10 of the World’s Craziest Tents You Can Actually Buy!

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someone has been the wrong spot what's going on guys welcome to dope or nope as you can see today's video might get a little intense guys today we're gonna be looking at 10 of the craziest tents in the world but we're not only doing that we're raiding them dope or no but we're not only doing that we're gonna be putting them through a series of three different tests we got wind we got water and we got a beast besides me my hand still hurts yeah we're gonna see if the tent can withstand these crazy tests but before we begin oh you haven't Oh Mistral official it's like this castor oil so I was thinking fist missile just unroll inflate well and welcome home I don't think I live in a tent like that's your home but people who like backpack all the time the tent is probably make their best friend it says welcome home as if it's insinuating this is better than your home is this better than your home no no it's a 10 was this better than your last home though yeah I'm gonna get robbed in this woman they just had a picture right here high altitude you see the problem with having a tent that you have to blow up and high altitude you're gonna pass hello maybe hopefully by the time you're about to pass that you've finished and you fall asleep into the tent maybe that's the strap this ones have one two two person tent but we're gonna try and squish three in there shall we check it out I screamed that really high you know well let's take a look at this so oh really is that the case so what she said was you can use these little pieces down here to help you blow up the tent this guy is the lever where it'll allow you to close on and off two different valve so you do have to blow it up though yeah so as Nicole pointed out she's a big camper yeah she probably has a big camera I don't know do you have a big camper Nicole that's glamping so no how dare you okay so if you want to see his glamp yeah give this video like if you want to see us glam she pointed out that one hole brings this whole tent down because the entire and structural integrity is the air so let's open this up do you like this circle it reminds me of like the sea or something no mines have a hobbit hole yeah Bilbo might be in there wait a second or two a door I like the fact that it's insulated um Wow hey my channel now he's gone you can absolutely fit three people in here this is pretty spacious yeah we definitely can't all lie down look at my neck I'd get a crick in my neck big time I don't think that's gonna work it only advertised one to two people so for that it's accurate but is it gonna withstand our tests poetess alright guys water wind or sasquatch that's hail dude we are not wet I think the storm has passed yeah take a look a water did come through though wow it's hot in here what year is it we look like Back to the Future 3 before I can give it an actual rating it seemed to withstand the water test I'd give it a pass water god Wow barely any anyway even that consistent did you just throw a water ballon at me she's gonna do it again we're gonna simulate if it got cut so if I open up one valve wow that's gonna escape fast very quickly oh you're gone one cut in this tent we'll just do this oh my gosh that was dramatic I'm gonna have to say that's a no five joy instant pop up camping 10 1 2 3 people can use it that's a good style but to test the 3 people for it it says something that I really want to test no assembly required you guys remember that scene Harry Potter where he's like I love magic I'm hoping I'm gonna get that experience alright let's head out there everybody tanner show me the magic like some magic that camera wait watch out I'm gonna back up because this is gonna like knock my teeth out fine too deep there's two doors that's adorable wait wait no shut it how do I get into this gotta go oh this is nice hey there you want to come check out my crib let's do it MTV so if you look here MTV I got two windows how do you lift the windows up from the inside if you go outside what if you're like I have to change how do I close the window yeah you've already started changing yikes someone getting in a fight and then the windows open and you're like wait I need to shut that and you have to go outside totally nude what if you're afraid of change here's the problem I see it if you got to throw this up in the air and order for it to expand what if it's a windy day and let's put a stop it launches into a lake it's game over so we're gonna go ahead and draw to see what tests we're gonna have to put this under you guys might have seen that one 10 oh my god Tanner what are you playing at it's with get down it'd be tough to sleep in that's a lot of wind but we're not going anywhere hurricane that one hurt you landed on my face your hat says that after all that I still feel like it kept up if we were to put stakes down it would have been great I rate this one a dope what are you ready though I'm still ready to dope so far flying ten are grasshopper looks like a cocoon so I get to change into a butterfly it's a hammock ten divvy ten and it's a poncho well I think this tent is gonna succeed in the rain but I think it might fail with wind because it could blow you into circles and I'm really nervous about the