Confessions of a Winner - Wednesday Morning Service

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praise god hallelujah oh father we come before you this morning father thanking you that you love us with your great love you love us and father we bask in that love we bask in the assurance that it is well with our souls because you love us so father we're thankful today and we give you praise and honor for your word for your word will come forth by your spirit father it won't be by power it won't be by might but it will be by your spirit no flesh will be glorified we thank you as we declare today that we are good ground that as the seed of your word come forth that it will fall on this good ground that you've so made and so ordained and lord it will bring forth a harvest that is pleasing and acceptable unto you we thank you lord for the fruit of it we thank you for the victory in it we give you thanks and praise in jesus name and everybody said amen hallelujah amen well let's give god praise hallelujah it is a blessing to see you all here today uh give your neighbor a virtual high five praise god and uh let's get ready to get into the word amen praise god well listen god is good and of course as always i i start off by uh giving honor where honor is due to dr dollar and pastor taffy and thank god so much for them and and uh what they mean not only to uh world changers but to the body of christ uh here so we give honor there of them as being our leaders and as our head and as our pastors and uh we thank god so much for you all coming in this morning hope you got your appetite did you skip breakfast praise god because we're going to eat today amen we're going to eat today the word of god is good the bible says o taste and seed that the lord is good and uh and god has been so good to us and we thank him for his word that he gives us i mean it is you look at the word is it's called the seed is equated to seed and when it's sown into the ground it brings forth this this harvest in our lives and the fruit of the word in our lives i mean we're able to eat from it people are able to eat from it from from us and just by the way that we live and the way that we carry out our lives but you know when we when we look at the word um the word is so powerful that the bible says in in uh hebrews and in fact let's let's get ready to go there um hebrews 13 11 chapter hebrews 11 chapter and the third verse the word is so powerful the word is able to take something out of nothing and to create a masterpiece the able the word is able to take mess and turn it into a masterpiece the word is so powerful that by the words of the prophet he spoke to dry bones that had been dead dried up decayed he spoke the word of god to it and they came alive and not only they came alive but they they not only they weren't just walking bones but flesh and sin you the bible says came on them by the word of the lord by the word of the lord joshua when he was fighting the battle spoke to the sun because he didn't want the sun to go down while he was being victorious and and defeating the enemy by the word of the lord he spoke to the sun and the sun stood still can you even imagine that the sun just stopping because i'm gonna give you more daylight so that you can finish defeating the enemy by the word of the lord but here it says in hebrews the 11th chapter and the third verse it says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god the worlds were framed by the word of god now how powerful is the word that the word can take and you all know there's nothing will stand unless it has a frame you try to build anything your body won't stand without the skeletal frame of it it won't have any any structure or anything but the word the worlds that we are knowledgeable of the planets pluto uranus saturn venus mars mercury i noticed because i was helping my grandson study the other night amen and uh but those worlds are framed by god's word and when god speaks it it happens it comes to pass it may not even have you may not even have seen any type of existence of it before but when he speaks it it forms it formulates it it comes into being it it comes out of nothing and i won't say nothing it comes from his word his word is the substance his word they they are the material materials that that is used to construct what it is that we need can you see the word constructing a new kidney can you see the word constructing a new heart can you see the word uh going in and cleansing your blood and healing you from cancer and all can you see it doing these things it's this it's the word that's spoken and it and it goes to work so it says through faith we understand through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so the word is actually you know it's invisible i don't want to get over simplistic here i don't want to get over simple but i do want to make the point i'm speaking words you all don't see words coming out of my mouth but you know that they are words of course you hear them they are invisible but those invisible words can affect you more so than a physical punch i can go up and tell someone that i hate you but just by those words by me saying i hate you i've not laid a hand on you but those words can affect you in that way that you you hate me that that it hits you it's just words but it has the power behind it that it hits you so here those words aren't appearing you can't see them but when i've spoken them you see a physical reaction on me so even though you didn't you didn't see the words i hate you but you saw the physical reaction on me the physical reaction was my brows went down the