Trying 10 Army Foods VS Gourmet Foods!

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okay open up I need my no no no no washing down yeah washing down hey you guess what today is today we're gonna be comparing ten different army foods versus ten of the gourmet foods 10th army versions of tacos versus 10 gourmet tacos 10 I don't know if that's one of them I'm not really sure what a ten tacos 10 different foods the way we're gonna be doing it is Matthias oh let's give him class everybody's by now he's had a kid oh you think so probably ugly scheduled for like end of so I'm give him class into chat for that oh my gosh Atticus we love you oh goodness he's going to be officiating our competition the way the competition is gonna work is Michael and I are gonna be blindfolded for all 10 of these right and we're gonna test the MRE version first to see if we can guess it and then if we can't we're gonna be testing the gourmet and then we're gonna be comparing the two whoever guesses it right gets a point and the winner gets to eat the gourmet one while the loser has to eat the MRE whoever has the least amount of points at the end has to buy the other two so if Michael loses yes to buy meat and Mathias a gourmet dinner that you guys are gonna get to watch us oh so it's gonna be I already decided who won pretty much by the way for those of you who do not know what Mr e stands for it stands for meals ready to eat all right let's do it alright so the first one it and I'm scared so yeah that's gonna be the one who's kind of like psyching us down oh my oh that's what I like to hear oh my oh my I don't like am I supposed to feed you one at a time yeah okay okay tanner little bite little bite don't get me big i smelly this is such a bad episode ooh we have a trash can nearby oh yeah maybe a trash can don't say anything chew it swallow it I think I know it doesn't oh my god anything don't say anything oh my gosh it's so Michael open up open wide yeah there you go big boy that's it this is such a better why did I come up with this idea dude how are we gonna do this on the count of three you both say the same time yeah one two for taco chili chili burger chili cheeseburger that's a good I got tortillas and then like a peanut named Ian say three you idiots I can't see I don't want to lose okay so Michael would you say it's like tortilla or some kind of like pita bread with like chilies I can still taste it it's a chili cheese dog Michael is correct wait what it's a taco that was not a taco can I look at it are the other no this was a taco you can look at it what oh yeah you got a drink that the lemon lime oh she took a sip of it better than what is on the plate right now oh I wish I didn't look wait we didn't get the gore man Oh Michael bring up the gourmet tacos okay wow this is not bad Michael right this is disgusting I mean I'm sorry there's so many soldiers out there like what a war jdoah see but to me I'm like bro I didn't sign up and Mike Lee Michael you tell me how much is that better that one who got these tortillas either terrible tortillas better I'm so nervous I'll talk oh well it's warm well this is really bad no no don't don't don't drink it down you swallow that and then you get a sip dude this is the worst concept who came up with this him so far as I care because maybe they want views more than I do this is terrible on a scale of one to ten Michael I'll give it like a stubble I can see I'm one to talk indistinct on a scale of one to ten for the MRE what do you mean that's like what it's a one flavor compared to that let's see what we've got coming all right next up so this dish right here has three different parts all right so whoever can get the most right of this dish gets to eat the gourmet one I'm gonna need a lot more spoons so we don't cross-contaminate open up I need my open ah no no no no washing down yeah washing up where you start giving water okay no I'm not this chanel is this a reasonable portion yes go yes I could be mean I could be mean to you dinner and I'm not being mean dude why are they all cold because I was late apologies Michael open wide and do this dude take it off oh my god oh yes open wide oh oh you have to get the type of cookie though Michael Wow well you got a lot there I don't even know what this next thing is oh my goodness okay tanner heads up come on there you go come on come on tanner eat it oh my goodness come on eat it bro I got inhaler between matsing I don't know what that isn't a nurse - I can see beating my friends right now what is that dude is that toothpaste Michael - it I did it nerd on the count of three just the first one one two three it was like possibly thought like yeah no you don't get to feel like you Adam what I said it's like a spaghetti okay the second one on the count of three one two three so Ivan took cookie my god there was like a hint of like cinnamon with that chocolate chip cookie so what are you saying like a chocolate chip cinnamon type cookie and the third one one two three mac and cheese tomato paste is the best I got tomato paste I was like a block something cheesy okay oh but Danny you got the third one wrong what is that that was a potato look this is what he did he didn't take a real bite no one that he lost I told you you're gonna lose if you did that okay Michael you get to taste the reward you know both the rewards of your fruits dude that was so bad like how much this was yours I mean this is without a doubt a zero if I can go to the negative this is a zero that's it for you guys