Heidi Baker and Catch The Fire Worship - Revival 25 Conference (Session 5)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are so epic so excited about that music album dropping today new Ke$ha fire music album you can go buy it download it enjoy it it's unbelievably awesome just so full of the presence of God who's hungry who's excited this morning come on I just feel like with stepping off yesterday into a new level of experience and encounter so let's take a moment lift up your lift up your attention lift up your gaze lift up your eyes lift up your voice and just begin to worship them Jesus it's so worthy you're worthy of our worship you're worthy of our honor all honor and glory and power a majesty and Dominion the wisdom belongs to you all kill a lamb that was slain you the Lion of the tribe of Judah hear the victorious conquering King come on don't let me don't let me out do you to stepped up your voices to pour out your adoration to him Jesus we love you ancient of days father you're so glorious you sit enthroned in the heavens and you do what you please God you are our Father you're our beautiful father and we love you and we honor you Holy Spirit thank you for your presence your indwelling presence your presence all around us how we worship you this morning in spirit and in truth [Music] mrs. lift up a shout this morning the double shower this morning [Applause] thank you lord [Music] hard to the heart [Music] now we are face to face and heart to heart lock eyes with your key he's here face to face with my beloved King face to face cars are hard our loves eternally face to face and heart to heart this love it flows eternally [Music] lift up a song what would you say to him what is your heart song to the king [Music] began to sing began to say Oh [Music] there's no separation between come on beloved come on beloved come on don't wait for a moment to pass by he's giving us access oh he's giving us access there's a key to his door he's giving us access [Music] [Music] swing wide [Music] [Applause] to the King Julien [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's your present feel our praise fill our friends come in let your presence fill this place King of glory come and let your presence pillock come and let your presence feel it again [Music] presents fill our pretty common lecture presents feel this Caressa name [Music] come and let your present [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] every boy singing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to give you high it's great we have come to love [Music] yes we have come to love we have come to give you highest praise hi aspirins we have come to love you in this way to give you highest praise we have come to love you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we have come to give you Highness Prince we have caught what we have come to give you high as prey we have come to love you in this pledge see we have come to laugh we have come to love you in this place just to test you we have come to love you we [Music] on the waves of our affection for you King [Music] we prepared away [Music] we prepared away every son every daughter you prepare with your heart song this morning one more time just lift up a spontaneous song to the king explosion of affection for the good [Music] dude oh geez [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] singing father [Music] we [Music] singing [Music] [Music] all of [Music] Singh [Music] it's all of them [Music] with all of her [Music] by shy [Music] [Music] you're [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all our [Applause] [Music] with all ah [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hold your face [Music] holy [Music] Oh [Music] she was so beautiful the scene once over faith [Music] oh god yes [Music] I still like you Jesus [Music] take us up in the spirit today Lord take us higher [Music] you wanna see what the agency we wanna hear what the angel shun-kun around your throat we surrender [Music] in spirit gum take us up in spirit God as a love goes that your glory come down and as a praise goes up let your friends come the Chuck Lorre calm down appraised that your presence fall down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let your glory bow down it's your presence all Oh grace come on straight out to load a it's the desire the hot Jesus we must temple we have to see the glory [Music] that your present [Applause] [Music] [Music] lift the bear this morning guard every I would see you hi lift it up [Music] mr. Dale prophetically on my eyes this morning God we live this morning cheese [Music] by the press [Music] hi he's taking us deeper he's taking me higher he's taking me [Music] I'm captivated a [Music] second in a smile [Music] it never gets old never it's all [Music] we're always your face we're always seeing new sights few things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we never man he's taking us [Music] we say yes we say [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] we say [Applause] [Music] we say [Music] see ya know [Music] make this a living reality inside of a house today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm singing out your love I'm giving you everything cuz you make my soul alive you put your love I'm singing out your lovely you make my soul you put there's nothing [Music] my soul [Music] there's nothing there's nothing there there's nothing you make muscle [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there's nothing you haven't done you make my soul I you put your there's you make my phone [Music] we reached into the Davis place Oh your reach into the deepest places [Music] and you put your love and you snake [Music] I've got a river alignment me string spring up oh I've got a river of life inside me spring up o well spring up inside me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we wonderful thank you that you have taken residence and that the king of the universe would take up residence on