Desperate Faith - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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now is preaching time glory to god go to the gospel say matthew chapter 15 verse 21 through 28 i'll be reading out of the niv this morning and i believe i have a word from the lord the gospel of saint matthew chapter 15 beginning at verse 21 and concluding at verse 28 when you have it saved man you watch it online i want you to get your bible too them just watch us read out the bible get your bible to or read the bible as it is as it appears on the screen i want you to listen at every word of this text as if it were vitally important starting with the first verse which is generally skimmed over it is important leaving that place jesus withdrew to the region of tower and saddam a canaanite woman from that from that vicinity came to him crying out lord son of david have mercy on me my daughter is demon possessed and suffering terribly jesus didn't say nothing he did not answer a word so his disciples came to him and urged him send her away for she keeps crying out after us the woman ain't saying nothing about them ain't that funny how people like to be important because they're around somebody important send her away because she crying after us she ain't saying nothing about no decide peter james john luke mark nobody she said jesus now son of david now they talking about she crying after us he answered watch this i was lo i was sent only to the lost sheep of israel the woman came and knelt before him lord help me she said he replied it is not a right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs she said yes it is laura she said even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table then jesus said to her woman you have great faith in the king james version he says i have not found so great of faith in all of israel your request is granted and her daughter was healed at that moment can you say amen father sanctify the word in our hearts i thank you for the privilege of having this opportunity to assemble not only with the believers in this room but believers around the world and around the country in different time zones and circumstances in different socioeconomic levels of life different genders different ideas different backgrounds different circumstances we have all come to tabernacle under the cloud of your glory speak lord for thy servant he is open up our ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the church i thank you in advance for what you're going to do in the name of jesus we pray somebody shout amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord many many times when you see this text it's it's mother's day and we tend to take texts about women and applied them to women but if we only see this woman from her gender alone i think we miss some significant points for our consideration but before i get too deep into this i want to share a story with you so about three or four weeks ago i had met a gentleman we had corresponded by email a few times he was from another country he said i'm going to be in the u.s on such a such a date i want to meet you i admire your work i stream your breakfast he make me screaming this morning i'm not going to call you his name but he knows who he is if he's streaming he said i stream your broadcast all the time he knew my message is better than i did i mean he knew that word by word verse by verse quote by quote even knew what i had on when i was preaching and all that kind of stuff and i was amazed and i was amazed in part because he was not a christian he was not a christian he was not a sinner either he just was he belonged to another uh faith another faith tradition all together and i was amazed that somebody from a completely different faith tradition would pay that much attention to what i was preaching and to consume it and to value it in the way that he did so i agreed to meet with him and i met with him because he is building uh inc incubate work incubators all around the country for job creation in underserved communities and he's doing it very well and i was excited about it how he has this global impact on the world by building these business incubators that are largely stem programs that enable people to start businesses from these incubators and he had one uh in our area and i went to see it and i toured the facility then i was impressed by and i was inspired by it and i was moved by it i got to meet his board i got to address him for a few moments and talk to them and to think that he was doing what i would be happy to do in a few places he's literally doing it all over the world i googled it and done my homework and he was a world renowned individual who has more degrees than the thermometer and all these accomplishments and all these great things that he had done and i enjoyed talking with him i connected with being a person of vision we were both people of vision and people of passion and people who went after what we saw and believed god to help the community and change the world around us and leave something behind in terms of legacy that really mattered but he was another religion and that was fine that was why i work with all types of people you can't be a broad person and only work with church people yeah uh i grew up in a small church in a small town with small ideas and went small eyes read scriptures they pull out small things and so they would teach us small ideas come out from among them and be ye separated say of the lord and i shall be your god and you shall be my people and they may come out from among come out from them worldly people well i i did come out but i went to school with them and i had to work with them and i had to interact with them and they lived across the street from me and and i understand what the bible means when it says come out from among them it means have your own identity not to