Giving $20 To Anyone Who Can Make Me Laugh (No Limit)

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Lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OFFICIALPNDAMUSIC ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you're supposed to make me that laughs yeah you're just laughing I know it might work though it could might has a contagious like you're really done I feel happier I know what's up guys today is gonna be special just like every day otherwise I don't shoot this is why you shut the door when you're recording what's going on guys today going to GG today is gonna be a fun day because I'm gonna do my best to not laugh when someone tries to make me laugh okay I have a buttload of cash here you see this see this buttload of cash the idea behind this is anyone that can make me laugh open my mouth laughs not just chuckle like I have to open my mouth will get $20 okay let's do it let's go to Gigi well we're gonna start out with the guys first because the Gigi shoot day I can't I can't run this fast yeah why is it so quiet if you didn't know are they even here hello oh they are they're just quiet Tanner's here Paul or no tanzanite here I thought your tuna I know I don't know if it went Gigi's awfully particular about the clothes that I wear on Gigi day you know it's a bit of a hang-up but I just write it out I think I left it here the wrong hat I think I left it here well they're mad because I didn't wear the new official Jesse I knew I was gonna get arrested for this but hey now it's on this channel and now I'm plugging the shirt yeah that's my bed so today the idea is see this yeah yeah that's money that's cash money chokes oh you like that you like that smell it smells really bad huh I've never felt no money before what does money smell like ooh I think it smells like a bad night in Vegas what what is that smell you know you really don't want to know you ever been to Vegas dude no they called the strip for a reason dawg anywho the idea here is whoever can make me laugh gets 20 bucks - Mooji laughs well no after at this point now so you have to make it so I open my mouth laughs like hahaha not this oh yeah I need a lot go what'd you get me for my birthday I don't remember yeah that's my bed - you can't I have to open my mouth and laugh no all right Connor what do you got going on here you guys and those Dwarfs yes you chose to be a dwarf like dwarf warlock be a dwarf warlock once in World of Warcraft or underrated they're the best race out there what was your thinking and choosing a dwarf and Wow oh that they have a really good racial ability so it's not offensive actually but and they're also just short and I'm short and chunky so I'm like in real life a dwarf oh you're looking for accuracy yes accuracy you can't say that no not in this climate even with Vic tisha I laughed at myself I've made you joked about nine I made that own joke Oh I live again give me my money no no no all right Connor you're gonna have to try harder you're gonna actually have to make me laugh this kid is greedy but what's now you're starting a new channel okay this is my kid thinks he's funny stop with that give me money stop with that for anyone asking I only open my mouth to eat and to laugh any other reason is strictly my business that one got me all right if the channel makes you laugh like Gigi the person has to make me laugh you think I'm just gonna get $20 to a channel like all the times in GTA and then we're gonna wait for Tanner then I'm not late Tanner's late you were three minutes loses everything who ate food at my desk I wonder you think it was me I know is it really your birthday what is your account Paul underscore Kennedy okay cool because that's just send him some vemos stuff because I forgot it was his birthday and that's my birthday Christmas oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah you're gonna have them pay me I'll give him opportunities happy birthday Paul thank you open your mouth [Laughter] yeah you should really get your mic on are we scolding Kali yeah they have itself what do you want to do for lunch this you know it's your birthday it is you're ready what are we doing for eugenie birthday one most expensive food in the city Larsson's yeah I got steak there before any good it's a 33 ounce poured it oh you eat that much steak well I mean Brian and I did it you went with Brian yeah to the club wow they didn't invite us so Tanner see this too is cash okay what a fly oh my god do you get defensive easily no do you I was just asking you want some of it I mean if you're giving it out I am giving it out to anyone who can make me laugh out loud do we have like a specific time while the cameras roll and you have to make me laugh out loud at any time today right now while the cameras are only getting out here what I said today while the cameras rolling so everyday what are the boundaries you know lol and I give you $20 okay turn your shirt on so you can see what you look like something tells me you wanted to be the funniest vlog ever but it's good and I don't want this to be the funniest vlog ever I thought this was gonna be a dope renewed to you that you're not funny I'm not funny yeah you're not gonna be proving I'm not funny you're gonna proving that you don't hit the camera well