Changing How You See Yourself | 01.21.15

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thank you for choosing this resource by Creflo and taffy dollar our goal is to provide an understanding of God's grace and empower change now listen to the Gospel 12 of simplicity and understanding and watch it change your life the book of Acts the Apostle Paul is giving warning he's about to leave and he warns them about hearing the wrong things and how people are going to come and try to pervert what he spent time teaching them and then he says in verse 32 and now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified he said brother and I commend you I am entrusting and putting you into a place where I have great trust I'm commending you to God and I'm commending you to the word of grace the word of His grace I'm entrusting you to the word of this unmerited favor and this grace this unmerited favor this undeserved unearned favor is able to build you up and this grace this undeserved unmerited favor is able to give you an inheritance now I want you to think on that for a moment this this grace is able to build you up it's going to outdo what you can do in your performance it's going to outdo what you can do with your with your plans and your programs it's going to outdo everything you thought about doing this grace is able the word of this grace this unmerited favor favor is going to build you up now I declare over every ministry here today that the favor of God is in hot pursuit of you ready to build you up amen it'll build you up and it is going to bring you to an inheritance and he said something real interesting here that he's going to bring you give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified now of course every man that's been born again and that has made Jesus Christ the Lord of his life Jesus has made him that way so it's going to be available to everyone who's accepted him and accepted this amazing grace now let's go over to Ephesians chapter 2 and look at verse 8 so the word of His grace will build us up and the word of His grace will give us an inheritance well now let's see where this this is going to start notice the first base where you going to see this grace beginning in our lives verse 8 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it's a gift of God not of the works lest any man should boast the amplified says for it is by free grace God's unmerited favor that you are saved delivered from judgment and made a partaker of Christ salvation he says through your faith and this salvation is not of yourselves it's not of your own doing it came not through your own striving but it is the gift of God now you think with me for a moment what is it that we could have possibly done to deserve God's favor that saved us we were saved according to this scripture by grace we were saved now that you know the when you look in Romans 1 and it talks about salvation and for those who are saved it's the it's this Greek word Sozo which it's not just born again it's deliverance it's a soundness preservation it's healing it's all of the finished works of Jesus all of the finished works of Jesus Christ and the favour we see here is that he has favoured us to be partakers of this salvation we're favored he has delivered us from judgment the judgment that that was due to us I mean the wedge that the Bible says that the wages of sin is death I mean there was no other way you could have possibly paid that sin debt off no you couldn't afford to pay that debt off Jesus was the only one that could afford to pay that sin Dan off and he paid it off I mean it's paid for which which means you have been delivered as a favor God did this as a favor to you have been delivered from the judgment that was due to you every punishment that he suffered was your punishment everything he went through belong to you but he stepped in and took a halt the judgment that was due to you on his self paid the price and now by the grace of God you have been delivered from the judgment that was supposed to be yours turn some and say I've been delivered so to tell you the truth when people talk about judgement day it does it shouldn't scare you at all Judgment Day for you means it doesn't mean that you're going to be judged with this judgment that he has paid for the price for it's already been paid for I mean Judgment Day for you is the day where where you find out all of this wonderful stuff he's not going he's already judged you I said he's already judged you I'm in so he's delivered us from this judgment and he's made us a partaker well think about it what do partakers do they partake when my grandmama used my grandmother she raised all the food in the backyard we were eating organic food didn't even know it uh she raised all the food in the backyard and my grandmother's name was willie Mae and my granddaddy's name was ed and so they had Willie and so willie Mae would make all the food put it on the table everything was prepared he didn't have to do nothing but come and eat when she said it was time to eat and she would say y'all come on Annie what do you need us to do this now I've already done it what do you want us to make the something no I've already done it I didn't ask you to do that I just told you to come eat are you listening to me Jesus isn't asking you to help him do anything the table has already been prepared he's just trying to get you to show up and eat listen everything that we find ourselves praying about most likely Jesus has already done it's a done deal your deliverance was was was accomplished 2,000 years ago your healing was accomplished 2,000 years ago your prosperity was accomplished 2,000 years ago everything you'll need for this life has already been done we've