you can associate without assimilating with those types of people but in a broader sense god says all souls are mine all souls are our mind and understanding that all souls belongs to god that god cares about all people i was just wrestling between my own traditions and my own philosophy and the reason i was wrestling is because we got to the end of the tour his executive staff is all standing out there his cfo his ceo his ceo his cee his caa and his cky and all of this standing out there on the sidewalk and they come to say goodbye to me and of all times in the world the anointing came on me and i said this is this not a good time jesus there's not a good time jesus is not the part of that this is not a good time the anointing of god came upon me and worse still god gave me a word of knowledge i said i don't want to give him a word of knowledge lord he already has plainly told me that he is of a different religion and what i look like giving him a word of knowledge and the lord said do what i said and i gave this guy the word of knowledge and the next thing i knew i had laid hands on him on the sidewalk on the sidewalk in front of his board in front of his staff and hattie has taught me better than to do that i know i'm not supposed to be like speaking in tongues in a board meeting but there i am talking to this very important person and i had grabbed him with both hands by the head forgot about code head and everything i laid hands on him and gave him this word of knowledge and it wasn't necessarily about salvation it was a word of knowledge for him and tears leaped out of his eyes he leaped out of his eye and he turned he looked at me and he turned and he walked away and he went walking down the sidewalk and he was crying and and i drove home confused because all of our different religious ideas was arguing with each other one of us said that's not supposed to happen he he's not one of us he's he's not one of us and you gave him a word and it affected him like that and and the way you felt about it it goes against your background your traditional and and sometimes your tradition gets in the way of a revelation and in that moment we we both talked about it later that we learned something about god that that god has a way of transcending what we have been taught and what our background was and what country we come from and what language we speak that god will break all of those rules to accomplish what he's trying to accomplish in your life now now if we only see this text through the lens of a desperate mother seeking help for her daughter though that is what she is if that's all we see about the text we will do an injustice to the text it's obvious that though she wasn't a follower of jesus she had been an observer of him like my friend was she knew who he was jesus now son of david is not that's a messianic greeting that normally a jew would give to the messiah she is not jewish at all and yet she is familiar enough with the lingo that she speaks jesus language she'd been an observer of him she knew exactly who he was she was desperate enough desperate enough to cross the line of her tradition desperate enough to cross the line of her tradition and you know some god can't do anything with you until you get desperate as long as you say i'm not going over to that inner denomination i'm sure it's because i'm about this so i'm not going over that i'm a nominational chair i was raised carefully i'm not going because i'm white i'm not going because i'm black i'm not going because i'm asian i'm not going because i'm india let me tell you something when you get in enough trouble you will go anywhere to get anything from anybody that will help you to get through it's like dialing 9-1-1 i don't call 9-1-1 and say please send a black paramedic no send a paramedic that can help me right now i don't care if i can't pronounce their name i want them to be able to help me right now i don't ask them when they pull up are you a christian i have got some oxygen i need some help right now you have to understand that desperate situations require a desperate response and this morning i want to talk to you about desperate faith i want to talk to you about desperate faith desperate faith not passive religious superficial traditional self-righteous pharisee faith i want to talk to you about desperate faith the kind of faith that will cross lines break rules make you reach out cross generations break down barriers whatever you got to do to get a breakthrough you have to have that level of desperate faith now you have to be radical and you may even have had to live a while to know what desperate faith is because sometimes if you haven't lived a while you haven't been desperate see when my kids were little they weren't desperate because they were discipled they had everything they needed i it was our job to make sure that they weren't desperate maybe when they grew up and got out on their own they got a little desperate because even those bills start coming in your name that house payment comes in your name and all of a sudden you get a revelation that milk doesn't just appear in the refrigerator by magic and so you stop leaving it out on the counter for three days come on talk to me somebody let's be real are there any desperate people listening at me today you've gone through some things you understand some things you've endured some things and you need god to help you get through some things and you're going through some critical things right now you didn't come to church this sunday because you got a cute dress you didn't come to church this sunday because you got a new suit and you want to show it off you didn't come to church this morning just see what's going on you're not logged onto this progress broadcast because you don't need to wash your clothes and you don't have nothing else to do and the kids ain't pulling at you but you're desperate