that's what that's not my ego that's what every bad comment says oh yeah hey viewers comment down below its Mathias overrated so guys do me a favor comment down below oh my gosh Tanner is so defensive any time it comes to marriage and money and he should really think about all that before he you know speaks it's a bit long but you can put it in your own words Jiji chute number one done I let's see if we can find some people you're just gonna follow me around and mock me no okay let's see if we can find some people oh wait I need a man that's upstairs on the notes up Oh Patrick upstairs all right are we go Pat hey come here iPhone you're late before Dave in the bathroom oh I don't know what we were supposed to do in the bathroom you just hanging around just in case you can make me a lot opportunity baby laugh out loud I can laugh but you have to make me laugh out loud you make me laugh out loud you get 20 bucks that might be true do your best to make someone laugh in this room right now that's a lot to ask yeah have you watched me be videos I'm not funny no I can't there's no way what's a smiling does that count yeah probably haha what's that zero self-esteem is I'm gonna do about come here Sierra I'm sure thank you fun shirt but it is a fun shirt right you make me laugh laugh out loud laugh right I make if you make me laugh laugh out loud laugh twenty dollars that's it that's it if I got $20 every time I made someone laugh I would literally have a yacht and an ice cream store disgust and Disneyland you can make me laugh as much as you want to make me laugh I don't she's been fattening about my honey bunny ear Terrence is worse back that actually almost got me she got me I wasn't even trying to that was real I really don't think I'm that funny it doesn't matter you don't have to be funny to make me laugh I can laugh at you like tell me maybe a really sad story about yourself a sad story really like a just a really sad story I spent 200 grand to get my college degree I just made me depressed sorry yes um 200 grand where did you go I like a little bit not it's actually probably like 190 no I can't say it on camera I have something that's funny but I guess it's going well then you don't get 20 bucks do I like dad jokes I like good jokes doesn't matter if they're dad or not dad jokes we're bad dad jokes can be good okay so what's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo one is lit on fire now did you just say your mom she just literally walked out and said your mom hoping that we get gelato ice does hip bone is it BA one's heavy one's a little bit lighter huh nose weak come on so you like just to be clear what you did was you sat down and you research some dad joke I didn't know that just came to the top of my head I can open my computer if you don't believe it chaotically carrots fine yeah let's see if we can find a rose okay so if you make me laugh on camera flat out loud like ha not there's $20 in here for you well only because of I'm doing this video see it really makes people feel not funny on the spot because they have to be funny on the spot but see the issue is you're trying to think on how to be funny instead of just starting a normal conversation and getting laugh slapstick you think my comedy is lowbrow that was nice though I appreciate the vulnerability there I'm just knocking your head on the wall that's Michael got me - laughs okay go give them $20 there you go Michael you make me laugh out loud and you get $20 is fine thanks dude appreciate it why don't you just show them some your analytics yeah well they're both our analytics technically so that was all your that was my attempt that didn't work so that's my subtle if I'm just gonna subtly attempt to all day yeah [Music] maybe that's why cuz you just like the first thing you go to is smash in your head my gut is that she's not the only person that smashed their head more than once and also an employee here a high five Connor we know for a fact Connor is in that Club I haven't seen some of your videos reason is that what you know first thing why why'd you do that [Music] [Music] alright I have to get back to a GG shoot guy but I'm gonna be shooting this video all day so if you come up with something funny oh yeah you know I really noticed that people go to really dark places to get me to laugh and honestly I'm not sure if that's them or if they just think I laugh at their misery all day cuz it's only partly true where are we going for lunch for a fall birthday well first off we saw lunch with someone worse we have another negative shoot I mean no joke chamber hey guys oh just cake where are we going to lunch though I've suggested something delicious but apparently Tanner eats at every single life Luke feels yeah whatever that is so far I had that yesterday I literally had stung by this kid want to talk about yeah I talked about this morning dude yeah to give somebody 20 bucks who though me you laughed at me I did not I mean you live from you and under the best what I called you yeah thank you you're right Connor you did oh sorry this is a tip for the thank you see what I should have done is paper how much I think the joke is worth I would have spent a lot less money today he still hasn't made me laugh at all it's all about opportunism baby is