Giving Someone $1000 BUT They Have To Spend It In 24 Hours!

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I have a bit of an idea basically the hitch of this idea is I wanted to give one person a thousand dollars and see what they spend it on and if they don't spend it by the end of the day they don't get to keep it the overall point of this video was that if I gave you a thousand dollars you had to spend it by the end of the day you had to convert it into something other than money for yourself turning it into an experience a product I mean all answers are okay so then Amanda gave me a better idea I want to put a little box out in the front of the studio that says if you're gonna spend a thousand dollars in one day what would it be I'm gonna tell them to put their name on the back and what they'd spent it on in the front I'm gonna pick completely random to see who gets lucky obviously I would love to do this more times you like this idea make sure you give this video a like right now let's make that box I think they're shooting bu downstairs hey guys wow you are awkward would you want me to say I'm looking for some empty boxes do you have any empty boxes I have an empty heart that won't do for this look right there there check this out I'm just gonna don't worry that was my package I just need tape Nappers can your tape is it was like a lot of it there might be duct tape in the warehouse okay I'm after get by oh are you guys playing hide and seek is that what this is it's hide-and-seek do you need a partner so we're well this place is crazy packed with nerf paraphernalia found it this'll do you guys make it out in there sometimes what week hider is found them right away I know this is kind of big but it's the quickest one I found and then what we do is we cut off my dress here's a little tip you want to get a label off a package all you got to do barely cut around it and then it peels right off learn that hack when I worked at a drugstore still works plenty of tape to secure it because I do not trust anyone what have been easier to just spray-paint it oh definitely getting towards the end there so all right next things we're gonna cut a little hole in it so they can input their responses so that just absolutely destroyed my tripod but because I'm always prepared to use this one I have two of everything so at this point who is that yeah come on ended I'm rollin right now dude today why what's up is it sensitive information yeah probably I gotta go actually find more tape that'll work mrs. eka for hostile situation right now what I want to do now is kind of make an area for these cards so they don't move I'll go there cards are go inside that it'll say take one and then this sign will say something to the tune of what would a thousand dollars alright should have wrote on the sign beforehand it's disgusting how much this looks like Casey nice that did it by that I mean it looks awesome all right here we go guarantee you people are gonna be so confused they're gonna think there are a thousand rules like you should I do the most exciting thing should I do the most boring thing there we go I see you looking what's that boy that's through my blog I'm gonna no no I'm just gonna choose at random I'm gonna do there I'm gonna yeah yeah you can put whatever you want bro the only catch is that you got to give me a story about it for the vlog okay and there's gonna be like 40 responses so one entry per person they should read them all no random and I'm gonna I'll check after okay I'm bothering your shoot right now so imma go just so you know there's a box downstairs and the box says if you could spend $1000 in a day but you had to spend it by the end of the day what would you spend it on really yes okay I will choose it random and then follow that person as they spend that thousand dollars that'd be work-related can I spend our work or personal they could spend out on whatever they want no rule everyone's included even you even mean alright boxes downstairs all you got to do is put your name on the back Mike did you see the red box downstairs no I put a red box that says if I gave you a thousand dollars and you had to spend it by the end of the day what would you spend it on that's pretty cool it could be anything like school day did you put something in there yeah of course I'm gonna choose at random you never know who it's gonna be you know what I wanted to do it sarah frook vlog but she doesn't want to what take a tour a helicopter tour of Malibu coast that'd be cool that'd be fun dude she's wanna go with me she's afraid sounds like you got some issues to work through I'm gonna let you do that so now it's a couple days later and the box has been sitting there collecting answers hopefully and now it's time to bring it home and pick a winner with Amanda hungers news on them did you put it in there not yet I'm taking it right now dog oh okay dude had like two days to put an answer doesn't know last second you got to do it right now I'm taking that in like one minute did everyone that I can't get used to your contraption they're my new vlog setup dude five it's here to cover this is what they're talking about I just can't see myself in this camera Sony please this is an open letter to Sony to put a flip-out camera on there on all of their professional grade cameras I need to see my beautiful face for framing purposes can you see any ghosts in there what is this like a ghost catcher that looks like first took your last your first would you want to take it out to my car for me yes to what mitch is gonna love this camera setup watch this holy cool okay my turn so just throw it in the back there like really hard not really hard you're pretty confident and what you picked I just kind of like skimmed over it and wrote something dumb you might want to find my note I think it's funny well I'm gonna choose it at random so oh I'm just sleeping already yeah and her eyes right above us oh my word look look look look look I'm excited I saw that on your stories today here's the big unveiling I'm actually super curious I'm gonna just stick my hand right it's not as fun but why oh no she didn't she thought an animal got me for sure got her alright ready Katherine okay okay Katherine forget the guitar and camera I want to hand the money to my parents and thank them for my wedding thank you that's so nice look at that that's so nice that's actually really cool I'm actually really excited about that okay so the next step is what tomorrow I'll literally go and I'll present this to Katherine or I'll be