got to change our tits instead of trying to get God to do something that is already done let's learn how to receive what he's already done he's already we have more faith in what we can do for him instead of having more faith in what he's already done for us that's what spiritual warfare is all about maintaining the victory that Jesus is already obtained I'm not trying to obtain my healing I am maintaining what Jesus has already obtained I'm not trying to get victory I'm coming from a place of victory see if you're not careful you'll start operating like you used to operate under the law under the law it's about doing it's about demands it's about what you can do but under grace it's about what's already been done it's about him being your supply see one way you can tell whether or not you're still under the law versus grace is under the law people like the boast but under grace there is no boasting because under grace when you see what Jesus has already done you have nothing left to do but to begin to worship him for everything that he's already done there is no boasting now I'm going somewhere with this you don't like it when we get there you men and so he said here that we have been delivered from judgment and made a partaker of Christ so so we've been made a partaker oh not just born again but we can partake of the deliverance partake of the healing partake of the prosperity partake of all of the finished works of Jesus Christ we have to partake of it we have to partake of it Gloria said last night to receive is to take it it's already there it's available to receive it's to take it you're gonna have you're gonna have to figure out how to get ahold of what's already done rather than you thinking that your faith makes God do something we try to use our faith to try to get God to do something instead of using our faith to receive what he has already done the picture is you coming in like an empty vessel and allow him to fill you up because he wants to be the supplier of all of your needs but you continue to try to get him to do something that he's already done see the blood of Jesus has our ready accomplished we've got to change our tent in a sense in a sense faith goes back into the past to get a hold of what Jesus has already done and brings it on up here to the future but we keep trying to use our faith to get God to do something well I'm using my faith to get God to move God's already moved well I'm fasting and praying to get God now the fasting is about me getting my mind lined up with the Word of God and with my spirit once I get my mind lined up with the Word of God in my spirit and I apprehend and take a hold of what Jesus has already done heaven begins to rejoice because they said here's a person there who believes I've already done it and now they're coming to get to lay hold of what's already been done versus you saying I'm gonna use my faith to make God do something turning your name and say it's finished say out loud healing is finished deliverance is finished your prosperity is finished it's a done deal grace has made all of that available and I take it watch this come eat come eat all right now now notice something here he says all of this you are partakers of christ everything up Christ salvation his so so you are partakers of it how do you partake through your faith you partake you partake through your faith I am saved by grace I'm delivered by grace I'm healed by grace I prosper by grace but I get it through faith I don't know what you fighting about the division we will not have as a division between grace and faith everything we have is by grace but if you want to see it manifested in your life it's gonna be through faith yeah that's it I now listen to this now the highest level of faith is rest and here is the issue we have got to move from doing to try to get God to do and we've got to come to the place where it's done and I enter into the rest see here's the deal if you don't rest God won't work and if you decide you're gonna do the work then God will take the rest and so I can't afford to have God to be resting when I need him to be working so I got to learn how to rest so he can do the work for a whole lot of Christian I mean the happiest time of heaven is when you go to sleep because he says hey fellas let's get the job we can finally do something now that they're out of the way they're asleep you know the Bible says he'll give us sweet sweet sleep there's another translation I read that said he'll give to you while you sleep in other words he's going to prepare the upcoming day if you arrest in him he'll take care of what's getting ready to take place and you can truly get up the next morning saying this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it because I am resting to rest doesn't mean to cease from working to rest means while I'm working I have the confidence and the assurance that it's already a done deal so now we've got to learn how to rest in the finished works of Jesus Christ we've got to learn how to rest and what Jesus has already done we've got to learn how to rest and what he's accomplished 2,000 years ago yeah I'll say that that is spiritual warfare spiritual warfare is not you getting the devil in a headlock and and and and not any that's not it spiritual warfare is when you stand and rest on what Jesus has already accomplished and you refused to move and the enemy comes and he it comes with all kinds of things to try to get you to step off what you believe and you say no he comes and he tries to challenge you and say well you know you you're not healed look at the pain and still that you say no I'm still healed spiritual warfare is maintaining your stance in the victory that Jesus died and shed his blood to obtain