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Might be the best one yet. But that Alex kid is so cringy.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/RustyMcfly89 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

The sauve kids shampoo was like the cherry on top...

He couldn't even come up with a lie for that one

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/kiwiii21 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

The fact that he uses the same shampoo as david I- this is some sociopath shit

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/ohkweatherboy 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lmao when Jonah said "he looks like a young Donald Trump"

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/DownVoteBecauseISaid 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

That Alex kid like actually has a problem though. His rationalizations were all such BS.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

nobody is doing it like Jeff, I'm glad he has his own concept and he doesnt give a shit

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/linaknowwhatsgood 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why did Alex agree to do this? So embarrassing

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/jasszeh 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jeff coming in with the cult classic references.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/koothukoluppu 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Finally god i was waiting for a jeff upload

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/adithya_chittem 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] have you heard this it's a royalty-free version of the song i wanted to use to set the tone for this video but also so i could still make money on it [Music] this episode is sponsored by harry's my name is jeff i'm 19 years old and i believe in taking care of myself i need a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine i shave every morning using my harry starter kit which includes a weighted rubber handle with a textured grip a five blade razor cartridge foaming shave gel a travel cover to protect your blades when you're on the move nowadays they help millions of men shave each day in a premium hassle-free way and all this for a great price with refills starting at only two dollars plus harry's just came out with their sharpest blades ever and they didn't raise the price their new sharper blades are still as low as two dollars each the deal harry's currently has on their trial set is amazing you'll get everything you need for a close comfortable shave redeem your trial set for just three dollars when you go to jeff thank you harry's for sponsoring this video today's episode is about david dobrik copycats you guys aren't familiar with david dobrik he's an ex youtuber he used to be big on the platform while he took a hiatus a lot of people adopted his style some even adopted his entire personality we have mike sheffer filling in for vardon fardon i know you guys loved him last episode but he said some controversial things that got him canceled i don't think climate change is real he's gonna be sitting out until he gets uncanceled but for now we have the most hated guy ever on the show back all right come on out scott so exciting to be back in this room doing this stuff with you yeah i'm gonna be completely honest with you i don't know if it's even gonna make it in that's totally fine with me i really really just need a hairpin why are they dressed like that it helps me get into character because this is an american psycho themed video i will be confronting all of the sociopaths in this video i recreate some of my favorite moments from david's vlogs i've made videos copying david's videos i've copied eric andre's entire format i'm so broken inside i feel empty i have no real emotions anymore and tell it to somebody who cares man i contemplate three times a week if i should just hang myself up bro american psycho theme really american psycho themed okay it's not i mean it's not halloween themed it's not a halloween party it's american cycle theme this is why you lost the job you should shut the [ __ ] you don't listen when don't talk to me okay joe tell us why you do it do what why do you copy him to make money that's a pretty good answer why he copies him for the money joe and your thumbnails do you use a big photoshop version of your face making an insane emotion yeah use the same face for every thumbnail do your tags start and end with david dobrik yeah who's your best friend elliot fedora you got mental problems okay you got serious issues up there this is a defining moment in your career and it's probably a bad move that you came in here today to do this right are you nervous yes well you should be okay okay first things first i want to talk about copying david sure because i'm good friends with him i've hung out with him for years and i just don't understand why you would copy him and not somebody cool like me or todd you copy anybody you know why him you're making me so nervous right now i've never killed anyone i'll give you the benefit of the doubt i'm gonna get started on the hair it's cool i make you look like me instead of david i don't really give a [ __ ] at the same time if you do have a problem with me anything you hate about me and you want to get it off your chest then you can do that i hate that you went on tour i hate that you left and abandoned the scot cast and left me here to fail i want to let you know that i also hate that i went on tour and ruined the scott