Heidi Baker | Gospel Forum 2019 Session 3

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yay thank you Jesus so great so full of you yes Lord we're so excited to be alive shucks let's just yeah we're believers in the room take some of these hands right now just all over this room and just begin to pray free each other right now can you just do that Lois let's just do that shut up outside I'll buy Shay Lord we just ask for your power Lord we ask for the blood of Jesus to cover us right now Oh drama shumlin abbas sigh at your love like an ocean God we just ask that you would take us deeper inside your heart God deeper inside your heart Jesus take us in now no I'm gonna have you guys lead like really actually pray like when you pray for the one we're gonna start pray for the one on your right and just yeah start to pray for the power of Holy Spirit for the glory of the Lord to fall on that person I want you to start to pray right now just destiny their destiny over them what God has placed within them their destiny pray yeah I know just just like you believe that your prayer actually has power not just somebody who's speaking but your prayer you as a son or a daughter they your prayer has power right now shocker how about soup total pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray now now if you just start receiving from the Lord more Lord come on Holy Spirit down down we're gonna pray for the one on our left shine anonymous a come kind of cover like I don't know we we get we somehow still are going back to spectator religion no no no no no pray pray pray for the one on your left oh come on God crash in break in Lord reveal your purpose reveal your purpose reveal your purpose Lord a face to face intimacy Lord face to face heart-to-heart with you Jesus face to face heart to heart your heart your will oh god oh god oh god crash in with your love crash it with a baptism of love we're an unstoppable force of your radical love on the planet oh Jesus breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking now shock out our breaking I want you to pray some more shot robots say pray over the one water about shade robot shot up more and more and more just just keep praying keep pray I've joined it cuz I cuz yeah yeah yeah Assisi I need prayer - you need prayer we all need prayer we need each other we need each other we need Jesus the King Jesus the King Jesus the king we need father's embrace we need to be filled with holy spirit one Lord one God one Savior chartres about a little bush a lord of all come on come on come on pray I feel like we just need to pray for each other for a little longer more more and more and more breaking Lord shown that of us say breaking more if you're not a believer or you have demonic issues just just ask the one on your right or left say pray for me pray for me I want I want to be free shut out of us say pray for the freedom of Jesus for the one if there's somebody tormented in this room in Jesus name we bind every spirit of tormented people in Jesus name we bind every spirit of darkness in Jesus name confusion in Jesus name all rubbish under Abbas ayah all of that in Jesus name we push back the darkness now I'm gonna ask you to pray this with me shot that of us see we need the body we need the body of Christ I want you to pray with me we push back the darkness in the name of Jesus shut out of us a total wash a we push back the darkness darkness in the name of Jesus we take authority over every dark spirit every confusion every manipulation everything that is not of the Lord we command it out of this room in Jesus name chatter about Sundara Bechet we just declare the bloodline of Jesus around this gathering shut that Abba say those that came to mock and disturb shun that of us say everything that we cause you to do such a thing be bound in Jesus name shun that ah beside the glory of Jesus oh I pray you encounter him those of you who are involved in dark things in dark things I pray today the light of Jesus glory love would just would just shine right now so powerfully so powerfully in this place Shaka Rama that you would you would change sides anyone on the dark side it's time to change sides and follow the lamb who's slain from the foundation of the world [Music] believe me I know what I'm saying I've rarely do this in an open meeting but I know what I'm saying Shaka robbed us so raba shaped Jesus Jesus Jesus the bridegroom King will not be mocked Jesus the bridegroom King will not be mocked he is king and Lord shunned Arabah if we bow our knee to you King Jesus and we yield our heart to you King Jesus and we came to worship you King Jesus we're here for you King Jesus we want to be totally filled with you Holy Spirit all rubbish anonymous say we think you were no longer orphans we're sons and daughters of the Most High God sharra besouro boast chase the Lord I just break off every orphan spirit show share of us say every orphan spirit no more no more no more no more somebody just could have feel like you just a weeping coming over you Wow you mean I'm not oh no I'm not an orphan yeah yeah yeah Jesus he's here Holy Spirit's here some people are getting set for you right now whoa there's there's just confusion that can leave in a moment shocked out of us confusion with your identity confusion with your identity alright a title by freedom freedom now now now now now holy is the Lamb of God holy is limb of God holy is the lamb of God who sets us free holy are you King Jesus pure holy Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world fall upon us Oh God should I die none of us say more Lord now I'll just pray more Lord more Lord more Lord more Lord I want to be deeper in your heart God more Lord take me deeper into the river of your glory love don't don't don't let me live on the outskirts no no no not not on the outskirts Lord I want to live fully immersed in you wherever I'm called God Shawn on a muscleman oh my wherever it is Lord wherever you move of me wherever you take me wherever I lay my head down to sleep Lord I want to live in your embrace in the secret place o the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy place out of out of this place of holy surrender and holy lay down holy given and holy sanctified and holy yours and and holy set apart and holy connected holy holy longing for you to break forth in the world Lord I will stand up Oh God out of this place I'll stand up it'll come out and I'll shine Jesus because it's you shun durable say who puts the oil in my lamp and without oil they're so shiny that's why so many of you are afraid so many of you are afraid and you hide and you hide and you hide you hide in the shadows and the Lord's the Lord saying commad by oil come by oil coming by oil without money without cost Jesus it's pouring out oil he longs to give you oh there's no way there's no way there's no way without the oil you're like fuel a feuless vehicle powerless no energy no fuel don't nothing you could be shiny shiny and bright you could be the shiniest brightest one on the outside we need oil on the inside we need the intimate love connected to plugged Oh without power you can't communicate oh you're beautiful beautiful techie generation you're beautiful beautiful you're so beautiful you're so beautiful Oh God so loves you so understands you and he just he understands your world and he's nothing he knows about your devices any site sweetheart you gotta