24 Hour Overnight Challenge In Hi5 Studios! *Creepy*

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What's up girls Guess what dad is doing an experiment? The experiment is I'm gonna stay 24 hours in hi-five studios But I'm not gonna do it by myself. I'm gonna do with the guys Yeah that would be boring. And we're gonna see what we uncover But Dad cannot bike to work because you'd be a little too tired to bike home after 24 hours at the studio you're not gonna sleep? I'm definitely gonna sleep some. There's a ton of couches there. I'm not too worried about it The thing I'm more worried about is the fact that I intermittently fast and like what else is there to do besides eat? I don't know we could do some exploring never been there after dark I have been there early in the morning and it is eerie. You gonna wish me luck? You'll be fine Say bye-bye One of the things that's already a bit eerie is it is overcast I don't know if it's gonna rain or not. But oof, that would be even more eerie I don't know why I'm just getting a weird vibe because I've never stayed it's such a large Empty place because Hi-five Studios I mean still going through renovations and stuff like that and we'll be going through renovations for like the next like five six months It's gonna be like this for a while and we do have a lot of space like I don't know 15,000 square feet and it's not surprising if we find things like we have been finding. We still have a lot of space to renovate We're tearing down walls and finding things. We're putting up walls and not finding things. We're just putting up walls because we need some walls I'm stoked. I think the first thing we got to do is obviously get through the regular workday, right and that consists of GG and screentime meetings, a battle universe shoot and then after our day is done. I mean that sounds like such a busy day I just worked out. I'm hungry. I'm intermittently fasting I may break my fasts today just because I need to get enough energy for tonight after the day is done We're gonna go to some stores, gear up and then do it I know the guys have some stuff planned to make it fun, but we'll see Hey, dude Got him! That was good. I have been waiting for this moment. Hey, hey, just you wait dog. No just you wait Matt. Oh, yeah, it's gonna be crazy. Oh, yeah tonight's gonna be crazy, dude I didn't get invited What are you guys doing? GG? No they stole from the GG set. Who Did? Him! I did. How? I just went up there. Door was open. He was using one of the Mike Clippy things cuz they keep breaking Apparently. Remember that episode? The Other Channel. There was six of you guys. Oh BU. Yeah. No. There was a-lot of us. I remember it all. Well I'm excited to shoot some GG. Wait Woods. Are you gonna help us or are you gonna do vlog stuff today? I'm gonna do vlog stuff and then when I finish, upload and all that then I could probably help you guys I told them that we're gonna go get food without him and that's why he wants to join us Now I'll get my work done fast. I'll help you. You said Jimmy Dean's. Thought that's a fresh one from. Where do you guys go Robin Hood? Robin Hood. I don't know we are going to Jimmy Deans for breakfast. Yeah. It's like breakfast Jimmy Deans for breakfast Robin's for lunch dog. Red Robins. Robin Hood. OH (Gasps) (Laughter) Oh My Gosh. I was just standing there I wasn't even doing anything. Yeah I mean you were like wearing all black and holding a camera. Is that scary to you? I walk into orange base and this is the first thing I see. Are these like... Ew! What had happened to them? I'm just gonna smell one okay? That's all I'm gonna do. Where'd these come from? I don't think you can hear me. Oh, what? Why do you have so many of them? Why do you have so many Oreos? We uh... shot a bow and arrow through 20 packages of Oreos Oh is that what happened with these? I was like why are they all destroyed. So all the ones that are not as destroyed we're gonna take and not leave them here. We have a bunch in the closet. That didn't get super messed up. This is a Cinnabon one. They're a cinnamon roll? Cinnamon roll. Cinnamon roll. Are you allowed to eat that? No. I don't think anyone's allowed to eat this. You know bad for your heart in general Yeah, peanut butter, the cinnamon bun again. Birthday cake. Yo, have you ever had a birthday cake oreo? They're like the best things on the planet. They're actually better than any other Oreo I have ever had. These are really good too though. I mean the mint. I'm just gonna save this for later, during my feeding window.Then I am going to eat it then. That's right your're fasting. I'm not I Hate You. There's like a billion boxes in