frown came on my face i drooped i was you know i was disappointed the word is like that so it may be invisible but it's able to change the physical so there we see the word is able to frame the worlds that we even have today in the book of genesis i won't turn there but you guys remember genesis the first chapter how jesus said let there be let there be let there be he was speaking let there be let there be let there be and the things were becoming and the things became let there be light and light came let there be from the firmaments and all and that came let there be fishes in the sea and it came so here it is that when god speaks that things happen when god speaks his word controls the the physical matter that he that his word already made so he he speaks the word it makes the physical matter but then he can speak a word to that physical matter that he just made and it still can do things and it still can create when he spoke the word and uh man became a living soul he made him out of the dust of the ground which he spoke the word and made but then from that physical thing he made a man the statue of a man but then he spoke life into him so with the words he took this he took the word and put the word on this physical matter us we're dust and we became a living soul so when god speaks his word his word is so powerful that it makes things happen it changes things it rearranges things it makes it makes things um uh that weren't there before actually be there at that time so why am i i've got an agenda here today and i've got a purpose and a place that i'm trying to get to but i'm establishing this by putting the focus on the word because when we hear the word when we understand the power of the word then we will understand what we have access to and this great weapon i mean uh pentagon doesn't have anything on you the u.s army has nothing on you the military forces around the world world has they have nothing on you compared to the word of god now let's go to hebrews the fourth chapter and the twelfth verse i like the book of hebrews the book of hebrews is it's just loaded with a number of of things as it talks about the law and that's being redeemed from the law uh and all but it also speaks about the word and the power of the word but hebrews the 4th chapter and the 12th verse and it says for the word of god is quick that means alive it's powerful it's sharper than any 2d sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and the joints and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart the word of god is quick it's powerful it's alive it's powerful it can discern what's in your heart it can even divide and go razor thin to separate the soul and the spirit the word of god is quick and it's powerful amen now let's go here and let's look at um uh second corinthians the fourth chapter and the 13th verse now why am i talking about the word because the word needs to come out of our mouth constantly constantly joshua said i meditate in your word o god day and night and i make my way prosperous how by meditating in your word day and night by doing your word what your word says i make my way prosperous now who make their way prosperous the ones who meditate in the word and and do what the word says be heroes of the word and outdoors only but it's important that we say what we believe now you'll talk to people and you'll say do you believe in god yeah well do you speak of him well i mean you know that's private that's just me and god having our own little conversation oh that's nice and sweet but you saw no better tell the devil when the devil comes up and confronts you with something you shouldn't have better speak the word then when you find yourself in a situation dealing with whatever it is that's confronting you you better speak the word not just think it not just so much mutter it under your breath speak the word speak it speak it speak it now this is one thing that i see is a challenge often times with with christians we try to keep our our relationship so private we try to keep our our our walk with god so private you know it's almost like you know if if you wouldn't know i was a christian and and don't get me wrong i'm not going all the way on the other end of the spectrum where you're walking down the street shouting hallelujah and bless god and and and shonda's and all that every other word i'm not saying that but i'm saying that it ought to be some profession out of your mouth of what you actually believe amen so it says here in second corinthians the fourth chapter and the 13th verse it says we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have i spoken so i believe but i speak what i believe i believe but i speak what i believe so it's just not silent belief it's just not a belief that i just walk around and just keep inside of me that's good keep it inside of you but when you're com when you're dealing with the situation can you speak what you believe hey they're closing down the plant everybody's gonna be fired praise god well my god said he shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory so if they do that i'm not concerned because god's gonna meet all my needs i speak what i believe you know the doctor says this about report well i understand what you're saying doctor and i know you got all these fancy machines and all that you know and i don't discredit that but the bible says according to his uh stripes that i'm healed i speak what i believe you know if my bank account is looking a particular way and and um you know uh i need to pay some bills now you know the balance of that is yeah you know you still got to work