Are you Ready? The Return of Jesus - Sunday Service

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uh i have a probably a huge testimony about the journey that i have taken to come to the place to teach to you what i'm about to teach you to you now i have um probably for 40 years have heard people teach about the second coming of the lord and i was confused and i was afraid and there were times i didn't know whether i was even going to heaven i want to make sure you guys understand if you are born again and you've made jesus the lord of your life you're heaven bound this past wednesday i taught on the reality of hell that was a message for unbelievers but if you're born again and we talk about the judgment seat of christ you've already been judged there's there will never be a period a season there'll never be a a time where men can be forgiven and live by the grace of god never not anymore and when that's done never ever again and so as you hear this i want you to hear it with great rejoicing you are not citizens of you know this earth you're citizens of heaven in fact if the truth be told you are an alien here they looking for some extraterrestrials here we go you know so uh so i stayed away from it i didn't want to teach it i heard all this weird stuff and i'm just like last thing i want to do is is teach it wrong and and recently the lord began to deal with me and and he said you know i'm going to show you how to teach this and i'm like lord how he said like you do everything else in line with my word just search the scriptures i'll speak to you and you got to do no weird interpretations just say what i've already said about it don't add to or take away just say what i've already said about it he said it is time for my people to renew their mind in the great hope of the return of jesus christ amen so i call this series with a question are you ready uh for the return of jesus christ because uh i'll show you some things today that uh kind of identify where we are but let's start off in the book of hebrews chapter 9. hebrews chapter 9 and verse 28 i'm going to look at hebrews 9 28 and then psalms 34 4-5 this is our text for this series of sermons i don't know how far i'll get today but i'm gonna hang in here somebody says well why would you be teaching this so you can get ready a lot of things you won't do if you're focused on what's about to happen okay a lot of things you know i'll show you a scripture where the bible says that the grace of god will teach you how to live right so that you can be prepared for the return of the lord jesus christ all right look at this in verse 28 let's read it out loud if you have your bibles ready read so christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time now look at this in the nlt so those who look for him and i don't know if there are a lot of even christians that look for him because over the years this has been has been accounted as a fable over the years it's it's it's it's something that people don't talk about over the years you have scoffers who say well he's not going to come i can't i got we're going we're going to deal with all of that but the bible talks about all of that stuff that would happen the things that are going on today were in the bible thousands of years ago he says in nlt so also also christ was offered how many times was christ offered wants for all times as a sacrifice to do what to take away the sins of many people all right he says he will come again he will come again see we used this scripture when we were talking about grace and showed you how you were delivered he will come again your sins have already been taken away he will come again but not to deal with our sins why is he not coming again to deal with our sins because he's already dealt with them right he will come again not to deal with our sins but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him and now he's talking about complete salvation where you get your glorified body he will come again so what are we supposed to do with that tear it out and act like it's not in the bible he will come the second time he will come again now look at this in psalms 34 verses 4 through 5. i want to look at it in the king james and then the nib psalms 34 4-5 he says i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears they looked unto him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed now look at this in the niv four and five same same verse wow i sought the lord and he answered me he delivered me from all my fears those who look to him are radiant their faces are never covered with shame i'm telling you i am looking for the return of the lord there is something about the christian that's an expectation of his return now remember he said i've delivered you from fear a lot of christians don't look for his return because they're in fear oh but what if i'm not ready oh but what if i did this and oh what about my past jesus he took away all that jesus jesus listen the only thing you got to do to be safe is is to make jesus the lord of your life accept his forgiveness accept his sacrifice and you're there you're not perfect now nor will you ever be perfect until he changes you stop that tomfoolery you always gonna have something to work on but when you saved and you know it you are looking for the return of the lord i am i don't know where we were uh maybe i think it was wednesday or something and and and we heard this little slight something that sounded like a trumpet or something i don't know what it's the bible said it wasn't it i don't know what that was but we were ready i'm like well i'm thinking the trumping ain't is louder than what i thought it was but i was looking up because i was ready to go and for every christian that should be a point of excitement not a point of fear you're saved you're on your way to heaven jesus christ is going to appear the second time now jesus is coming again now now here here we go i'm going through the scripture how can you say that it's in the bible look at the new king james bible uh in uh let's look at john 14 verses 2 through 3 john 14 2 through 3. why are you giving so many scriptures because it's not been taught a lot and you need to know where it is you need to know where it is my objective is not so i can preach so awesome so you give me a 10. we need to know this there's something powerful that's going to happen in your life as a result of you knowing that it's in the bible look at this john 14 verses 2 through 3 he says in my father's house jesus is speaking here are many mansions if it were not so he said i would have told you that it was not so he says i go to prepare a place for you somebody say that's me and if i go and prepare a place for you watch this i will come again i will come again i will come again and i will receive you to myself that where i am there you may be also now the church spent so much time fussing about the word rapture where you know the bible the rapture ain't even in the bible i don't need to see no word rapture right here he says i'm going to prepare a place for you and i'm coming back for you now you call it what you want to here he is i will come again he's coming he's coming sooner than we think