the inside of me and you have made us alive in you we have no need we lack no good thing every good and perfect thing comes from you and we love you King Jesus just tell him tell him just tell him how much you love him pour out your adoration to him Jesus we love you this is how we know what the glory of God is like we see it in the face of Jesus Christ and I want us just to take a moment to sister sing out the beautiful name of Jesus I thought we just need to press in for a little more to sing Jesus as we do eclipsing the majesty and the glory of heaven [Music] [Music] Jesus jeez [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just keeps singing the name of Jesus lift up your soul lift up worship there is no other name like yours Jesus no other name no other name but yours Jesus [Music] this is transformation right here encountering God seeing Jesus face-to-face see gazing on his beauty as we see its beauty and its radiant glory we transform as keep pressing and looking into his face adoring him [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] just keep going let's just keep going [Music] then gee [Music] then she [Music] Jesus [Music] never known a sweet even that he owes then gee then she [Music] [Music] [Music] just a little longer just a little longer come on [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're never known a sweet sir Oh then gee is then she [Music] sweet and yours I've never known the sweet [Music] never notice me [Music] yeah Oh [Music] [Music] brings me your face grace your face face of grace grace your face face of grace grace your face face of grace grace your face is face oh please it's your face [Music] yeah your face of grace [Music] [Music] and grace your face sit now you could see so now you can see now you can see now you can see now you can see the face of grace grace your face the face of grace grace your veins now you could see now you can see now you can see he sees your face he sees your face he sees your face face of grace he sees your face the face of grace he's seen to clean your new your marks you're washed your clean your new your mark your wash your clean your new your mug daddy knows you fade and it knows your name he knows your name he knows your face he sees you he loves you and he wants you and you hold you and he says you mind you have a place you have a place you have a place the blaze of grace you have a place the face of grace you have a place he says I wanna make my home in you I wanna make my home in you can I have every room can I have every room wait till you can see what I can do boy till you can see what I could do with you oh wait till you can see what I could do with you the face of grace the gray some things you have a place you have a place you have a place you have a face you have a place of grace the face of grace a place of grace the dwelling place I wanna make my home in you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh just find out find out find out find out I can take anything I can take anything and make it some face of great grace to face Oh what remodeling I can do for you I can do for you remodeling I can do I can do I can do for you remodeling I can do I can do I can do I can do I can do I can do I can do I can do for you remodeling I can do I can do for you inheritance I can do for you I could do for you remodeling I could do for you legacy I can do for you inheritance I can do for you generations I can do for you the face of grace the grace of faith remodeling the face of grace grace the face everything knew everything knew [Music] everything knew everything knew everything knew the face of grace the grace of faith holy a holy hell a holy home a place of love Bree Marley's I want to make my own I want to make my home in you I don't make my home I know you're wondering [Music] oh but god that's wrong [Music] they're Spain there's space for you - oh there's space for you too [Music] bah-bah-bah Jesus Jesus Jesus Holy Spirit [Laughter] oh well well well every orphan home every orphan home every every every orphan home to a functioning family to a functioning family celebration in the hell oh there's laughter in the house oh there's joy in the hair oh there's discipline in the hand there's love in their boundaries and Pleasant places in the hell extravagance of food in the [Music] bred in the hair [Laughter] [Music] Oh King geez take you please see me [Music] take your place in me holy holy holy spirits take you play in me raisa face the face of grace the grace have faced the face of grace the grace of face the face of grace the grace of faith the face of grace you have a place there Spain you have a place there's their space there's so much room there's so much room there's so much room there's so much room there's space there's room there's face there's room for every face every time for every time for every generation there's space there's room for you you fit you fit in a vet you fit fit fit perfectly you fit Oh Oh a bassoon I want my house full I want every every every every every child home the face of grace the grace of faith oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus maybe you could stay I changed my mind [Music] whoa whoa [Laughter] [Laughter] oh whoa just-just-just get comfortable just for a little while just get comfortable for a little while [Laughter] [Music] 23 years ago I came in an orphan taking care of orphans what does that look like I didn't understand spiritual daddy smiled and I realized what was always truth his daughter I was daughter Wow and as a daughter I could become a mother [Laughter] and a grandmother with grandchildren the colors of a crayon box it's okay my prayer is not that you take him out of the world jesus said John 17 my prayer is not that you take him out of the world but you protect them from the evil one we're not of the world because we belong to a heavenly Father but jesus said don't take him out don't take them out protect them don't take them out they're