stay you gotta stay full power full power whoa sometimes it's time to dock oh wow you're running around spinning around running around spinning around there comes a time to stop and dock but unless you do your dad really really really dead unless you stop and dock and stop and repower reboot refuel fuel fuel fuel Holy Spirit is our fuel he's our fuel he's our power he's power he's a source if you want to communicate with God you want to communicate in this world you need fuel you need power you need to understand the source oh yes Jesus I feel the tap feel tap Oh shucks up up but to Holy Spirit taps fees like okay that's far as they go some of them will go further but that's for I'm okay with that Shaka raava I can get up when I need to thank you Jesus I'm in love with the one Jesus I'm in love with him it is such a joy to be with you and glad to see you I'm glad to be in this place today are you yeah Thank You Daniel I'm so excited for what Jesus is doing in this place and the power and love of God that's just manifesting on the planet don't you love it oh do you love the variety I think brother David was been here that's awesome yay I just he's a he's a trip I just I just I really it's just such a blessing I talk some of the least odd yes so mine and so are you to somebody else but we are the children of the Lord we are the ones that he loves every single one of us that are in him he loves us do you understand he loves the ones outside - he just they're still orphans and we need to bring him home right some of you still feel like orphans cuz you are but that's that's about to change cuz you're not meant to stay an orphan no no no no he wants every child home okay I think I have something I think I do but yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm coming back where I can read the book I love the book I have many translations of the Bible and I want to say this because I'm really really really excited about this my favorite translation right now that's just rocking my world although I don't understand it is the Kim one II it's rocking my world because there were Wickliffe missionaries that spent about 20 years translating the Word of God not seeing apparently fruit in northern Mozambique which is where we still live that's our home that's our home home the rest of the time we were in some place where people take us and we lay down and they thanked Jesus it's home tonight and that's a that's a third of my life around the world but Homs Mozambique northern Mozambique and so so this this tribe this totally unreached tribe these beautiful lovers of God heard the Lord they learned they learned the languages they needed to learn they learned Hebrew they learned Greek they learned Kewanee and they translated year after year after year after year they translated I'm about to meet them I've been looking for them I'm about to meet him really excited about it I'm already just right now I'm rocked about it like I don't know they probably lost some of their children out there my husband's family my my husband is fourth-generation missionary his father's the only one who survived in China all the other kids died one survived he's my husband's father that survived he's in heaven now so you look at these people you see what were they doing spinning their wheels out there doing what where's the fruit where's the fruit where's the fruits and you may be in a techie company you may be in an Ivy League you may be in some some University Hospital and you're looking and you're just there and you're laboring for the Lord and you're loving Jesus and you don't see the fruit and the Lord wants to say to you don't give up fix your eyes on Jesus if you don't quit you win fix your eyes on Jesus he's your prize he's your you don't know when that fruits gonna come but tenacity matters and love matters and the presence of God matters in life in Jesus matters is so back to this favorite translation that I don't understand some of you know that we just got hit by two cyclones since March right so you know that you're like what about your world that doesn't involve my world it does it actually does we're all connected so I want to tell you about it because it has see when you look out here at this world this crazy world gone mad do you agree it's a crazy world gone Mador it's all kumbaya for you there's a lot going on even if you don't look at the news right there's just a lot going on just everywhere where as a movement where first responders we hear about a crisis and and our movements out there like boom boom boom and now we're like how do you even how do you even keep up with that it's like will there better be a really big big body really really big body if we start being the body of Christ those who are called to be it's not gonna be overwhelming if it's just you you're gonna be overwhelming heart in about 18 hours because you have a lot of energy most people couldn't last that long but in the presence of God in the power of God by the Spirit of God we just stay and we don't give up and we're just going going going in him and we're looking around and when it's time to rest we rest because we're not afraid it's not about you it's about Christ in you the hope of glory holy spirit in you moving through you and once you find out it's not it's not just your little you not even your little tribe not even your little denomination not even your little movement it's about the body of Christ being the body of Christ and recognizing where the body of Christ and even if the rest of somebody over there doesn't think you're the body of Christ if you're the body of Christ you the body of Christ I am so I I mean other people stand up and to proclaim who they are their identity they stand up and say I'm this I'm that I'm this I'm that Here I am but somehow we're afraid to proclaim who we are or we decide that somebody else who proclaims who we are isn't who they say they are if they say they love Jesus hallelujah their journeys their journey but loving Jesus is very very very important we're trusting in Jesus so I want to start here I'm gonna read a little bit and keep telling you about kimanni but when the spirit when the truth giving spirit comes john 16 when the truth giving spirit comes he will unveil the reality of every truth within you he won't speak of his own but only what he hears from the father and he will reveal prophetically to you what is to come Wow he will glorify me on the earth and he will receive from me what is mine and reveal it to you that's powerful I don't think you got it I don't think you really got it verse 15 everything that belongs to the father belongs to me who's speaking here right you're all on the same page Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus everything that belongs to the father belongs to me that's why I say that the divine encourage err will receive what is mine and reveal it to you Wow Lord I'm gonna pause Lord oh Lord I want that I want that more and more and more I believe your word Lord I believe your glorious word I believe Lord that you want to reveal your mysteries to the body to us Lord that you want to reveal your presence your peace your comfort your provision your love your mercy your grace your truth Lord I believe that you want to reveal to us your purposes Lord I believe that you want to touch every single one of your children and allow them to shine in this dark crazy world Lord O God let love