enough to be engaged in god in in a way that's different from other people some of your other family members may be playing in the house some of them may have went out to play golf some of them might be shooting hoops somebody might be doing something else but as for you you're stuck in front of this screen because you are looking for a word from god you're looking for a word from god somebody shout desperate faith desperate faith isn't passively blaming god for our own choices and mistakes a lot of times we blame god for things that we did to ourselves i've been believing god for three years to get out of debt and he hadn't come through for me yet he didn't get you in debt let's first assume responsibility that your behavior brought you to the place that you're in and stop blaming god like god fail you for not being codependent in your cycle of dysfunction because sometimes we use faith because we want god to enable us to remain dysfunctional and he doesn't answer us a word because until you fix your habits he's not going to pour more of resources into a dysfunctional system i i know i lost a few people on that but i'm just sick and tired of people saying i tied then it didn't work i gave a couple of sundays i threw a 20 bill on the altar and i was expecting my million dollar breakthrough why would god give you a million dollars when you ran through a thousand dollars god wants you to be faithful over a few things before he makes you ruler over many i know i wouldn't get much shouting today but that's okay desperate faith isn't sitting idly by in despair waiting for a divine miracle to replace human effort i believe in god for a job with my remote control in the hand i'm believing god i prayed three times for a job and the lord ain't answering me i don't understand what's wrong god ain't gonna never answer you because faith without works is dead being alone you got to get out there and get your hustle on sister girl you got to get your hustle or you got to get out there and make it happen you got to make it do what it do and if don't nobody hire you you got to make t-shirts candied apples hot dogs i don't care what you got to do rib dinners you got to be about your father's business and then ask god to bless the works of your hands the bible said whatsoever he doeth shall prosper and if you're not doing anything you're not giving god anything to prosper no he's not coming in your living room boaz is never gonna ring the doorbell while you're sitting in the house in your house code and your hair isn't rolling my boys is coming you better hope he don't if he come he's gonna leave he gonna get up out of there as quickly as you can because you're not ready for boaz you ain't ruth don't expect boaz desperate faith is not us manipulating god to serve our agenda i want you to help me do this i want you to help me do this i want you to help me do this it's not about getting god to serve your agenda it's about getting you to serve god's agenda when you get on god's agenda you'll already be blessed instead of creating something separate over here and asking god to bless something that he didn't create what you really want god to do is find out what he's doing do what god is doing because the blessing is already on the purpose of god come on talk to me somebody desperate faith is not rejecting god's decision because of personal pain to say i got desperate for it i'm just believing god that that mama's gonna live i'm believing god that she i understand that i've been there i understand that but god is still god and you have to pray a kind of prayer that says lord i want my mother to live as long as she possibly can but if you decide that you're gonna take her i have to trust you i have to trust you it hurts but i trust you i don't understand it but i trust you i'm in pain but i trust you you know what's best for me just give me the strength to stand what hurts in my life i told the lord i told you this last sunday i told the lord i said listen i want my mother to keep on living but if you give me 90 i'm gonna ask for a hundred and if you give me a hundred i'm gonna ask for 110. and if you ask me for 110 i say how about 112. i'm going to be like 112 112 110 if god was going twice go and try to when can i hear one fifteen can he get one fifty can i get one fifteen one fifteen anybody have one fifteen one fifty one twenty one twenty i'm going for one twenty one twenty one twenty over there god i believe because i'm greedy i got a greedy love when i love you i love you i really love you i sometimes i wish i wouldn't like it when i love you i love you like crazy and i want you to stay forever and ever and ever and evan i had to learn that keeping people when they're in pain and when they're suffering and when they're hurting it's not a matter of great faith it's great cruelty it took me a while to finally say i would rather be in pain and her be in peace you have to grow a while to get to that then for her to be in pain so i can be in peace it takes a while to grow to that and i just want to tell you what desperate faith is not because a lot of people come to church because they really think that faith is like witchcraft that you can make it do what it do you can make it do whatever you want it to do you can just kind of believe god until you believe somebody else's husband away from them i believe in god i know he married but i believe in god he's not supposed to be married to her he's not happy i'm believing god that got god they said god real being god gawd god god i believe in god i don't care how much you believe god for my wife you can't have her yeah that's that's a lion spirit from the pits of hell that's a demon spirit and we gotta cast that out cause she's already taken so ain't no need that you believe in god for those serena and jakes believe god for your wife go out there and do the hard work get your own way leave mine alone the thing