not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them by the truth for your word is truth as you sent me into the world I have sent them into the world for them I sanctify myself that they too may be truly sanctified I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world and they they were yours Abba Jesus said and you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word now they know that everything you have given me comes from you for I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them and they knew with certainty that I came from you and they believed that you sent me I pray for them Jesus Jesus Jesus our bridegroom King Jesus our Savior Jesus Jesus the one we adore Jesus the great intercessor Jesus the great High Priest praise he's been praying I'm not praying for the world but for those you have given me for they are yours all I have is yours and all you have is mine and glory has come to me through them and I will remain in the world no longer Jesus set but they are still in the world and I am coming to you holy holy holy father I'm coming to you holy holy holy father protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me so that they may be one as we are one my prayer is not only for them I pray for those who will believe in me through their message oh that all of them would be one father just as you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world's the whole whole world the whole world the whole world the whole world every tongue and every tribe and every nation and every race and every socio-economic place the whole world would know the whole world may believe that you have sent me Jesus says I have given them the glory I have given them the glory that you gave me so that they may be one as we are one I in them and you and me and may they be brought into complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as I have father father I bah I want those who have given me to be with me where I am and to see my glory the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the worlds I have made you known to them and I will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may may be in them and that I myself may be in them the face of grace the grace of face Oh make your home in me the face of grace the grace of face make your home in me oh just oh oh I just I just have to read a little bit more hmm Paul having understood grace the face of grace in the grace of face said in Colossians he was praying too he was asking God that you would be filled with knowledge the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding and he would pray this in order that that that we would all all of us all of us all of us live life worthy of the Lord and we would please him in every way bearing fruit tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of fruits totally connected to Jesus understanding we are our father's child yielding ourselves totally to Holy Spirit do you want to find out what that looks like [Music] do you just wanna sign up for that 23 years ago I drug in here a spiritual orphan and for the last 23 years I've been finding out what it is to be a daughter everything everything changes and when a daughter becomes a mother their greatest joy is to see their children soar and they will lay everything down everything down everything down everything down to see their children soar don't give up sleep they'll give up food don't give up comfort Oh clean the mess now clean it again and yes even the poo apocalypse oh yeah Shaka raba so many of those the board children you have oh I came in an orphan and orphan caring for orphans wanting something new wanting something more but it was in this place that I began that that journey of understanding who's I am there's a place for all of you every single one of you God has no lesser sons God has no less her daughters he loves them all there's food for them all there's room for them all there's place for them all there's grace for them all he wants all of his children home and it's out of a place of wholeness that we go out of a place of wholeness understanding who's we are that we face this world unafraid that we face this world who doesn't understand this world doesn't understand but he called us to live in a heavenly realm where we actually understand we actually understand we actually start to understand and then we start to understand more and then we start to understand more and wisdom and knowledge it starts to come and then we finally understand how big a family we have Wow I do suddenly see and they're so beautiful and so strange they're so beautiful and so unique they're so beautiful and yet so lovely and my daddy sees every face and knows every name he sees every face and knows every name he does he does he don't see does he does he does okay I'm moving the pace David here we go shock Obama I was so cursor show drama shake yeah someday shoot I just I I see differently now of a different different set of eyes I have a different set of eyes I wanted to talk to you about spiritual eyes you ready you ready yesterday that was super sweet that piece of carpet that was really really sweet I brought a bunch of my friend friends and family in the room this morning and that I just knelt down on there just for fun it's just great Chaka Baba oh but Wow I thinks it's that planting face down finding out I was a daughter and not an orphan that's really what happened whoo finding out he loves me he loves me any he likes me he's not ashamed of me that's the blood of Jesus you see oh Jesus the face of grace the grace of face a [Music] father a loving father sees every child every single one and any any season as Jesus grace just pours out upon us he sees you the face of grace and he says I want to live inside of you I want to live inside of you and I want to put inside of you this understanding of who I am who he is and that everything changes so oh okay so here's my story I was a back there and-and-and-and before way before and II prayed for me I was back there and okay