here too. Show Me. Is it weird if I put the cookie in my pocket? Look at all of those, just for you Matt. Oh my gosh, there is a lot. Oh you got the thins? What are you guys trying to do to me here? What are you trying to do to me? Did you see how many Oreos there were downstairs? It was like a million? I have eaten a lot. How many? I don't know? Too much. I like the little thin chocolate ones. Everyone's talking about the thicks. I'm not a Thick. I'm a thin. Oh, Nicole, you're gonna be doing camera today. For GG. Well, that's hard to mess it up Just point and aim. Aim and point. Whichever ones first. I can't remember. Actually, maybe you can mess it up. What are we getting? scrambled eggs, hash browns It's called break fast for a reason. I just messed up Tanner's brain telling him that. Yeah yesterday, whew. It's called breakfast, right? Yeah, I'm not a best breaks. You break your fasting. Yeah, sure. Okay, just blog out. Okay thanks Tanner Are you talking to me Tanner, Malmadal? In this Space? At Tanner, Malmadal? Are you talking to me? Who you talking about breaking fast? You never have a fast to break, if you eat all the time. My body are always going. Your always breaking. Exactly I've never broken anything I think Matt broke my big toe from the other day. Did I really? I mean it's a little bit bruised No Stop! I sat on it dude. He's like, I didn't want to complain about in in front of Matt. My foot actually hurts. Why didn't you tell me dude. Because I know you are going to be like, dude just go to the doctor. I'll take care. I'm like Matt. It's not that big of a deal No, no, no, no, no. No. No, I'm taken care of. Just a little bruised. No biggie. It's happened. I've broken teeth before. EW! Oh, yeah, we both did it at the same time. Way worse But not, not kissing each other. Not like, on each other's teeth. Literally like the same day. We each broke tooth. We both broke tooth. I'm gonna get one of those delicious breakfast burritos. Jeez. This car is whipped around my dude Connor says you get sick in my car. Just... Oh my gosh dude! Wow! Oh! (Talking in background). What Just Happened? What did I miss? This is what happens when Connor touches anything that's mine. What did he do? To most people that doesn't look like a lot. To a young white boy like me, that's gonna ruin my mouth Dude he's about as red as that sauce right now. This was like, I was gonna mess around with this. The whole thing (Fart noise) The whole thing just sprayed out. Listen, your a Syrian. So? Your mouth is meant to handle flames. Your mouth about to handle flames too. You be spittin bars dog Yeah, I'm dishing out flames not taking in flames. See so why don't you smell his feet. Because I smell your feet and they just ruined me. I have the same excuse I smelled my feet so it ruined feet for me. I just don't know why you won't just wash your feet. I wash my feet everyday. They just smell I put deodorant on my feet today. Sometimes. (Unknown) I roll it on my feet. Yeah, Yeah. I think is is because i sweat in my shoes. Then I keep putting my feet in the same shoes How Sweaty are your feet? Why don't you try different types of socks My feet sweat. My body sweats. Yeah Exactly. My feets sweat all the time, but like I swap to these socks So only were these... forever. Calvin Klein socks. Are we going to get some food or what? I can eat a little bit. Let's do it! All Right. This is gonna be the second out of three trips that we're gonna make today. You want my wife to cook for you? You Want my wife to cook for you? Yeah, I just want to go eat at your house. I just want to see your table and eat my food and then come back. Why would you eat your food? What? Lets go eat at Tanner's house. NO. Well, I don't want to eat under a bridge. Tuesday, alright? Your not wrong. All right, guys, it is quittin time. Five o'clock. No it's not quitting time. The partying is just starting. Oh my gosh. Nevermind. Oh Tanner. Oh my god. Wait. Didn't I see, fanfic of this. You ready, dude. Kinda. What is this dude? Going all formal on me dude all of a sudden? I got the bag. Like you told me to. Hey like Dude I got a bag. Was like already, like yeah, just in case of drops or something. I was like a centimeter of cushion. Are you drunk? I just don't want to be like juggling all this technology. And I made fun of woods walking around with his laptop, like all around the bases. Are you gonna get a mouse yet? No, let's do this. Let me get my cam It's me Matthias Dragonslayer back at you with more content. We getting out? We doing this? (Singing) When you try your best but you don't succeed (Singing) When you get what you want, but not what you need. Oh