that made this woman desperate is that she had a devil to fight is there anybody in here that has a devil to fight i mean a nasty old relentless vicious wicked tenacious devil to fight you got a devil to fight and you can't afford to have no cute religion you got a devil to fight you can't afford to be steeped in tradition you got a devil to fight and whatever it takes to beat that devil out of your house out of your life out of your body out of your mind out of your emotions out of your family out of your children out of your circumstances you got a devil to fight that's why you come to church when you're dressed up you come to church when you dress down you come to church when your nails are done you come to church where your nails are broken off cause you're a desperate woman you are desperate man you got a desperate fight if they don't tell you to praise the lord you gonna praise the lord anyway cause you desperate if they don't tell you to clap your hands you're gonna clap your hands anyway cause you desperate ain't no need to sit beside somebody that's not desperate cause they ain't gonna like you you gonna get on their nerves you keep jumping up you keep making noise you keep crying out you keep seeking the master you keep calling on his name cause you're desperate i want some desperate people i want some desperate people type it on the line let hell know i'm desperate i'm desperate i'll use unusual tactics i'll fight across the line i'll do stuff you didn't expect me to do cause i'm desperate i'm getting too old to be playing games i'm desperate now i'll fight you now i roll around in the floor i'll do something bad to you now cause i'm desperate i want some desperate believers in this house to make some noise look at somebody tell them i'm desperate now i'm desperate you might want to sit by somebody else because i'm desperate i'm desperate i may fall out of the floor i may be slain in the spirit i may start talking in tough i may run up to the altar and fall flat out on my face i'm desperate i got a devil to fight he's after my daughter he's after my son he's after my granddaughter he's after my finances he's after my children i got a devil to fight this means war devil i'm rolling up my sleeves i'm desperate and whatever i gotta do to get a breakthrough i'm gonna get a breakthrough i'll mess up my hair i'll cry up my makeup i'll shake down my curls i'll sweat out my clothes i'm desperate for a breakthrough from the lord i need about 20 seconds of a sound of a sound of a sound of a desperate break so sit down so this woman this woman she was not a jew she was not a jew she was not even a christian she was a desperate mother who had run out of options none of her idols or her pagan deities had had relieved the suffering of her daughter if they had she wouldn't have come the day-to-day suffering of her daughter she obviously loved had brought her to a place of breaking past her traditions and seeking deliverance from jesus a god she had never met she'd heard about it it had been noise abroad there had been some history between her ancestors and jehovah god but they had never really fully embraced jehovah not then not now and not in the days of jesus christ before we get too wrapped up in the peril that this woman besought and what she went through and what happened in her life let's take a look at the historical context of the region itself it's no accident that the text starts off that jesus was in the region of tyre and saddam it's no accident it is the modern day lebanon tyra and saddam are ancient cities that were originally phoenician they're mentioned several times both in the old and the new testament over and over again they have a history with god jesus mentions tyrion saddam in luke 10 in the context of judgment he was pronouncing against cities of course in and bethsaida he said they would rise up and condemn you that's their tyrant saddam would have repented had the right miracles been done in their city and they would rise up against you because i gave you so much more and i got so much less tyron sedan are port cities still existing to this day one of them a primary city the modern lebanon on the mediterranean coast saddam is believed to have existed prior to 2000 bc they've been around a long time with tower being just a little bit younger the old testament mentions israel's dealing with these cities including the israelites failure to conquer saddam and the conquest of the promised land them phoenicians could fight they were known for their ability to fight on the water they were warriors and they were wealthy and they were a port city and in all of joshua's might he could not whip those finishes those finishes were bad they could throw down they would go to war they couldn't conquer saddam in the conquest of the promised land in judges 131 their worship of sadonian gods on several occasions is mentioned in judges in other places and they're obtaining materials from saddam entire for the building of the temple they donated the materials that built the temple in jerusalem but would not worship there king hiram of tower is a prominent figure in the bible provided many of the temple furnishings for solomon tyranians and cedonians are also mentioned in helping rebuild the temple in ezra time and so they had a close association but they had their own identity and their own deities and their own libations and their own ceremonies and their own rituals queen jezebel was a sidonian yeah she was a sedona and when she summons to all of her uh prophets to come they were from saddam that they came to take up their residence over there so that gives you a feeling of the temperament of what's going on with this woman in in in saddam the sedonian city of zarephath was where a widow took care of elijah and the lord provided oil and flour for her through the famine remember how elijah ministered to the winner of zarephath