you're gonna have to wait a minute cuz I'm just soaking so much I can't get through my story and you're kind of come back and your toes you couldn't stay right there stay right there if you want you're good right there Chaka Baba it's just I'm like flow into its yet and then who she's like Moo whoa we're going somewhere else no like whoa how do we do that poof cuz I'm a Soaker so I learned that did this house size back there and I remember I thought you were all very odd very strange very weird people but whatever I didn't understand and I ran up and God just like crashed in on me the very first vision I saw is the one that really changed everything it has taken taken a long time decades to understand but I'm just starting to get what happened what happened way before anything else was I saw I saw your faces I did I saw him I saw him you like Oh No yes I saw them oh yes how beautiful how beautiful how beautiful I saw them I saw every tribe every tribe tongue nation I saw them in his vision it was so massive it went on and on and on and and it went on and on for hours and and no it was a tiny tiny tiny tiny little piece like all of us are just tiny little pieces in this huge beautiful family but every single one of us matters to God that's such a mystery my biggest excuse for God not using me was me if you knew me what could you do with me you said oh if you knew me if you just knew me what could I do if you just knew me everything changes so I I started seeing all these people million I don't know I can't count I don't count I don't understand the counting thing we've got great people that do in our movement I'm so grateful for them I just think of Julian shot they can count they can count I think of Rafa he could care I think of David he could count I think of these counters I think of gave he can count and Kylie can count and they're counters and they're the most anointed counters I know and without the counters we'd be in trouble but it's not my gift so I can't tell you how many faces I sell and I wouldn't have had time to count them anyway because you can't do anything without a massive team you can't do anything without a massive team with a big big family if you start taking it on Oh what if I thought what if I thought now just think about this some of you thought about this but most of you didn't but I'm gonna help you what if you thought when when that little man Randy laid hands on me and said God wants to know if you want a nation what if you thought no he didn't say a nation he said Mozambique the poorest nation on the planet oh how sweet what if you thought that meant alone what if you saw that didn't mean together with a big big big big big big big big big big family what if you thought for a moment that meant you just you just you yourself and you you might as well just shoot yourself I'm not recommending you do but I'm just explaining how bizarrely insane that is that is an orphan spirit an orphan spirit thinks they've got to do it alone it's it's about them it's about them pushing their way striving their way there's never gonna be enough so they're gonna have to push their way to get more because there's never gonna be enough because they they don't they don't understand what it is to live in a family and Jesus has been praying this prayer for forever oh please let them understand there is a family there is a massive beautiful family I want my children to get along I want my children to get along not to say that one doesn't belong because they look a little bit different and another one's disabled and another one's just too strict in another one's just too free and another one's just too small and another one's just too big and another another and another and another excuse to not see your brother another reason to not move in the unity that God created his kids to move in does that mean we're just meant to have one big huge thing that all looks so like everybody's alike everybody's walks alike talks like moves alike the songs are alike that affair doesn't like the curtsies alike the titles are alike the oh oh sweet Jesus families are are are incredibly unique diverse equally beautiful or dysfunctional but family is what he's after he's after family he's after family and okay here's here you go hey yo when we first started out she just saw piles of dying kids right that that's that's pretty rough right she's smiling she's just happy I like it didn't feel smiling to me but I love your joy sweetheart but um you know they're just like the kids died and and so I being and being an orphan in not understanding I was an orphan but I had an orphan spirit you know who cuz I didn't I I thought I'll never ask for anything because when I was 12 asked for a big black horse my mom said she was gonna kill me she she decided to kill us both she ran to the top of a cliff with car I screamed out I will never ask anyone for anything and I I divorced myself from my mother Ruth like that I wasn't born again yet didn't didn't understand cried out to a god I didn't know I didn't understand so I became that day an orphan spiritually because the protection that was meant to be there the love the nurture the protection wasn't there and so I determined that I would do things by myself that I would not ask that I would not need that I would not ask that I would not need that I would not be a selfish child when we're orphans in the spirit we can't see each other we can't see each other and at the beginning of this journey I said oh we'll just bring them all in we'll just put them all in the car because there's the nurturing in my heart let's bring them in let's let's take care of them let's feed them and God is gracious on our journey and he always provided it was usually pineapple but he provided and he just kept providing and and we always had something to eat and we just kept bringing him in and bringing him in and bigger bigger bigger bigger house and then we just made it bigger until one day the government said you can't make it any bigger and