you still gotta be responsible and things like that but i speak the word that says hey uh by according to his uh god shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory i speak it i speak it i don't just you know you could go around and you can mutter it in your head that's fine but when you speak it you put it out there and say i'm now letting the world know what i believe it's not just a private belief now you know it's not just i keep it to myself so if it worked man that's good if it don't work nobody knows you know what i'm saying you got those christians like that well i ain't gonna say nothing because if it don't happen then i won't really look bad oh man come on do we believe this stuff or not let's speak it if we believe it let's speak it so he said i believe and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore we speak so when it comes to this we have the word of god that has been given unto us as a weapon ephesians the sixth chapter let's go there ephesians the sixth chapter and uh and let's start in the 12th verse now we'll start in 10 ephesians 6 10 and then we'll read on down ephesians 6 10. so it says finally my brethren be strong in the lord and then the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers against rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day what's going to enable us to withstand an evil day taking on the whole armor of god so it says and having done all to stand next verse stand therefore with your loins girded about with truth and heaven on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all taking the shell of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is what the word of god so now in all of these other parts of the armor is protective it's if you get a blow to the chest you got the breastplate of the righteousness the blow to the head you got the helmet on uh your feet are shot with the preparation of gospel peace you got these other things that cause you to move and all but but there's this one part of the weaponry that is for offensive for you to use to attack for you to use to advance for you to use to uh defeat the enemy with and that is the word of god it's the sword of the spirit but you're to use the sword of the spirit can you imagine being in the bible in a battle excuse me and then you you know you got your your sword in the in the sheath can you imagine that you're going into a battle and you just you know you're running out there and uh everybody else got swords and guns and all this stuff and you just running out there you better pull that sword out of your sheet and do some battle and do some fighting so uh but the word of god is the sword of the spirit and we're to use the word of god to help us as we continue on in the things of god now let's turn let's go through some scriptures really quickly here because i want to continue uh uh setting this up and then we're gonna we're gonna go where i wanna go all right matthew the 12th chapter and the 37th verse matthew 12 37 praise god now our words are vitally important i know this is world changers nation and you all know this but i'm just reminding you again let's start using our words let's start using our words remember you know i've been i've been doing the encouragement series and i've been talking about we win and and i've been talking about you know overcoming and i've been talking about we won't quit but i've been talking as well about us being on the offensive and not the defensive that we are the victors and not the victims that we don't sit back and just take what the devil puts on us but we advance and we go after him so we need to watch our words because this is part of our our victory protocol the word of god having the word of god is part of our victory protocol for it says here in matthew the 12th chapter and the 37th verse it says for by your words you shall be justified what kind of words are you speaking are you speaking words that now your righteousness isn't of yourself it's of it's of god but you want your words to line up with god concerning your righteousness you want your words to line up with god's word concerning your righteousness for by your words you shall be justified or declared righteous but by your words uh you also shall be condemned so if you're speaking words to condemn yourself now this understand this this is something that happens in your thinking as far as your spirit is concerned you're already justified because jesus did it so you're already made righteous even regardless of your words you're already made righteous because jesus did it and it's a finished work concerning condemnation there's therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus you're not condemned because you're in christ jesus you're not condemned however if you don't have your mind renewed you'll speak words that will make you feel righteous or unrighteous you'll speak words that'll make you feel condemned or not and then you'll feel that it doesn't necessarily mean that you are that so we know christians who walk around i know uh unfortunately i know a lot of christians who walk around and they speak defeat so when you see them they look defeated now according to the finished works of jesus are they defeated no but according to the way that they think and that they speak they're defeated so it's it's it's not changing what jesus has done for you it's determining how victorious you live down here on this earth so if you can take the word of god and now you take your words and you line them up with god's word by your words you shall be justified i declare i've been made the righteousness of god in christ jesus book of romans says that so all i'm doing is i'm lining up with the word of god i declare that uh i am not condemned because i'm in christ jesus roman the eighth chapter first verse says that i so therefore i'm gonna walk around as not being condemned but if i don't know that and i'm gonna uh go off something or mistake that i did an error that i made um got in my emotions and did something stupid now i'm going to start believing that i'm condemned no uh-uh let's line up with what the word what the word of god says so by your words you can be justified and by your words you can condemn yourself now let's go to uh uh psalms 119. i got a lot of scriptures here that i'm gonna go over real quickly here in psalms 119. but not a lot i'll just share a few because you all get my point psalms 119 and uh verse 162. psalms 119 verse 162. i rejoice at thy word as one that findeth great spoil now you all we all know that in in uh in a battle to the victor goes to spoils okay so in other words if you win then you have all that the enemy had you've conquered him so you take all of the spoils of war it's always been amazing to me that how can why do people bring so much wealth and riches to war i don't i don't understand that but you know it's but that's what i guess that's the way they did it back in in the bible days they would have all these gold cups and and you know uh things like that i'm like what are y'all doing with that in in a in a battle but praise god i don't know the thing is is that the to the victor goes to spoil so therefore the children of israel having won they will get all the spoils but here he said i rejoice at your word as one that findeth great spoils so when i look at your word when i use your word when i speak your word when i believe your word i am finding great spoils as if i've just conquered an enemy and i'm taking up all of his possessions so when we when we rejoice at his word god is saying here i got all of this available for you in my word you have everything that you need and more when you rejoice at my word it'll be like you just heaping great spoils upon you amen praise god hallelujah now let's look at if we're in psalms uh 119. let's stay there and let's look at uh 82 verse 82. hallelujah praise god now you all remember when uh a couple of weeks ago uh and i mentioned as well this this uh this past sunday matthew 18 18 and remember we were reading matthew 18 18 from the amplified version and what it says in the king james is whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so therefore when we read it in the king james it says whatsoever is forbidden in heaven it's also forbidden here on earth whatsoever is loosed or allowed in heaven it's also what is allowed down here on the earth so in other words down here on the earth we should only be binding what has already been bound in heaven we should only be losing whatsoever has been loosed in heaven now it says here in psalms 119 verse 82 that's not the one that i want did i say i said 82 didn't i okay uh i must have wrote that down uh wrong i'm gonna read it sorry forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven so the word of god is settled in heaven as being in other words this is the way that it is and if you believe it in heaven it can be the same down here on earth forever o lord thy word is settled in heaven see if you can find that for me be forever oh lord thy word is settled in heaven i wrote it down went uh wrong when i was studying so forgive me for that but the point that i'm making of course is if god's word is already settled in heaven and if we have found that whatever is settled in heaven is what's supposed to be down here on earth remember jesus prayed this prayer thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it's already being done in heaven so the the will of god is already being done in heaven but we are the agents by which it will be done down here on earth are you all with me praise god all right so now with all of that being said and all of that being established uh let's go to uh romans the 10th chapter and the 10th verse now we're familiar with this scripture here because from this scripture we oftentimes use this in terms of leading people to the lord but i want to look at it from a different angle today romans the 10th chapter and the 10th verse it says well let's go back to 9. romans 10 9 if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus what other way can we read that since we know that jesus is what the word okay jesus says the word according to john the first chapter if thou will confess with thy mouth the word and if you'll believe in your heart that the word is alive in other words god has raised him from the dead believe in your heart that the word is alive we know from hebrews 4 12 the word is quick or the word is alive so if you will confess with your mouth the word believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead or in other word that the word is alive you shall be saved now we think about this as far as salvation being born again but you shall be saved from whatever situation that you find yourself in if you find yourself in a trial in a tribulation something that is is challenging you if you will confess with your mouth the word remember i said let's speak it if you will confess with your mouth the word and believe in your heart that god has made the word alive you'll be saved from that situation now what is the word for that situation i don't know what's your situation you find the word for that situation that you're dealing with you confess it and then you believe that this word is alive and