but never converted her it is important to understand that god cares about people who don't always care about him they that that god helps people who don't always help him that god does not give you a theological test before he gives you a blessing and yet we live in a world that if you are even seen with somebody of a different faith or a different theology or a different idea you get all kinds of crit at least i do get all kinds of criticism as if we should be segregated off to ourselves only talk to walk with interact with interview do anything with anybody who has different ideas and my question always becomes how can you convert people you don't talk to how can you win people you're not nice to you mean to tell me that we can have a flood like ida or katrina and i'm supposed to knock on the door and say are you saved and if you saved i'll save you and if you not say shame on you do you mean to tell me that we're supposed to feed people in the street and only feed people that we agree with and interview them and interrogate them before we feed them when god feeds everybody god loves everybody god helps everybody god has mercy on everybody god heals everybody god opens doors for everybody later the widow's son became ill and died and elijah came and raised him from the dead god does not just reserve miracles for people who meet a certain criteria you will remember that the woman who prepared jesus body for burial they called her a sinner and said if he knew who she was he would not let her anoint his feet with all do you really think that jesus didn't know who and what that woman was and yet he suffered it to be so because that woman honored him and treasured him even though she did not fully embrace his ideas that had not yet been converted oh i'm a mess with your theology today the old testament there are also several prophecies against tyra and saddam that predicted a complete overthrow in isaiah 23 jeremiah 25 if you're writing them down jeremiah 25 and 27 ezekiel 28 through 26 through 28 joel amos zacharias and on and on and on there are all kinds of and they were overthrown over and over again they were taken into captivity over and over again nebuchadnezzar besieged tyre from 585 to 572 bc they were overtaken over and over again later later after jesus time comes along alexander the great or before rather alexander the great besieged tower in 322 bc so they had been free and bound and free and bound and back and forth but no matter what state they were in they held on to their idolatry alexander the great almost completely destroyed the city left it in shambles and pieces the persian kings our taxidermics conquered saddam in short god prophesied judgment came to pass later both cities became prosperous provinces of rome it was while they were provinces of rome that jesus comes to tower and saddam but it's important that you understand the historicity of what was going on at the time because they had had a casual relationship with god but not have been converted by the casual it is while they were up under roman colonization that jesus moves freely into an area where israel and his theology is not the preeminent influence of the people the woman is one of the last persons you would expect to see fighting through his minions and his disciples to get an audience with israel's messiah she is the last person she is the last person and when she asked jesus and referred to him as the son of david and asked him to that her daughter was grievously vexed with the devil there was a reason for her for his silence he was quiet because he didn't come to her he wasn't seeking her he wasn't after her and he knew that she was an idolatress and yet she was desperate she was desperate and so jesus heard her when she came to him jesus thou son of david have mercy on me my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word because sometimes our request contradicts our behavior oh y'all ain't gonna talk to me sometimes we want god to do stuff for us that we don't do for him and we want god to open doors for us and we have not surrendered to him and we want god to bless us out of our predicament but we have a sometimes on again off again relationship with god and it's just like some of your friends that only call you when they want something i got some folks that only call me when they want something and i look down at the caller i did i think oh lord here we go again i don't hear about i don't hear from them on a birthday or christmas or holiday or father's day i don't hear from them on the fourth of july labor day memorial day any other day they don't ask me am i okay am i breathing am i alive have i survived can i make it am i starving to death did the ice age get me did the flood get me have am i floating around in my living room but the moment they want something they get on the phone and say hey man how you doing i've been having you on my mind that's a lie you ain't thought about me since the last trouble you was in last time and you used me like i'm a bellhop like i'm a waiter you use me when you need me and you throw me in the back of your car like i'm a spare tire until the next trip goes along because we don't value relationships we don't value relationships we don't give ris reciprocity to relationships we only want people when we want them and we want them we want them to stop everything they do it and turn around and see about us but your emergency does not constitute my emergency and i might be doing something and i might not be able to be there and there's no need and you pinning sticking pins and a witch doll just cause i didn't answer the phone cause sometimes i'm busy y'all didn't shout me down but i know i'm telling the truth what would make this woman from tyra and sada jesus's in the region as she goes out searching for jesus what would make her do it i want to tell you what made her do it the devil made her do