I Paid My Employee To Shave Their Head

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you know getting nasty comments about being bald has been just a real high point of my career you know the ear comments ball comments you know so I shaved my head still get the comments even though it was intentionally bulb you know it's just I know I'm I'm upset about it but I don't want to be the only one so by the end of this video I'm going to show you someone's head even if they resist I'll figure out a way to make it consensual okay comments uh it's been getting to me a bit I'm gonna be honest with you topic here is more so about the the dome as it were hurts I'm not gonna lie to you I think it's a vocal minority that think I don't know my hair is just better on than off but I disagree okay and I honestly think most people would disagree too besides the vocal minority so usually comments are the vocal minority but not minority in the way you think it's a different minority nothing to do with race I'll prove it I'll prove it I'll prove it what's happening what's happening what's happening so how do i yeah I usually pace when I got something on my on my on my head in my what do you mean Oh cuz cuz I'm cuz I'm bald no I know I know I involved but it's not like real baldness I you see I still have hair there okay real ball does is if you would like dick your head you know real ball yeah no I got very much real I had hair before I'm not so sure what's affecting this kid's memory so much it can't be anything doing here unless don't you have to ask I just didn't know where's the eraser oh [Laughter] yeah go ahead purple that's it you know what my question is not really relevant anymore you seem really stressed about it and you know it's not really relevant I'm just gonna head over to dope or no I was just hoping maybe for an apology but that's cool you guys are mean then a really count it's like your family of course you're more mean to your family because you know they're not really gonna leave you but reality is wherever you are dad you're still my dad not like you run away and you're not my dad anymore can't escape destiny what's up dude the Oprah note we're ready for today well we split like 15 minutes now why are you here usually like 15 minutes late that's rude what's your opinion on the look your look yeah my look I think it's like a new mature bat you've had many seasons of looks I have there was like platinum blonde Mathias there is like pink pink purple yeah there's like pink and blue yeah that was it that was a dark phase but what about the hair honestly okay that one hurt a bit my buzz the best style in the office so that won't that won't hurt a bit but I'll take it I'll take it the bald look that's really that was the question um it was a shock at first but I don't hate it now that's about the nicest thing yet of a compliment you can get from rose I don't hate it she said I like that okay hey you mind if I just chill in here until Tanner gets here he's never really here Tanner's never here no he just comes in to shoot and then he bounces yeah I heard he's gonna get a house in Vegas I I'm his roommate I think he would tell me what he isn't did he tell you no what am I gonna do do you miss Barry I mean woods made it work here you don't have a spare room I'd like your place I mean that's reserved for the pool table I like pool though so I bet that works perfectly but if you're sleeping on it well I can't unless like where's the stick gonna go we're shooting two videos today two and a half or two and a half to an intense to an eight point one okay so we have a we have a pickup shot for yeah I probably I brought my shirt when are we shooting that first first so if you can change now okay so a pickup shot is where you pick up a shot the following day after principal photography like your main shoot day so the idea is when you do a pickup shot you have to kind of wear what you were wearing the day you shot it otherwise the shot won't match with your other stuff anyways I only brought the shirt and I I didn't bring the pants because the other half of me doesn't show up on camera unless it's on this channel I know I didn't plan this it just kind of happened are you filming a commercial right now that digit room get sponsored that it by mr. clean who do you think's watch a NASCAR racers yeah who do you think's watching it's middle-aged women I don't know and you've won the world I'm sorry I didn't plan it you just got back from Miami I mean I'm just gonna go hang out in the warehouse until we're ready to shoot no no stop it kinda looks like in sync kind of situation no you look like mr. clean in quarantine the beard mr. fellows much like mr. clean in quarantine bars Wow so you guys have stuff to do right you're not just like here to heckle me or I said anything I said mr. clean you might be right there see the problem is with YouTube we're like when you get really into it you really start to understand that the culture is honestly toxic and so you know I try to make this place and get a bunch of people to clean up that place and then all of a sudden this place now is like YouTube