cast and lost 175 000 and a month and a half of my life so we're we're even on that one so you make youtube videos um yeah that and tick tock where do you get your ideas i come up with them like late at night i did a little bit of research actually just wanted to basically run through some titles some dates sure one year ago david dobrik posted a video called best friend confess his feelings for me that sounds like a title i've done two months ago alex warren post a video larae confessed his feelings for me or larry i'm not trying to pronounce that two years ago david darwin posted a video titled confronting little brothers bully one month ago alex warren posted a video confronting charlie's high school bully three months ago alex warren posted a video one year ago talking to my three years ago david posted three days about the video she found out the truth alex warren support month ago with a kitten alex warren post the video girlfriend finds out the truth i look at you as a master impressionist that's actually how i am though i literally just talk like that like the mannerisms i'm just a goofy little [ __ ] pretty much i'm not saying david is i grew up watching logan david tanner and all them stuff and i really resembled with david i was heavily inspired by his format but regarding the content itself it's like i do come up with my own bits but everything that like like you've mentioned right there that's all like stuff that every youtuber has done this character is a known sociopath sociopath is a person that has no real emotions and they just mimic other people it's just a coincidence that we had you on the show today look at this guy hey pat bateman you look hungry would you like a treat okay we're definitely demonetized now bring out the lie detector you got nothing to worry about as long as you tell the truth everything will be fine start with something simple is your name alex yes is your name david no says a lie is there a reason why you're not being truthful with us maybe god damn i thought i stabbed that dog did you steal david's personality no completely no survey says that's a lie do you fake your laugh to make it sound exactly like david's on your vlogs no why it's like i'm not afraid to say that like bits have happened where i'm where i've blatantly copy david but it's just it happens to be that everyone thinks all of them are when in the case a lot of the things i've done david has not done are you the one with the small penis did that happen to you no i'm not so i met a guy with another penis i got a guy inverted penis and he was talking about at my house and i go we have to see it liar hey i'm talking and then i was just gonna look and then my friend nick was like film it and i'm like i can't film it david's done this before and he's like who gives a so then i filmed it but said david's done this in this vlog but this is just an opportunity i can't miss and i filmed it one thing we picked up on that was a bit disturbing was the laugh talk nobody in their right mind does that stupid laptop what's up guys nobody does that i do besides him let's play everyone's favorite game okay we're gonna play everybody okay who's that that's me it's alex okay yeah that's me oh my god that's definitely david he's got the whole thing so you've practiced no i've heard this video before this is a video on youtube this is alex's [ __ ] or david's bit mine 100 i thought it was david's they sound very similar mine's way more high-pitched i need a mental health break is that a raincoat yeah it is this is a pretty stupid haircut you asked for joe you know what you should do next joe what you should have him do a swastika in the back of your head whoa cool it with the anti-semitic remarks it's okay i'm jewish you're a piece of crap you're phony you're just another knockoff you're dead stay dead looks like this is your last haircut get lost [Music] all right jeff you want me to get him out of here yeah get him out of here does this song sound familiar to you okay so i know this your this was david's first outro song 2015 david's first vlog i know i was really looking at that i looked to my girlfriend i go no [ __ ] way that this is happening we have a very sick brain inside this head you look good um the theme of this video i kill everybody at the end of it i'll do it for you you'll handle it i'll cut myself okay cool all right thanks bro no problem you got like a razor or something scissors are good i use that let me just jam it in there good just cut the laugh dude that's all we ask cut the [ __ ] laugh this kid looks like a million bucks dude change your image a little bit you look way cooler and i think this is a steady young donald trump i think this is a step in the right direction don't listen to him in fashion sense look at his hair hey one last thing that i want to play here on the tv wheel this baby out that bathroom is not mine literally all i need is a toothbrush toothpaste shampoo and i use suave kids oh yeah what this is my next essential this is my suave kid shampoo now this is a very particular one no grown man in their right mind would use that kid shampoo it's obvious what's going on here you need to start copying somebody else somebody cooler you know what [Music] hey i'm alex this is my fat [ __ ] friend papa and welcome to alex's barber shop [Music] on a spaceship
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,424,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, Alex warren, Joe vulpis, scotty sire, copycat, hypehouse
Id: kmyxRRA1tm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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