Copyright! Copyright. Hold on. Matt and I had a cute bit going and they ruined it. Yeah. I forgot to roll so we did it again. It was fake. Hey, so what? Alright, it's Youtube Everyone is fake, except me. Hey, not me except right then. Oh that's super fake. So... This guy. So we're going to Walmart. Let's go to Walmart. Walmart's garbage. Just because I knocked Walmart now you don't like Walmart. Ten minutes ago, dude you loved Walmart? He was like, I love to get all my pampers there. I am more of a Super Target kind of guy. Target's pretty rad, I'm not gonna Lie Target is like my spirit animal. Dude, do you know what else is great? It's my spirit store. Kohl's. Kohl's is for like 45 year-old men I'm more of a Marshals guy. Wait a Minute. No my dad shops there. Really? Sorry Dad. But actually you're welcome, Dad. I just called you 45. Or Mervins Remember Mervyn's? Yeah Mervins was like. Oh my gosh. What's wrong my ears right now? There's a lot wrong with you. What's on all y'all's list to get at Walmart. i'm here to cater for you guys. I need a wig if I can find it. A Wig? Can we have those you think? They have wigs here. We got wigs, were set for mine. What about flashlights? Flashlights for sure. Because the power is out at night, so you can't turn on the light. Exactly I'm gonna get a lantern. He is going to get them old timey candles to walk around. There you go. You're gonna catch my studio on fire. Have some respect. Think about the views. Can we get red balls? Red balls. Now I'm gonna get teen rated. Sucks the suck. Maybe I grab some food. Yeah. Yeah, we'll grab some food I want a burger. You want a burger? What a surprise. You have pizza plans tomorrow, who makes plans for pizza? I do. Pizza is a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. There is this Shauna, dude You should go to toppers. Shauna. Me and Michael do as well. Every time he's plugging Shauna dude, I've never met her she doesn't exist. Let's get into that Walmart I will say we're not allowed to film is Walmart. So we're going to do it. Yo, Brian. What are you doing here dawg? I followed you guys to scare you. And Connor is like... Brian, you actually followed us? Why else would I be right there, parked, ready to go? Oh, his family is right there. That's why. What's the haul, what did we get. We got a pie and flowers. Some brownies. That's for Tanner's channel. A lantern, we have doughnuts. That's for my channel We Have headlamps. Headlamps is for your channel and Paul's channel and high fives and Tanner. All links to their channels down in the description below Are we all gonna upload on the same day. Can you keep up? Make sure you go check out their channels Where am I going? So Tanner, what are you doing on your channel today? Today I'm doing a hide and seek video in the dark. It'll be sick, it will be between all of our bases. I'm also doing a - High-Five Bachlorette Sorry, I couldn't hear any of that cuz Connor is a Backseat driving. Go check out Tanner's Channel for that. Connor. What? What's your video? Nighttime dodge ball. Alright, link right there. Dodge ball tag. Paul. Ah. Alright, he's just hanging out He's not uploading a video. So don't go to his channel. Yeah, yeah yeah. We doing some nighttime sardines and a little bit of manhunt. We're eating fish. It's gonna get weird. Oh I forgot my wallet. I could play the forgot. I got you. He always gets me, I got you. Haah. Actually, I got you earlier today. You Did? He got you again. At breakfast. I'll buy you a burrito next week. What is happening with this woman. All the spaces. Really? Literally this woman parked parallel in four spaces right when i was about to go in. She was like I want you to figure it out Should I give her these flowers? Hey what lens is that? That's a pancake don't touch it. Hands off! Is he touching your Pancake? He's touching my pancake. I need a Lens! It's about to get weird. I'm thinking people are still in these bases. It's only six o'clock now. It's not even dark So it's already a little dark in here. This camera is so good though because it has super super high ISO It may be a little grainy today But you're gonna see a lot more in the dark than even human eyes can For instance up this stairwell right here for me. That wall is pretty dark for you. You can see it clearly. Wow Wow, I'm just gonna start looking through the camera. That's wild Actually. Cause it's actually dark Let me show you what look. This is actually what it looks like for me a little bit maybe even darker but the camera can Be like, oh, hey, what's up tanner? I see you almost perfectly. But with my eyes, I can't. Oh my gosh it's so dark up here. Oh my gosh it's pitch black up here is