comments kind of toxic what I could use is some real life moderators and just like people in front of other people to allow them to speak or not it sounds like a good system for real life what are you guys doing it's not thriller I this is the shirt in stuff I wore for the last shoot and the pants were I was just already wearing today true his hair is getting close to mine you've Tanner is more bald than I am that's not you what if I give you a race it might be true guys I think Tanner might be balding that's what I'm talking about paying people to say stuff is a lot like buying Instagram followers or likes you know it's fake but no one else does Tanner as bald brothers I'm not bald you look like have a nice little setup here no I'm sorry it's better than it's shorter see that sense of confidence that ok sorry ok ok ok I'm waiting until my hair grows out this is this is forget it I'm waiting no one's gonna see my bald head again I feel like if people don't appreciate what is in my head then they don't deserve to look at my head one-to-one relationship there I'm just always gonna wear a hat from now on how about that huh I've always been a hat guy well it's the only one I could find doesn't make any sense we're supposed to know that when you're bald every day is bad hair day can I help you nobody sport no no just just who you have in general another comic just saying just people without taste irrational things like you're so bald oh my can't be so bald you're there Baldy or not I could see the future in that head is that getting to you yeah like it listen even good man you actually look like a cue ball that's the whole white balls okay okay considering how quick Sam flipped when I offered her a raise Becca me another idea I bet you I can get someone to shave their head today you know someone else how much would it cost to shave your head how much would it cost you think so how much what's your price balls like that fall was a bit too easy to say wasn't it say I'm just it ah what is she saying no no no just buzz it like this shave it the buzzes yeah I I I'm not gonna go over five no I want no I won't I can find someone under six for sure they don't value that right I'm gonna find someone watch I will find so just understand the price to beat is 600 I know for a fact I can get someone under 600 so we're gonna go fishing I have this this is my personal I keep this in my car it's a look it's a it's a essentially it's a bunch of bald looks right and I'm gonna see if well some of these we can't try but I'm gonna see if maybe these can help convince people with some looks what's the matter should I do that that's a look yeah hey what I'm gonna show you someone's head today because I don't want to be the only bald guy in the studio how much money I'm not acting funny you're you're acting funny what is that even on your head a bald looks better than that that's like a rosie the riveter look how much 500 500 yeah it has to be 500 what does known for his hair it's gotta be in my hair this is the strum what's his known for his hair he never even does it he just has it you see see now that triggers me right this kids walking around with a full head a really luscious hair and he doesn't even doesn't even tend to it doesn't do anything doesn't do anything to it that's like having 20/20 vision and walking around with your eyes shut why would you do that it's just a waste of your good eyes 500 mm-hmm that's what Michael tell Montes said he said 500 - so here's the deal will you go under that yeah 5450 what if he goes to 400 shaving his head he literally was considering it he was I'm telling people being bald is not as scary as people make it out to be you walk down the street and you you walk down the street Sam your balls guess what people are a little bit more scared of you you know why cuz it takes courage to shave your head and it also takes and also yeah some bad genes your family they have good genetics when it comes to hair yeah yes all of them have hair still give me the ones that passed locks right here okay which look which look do you want you you can't you can't even grow beard so that's not that would be you that case a billionaire what about that yeah can you grow a facial no you know facial hair for him okay so he's going for 400 I'm gonna keep going around see if I can get anyone under for 400 hey Pat how much how much for you 400 350 oh my god number because I'm afraid no one will go lower than so I would actually have to do it see what I said it takes courage this kid has none clearly self-admitted though ah dude 350 that's a huge check their patois but your hair color back so fast at least one Bell pro so I like bro here what's the story of the GoPros why is if I answer this question like three or four times I don't know what happened to them I don't know what happened to them I left them on a charger and that's all that I know okay because I'm just testing story see ya it's understandable yeah yep I have a I have a look I have a look look tell me which one did you think mini-me dude over after you go for Caillou do we but Erin how about this you have a beard I feel like I fit early