glory be to god it's in the bible jesus is coming again now now here here are the things that hopefully i can deal with effectively today there are signs of jesus's second coming there are signs look at luke 21 verses 29 through 31 in the new king uh james version luke 21 29-31 there are signs of jesus's second coming look at 29 30 and 31 he says then he spoke to them a parable he said look at the fig tree and all the trees when they are already budding you see and you know for yourselves that summer is now near we know that right in the natural so you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of god is near so there are some things that are going to happen that jesus says just like when you see the trees bud you know that summer is near i'm going to give you some signs to look at to know that i am near does everybody understand that so the next obvious question is what are some signs what are some signs well it's in the bible let's look at uh matthew chapter 24 verse 3. what are some signs that that the bible here talks about matthew 24 and let's start at verse 3 and then i'll read on here he says and and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be what shall be the sign of thy coming now he coming he coming now the bible says no man knows the day nor the hour not even the son of man only god knows so this is what this means if i were to get up and prophesy to you that god is coming tomorrow i'm automatically wrong why because it says don't know man no so you don't need to be listening where they said he was coming before where if you read the scriptures you'd have known that they were lying because don't no man no not even the angels in heaven no so if somebody tell you a date that jesus is going to come he is absolutely not going to come on that date so don't be going buying stuff and all that other kind of stuff i can promise you if any human being announces that jesus is coming on a particular day and a date i guarantee you if i was a bad man i'd bet i'd better ten thousand dollars that day i'd get i'd get rich off of you that day he not coming cause no man knows the day or the hour and we'll run into that scripture as we go but he said what's the sign of by coming and what's the sign of the end of the age uh not not the world but the the age so we want to take some time to look at this now uh and then look at verse four and five and here's where we'll take off verse four and 5. he says and jesus answered and said unto them so he's going to he's going to talk to us about some signs guys he's not going to leave us completely in the dark he's going to talk to us about some things to look at he says and jesus said uh answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you how many deception is great right deception is so big there's some things that i know i can't even tell you deception is huge it's humongous and he says be careful that you're not deceived for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many so the first sign is that many will come in your in his name now i i what i did was i went to uh several sources uh wikipedia some other sources to actually see if i can find some some data on the signs now i'm sure that the data is probably much larger like i found a stat that said that rape that that america was leading in in in in the cases of rape around the world i don't know if i believe that i believe it might be other places like africa because they're not reporting everything and even in the united states not all of it is being reported so i i want you to look at something even greater than what i'm going to show you i want we're looking for frequency and intensity because he compared his return uh to a woman who was having birth pangs and if you know a woman will have birth pain the first pain doesn't mean the child's coming not even the second one but it is measured in frequency and intensity so you've heard of earthquakes happening you've heard of of all these things happening but what he says is watch out when it becomes more frequent and more intense look up your redemption draw is near okay all right and uh so we're looking at this this list so let's look at and and if we have a transparent uh a list of of of people that claim to be jesus uh let's put that up on the screen so people can can see just follow me along with some of these stats there have been 75 fakes 12 which or maybe 16 percent are living right now and this is according to wikipedia there there have there have been 75 people who have claimed that they were christ and showed up with some some tricks to try to deceive and of those 75 16 are living right now today so this is not like well that hadn't happened now i'm not talking about just obvious people who hadn't been called i'm talking about i'm talking about people who have who said that they're christ and they got weird signs and wonders following them now if you haven't read your bible correctly do you know the devil can do some weird signs and wonders all the way back to egypt when the magicians put their rods down and they were turned into snakes uh but moses put his down and and somebody said well he how do we know he's not a position then that snake ate up the other two i'm like oh look who dominated but that's already taking place we're sheltered in the united states of america and you don't see some of the stuff i myself have seen traveling to places real voodoo you see stuff you see stuff even when when samuel died saul went to a woman who stood between the the living and the dead and saw broke his own rule and said could you tell samuel to come back i got to ask him something and and she did it and samuel said why did you disturb me what i told you before i died is still going to happen he said in fact you and your son going to be with me tomorrow see you you don't get all that you you listening to to the propaganda of the news and you don't understand stuff like that really happens around the world you've never seen somebody really demon possessed tap and i have i was in uh oh what island we were on and this woman was possessed with demons and she came towards me man of god man have god counsel me well i was in the middle of burnout i was in the worst condition of depression i'd ever had before and my wife recognized that that was a demon and she turned around she said in the name of jesus you found devil i cast you away from me now i don't even listen the lady it was a straight three the lady was running down the street and she just disappeared i don't even know what happened you ain't never seen that like that you think all that stuff is fable and stuff but there are fake christ showing up performing little tricks because you know how we are we still in a situation where if if a guy got up just to win you over he would go to your facebook page tray somebody he know to find who you are get three or four people call your name out and give you a dress and you start shouting cause he knew you're a dress all he did was go to facebook and get it see y'all still playing church this is place stuff over here but when you get to places like where's that place we went and and 17 20 thousand people showed up have fun with demon possess budapest i walked