment if we can make this place more sterile than their own home let's be honest like have you have you seen some of some of our people's home no i'm probably god i don't okay so this is why i've honestly never gone to tanner's apartment because i've seen how he keeps his office games games yeah we'll have games we'll have oh i'll write it i'll write a speech everyone loves to hear me talk you talk a lot everyone loves to hear it that's why i talk so much you think i talk for myself you think i talk myself up you think i keep talking because i want to just make myself where are you going i talk so that people can feel safe like even when people don't listen to me right like i know my words still have impact because i can see them slowly falling to sleep it's like i'm lulling them it's like it's like my voice is a lullaby and i will tell you this one thing for sure okay you're never more safe when you're asleep so gains games we want to make people feel we might we want to make people forget forget about everything you see what i'm saying mind eraser juice no uh yeah we could do it here distractions games cornhole uh cornhole yes but hospital themed sterile sterile themed can you pull that off yeah yeah yeah you can pull that off yeah people are gonna feel safe yeah that's the biggest thing yeah i could pull it off that's the biggest thing okay cool um i'm gonna leave you to it i'm gonna go right you trust me with this i trust you with the game well i don't fully trust you yeah i'm gonna be honest with you i'm i'll come in and check up on you a couple times i'm gonna yes no more than four times i mean i to make you feel safe okay you know you're a little close so i'll see you when i see you okay okay okay speech what do people want to hear people want to hear um you know how much their father loves them right they want the unconditional love but they also want safety so they need to be a little scared too disciplined like discipline and empathy together create safety you can quote me on that yes i treat my co-workers like i treat my kids and i treat my kids like i treat my co-workers i don't see the problem with that so index cards index cards index cards that is a magic trackpad that looks like an index card those are bills i don't need to look at those that's my ketchup drawer i forgot about my ketchup drawer i miss high five that's my keyboard drawer oh there's some ketchup in there that's embarrassing that's it all right so i don't have index cards i will write on stickies this triggers me focus focus focus first things first um obviously i want to thank everyone for coming out i really want this speech to embody you how it feels and what it means to be safe from a corporate perspective right there's nothing better than like you're scrolling facebook instagram twitter when you see that a company loves you like that's true love because a company is big it's just like a lot of love big love just in case i'm also gonna put it on my phone when everyone comes in we're gonna have like a big celebration a big bash and i'm gonna read the speech and then we're just gonna party and have fun and it's gonna be amazing i'm just gonna put this i'm gonna hide this this is i want that hidden there tight pants okay let's go check on cj yeah it's been like an hour let's do it okie dokie let's see how he did it okay what's up guys okay we got something together yeah just making sure everything is nice and cozy we've got something together we got space for everyone you know i know we missed our friends so we're gonna wanna yeah a lot of this a lot of this yeah a lot of this uh and then we have one cough drop because i know that the cold is going around so cough draft for everyone and uh refreshments that's not gonna be enough enough water that's not water for the games i was thinking uh this dice and we just uh here me and you will play we just uh all right two it's gonna be hard to beat now it's your turn you just roll it that's the game yeah it's classic ah beat me by one do you miss battle universe no i mean miss like um can we do this like in a bit can we take a break so here here's the thing what are your thoughts notes notes for me yeah notes something seems a bit off i'm gonna i'm gonna be honest with you well you know it does seem really barren but i have to remind myself that's what we're going for we're going for hospital we're going for baron but i think yeah something else is just not sitting right i think it's how close the chairs are together don't we want to six inches apart six feet six feet so in my staff's defense there is an apostrophe or two apostrophes after a number that represents feet or inches and it's you know which one's which two is inches two is more one is foot one should be inches and two should be feet it's just it's it's confusing and not fair let's just take a second to rework just okay if you want to like just take a walk and and yeah and like this you didn't like that i i just i mean i like i like that i won okay yeah but i mean i just figured we've been home for so long that just basic game might be just stimulating for how about we theme it let's steam it let's steam the games maybe uh i'll let you i'll i'll leave you to it um i i trust you just give me like 20. okay 20 or 40. okay an hour an hour i find that giving employees autonomy so that they can best figure out what i want is generally the easiest for me all right all right all right okay it's different it is different um what up guys uh so what are you thinking of the changes i'm not sure uh i spent most of my time doing this um new game so this one's not gonna work so check it out when people come in yes boom sanitized right yes this is i guess yeah but do we have towels oh it's like 100 alcohol it'll drive like that it's the sun i mean we'll go outside so i'm noticing we kind of like went on the opposite side of the spectrum you said six feet so i uh i did one of these yeah okay six literal feet got it and then uh all the chairs i did like a six and a half um i know you had a problem with the cups the paper cups so why did we went with mine flutes that yeah that's it i just got new cups and i uh i just moved stuff so so i know we're going for a sterile theme but there's something about the the theme right now that just feels too i don't know