I was so upset I was so angry I was so ticked off I spiritually ticked off or even what do you mean we can't have three children in a bed they're dying on the streets you see I didn't understand the heart of the father I didn't understand who he was I didn't understand what he could do so I wasn't gonna ask for help I was gonna gather them all in myself till finally we were stopped I think in the end it was 470 kids in one base now see you could say well that isn't that cool isn't that sweet our hearts were longing to care but every child needs to be in the family every child needs to be loved in a family seen and known God sees you and knows you he sees you and knows you and he wants to put the lonely into families and they're usually not 470 but there is this bigger family that God speaks about through Jesus in John 17 so it's like understanding we need this small family this close family this understanding group but we also need the bigger family bit bigger bigger bigger bigger and and we also need to share I need hearing amens we need to share because if God's after every child then he's after caring for every child and it's certainly not going to be about one person or ten people or 50 people it's about every believer on the planet seeing the heart of the father Oh every believer that calls on the name of Jesus the face of grace that all of us step out into this dark and dying world and say you in front of me welcome the one God gives you the ten he gives you the twenty he gives you whatever he gives you you see them you see the beauty in each one but if it comes to a place where you don't understand you can't even say their name cuz you don't have a capacity then some hell there needs to be another mama another pop another mom another pop another mom another Papa every one of us feeling the love of the Father as we care and move together and we share and the competition disappears because we all know we're on the same team we're on the same team how see that's why I've never been excellent at this cuz I usually get rocked and I got rocked today and whoa I'm still rocked it's just looked different it looks differently sometimes I couldn't even stand up here for about five years preached face down Chaka Baba whoa but I'm so grateful I just I look at you know I look at John and Carol I look I just Duncan and Kane Steven Cassandra we have a Cassandra to Steve so Steve and Cassandra is Sondra and I look at them and I I look at I look at Betty and then I look at our team and I look at Luke and Jessica here love those guys I look at bill and Benny and look at Rebecca I look at I look at ser Joe and Chaka Baba I look at our nest oh yeah whoo he's gone through a journey and a half Wow but I look at him and I see them rising up rising up rising up rising up rising up I see I see what it looks like to understand who you are and who's you are and then you're suddenly free you're free you're free you're free to need each other you're free to love one another yeah I think I'm going yeah all these people that were apart such a part Mary Audrey such a part she shocked me a few times it was wonderful how one time I'm gonna tell a story about you yeah I know what time it is we're good we're also good she shot me one time up there up there I was still I was coming out of the orphan spirit but it wasn't quite finished do you understand thank you Jesus for Betsy and Chester Wow I'm so grateful so I was up there at the top there some kind of pastors gathering like yeah right I don't know if they even care about the poor look at them all eating all the time they're just eating they got the marketplace they're just eaters I'm a faster they're eaters I'm a faster than they're eaters I'm fast in there eating eating I'm fasting that's what real real missionaries do I don't know about these people in here talking about themselves as pastors I'm not sure who they are eating donuts carbohydrates look at them and just judgment all over me orphan spirit religious orphan spirit I don't need anything and I'm walking up there and she she doesn't she's she's season she just saw it she shocked me you're not allowed to do that apparently anymore but some oh you can okay oh yeah you shoot everybody don't you chuckle Baba shootable Waits well anyway she went BAM and I went splat and she said you're wearing Saul's armor and I realized exactly who it was as somebody I really admired really I mean this person I admired them with all my heart I believed I would grow up and be like them I was trying to wear shoes that didn't fit me you've got to walk in your own anointing every child needs their own shoes you gotta have shoes for all of them she shot me there and I I just thought I didn't know I wasn't thinking I just flew and I immediately knew whose armor I was wearing and the armor fit them some one of my greatest heroes look at it Sharon Daniel of yeah Dawson family show a lot of family anyway there I went and the thing God said to me that changed my life in this place this beautiful place the face of grace I heard God speak to my heart you want to hear it you're ready to write it down so me you're so cute that's what you don't know it's okay yeah it's ride it down he said eat cheese [Applause] and take a hot bath I flipped out I completely lost all composure I sobbed my guts out for several hours like a baby what God the God of the universe would let me eat cheese oh sweet Jesus we had denied ourselves cheese because of the grace we thoughts of our gifting and anointing to serve the poor of the earth who didn't have cheese and so if we were really going to follow in the way of holiness we would be cheese less for me cheeseless and holiness went together I was tenacious about it hot water was for wimps wimp had hot water we raised our children in slums of the earth and cold water was hot it didn't come out of the tap like worldly people's water chase well I just a word from the father another one another one was a shoe one do you want to hear about the shoe one I was