in a place to preach we we you talked about we we it wasn't no where we oh you're just saying they didn't possess you could see it couldn't you you ain't never seen that like that before in my life you can see it and i'm standing up here and at one time i just got mad at the devil and i said satan silence and it got quiet for a minute and then they started talking again i said we can't get them out of here but it's time to go fake christ now look at verse six and seven he says and you shall hear of wars rumors of wars i love this part he says see that you be not trouble you know what he said you see that you be in that trouble you're going to hear wars rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass so you can't cast this out you can't bind it in the name of jesus you can't get all the intercessors together to make this stop you can cast out devils but you can't cast out prophecy amen certain things gonna happen you just gotta make sure you see to it that you're not trouble because you accept the peace of god you accept the holy ghost you accept the presence of god see to it that you're not troubled but trouble's been prophesized to come and you can't stop it for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nations shall rise against the actual hebrew greek work there is ethnos which talks about ethnic groups around the world rising against ethnic groups and kingdoms will rise against kingdoms now now the first and the most important point i want you to to get get to get and to give your complete attention to is that even with the bad news in these first several prophecies that we see jesus tells us not to be troubled that's what i want you to focus on focus on i am not going to be trouble say it the only way we will not feel worried or down trodden or disturbed by the news of war disease and earthquakes and you've heard all of that but that's not the key but jesus said you make sure you're not troubled uh iniquity will abound and you'll begin to experience and see things like you've never seen before but we've got to get the peace of god in our lives and we got to understand what the peace of god is all about and we got to understand why god wants us to to to walk in this piece we got to have unshakable faith in him who's faithful and and we've got to understand i think in john chapter 10 write this down john chapter 10 verse 27 through 29 he talks about his children that we're in the palm of his hands we're in the palm of his hands say that i'm in the palms of jesus hands psalm 61 verses 1 through 5 psalm 62 verses 6 through 8 he says when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than i see to it that you be not trouble he only is my rock he is my salvation and if we only believe that if we receive those things those promises that god has given to us you that's how you see that you be not trouble you you go to what the word has to say about you and you see that you be not troubled now let's look at the verse six through 7 he said and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet now i looked up some stuff in wikipedia on the ongoing armed conflicts and if you only count the conflicts are only counting conflicts with at least 100 deaths so this is stats with at least 100 deaths in the past two years they reported that there are 32 wars involving 64 countries right now you ain't heard about all of them when i'm in another nation there's something going on in that nation and they're not even broadcasting the news at home 32 wars involving 64 countries right now and a low end estimate is more than 12 million casualties in the past 50 years 12 million action news is not going to report that to you now let's go on to verse 7. [Music] he says for nations shall rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms and there shall be famines famines pestilences earthquakes in different places now verse 7 there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes now again from uh the source the wikipedia source since 1980 to present there are approximately 3 million people have starved to death that's just recorded i believe it's way more than that 3 million people starve to death and during the 20th century alone there's an estimate between 70 to 100 million people that died from famine in fact ethiopia just reported 500 some thousand people right now are suffering in famine that's what he said pestilence pestilence all right so now pestilence is deadly diseases that's what he's talking about now since aids began in 1920s a lot of people don't know that since aids began in 1920s up to the present day there have been 36 million people to die of aids anybody remember the ebola virus of 2012 12 913 fatalities and then when you look at cases of malaria the measles hepatitis b influenza you look at those he says the total of 1.5 million more than 1.5 million people have died from that and then according to the cdc uh from the late 2019 to our present you know this the corona virus global pandemic has claimed more than one million lives why am i showing you this this is pestins now now you're thinking oh when the coronavirus is over we return back to normal no there's not no they're not going back it's going to accelerate i don't know what's coming next but this is this was the dressing up stage for what is to come it is it is accelerating it's not gonna go back and no more that's why they need a profit in the white house that you ain't going back and no more there's something else that's on the horizon [Applause] he also talked about earthquakes now this this this here is very interesting here i want you to notice just look we started 1990 and these numbers are only those that were at least 6.0 magnitude and up so you know you had smaller ones but the ones that were recorded and again like i said these are the ones that were at least six point magnitude and up and if you go every 10 years look at the progression intensity and frequency and he says well you see in 1900 to 1909 288 earthquakes all right 1910 and 1919 323 1920 to 1929 315 1930 to 1939 378. 1940 to 1949 466 1950 to 59 451 from the 60s 1960 to 1969 655 1970 1979 1031 do you see the birth pains increasing 1980 to 1989 a thousand 111 1990 to 1999 186. 