if there's a word for it this is what you're this is what you're not saying take one of these and uh he said themed right so i figured you know baby baby wipe yeah cornhole like like one of these you almost made that way that that plus the uh the balloons i thought that's a good time yeah it's a little sliding so notes let's not far enough apart well no i think yeah i mean like we're going to have masks let's have let's have mass so people can be a little closer too so we'll have some areas where people are closer right and then maybe some areas where people are are farther apart how about this vip zones okay for the people that everyone gets their own vips everyone gets their own vips or we can somehow mark people to let us know if they've been sterilized or not i like that a lot mark of the beast i thought that had to be on a beast is is that not how that do you want a quick round of the water balloons just to make like me and you we could just like no i'm clean you're good yeah i'm clean all right we're missing the most the key ingredient right food what are we eating we gotta get i mean we can't just eat cough drops right uh are we allowed to are we allowed to get food you know how to eat here cut a hole in the mask i'll cut a hole in every mask every mask just it might take some time do you want to come back yeah and i i'll i'll do that i'll do that stuff just yes vip vip zones it wouldn't be me if i didn't ask no dice we didn't no dice okay no dice okay gosh no dice jeez okay i finished up and all that's left is to give matthias the full run through pretty sure i killed it all right so i'm gonna need you to walk me through the entire process as if like each guest like what each guest is going to experience i want to experience so i can make sure we can tune this experience i think i'm ready yeah i'll take all your notes i'm coming through this door i arrive and i'm like cj what's up yeah yeah and then uh so this is what we're going to issue all the guests okay customized face mask okay eating ability uh drinking ability drinking abilities still keeps most of the virus out okay and then if you want to back it up so when the guests arrive we have 36 of these bad boys and we will be giving everyone the experience so okay everyone you can everyone get the vip yeah i ordered 36 of these out that's fine all right okay yeah yeah i can step on this all right and then uh all right so yeah here we go this is it oh no slow down for me all right yes just keep walking don't worry about the back it will not stop sticking to me this is not a vip it is it is okay and yeah no that's that's supposed to happen i think i would want to communicate how elegant the party is going to be i think that's the best thing so that we can really optimize for a high turnout every party has a great photo op yes this is awesome this is the studio we work for minus that dash right there i don't know what that is we're going to take some photos of you so if you want to do some poses you know here's some props that you could pose with oh yeah on theme with the party awesome great cool yeah i'm just doing doper note thumbnails yeah so all of the yeah so all the guests okay we'll get that stuff and then we'll walk on into here okay welcome okay to the party yeah i just want to make sure we have a station right here to take people's temperatures so that okay we can make sure everyone's comfortable right so the first person at all temperatures yeah no entering 102 i get my temperature taken i don't need to wear this no unless you want to took me a while though um and then we'll come over here cornhole is stationed there uh so if if the guests want they can grab a mask and grab we have sparkling champagne yeah did you sanitize before you touch that cup that's your cupcake this is my cup that's so you didn't love the water balloons they're okay no they're okay i was okay yeah the dice was like a for sure thing so i just want to add one more uh yeah i just thought you know the guests could like like you know the pin the hair on the donkey the it's a classic it's a classic party game um i just thought like you spin around a couple times and uh you know we all know what you look like so it's funny to pretend you know you probably don't need this but you might okay your ears could yeah just fully yeah let me just i feel like i'm gonna asphyxiate there we go i think this is too much it's good yeah is that no i think this is not too restrictive sometimes safety can get so safe that it's no longer safe this is what i learned today those weren't expensive or anything we'll come over here now in most parties you get a goody bag before you leave but for our party yeah we thought we're gonna hand these out first we hand it out first yeah we hang out first just to make sure you guys have clean masks and uh cough drops if you need them yeah i love it people love free stuff that will make them feel super safe well they're actually 4.99 um oh that's good we're you know we are we are in a tough time where we have we have to make some money we have an upload in like three weeks so over here we have more wipes more shower caps divisions on the table what are we putting in this the gumballs are actually pretty good though yeah that's what it's for you know i gotta give it to cj for really nailing the theme you know uh he really used some creative and innovative ways to just stay on thing props to cj webb yeah that's really good actually i really don't want that so this is it oh what is that a giant piece of gum yeah i didn't want it this is gum how's your gum try it hold on i just got to move oh a couple things really quick so you're pretty upset that battle universe is canceled um i mean upset like take it like like a child like a mother would be if her child was taken against her will but not upset like no that's like the worst kind of upset yeah i'm pretty upset you want to see the vip section i want to see the vip section take a seat over here let me set it up for you oh okay this is nice all right mike welcome to the vip yeah i figured this is where you give your speech we have a polyurethane boundary each one of those balloons is actually filled with a gaseous form of anti-disinfectant spray so if you pop one of those it's going to kill the air in your immediate area