Sasquatch worship yeah because you could just light a fire under it and now you're on the spit just like an ads abroad there and just start spinning it guarantees an excellent product that will bring you happiness for a long time hey they didn't say how long a long time let's hope we can get home to see a wife and the kids am i right let's go check it out look so who's gonna draw the short end of the stick on this one the man who's toss this back what the heck that I thought it was gonna make you look a little bit plush inside yeah what is that I told you and that's like a little pocket that Molly's gonna you're doing great Michael I'm gonna sleep like this okay now dude just takes a brother or two to get you into this one hold on yeah there's a little vent right here [Laughter] alright we're gonna pull from the bucket oh man hey Michael you're gonna do great on this one you're doing water balloons yeah whoa that's all dancing queen it's seeping em no no oh no his legs are super wet but that's cuz the last one I did so that was accounting in it before I actually threw it into here were you getting wet yeah to be fair I was kind of sneaked into the back I got a green heart doesn't wrap all the way down so it kind of like sneaks in underneath like the tiny moon if there's a big rainstorm and it's splashing up yeah you're gonna get wet I'm not a fan of the hammock thing so I'm gonna say nope I think it'd be interesting and I'd really like to try sleeping it over tonight I'm gonna say dope especially a little bit higher and you know say it's a nope camp right kids tent caught with rain fly enormous concern right off the bat kids tent so you're telling me you're gonna separate your kid when you're camping out in the wilderness some people like to do that teach them the hard ways of nature but I don't know man like I guess it depends because like up in the mountains of California there's mountain lions and bears a good kid would tame one you know I will say this could be useful my dad when he was a kid used to go up with just a couple of his friends they were like 10 or 11 would go up into the mountains I mean this is old Vegas right find like a rock shelter and camp out there and they came across a bobcat came on us a bobcat I've got like pretty much like fend it off or is it green half out of five stars I think they'd be terrifying for a five-year-old kid to be sleeping in yourself in the middle of nowhere you're like a night Luna well see how this is not as small as I thought it was gonna be oh it's light though but imagine carrying this after a while I'm sure back back you know I'm nervous about this I'll drag you into the other side we'll hold this side hold on I got you buddy oh look at that I got a little window here I think it's just to get some airflow how can we go Matt it's actually really cool though yeah wait wait wait this is not fair you guys are opening up all my zippers right now because you probably are gonna like do a water test all right I'm ready for my test okay well this is gonna be a goody I'm at hanging it for a second my head don't hurt my head why are you being quiet oh dude ooh there's a wild there's absolute you too nice you say go hard oh my gosh oh okay sasquatch just touched my butt Oh Sasquatch is crying now watch is left he got bored Indiana did you get the crystal let's start with your experience how was that if whatever came after me had claws I'd have been a goner could you sleep comfortably in it now with all the low grunts you know if a monster wasn't here [Laughter] I knew it was probably gonna fall over when I jumped into it but still not a great experience very lonely I'm gonna say no that's a nope I'll say though because it did its purpose the heck's wrong because it's a ten easy go products endure TP 10 kids classic Indian play tent and carry bag so does it Luna have this yeah now here's what I like about this so far they already talked about it being a play tent they don't trying to make it anything serious they're not trying to make this like hey you can go outside and do anything with this knob they have like a fake window on it and it's very aesthetically pleasing in my opinion I'm really interested to see if they can fit all those guys and maybe we play with some tea cups and talk about our lives or something you know I'm done alright I'm gonna go ahead now at the cart this is different than the one that Amanda had Amanda has only had four of these and I one two three four five sausages these are yeah hot dog one thing I'm not a huge fan of this is made out of shoelace it has Aglets on the end of these well it's an aglet aglet is this really yeah I've literally never heard that word there's do need more face and ferb my write fantasy and who Phineas and Ferb get out of here with your a glue miss consumption is there Roe enough for two dads and a son son Michael I'm adopted sit on my lap son there is moisture coming through the floor from past rainy days now we're going to draw to see if it can withstand nature's test no don't look don't look Liz laughs it's gotta be water oh yes you can cover this so good man no here someone has been the wrong spot [Applause] Sagi all day I couldn't even break through that I give it a dope because I tried my best to break through this little window and I just couldn't actually hurt my head