2000 2009 1 498 1496. the point i want to make here is that in the first 10 years of our 21st century we have had five times more earthquakes than the first 10 years of the 20th century five times more it's not going to go back to 288. it's not going back to 150. it's going to keep going forth jesus prophet it was prophesied that it's going to happen and that's another thing notice jesus is the one talking about what's going to happen and he said to watch the intensity of it now let's look at matthew 24 8 9. so when you're listening to the news you know and and when you're when your grandmother say time's time show have changed they have something's about to be born and we're going around here lollygagging listening to the world i was i was uh on i think it was fourth of july i i turned my car on and was switching through the radio station and and i heard this rap song and i and i just challenged myself i'm saying let me see what they're saying because i never i mean i can't understand that and so i tuned into what they were saying i i couldn't even get through them through the song i couldn't believe what they were saying they were licking everything i was like that's a long way from benjamin gollywood [Applause] that's a long long way from that yeah times have changed demonic activity like never before why are people murdering folks see when you used to drive on the highway about the worst you could get somebody to shoot a bird at you when you do something wrong now you do something they might pull a gun on you it's crazy out there somebody said what's happened please understand something the pandemic and we locked ourselves away and not everybody locked ourselves away with daily confessions not everybody locked themselves away knowing jesus not everybody walked knocked themselves away with the power of the holy spirit some of them locked themselves away with demonic spirits who were oppressing them and depressing them and on them and when they came out they had yielded more to those demons than they ever knew and some of them don't even know look at the pictures of the people that they catch that committed a mass murder their eyes are still glazed they don't even know what's going on but because the church no longer believes in demons and angels in heaven and hell don't believe in nothing satan said yeah while y'all you who with the authority don't believe now i can just wreck up some stuff because i got christian people not believing that i exist so that gives me the freedom to do all kinds of stuff and just ruin people you wonder what's going on there's stuff that's happening when i first got into the ministry the first 10 years ken and i came up together casting out demon was like an every month situation they're sitting there wanting to talk i went in this lady's house one time she was down to cancer but i knew it was by the power of a demonic force and she was sitting on the edge of her bed it was ironed like a bird and i walked in the room it was crazy that night because it was thundering and lightning outside just like a real movie i'm like oh heck now you know white folks like to investigate black people they run when they see somebody else running without even knowing why you're running you know we don't do that when we hear the music we pivot [Applause] my white brothers and sisters what is that you have been around somebody they start running you didn't even know they run like i'm running too i walked in this room and the lights were flicking it flickering on and off and it was thundering and lightning outside and this little bit she was about 90 pounds a little bit light-skinned woman when i walked in the door she said i know you i said oh i had to wipe the chills off you know the fear tried to come in i'm like oh and then i realized that's a pretty good thing i said that's bible remember the seven sons of kevin yeah they tried to go in and they didn't know god didn't know jesus wasn't saved they tried to go in there and cast those demons out book of acts in the name of the paul of the jesus that paul preached and the demons were like ah when they heard that huh and then they stopped and they said now wait a minute paul we know jesus we know but who are you and the bible says those demons jumped on them stripped their clothes off and ran them out the house what are you saying pastor dollar make sure every devil in hell knows you by name [Music] make sure every devil in hell knows you by name so i walked in there and i said yeah i know you know me and i know you know the jesus i serve cast you out it's amazing how many times we did that at the beginning of this church when this church started and it's amazing how demons have been able to hide away from that authority through religion because if you don't know it there are religious demons see some of y'all freaking out right now like oh jesus you shouldn't have no fear coming in you because you saved and the bible says in luke 10 19 i've given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall by in any means hurt you you're the redeemed of the lord shouldn't be no fear in here unless the devils don't know you because god don't know you the devil ought to know everybody god knows [Applause] but you would manifest yourself i'm hungry to do it a lot of us a lot of us who used to do that all the time we will cast we will free your butt we will deliver you like you ain't never been delivered before [Applause] it's going to happen those demons are now trying to manifest because they know that something's coming they know it but christians don't know it how is it that the devils know that something's coming and christians don't know so satan is trying to intensify his attack and we walking around here you know don't know if we of jesus of other world you walking around here at the church blaming the church for everything blame in the church for everything that's another thing every time something happened to you the church in a church now i might have been some people in the church but couldn't blame in the church what about your side what about the stuff you did or didn't do what about this how you were carrying yourself what about you don't never pray you'll never get in the word you'll never come to church you don't want to have nothing to do with god but then when your life mess all up all of a sudden it's the church church ain't there none of you church hurt you hurt yourself you got hurt because you kept trying to go out with ray ray and the holy ghost was trying to tell you that ray ray was no good but you can't hear the holy ghost because you occupied in your mind with all kinds of other stuff and god was trying to help you but he can't help those who don't want no help so quit blaming the church and then you go around and try to find another church as if you're gonna find a perfect church you ain't gonna find no perfect church because the church is made of imperfect people starting with yourself i i apologize forgive me forgive me i got emotional don't ever seem to tell the other side of your church hurt i can tell you about hurt betrayal i can tell you about betrayal but i ain't gonna let nobody run me out of my call it is no longer lord where you want me to be it's now searching for where i can perform and lift my image up what about does god want you there because your provision go being the place where god called you [Music] there might be a reason why it ain't working out it worked out where he called you but you're in the wrong place he sent deliverance where he called you but you're in the wrong place the ideas and the wisdom and the prosperity was where he called you y'all ain't gonna like me but i love very last one of y'all but i told you once i told you once i tell you again i'm already used to preaching to a bunch of empty chairs i did it for six fifty twelve thirteen months i'm good but i am not going to be ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ and i am not going to be ashamed of talking the truth and i'm not going to be ashamed of teaching this lesson jesus is on his way back jesus will return that is my great hope he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that jesus is the lord and the king