it is not spiritual warfare is not you trying to obtain victory spiritual warfare is you maintaining obtained victory you you holding on to what's already been with what's already done what's already has been accomplished in your life so that's the high this level of faith entering into this rest entering into this place and you know sometimes you have to um and the scripture says there there may be required labor to enter and what does that look like right in the midst of things you're gonna have to oh god I just give you praise Oh father I thank you for your word oh yeah your word says this oh god I understand what your word says and eventually an ease will come over you so there may be some some some labor to enter into that risk sounds like an oxymoron to that rest but I have learned that is the key to everything a key to everything 2012 2013 that the devil hell it had a target painted on me it seemed like and it seems like one thing one thing after another thing and another thing after another thing that's another thing and I had a lot of a lot of folks especially my spiritual mom and dad I couldn't sneeze without them consciously we're here hold on just all around the world call them say now what God is getting ready to do with you hold on don't don't even let that move you don't let that move you but then there comes a time where that's it and I believe that each of you will have the opportunity to step out of some situations and declare not by what you read but declare about what you know His grace is sufficient for me oh thank you Jesus so I've learn that the most valuable lesson that a ministry can have is to learn how to trust God sound so elementary that it learn how to trust God for everything what's this let's look at the Psalms 84 and 11 oh Jesus I stay calm for about 10 more minutes we're banking Psalms 84 verse 11 and 12 he says for the Lord God as a son and a shield the Lord will give grace and glory oh I prophesied this is what this year's gonna be about grace and glory you're about to walk in the glory of the grace of God you're gonna see the manifestations of the of the grace of God show up in your life in fact you've got to understand that this grace is unmerited favor under grace you don't get what you deserve under grace you get what you don't deserve and I declare that you will receive an abundance of undeserved favor amen you're gonna start bumping into stuff you know you don't deserve I mean God's gonna start doing some things in your life that's gonna make you shot in places that you had no intentions of shouting in you need to get yourself ready because when it's all over with he will get the glory for everything that's done in your life amen you're gonna look back and say I know good and well that was gone and every situation you have in your life grace is going to always outweigh it amen there will always be more grace than it is your trouble so whatever trouble you may find yourself in there is more grace than it is your trouble praise God turn it to people tell them I'm out some I said what am i coming out up now I didn't say you coming out I said you out I said you out I said start calling those things that be not as though they work you are out out of what you're out of trouble you're out of debt you're out of sickness you're out of the problem ah yeah thank you hmm he said no good thing will I withhold from them that walk uprightly now under the covenant of the grace we are the righteousness of God not by our own actions we're the righteousness of God by what Jesus has done for us I've been made righteous and what he says here no good thing will he withhold for them who walk uprightly and if I apply to this covenant no good thing will he withhold from the righteousness of God somebody says we all we got to do is be righteous now receive the righteousness that Jesus is responsible for you having and the Bible says in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things you see all these things you seek will be added unto you seek His righteousness and all the I believe righteousness attracts when you know who you are righteousness attracts I didn't say you doing right attracts and neither my advocating you doing wrong what I'm trying to get you to see is to receive that you've been made righteous and that righteousness will attract everything you need you know you'll hear what I'm saying I am the righteousness of God not by any actions of my own I am the righteousness of God by the obedience of one man I'm not righteous by my own obedience and I'm not righteous by what I've done I am righteous by the obedience of one man Jesus Christ subtract Jesus out of the situation I am NOT the righteousness of God I can be righteous by my works but I'm not talking about righteousness body works I'm talking about righteousness by faith in what he has already done now I believe that I am the righteousness of God therefore I have a right to the healing that's been made available I believe I'm the righteousness of God therefore I have a right to the prosperity that's been made available I have a right to whatever I need because I'm the righteousness of God see my righteousness status will attract whatever I need but when you go to God you got to go to God knowing that I have a right to be healed rather than you go to God trying to get God to heal you to do something he's already done all right all right now let's look at a verse verse 12 he says O Lord of Hosts blessed is the man that trusteth in thee this the blessing is promised to the man that will trust him the blessing an empowerment to have success in every arena of life the blessing the blessing Abraham trusted the blessing that was on his life Abraham didn't get blessed because he was