like you were chosen mm-hmm then we'll go get money together you're gonna get like all 2006 I'm actually really curious about her wedding like I don't know I just want to know about her wedding well yeah weddings are expensive but I mean like that's really that's really nice that she wants to give it to her parents that's really cool all right Katherine be ready now it's the next day and I'm gonna tell Katherine that she won but there's one caveat and I don't believe I really specified this properly on the box but I have to vlog her giving her money to the parents it's part of the deal might be awkward it's someone in this room I put in a card and I changed my mind and I put in another card yes yes people around here kinda like vultures sometimes you do one thing wrong and they're immediately like alright so you know the catch though no it has to be on the vlog Oh are they chill with being on camera hates being on camera for $1,000 right she's not in town right now oh where is she Oregon but she'll be back Friday oh right okay okay we can make that work so my plane was originally to tell Kathryn and hopefully by the end of the day Katherine would be giving it to her parents but didn't work out quite like that but if I don't give Katherine the money until Friday technically this still works that's high five studios visit they think oh that's a bit up well that's leapin up well get it all in ones yeah and then just like snow mom here's $1,000 for the wedding right yeah that's really nice so her inheritance to pay for my wedding and I feel horrible about it oh really yeah I really wanna see her back and this will be like a chunk to just like yeah that's really sweet of you I'm excited that well congrats Congrats I'm excited okay so Friday yeah all right here's the thing I want to actually film you calling her and saying come to the office okay okay that's gonna be a thing so this was the awkward part I was like I'm gonna film you calling your mom I don't want to film the other side of it but I need to see you under that pressure so you're gonna call your mom right now what if she's just like I really can't make it that breaks it if she doesn't come then she doesn't get no sleep just 15 minutes per 50-minute it'd be so quick so hey my work I guess we're gonna start doing it where Fridays we can have family or friends come for a tour and I was thinking it'd be really cool if you had time on Friday before Diana leaves if you could come and check out where it works shoot do you know what time mom got really nervous and as soon as I told her she was gonna be on film she and media I was like no absolutely not and I was just like oh my god I don't know what to do honestly any time works it's up to you but yeah I don't know I just really really want you to see it just let me know let me know when you can cuz I just have to let everybody know and we have to get your forms and stuff like that going okay awesome okay well I love you and I'll talk to you later bye okay so I think I've convinced her come by early and just stay for a little bit so yeah yeah okay as you heard to let me know as soon as possible oh my god all right well here's what we gotta do though you gotta go get the cash can you do it right now let's do it no seriously though Gunnar said all one's 25 no just 20 20 that's 50 bills am i doing the math wrong I don't know I did not do all mess music music music not I'm gonna go get the thousand dollars I don't think it's a problem right I think you can even withdraw over a thousand dollars from an ATM right I feel like that's the limit on an ATM do you think so I don't know I feel like I see but I don't think I've ever withdrawn more than a thousand dollars either like let's be honest maybe to buy a car or something like that on the line yeah that makes sense well you have a nice car though yeah Honda so like it looks nice it's like when you have a really unattractive person you put a bunch of makeup on I can't want to hear a little bit about your wedding who's your fiancee when are you getting married like you not to give everyone details the address actually by the way if you guys don't know Rose Katherine Rose she is assigning to chill records how exciting is that surreal she's got a channel called Rose down in the description below info card right there go subscribe there's gonna be vlogs there's gonna be music and it's gonna be fire now that you know a little bit about Rose here tell me a little bit more I'm marrying Jacob Jacob Johnson I'm gonna have the whitest name in the world we met about five and a half years ago a comedy improv class at college of the canyons comedy improv okay yeah there's a lot of fun getting married September 15th and I just wanted to be a big party where everybody has fun yeah just everyone's just together and I mean yeah that's really what it's about very low-key but yeah my mom and my dad you know struggle but they don't have a ton of money it's very much so like paycheck to pediatrician and my mom that's helped almost everyone yeah my mom she got to get her inheritance from her dad early but obviously she doesn't have just like money to spend on me so she had to use her inheritance to pay for the whole wedding if I could help in any way possible I would this is like a dream come true for me because one day I will pay her back I'm not gonna do yeah I did the same thing with my dad I didn't really explicitly say that but I mean like my dad put me through school I never had to deal with an ounce of like school debt so I bought him a car the same price actually I never told him you when that I really wish I filmed his reaction would have been cool to look back on now that's the story do this I don't know if they're gonna let me film in the bank gonna just try the ATM here here's what we do do I have a pin I'm just gonna go on a different account by the way this woulda just super shaky because I'm really excited we're preparing your cash I love that I always want my cash prepared for me you don't want like soggy bills you ever been given a bill that someone a few and they're like oh I know that was hot on your pocket right ooh literally like one of the first nights we close together I remember I vacuumed this door and you told me it wasn't good enough you made me vacuum again I was like what is this guy's deal here we go dude look at all those hundreds in there - actually this looks pretty good right and now we kind of hide it some people don't [Music] now all we got to do is wait to Friday try to convince your mom all right after the bank on the way