of kings he's coming back i tell you see i don't know if you understand first time it came he came as a lamb the lamb gone next time he coming back as a royal lion with a sword in his hands and guess who's going to be coming with him those of you who are born again shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye let me explain something to you i don't know if everything explained the return of the lord is in two part there is the first part which is the appearing of the lord in the air where he won't touch down he won't put a foot on the earth there's a meeting in the air where he's oh glory to god thank you jesus oh jesus oh lord there's a meeting in the air the first resurrection he's gonna he gonna wake up get about shot he's gonna wake up everybody that is asleep in christ a lot about everybody that that's born again and got saved by grace and they sleep in christ right now he's gonna wake up and he's gonna call them to meet him in the air so that means a lot gonna be going on in the earth that day some people have had their ashes spread over in the sea so the sea gonna have to reel and rock like a drunk man [Applause] some people will put in the vaults and and cement and stuff on top of it so there's gonna be a lot of cracking and a lot of thumping and a lot of boom and stuff going on because the dead in christ shall rise now what about those of us who haven't died yet and we're saved he said first of all let me wake them up and then those of you who remain who are alive and remain watch this shall be changed oh my god what is it talking about shall be changed your mortal body is going to put on your immortal body just like the the ashes are gonna have to come together and put on their immortal body glory to god and so you're gonna be changed first in a moment in a twinkling of an eye you're not gonna be able to wash up put deodorant on nothing you're gonna be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and the bible says and you shall be caught up oh caught up hey hey [Applause] hey you're going to be caught up to meet them in the air and now watch this then we all going to go away for a minute check out the beauty of this of this complete salvation you save now but it ain't complete until you get your supernatural body [Applause] and then when jesus comes back for a battle called armageddon which would take place in the middle east the blood would be as high as the horse's bridle guess who guess who guess who who the army gonna be this will be the battle to defeat the false prophet to defeat the antichrist who will now be on earth who is already on earth right now somebody says how are you knowing on earth well listen out for these words peace peace peace with peace he shall deceive many yeah but we're coming back to defeat the antichrist the devil all demons will be locked in the hell that was prepared for them and then there'll be the second death or the second resurrection that's where everybody who wasn't saved going to be raised up and i guess god's going to judge them by their works that's another sermon but the one you needed to hear is where you at right now you don't know nothing about this but 35 40 years ago my mama know some of the others know church used to sing songs like that you remember there's a storm cloud on the ocean and it's moving this way if your soul's not anchored in jesus you will surely drift away drift away drift away you will surely drift away if your soul's not anchored in jesus you will surely drift away [Applause] you should see some of these younger people like if you save you should not be scared one bit if you're not saved this ought to scare the hell at you [Applause] okay somebody said i didn't cause hell is a real place [Music] all right look at this all right 8-9 matthew 24 8-9 he says they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake they shall deliver you up to be afflicted they shall kill you and you shall be hated for my namesake so according to open doors usa the most recent figure available to show christian deaths that were moderate 2983 christian modern deaths in 19 2019 and then look at verse 12 verse 12 let's read on down a little bit more he said and because iniquity shall wax coal or shall sin shall abound sin is going to increase can't nobody doubt that it has already increased it's crazy out there sin shall abound the love of many shall wax coal wow so from this source on drugs and crime worldwide in 2018 there were 874 thousand over 874 000 people who were murdered intentionally an intentional homicide consider the inhumanity of human trafficking in 2019 and like i said i think this is much larger there were over 1.2 million cases of violent crimes and i know they reported america being the number one case cases in rape in the world but i think that's probably they're probably up there but up with other nations as well i guarantee you because you talk about the rape that happens in africa when taffy had a chance to visit uh a women's shelter and the stories that we were oh it was they were terrible the stories that were told were terrible they were terrible i want you to know we had an opportunity to support that shelter financially women who couldn't get away they were raped daily i'm not talking about oh from 12 years maybe sex trafficking that people don't even appear to care about it's not that hard set up some stuff with self trafficking use some technology to trace some folks look out for these white vans yourself do something don't just give me numbers it'd be one thing if your daughter got kidnapped and you didn't see it no more and got shipped over to another side of the world somewhere and then legal abortions from 1973 to 2011 2011 they quit counting how you know god is still counting amen 53 million children there's a lot going on but it all says this jesus is coming soon jesus is coming soon are you ready look at uh while we're in matthew 24 move on down to verse 23 you'll find this in verse 23 uh men posing as jesus will try to deceive people in the last days as i mentioned but look at this verse here in the niv matthew 24 23-24 in the niv he says at that time if anyone says to you look here is the christ [Music] well there he is do not believe it for false christ and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect if it were possible so here's the deal it's like christian people don't even know that you're so quickly drawn by a false christ because he performs a sign or miracle and the key to it is you're not listening to what they're saying they're not speaking in line with the word and there's no peace in the holy spirit you go online right now and you can see all these miracle things that are supposedly happening and i'm telling you i remember in there was this 90s or 80s or something where some guy was supposed to raise somebody from dead and that was a whole planned out thing i could not believe somebody would do that i couldn't believe that a saved person could plan that whole thing out just to get their ministry going videotaping and everything and i just and that stuff's going on all over the place but then there are some look like genuine miracles and some of them are you see what the scripture says that