thank you guys before we get into that next product we have a like divine this like to buy is going on with the theme of this video but we're gonna kind of like maybe put it in towards another video or just keep the products you know it's going but we got started the Hedgehog curry food sorry this is Sonic curry alright leave it it's for one person to two grams it's actual blue curry and they make it in the shape of the sonic thing so if you guys want to see that seaweed buy and try that nasty boy stuff and go for it like this video a hundred and twenty five thousand times and we'll try it and maybe we'll make a whole video out of it so just weird foods with brands things that shouldn't I don't know yeah it'll be this whole thing let us know and comment down below young I'm Sonic sick I don't know comments down below I'm still delusional from these first three foods I've eaten and I want to sleep breath next food oh no you go here's your next meal gentlemen okay you want to get the hard stuff out of the way or what don't see the hard stuff Michael you go first this time what are the chances I'm gonna vomit all over old dogs I'm gonna start it with a nose plug and I'm gonna release it to get the flavor and I'm gonna reclose it why are you doing that stop biting early I'm not gonna give you a lot I feel like I have to pace yourself I can't even like oh my gosh okay I know it is okay now stop now you guys get to hold this one in your hands a banana oh my gosh is so lucky all these foods have literally the same underlying taste it's really crazy they all taste like a little plastic are you ready for the third part Michael open wine guys this isn't making me have to go to the bathroom come on tanner this little dog thing how would you do that with your lips you just get it all over your lips oh that last one was worse than the first one okay Michael since you're not sick and tanner is your gonna taste this drink first Danny oh I can smell it that was good actually good okay now on the count of three we're gonna do the first one one two three roast beef Michael Michael why aren't you doing your cheating Michael I'm gonna hide about it's okay usually easy to do from now on make sure that we both have something we're gonna set so that you can't just see your coffee cup honestly it tasted like chili or something like just some kind of nasty next item get in your head only 1 2 3 mashed potatoes broke a knuckle you're both wrong the next Oh it was it was a cookie a chocolate chip yes sorry our cookie my god and what's the drink 1 2 3 Mario lotta sure I honestly don't know okay Michael you open up your eyes this was brisket that is enough but it's also known as death yeah yeah defecated that looks like literal diarrhea from a dog people it tastes like a dude okay Michael you keep this one now you got to eat another bite of that I get actual briskets what oh my god that's the best meal subtle one more one big bite and see it Michael big bite of the nasty stuff oh my god I hate that you like moving it around it's so gross okay Tanner out of ten what do you rate the gourmet meal 10 out of 10 okay yeah Michael what do you rate the negative two MRE negative 2 that was disgusting all done meals over you can eat this later ok cover your eyes and your next three options are here okay Michael open wide someone should imagine it's a cookie I'm never gonna get kissed to get out on the Internet oh my mustache you open wide so ooh so spicy I'm literally I'm literally feeding you like I fed Luna two years ago I learned I don't know what that last one wasn't secured full spicy oh okay Oh what did you touch my tongue too I know this is all right hey oh it's not horrible it's horrible dinner okay next item it's a drink mmm drink from the backside yeah no I wanted to touch your lips to life okay well he's doing it I'm just kidding what a surprise me okay now everyone have their option from one okay okay one two three spike Julie rips you both our way the second one one two three cornbread the third item one two three choco milk okay so we got two of them so now what sign about Tana you didn't get it right you lose what do you mean we both got the first one wrong no we talked right I said you guys the ends of the spectrum he got it right oh it was spicy chili yes ah cornbread with it that's a clue pays off to be Hispanic you know our beans there you go you're so lucky why is that chocolate milk not look as good yeah Oh Nesquik that's chocolate water not chocolate milk kids oh wow it's like being they want everything up except for the poison ha ha I'm gonna vomit I'm just gonna puke on this one oh my gosh bro I'm sorry at least I'm not telling you what it looks like I mean by the sounds I can only imagine do you want to know what it looks like it looks like cat barf I hate cats ok come on come on open wide I should have it first Oh tiny bit tanning I'm just giving you a tiny bit you're trying yeah you you got a tiny bit - what is this texture I'm gonna cry I know this I know this I know that Anna you're going to the next one right now I'm gonna get this wrong oh my I was disgusting dude okay fine that's all you want you're gonna get wrong okay Michael now you follow it up with voice not good but do you mind it's making my nose run it's so bad take a little bite here my grandma would be so what is this leather what put a shoelace in my mouth now form your form your ideas of what each thing is and tell me when each of you were ready oh my gosh don't tell me it's what I think it is I'm gonna say