it you know why because when the devil gets on your trail tough enough it will make you call on the name of the lord you might be in prison you might be in the hospital you might have a needle in your arm you may have tracks in your legs you might be shooting up in your toenails you might be shooting up in your eyelids you might be shooting up under your fingernail but when the devil gets through with you he will make you call on the name of the lord he will make you reach out and call on him he will make you drop down on your knees and say yes to god everybody in the church ain't in the church just because they wanted to be in the church they're not in the church because they never smoke dope they're not in the church because they never got a high they ain't in the church because they ain't been in no strip club they ain't in the church because they ain't been in the street they ain't been to church because they have a hoard around they ain't in the church because they ain't never messing around with a boy they ain't in the church because they ain't been bisexual they ain't in the church because they ain't been gay they ain't in the church oh y'all ain't gonna bother me y'all ain't gonna bother me church folk y'all ain't gonna bother me with your phoniness y'all not gonna bother me today they ain't in the church because they had rendezvous in the middle of the night booty calls at one o'clock in the morning done all kinds of crazy mess they're in the church because when the devil got through whooping their behind they had to come out of them streets they had to come out of their mileage they had to come out of their corner when suicide got through chasing them when afflictions got through chasing them when sickness got through chasing them it brought them down to their knees i wish i had some real people i'm sick of phony folks i'm sick of phony church folk i'm sick of phony transfer you ain't never had affair you ain't never slept around you ain't never mess with nobody you ain't never done that the devil is alive you didn't done all kind of mess if your life came on screen right now you put your finger up and tip out a church right now but when hell got hot enough and life got tough enough and storms got deep enough and trials got hard enough you came looking for jesus i want 60 seconds of praise if i'm telling the truth and all your problems ain't over some of y'all still got some problems some of y'all still living the double life some of y'all still got some issues but you have learned come what made from day to day i'm gonna be in the house of the lord you're just gonna have to work on me you're gonna have to fix me you're gonna have to put band-aids on me you're gonna have to give me chemo you're gonna have to do whatever you're gonna have to do and treat me because i ain't never leaving you no more i'm not leaving you no more i'm not going nowhere else i'm not serving no other god i'm not bound to know the idol i will have no other god before you if i'm broke i'm broken in you if i'm torn i'm torn in you if i'm hurt i'm hurting you if i'm talking to you make some noise i need some real noise so look at somebody tell them the devil made me do it i've always said that whenever you see somebody who moves forward exceedingly it is not always what they're going to that drove them it's what they're running from sometimes the hell you're running from will make you run to jesus with a power and a passion that will blow your mind and the exceptional people who do exceptional things who are exceptional in school exceptional in business exceptionally in life stop being a hater they're not there because they're greedy they're there because they're needy they're there because all hell broke loose some of them have been raped some of them have been battered some of them have been tattered some of them have been torn and they had to run to jesus they had to be exceptional they had to get up because they never dared be vulnerable ever again and they're like i want to talk to somebody i want to talk to somebody i want to talk to somebody that you got up because you had to get up you fought hard because you had to fight hard you got that job because you had to have a job you got tired of being hit upside your head you got tired of being hit with skillets you had to go back and get a degree so you could take care of yourself your kids your children i want to talk to some people that were driven to jesus pulled to jesus yank to jesus turn to jesus told to jesus i want to talk to the people in this room that you didn't come because you was a nicey nice person you came because you were desperate you knew it desperate for god you needed a desperate miracle you needed a desperate touch you needed a desperate move of the holy ghost and that's why you praise him like your praiser because you're a desperate woman and frankly you don't care what none of these church people think because you got to praise them anyway you don't care how they look at you you don't care what they say about you you don't care what you got on cause you're desperate i'm gonna allow a melvin for some desperate people to teach these nice people how to praise the lord some desperate people who got problems right now some desperate people open up your mouth and give god some praise open up your mouth and shout unto god open up your mouth way up in the balcony i want to hear you holla yes make some noise you saved and everything still ain't right at home you're still dealing with some stuff it's not that her daughter was grievously vexed she said my daughter is grievously vexed with forever you'll be shocked at what we shout over you'll be shouted and shocked at what we dance over you'll be shocked at what we're dealing with right now you'll be shocked at how the enemy tries to destroy your house i know you're standing there with your cute dress on and then big old shoes you