black and I can see you perfectly. Stop. I'm serious. That's actually sick I can't even see you IRL. Where is he? no joke, if I wasn't looking through camera, I'd be like where are you? Your boy has bad night vision. Look, why was there a secret don't look over here? There we go. Got a little light up there Wait, what did you find over there? Oh I thought there was mayonnaise. Well I got a lantern here Oh it takes batteries? Where are the batteries? It looks like it's just broad daylight right now with this camera Really? I'm gonna have to like lower this just so it looks more accurate. What are you doing Connor? We're on day six here Day six, We still have food. Were gonna change it up a bit. We're gonna go Nuggie, chicken. Fry chicken nuggie and fry, okay. Okay. Hey, why you sitting on a chair? You think you're better than us. I am your king. So we've taken a pact to not use technology Oh Multi-thousand dollar game room what you talking about? Got it for free food, John I have to go find batteries for this who wants to journey. It's still light outside I have to go get props for my first video. I'm trying to figure out these headlamps woods. You're a smart guy It's just a headlamp. I don't camp for nothing. What does that even mean? I'm gonna find batteries for this. We'll go look for props for you. Sounds good. Blue base? Blue base. Okay. You Think? I'm not pounding you, I'm just holding the. What are you looking for Tanner? Oh I gotta take this bike home. Thanks for reminding me. Oh, this is your bike Yeah, this is dope actually. Yeah Thank You Man. Super cool. Oh, I'm guessing this is what you rode to work one day Yeah, and then just didn't have the courage to ride it back home. I live too far, dude You actually live way to far. Woods. Yeah. Batteries, do we have any? Batteries. Like double? Double c's. Double d's Yeah, yeah. What are you doing Dude. Oh, that's way creepier dude. I can see you and it's pitch black. That thing's lighting up the room check this out. What? This is gonna be my, my like secret tool here to win all these challenges. This basically night-vision Yeah, as long as there's a tiny bit of light, it's night vision. Hey Paul. This guy goes hey, you know what, we forgot Walkie-talkies. I was like what you mean, walkie-talkies are right there. Right there. And he goes well are we allowed to use? Well I was like their mine You just forgot I own the whole studio? I was walking around, to unlock all the doors. You gotta get some that vlog footage No biggie, and like I'm walking around orange base with the lights off and like trying to unlock all the doors I already felt creepy vibes. Yeah. Red base is the creepiest. Yeah. 100% Found some batteries. Oh! That is so bright. That's good. That is awesome. That's bright. How do I Look? You look beautiful. Yeah. My ears are ringing. Hey, you hungry still? Chew some gum. I couldn't find a wig, but I found this. I found a Latina dress. A Latina Dress. There' s gotta be a wig. I know I couldn't find any I want to suggest something else also. No one. CJ just carry wigs in his office? Hope not. we gotta go find the boys. Yeah, that room looks so sick I haven't seen it a night. Yo. That does look so cool. That looks even more eerie. That's so cool dude. Tanner, Woods and Paul just disappear. They just literally disappear. They literally just disappear. It's still light outside. It's like way darker in here You think they're gonna try and scare us right now. They might. Where are they red base? Probably. Let's go see. Alright We're gonna go shoot Conners video and it's the dodgeball one because it's still light outside. Perfect. Let's do it. Lets have some fun. So, should we get in our PJs first. Let's get comfy dude. Let's unveil everybody out like they're superstars. Oh, I love it I'm gonna do that. I love it. Be the model you've been destined to be. we know with my face ... The rest of your body is not bad. The rest your body is chisel baby, hourglass. It's most likely gonna land a lady when you're 30. Quit sucking it in. Stop sucking it in. I'm not sucking in. Stop sucking it in. Let's do a little fashion show with the Jammies. Oh There we go. We're putting ponytails on our PJs. Give me a fashion show. Come here. Come here. We're gonna do a fashion show I'm gonna set this here. All right, gents. You walk through that door. Gimme some I'm gonna set this here. All right, gents. You walk through that door. Gimme some Oh my gosh, it smells so bad. What. Why do I have to be down here like this? Next. Oh. Whoa. Oh shoot that made me dizzy. That was crazy. All right now we got them jammies on. Next So we just finished, just shooting Connor's video. That was