so then one Matthias zero Giga ten outdoor travel safety pet shelter why wouldn't you put your pet with you know just leave your pet at home they don't have any like pictures with pets in there so I don't know if people are actually utilizing it for pets but maybe yeah you're just putting in your home because you're like you have that canning aesthetic in your house love camping but love being inside pretending yeah fuel your child's imaginations with this Giga tent doesn't gig I mean large and why you feel feeling your child's imagination then for your kid no I don't think your kid can fit in this all right let's check this puppy out this is the cat and the cat could fin that what about a bat what about a rat got my mat what about Matt why would you put a mat what about naps can take naps enough I mean what else is there to say about this time we're not just gonna say oh it's a small tent move on we're still gonna put it through all the tests I'm gonna go ahead and stick my head in there and I'm gonna pull the card and we're gonna see whatever it is well guys wish me luck we have a sleeping camper that we're about to approach here's the thing this is a miniature tent so it's not quite fair to do large scale tests on a miniature tent we break my nose so we're gonna be doing is we're gonna scale down the test ready set go well done yet ready I will say the tent did survive the water my chin did not what do you rate at dinner I ready to the fore for humans and a 10 for cats so bill maybe bill overlander 10 $899 check out that out though 2-story camping tent camp on top of your look at that yo water to the 10 Smitty I hate that name though Smitty jaegerman jensen geese are so cool well look do you see how it just unfold so this is more of a jeep way I haven't seen the 10 in a long time heaven oh they're just showing all Smitty products and they're all for g-d's Oh where's getting bamboozled Sepoy Minh all right yeah all right guys check this out behind me that's a Jeep but guess what's on top of it our tent probably gonna have to have you guys unfold it you know it's a little tall okay delegation because uh ya gotta go on that side because he's the tallest oh yeah Tanner do the backward also big shout out to Mitch this is his Jeep and he's risking us destroying it to go fall I'm at Mitchell Kirk ready or not I'm ready okay so does this yeah this swings out goes yes white all the way down I think you gotta release these Wow look at that that's actually so cool that is beautiful can I go and explore this this has got me nervous though if I'm thinking clearly it's like hanging on to little bolts right here no dude you're good okay so now I'm on top of the car part wow this is so soft and I'm high up here and I'm protected not even a Tanner can get me okay no I'm just kidding wait how much weight can it take you can fit three people in there this is rigid and structured I really actually like the fabric up here do you think you could like get me some wine and cheese I'm gonna get you some roaches and maybe dirty water no one's eating roaches people drink pee though Bear Grylls over here so I just feel a little bit scared so I'm just gonna be crawling around here hey guys looking great fun I feel like I can actually go to sleep up here can you get in the driver's side and just drive away see you guys later suckers Madison we're not gonna do like a weather portion of this just because it's Mitch's car and we're a little bit afraid of scuffing it up especially if we get that Sasquatch you know what I'm saying he's a little bit vicious just quick review what do you think about that dude I love this is by far my favorite it was so easy to put up - this is the way to go yeah I like the dope dope definite dope v-dub volkswagen t1 camper van adult camping tent this giant tent is made to be looking like a Volkswagen I think this is actually a little bit of a bad idea because if somebody sees a Volkswagen this in the middle of the woods like break into that it was like pitch black they can't tell it's just the tents they like try to lean on it but just stumble so it looks like it's supposed to click in place looks like it's supposed to click into place and a lot of bungee cords are what is kind of keeping it in Spence and it also says quite frankly popping it up is idiot proof well they haven't met me but wait what was the price on that cuz I thought it looked a little high actually look a little bit slow $350 that's a lower price compared to what we've been seeing that's pretty low it this sleeps how many people and doesn't say how many people we can really fit in it so we're just gonna have to test that out and maybe it does say it and I'm just too lazy to read it off but that's because I'm pretentious and I don't listen people all right guys we have an awesome yeah let's go around and say hi to Tanner in the driver's seat hey Tanner how do you feel about driving this I feel great because my inability to see through the windshield makes everything a mystery and it's bumbles wait maybe there's a window over here but uh there's no windows on our end no stop no windows what a lost opportunity right to have the windows I don't know be the windows this actually works right because a van like a sliding glass door or sliding glass has a sliding door what are you guys giggling about