win let your power rise up within us Lord would you connect us to the source Lord weak we we just we stopped long enough to acknowledge our need of you [Music] yeah keep reading the disciples asked what on earth does he mean what does he mean what does he mean they were all asking each other what does he mean what does he mean soon you won't see me jesus said a little while after that you will see me in a new way and what does that mean because I'm going to my father so they kept on repeating what's the meaning of a little while we have no clue what he's talking about and Jesus knew what they were thinking of course of course jesus knew what what they were thinking it was obvious that they were anxious you ever walk in a room and see anxious people there just I mean you go in different streams like oh no somebody went oh it's like out the door anxious anxious they were anxious they were confused they were anxious they wanted to understand but they didn't and Jesus knew all about that fact that they were they were actually freaking out they really were how could he leave us how could he leave us on this planet things are happening political turmoil unrest all kinds of stuff I mean you remember the storms and the boats and the craziness and all those people wanting food what's he talking about he's gonna go and what and he's coming in a new way what and Jesus knew he knew all about it he said let me make it quite clear you will weep and be overcome with grief over what happens to me that's right the unbelieving world will be happy they'll do a victory dance that's what they'll do while you will be filled with sorrow but know this your sadness will be turned into joy when you see me again just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains unless you have a supernatural birth which is really cool I've never seen one but I'm all all for that yeah yeah yay just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains this is Jesus speaking so no condemnation if you happen to feel something just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby yet after the child is born she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world that's right so what's going on right now beloved what's going on right now transition transition it's not easy it's not just period sickness you're experiencing this you're experiencing this the baby looks so cute then they poop it didn't cry and then it's like how the hell are they am i receiving from them right now I'm not feeling the receptivity I'm just not sleeping and you're like I want to really love you I just want to sleep I will care for you send help somebody help me life it's like that's real life that's real life is the body of Christ kept pretending like it's just a lot of them anyway it's DVD it's all getting better all the time Kumbaya what world are you in there's transition going on the world is waiting in eager expectation for sons and daughters to be revealed the world itself is groaning groaning groaning groaning groaning don't tell me there's not stuff going on with the climate hello hello so what does that look like so transition as anybody else in transition or like we're in transition the worlds in transition but what does it mean would there's pain in transition it's not just ease and ease and oh we're all just gonna laugh over time sometimes we'll laugh and sometimes you'll scream and sometimes we'll be silent and sometimes we'll suffer and sometimes we'll die and sometimes we'll not be understood and and all of this is part of what it means to connect ourselves to the one who is worthy Jesus and be empowered by Holy Spirit and unless we're empowered we're not having any possibility of doing anything or even being connected it's like you all have a cellphone you all have three or four most of you some of you don't but pretty much probably do unless you put them in an envelope and send them somewhere which is kind but if that thing even even your super high-tech best of the best you still have to put some power into it don't you or is that just my phone there you still well whatever way you get the juice you're gonna get the juice right you could get the solar juice you could connect it and stick it there you borrow from a friend whatever you could have but if you don't have juice that's it where a lot of us are walking around juiceless and we got to like deer-in-the-headlight lost the signal we lose the signal we're no longer connected how are we effective if we lost the signal we're no longer connecting the point is connection just where's the signal where you know we we have satphones like do you understand Sat phone if you do relief work you've got sad phones lots of sat phones they're challenging sat phones are challenged you get satphones it's funny watching people set up sat phones they're like it's like they're doing a dance around with this thing trying to get a signal especially in a disaster is like we need we need emergency help right now and they're like [Music] hmm you know whatever group that wants to do you in is right there where's the signal huh it's a good thing to have a signal we're in a world where we need to be connected at all times right in the natural isn't that how everybody would like connect where's the connect warehouse what's the speed God created us for connection God created us to be connected with him he didn't create us to be connected with nothing he also created us to be connected with one another you see a long time ago years ago I got really really hit by Holy Spirit I've often gotten hit by Holy Spirit but this particular time the Lord did something inside of me that changed my life forever you know it was one of those Kairos moments I mean God God just got me I was I was just down I was unable to move and and and people were laughing they thought it was pretty funny I didn't think it was funny at all Roland didn't think it was funny he had to carry me it was really not funny in any way but it was so powerful and I was unable to move and and I'm just there crying out to God and then I felt like this just this love the love of Jesus the love of Jesus just oh I said oh your love it's like waves of love of liquid love and I was just undone by it and he said you can do nothing without me that's that's right is that right and you can spin your wheels but eventually you have no no juice but then he said something that really disturbed me really bothered me I wanted to scream now but he spoke to me as clearly as I've heard him an impression how about that can we call it and impress and what I felt in this impression that I was hearing was you can do nothing without the body of Christ and that's when I was like Oh rats oh I just oh no like which you know which would which group are we talking about cuz I I mean I had a lot of edge he worked with the poor for decades and you're like these people out there these Western people they just eat a lot all the time they're just food food and more food I had such an edge I was like oh I hate conferences but Here I am you know I didn't even know people paid for about three years I didn't know people paid to come in to some not Daniel's but other ones I don't know maybe you do now I don't know whatever I didn't know I was clueless and then the Lord was like I'm calling you to understand you can do nothing without me again I'm like yes Jesus you're perfect I'm all for it I wanted to be a monk Asst I