that a joke that's opportunity what sounds good to you it's not my birthday it's Paul's birthday how do you know Jer why can't have what you want I want to salad you want to literally just said you want to talk about with that $20 it again what are we gonna go why are you asking me it's Paul's birthday this is place it's called tomato hose looks like we're having pizza but evidently we have to shoot more yes I got another shoot but I'm coming to get my water bottle I thought woods so woods this is your back don't touch it yeah that's it so you make me laugh laugh out loud I gave $20 these little Lee's on the spot dog right but I'm not waiting around for you I have stuff to do so see you later so that's it you're not gonna try this kid must be rich does he have a list of jokes you literally have a list of jokes because you knew I was gonna shoot this video no it did I had no idea if Luna refuses to sleep during a nap time you know I was shooting this video ahead of time I was expecting you to prepare better why didn't you prepare better oh you knew I was shooting this you came in with some jokes on your phone and there were dad jokes I'm gonna be honest you know what I don't want to hear it if you know refuses to sleep during nap time is she resisting arrest that's not the climate you know you can keep making me laugh all day you can follow me around I mean like there's still so much cash if I were people around here you know what I would be doing I'd be following me around just like trying to make me laugh all day I guess people aren't you know they don't want money that bad they want purpose your stomach is grumbling right now you haven't eaten breakfast it's lunchtime right now what do you want you want money or purpose huh yeah I know what you want you want money why cuz you can trade that for a Big Mac and I know you food is here it's your turn to read your lines yeah let's see let's see if you can have some wine see Channing biased I never did you've stumbled across huh look at this birthday that's Pete's birthday feast right here thanks for pushing the food I didn't touch it I'll just stand here and watch you guys have you know you're in the way of the anime anime yeah Matt you ready to watch a man eh yes what's your favorite anime it's Timothy it's too many favorites name one you can't have just one one favorite top five ah-oh top 10 anime trails it's like every good gaming vidya now you're like could be if you really wanted it to look like an anime where's that mean you're hot summers got me tennis doesn't make me laugh yet have you I'm I'm fine what's the best place you've ever gotten pizza bro tomato just I want me gonna miss in the 92 I just watch doing some video any money you guys didn't come prepared didn't you that's all being scripted now I already make you laugh for money well they make you laugh for less money what does that mean I'm a healer my picture you make me laugh right no we make other people laugh for your paycheck so your life isn't what you think please explain how you think we get paid from YouTube videos how I think we get paid from YouTube videos okay interesting it's pretty simple so Susan we all know Susan right she's the CEO you guys who don't know what she likes to do is she she writes checks independently for her favorite people on the internet sometimes high-five Studios is one of them sometimes we're not we haven't been for a couple months pray for us he's my jester yeah I just well you just use your stupid monkey is others oh boy it's a really dumb jokes you know huge it's still so much I owe you there's no that's just you know how much money is [Laughter] [Laughter] there not for you you gotta smile for the guys do not mean for you what you know I keep going I'll start dipping into a credit I think how credit works is it's like it's like like a 14 digit IOU you know it's like just wipe it and then the person is slightly up maybe don't get me later you know I haven't gotten anyone back but we'll see how it goes so who else have you gone to today to try Mikula rose made me laugh Michael made me laugh you got bigger Woods would make me laugh so we have I got a side dish or is just a single pizza coming out of nowhere and it's getting me patanรจ is the type of guy that thinks random equals funny for him I think it does I can't respect that we're setting up for the new interview set right here is you can take a peek over here this is gonna be the new place that we do interviews it's gonna be super awkward if we cut to an interview about setting up the interview Hey I don't remember the joke that I'd planned here so Hannah haven't seen Hannah today you're aware of the stick because you're on this channel the stick the $20 look check this out come on all I'm asking is that you make me laugh stop looking I laughed at myself I laughed at myself did I no see just says now he's judged don't okay here try again no you that's it you just want Wow you have an expensive lunch 12:00 you don't even take a look you didn't get lunch at your two o'clock lunch two o'clock lunches are more expensive than twelve o'clock lunches I didn't know that so what places do you go to on these two o'clock lunches yeah Sharkey's you got expensive coffee places where's that like in my neck of the woods like say