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thanks for something wrong with the nerf he's like standing really weird where is he lay down on your bed he's still just standing staring alright whatever what's up guys welcome back to another episode of Geoff's barbershop I know you're thinking we've already seen plenty of this guy before why are you doing a haircut video with them well unfortunately I burned all my relationships with real celebrities so I'm forced to reach out to my friends until I can build my image back up so thank you darling for coming I think if I go too short on the sides I'm like so white you wanna just pick one off the list you want to do number 19 that's a pretty popular one I wish I could do 18 or 17 I only do one haircut here on the show so I think it's the one haircut just a three on the sides or something like that is that super short why is this in here Reggie get rid of this so you're a big Internet guy born from the internet now I hate the internet you know if the classic hate everything about it love everything about it how'd you start in the internet or music let's do this one more time yeah glad you guys thought my manager and I were just okay no dude look I say how did you get you start you saved mine so I'm now I'm just reading off the script how'd you get you start um on vine actually oh here what surprised you got any beef with anybody in the DJ world other DJs stealing your stuff maybe cyberbullying you a long time ago I had a beef with with David Guetta but I mean it was just him thinking that I had a beef with him he posted a 45 second video of him standing in Shibuya crossing and it was it wasn't even like in slow motion or fast I made a video where I put black beetles to it and asked him on the caption like hey did you mean to make this a mannequin challenge let the comment he said you know come to Vegas and asked me if you really want to know and then do like big me with how much he made me big Oh Lex how much money he's making yeah how much money you got a flex money that's such a weird thing to have to do how much money do you make from DJing I don't want to divulge that information this is the biggest interview of your life this is the biggest interview of my life what was I supposed to say in the script again I don't need this script we're going off the book you get to have sex with a lot of girls from being a DJ yeah you ever run into any situations where maybe I'll you hooked up with a girl that maybe had a boyfriend sometimes dudes will come up to me and be like oh you had sex with my girlfriend one time cuz that's so [ __ ] cool oh so they're like happy that you guys I'm not like I don't think she was you know his girlfriend at that time oh [ __ ] my special guest is here perfect timing man get ready dude hope it's David Guetta get ready to fight there is have sex with friends ex-girlfriends yeah you hooked up with his ex-girlfriend before I knew her you had sex with his ex-girlfriend before he knew her and he's pissed look at him oh oh yeah I did she's in the vlog squad yes Karina that was the first time I met David have a little fight I'm too lanky look at this you're gonna beat me up hey guys chill out everybody calm down okay there's a solution to this okay you guys already found at the solution that's a submission is it's not worth it I think you're not kicking his ass I know he was very scared we have a real reaction roll a replay the reaction when he came in oh dude I was scared you were scared bro this guy was coming in hot he was yeah way that he came in too but hey look the message was trying to send today is it's not worth it guys if a girl likes to DJs then she's not the right girl for you and we should not worry about it yeah nothing it's you specifically there are girls that will target DJs and you our victim you know I never thought about it like that hey hey hey oh yeah breathe okay the line is Kent it's can I come to your party you say yeah you could come but you can't and then he goes well I don't want to get drugged anywhere okay and then we all clap and we all go home okay hey dude had a great time you party last week can i comment I won't watch all March I see DJ what do you think it was that happened in your childhood that made you the way you are today I mean I always loved Jim Carrey movies that's definitely why I like always wanted to joke around a lot just how did you get through your parents divorce there been divorced yeah my parents are they've been together for 32 years now what made you want to become a DJ all the money and women said all you're in it for do dude the real real real story is there was sin of Ace in LA I wanted to play it and I knew that the only way that I could play it is if I made music so I went to Atlanta and started learning how to make music for my friend Cory enemy I'm gonna be honest here yeah I'm not too happy with you right now because he just made me lose $5,000 they've challenged us to a game of tennis for $10,000 we're heroes not fair so then followed applause for you guys honestly my business man is gonna kill me for losing yeah that's I mean I lost it too yeah but you don't have to do anything to make money all you do is press a button boom $100,000 what's my time on this right now I'm giving back to you now as you were canceled look I'm gonna give you this haircut now on the house you and I need to devise a plan to get this money back from moneybags David Ober money just comes to him so easily you can kind of relate to that but for somebody like me and everyone else in the world we actually have to work for our money I will not quit till I get this money back from him do you think we could come up with a plan to get it back tonight I hope so maybe you could like DJ a party for him or something like that you hit him up and say I got an idea for a blog Dylan little DJ thing for you yeah you play you gotta pay him out his reduced fee [Applause] [Music] okay we'll tell them that we're getting them a good deal yeah we'll do a whole manipulation tactic yes to ripoff david dobrik boom got our money back exactly my nephew later the internet again if we get our money back I'm down dude I'm still pissed off at that