mean holy holy worship 24/7 in the cave that is perfect I told my father I'm never getting married I I'm called to be a monk as for God my father was like okay you know we didn't get help he got a psychiatrist tried to they wanted to deprogram me like stuff is true I was just like and then the Lord brought me my amazing husband of four years in May thank you Jesus and so anyway I mean the things were and God reveals things and I was looking at the body of Christ like a we're supposed to love the body we need each we need like we need each other what do you what do you mean by that like who do we need which part do we need whoo whoo wait a sec which-which who would that be he's like you need the body of Christ you can do nothing without me nothing without the body of Christ and the I'll I'll keep telling a little more of my story because that started to change the way it looked at things because God Himself puts love inside of you people you couldn't love God puts love inside of you and suddenly you can love them it doesn't come from you it comes from him he's the father he's the love he's he's God a God of love and kindness and mercy and he's a God who just fills you with incredible love again and again and Jesus made a way he died on that cross so we would know salvation he said I'm just giving everything for love now this is what it looks like he laid himself down he said now come and follow me come and follow me what does that mean it's love manifesting on the planet what does love look like on the planet love looks like believers all believers who love Jesus as their Lord and Savior connecting with him every day and connecting with the human beings that he calls them to connect with and some of y'all like oh let let's connect well I might not be able to connect with you because I'm one little person but he can connect with you and you can connect with her and you can connect with her and maybe you can connect with him and maybe you can connect with her and suddenly there becomes a connection and we start honoring one another loving one another moving together and things that used to be impossible now makes sense we often get really wrapped up in our stuff we get wrapped up in our world and our stuff our little world our little juice our little footprint there it is that's me some of you like I have a big footprint oh yeah mine's really small I recycle good good but we are meant to connect you see there's a lot of us right now we're hiding away hide away hide away and the lords like you need to hide away with me that's for sure but then you need to come out and shine I'm gonna get in trouble but never like a woman giving birth experiences pain is anybody on your journey your life journey ever experience pain three people I think you're an odd bunch okay pain we're we're we're just like this is too much did anybody in this group here ever feel like giving up its to like okay so I'm gonna tell you my little story back to the Kimani we're in we're in we're in northern Mozambique then I'm traveling third of my life and and I'm gonna get down again then I'm gonna know I don't know I need this I'll take it I just like being closer to you right now so so we're we're we're waiting and we're hearing that a cyclones coming does that not disturb people anybody else would you feel disturbed if clones about to hit your city like a real psycho that's just gonna rip 90% of all the roofs off and just flatten the place would that would that concern you or would you just be like chill cool kumbaya again would it not would it not cause you to want a fast and pray and cry out grab some friends hands and pray okay have any of you had an experience that's been powerful maybe even a prophet came to you and you had an experience and they were like this is the word of the Lord and you got it you need a nap I'm just saying sometimes we need a nap naps are good listen it's serious some of them are sleep deprived you need to nap skip a session listen this is this is what um no I mean it not mean it it's good I tell that in our schools and this leaders are going what I like oh they'll they'll receive a lot more after they had a nap they're gonna get it they know weird we're just like I've been - I've been to conferences they had 18 sessions in one day I like sweet Jesus I don't want to be you know have someone shoot me but almost is this is too much anyway that kind of woke you up so why does it look like when a cyclones coming to your city I remember the first time it happened I am don't quote me on how many times I'm not a counter ask anybody in my team I'm good like I can spend money and make your head spin but I'm not a counter but we have great counters so but I don't want to step on anybody so so this is what what was going on I remembered as this cyclone's coming' this is in March now this year and and I remembered this amazing prophet and he came to me years ago 2008 called me exactly one time my entire life one time he called me and he said hello where are you I said I'm in Mozambique he said well I thought you're a prophet you know she'd know you called me on my Mozambique in number hello just saying sir but he said well you need to get you need to get to the beach something okay he said you need to go out there and command a cyclone to leave I'm like oh sure yeah yeah yeah that's right I'm like five foot three now I'm gonna go to the beach right I don't blend in my country I'm gonna go to the beach no one's gonna take notice this little pale blonde lady's gonna go to the beach and speak to a cyclone like somebody not you know concerned about that I'm concerned about that I'm thinking that is probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard except for the fact when I was 16 the Lord spoke to me to speak to two tornadoes when I was going to a healing meeting where God healed my brain later the tornadoes turned around and left that was cool so it's the only time I've ever seen it I was 16 years old brand-new baby Christian spoke to the tornadoes later that was really really really cool got to the meeting I could not read thank you sweetheart so I could have read Jesus long story short some preacher with a suit knocked me down they picked me up stuck me back in the chair open the Bible I could read it was really cool you could take a nap go down my pillow so I was excited but I never went back to that again like I never thought of talking to a storm or commanding I was like that was really cool and that was amazing and it happened once in my life and this prophet calls me and I'm like okay I'm gonna go do it so I went out and I was super embarrassed so I'm like point to the storm of Jesus name go away cyclone go now and I was like so nervous anyone would see me and I'm walking away like okay I I did it you know I i rebuked this storm and I came back and I was so like I came back at my truck and I'm like oh man that was so weird and then the guy the guy said let me know you know I said well you're a prophet you know check the news the next day that thing turned around it they said no unknown reason it just didn't hit it just turned around the cyclone turn now our team was so exhausted from the first bunch of cyclones that we were literally exhausted you know we were feeding thousands and thousands of people a day years ago before we started feeding tens of thousands anyway this time I hear again here it comes so I get our team and I'm