I'm like at home and I want Phil's coffee because I want real coffee hey look it's was in Tanner who are just creepily watching the show what no they please look away we have flexibility gets it 3:58 one hour left one hour left you know what that means I've given everyone pretty much the entirety of the day to figure out how to make me laugh for money and only a couple of people have what about you would you got anything else this is a really sad video you're filming was that I'm never sure if people are trying to make me laugh drew why is it sad to explain it sorry Mike you're trying not to laugh - is er can't tell if they're just trying to be really awkward so I just feel so uncomfortable that I have to you know I don't really laugh much at slapstick or lowbrow comedy at all really but there's something about a foot farting that just tickles my fancy it's just good it's just it's not supposed to fart you know it just doesn't make any sense okay let's go check orange okay so it looks like Tanner's gone looks like GG's gone looks like editors have never been here in three months let's even see if anyone's upstairs sheneneh's here hey so I'm doing a video where if someone can make me laugh out loud mouth open laughs I gave him 20 bucks oh gosh she got really nervous Matt I noticed you're wearing shorts today is that because Amanda wears the pants in your relationship you're supposed to make me laugh not make me angry wait I heard it bro I've been thinking about that I would think about that did you really went below the belt it's okay though I respect it anything goes well well well did you push up no I did you can't leave that's cheating I'm not leaving I'm not laughing so people think slapstick comedy you know dark humor that's the matthias comedy brand I you know I'm not sure if that's accurate but like guess out that's how people view me so you know go fall off a cliff it's just really difficult to not break the tension when things aren't funny don't even there I'm dispelling the internal tension from awkwardness is what's happening that I created that you created yes okay well I'm gonna still be walking around but you didn't get me I don't think you got me I have to laugh out loud I spent hundreds of dollars ready you really have ten I made like 80 bucks no really so that's telling me I'm not necessarily I spring this on you last second I didn't even know you were here today because everyone's like you know scared of the core Anita so let's uh let's go anyway another twenty bucks yeah did you want to tell him what I said that doesn't want me to earn any more money I don't know you guys know we're dominant nice be meeting my sibling here you're talking okay you're welcome and you're running out of people here hey Mike hey Mike so Sully were you coming to see me yeah oh sure see this every time someone makes me laugh I give them 20 bucks you're asking me to make you levels loss ever made you laugh Oh new morning answer honestly sure you're supposed to make me that way yeah you're just laughing I know it might work though it could mike has a contagious like you're really does I feel happier I don't mean I'm getting ready for you read read and do you see Matt yeah a little bit knock knock this kid just hit me with a knock knock who's there this is last call I'm just passing through just making sure there's not like some other jokes in here that will never miss right now why does it make everyone nervous oh my gosh these people don't you imagine the entitlement whoa maybe speak for yourself Ana I'm sometimes a funny person I think maybe not heat it laughs dang it yeah sure I'm funny right yeah okay cool so that made you left a couple times you made me laugh a couple times but I I feel like you were trying to make her laugh I mean maybe he's more so blaming funny me yeah my head injuries that's a shame what all started when I was born my mom dropped me when I was a year old and I got a concussion I've heard that story six times oh my gosh Matt I swear did you hear the story about the three holes the heck are you talking about Wow do I not get it I must not get it oh well Oh got it I get it a guy walks into a bar just falls off the barstool did you and gets a concussion start listening where is your brain I'm sure it's about concussions though he walks into a bar he must be walking slow I'm just trying to approve they fail thank you so much so by the end of the video you know I came in with $500 and I pretty much spent 250 and I honestly wish I spent the entire 500 because this would have been a funnier video but that's not my fault that's that's everyone that's everyone else's fault so if you want to see maybe a funnier video click that one right there and if you definitely want to see like a super funny video I don't even know what it is but I know it's funny because it's on this channel so I'll just wait until you click the video get a job
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 814,200
Rating: 4.9450912 out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, dope or nope, team edge, get good gaming, fun, funny, comedy, vlogger, hi 5 studios, contest, challenge, try not to laugh
Id: 1ngES8gVmQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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