such a shrewd businessman Abraham got blessed because of the favor of God and God favored him with the blessing and the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrow it's the best thing that was on his life I mean Abraham could have qualified for the worst husband of the year he turns his wife over cut twice I believe and and as a result of both times he walks out with prosperity men servants mates of maids and silver and go so God wasn't congratulating his behavior a buret Abraham trusted in the blessing that God favored him with uh we go on somewhere and I watch this proverbs 11:28 let me speed this up proverbs 11:28 glory to God verse 28 says this he that trusteth in his riches shall fall but the righteous shall flourish as a branch he that trust is in his riches shall fall now if you notice the scripture we just read talks about if you trust in God you'll be blessed if you trust in your riches you don't follow you don't ever want to put your trust in your riches it goes back to Luke 16 you're gonna have to decide whether or not you're going to trust your money or you're gonna have to decide whether or not you're gonna trust God because if you start trusting money then that Ben then that spirit of Mammon will get on your life and it'll start it'll start moving you to do some things you don't need to be doing God listen God if you trust him we'll make sure you have the money what we have to do we've got to reconcile financial prosperity with the grace of God how do you do that because we've made it seem like you give your money and then when you give your money as a result of it God will do something to you yep you cannot purchase the favor of God but now what does happen because you've noticed something happened when you did that the reason why God set up the tithing system was not to benefit him it was to benefit us he set up the system so you could have an opportunity to set a portion of what he bought into your life you you got to understand something everything you got he's the source of it every good thing you have he's the source of it listen to me every good thing you have came from God every good and perfect gift came from God it is it lists out whether you saved or not save every good gift came from God he is the source of it and see the problem is that somehow we have assigned ourselves as the source of our prosperity and we we oh god Rumi sale is yes the let me let me it may come let me read this to you go to Psalms 50 go to Psalms 50 look at verse seven here on my people and I will speak o Israel and I will testify against the I am God even thy God I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices or thy burnt offerings to have been continually before me they have been continually before me so he's talking to them about bringing the sacrifices and offering those the blood of those animals and he's really got an issue here because they have lost doing it out of their heart they should be grateful in what they're doing but somehow another they've lost the fact that they're not doing this necessarily for God more than God set the system up for them and look what he says he says I'll take no Bullock out of the house nor he-goat out of my foes for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle Upon A Thousand Hills mine I know all the files of the mountain and the wild beasts of the field they are mine and if I were hungry I wouldn't tell you for the world is mine and the fullness thereof is mine when I eat the flesh of the bulls or drink the blood of a ghost he said no he says this is not for me I'm not setting this up for you I already own it all it's already mine what you've got is mine so do you think I really need to come and get one of your balls if I was home where you think I need to come get a sammich from your house it's all mine so what's the issue with with the time what's the issue with the given of money he said I set this system up so that you can prove to yourself that you trust me I don't need yo ten you need what I got what you need to do is trust me and you don't trust me until you can successfully give a portion of what I gave back to you you don't trust me and you now now you said all day long oh yes I trust you you don't trust you don't trust it listen you have chosen Mammon if you if you if you've decided to hold on to it but when you've decided to give that money because gods your source and you trust him then you have proven to yourself that you can trust God the issue is not money the issue is trust and we got people in church thinking every time we teach on prosperity that the issue is money the issue is trust and what you do with the money proves whether or not you trust God enough and so what happens is the Bible makes it very clear in I think Luke 16 when he talks about the the other the the Stuart the unjust Stuart he talks about the unjust Stuart and he says about the unjust Stewart you have wasted your masters a good this is him this is him 40 he says I caught you stealing in a sense and you know what the Stewart does he continues to steal how about how much do you all about the master was it now quickly write write write me down for 15700 he still still and then and the owner commends him how do you convince somebody you just called stealing from you huh I now watch this then he goes down in proper context and you have to pay attention to the context because it gives definition to the scripture you can't just lip the scripture out of the context remember you can't lift it out of the context if you lift the scripture out of context you what the Khan okay so in proper context when Jesus said if you can't be trusted with the little you won't be trusted with the much it's like it's like a guy who he trusts