thinking we'll do the same thing we did before we'll go and we'll only now we'll go a few more of us and we'll fast and we'll pray and we'll go out there and we'll speak to that thing to leave so we go out there people from different provinces and we're commanding that thing to go some of my team members called me and they said we really feel like we're supposed to buy food and I'm thinking what where's your faith where we've seen cyclones turn where's your faith I'm thinking that it didn't say where's their faith what we're supposed to what and I'm telling people let's go pray and command it to leave so it doesn't come and they said some of y'all can command it to leave the rest of us we're gonna buy tons and tons of food and we're also going to evacuate the bases I said ok they got their kids they got their trucks they got there they they got tons and tons of food or we got all of we some of you got all this food we we just cover it all up it's just in there and and then they're go to a town that was safe away from central mozambique away from Beira and dhondu where our base is and and one of our bases we have 76 spaces so anyway we're we're out there and then we're praying you know we're trusting God you know what happened none of you who looked at the news cyclone hit us full force hey it hit us it wiped out over 90 percent of all the roofs just right and and and I was kind of confused you ever been confused Lord last time that prophet said rebuked the storm I rebuked the storm and and that's a weird word for people that aren't in the body or don't understand rebuke it means tell it to go away rebuke it's like rebuke it's a powerful word i rebuked the storm and it went away I'm sure thousands of people were doing it you don't makes you feel like wow then we try it again and it just destroys stuff it was just like disaster and the guys that stored up all the food they said ah good thing we stored up all that food I said yeah good thing good thing and the reason I'm telling you this stories it has to do with John 17 and it has to do with transition and it has to do where I believe the body of Christ is now in the midst of a crazy world in the midst of of all the changes going on of the storms of the earth pegs of the fires of the of the Wars of the rumors of wars everything do you do you see them or everything's chill here all the time even if you don't see him in Mass you see him in your family right like stuff happens and and and you're saying I don't like it I don't like it I like to just oh I mean our daughter first baby we read the super natural childbirth book we were all about it we had candles we had worship music my son and loves worship music he was the one singing on that song we were like in the presence we were worshiping the lord thank you for supernatural childbirth 36 hours later we're playing [Laughter] this is hmm I remember Brock and I we were just we were talked about it sleep-deprived really and then it was red flag emergency and they just grabbed her and they took her out of the room and they they had to do a see and we're like what we prayed week we prophesied we fasted we worship we had Kindle light we don't want to see section it was traumatic it wasn't what we had expected but then when they came back in the room with Zoe joy Leora we just said how hard it was there's a look sorry for fussing oh god bless the doctors god bless the team god bless the nurses god bless everybody god bless him Oh everything changed when she was in her arms and a few years later they did it again this time they had a natural birth for Lev Leone see God knows things happen and things don't always happen the way we want them to happen all kinds of things happen on this planet but through it all we fix our eyes on Jesus and we don't give up and we just say oh Lord I believe your word I believe your word I believe your word I believe your word and when everything shakes you stand firm I believe your word I believe your word I believe you Jesus I believe your word I believe God I believe God I believe God and you position yourself believing God and you love Jesus and you love the body of Christ merciful to one another holy is a lamb we forget when the baby's born so back to the Kimani so we're there we're doing relief work right we're getting out solar Bibles we're feeding thousands of people our medical teams every kind of team the Lord tells me something do you want to hear this I've been sharing this story because it's burning in my heart you want to hear it so what I did the Lord spoke to me well that upsets some people I had an impression to go into this command center right do you understand that the command center so I went into the command center now we're an NGO we're one of the larger NGOs in our country and and all over the world we're doing stuff so you know people have t-shirts which is really important in a disaster you need to have a t-shirt and a badge of some sort so we had lots of t-shirts I called our team I said we need a couple of thousand t-shirts right now they said what we already have t-shirts I said we're gonna need a couple thousand t-shirts emergency right now get them now emergency t-shirts get them now now they're like how fast I said now yesterday now how many thousands I said get thousands and we'll order more in a few days they're like what I said yes I heard the I heard I had an impression so there's like okay all right what are we doing I said we're asking God and I'm on my face we're praying we're seeking the Lord and and the Lord asked me a question who are you he asked me who are you I said what do you mean I'm a lover of Jesus I'm a worshipper of Jesus he's my everything I'm a child of the Father full of the Holy Spirit he just I'm I mean he says who are you and then I realized wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute he's not just asking me he's asking us he's asking us in the middle of a crazy disaster he's asking who we are who are you okay who our Lord I know our mission statement we're empowered by the love of God to stop for the one in need through adoration outreach education relief development healing in the arts I know it who are you who are you he said you are the feet on the ground you're the body of Christ you are the feet on the ground you're the body of Christ I said don't does anyone think I meant that by myself how many feet do I have anybody confused by the question thank you - why is it the hands hitting the head and the foot stomping on the other foot and a backs hitting it whacking it were just oh okay okay oh I gotta do it I'm gonna do it I'm jumping down I can't help myself this is another testimony it has to do with you and the Kimani one time I'm with another tribe at our local church some of you might have heard this so powerful you should hear it Oh Chaka Baba so we're having testimony time we don't do it very often anymore because of this day but we had people lip coming up two women actually and the first one comes up and she says she's given her testimony we got three translation well we've got we've got her in Makua then we've got what do we have Makua Portuguese English we had three translations it takes a long time you think it takes a long time today it takes a long time three translations you're like and so I was one of the translators and and and so you hear this thing and it keeps going it just not once it keeps going so so she says I'm really