in there like preteen girls at a slumber party stranger danger there's literally no windows and this was crazy they only give you have a tent look fake no zipper it's pretty obvious two rooms the ceilings are definitely higher than my apartment normally when I walk in my apartment he's super Jana is 7-foot tall he doesn't look it but that's because I'm 6 foot tall I do feel though that you could put a bed there and like you know a little chairs there in a little table or maybe if this is a cake then you can just put in like little tamales why do you compare kids to food what do you eat for breakfast I miss my griddle Wow it was hard in there but all was a bit of so far this one was the least enjoyable experience to be inside of but the most enjoyable experience to be outside of yes yes and that is not a tent it's not we got to put it in the weather test honestly I hope I get hit with water let's do it I know Dave mentioned something to Nicole I think we passed the test has relatively no stability however oh my gosh she's very fragile oh my it's like an earthquake in here all right I'm gonna have to say no way too expensive Coleman weather master six person tent with a screen room is this different than what we looked at earlier the one that unfolded itself it kind of looks similar they said it's just bigger and it has a portion that you can sleep in and there's front portion of it it's just a screen room so you can like still be outside but there's like bugs mattress awesome two queen-size air beds in it that's pretty that's Hugh that is not what it looks like from pictures but if you're fitting to Quinn sized beds and then can not only sleep before have you ever been in a queen-size bed yeah I fit at least four people in a queen-size bed before don't ask why mukbang [Applause] my problem with this I don't like if there's not Matt I kind of like rocks in dirt no I disagree I think you're a camping to get one with nature I just don't have to wear shoes in my tent that's my thing come on in viewers and then from here is where we go into the actual tent this is the best part scapegoat whoa there's a door that's unreal this feature makes it way cooler for me because it's like we have a little front porch you have a door that's what I was gonna say earlier in this video that the one of the things that I hated about tents is flaps flaps on flaps on glass the flaps are just kind of like difficult to operate and you're always like don't know if it's open or not and you kind of like get caught on it like this is so cool I don't like day smile you like put all water in there or something guys get in quick weather the storm oh my gosh where's the zipper there we go there we go nature is sentient I think the storm is over so were they so far for aesthetic for having a door ah I'm Sisto I'll stay on my top three this is a dope one for sure stand up ten-yard the Nooyi dude this is gonna be a car like a continuous thing yurt yard adult six to eight person family extra-large waterproof your can we look at what that Gert means a word used in Sparta your is a greeting word or used to indicate one's happiness or approval we used it right we did yeah obviously we're inside this tent right now big shock know you've been seeing this tent all throughout the video this is a cool looking tent from the outside this is like as glamorous camping as you can be without glamping I think this is like the modern version of the tepee 10 it looks like this is like traveling circus style that's examine real quick way you can be committed hey calm down calm down you're 107 dollars Wow let's take a walk okay I actually really like the look of this if there's one of the tents in this entire video that you think would be probably most comfortable to camp I feel like it'd be this one you need a hand up in it it looks nice was it easy to put up it's super easy legit lay out the tent flat and then you take the long pole go and stick that up first so it like creates a bit of a teepee on all of these little side corners you stick them in and that's what just gives you okay should we test it out grab from the bucket Michael let's meet mother nature do I hear a storm I do oh man it's all pretty good though holding up pretty good I guess so here's the thing - it's not quite a fair fight because it's collapsing because we didn't actually put stakes on the ground because we can't we're actually on concrete I feel like if we put stakes and we press grass isn't real dead serious I feel like it did a pretty good job so for that reason I say it's a dope see that video over there that is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy based on your past viewing habits so YouTube gods kind of know what they're doing by now we think we though in this video over here is video that I think you'll like and I might know a little bit more peace you
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 8,832,864
Rating: 4.8700671 out of 5
Keywords: fuuny, kids, fun, challenge, 2018, diy, how to, best, prank, tricks, top 10, do it yourself, camping, camp, jeep, tent, wild, outdoor, adventure, tech, unboxing, life hacks, hacks, matthias, dope or nope, hi5 studios, fails, haul, comedy, fail, in real life
Id: 1hXgq-fBFy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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