they will perform great signs and wonders to deceive there will be signs and wonders but it'll be signs and wonders to deceive somebody raised from the dead and then they'll tell you something that's not scriptural the word is your sure word of prophecy and if you don't know the word you're going to be deceived by these great signs and wonderful he says this was possible even the elect but the election no amen and so i've seen them empty people's church go over to the false christ church because there were signs and wonders and then i've seen whole families messed up and destroyed because they were following the signs and wonders instead of following the word amen and that's going to increase you're going to think it's okay oh let me go over here because that guy did a sign and he didn't wonder when i started the new york church it was a bunch of people that were coming together who were being deceived by a guy who did signs and wonders but his life and had treated people it was a sure sure sign that ain't god god don't treat people like that and i went up then ran them away random way that boy shake every time you come around me i'm like what you're nervous for oh i just i just know you're you're you're just such a such a great man of god and you're devil aren't you i said you leave these people alone you let these people go he thought he would deceive me with his money oh i have money and i'm gonna buy you this and i'm gonna buy you that and i'm like i don't want nothing you got you thought you you thought i was that kind of preacher you could by your way a position i smell a demon somewhere you better get to know god and you better get to know him through his word you better get to know him through a sure word of prophecy and when stuff happens that don't line up with the word you automatically know that ain't god because god said that any beginning was a word the word was with god and the word was god god and his word are the same amen and you keep following something you're going to leave the church god called you to and go to the church because they told you you're a dress oh i hear the lord said there's a there's a nadine ah yeah a nadine it starts with a t t taylor yeah they didn't tell you live at 2105 um oakwood i south carolina is that right yes yes and you shouting because they gave you your dress you didn't get healed you ain't get delivered you ain't get no direction all you got was something you already knew you addressed it's amazing to me how people are just so hungry for something cheap and we want the cheaper instead of the deeper i ain't doing that i ain't going to play no church i got to see jesus you think i'm sitting here and play with this these people going to fall dead you still going to play with this and every time i'm around one of them it's amazing how they're changing what you remember because do your miracles at one time one guy came and laid hands on everybody else and skipped me why you ain't laying hands on me i wanted to play where they where they laying on me cause you you know i know sitting up there listening to all that stuff you didn't preach the whole sermon and then use one scripture what you're talking about and the stuff you said ain't in the bible and then you stop and gave somebody their dress i said let me go see this what's the name man right there on facebook i guess they said well he's not only a on-time god he's a online god let me go see be careful if it were possible even the very elect well i don't know about credible doctor i've been doing that for 40 years don't come talk to me about some little little old jokes that just got started ain't been out there but for two years when he gets 40 years then come talk to me for you how long it is to maintain a stance when people dog with you by talking about you slandering you doing that and you keep showing up over and over and over and over and over again the appearing of jesus is at hand he's about to appear the birth pains are getting closer and closer more consistent and consistent famine because the rain and then the fire and then the flood because the vegetation is not where it used to be then the inflation then the shortage of food y'all don't do you not see what's coming and ain't no telling how many lies the government has allowed to come on you and you ain't got no clue you believe everything you hear when the spirit of god is in you to tell you the truth and you violate the holy ghost in you because what they say who is they but they said that they said what the holy ghost said the bible says let peace rule in your heart as an umpire [Applause] the great appearing of the lord is at hand i'll i'll show you this probably next week but the scoffers will say oh they've been saying he's coming back for the longest he ain't came back yet why let me can i answer that right quick i'll show it to you in scripture later because he loves you so much he wants as many people to get it right so he keeps smashing delay delay the lead hold on i feel like frank getting ready to come hold on hold on i got a plan i got somebody coming by his way i'm sending some believers across this path hold on hold on hold on there ain't enough in i gotta get some more people in i gotta i gotta get some more folks again no not yet not yet oh but there's coming a time where the earth can't stand too much more sin the world is calling what's right wrong and what's wrong right they justified everything that's wrong and caused the church as an institution to even question what jesus said the appearing is coming that's all i got i did everything i ever want to do in this life i got nothing else left to do but to be a servant to god and to try to recruit and get as many people saved as as many as possible and we are having record numbers of people getting born again coming out of darkness into the marvelous life it's happening he's coming he's coming lord have mercy my god almost here finally get to see him don't you get so busy working for god that you forget to know god [Music] like what taffy said crazy busy finally get to see it we're gonna see and experience things that our minds could have never fathomed oh if i had ten thousand tongues it wouldn't be enough to praise him and anytime you allow the enemy to use your mistakes just keep just saying you know i'm not i'm not perfect but i am grateful that i am forgiven he's coming back and i know for some of you it's just so like man i'm trying to stay here but every time you have a moment in the presence of god it's like oh lord sometimes loved ones go away and you don't even know what happened you never even thought of the fact that they might have got a glimpse it's hard to back up when you get a glimpse i know i did it happened to me i can never forget it and it's been almost almost 21 years i could never forget it i can't get it out of my head what i saw and what i heard he will appear and you will be ready some of you are already ready [Applause] boy when we get to heaven and all the world changes nation come together oh but until that time i gotta cry loud like a trumpet i got to preach what some won't preach no more because they say it's outdated i'll preach it you'll preach it we'll preach it