Someone Pranked My Office...

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a bit of a serious conversation here someone's been eating my sandwiches right now he's my initial suspect oh okay okay so we have a problem at the studio and I'm gonna find out who it is and I'm gonna terminate them by the end of this video no big deal okay okay so here's what's happening people have been eating my lunch I've been taking this sandwich which my beautiful wife makes for me and I've been putting it in the fridge this isn't even like this isn't good like look this isn't even the fridge that people use it's been the weekend okay that's why it's not I put my sandwich in there guess what happens come back all that's left is this all that's left is this what this has happened numerous times and I honestly I just hope the culprit is enjoying it for now I know someone's been messing with me and I'm not I'm not happy about it this happened once before and then we terminated someone and just stopped happening and then it started happening again it started happening Ning it started happening that's a hard word say that five times fast here's the plan watch this let's see where is your salt ha ha ha this is just like a snack right this isn't even my lunch my wife knows I'm gonna go out and get some food but check this out right we have some peanut butter and jelly in here it's just like a little nice snack to get my energy up during doper nope shoot and during a GG shoot and during you know other shoots like that here's the deal that's what we're gonna do this open what's going on here perfect just just getting in there I'm really getting in there and the pranky has become the pranker yeah don't want it to look too made you know the thing just right there don't need me now that I remember though that was my only sandwich I should have made two now I'm gonna be hungry later for my afternoon snack regret afternoon snack usually I have a lull in the afternoon most people take naps but I've found that eating a boatload of sugar is more enjoyable in the short term time for a doper nope shoot let's do it let's do it you see it the same which was gone no no okay maybe it was her young did you steal my sandwich no she didn't she wouldn't have you wouldn't have she's way too nice you never know though little-known fact sometimes it's the people you least expect that have the most hate for you so watch out for strangers yeah let's see the whiteboard are you supposed to look at that that's cool is this what is this what is that are you are you I was looking for the word chair of it but I almost said chubby that's the same doesn't it no okay okay I'm gonna teach you guys a quick lesson [Music] Britt you guys are on it you guys are getting banana bread neither mitochondria oh the self is that myself no oh that's really woke us out it's a grilled cheese sandwich sandwich just me or was it almost like they were actually actively avoiding guessing that that was a sandwich as a person no that's not me yeah yes so you know someone ate my sandwich okay someone's people have been eating my sandwich I don't know why don't you take a guess Howard's why don't you take a guess well I mean two would be enough for me to to what nervous yeah well yeah almost every day almost every day and like I keep thinking like can't be today because I'm really hungry but it's every day so here's what we want we don't want this guy okay this guy terms terminated absolutely well I could be oh okay yeah yeah oh yeah well I mean that could have been woods before the so that's what we're looking for I'm not a fan of who that is and whoever that is I catch them someone someone by I'm watching okay cool thanks Sam hey look it's Kevin Kevin wait wait wait wait dude come on bro too much contact yeah sorry too much contact all right all right so I got a dope enough hey wait let me oh yeah let me stop you here for a second no you Kerry you're gonna die CJ Kevin come here first thing I'm so bitter honestly a bit of a serious conversation here someone's been eating my sandwiches it's just very is PB and J we have PB and J occasionally we I guess me in the prankster I guess only the prankster I have PB and J it's my PB&J I'm putting it in different fridges I'm putting in different fridges and people are just literally looking for my sandwich and eating it who knows you make your own sandwiches well I I got really upset the first time it happened so now everyone is did you yeah because I announced it yeah I have a habit of announcing things um people say it's premature but I I don't agree I think it's better for everyone to know everything then for no one to know nothing and I think that's Noble so you shouldn't have to put a policy in place about only CEO is it a lot to eat sandwiches that way if anyone else is eating a sandwich well no I wanna see that the studio only people only the people can eat sandwiches are you a knight just me yes to see yeah well I know I can't trust you yet true cuz I have been known to prank you you have huh yeah but you haven't are you are you eating my sandwich well if if you if you want to know put my sandwich in blue base for it so don't prank me okay you guys have like all of upstairs blue this what are you talking about are you guys in here well I I just saw him here is this your office it's my office now yeah cuz you guys looked a little hot so I thought I was gonna come into your little I think yeah you just raise the level and now I passed good thing I came in hot cuz you were very hot right yeah I'm okay now I just had to yell and no wasn't oh yeah you're right it was okay so hold on let me just go to the bathroom real quick in the mall Dober no Dobrin oh okay Kevin you look out for me dawg you're you're my you're my my sandwich Guardian shut up Tanny don't make fun I hate surprises a little known fact about Matthias I don't like surprise parties I don't like surprise gifts and I don't like surprises in the toilet I don't care who left him not a fan a firecracker you just said you pranked me I said I have been known to prank you thank you listen you know where the heck out of me you guys are pointing a lot of fingers and that allowed me to answer can you fire place I'm pointing all my fingers at you right now he's my initial suspect have you asked him oh okay okay Oh Sam while I'm in the door nope shoot I need you to follow him just don't get in trouble cuz he's technically your boss yeah so if he catches you just say hi I don't know he won't suspect anything don't worry no what kind of tasks uh just like day-to-day things like scheduling checking in with the team but then essentially like anything he needs me to do really but I'm not his assistant nope your time is wrong he was gonna be even later until I told him he was 30 yeah CJ's gonna there's not enough room for CJ here you're gonna get me pizza what does that give you some of my pizza book oh I see you're gonna be in here lunch alone that's a lunchable bro it literally says pizza with pepperoni disappoints me anyways let's shoot some dope or no oh I'll catch up with you guys in a bit thanks CJ that's a real stickler for making sure everyone arrives to shoot at shooting time like exactly he claims it helps us get rolling stupid I don't like metaphors we're still billing doper nope here we got Sam we got Sam in this so Sam for this entire video it's all about womanly products okay and the best people to review it were obviously two men two handsome men yes that is an important distinction we figured well we might not know everything as men yeah maybe unlikely unlikely just in case the comments okay so we need yeah we need the opinion of a woman okay so what what's what's your opinion of this Sam this is a you go girl drink for the taste drink for the cause yeah okay you down that was a cookie video all about what how would you put that Sam all about female products female product and whether or not they were supposed to be female products or not because did you did I wear this right I did you're supposed to wear these like this weird that correctly I don't yeah I don't worry daph the things correctly anyways so did you find do you you guys literally staring at a screen did you look at what he was looking at cuz it could have been mice like me it could have been my sandwich Kevin sits at his desk all day just staring at the screen sometimes like it feels like he doesn't move for hours you guys seen that Parks and Rec episode guys just like like literally just literally just sitting still not doing anything I think that was based on Kevin on the screen no I'm not doing a whole blog about a sandwich tanner someone stole my sandwich your liar Oh am i yes I would I would like to because I have to leave my sandwich for someone else to catch them that's great okay where we do you actually want a sandwich well in place of my existing one I would like one because I'm I know my existing one just like all the other times my mood for one but we could go like chop stop sounds pretty good why wouldn't I want it why am i everyone mingi like were you I'm falling this guy there's no way pets eating a salad okay I never seen you eat a salad I want whatever Pat's happened what was the last time you only had a salad firm you only had a salad for a meal yeah just a salad people do that I thought I was like a side thing oh hey what's up my late duper no dope enough happening water water water what did I leave that I didn't have it upstairs to open now did I on set no I came in here there it is wait this was mine right yep 100% that was my bottle of water I went through this footage looked at it you can rewind you can remind the video yourself I literally brought a water bottle into that that was a hundred percent my water bottle confirmed someone definitely pranked me oh that smells like medicine cool it what does cool it tastes like medicine what if it's you want a drink you know like the Kings taste tester no no will they do that you know is that what cool it tastes like that's horrible I can honestly say that I've never drank kool-aid before that moment and I can also honestly say I wasn't missing out I don't think it was an accident I think it was someone someone very specific and I would have I would have immediately blamed Pat because this is his desk except Pat hasn't left my side since I Pat it right Pat hasn't left my side I walked up he was up there we are filming we came down together we went to lunch which by the way he did not have a salad and when the