probably the funnest thing I've ever filmed in my entire life. So I have an idea. Let's say we do a retreat, like what if we go like a cabin in the woods kind of a thing And we kind of do the same thing. Air B&B cabin for one night. Yeah, that'd be actually cool Go ghost hunting in the woods. Oh. Look at these dope Harry Potter onesies, though. What are yours. Mine, I have a narwhal and it's fighting a unicorn with it. And this one has a cap All right This one is gonna be high five Bachelor, high five date, whatever you want to call it I'm gonna be looking for my knight in shining armor pretty much between all you guys If you don't do yourself any good with that fanfic and fan art. I do it to myself. You're asking for it Just finished Tanner's video. Yeah that was hard to do. Disturbing. Pretty Disturbing What are yours. Mine, I have a narwhal and it's fighting a unicorn with it. And this one has a cap Alright, so your video we're filming now. This is my first of the videos. I'm filming Yikes. Like he fills it out though, he does fill it out. Yeah, he fills it out. Oh, electricity works? So then next up is... Manhunt. Manhunt. We're doing the manhunt? It is now dark Actually, it doesn't even look dark but it is, IRL. What time is it? What time is it? Oh, I think it is maybe like nine something It is 8:45. 8:45. Getting ready to film the manhunt and this base is dark. This is what it looks like for us right now. That pitch-black. This camera sees it all. It's pretty dark dude. It's so dark in here. I'm genuinely scared. It's Crazy though, cause like I'm actually used to this. He goes I'm so scared. I'm used to it. I was born the darkness I'm here late every week for hockey. Yeah, that's like I'm used to it. I'm used to this Yeah, like that dark all the lights are off normally in red base and I just watch TV in the break room. Have you ever been abducted? Yes. Perfect. By alliens. alliens? All right. All right, so they're gonna go grab. Yeah, they're getting flashlights right now, finally and we get to start this. Oh there they are. There they are. Yo dawg. What the? What, what? Dude i'm not even kidding, there is a white panel van pulling out of the base. Right Now? Are they in that parking lot still? Oh, yeah, you can see the brake lights. Can I? I Don't. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right there. A white panel van. Just a white panel van and it's like. That suspect. Yeah, it's blacked out Yeah, like that dark all the lights are off normally in red base and I just watch TV in the break room. Have you ever been abducted? Yes. Perfect. By alliens. alliens? All right. All right, so they're gonna go grab. Remember do not take candy from strangers and they're not getting into their white panel van's. Yeah, but otherwise have fun running across the parking lot with the van. Maybe the neighbours. They're not getting out though. No, they've been there for like minutes. All bits are done, all videos are done right? No. We needed sardines Oh, we're gonna shoot sardine for a high five? It's so late. I'm so tired. What time is it time? 10. Is it really? Nice. Last time we checked it was eight. Okay, one more video I'm actually grabbing this, we're gonna hole up in the orange base because there's like a double couch there. ight work for most of us. Someone's got to sleep on the ground. I came prepared with this. Can we cuddle? Remember do not take candy from strangers and they're not getting into their white panel van's. Those are like jammies, but they're like, look like jeans. They're jammin jeans is what they are. Wait, what? When did you cut those off? Let's just say I uh, had to change the game a little bit. We're gonna be a little bit more exercise Dude. Now I'm ready to go do some casual business before it was all play. Finished filming like five videos for the guys. Two for High-five studios. Tanner. Connor. Exhausted. Beat. It's like what 11 now. Gonna go upstairs, got some blankets. What you call that a futon. My brain is gone right now. Someone's sleeping on the ground though. You can have the blanket. I'm sleeping on the ground. You called ground? I call ground. I think earlier in my video. He said something like he doesn't know how to camp or... No I'm good at camping I don't camp for nothing. I can't remember whose video. We shot 12 videos today. I'm losing my mind. Yo. Is it at 12 right now? Yeah. Holy Moley dude what a grind we've been doing today. Honestly, though orange base Darkest. Oh that's shadow of myself scared me. Not a lot of space cuz we're still doing renovations Oh, there's even like a couch in Dope or Nope. Perfect. I don't even know if anyone needs to sleep on the ground. 