that he can benchpress Keith three hundred and fifty pounds and worked out in five years he can't even bench the bar but he's deceived into thinking he can bench 350 pounds y'all follow what I'm saying or you hadn't eaten any pork chops and you think you ready for chitlins you know what chitlins are you ain't ready you you got to be ready for chitlins and you don't just eat anybody's chitlins you have an intimate relationship with folks if you're gonna eat their chitlins cuz eating chitlins requires a high level of trust it's not about the money issue it's about the trust if you are a giver and if you are a tither you have proven to yourself that you can trust God to heal you but if you are not a giver and if you are not a tiger you are deceiving yourself into thinking that you can trust God to heal you the issue is about whether or not you can trust God because nothing in this grace is going to manifest in your life without trust without faith and we're in a bit of deception oh we don't want to talk about the money thing now we want to talk about the greatest things I don't know why cuz we don't get none of the greater things because you ain't hell are the lesser thing uh let me leave that alone that s you you I don't want to hear not like that I heard a guy say one time if you can't run a mile do not enter into a marathon and the money area is the lesser area it's not an issue of money it's not an issue of money some I said well I don't want to be wealthy I'm not talking about you being wealthy I'm talking about you trusting God can you trust God because all that grace is made available it just doesn't seem to be able to be manifesting in your life until you make up your mind I'm gonna trust him with the little first then I can trust them with the much but you can't be able to deception said I can trust God with the much and you can't even trust him with a dime of a dollar you can't trust God where dab of $1 concern and loud have mercy and see we talked about having impact but how much impact you think you gonna have and you can't ever afford to do nothing build nothing I'll go nowhere proverbs 28:26 says that a man that trust in his own heart is a fool God wants to be trusted he loves to be trusted he wants to meet every need in your life but he when he sees you trust in your cash more than you trust him to the point where you hold on to it and we think well you know religion has gotten us to think that money is the big issue well I tell you you're really you're really spiritual if you can do the money thing you know when you know when you know when believers should find out about tithing is when they first get born again because they can learn how to be faithful in their your giving and receiving they can be faithful and trust it in those big areas grace has already made it available amen all right let me move on now so go to second Corinthians chapter 7 I may have to just kind of talk through this a little bit 2nd Corinthians chapter on chapter 7 now watch this 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 17 the Apostle Paul declared something you can go to secondary things 5 almost do the second 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 and 2 Paul said something I guess the first time I heard this was years ago when brother Copeland brought it to my attention the Apostle Paul said I had I have wronged no man and I never forget when brother Copeland said I believe I caught the Apostle Paul in a lie well in Acts I believe it's chapter 8 verse 3 you have evidence that Paul roamed a lot of people but now watch this remember when he was wrong when he was going against all those people Paul Paul what Paul he was saw and then when he said what he said in 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 he was Paul see all of us had an old man and now that we're born again we have a new man are you following me you all had an old man that did that behaved in line with the old man listen to what I just said we all haven't we all had an old man and we behaved in line with that old man but now that we're born again we have the new creation and we can behave in line with that new creation but the problem is is we continue to allow our behavior to dictate and determine our identity and our identity is what's supposed to determine our behavior but we got to believe who we are and our behavior continues to challenge our belief that we are who Jesus said we are look at this 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a what new creature old things are what behold all things have become what okay so notice he says old things are gone old things are gone they are passed away all things are what new old things are gone and then he says that this new part of us this new creation this new creation old things are passed away all things are become new your old man has passed on yes that old man has passed away that old man has passed away so you you you should not continue to say I am a sinner saved by grace because if you've been saved by grace you are new creation and the sinner has passed away well you know we just all just sit and we are all sinners we are all just sent us saved by grace well which one are you a sinner or saved by grace it's passed away I'm not a sinner I'm not a sinner it's passed away I got to believe that I'm not a sinner it's passed away I'm a new creation that's who I am now that's important because if you go back to believing you are a sinner your behavior is going to line up with who you believe you are but if you believe that you are a new creation then you're gonna have another kind of behavior when it depends on who you believe you are are you listening to me man is a spirit he possesses a soul he lives in a body when