powerful and able to do what you're confessing it to do you'll be saved hallelujah next verse for with the heart man believes unto righteousness with your spirit man you believe this word this word of course makes you righteous but with the mouth confession with the mouth you got to speak it with the mouth you got to say it speak your way into victory speak your way into prosperity speak your way into healing speak your way into divine protection speak your way into soundness of mind speak your way into a blessed marriage speak your way speak speak speak talk talk talk get it out hallelujah praise god confessions are made unto salvation you start speaking that thing you'll start seeing salvation now we know that you got to believe what you're speaking now here's this is something that happens with some of the saints is that we speak but we don't believe we got to put all of these parts to it it's not just speaking and not believing i got to believe what i'm speaking so when i'm speaking i believe it i believe that the word is able to do what it says that's what i mean by god raised him from the dead it's an alive word it's able to do it's able to animate it's able to make things change in your life and you believe that and then those things shall come to pass in your life amen praise god now i said all of that because i want us to actually get into or to do now let's let's activate our faith let's do what i just said we need to do you all didn't know that what they call it in in school they call them labs uh uh in medical thing they call them interns you know uh uh hear praise god we call it activating our faith and we're going to speak and we're going to believe because see when it's it's something about the bible uh refers to jesus in the book of revelation and when he was coming back on the horse the bible says out of his mouth came a two-edged sword out of his mouth came a two-edged sword now we just read in ephesians the sixth chapter of what that 2a sword is is the word of god so out of his mouth he is the word but here's the word using the word you see what i'm saying so if jesus who is the word uses the word how much more should we take his word and use it so out of his mouth came a two-edged sword and out of our mouth comes a two-edged sword the bible calls it uh it calls it the sword of the spirit but we're to use it by speaking it's not so much picking out and doing it this way it's speaking the word of god amen so now i want you all to stand with me praise god act like you get ready to go to through tsa just put all that stuff down and put it all down and and what i want you to do i realize that you're not writing but go back later on and look at this on youtube or whatever it is that you look at and i want you to to hear yourself saying these words i want you to repeat them i want you to see life happening in you i want you to see things happening in the spirit as you're speaking the word i want you to see the word of god framing the worlds of your life i want you to see you take this authority you make this happen you now speak as we read in hebrews about how the god framed the world with his words you're going to frame your world with your words what is it that you what how do you want that thing to look frame it up right amen come on and repeat this with me say ii corinthians 2 14 says now thanks be unto god which always calls us into triumph in christ isaiah 54 17 says no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tom that shall rise against me in judgment i shall condemn it i shall condemn it matthew 28 18 says all power in heaven and earth has been given unto jesus therefore all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me first john 5 and 4 says i am born of god therefore i overcome the world this is the victory that overcomes the world even my faith in god philippians fourth chapter 13 says i can do all things through christ who strengthens me philippians 4 19. says but my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus luke 10 19 says i have power to tread over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing and nothing and nothing shall hurt me james 4 and 7 says i submit myself to god i resist the devil and he runs in agony he runs in pain he runs in terror first corinthians 15 57 says thanks be to god which always gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ ii corinthians 12 9 says god grace is sufficient for me his grace gives me strength when i'm weak romans 8 31 says for god is for me therefore no one no one can be against me luke 137 says god is with me therefore nothing shall be impossible for me romans 8 28 says all things work together for my good because i love god and i'm called according to his purpose joshua 1-8 says i meditate in god's word day and night i won't let it depart from my mouth i am a doer of the word and i make my way prosperous romans 8 37 i am more than a conqueror through christ jesus who loves me first john 4 and 4 says greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world ephesians 6 and 10 says i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might nehemiah 8 and 10 says that god's joy is my strength proverbs 10 24 i will not faint in the day of adversity because my strength is big in god second corinthians 10 and 5 it says i use the mighty weapons of god to pull down strongholds in my life romans 6 and 14. sin no longer has power over me because i'm not under the law but i'm under grace romans 8 and 1. i do not walk in condemnation because i'm in christ jesus deuteronomy 20 and 4 god gives me god goes with me to fight my enemies and he saves me