worked I worked with great joy 8 years on a garbage dump I loved it I used to say it's my favorite place on the planet but my favorite place on the planet is wherever I am Oh at the moment this is my favorite that's why maybe why he sent me to 111 Nations cuz I'm happy wherever he sends me I'll sleep anywhere eat anything except pig's blood it's true anyway I thought it was holy to to always give what someone asks for time punning energy time more time more energy more money often dump out the bag and hand over the coins for years every week and they knew this about me people know they know oh here she comes we're good who gets to ask first they're gonna get her flip-flops they're getting her flip-flops just whoever else first they get the flip-flops they all knew the whole dump knew about it cuz I thought it was holy to be flip-flop less so they would come the minute I'd arrived somebody would ask for the flip-flops and like naturally normal Christians do for the glory of God I would take him off hand him over one day in the midst of this as I was getting ready to do it again many many times I don't know how many times hundreds of times was in the hospital eight times with mersa I don't think that was absolutely necessary but when you don't understand you don't understand and so you take off the shoes believing that's holy and not understanding you are a daughter Sakuraba you're a daughter or a son you're not getting to choose you were chosen to be one or the other and as that happens take it off my shoes and I hear the impression of the Lord saying did I ask you to do that I suddenly felt like getting Pentecostal and rebooting Satan in the name of Jesus I was upset who would ask if he asked that wouldn't be God of course we give our flip-flops away in the dump they don't have anything as I'm walking barefoot like an orphan in the dump he said um why don't you ask me is that you God you're messing with my theology you're messing with my theology but okay what are you talking about he said keep your shoes oh that was one of the hardest things one of the hardest things I cried in the dumps up like a baby friend if they couldn't understand the people couldn't understand what she doing she Mama's not giving away her shoes what happened to her what happened to mama she's not giving would and and then and they start talking and and I was just sobbing they're like I just want to give up my shoes could we just do it one more time he said I want you to believe for millions of shoes I want you to understand who you are and who I have called you to be at believe and believe that your family is gonna hear after that day I imagine we got over in those last few years over a million pair of shoes come on Samaritan's Purse Chaka baba bless Samaritans first why I am blessed why I am blessed blessed the churches the king Marci fish dad that kids mama she heard God they they literally took their shoes off in church one day see some of y'all like well we'll never take our shoes off but what if God tells you to take your shoes off what if the thing changes one time in her church that's sweet boys mama and Papas church whoa there's a reason he's like that Shaka Bob stick they just heard God say everybody take off your shoes some of us get messed up with that what witch what theology are we doing here we don't know what's going on and God's saying just flow with what I'm saying and it's gonna be it's gonna be amazing just just you gotta understand and so they took off all their shoes nice middle class church took off all their shoes stuck them in suitcases and flew to northern Mozambique with all those shoes little did they know that we would be in a plague of worms in a certain village where we had to dig worms out of these kids feet out of these mama's feet out of these Papa's feet and we had to cover their feet with socks so that they wouldn't get infected so God told a church in the USA in Texas to take off their shoes that day [Applause] and hundreds of pairs of shoes came over to northern Mozambique now if I had thought with this kind of religious thing where God does it this way and that's not the way and you should have believed for new shoes whatever I would have missed it cuz God knows what he's doing and how he's doing I want to take you back to a story where Papa showed me just how much he remembers isn't that a ridiculous statement an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent God but I was not understanding so I was in this conference in Red Deer Canada yeah a blessing wow that's a holy place for me God visited me very powerfully two times in that place Wow never forget it Chaka Baba so I was in Red Deer Canada worshiping the Lord just in this glory time with Jesus just having a blast and God crashed in on me and and an amazing woman Jill Austin she was one of my best friends she was a Holy Spirit wonder you don't know her most of you but boy she was a Holy Spirit wonder she had no fear she had no fear no fear no fear and I'm in there just with the Lord worshiping the Lord and and she comes it was like Ian one time Ian did it here but but boy Jill just decided she was really gonna do this and I'm just worshiping the Lord this is two different services but some hell they go together it's 0.3 C and I was there worshiping and and she came and she just had a whole bucket of water she just poured it out on me she said there you go okay I don't understand you sweetie but I know you're feeling the spirit yeah give me the revelation I just felt wet Bellator's sometimes sometimes remember the sometime word later sometimes God will explain so later he explained and in that same house as I'm now preaching and who knows if I was down or up or in between the pastor came over to me amazing amazing couple I see pastors as couples this couple just came over me they said um there's some people outside to see I'm thinking you know it's Church we're having a conference there are a lot of people that want to see me but that's nice she said they're