this let's see one two three sloppy joe Michael yeah no it's a it's like a barbecue like shredded beef like it's like I was shredded pain okay I'm doing next time if you don't say it on three you're immediately disqualified okay got it one two three make these okay now the third one you all ready one two three three again way different come on this is literally the shape of really bad bacon right no okay your eyes giorgia that a corn tortilla Michael got it all right who died that looks like Katsura doesn't it yeah it looks like if you were to burn alive something and then just a little barbecue huh here's the gourmet one Congrats Michael doesn't look much better my gourmet as per when they count you know you don't have to go on another adventure yeah it's honestly wrong we see people this but I mean it's better than no food I guess so this is paste this is not beef if a girl kisses me on a scale of 1 to 10 gourmet hockey on a scale of 1 to 10 I'm gonna say it's like a six there's nothing fancy about that is a negative eight okay so I'm sure that's what you told me what this was I said how and she said right I'm sorry you both are gonna lose on this one I don't know what to do I guess you both don't even well I need a minute I really do I just finished swallowing that thing whole meeting healthy this is healthy look at all the vitamins you're getting oh my gosh that was scary dude you go Michael you first what does that smell open up but we're only tooth is all over me you can feel your tooth guys I have been sick I can't eat this no try again you're gonna lose and have to actually eat it I'm eating here okay bro man what is that open wide like have you eaten this before like in real life like the good version yes the good version all the time nothing like this is that spoon like metal what is wrong with the food that's why see it on my - I told you no tearing you had a plastic spoon yeah warm what's in your head - I bite okay choose something I don't know what this is Michael can you make a choice yeah okay me like tell me when you're ready ten seconds on my count of three remember your yes one two three my cold pork broth soup hmm shut up you're looking no literally cannot see you that's not chicken it's gotta be I tasted just like a lot tastes like like chicken broth you got the soup is this you you didn't give me any broth if it's soup no it tastes like chicken broth like it's been like sitting Michael that's what a chicken is okay open your eyes why what is that poison unit supposed to be chicken noodle soup where's the soup here's the real soup and this is for Michael hi Michael guess the closest I need our clothes and noodle your tuner Michael what kind of psychopath tongue do you have got a good noodle see solid flakes tastes like chicken broth or he's cheating and I'm a cycle your choice Shane Dawson do a study on me take a bite and then rate it viewers don't look at this you don't want to see this oh my word not bad Wow that chicken sure cured my sickness mm-hmm I don't want to sleep forever okay so is this wasn't something you eat in real life a lot I've had it before yeah before mmm so it's more of an Asian dish you'd say no I would say my wife can cook all kinds of food somewhere the burger region all burger would be nice you can think that if you want I hated going first I'm really bad anticipation I know I'm adding more yeah what's your reaction no open up open you guys should try feeding grown men it's pretty nasty to all of you how about you how do you make something have literally no flavor yeah that literally has no flavor it's literally just the food I think it is it's literally the last thing we had with less flavoring put your hand out oh I know this was what oh yeah I saw what the first thing was this may be the first letter of the first one no Tiger letter no how am I gonna guess it with the second letter of the first I'll give you the sixth letter there six good okay you guys did you figure it out in your own heads this second one threw me for a loop yeah it's that's what it's like engulfing my taste buds when we still holding it okay one two three pulled pork butt yeah like like I'm like Michael why is your I don't know it's like need some Michael Jordan's automatically he goes yeah like you're bad at this whole life oh my god you lose automatic good I told you rather you didn't a second one you know what is that michael rd luck teaching it examines brownie yeah but was the first was it beach do have fun Rob yeah and you were gonna say didn't just look at that brownie Wow Michael you shouldn't you take a bye Michael good brownie okay I'd hey guys before we try out our next MRE bag our next Army food we just want to give a big shout out to Michaela makya ah right and Mac is a part of our membership club that's right who guys want a shout out like michaiah I go ahead and check out that join button down below and you guys can get access to behind-the-scenes videos where we vlogs behind the scenes of how we make our videos and everything that goes on at the studio also exclusive live streams where we just get to connect with you guys one on one and much much much more so check out that join button see if one of those three tiers is for you and go ahead and hit that hit that yeah but yeah alright next try food my body is like shaking from this so can you describe what it looks like in a few words whoops three words to describe this meal all over your shoe that's for you take one of those out all over you okay Tanner open your mouth this