yeah that's up imagine if you didn't have millions of dollars in the bank account you just had a regular-sized bank account like I do with hundreds of thousands in it you know think about how bad that hurts I shouldn't dragged you into it I should have just done it by myself you could have I would have still supported you what's it like having two first names I never really thought about that until you said that what's your biggest fear your iPod running out of battery go ahead smell you man I play on CDJs Ted I'll find you some people segment Dillon Francis yes that guy's great and I'll give you that what were you saying I've invited you to all my shows you've never come out one time you just use me for content the only time I ever came out was when it was Coachella even told me I don't want to go to your show I just well I got to get this last shot of you putting your hands up no that's not true a lot of people ask me how to become successful as a youtuber and I always give them the same answer you have to sacrifice a human being it's the only way David Dover sucks the life out of jason nash you can see it you have one single gray hair are you gonna pull it out if you could box any other DJ would it be Martin garrix a box it out of him he's probably one of the youngest in the DJ game so you like to pick on kids no no no he's 21 he's a [ __ ] adult now he's drinking I can punch him in the face if I want to it's interesting to see how the blog squad works I'm glad you don't blog yeah I think that's why I like hanging out with you rather than the I I just can't usually got an Oscar yeah Oscars cool to hang out with he doesn't like take the camera out all the time you one of my favorite comedians that's also a DJ there's not that many that actually do anything that I do there's this one dude Salvatore ghannouchi there's a video of him at Tomorrowland it cuts to this girl closing her eyes and he goes now relax your anus try to relax your anus he said that what how many girls have you had sex with in your entire life what's your number I don't know if it's like above a hundred or something like that I don't think it is a hundred Wow and you told me don't wear condoms you said before the show well overcome that's pretty respectable for you you're 31 years old now yeah that's like three girls a year for your whole life what about you how's this YouTube thing working out for you some girls do it I don't do it I don't have sex with any girls you don't have sex anymore no it's all about that money yeah just work on being a good dad to nerf being a good dad nerf roll back when he said that he would kill nerf if he moved you move off can kill you that's the controversy we need to talk about yeah make some noise for Dylan pamphlet honestly that guy's gonna make it cuz he's not wearing pants that guys suck see what he can't even DJ anywhere because there's no pants on but that's what's cool maybe that's what's gonna help him you know help him get to the top what type of music do you listen to when you're not boss of drugs in a nightclub I I spoke too soon I don't do drugs in a nightclub okay but I listen to bossa nova music when I'm not doing drugs in a nightclub it's a little bright out here someone doing this to my beard is like the best can you do a robot impression right now yeah I am NOT a robot I am Dillon Francis she's like that's good dude way to make an impression of a disable Dillon Francis cancel his he wants to buddy cancel console him don't cancel me please yeah that is very insensitive so justin bieber watches these right uh he does we should we should both send a message justin bieber asking me to collaborate with you talk a little bit more while i'm lining up around your mouth most of your show is there like 18 and older 21 yeah I would say 5% or 18 and over and then the rest are 21 plus what are some things you've done to stop the drug use some of your parties teach their own man oh nothing you've done nothing to stop I've done nothing to stop the drug use at any anyplace what's your favorite meme I don't I don't know man what's yours I really like the one where the kangaroo is not to know get a guy is flexing and then the guy comes out or maybe these are two different kangaroo memes that I'm combining together but the guy goes out and fights the kangaroo to save his dog and the kangaroo squares up and he punches them and the kangaroo back I love that one the kangaroo is kind of like how Jake Paul walked in here yeah wait did you know that that that dude hit a kid to apologize for punching the kangaroo he had apologized to a kangaroo no here to apologize to like the people of Australia for punching the kangaroo even though it was trying to kill his dog what the yeah that if that kangaroo came over here to nerf and soda by him i can duff that kangaroo out i would love to see that I'm gonna take these off because I can't see anything yeah Oh looks pretty good what I just did you want to talk about how much money up in the bank account a little more I haven't said anything we got footage of it play it back I got millions of dollars you think I care about losing money don't put that in though you look good do it dude I feel good do you not play the guitar uh okay I can play the guitar but it's like you know how I told you about like how good I am at at a tennis yeah and suck Wow great I hope they give this that millions of dollars in a music career all jokes aside you really do make great music and I'm happy to call you my friend I think this is fantastic man you did a great job okay I feel clean I feel hot I feel like a good-looking dude now I'm glad you like it I don't wanna die Namek that'll be $5,000 [Music] you ain't got you you ain't gonna save us okay let me ask you a question oh my god it see every time they don't understand what I am doing
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,078,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, vlog squad, dillon francis, david dobrik, dj, podcast, haircut, barber, vlog, todd smith, corinna, drama, money, jake paul, cody ko, jeffs barbershop
Id: v_ZrJ0V2te8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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