you thank you um I feel like you could go for like this look he looks like he's more than 300 ollars - so ok what do you think a lot of pressure 350 yeah see he's just saying that because he wants to make 400 bucks I need 40 bucks why did he formed why would you say like to what you say that like get a problem yeah I need $400 lady where do you got a debt to pay off Oh No what's a bookie yo 50 bucks all you say the lines into my head right now 450 you are you gonna do give me 50 all right I know film this workbench cuz I'm about to do some work on you I got 60 bucks for making him laugh and now I have to get my haircut for 50 are you scared are you scared don't make a louder noise what are you doing are you setting it to scary setting setting it yeah pretty much okay yeah I'm setting it to zero well you have a lot of area you ever done no I haven't and I will admit my bedside manners are lacking a little bit I understand it's my first time this doesn't look as good I say we stop that does not look good you straight you went up no I didn't go straight that's what I do on mine right there did we'll just do a refund I've done more for less that does not look right like all you have to almost Li all you have to do is the attachment I don't have you just fade that in a little it'll look fine what's that I don't have he needs to go shorter on the sides anyways right guys well that was the goal right guys that'll be totally fine 25 okay oh that way 17 how do you fixed your hair since Matt shaved the sides no oh snap which size well my hair's a little messy of that but can you see it still there I was gonna have so here's the thing everyone's afraid to like cut my hair for me so I have to go get it's a whole thing I'm lazy it's strong unusually how are you landing are you so you're at 400 still okay I might find someone cheaper you want me to just shave their head if they go cheaper than you you want me to come back to you what okay this guy's rich 399 Stu on this for a little bit see if Pat really want that money if he needs that money because here's the thing guys it grows back how much money would it take for you to shale a head I think I have a funny shaped head so I probably move it oh wait wasn't she drop on her that's right she was dropped on her head what would it be just throw it a wild number I'm not doing anything over 500 so you can just it's not a risk at this point I was drinking maybe 5k it's over at least 10k 400 400 are you doing 399 I don't think so let me see her hairline that's pretty nice hairline you would not bring her mine yeah what does that mean what why are you saying that you don't want to risk it at all that was not just you can be ball and not have a good hairline that's the whole art of being so he has a good hairline so why would you want to yeah that's what I was because what I said earlier courage yes only the courageous do so I'm gonna say no okay how about I say no to you wow that's completely fine can't you talk my let's play yes I can get my bike back yeah see it depends on why you shaved your head really but it does take guts not just being bald although that does get you half the way once yeah all right Michael Michael would not go oh can I see what you'd look like bald oh oh I'm gonna remove all of it oh that looks good yeah that looks really good I want you to entertain the idea of what if you hate it what if he absolutely hates it well the way I see it is if I don't like it then I have to learn to I have to learn to like other aspects of myself I have to concentrate on other things rather than just concentrating on my hair why are you getting away with my hair see that sounds deep but it's inaccurate yeah oh yeah what do you think I'm missing you think I do you think I don't pay out no you'll get it right now okay I will I will literally venmo you okay are you ready are you sure your hundred percent sure $400 you're not gonna be upset later you're not gonna be like oh my gosh for some reason all my tinder dates declined excellent actually went very well the one after you cut your hair no she didn't show up maybe she just saw you and laughs yeah I sent her a picture she didn't show up of your head yes of my head all right just for my first time oh my gosh it's not that scary dude you're touching her one less hello hello it's not that bad did you start with that what are you gonna do what does heart beat out tense right now what are you gonna grab with your stress I've never ever go for the first first cut back this is the last second you have to deny do it just do it do it okay and suddenly there is a collective groan oh how could he have reduced the high five I can be to this but I have and you never saw it coming don't describe it you definitely have to get some Sun on it but don't you know you're bald like me now all right bold boy so watch out you need to wear sunblock Judaizers I don't want to see myself until it's done my head feels so cold already how did it feel to have all your hair just drop off your head oh man new sensation I've never felt any sort of breeze hit my head and that was that was great that was that felt great this is