one you'll like you'll like this one yeah what okay whoa whoa whoa open up ahh my tongue hurts wait what that's the PI see what you say like it's a question ready take your hand give me your hand I know this any time how do you know this because any time what's in your hand comes around what you eat with this huh no why you giving him clues Michael this is eight okay it's a tortilla let's put it on the table with the tortilla take a bite Tanner yeah your turn to take a bite I hate you why stay there so quiet I don't like that why are you doing it haha okay no I think I might go bring up a bar give me your hand oh there's more yes there's a drink oh I get any on me you're sleeping forever wait what the first one on the count of three one two three complete a spicy ground turkey Michael you can't say like throughout the game I'm saying I think it's like this like I don't know what did you say it's a tortilla tortilla soup it was a hot soup one two Michael there you go tortilla yeah okay the third thing one three a choco pie do you not have cuz you're with me right here bro it's like really cookie - chocolate protein bar to cook you know how is this morning have a drink one two three orange juice like emergency drink you guys tied yeah that's barbecue chicken where's the barbecue that is my barbecue booty call it buffalo sauce Oh buffalo chicken I didn't think you Marty you got that right how'd you get that right wait so you both got this wrong and yeah I thought that was like good but you got this one right so you didn't I know we tired Tanner but you kind of spiked it because you put that in that and that's a little bit cheated I'll take that one honestly yeah you could know like that one way good let's enjoy that together all right fine you can both enjoy this one together since Matt said we both won I say we both win okay go ahead not good is this the last one way better than the other one one more one more you guys are almost there yeah you lied okay guys worth all the marbles just in case I was wondering that last one was probably a negative four okay guys this one you thought was dessert it's that good no cuz it's gonna be funny open world okay open open wide or my spring a little over you oh yeah no what is it a wrap oh oh I know this is what what that's something a break your tooth on the Hat oh but I'm open by Michael bite oh I definitely know the flavor of it okay you do you can't tell what that is tastes like old people candy yeah like my grandmother oh wait no no I thought this was orchard cookie wow that's a very large lucky charm on the first one one two three that's a good for cooking why you do that okay second one one two three cookie okay the third one one two three screams what Michael you said that twice the second one you said I think they're both Isis why don't they give you two of the same thing yeah they're different I don't know bro they both okay open up your eyes I know I got strawberry ice cream right number one was like a marble cake number two was the Ice Cream Sandwich and number three was Neapolitan ice cream Tanner got the first one wrong Tanner got the second one wrong Tanner got the third one wrong you get the good stuff you win the good dessert here but I I got this right and I got that right you did not get that right I said it was like a cake that's like a cake all right what do you guys think about that uh dried frozen treats that one actually not bad those relate to say I'm just super hard what do you think Kenny the Neapolitan one was chalk the Ice Cream Sandwich that wasn't even food in the first one I couldn't figure out whether to spit it out or swallow the pain so they're all pretty bad so can we get a score count who won there's no way it wasn't me yeah Michael for sure will well the fun part of this now is since Tanner loss he has to treat Mathias and I - Oh true - a nice gourmet dinner and pay his compliment I McDonald's look we're gonna get a good meal I'm worried he's got a bite there right he doesn't get to make it yeah yeah let's do it all right guys so here a little bit after we just got done filming more videos but we have all the food for these guys and the rest of the team you initially thought it was going to be just these two that I was having to like feed but now I'm feeding our entire team which ended up being like I'm gonna pay ya Thank You tanner much appreciated I hope you lose again I hate you guys and I'm probably gonna call Sam so guys if you enjoy this video go ahead and check out that playlist that is a playlist full of a bunch of videos where we've eaten things on this channel could be big things beyond the small things could be really tasty things could be really nasty things crazy Pammy if you want to see a lot more food stuff check it out also check out this video it's one that YouTube recommends for you let us know if they are right hit that subscribe button hit that Bell icon and love your friends we'll see you guys next time yeah goodbye
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 3,100,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019, top 5, top 10, trending, popular, funny, funny videos, comedy, friends, best friends, mre, army food, army fails, fails, reacting to, try not to laugh, blindfold games, mystery food x, mystery, matthias, dope or nope, hi 5 studios, gourmet makes, food review, cringe, amazon, amazon prime, prime day, meals ready to eat
Id: zGDL4vzpdpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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