well know was he but they were together he and she said they're Cowboys I said okay they said they're Cowboys outside it was in a ballroom in Red Deer ballroom they said the Cowboys drove a long long way all the way from Montana they drove they drove here to Red Deer and they want to see you so I said all right long as we're done we were suddenly done with whatever we were doing so so we just went and I walk out there and sure enough there are three Cowboys two of a men one girl a cowgirl two Cowboys and the cowgirl should be accurate and they had the pointy boots they had the jeans the big little buckles the hats on and they even had the howdy they said howdy I said hi they said Papa God never forgets anything and Papa God spoke to us we've been driving for three days I've been sleeping in the truck he told us to spend everything we have I'm thinking oh no oh Jesus my my mercy hearts like I need to get him a hotel I need to get him all down oh I can't believe they didn't sleep in a hotel for three days Oh anyway old way of thinking Mamas and Papas still do anything anyway Shaba Shaba they said Papa said to buy you this and they open up a trailer anyway and out comes my big black horse [Applause] come on I gone on that horse I jumped on that horse lifted my hands up I went tearing across the ballroom parking just hands up bareback just screaming at the top of my lungs sobbing and screaming and daddy said I never forgets who I started to get a revelation of my father oh I got a to this hugger oh I'm so excited when I saw all those people that first time I came in here do you know the word I screamed to the Lord now is what I screamed I didn't want to see all of you because I thought it meant I was gonna have to somehow somehow give more than I had do more than I had give away more shoes than I had cuz I couldn't see the body so when the Lord shows you a vision people that don't understand who they are don't understand team and family and unity and and the fact that the body is really the body so I didn't understand and I screamed no imagine screaming no to God I didn't have a yes all he had a no it was overwhelming to me seeing a dying world seeing a hungry church seeing people that didn't have when when I didn't have anything left to give so I screamed no until I saw him and once I saw him the burning eyes of Jesus the burning compassionate eyes of Jesus just looking at me just looking at me takes a piece of flesh out of his side hands it to me said feed it to the children God how do you feed flesh to a job feed it to the children and I reached out my hand and it turned into bread holy he took a cup put it next to his side his eyes so beautiful speaking to me I died that there would always be enough took a cup filled it with blood and water from his side looked at me with those piercing eyes of love and without words coming from his mouth ask me heart the heart would I drink what I drink a cup of suffering and joy I began to drink and he said pass out the cup I died that there would always be o shadowbot say yes Lord I'm just I'm asking ya I'm gonna go here then in a moment we're going to stand together when I asked David and his beautiful team to come back up please she'll drop us say he's giving us wisdom and understanding and we're called to bear fruit but a tree cannot bear fruit disconnected from Jesus and a tree cannot be bearing fruit disconnected to the body we are literally called to be the body we are called to move as the body live as the body love as the body and be who God has created us to be in this beautiful unique strange body that Jesus calls his and Love Wins Love Wins when we start to see how he receives us he receives us the face of grace the grace of faith he receives me he receives you when you understand that you can you get to find out that there's a place for you there's a space for you you're not concerned anymore about recognition you're not concerned anymore about competition you're not concerned anymore that resources if they go to another won't be enough for you the way you look at things everything the way you've looked the way you feel the way you are if God remembers a 12 year old child scream and almost 35 years later and I never shared the story I led my mother to Jesus cast out so many demons from her I told you I don't count but many many flew outs she was possessed by the Living God she became a missionary with our movement before she went home to Jesus my father became a Christian my sister became a Christian my Asian aunt's became believers in Jesus my cousin met Jesus Oh some of them took 20 years some of them 30 years some of them in a moment but Oh Oh God cares what does it mean to walk as a son or a daughter on the earth what does it mean certainly more fun than you'd ever anticipated certainly more glorious than you ever anticipated certainly certainly who I used to think about a nation just one just one place in a nation one dump in a nation and think I could spend my whole life here and I could with joy but if the Lord speaks to you about moving about going about seeing about caring and then he says now call him and call him and call him and call him in let the children come let the children come and let them participate see kids don't do you I'm gonna say this was the sweetest way I know how this generation raising up doesn't want to fill a seat they want to do the stuff they didn't come to just fill a seat to pay their dues they actually have gone past that they realize it's not even necessary anymore so in if they're not showing up it's because they're voting with their feet because children and and grandchildren and children's children they all want a place so if I decided I'm gonna just believe that word that word that word were God asked me do I want a nation and think that meant by MiG's and leave my little children little children you poor little children you poor little orphans you poor little broken ones that I'm gonna fix and I didn't let him grow up and become doctors and