you know you say gaseous yeah like the you know solid liquid gaseous so just pop one of those it's going to instantly neutralize anything in your oh smell that oh that smells like safety so yeah uh when the guests when are they arriving um you sent out invites did i so i'll just send out a slack message to alert all the employees see as an admin of our slack account i can actually send notifications even when everyone's on do not disturb and i generally wouldn't do that unless it was just a dire circumstance okay so um i did make this so we can tell who's who right okay that's super important we want to make sure we can tell our vips for sure clearly boss has to be vip yeah um there you go okay perfect sick dude i've never been a va sorry that's we only have one vip spot so we're just gonna have to have the first person to show up gets vip first come first serve that'll that'll incentivize people to show up yeah i just set it up and did everything yeah what do you want me to do um just i want you taking people's temperature the most accurate way to take someone's temperature is rectally but we can do that next california is we're just gonna take it from their ear or their mouth can i pick depending on the person no i don't think you can all right uh i'll get the pizza no i don't think that sending out late invites had any effect on the attendance of people coming to the party or not um i think it had to do with fear fear causes people to stay inside their house fear causes people to you know die alone with their cats and then eventually you know this is true your cat will eat your body no i'm not going to die alone i'm going to die with my friends beside me and if they're hungry they can eat my body hey what's up hey man right right right six feet yep where's your mask uh i've already taken my temperature i am covered free what yeah okay i don't there's a new mask okay complimentary put it on you have to have that mask yeah put it on it's fine you'll be able to eat with it i feel like that man all right where i can't give it to you in person no you're right just didn't have to throw it that hard well thank you very much for coming i really apprec i really appreciate it watch out for the red carpet okay would you like to come on come on don't be shy where's domi she's usually no no no no dominique couldn't be here all right okay we had to set this up would you like should this be covering my face no no it's fine it's fine all right are we okay that's great that's great okay so come on come on come on we're gonna have a fun time dude wait wait stop there though just come up to the line come up to the line right here's the thing man i haven't had a hug in ages give me a hug come on just all right quarantine hug you really got to use your imagination oh my imagination is vivid right absolutely oh god what do you got what do you got 98.5 all right come on check this out and clean my ears you got scissors okay this is it you are the first person high five is reopened so dude i'm yeah would you care for um would you care for a a slice of huh would you care for a slice of pizza yeah love with pizza is that uh yeah it's white it's a white pizza okay is there any sauce on there you don't think just all white pull works well yeah exactly that's the point priorities okay dog are you all right so upset you've been the first person that i've talked to in days dude where is everybody matt because we sent out the invite and don't please don't please do not cry we sit on the invite let the first person show up party started two hours ago two hours ago it's okay it's okay it's okay we're gonna have a fun time just just if you could clean that up i'll collect myself next up is the speech i know a lot of people aren't here yet but that's on them for missing my life-changing speech that is on them they have to be held accountable and the way i do that is by not giving them my speech here we go uh i'm always i'm always nervous before uh speeches like i'm gonna say something really annoying or like not not true you know and i just i want to make sure that i'm speaking from my heart and that's why i always do my best to put the most minimal amount of points on the the card but i i don't i don't remember what order i put it in do you remember forget it i'm just gonna use my phone test i think you heard me hello and welcome back to high five studios everybody whoo thank you i've prepared a speech for you all speech uh i just want to thank you all for coming out i know this might seem risky i feel safe i really appreciate you thank you metaphorical you high five is my baby but really you are my baby because all high five is is a group of amazing babies my babies with this whole pandemic i think we are going to come back stronger than ever together as a team i yeah no i know yes no matter what stands in our way we are going to make good content together again you mean like the content i was making that you cancelled i'm just joking just keep continuing to finish with a famous quote sometimes you need to stand alone to stand out and i think we need to stand alone together thank you thank you whoo back high back to high five well as you can see i think people really enjoyed the speech i don't see why they wouldn't have but i did have a bit of a heckler situation towards the end there that's to be expected i think when you're going against the grain as often as i do but you know if you want to see more of me going against the grain maybe you check that video out right there um that's video that you know i found someone living at high five studios so that was kind of kooky and this one right there is one of my employees was just kind of like overdosing on bang so that was a little weird but solved it as i always do so thanks for watching and subscribe because i know you have nothing else to do so and i'm the only one that's going to tell you that get a job
Channel: Matthias
Views: 591,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, family friendly, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, paul, dope or nope, battle universe, get good gaming, team edge, reopening, 2020, quarantine, vlog, party, funny vlog, funny
Id: pbbsox27v0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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