I BECAME A WHITE RAPPER | Jeff's Barbershop

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Lol simon rex is the shit

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/CuntMcDouble 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MMDroxy 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really enjoyed this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rmajor86 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is Jeff's face still swelled from the accident or is that just scar tissue?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/corcoran_jon 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone i'm jeff i'm your host here at jeff's barber shop this is my guest here jonah he sits here on the couch and brings nothing to the table he's a waste but today it's a very special episode because we got one of my favorite guests of all time he's coming back to help us make our first ever rap song simon just come on out nice dude yeah dude [Applause] good to have you back it's been about a year huh this is a new addition to the show yeah sometimes things get better sometimes they get worse depends yeah okay what are you drinking over there caffeinated drink i want to get down i want to get on your level i like the vibe you seem very are you sure you want more caffeine yeah i do last time we had you on the show here you didn't even let me get a question off truth is i hate coke do you have any we had a song that stuck as the outro here people loved it they keep asking they're begging down in the comments to release the full version and today we're finally going to release that i'm going to be putting out a full song with jonah and i featured on it rapping for the first time dude we're going to get wild what's the story behind that we're telling you what licking your penis not at burning man well you could get naked at burning man there's no rules there so kind of like the most freeing thing you could do would be to suck your own dick so i just thought it would be funny to be like i want to go to burning man and suck my own dick because that's the only place you could do it legally without going to jail my first time at burning man i said yo you could get naked and i stood up on the corner of the like busiest corner and i pulled my pants down and i just whipped my dick out and screamed at the top of my lungs and i thought it was very liberating and i just saw these people walk by they didn't even bat an eyelash they just looked at me and they're like a [ __ ] first timer like get out of here it felt good to have your dick out in the desert wind is my point what have you been up to man since the pandemi the demi got me chillin dude i know you know i moved out to the desert after 22 years in la i hit the wall i'm like i did it what more could i do i did everything someone would want to do when they come to la four times one day i'm like [ __ ] this i'm out i need to go be in nature so i bought a house in joshua tree off grid right in the middle in the desert yeah middle of nowhere it's [ __ ] up and it's weird like i'm out there and i'm just like yo i catch rattlesnakes now because i live in a shipping container house it's like the modern like shipping container vibe we could put a picture in here there are a difference there it is sick let's talk about your hair because i want to get that going because it's a long process we're going to dye your hair dye your hairs you look like a [ __ ] insecure little i got salt and pepper now which is fine the ladies like the salt and pepper it says oh he's distinguished he's been around the block he's got four stds he knows what he's doing i'm not a specialist in color so i brought him a little help i'm gonna cut it but we'll bring her out so we can discuss the hair that she could sit in megan i'm gonna a rattlesnake color you know what a rat you should make like a rattlesnake it already is kind of color though we want to do my hair animal pattern yes and i saw that you do this yes and i already trust you even though i just met you oh yeah i just met you as well you have a very cool voice thank you thank you sounds like you possibly just came back from burning man you might sound like you're out in the desert well i think we do an animal print either either or either what is it either or either either either oh someone's been a private school i have okay finally a taste of your own medicine yeah baby come on i'm giving you the juice baby these are good these are good it's like joke juice what do you think about this homie that's dope i think we go with that is that the crate you're gonna get i'm asking you i want everyone's opinion i want this to be a team effort that looks like holy [ __ ] i just ran out of a burning apartment perfect you're gonna look like a tan eminem after this how was his reaction to your portrayal of him i was little like oh [ __ ] is he gonna be able to laugh or is he gonna be pissed but you know i didn't write it i heard he saw it and laughed i think we do this homie i think we do that one yeah that one's sick look it's quarantine i'm already out of work as an actor as it is now i'm really out of work as an actor i got nothing to do this is the time to do it i'm in a mid-life crisis this is it baby oh [ __ ] look out oh what the [ __ ] i know you think it was a paintball guy yo why did that scare me so bad i literally thought it was a gunman i'm david hey simon have you ever met we did a movie together oh no we shot something together skit airplane mode no all right dude all right whatever this guy doing here get him out of here we don't want you here come back when you got your camera and you're vlogging again we don't want you i thought maybe i could get a job here i haven't seen a camera in a while so you want to man a cam yeah camcorder over there it's a camera we don't even use so it's fine it's like i'm getting back to vlogging it's like someone handed me a fake controller and i'm playing xbox and they're convincing me that i'm playing he made the transition recently from new media to traditional media he went backwards sort of in a way oh okay he went from doing youtube and he loved him and then he wants to do tv that's not true and now people hate it this is very outside my comfort zone not unlike living in the desert so i'm going for new chapters baby you know what it's a goddamn pandemic someone i want to put smiles on faces dude it's time to get weird dude cheers cheers you guys nailed it thank you and you're great it's so much nicer here right girl female energy man this is my favorite haircut we've ever done on my favorite guest we've ever had and he's going to inspire kids all around the world to get this kids out there first of all i want you to follow your dreams don't listen to anyone if they tell you you can't do it because you know what you can when you have a dream wake up in the morning don't go on your phone right away i know a lot of you kids out there you wake up you go right to the phone i want you to say hey siri set timer for 10 minutes and think about what you dreamed about last night and then look at your phone and go on social media after you analyze your dreams i can't even take credit for it it was all negative no no it was a teamwork uh i'm over the moon i feel like a new alien my man thank you now we're gonna get in the booth oh yeah we're gonna finish our song let's go we're gonna shoot a music video and we're gonna debut our music video right here on mtv we're on mtv we're on mtv and it's been a long time it's been i was there on the 90s so it's like deja vu baby i think the song is the dumbest song possible but like burning man is already weird on its own but if you're going there to suck your own dick [Music] um yeah we have to he'll love it he made me believe in aliens i didn't i didn't believe in them until i heard him talk to postmortem on mushrooms and i'm like yeah one of my nuts how could i not think that there's other living beings oh i didn't watch that one yet i used to think that i didn't believe in aliens yeah no no that's good this is the first or you take anybody under your wing yeah this is the first time i've i can't i'm no one to mentor anybody in anything but i guess i've done this before so here we go i know how to pick them my mentors all by myself it's good for your heart it's good for your soul it's good for your mental health i used to not believe in aliens personal opinion thing i can make it in this business i'm only 19. am i going to college or doing music what do you think i should do how do you feel what are you doing i don't know i need to decide my mom's pissed she wants me out of the house do you think i can make it in this business i don't know you can do construction you can be it might be a driver for somebody and same it's it's some [ __ ] it seems like any any business if you if you want to do like a like any construction you need buy like small van equipment you know all this [ __ ] yeah be invested like ten thousand dollars or fifteen thousand dollars and just work do you know like paint walls so it's everything same [ __ ] i think you want to work like just work we got one more guy coming in he's uh part of my group yeah dude you my dick i
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 1,368,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, Simon Rex, Dirt Nasty, Jeff wittek song, burning man, Jeff wittek outro song
Id: nah2cXwvsfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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