and you're gonna be glad you're gonna be so glad that you made the one decision think of that live a whole life and can't even make the one decision that matters one decision you have a whole life to accept the forgiveness of god think of that to accept the payment and the ransom for your sins a whole life do you know you know how deceived you got to be for 50 60 70 years deny the only thing that can help you when you die and yet there are millions who have concluded by the voice of fools that there is no god and i don't believe in none of this well we got a problem but you ain't seen nothing yet for i will prophesy this that there is about to be a great gathering that men from the north the south the east and the west will have such a hunger for jesus that they will be crying running to an altar there'll be people getting saved in public places there will be angelic manifestations that will increase like never before you'll think you're talking to a person and you'll be talking to an angel somebody said that ain't scripture the bible says be careful when you entertain strangers because you might be entertaining angels and doing it unaware it's about to increase the anointing on your life is about to increase family members are about to come to the end of themselves [Applause] god will get the glory it looks like the devil's winning but he's not because in a second he can turn it all around and let me tell you right now he's turning it all around there's a remnant there's a remnant that's been tucked away for a last day this will be the greatest move of the holy ghost that this earth has ever seen scripture when sin abounds when sin increases grace will increase i don't have to go to bed and wonder if what i said will happen i know that i know in my knower because i know him i've traded my knowledge about him and for knowing him it ain't play church no more it's i know him i talk to him and he talks to me and leads and guides there are difficult days ahead for those who won't submit in their faith to the promises that jesus has made you but those of you who will submit to that a thousand shall fall at your side [Music] ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you you world changers are psalms 91 equipped [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hallelujah your psalms 91 equipped you got to know you got to know there's a reason we've been saying that for all these months something's coming but it won't hurt you lift your hands up and just worship god be at home lift your hands up just worship god to him who sits on the throne to the almighty god the bomb of gilead the rock of ages to our mighty king and our savior we give you praise we give you praise just let him minister to you right now as you minister to him we're not asking for anything lord we just praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you god we give more of ourselves to you we've been asking more of you but we give more of ourselves to you [Music] we praise you we praise you god [Music] in jesus name now if you're here today and you've never made jesus the lord of your life [Music] you got a whole lifetime to do it but you can make it happen now if you've never made jesus the lord of your life you've never invited him in to be your lord and personal savior i want to pray a prayer and if you'll just whisper the prayer out loud with me as we go i want to lead you into the throne of heaven i want to lead you into salvation if you're online and you probably don't even know why you're here or how you got here or why are you listening to this [Music] god wants you saved you were drawn by the spirit [Music] you know a man can come to the father by being drawn by the spirit let's pray this prayer together those in the dome and those who are online heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but i repent right now of all of my sins forgive me jesus i believe that you died and that you were raised from the dead and that you are alive forevermore lord jesus come into my heart [Music] be my lord and my savior and i will trust in you all the days of my life [Music] so by faith i declare that i am saved i've accepted you [Music] thank you lord for saving me in jesus name amen now if you prayed that prayer with me if you're here today and you prayed that prayer with me glory to god i want you to be bold as a lion get out your seat come to this altar with me right now and uh we want to spend time celebrating you if you just prayed that prayer come on down if you're online and you just prayed that prayer with me i want you to i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555. if you provide your name and your email address we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today go to the comment section and announce you just made jesus the lord of your life and everyone there out in that virtual world celebrate with those as we have celebrated with those who are here alive today amen if you're here and you've never you know you you say i want to join this church today i want to become a member of world changers church here in college park you're welcome to come down and go to the prayer room with us as well if you're here and you believe god's calling you isn't that so important how about get back to where god's calling you to be get back not not not to all these other reasons why you go somewhere the only reason why you should be connected to a local church is god told you to be connected to that local church that's what that's supposed to be get to where he's telling you to be god god said to elijah god said to elijah he said go to a certain place and there will i meet you now imagine if he just decided to just go anywhere where he wanted to go he'd miss his appointment and i just believe that if we're going to live a life for christ then let christ lead our lives let him lead our lives amen hallelujah i said hallelujah church hallelujah now those of you who are online we have an e-church membership um there may be some stuff out there right now but for sure we'll we'll take this week and make sure we're ready to go so we can have the same altar call for those of you who are online and we are thanking god for what he is doing amen at this time if you'll follow this gentleman here to the prayer room they're going to take you give you some information get some information make sure that you're covered and taken care of and we thank god for you in jesus name now let's go ahead and complete our worship through our giving if you need an offering envelope if you lift your hands up the ushers will get one into your hands and you know i'm going to have some teaching on this but our giving is an act of worship it's not a rubbing on the lamp to try to get the genie to come out that's not what that's about i will have a closed meeting for our members only i should have did this 30 years ago but i didn't know no better but there are some things god has shown me about giving that um it's all about worship it's not about let me give so god can do this for me now god's already done everything he's going to ever do for you and you receive that by faith but it should be a celebration of gift-giving to the one who has done amazing