lawyers and and and and surgeons and entrepreneurs and professors that I have lost the plots so 24 years later 73 bases around the world 37 nations later I get to watch I get to watch multiplication beyond anything I'd ever imagined and I get to see the body of Christ being the body and I get to see sons and daughters rising up and I get to see the grandchildren rising up the colors of the crayon box for sure because our children who we are we are a mixed bunch so beautiful and as a grandma GG hey I get a cheer on all around the world and I get to let them clean up the diapers oh yeah yeah you want to start a base woohoo you get to have the wonderful sleepless nights you get you get to you get to enjoy it all and you will count it all joy cuz the Lord's not looking for just some of his kids to come home one of my favorite groups right now is the techies I love the dekhi generation they're so out there they're so out there and they felt sidelined I won't tell you the names of the universities or the schools but I'll tell you the techies came and they came sobbing and they said mama won't you love us too we feel like spiritual orphans we feel like we don't belong we don't fits the only thing we're good for is doing their media in church they don't understand we're in the company 16 hours we love Jesus we love father but we feel like orphans won't you love us too everyone's welcome there are different houses not just the massive children's center the worst-possible word orphanage a church that looks like an orphanage come get some porridge no more no more everyone gets to play let's stand please [Music] my purpose is that they be encouraged in heart and united in love they might have the full riches of complete understanding in order that they may know the mystery of God's namely Christ the face of grace I want you all across this building right now to take hands to just take hands that means your phone's gonna go in the pocket or just for moments it won't be long it's just a quick thing this full riches of complete understanding in order that you may know the mystery of God namely Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge for in Christ all the fullness of the deity lives Colossians 2:9 all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ who is the head over every body every power every authority God made us alive with Christ he forgave our sins all of our sins having canceled the written code and it's regulations that was against us and that stood opposed to us and he took it away nailing it to the cross having disarmed the powers and authorities that made us orphans that made us lost that made us hopeless that made us afraid he made a public spectacle out of them triumphing over them by the cross Harappa che I'm going to ask you if you're if you're worried about this don't be I'm gonna ask you just for just for a very short moment just to close your eyes and lift your hands together the Holy Spirit holy spirits show them your body holy spirits show them your church holy spirits show them your face Jesus one with the Father one with Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit I just believed Holy Spirit's gonna crash in all the way in the back whoa yeah yeah yeah you you you welcome him all the way in the back welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome no orphan spirit welcome welcome to spirit of adoption in this house the love of the Father in this house just lift your hands together you are family we are family we are loved Shannon and I was so more Holy Ghost more Holy Spirit more Holy Spirit more Holy Ghost boy Holy Spirit bar hell egos bar Holy Spirit Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart Bart crashing crashing crash it show them show them who they are show them the beauty of the body of Christ God show that every child would be coming home every time every tongue every nation rip the competition out of us rip the do do it myself out of us rip the orphan I'm all alone out of us rip it out of us Scott [Music] Jesus rip it out everything that doesn't bring you pleasure the dysfunction of the family god rip it out cause your body to love like you Jesus cause your body to move like you Jesus caused us your body to cheer on like Mama's like Papa's like sons like daughters who know there's enough who know there's enough for every child to be fed for everyone to have a home for the curse of slavery to be broken for the slack slaves to become free [Music] for the brokenness inside of us the brokenness inside of to be healed by the blood of Jesus [Music] Susan [Music] [Applause] [Music] this son [Music] are god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sunday [Music] [Music] in God sons and daughters of the Living God sons and daughters of the living [Music] by grace the face [Music] I belong I belong I'd be long along I Fitz there's room for me [Music] but together together together together together together together family together [Music] we're not meant to do this alone [Music] you have something else [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your cars coming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where are the sons and daughters of God [Music] the maybe God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow oh we love you Jesus we worship you thank you that we get to be your sons and daughters oh you are an amazing daddy and we love you Oh Heidi oh my goodness ha ha it's so good we just were gonna wrap up the meeting now and I just want to bless you to go and be the body love on each other just enjoy his presence together we're gonna come back have lunch and then come back and just keep going it 2 o'clock it's gonna be a fantastic afternoon whoa who's ready for more yes bless you guys [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 30,373
Rating: 4.768374 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 56sec (9656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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