1 2 3 4 Wait, what? When did you cut those off? Let's just say I uh, had to change the game a little bit. We're gonna be a little bit more exercise That's creepy. Dude, I'm so ready to knock out. Let's do it. Everyone uh. Dude you look dead. We have been filming for hours. All right, you guys ready? Knock out. Dude. Now I'm ready to go do some casual business before it was all play. Finished filming like five videos for the guys. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hide and make a big noise, and I'm hoping. I'm hoping It's gonna wake them up. Let's do this. Actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have this light kind of draw them in I'm gonna put this over there and draw them in. Hopefully, they'll be courageous enough to explore. Yeah, dude. Matt's not here. Darkest. Oh that's shadow of myself scared me. Not a lot of space cuz we're still doing renovations No. No. Matt would have said something if like it was like a problem. Yeah. Oh yeah, dude. Like 100% Hopefully they didn't see the GoPro. That was my bit dude, you guys planned out everything else? Yo Stop Matt why are you trying to try to troll us right now. That was not me? No, you're joking. No, I'm smiling because I'm. Don't try to play this on us. You're doing this whole thing dude. No, no, no, no, dude. Yo. I'm wide awake right now. That wasn't you that noise. Yeah Yes, how can I make a noise when I'm right here. Dude you have your tricks. You own the place. God, You made all of this, I don't see why you couldn't make a noise out there. Yeah warehouse You think I'm going out in the warehouse at 3:00 a.m. By myself. Plus it's scary. Here does that mean... No, that 100% is not me guarantee you that is not me. Dude my heart is like destroyed right now It is creepy down here. Let's get the heck away from here. By the way, it's not someone it's probably just. How do you know? What's not someone? What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hide and make a big noise, and I'm hoping. I'm hoping It didn't sound like someone, did it sound like a door, didn't sound like a door to me. It sounded like a crash. It sounded like someone, Oh nuts up and then was trying to get out Stop. Ha ha ha stop Wait, wait did we arm the security system? No we didn't. Becasue we are in here. No, there's no lock on that door, there's no lock. Yeah lets just go. lets just go up further. Not all night. Just for the bit. Do you think I watch footage of you sleeping. Yeah. Of course you do. Yeah, dude. Matt's not here. You know I don't like this dude. Matt would have said something like if it was a problem. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah Dude. Like 100% Matt? Some Wood? Like this? I don't. Shhh. I definitely hear someone. Hopefully they didn't see the GoPro. Matt are you here? Let's check some rooms Yo. Check to see if his Tesla's here (Loud Noise) What up dude. Ah Dude. Oh my god. What the heck Man. So you're trolling. Yo WHAT? I didn't know what it was. This early in the morning your're going to do something like that? For the vlog dude. You think its funny That's not funny. Oh man that was good. That was my bit dude, you guys planned out everything else? Ha. Look at Tanner. Are you serious? Dude. Look at his face right now dude. It's like 3 am and he's done. Oh my god dude. OOOHH! (Loud Noise) Yo Stop Matt why are you trying to try to troll us right now. That was not me? No, you're joking. No, I'm smiling because I'm. Don't try to play this on us. You're doing this whole thing dude. No, no, no, no, dude. Yo. I'm wide awake right now. That wasn't you that noise. Yeah Yes, how can I make a noise when I'm right here. Dude you have your tricks. You own the place. God, You made all of this, I don't see why you couldn't make a noise out there. Yeah warehouse You think I'm going out in the warehouse at 3:00 a.m. By myself. Place is scary. Serious with me is that you? No, that 100% is not me guarantee you that is not me. Dude my heart is like destroyed right now I figure I can't trust Matt. it's not me dude. it's not me. Look, look, look. Then what. Prove it. Prove it. Then who would it be. Let's get the heck away from here. By the way, it's not someone it's probably just. How do you know? What's not someone? I don't know It didn't sound like someone, did it sound like a door, didn't sound like a door to me. It sounded like a crash. It sounded like someone, Oh heard us up and was trying to get out or I don't know. Stop. Ha ha ha stop Thats what it just sounded like anybody. Wait, wait did we arm the security system? No we didn't. Becasue we are in here. We totally should have. Let's take that wood. Let's go out