really happy and blessed I'm really happy and blessed I'm really really happy three times you know I'm because of an amazing miracle amazing Merkel amazing miracle my husband died my husband died my husband died she said and I hated him with everything within me and he beat me and he was a he was horrible and he I hated him and when he died I was so happy and he hate me night horrible and when he died I was so happy he hate me a horrible and it's like oh this is bad we should have interviewed this person like this is so bad and then she keeps going on and on she's going like chic she is she is not someone who can read the written word okay she she she doesn't have the ability to read she doesn't have the ability to write she hasn't been in DTS GTS g12 cell discipleship 101 nothing she's just she came into the church some people hugged her she met Jesus and she was super excited to give her testimony about how her husband died and how thrilled she was about that if that God was so kind to her and and this is three translations can you imagine it's like we just all want to say cut cut cut it's just bad and and it's just getting worse and then she just keeps going and I gotta translate in sense I'm kind of like we're sure we getting this writer should we change the translation it's not it's not really ethical so we really shouldn't but this is not good and finally she said I just decided I should love and so I prayed for him so here he is I kid you not that man he was so terrified she said here he is you better lead him to Jesus she she just looked him he grabbed the mic I don't think he'd ever held a mic of course he'd never held a mic he said I promised they'd never beat my wife again he was shaking and and and he said pray for me pray for me pray for me she couldn't even lead him to Jesus but she prayed for him and he came back to life she forgave him you see didn't you get that before no some of you didn't he was dead she was thrilled about it and then she felt like she needed to go ahead and pray for him because she should be loving but then he's standing right there and she said pray for him he needs to know Jesus do you understand this is this can't make this up we're like what course I mean you could have let him to just she didn't know how to lead him to Jesus she had no clue how to do that she hadn't gotten that far and this is the same day we have testimony number two like I don't know but they were already like lined up we stopped it after the second one we're like yeah we know when we know when to just thank God for testimonies and have you write them down since they can't write well find somebody to fix it you know anyway here comes the next lady she's about this tall tattoos I just thought you'd appreciate that tattoos all over her face use her whole face was tattooed her arms her legs she was tattooed beautiful and lady about this tall she says no this is three translations right well one two technically if you're counting three languages two translations let's be accurate she says well I was going to eat my family [Laughter] the two translators that's well like like did was you know did we get it excuse me mama you know who V hated me yeah yeah okay coffee here do you think please help me you know she's oh yeah no I was gonna eat my family gonna eat my family gonna eat my family I'm like lord I don't I don't think we should have Testaments this is not good I'm serious and she said yeah and and and the witch doctor told me which parts to eat cuz I needed you know heart and my vision wasn't too good and like though and we're like and then as clearly as anything this was not a long testimony was really short she said I came in here someone hugged me I'm not eating my family no joke [Applause] why am I telling you this here cuz some of you're like oh who would do that a by the way I got the prayer team really fast everybody honor man pray for her like center free ask Jesus to like you know really help this this was no joke she's like I'm not hating my family dropped the mic and walked off we grabbed her see you're all like you're laughing because just hardly believe it but when the body of Christ chews on one another what are we doing what are we doing we are eating our family we are called to love one another we are called to love one another and we don't all look the same sound the same dress the same we don't have the same socioeconomic backgrounds some of us are very colorful some of us are pay on some of us are strong physically and some of us are not but we are the body of Christ when we call him Lord and it's time that we love one another it's time that we love one another because God is love and we need each other we need each other we need each other we need each other we need each other we need each other yes you can almost think did that really happen it's happening all the time with our words we're chewing people up and spitting them out with our words and it hurts and it's meant to stop because love looks like something can we disagree can we dialogue can we communicate oh yes but the body is the body and we are meant to love back to the Kimani as we are all hundreds of us gathered thousands of us then tens of thousands they I was in situation room how many are you who are you I said where the were the feet on the ground although all the players were there all the NGOs were there UNESCO UN Red Cross our movement Samaritan's Purse all these everybody was there everybody was there amazing group of people that came in US military was there the Mozambican military was there everybody was there everybody came in our pilot was there we flew a hundred and seventy five flights since March in our bush plane 175 lights thank you Jesus full of solar Bibles and food and and water and fuel and every kind of thing needed its miracle in fact our bush plane got to fly more we got to fly all the other NGOs around because we were there before the rest of them why because we already there we need the body of Christ we need to share I watch how all of those boys and girls cooperate in a disaster and I'm thinking that's magnificent what is with the body of Christ like they do they do one groups doing water one groups doing food one groups doing education one groups doing emergency and taking out trees cutting down trees then another you know there's surgeons there they're people flying in from around the world and and there's a central command everybody's listening to one another they they first didn't want us to play because they're like who are you and we're like we're the feet on the ground how many are you are you qualified I said absolutely we speak every single one of these dialects here they're like what are you talking about I said how many people do you need they said how many do you have I said well we have over 10,000 right here in this little area how many more I said we have over a million here because I was talking about the body of Christ and we walked and we came and we went out and the hall the pastors all the leaders everybody came together I said here's your t-shirt go they'd be all lost everything none of them were screaming and saying help us help us they said we are the feet on the ground we are the body of Christ here we are and they could not deny that we were a force do you understand because we are a force in Christ but as you all hide in your little cozy little corner your your how are you supposed to