cameras turned off he was like not eating a salad I will never eat a salad I'm not even kidding we'll go ask him that's proof this was good water this is Trader Joe's electrolyte water extra electrolytes for us tired thirsty boys by the way sad boy merch you can get it actually hey Sam you haven't know anything about this filled with blood juice yeah supposed to like approve of what you're drinking like the Kings taste tester will you be my Kings tastes the CEO taste tester no don't because I already tasted it and we don't want to spread a virus that I don't have did you do that make you kool-aid No so you're saying someone's actually trying to do me a favor by turning my water into whatever that nasty wine no now wasn't that wasn't no that wasn't that was sacrilegious is what that was hey hey hey take a peek at that look that's what I thought did you do that did you this was on your I left my water bottle on your desk and it went from water to this I know I came up here it couldn't have been you even though it was on your desk did you put it on my desk I put it on your desk yeah when before--do burn oh shoot was I there no you weren't I just want to make sure okay answer me this would you have your lunch I have what you had done exactly was there a salad was there even lettuce on your burger yes there was pickle on a salad yeah you put the pickle in the salad why would you ask me that question because you're very into salads all of a sudden name five ingredients commonly found in a salad the green the lettuce that's the green stuff ranch dressing vegetables particular one three more quick little sidebar here I made the best salad the other day all I did was put all the contents of like a sub sandwich in a bowl without the bread and it was amazing you put pickles you put pepper of cheese you put olives you put lettuce you put bell peppers you put cheese I mean you put you put some sliced up meat man I put mustard mustard oh well Italian dressing you tell me that's not the best thing you've ever tasted but no bread no bread yeah croutons mean who cares I care because that is a million dollar idea it's honestly now I just trademarked it because I I put it online that's how copyright works so here's the deal you make that sell it at home you you just send me ten dollars and I won't copy strike your house well I'll tell you this much that was not an accident wait so actually I hope it's not that'd be scary if it was an accident someone accidentally turned your Walker red well maybe it was an accident they thought it was theirs like Pat yeah it tastes toxic smell it is that kool-aid I don't even know what coulis tastes like it's just cool it is it cooling yeah it's a prank yeah it's just cool a dude already drink something and it's nasty the second doper nope shoot was curiously on an ill-timed subject pranks still shooting some Joker nope but let me just get this right let me get this right yeah what's up the video we're shooting right now it's pranks dude I did wait yeah are you grabbing my who hugs another guy with their but is this your butt yeah I do my butt goes high yeah we're doing prank videos now I was the first prank I grabbed mass but we're gonna go and prank people now is that that's the deal we're gonna go prank people first off is woodling tomorrow okay first off a woman and then we're just gonna do so you guys just to be clear you guys set up a bunch of pranks that we're gonna go do yeah okay if you want we can say it again you did prank me but that was like a couple days ago all right I'm just I'm just keeping score for score seven years ago let's do this thing you're happy clap Wow I'm happy despite me you know the world trying to prank me wait I aren't I in this video patch don't mind Pat you know we got some fan mail for you just into the you UPS thing can you stop squatting but it's doping up fan mail and they just want to say some to you why were you over here squatting woods clearly has a squatting problem squatting at the studio during quarantine squatting just caught them squatting on the ground kid squats too much all types when I make fun of your retainer that came for you woods runs free as you are I'm sorry what I can't read this do you want me to help love you could say it what's word on the street is you are full of crap let's remove it just go out of your mouth it's called the retainer hey man you don't make fun of people in retainers this is the locker is it having bully woods out in the locker okay not into the laundry in the locker I wasn't playing but didn't everyone there was a hey was it just me other people got bullies you know I kind of liked I'm an experience-based person you know so I did a little bit of both you know you can't be a good bully unless you've been bullied okay you know I think it's can why are you just chillin right there waiting for us you think in steps about what pranks about pranks you look like a like a nice respectable girl except you have a nose ring and that tells me a little there's a look evil okay I don't think evil yeah I just think you're a little edgy and I got it I got it yeah he's got are you talking to are you flexing your mom on us we get it you have a mom what are the things you get most defensive about the most offensive