you got born again what part of you got born again your spirit your spirit got born again your soul see you see you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a physical body your spirit your soul man is where your thinker your filler your chooser exists it needs to be renewed the part of you that is brand-new that's born again is your spirit so we want to have your spirit to dominate the system we want your spirit to dumb it sometimes says well what does my spirit look like well look into the mirror of God's Word and you're gonna see a reflection of your spirit this is what your spirit looks like it looks like this word praise God now you gotta believe that this is what I look like this is what I look like praise God this is what I look like Tarzan remember that cartoon Tarzan born in the jungle raised by Apes acted like Apes ate like Apes until one day in the jungle he saw some humans and he looked at it and he ran off with the rest of the Apes to get water and notice his reflection in the water notice his hands were different than their other Apes now at this point he has now seen what he really is he's gonna have to make a decision is he going to continue to act like a gorilla or is he gonna accept who he is and learn how to act like a man I'm telling you right now you're not a sinner are you gonna continue to act like a sinner or you're gonna recognize who you are I am the righteousness of God and start behaving based on what this word says now listen to me carefully now go to first Corinthians chapter 1 first Corinthians chapter 1 believe we can get there 10 minutes come on first Corinthians 1 verse 30 but of him are you in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom righteousness sanctification or holiness and redemption so we have been made righteous we've been made righteous who glory to God say out loud I've been made righteous I've been made sanctified I've been made redeemed Jesus has made me righteous Jesus has made wisdom Jesus has made Redemption Jesus has made me sanctify Jesus has made me holy Jesus has made me redeemed I'm a made man I've been made that way I didn't become this way by some effort or action of my own I was made this way by Jesus the verse 29 says no flesh is going to glory no self effort is going to glory no performance is going to glory I've been made this way by Jesus and Jesus made me righteous now you're gonna have to believe that because real repentance is this once I realize I'm born again real repentance is this it is changing the mind concerning your old identity I'm changing my mind is literally to change the mind real repentance talks if you're if you if you want to talk about transformation transfer late transformation the real transformation starts with what you believe about who you are it's about what you believe which what do you believe about who you are I believe I've been made righteous man if you believe that you're gonna do righteous I believe I'm the redeemed you believe that you're gonna be redeemed I believe that I'm holy you believe you already hold it then you're gonna live holy see I'm not living holy so I can be holy I'm I'm living holy cuz I am holy I'm not living righteous trying to live righteous so I can be righteous I'm living righteous cuz I've been made the righteousness of God so real repentance is by changing my mind about my my identity I now believe that I am who Jesus made me here's where we get in trouble Dennis was talking a little about this earlier when when you start paying attention to your behavior and you allow your behavior to bring about condemnation and you allow your behavior to bring about guilt then that behavior will now challenge what you believe about your identity I'm the righteousness of God that's who I have been made and I'm not gonna let anything I do or how I behave stop me from believing Who I am why because if I hold on to the to this truth I am the righteousness of God my belief about that identity will move me into behaving according to my identity if you spend time questioning all the time your identity because of your behavior then you won't be open pray for the devil to talk to you out of who you really are and if he can talk you out of who you really are you will know that you will start misbehaving in accordance that you Jesus made you that's that's this spiritual warfare I have got to hold on to who Jesus made me I am the right Justice of God yeah but look what you did last night I'm the righteousness of God yet you're gonna beYOU can you man have days where you do dumb stuff but you're the righteousness of God it is your belief in your identity that will eventually cause your behavior to line up your spirit man is now dominating that system but you've got to believe it I am the righteousness of God say it out loud yeah but somebody preach to you well you're only righteous until you mess up yeah see if you're only righteous until you mess up then that means it was not Jesus's obedience alone that made you righteous in the first place now either he did or he didn't he didn't need you to behave right in order for him to make you righteous what brother dolla wouldn't you be giving us a license to sin you don't need a license to sin you've been sinning without one I'm the righteousness of God now here's another thing we stroke we struggle with with we don't we're having problems with I'm the righteousness of God of getting used to that I'm the Redeem we kind of get used to that I'm holy earth I'm holy yeah I'm holy yeah I'm holding rat r18 I'm holy rat now I'm holding ratting out now if I believe that I am holy right now guess what happens I'll begin to live holy because I have faith and trust in who what Jesus did to me I have holy they're gonna