shine of course you need to have time in the sacred place in the closet but then you got to come out and shine because there's a dying world and and we need each other and we need connection we need to be together but there has to be a time where we get out and we shine every day we go in on our face before the Lord like desperate children crying out to God but when we go out there we go with food in our hands we go with solutions we go with the light of the gospel so you like where was the beats not my world I didn't ask it to be your world we're not talking about you going to Mozambique we're talking about you going to your world but you must never forget the poor never forget the orphan never forget the widow whatever your Elton is sweetheart there are some basic principles don't forget to pour if you're called to be a multi-billionaire good for you yeah yeah yay don't forget the poor you're called to run a tech company hallelujah go rock Wall Street for Jesus hallelujah do not forget the poor do not forget the orphan do not forget the widow do not forget the hungry do not forget the prisoner do not forget the lonely do not forget the sick how do we do that when we all believe that I can do something empowered by the love of God to stop for the one in need not 10,000 all the time 20,000 how do we feed 40,000 people a day not by ourselves I burn water we do it together we are the body of Christ the Lord says we are his people we are his plan now think about that God were you sure like look at look at I mean you look at yourself unless you really feel powerful and awesome all the time most of us look at herself and we're like surely God but then it comes back if God could use a donkey he could use a daughter if God could use a donkey he could use a daughter I don't know read this and I want to call us to this place we're going we're going we're just we're just going deeper we're gonna pray for more people tonight we'll pray for more people tomorrow but right now I want you to ponder this because we're about to go into another session yes Father I have manifested who you really are Wow I have manifested who you really are and I have revealed you to men the men and women that you gave me they were yours you gave them to me and you have fastened your word firmly to their hearts 17-7 and now at last they know that everything I have is a gift from you and the very words you gave me to speak I have passed on to them they have received my words they carry them in their hearts they are convinced that I have come from your presence and they have fully believed that you sent me to represent you so with deep love I pray for my disciples I'm not asking on behalf of the unbelieving world but for those who belong to you those you have given me for all who belong to me now belong to you no longer orphans come on and all who belong to you now belong to me as well holy father I'm about to leave this world to return to be with you but my disciples will remain here so I ask that by the power of your name protect each one you have given me Lord right now I pray that in fact why don't you maybe hold hands across this room shaaka roba lord I pray right now pray pray pray pray pray pray pray this prayer of Jesus protect them Lord protect them Lord the blood of Jesus protect them Lord protect each one you have given me watch over them watch over them this is Jesus prayer that they be united as one even as we are one while I was with these that you have given me I have kept them safe by your name that you have given me not one of them is lost except for that one destined to be lost come on Jesus come on Jesus he said I'm returning to the Father I pray they experience and enter into my joyous delight in you so that it is fulfilled in them and overflows I have given them your message and that is why the unbelieving world hates them wake up beautiful body of Christ yes the unbelieving world hates them for their allegiance is no longer to this world because I am not of this world I am not asking that you remove them from this world not asking you remove them from Yale from Harvard from Princeton from MIT from Wall Street from New York from Hollywood from Somalia from Ohio from Mozambique from the red zones and the war zones and the disaster zones and the Bahamas I'm not asking that the Lord's not asking father to just pluck us out oh it'd be so easy Oh heaven so real so real so real so real heaven is real real real real real real real real death truly is lost at sting heaven is gloriously real and Jesus said I'm not asking that you remove them from the world I ask that you guard they're hearts from evil for they no longer belong to this world any more than I do your word is truth make them holy by your truth I have commissioned them to represent me come on now now we're gonna pray this commissioning prayer show son - son - son - son - the Lord says come on he's speaking to us through his word he's speaking to us through his spirit he speaking to us Jesus Jesus Jesus said I have commissioned them to represent me just as you have commissioned me to represent you what I have commissioned them to represent me everywhere everywhere every company every University every tribe every tongue every nation every primary school every secondary school every hospital every library every place every home I've commissioned them to represent me just as you commissioned me to represent you and now I dedicate myself to them as a Holy Sacrifice so they will live as fully dedicated to God and be made holy by your truth come on Jesus sure I'll I'll Amish a crash in on us God crash in on us God crash in on us God I pray for them all to be joined together as one could we prayer pray the prayer of Jesus right now when the second cyclone hit it ripped through an area that was already in great great turmoil it is ripped through village after village after village was flattened 400 year old trees were flattened massive palm trees were flattened like entire villages were flattened and I mean we stepped in there and we were so overwhelmed I kid you not so overwhelmed we're like God surely this can't happen again even all the NGO they knew us from the last command center and they're still there and our teams are still there and and now we've got another command center and they said nobody can even believe that two cyclones can fit hit one skinny nation in in in less than five weeks this is not we just don't even you could see their faces and everybody who was just looking around and the Lord was there in our midst and he asked me again who are you who are you I said we are the feet on the ground he said how many are you I said Lord I don't even know but surely there are over a million fried in this area more cuz we've been working leaving people to Jesus and surely Lord he said uh will you go will you go will you go and I said Lord we're tired we don't know what to do he said just put one foot the other and trust me trust me to be the light in the darkness trust me to be the Power Board L trust me connect yourself to me connect yourself to one another and we started we started connecting the body of Christ started coming together from all over the world all the national leaders the children everybody that had strength they said we will go we will go we will go and places we weren't allowed to go and tribes that never let us in one of them being the Kewanee where people labored Wickliffe