from all my enemies hebrews 13 and 6. so we say with confidence the lord is my helper i will not be afraid what can mere mortals do to me second timothy 1 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind i declare by these confessions that i am victorious i declare by these confessions that i win every time i declare by these confessions that i cannot be defeated i declare by these confessions that i am the head and not the tale i declare by these confessions that i am an overcomer i declare by these confessions that i win i win i win in jesus name hallelujah come on give a shout of victory hallelujah hallelujah praise god [Applause] let me tell you what just happened you just released in the spirit realm and you you caused all the demons of hell to start trembling because they're saying oh my lord they got the word they know how to use it we can't fight against the word what are we going to do you're going to lose that's what you're going to do hallelujah because i'm telling you i know it sounds like i'm having a pep rally every time i get up here but i get excited in the things of god man i'm telling i said you know what i'm gonna go in people gonna think something's wrong with me i'm gonna go in there i'm just gonna be i'm just gonna speak quiet and all but you know what i just it's like fire shut up in my bones i it's it's like a great awakening it's it's it's like oh oh my goodness i've had this all this time all this time and and where i am with my relationship with god it is just i'm so thankful i'm not trying to say that i'm better than anybody else because we all have this we all have access to this we all have access to this great victory we all have access to walk around with with a confidence with an assurance of victory we all have access to do this have i experienced hard time in the last week you yes i have have i run into hard times have things kind of maybe hit me and caught me off guard yes they have but you know what i do now i run back to who i am i run back to what i know i run back to the authority that's been given unto me and i quickly reclaim my position i quickly do that so it ain't no more that you hit me and i i start cowering no you hit me and then i get mad you hit me and then now you stirred me up you hit me now you realize that you should not have hit me the bible says if they would have known that crucifying the lord of glory if they would have known what it would have done they never would have crucified him we need to make it where the devil is running from you we need to be on the offensive and not the defensive i mean man spend time in confession spend time in prayer spend time in solitude spend time listening to him because he speaks back he does he really does listen to him he'll speak to your heart he'll comfort your heart you'll find that you'll be in the presence of god and tears will be rolling down your eyes and and and you it almost it almost consumes you it really does it almost consumes you you're in his presence and you're like oh god you got to strengthen me because i i feel like when moses came down from the mountain now i don't want to look like that they the way they showed the tv moses came down the mountain he was all gray and stuff it's like no i don't believe spending time with god you know makes you great amen but i do believe that when you spend time with god that he starts renewing that inner man more and more he starts building up that inner man and then he starts quickening this mortal body he starts healing things he calls things because he in his presence is fullness of joy in in in his presence it's everything that you need in his presence you you find yourself being in the presence of god and your molecular structure changes in the presence of god i honestly believe this when you get lost now you you might have to go and do whatever you do turn everything off turn off the stimuli for a while turn it off get lost get in there don't be concerned about your watch don't be concerned about no time get in there and talk to him and start speaking his word back to him and start start just realizing who you are you'll find that your body you'll feel your body changing you'll feel what was wrong starts it just it feels like it just starts getting right it just starts correcting itself in god's presence i'm telling you that this is no i'm not talking religion i'm not talking religion i'm some of the words may sound a little cliche but i'm not talking religion i'm talking relationship i'm talking who are you in christ and now when you do it you talk about your confidence it starts skyrocketing your confidence when when stuff comes your way and it and it looks ugly it doesn't move you like it used to move you because you immediately go to who you are in christ you immediately go to the word and that now is the thing that you start seeing that thing there is trying to dangle in your face but no i put the word here that's what i see that's what i see and it's jumping all up and down it's trying to get your attention it's like no this is what i see i just see the word that's what i'm focused on it's almost like you look at a person and they zoned out because they see the word that's all they see they don't look at things i'm not saying things won't happen i'm not saying that in this world you'll have tribulation but what i'm saying is be of good cheer he has overcome the world amen come on let's give god praise for his word hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah i'm a new man i'm a new man if you see me walking around opposite of this y'all you say hey best skin wait what's going what's