or defensive offensive nothing you don't get defensive over anything no you got something to say out of her marriage or money now unless you're starting something but that may be your fault maybe because you're getting offensive do you think I'm being offensive right now I'll hit you the few shrugs that feels offensive I don't know what you mean this is way better than my rig is better than yours look at Peter CJ go show the audience your rig that's right you look at that he looks lit don't make some more dough for not--but it seems like you're only doing one thing it's just normal candy oh it was the Inc the insider I ain't myself they didn't they didn't hear my joke that's why they that's why they didn't laugh and fight I just was gonna say it louder but the moment passed also if you see CJ in the background that's because we're also filming for my vlog channel Oh shoutout to my vlog channel what's up roses actually she's really not on it that often we just trash-talker a lot kind of back behind her back yeah yes it's true though all right who's the next because she's a prankster we need an interview here I eat so much sugar for this Blasco porno video I'm on like a sugar high right now I'm not even kidding who's the sugar buzz were wearing off of you anyway starts swallowing plastic right there so I went off scene after scene following Tanner around for this doper nope shoot and and I'm just really getting a sense of Tanner and I just I think he's just honestly my number one suspect at this point I'm gonna pick some bird food right here on Oh so we're pranking Michael now is that what you're saying well you guys are standing up win whose fault is that you pranked yourself this is what happens when you're a prankster sometimes you prank yourself oh oh is that enough does that look like tubers doesn't win at it news car show them the whole bag I don't like pranks like this I'm not a fan know that you were where'd you get those did someone tell you to do that how do you being weird to do it my sandwich what that's a good point but it's not solid enough because I haven't bitten out of it yet mm-hmm I found these in the bathroom was that you in the men's bathroom oh that's not true it was it was a it was the all genders bathroom it was an orange base did you put these on orange base under the toilet seat so it would just go boom when someone sat down here's the thing I'm not trusting anyone because everyone's a youtuber hearing all these youtubers think they the only way they can get views is by pranking and that's cheap views okay cheap views that's right hello I pranked someone uh shock humor there bad joke there offensive joke here it's easy just easy why don't you take one five seconds to write a video huh and then it won't be so toxic thank you for coming to my TED talk let's just be one of the gang real quick see if anyone's paying anyone hey you guys look like you're real busy we're all here Hannah my illustration is gone we had work there sure though boy that was like a I was like a reminder is he still talking about the sandwich why don't you yeah why don't we just like get back to work let's just work it's not one thing with Sam if ten sandwiches and I'm not worked up ten give or take what am I just supposed to give up on eating sandwiches what a twist of fate I'm the victim in this situation and these Millennials are are telling me I did something wrong what yeah I don't think it's a prank I feel like you're a little in your head about this like cuz also I thought stealing a sandwich would be a pretty lame prank yeah I also have never seen you eat a sandwich are you sure you're actually why do you think you've never seen me eat a sandwich before cuz you're being stolen that's not very funny all right I'll prove it you just wait and washed just the Tupperware will be left and that's it haha oh it's actually still in there this is the first time it's ever actually still been in here when I've wanted to eat it it's probably because I announced it scared them off good thing too that's so bad they did it every other day they did it every no I was not because someone put salt in it they don't know what it's like to be targeted all the time maybe they're right though where's my keys where's my keys oh it's open we're looking there I thought someone stole my keys okay maybe I am a little paranoid maybe I'm not okay so the beginning of the video was yeah not not true I didn't actually end up terminating anyone because I didn't find out who it who it was but I will find out who it was and you can in the meantime find out how awesome this video is and that one um I don't even know what's up there but I'm sure it's good put something appropriate up there otherwise it's gonna make me look like an idiot okay yeah I'm talking to you Thanks
Channel: Matthias
Views: 1,122,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hi5 studios, hi5, high five, matthias, matthiasiam, matthiasvlogs, matthias vlogs, behind the scenes, vlogging, office vlog, vlogs, dope or nope, team edge, get good gaming, fun, funny, comedy, vlogger, hi 5 studios, prank, mystery, pranks, battle universe
Id: xfkBDn_ML38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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