so much hair I just felt it this is the horseshoe I think should buy a motorcycle after this hardcore they look good I want to fight you left this angle right now is I got the horseshoe that's why you don't have hair cause it gets stuck in your mouth I haven't been bald since I was in the womb like this is you guys are insulting me I don't have a cold side no I'm not worried about it it's a culture thing you know you have to hate the boss it's it's like it's it's like a must and work culture I hate him too he's the worst you're gonna have to start working out you can't be bald and skinny all right you're gonna work out with me Natsu yeah I guess we're gonna have to do that stay tuned we're gonna have a fit in this day I need a gradual breeze dude my friends are gonna feel so good either the wind giving you shaping wait business really happening this is awesome no we're just gonna put it back on Tanner can you pick it all up and use up that Museum but we're gonna we're gonna make a wig die and he'll just be able to wear it yeah comment down below I'm curious what don't have you pay for it like and how much would you pay for it you know it's Korona hard times and all just try and make money any way we can since I cut it off I get to it's mine now high five gets to profit off that I'll probably sell it for 400 just leave like that part right there holy right I'll leave that did you go to jail what would it be for for probably the wrong crime there's something you just yeah you didn't do so you you're in the wrong place at the wrong time yeah I mean they've locked me up but it wouldn't be for the right one wouldn't be the right crime but you know if they lock me up then they're still doing their job I suppose this has a tattoo you guys are seeing parts of my body that I a new era of wood wow I've never gotten so much height from people doing this I shaved my head and people are like David Franco sexy Franco did you do besides look this way oh yeah you did [Laughter] like Sokka dude you don't want that I thought he wanted to be a Jedi that's just my dream okay stay very still this is zero your skin's gonna burn a little but you'll get all over City you're gonna fall in love with this brother and you're gonna do the exact same Stratus I I have I shave in the summer and I grow winter coat there you go whatever wow that just called me brother yeah you've gotten into the inner circle right now the inner circle is small people flux in and out of it honestly they don't even know but it's really dependent more on how much money you bring in and that's when you know you're in my inner circle so I I'm in the inner circle for sure but beyond that it's just it flux it every day is different anything you don't like on that head that's your fault Wow welcome son to your new life yeah I feel I feel a lot more on this side yeah guys yeah I'm dating like polka for earlier this is it it looks like you're wearing a ball cap I got um believe that that's actually yes I don't know guys this looks pretty big now let's left is to really upset some other people in the office by showing them what I have done to woods and his luscious locks Mike you want to see something oh whoa come here with what why'd you shave your head $400 what 400 bucks yeah you look good you reason why I wouldn't is because I'm afraid it won't go back no it's not that's a bolt tail no way yeah it is I miss the spot I clean it up a little later oh my actually it's pale boy you gotta sit in the Sun for some minutes but it doesn't look bad yeah you're gonna give us I can give you $30 anyway well it's not no it's not it's powerful it takes courage to do it no thanks $400 oh shoot I don't have the venmo app well one may time we're gonna have to download it he freaked out there for a second what's up Pat we we found a sucker bro you don't look bad you look good yeah I like you Pollux they stick with it how do I entries he's a very nice guy you gonna go work on a truck or something okay guys looks like your woods what is your venmo oh how much did you pay for this oh yeah well you can say it a lot of people might yeah what's your venmo are we are we know shut up you didn't shave your head I'll shave your head right now for nothing is woods - DeMars this is gonna get so much money all right guys here we go for hair cut we're gonna do 500 oh yeah Oh 500 because he's a good sport what did you say yeah why dude you're really good at your cut Oh bald brothers baby bee bee bee ready you can you do pushups yeah sure there's a video on the last day that is not a video where I shaved a head but that is a video where something really crazy happened so you're gonna want to check that one out and the video on the right well that is a video that YouTube thinks you will enjoy okay [Music] this is the worst broom
Channel: Matthias
Views: 1,008,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, dope or nope, team edge, get good gaming, fun, funny, comedy, vlogger, hi 5 studios, bald, prank, challenge, shaving my head, quarantine, vlog
Id: K3oozyC7DuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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