can't walk in but i want some people that got a devil in your house to open up your mouth and give god the prayer i want you to open your mouth and give god some prayers elbow somebody said i want him out of my house type it on the line i want him out of my house i want him all for my children i want him all for my son i want him all with my daughter i want him out of my finances i want him out of my body i want him out of my spouse i got a devil in my house and that's why i'm in church right now that's why i'm desperate that's why i'm shouting that's why i'm hollering that's why i'm praying that's why i'm fasting oh stop being cute and let's be real this morning i want some real people to hold it up your mouth and shout out to god don't get me wrong i'll pray about you i'll pray for you i'll pray for your marriage i pray for your children i really will i'll intercede i'll lay on my face and go before god but it's one thing to pray for the devil in your house and it's a whole other thing to pray for the devil in mind i want him out of my house i want him out of my body i want him out of my children i want him out of my finances i want him out of my mind it's one thing to have a devil on your job and it's another thing to have a devil in your house get out of my house get out of my get get get get get get get get get get get out get out get out somebody take him in and tell him get out of here get out of my get out of here get out of my house get out of my knee get out of my joints get out of my leg get out of my lungs get out of my tissue get out of my children get out get out spirit of suicide get out of my house mental illness get out of my house i don't want it in my children i don't want it in my son i don't want it in my daughter get out oh you ain't desperate oh you ain't desperate if the praise stops when the music stops you ain't desperate but when you really get desperate you don't need no organ to make you praise and when you really get desperate his praise shall continually be in your mouth when you really get desperate oh god oh god oh my god give us some desperate people this morning give us some desperate people online i want to preach to somebody who's sick and tired of the enemy working in your house make some noise and let me hear you the problem is and i'm almost finished the problem is hero hallelujah to god i feel the holy ghost in this place i feel the power of the living god in this place i feel god breaking yolks tearing down walls moving barriers hallelujah he's after your house your house your house your house your house you're out your house who can you tell who can you talk to when it's your child who can you talk to when it's your child who can you talk to when it's your spouse who can you talk to when it's your mama who can you talk to when it's about your dad so there you are wrestling between secrets and deliverance i want deliverance but it's a secret i want deliverance but it's a secret and the woman decided the only one i can trust with what's going on in my house is jesus i'm not going after the disciples i'm going out to jesus jesus thou son of david have mercy on me my daughter my daughter my daughter my daughter my daughter my daughter i feel like preaching now y'all my god of my daughter my daughter my flesh my bones my blood my dna my daughter my daughter my daughter is grievously fixed with the devil i'm sick of this my daughter is previously matched with the devil i don't know what to do about it i pulled out libations and she didn't get better i prayed to our deities that she didn't get better i called on our idols and they didn't get better and i know i'm not one of your favorites and i know i don't belong to your church and i know i'm not one of y'all but i came all the way over here because the devil drove me over here to you if anybody can do it you care i heard about your power i heard what you did for the centurion i heard what you did for the woman within your blood i heard what you did for life my daughter needs a touch from god and he i feel the holy ghost working on something i feel the holy ghost working on something i feel the holy ghost getting behind walls i feel the holy ghost getting behind doors i feel the holy ghost doing some surgery right now i feel the holy ghost doing some operations right now i feel the holy ghost dealing with marriages right now i feel the holy ghost dealing with minds and emotions right now i feel the holy ghost uncovering some secrets right now i feel the holy ghost touching some areas where you've been traumatized and in pain and that you're with sin and don't know what to do but god i got news for you god's gonna get some victory out of what you're going through can i tell you again god's gonna get some victory out of what you're going through if i'm talking to you praise him like it's already done you may be online but praise him like it's already done praise it like it's already done i know he ain't said nothing i know he ain't done nothing yet but praise him lying is i done watch this to all of her desperation to all of her fearing and frustration and stress and pain and tear them all and scream it out in him he said nothing what do you do when you have articulated the problem clearly to the only one who can fix it and he says nothing respectfully i'm sick of preachers and i'm sick of the preaching we get half the time because y'all always preaching about when he answers and i don't need you to tell me how to react when he answers i ain't stupid i know how to praise him when he answers i know how to dance when he answers but what do you know when you're down 9-1-1 and god don't say nothing what do you know when the enemies break it in your back door and the police don't answer the phone what do you do when you call on jesus and he acts deaf he kept on walking we don't sing about the silence of god we sing about what he said and what he'll