wait until you start acting holy I am holy right now and that will produce the right actions everybody I'm gonna and I got two more scripts in the ability r ah oh second Corinthians three so we've so you won't the glory huh huh okay second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord and we're changing to that same image from glory to glory even as by it's by the Spirit of God it's gonna be by the Spirit of God extent on it being a kind of flesh your efforts of our own that you're going to do is going to be by the Spirit of God now now listen it's amplify and all of us as with unveiled faces because we continue to be hold in the Word of God as in a mirror we be holding the Word of God like you do a mirror we kept we're not focused in on the Word of God now focus is important because whatever you focus on that's what you're going to give strength to if you focus on your weaknesses you're gonna strengthen your weaknesses but if you focus on Christ and Christ in you you're focusing on Christ and Christ in you I mean what makes the Christian anyway it is it because you go to church new is it because you pray no is it because you're singing a choir no well what makes a Christian a Christian Jesus lives he you that's what you you're a Christian cause Jesus lives in you how do you believe Jesus lives in you cannot allow Jesus lives in me Jesus lives in me Jesus lives in me which means his ministry didn't end when he left the earth his ministry is still going on today his ministry is going on through you and is going on through me he's still laying hands through your hands he's still using your feet to take him places where it need to go his ministry still exists today through you I now watch this now Oh Lord Jesus said again Jesus lives in me said again Jesus lives in me oh but brother dollar I fought that sanctification was a process I thought that me being sanctified and holy was a process listen to me carefully oh Jesus is in you sanctification is in you holiness is in you righteousness is in you the process is not you working things out on the outside the process is Jesus that is in you working in you and the process is that what you already are eventually becomes more and more visible righteousness is already who you are the process is righteousness in you your identity becoming more and more visible Colossians 1 and 27 then says Christ in you is your earnest expectation of glory what did he mean it is I spin you or righteousness in you and it is Jesus who is working in you glory to God to cause to become more visible the glory of who you are you are righteous and Jesus is now it is he is working in you and out of you we are going to see who you've been all alone we're going to see that sanctification we're going to see that holiness we're going to see that Redemption we're going to see that wisdom it's Jesus working it through you and somebody says now how long this is don't take he's gonna be working on you all the way up until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ till Christ be formed in you now folks let me tell you something the glory I'm looking for it's the glory of seeing what he already said Christ in you the hope of glory and as he is so are we in this earth and everybody's gonna see that don't tell him not to judge you too quick cuz they're about to see something tell them not to give up on you're too quick they're bout to bump into something you've been sanctified this whole time you've been holy this whole time you've been righteous this whole time you know who you are and you will not allow the devil to take it from you and if you hold on to your true identity Christ be formed on the inside of you and you'll see all along praise God you are exactly who he said you are now let me close with this so Romans chapter 1 verse 5 talks about being obedient to the faith what is obedience to the faith because under the law you had to obey in order to get the blessing disobedience you'd get the curse under grace it's not about your obedience now I don't mean being obedient to the Holy Spirit as he gives you is animal walking stuff like that you know you have to do that but under this grace covenant what is it to be faithful or to be obedient to the faith obedience to the faith on to the covenant of grace is being obedient to receive what Jesus has already done under the law it was about doing under grace it's about what's done for me to be obedient to the faith is for me to be obedient to receive I am healed I am delivered I am prosperous and I'm standing there doing what being obedient to what Jesus has already done through one man's obedience many have been made righteous don't let go of who you are don't let go of who you are don't let go of who you are you have been made what Jesus made you hold on to that regardless of what it seems like on your behavior and the day you really believe that your behavior will line up and begin to change thank you for watching this teaching we pray that this message has encouraged and empowered you to pursue God's best for your life His grace is the pathway to living in abundant life for additional life-changing resources or to learn about becoming a 20/20 vision partner visit our website at one eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three thank you for your support of prep low dollar ministries people like you change the world
Channel: undefined
Views: 355,495
Rating: 4.71872 out of 5
Keywords: changing, sight, vision, worthy, hope, loved, God, Grace, truth, message, Creflo Dollar, church, world changers
Id: jCh2RTCjdlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 41sec (3581 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2015
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