translator labored over 20 years to get that New Testament translated they're working on the Old Testament and we had we had immediately we had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of solar Bibles in kimanni because there were people that believed God when they didn't see the fruit they believed God and they recorded the translation and we get to this little place called EBU where we have a base camp to get to the red zones yes red zones and we're in our base camp but we get out of our bush plane we get out and EBU and and there's not even a toilet at that spot we get out and I and I have a solar Bible in my hand and I and I see this old man and he's running up to the plane and he's like so glad were there and and he said what is that a radio radio I want a radio so loud I said here's a radio Salar and he pushes the button and he hears his grandson speaking and Kim Hwanhee and his face lights up his face lights up he said that's my grandson that's my grandson my grandson's voice that's my grandson's voice and his grandsons reading the Gospels in Kewanee his grandsons do you think he met Jesus that day do you think he met Jesus that day oh yes oh yes as we went hundreds of us the most dedicated people strong strong men Muslim beacon men carrying heavy loads of rice and beans and just transporting fuel God sent the Israelis and God sent the Portuguese bulb a douche firefighters and we stuck an entire dinghy in that bush plane took out all the seats and got in rescued so many people and the walls came down oh the walls came down and all the turmoil of the childbirth all the turmoil of the transition thermal of the cyclone the turmoil of the fact that everything was gone it all turned somehow through our tears and our weeping in our pain that people we love and people we care about have lost everything or we are weeping but our tears were turned into joy our tears were turned into Joy's his hope arrived as food arrived as people in the body of Christ started partnering with us good Samaritans said oh you can take all of our tarps all of our tarps they just worked with us people said you're too Christian we can't work with you I said don't worry we'll call the Moslems they'll work with us cuz people are starving so I called my Muslim friends I said you know we're going in the name of Jesus we're gonna carry the gospel and we're gonna take solar Bibles we need more help they said of course we'll help I went back to the Central Command I said well we're all working together now and they're like okay hands up and we share the gospel the thousands thousands of people never heard the gospel received Jesus as their Lord and Savior we've read everybody we never told them they had to receive Jesus for food that would be immoral we just decided that if we are who we say we are then we won't hide who we are we told that to every one of those players at the table we have a seat at the table we said we are lovers of Jesus this is our identity we're children of the Lord and we can't hide who we are we're not asking you to hide who you are but we've got to be who we are and this is our book and we bring our book can we have it in every language we would never dream of not sharing our treasure with another we would never dream of going to sleep somewhere without the Word of God we would never dream and so they couldn't deny anymore and they said you can have this zone you can take the red zone nobody else wants to go there you can take the most red hot zone you take it and they started speaking about our movement saying those guys those guys will go anywhere and he said it's actually true we will and the love of God crushed it so right now as you hold hands with your brother your sister I want you to just pray for love to go forth on the planet I want you to pray Holy Spirit come on Holy See come on sweet Holy Spirit would you just manifest your love on the planet would you take us manifest your love and google manifest your love on Wall Street manifest your love in every company God let believers stand up and shine let the world know that we are Christians by our love Lord let the world know that we are Christians by our love let them feel your love and sense your love and know your love as we walk in the room may they see the love of God it's Holy Spirit that can fix the world of sin and unrighteousness as the body of Christ were called we are all first responders we are all first responders because none of us are orphans we're first responders we respond we respond first to the one who is worthy on our face saying here am I send me Lord here am I send me send me to this company send me wherever you want I don't care where you send me all I care about is being available if you tell me to study for 10 years I'll do it you tell me to study for 20 I'll do it I'll show myself approved Lord I want to carry the gospel wherever it is do you think we ask people that don't know how to fly the plane to fly the plane we'd all be dead do we ask people do we ask little grannies of 87 to carry 40 kilo sacks of rice no do we ask somebody to interpret the Bible that doesn't even understand Greek or Hebrew do we ask them to deter pratanu language without learning it now do we ask a surgeon to - - Wow to do surgery on the child's whose heart just stopped no not a surgeon with no knowledge no we look for somebody qualified the Lord has qualified you for what I don't know I'm a little mama but God knows what he's qualified you for and what he's gifted you for and when he's sending you four but nobody nobody nobody is qualified for nothing if you are a lover of Jesus you are called to shine you're the salt of the earth you're the light of the world and if you hide your light under a bushel under a lamp stand in bed you have no light if you lost your savour and all you say is everything goes it's all fine I don't care all paths lead to God you lost the salt you lost the salt you lost the salt it's good for nothing it's thrown out it has nothing in it nothing at all no no no we're called to be the light of the world the salt of the earth we're called to be the feet on the ground the body of Christ the light the light that shines in the darkness and right now as we just invite the next speaker Oh Daniel could come I just I just pray that you would just stay undone that your whole life would be a place of undone that you would just say go ahead God get me get me get me get me take me use me bruise me if need be and Lord forgive me when I've when I've be beaten the body Lord that I'm called to love O Jesus that I can't say to the foot I don't need you the ear can't say to the hand I don't need you the liver can't say to the heart I don't need you the intestines can't say to the veins I don't need you O God O God O God have mercy on us o lord have mercy on me O Lord I believe and I see and I understand Lord just to see the Kewanee come running to you Lord a dream a dream in our hearts for 15 years Lord never never never never never never seeing a breakthrough and finally everything was positioned for love to be manifest because the body was the body and each did their part thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Alabaster Group
Views: 8,344
Rating: 4.7906976 out of 5
Id: BcRjmFogEJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 52sec (5692 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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