going on i'd be like oh thank you man you brought me back you know what i'm saying let's let's let's be accountable to each other let's let's keep each other encouraged in the things of god don't condemn just encourage amen praise god god bless you you all can be seated amen well listen uh when it comes to giving and of course we're going to complete our worship as it comes to this part of giving this is a vital part because if you can freely give i'm telling you you've transformed over into another dimension if you can freely give i'm not saying i'm not trying to trick anybody out of no money or anything god is our sufficiency but i'm trying to tell you when when you get to that point to where you don't have the hesitancy every time when it comes to give uh you know you clench up you know things get tense in your body no just just give because i assure you that god will multiply your seed that is sown if he doesn't he's not true to his word and we know that he's true to his word just believe him god you know what this word was good it blessed my life i want to show as an expression of how much i appreciate your word to you i realize i can't throw dollars up to you but lord i can sow it here in this ministry just to show you how much i appreciate your word how much it blessed my life i'm thankful god thank you lord because lord from what i got my life isn't going to be the same and here's just an appreciation for it so when we give that's what i call grace giving grace is where god's unmerited favor came in and changed our lives we didn't even deserve it but he was just so good to us he changed our lives and caused us to be able to to uh benefit from the precious precious promises that he's given us so if you need an offering envelope in here go ahead and raise your hands uh for those of you all who are given online uh you you know if this is your first time here you can go you can text the word world changers space and the dollar amount to 74483 that'll go through uh uh or you can call 1-866-477-7683 and then of course you can give there that way we've got some operators there that will be more more than willing to help you uh uh to give their 2500 birthday road college park georgia 303 49 if you want to write in or if you're there on your phone maybe on the computer you can go to or you may even be watching it via that way just click the give button give button and you can give there that way also you can scan the uh the qr code uh there that that's probably showing on your screen there take your phone and just scan it real quickly and then it can it can take you uh to an easy way to give but as we give we give with that appreciation with that honor to god with the love to god with the thanksgiving to god and realizing that really he first gave to us and we're only given what he's blessed us with so god loves you god thank god appreciate you we thank you so let's pray over this offering father we thank you for this offering that has been sown into the kingdom father we thank you that it will go out and multiply and accomplish great works that would cause people to know that you are lord will cause people to know that you love them will cause people to come out of a situation dire situations would cause their minds to be changed thank you father that this seed will be used for the furtherance of the kingdom in jesus name amen praise god amen also listen we confess what we believe if you're not born again you can speak those things but you it really won't work because satan says well you don't really have jesus in your life but jesus wants to make that real easy he wants to make that real simple he wants to be the lord over your of your life and if you want him and want to accept him as lord then pray this prayer along with me say father i come before you realizing that i need a savior that i am a sinner and therefore i'm asking father that your son jesus come into my heart and be my savior that his blood wash away all of my sins and that i will be made the righteousness of god in christ jesus i received jesus into my heart today thank you jesus for being my savior jesus name praise god listen it is just that simple let's welcome them who will come into the family of god hallelujah it's just that simple welcome to the family uh uh you know down here in the south we believe in large families uh so we thank god for you coming in and making the family much larger but if you pray that prayer we want you to text the word i'm saved all of that together i'm saved to 51555 uh send us your name and your email address and we will send you uh an email excuse me an ebook a free ebook that will be a gift to you today it'll be helpful in your new walk in christ welcome to the family of god praise god hallelujah hallelujah well listen god bless you all thank you all for having ears to hear what the spirit of god would say those you all who are watching online thank you as well for having the issue to hear what the spirit of god will say we're gonna get ready to dismiss if you would lift your hands may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer father we thank you for great grace been upon us in jesus name amen god bless you have a good one [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know i'm a world changer anointed with the power of the holy ghost i'm a world changer [Music] you know i'm a world changer [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 7,841
Rating: 4.9613152 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: rszEqpRh17I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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