there. I'm not going out there. Wait. Shh, shh, shh. it's scary. Can we lock No, there's no lock on that door, there's no lock. Yeah lets just go. lets just go up further. I'm serious. It's not me. look, look, look. Guys, found your GoPro. You got us. You did not have that there all night. Not all night. Just for the bit. Do you think I watch footage of you sleeping. Yeah. Of course you do. Okay can you pull up the nest camera. Yeah, yeah. Yeah i'll pull. I'll pull up the nest cam. Oh, oh, I'll prove it to you that it was not me. Dude. my heart is beating really badly right now. I'm gonna show you right now, so I got nest up right. This It's already creepy If this is a 3:02. I'm not seeing you know, so there's no whatsoever. there's no movement Dude dude, stop No you. I just got. You didn't do that. How could I do that? I wasn't there. Dawg I'm stressing right now We gotta get the heck outta here. That's while we were downstairs. That was the noise we heard. That was the noise we just heard. Yeah let me just replay that, replay that, replay that. It's like a paint roller Dude. How did it flip that way. How does it. I'm getting chills. It was perfectly just sitting up. It looks like it's fine and just moves over. it's not like it slid off. Dude hold on. I am getting my shoes on. I'm getting out of here. Look at this. Look at this You see that? That's ridiculous. You see that What the heck is that? Yo we got to to the scene That's really fast. Dude. Get your stuff like we're like ditching. Just you're gonna just bail on the whole experiment No. I was like go somewhere else. Okay. So like where? Blue base. Red base. Red base is creepier. But it has all of our stuff. Oh theater. Okay. Oh, it's got like the couches and chairs. Couches and chairs. Yeah, okay. It's as comfortable as this It's not okay. Like I kinda want to go home. Bro, we have like seven hours left. Come on. Okay. I am down to stay just not in this unit. That's for sure All right. Let's get out. Let's get out. Can you call Kevin and see. What you think he's messin with us. I don't know? I don't know I don't know What did you just say. That is creepy. that is so creepy. you guys are just hustlin Alright. Well Red base, here we come. Bring that pie for comfort. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Anyone called couch. Dude, Armchair. All right, chair. Armchair. Yo, that room is dark. How about we shut the door. We can squeeze two people on these couches. You want to watch something? It's 3 in the morning I don't think about someone dude. That's like some supernatural ish right there, bro All right, you think they're just, just an orange base? So you're gonna fall asleep I'm ready to go. He's all satcheled up like I'm not gonna fix this guests problem of yours. All right I'm I'm turning this off everyone. Everyone shut up will wake up when it's sunrise. I swear I wake up again You're not in that chair Matt. I'm gonna lose my cool. I'll be in the chair. I'll be in the chair Okay 6:11. Yeah, I got here at like 6:30 Yesterday dude, what a weird trip. I want to go home right now So I'm gonna wake these guys up and get them a heck out What? If I had some pots and pans, I would be clanking them so hard right now You shouldn't be yelling, I think Are you guys done being woken up by me or what? Those are the brightest lights. Everytime I wake up, i'm vlogging you. True. Is this gonna be a ritualistic thing or what? Well, hopefully I don't come to your house. How do you feel sleeping next to my butt. but dude guys. It's six I'm heading out. Did you even get any sleep? I, I slept for a couple hours. That's all your boy needs. You guys cuddling. No. He's in my butt. See you at work on monday. See on Monday suckas. All right, you guys can go back to bed I don't know why you needed to wake us up. We can lock up. Like you just go. I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving so you don't freak out again cuz you guys asked me to not do that Again, so I'm telling you I'm leaving but I'm me That's our only source.
Channel: Matthias
Views: 3,975,128
Rating: 4.9305892 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour challenge, matthias vlogs, team edge, hi5 studios, family friendly, high five, matthias vlog, mathias vlogs, click crew, hi5 studios vlog, battle universe, 24 hours, 24 hour overnight challenge, overnight challenge, haunted house, 24 hour, secret hidden, ghost, ghost hunting, supernatural, hidden rooms in houses, finding treasure, secret rooms in houses, exploring, 24 hrs, paul, connor, tanner, hi 5 studios
Id: 0Xafhp00qo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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