things for us but what god did promise us is he says if you do decide to give he said i will multiply what you give so he can't multiply what you don't give he can only multiply what you do give but what i was doing i was praising the lord this morning and i i'm definitely aware of this that we start thinking about what he's done and how he's kept us and how he's healed us and how he's delivered us and i go and make my offer now because it's a gratitude it is it is me saying god may i worship you with gifts this will never be enough of what you've done but i am so motivated to give my best because you have always given your best and i'm thankful for understanding giving now i'm thankful for understanding all of these weird things that we have taught and even i've taught some things in the past that i absolutely despise tear the tape up burn it coming come into his courts with thanksgiving give glory to the lord bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness amen and the great thing about it is you give out of your heart you must decide in your heart what to give and whatever it is god said i'll multiply it i give because i'm grateful and i'm thankful and i'm so amazed at what he's done for me i'm so in love with him and my love becomes a reflex my giving becomes a reflex of my love for him for god so loved the world that he gave it's a reflex and once we get our understanding of what proper giving is you'll never have a problem with it again and you'll see results i don't give to get i give because of what he's already done abraham gave to god not to get god to give him the victory he had the victory before he gave a gift i'm already blessed and because he's already blessed me i give a gift i'm healed i'm excited i'm saved i'm going to give a gift i want to give a gift to this man who has done so much for me that now becomes my motivation for giving not treating him like a genie in a lamp if you're online and you want to give through text just text world changers the amount excuse me world changes space and then the amount to 74483 if you're at home you can dial 1-866-477-7683 to give someone will assist you if you want to mail in from home you can do so with that address and if you want to go online you can go to or and give online if you have paypal account you can use it there if you're here you can give through the text but if you want to use our qr code you can just take your phone take a picture of that and it'll take you directly to the text to give all you have to do is put your amount and hit send if you're not quite sure what to do there's some information outside in the lobby to help you out to do what you need to do if you have an offering envelope we'll receive those in just a moment we're examining everything we do at this ministry we're examining every department that's why they're not all available right now because i want to put my eyes and ears on every bit of it certain things are not essential like they used to be certain things we're doing maybe was good for 30 years ago but it ain't no no don't need it now there are other more important essential things that need to be put in place and so thank you for being patient with us as we slowly integrate some of these things into place where they need to be some some some situations where we need to change leaders they were great for 20 years and i want to continue to pass to you but we can't be afraid to cut people off you think that's a bad thing it's not so that's all i got to say about that but anyway we want to make sure that we are in a position where god wants us to be so that he can do what he needs to do and i would suggest you do the same thing in your life there's some relationships in your life that's keeping you down you're still stuck in the same old toxic relationship with old waldo for the last 20 years and y'all ain't married yet obviously don't want to get married to you let waldo go and go find you a herman somebody who ready to [Applause] i'm just playing if you're ready to give us just go ahead and let's receive the offering here and let everybody out and uh as you give man just give with that gratitude and that attitude of thanksgiving look at what god has done great give with that attitude and gratitude of appreciation for what god has done and be grateful and thankful that the god of all grace the god of all mercy and grace is available to you today those of you who are streaming in online if you have not registered for the grace life convention you can text gracelife to 51555 and be a part of our audience and we will be having meetings on thursday morning thursday night friday morning and friday night tap and i will be doing this year's meetings and we're going to be dealing with some pretty important foundational pieces on grace if your foundation is destroyed then what can the righteous do we want to make sure that we've not gotten so far away from foundations that we're just kind of dibbling around out there and so we're pretty excited about this and wednesday we started a series on the reality of heaven and hell i taught on hell last wednesday this week we'll teach on heaven and in light of what we heard today it's pretty exciting i got one of the wildest wednesday night crowds i think i have ever ever seen seriously they get to shouting in that chapel it startled me one time i was like because i'm you're not used to people there and then when they got the screaming i'm thinking what's what's wrong what's going on and it's just it's so good it's so good and i'm so grateful and so thankful for for you all well god bless you we're done if all hearts and minds are clear you can stand to your feet praise the lord the uh the uh continue to be patient with us on the lobby we got a lot more stuff to do put in there it'll get better and better and better when it's finished i'll let you know but there's so much more that we got to do to it to make things happen god is so good amen here's the final blessing father i pray in the name of jesus that a hundredfold will hit every person at the sound of my voice [Music] you are a good god and that goodness right now is causing their lives to change their mind and to see things that they thought they would never see before i plead the blood of jesus jesus over their lives and over their families i declare that there be no lack lord jesus you are our storehouse and father i thank you not only for divine protection but i thank you for divine wisdom in their lives and i declare the blessing of peace over them this week i declare that the favor of god is working for them right now and i thank you lord that the favor god now go ahead of them to divinely arrange things on their behalf before they even arrive i declare that this congregation be blessed and that that blessing is working in them on them for them and through them now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you all have a great day
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 317,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: yeP4ZWrde2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 52sec (5092 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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