home after we start recording she was like I'm so I'm so sorry I can't stop shaking I'm so sorry and I was like it's all right oh don't worry about it she was just so nervous news is probably traveled right yeah but when you said that you you wouldn't tell me I thought I wouldn't tell you dude give us a story no you'll have to watch the video okay she has an appointment that day wait wait is this good news or bad news you got to tell me now good news she has an appointment from 9:15 to 1:15 the stairs get everyone every time anyone comes right up to my office they're just like all right Matt 15 1:15 she asked if she could come over after these yes which is perfect yes 100% I will see you Friday then let's do this okay finally now it's Friday and it's time for Katherine to actually give the money to her mom and she seemed more nervous than ever so 1:15 okay so here's the question right how do you want to give her this so what I was thinking I really want to try and catch her off guard completely absolutely so I was thinking of like you casually like walking by like blogging or whatever and like just asking me like hey if you had a thousand dollars in here to spend in one day how would you spend it okay give an answer and then you'd like can go to my mom be like how would you spend it and then she can give whatever answer she gives and I can be like whoa what if I told you I want a thousand dollars and then I just hand it okay so you hold on to this and maybe you just put it in like a below or something like that I will see you at like 1:00 to prep you just keep me active yeah yeah dope yeah I believe Katherine is out there right there she's going to collect her mother right now oh hey mom see Katherine's mom was supposed to arrive at 2:30 what she did but Katherine decided to wait out there like 2:15 in the blazing hot Sun nervous much here's the thing her mom does not want to be on camera really so hidden camera just woods response they're just not understanding how anyone in the world would not want to be on camera bro not really that will have to really make this work how I can pretend to be her mom used to give me $1000 she's coming and kind of fear in the distance all right so we have to make this look supernatural so I got to already be filming like ghosts actually I've met her before I know maybe that's why I heard you didn't want to be on camera though she's hiding out the gate I was just like rip the band-aid off just start building from the start and it won't be as awkward we'll see no matter what's gonna happen they're always gonna be on camera you see that hey Mitch I'm just gonna randomly Phyllis okay I'll play the part though okay yeah you play the part so so what did my daughter give me to purr nervous so I was thinking how she's gonna react its she gonna believe me also I was just super shaky and I was trying really hard to like not give it away which is really difficult so I got a question for you so what would you expect your daughter to do if I gave her $1,000 right now what would you use it on put in your savings account boring alright well here's what she actually did any of my glasses oh honey it was all a ploy to get your dues good I wanted to give you guys okay so do you want is this like you want your mom to cry on camera knows the part she knows the part she's seen the blown [Laughter] so sweet you do not don't cry no no crying right happy moment that's how the parents always do when you do something nice to them they're just like like so used to doing things for you forever then it's like well not yet yeah I mean my daughter gives me a kiss randomly so that's good it's actually true Luna gave me a kiss the other day and I responded with what on earth they do to receive that I was like wait what are you surprised yeah I kind of surprised all for the blog right you win congratulations congratulations well thanks for coming and being a good source now do you actually want to see the studio all right I was like wait I remember her why do I work with your daughter for so long no because how long was that a couple of years at least there for five years well then I saw you even then for five years cause we've been going in there since yes exactly well show her around Sharona studio so right after I finished recording Catherine's mom walks back up to me and she was like stop I cannot take your money please take it back it's not my money I gave it to her she gave it to you no take-backsies you touched it you sign no no seriously I gave it to her then she gave it to you you know she's not gonna take it back Thank You Mai it's so sweet it's on her that's her she coulda bought a nice guitar that's the thing like guys let me know if you want me to do this again because I want to do it again but I don't want people to feel bad and feel like they need to give it away too so yes maybe someone wants a thing like I don't think that matters that much the only thing that matters is that you know the money doesn't buy you happiness money doesn't buy you complacency money can buy you like happiness for a short blip of time but then you have to keep spending and spending and spending even more and more and more to get that little blip of happiness back and that's why money doesn't buy you happiness however it does buy you comfort and security but happiness that's work you got to do yourself Oh truth your mom just left how do you think that went it was really good yeah that's so cool tell you thank you like a million times and then she said if I ever come back again I'm bringing food oh yes that's actually really great I'm down we're all down see I'm the real winner today baked goods huh also if anyone from Hi five touches those baked goods you owe me $1,000 just answered I think they're so funny I think I don't even see them messing around anyways click that video right there actually right there [Music]
Channel: Matthias
Views: 2,332,199
Rating: 4.9481401 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour challenge, shopping challenge, 24 hour, 24 hours, 1000 in 24 hours, 1000k, 1000 dollars, 1000 dollar challenge, challenge, vlog, vlogs, matthias vlogs, hi5 studios, click crew, matthias vlog, mathias vlogs, funny moments, the office, family friendly, funny vlog, funny vlogs, office vlog, emotional, new, crazy, funny, comedy, vlogging, credit card, matthias, matthiasiam, unboxing, reaction, moms reaction, mother reacts, giving money, giving money away
Id: f9QDhKcp-pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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