do and what he's promised but we don't write no songs about the silence of god i'm not struggling with his promises i'm struggling with his silence don't you see me bleeding don't you see me in pain do you know what it's like to see your child suffer i'd rather suffer myself in the hospital on a respirator and your child can't breathe unhook them and give it to me at least i'm old enough to have experienced enough he said nothing what do you do when god says nothing i'll tell you what she did she drew closer sometimes god doesn't answer to draw you closer sometimes he doesn't respond to draw you closer she draws closer to jesus and says lord help me help me i'm through with titles i'm through with honor i'm through with protocol protocol i just want some help lord and she put jesus in a dilemma i never was driving home after praying for that guy and i said lord that ain't supposed to happen like that they know they're not supposed to follow me and give me a word of knowledge for somebody from a whole different religion and the glory moved and i i was confused she put jesus in a in a dilemma he says almost as if he wasn't even talking to her he's it's not right what you're asking me to do it's not it's my protocol it's not it's not it's not the way i planned it it's not the way it's supposed to happen it's it's not supposed to be like that it's not it's not appropriate it's not my assignment now that's not what he told me to do he told me to come to my own and i'm not through dealing with my own you dealing with your daughter and i'm dealing with my children your daughter is grievously vexed with the devil and my children are vexed with unbelief oh y'all didn't hear what i said both of us got child problems and how am i supposed to deal with your child and i can't hardly fix my own it's not meat it's not meat it's not me to give the children's bread to the dogs i'm still trying to get them to eat the bread i'm trying to get my child to eat the bread you telling me about your child my child in trouble too for we have not a high priest who cannot be touched by the feeling of our infirmity tempted in all points like as we are you got a troubled child he said i knew too it's not me to give the children's bread to the dogs and the woman blew his mind she said yeah i'm a dog i'm a dog in the bible a dog meant without covenant i'm a gentile i'm an idolater i'm a dog but even the dogs even the dogs can eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table she says i will settle for what your church wastes your children waste enough glory to heal my daughter listen at them at the bargaining table it's like the woman and jesus are at the bargaining table at a good conference table where they're arguing their positions and and she says you know my daughter's grievously vexed with a devil he said i can't do nothing my children crazy too i'm trying to deal with my own children it's not me to give the children bread to the dog she said yeah i may be a dog but even the dogs can eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table and with that she broke him her humility broke him her inability to be insulted broke him sometimes you can't get your miracle because you too proud i'm talking to somebody i don't know who i'm talking to but god has you online for a reason your pride is killing you that woman didn't argue with jesus about calling her she said truth i'm a hope true i'd have done some mess lord true i have not been the picture of morality and integrity and honor but i'm desperate i'd be a dog but can i have a crawl her indictment is as much against our waist as it is his power she says we waste sermons that would save the world messages that would stop guns from going off we waste them she said i could get healed from the crumbs i could get healed from what your children don't even pay attention to leave the bread on the table for your kids i sit in your lap and catch the crumbs in the days of jesus they had what was called in the days of jesus they had what was called light dogs and they would sit in the lap of the master and look up and catch the crumbs she said i'll be your laptop if i can get a prom of what falls from the master's day my daughter will be healed and the decision says away she cries out to us it was never about them because she knew that what she needed only god could be and the lord told me if i would preach this he would minister to some people who were going through something that only god can fix and the lord said he seen your desperate faith your radical tenacity your relentless pursuit of him and your refusal to let anybody run you out of church your refusal you came if you had to get a ride you came you came you came when you had money you came when you didn't have money if you had to wear a mask if you had to take a shot if you had to get a test whatever it took cuz you too desperate to be cute and god said i've not have not found it i will shout i've not found this kind of faith amongst my own her faith not her feelings not her emotions not her attitude not her beauty not her intellect not her sensuality have faith he said i cannot deny you because you have so much confidence then i'm able to do it woman you have desperate faith and i don't know who i'm preaching to today but to get out of what you're into it's gonna take desperate things and that self same hour that self save hour not late or not when she got back home not when she took an anointed rag and put it in the bed that self-same hour her daughter was made whole i want some folks to stand who ain't even asking for you you're asking for somebody else you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 60,353
Rating: 4.9024739 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, desperate faith, Matthew 15:21-28
Id: sFtiQtyV3DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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