How to Never Be Hurt Again - Sunday Service

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praise god father thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen if you have your bibles go with me to the book of proverbs 18 and verse 14. i'm going to read out of the new living translation and then the message translation this is our text i um i was praying earlier this week about all right what do we do next in this series that we've been talking about grace-based relationships and um today may be one of the most important teachings that i've done in this series it's a subject that's not far into your ears i've taught on it before but in light of the revelation that's flown through this series god told me to begin to teach today on [Music] overcoming this area of hurt and how to never be hurt again i didn't know how how detrimental to a christian life that hurt can be and yet in relationships you're bound to experience some kind of hurt even when you deal with great space relationships and i never knew it was so dangerous i never knew that the end result of hurt was to try to kill you and put you in the grave as soon as possible and so if you have been hurt by relationships or you're presently hurting from relationships then you're in the right place today and i pray and i've already prayed that your ears will be anointed to hear that means you're not just gonna hear what i'm saying but i believe that the holy spirit is going to speak to you as i preach there's going to be some things he's going to say to you that didn't necessarily come out of my mouth and so you're anointed today to hear this message and those of you who are streaming in you are anointed to hear this message as well in fact those of you who are streaming in hit that share button and tell people what i'm about to talk about tell them to get on right away right away this is going to be a day of great deliverance amen i realize that when i hear on the news people shot somebody or something happen it's not really because they're crazy they're hurt and a lot of hurt produces a lot of anger or if it's turned inward it'll produce a lot of depression and so what we have is a generation that that's hurting and you'll begin to see that unfold as we get into this today how to never be hurt again is that possible pastor dolly is that a reality how to never be hurt again and so let's begin in proverbs chapter 18 and verse 14 and nlt he says their human spirit can endure a sick body but who can bear a crushed human spirit he says this human spirit the real you can endure a crush a sick body but boy a crushed spirit that's another story and then in the message bible he says this the healthy a healthy spirit conquers adversity but what can you do when the spirit is crushed now the question wasn't asked to just indicate that there's nothing you can do but to show you the seriousness of hurt and what happens all of you are familiar with the little nursery rhyme sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me you remember that i can't tell you how much of a lie that is it's just not true because names hurt words hurt being lied about and light on hurts being misunderstood hurts and so before i get into this let's go to proverbs 12 since we're in proverbs proverbs 12 8 verse 18 proverbs 12 and 18 uh the king james first and then the new living translation words hurt and sometimes you look at people and they appear strong just because they appear strong doesn't mean it didn't hurt everybody wants you to say nice things about them you know when i'm all over the news and they're talking about something they don't halfway know about it hurts you have to be careful about getting on social media because when you hear those words it hurts you're hurt by somebody you don't even know they do hurt and so we have to learn how to deal with it because the potential for hurt is all around us proverbs chapter 12 verse 18 says there is that speaketh like the piercing of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health he says there's a type of speech that pierces you like a sword look at this in the new living translation the new living translation says some people make cutting remarks but the words of the wise bring healing cutting remarks have you ever been around you know someone who made a cutting remark to you so words cut they hurt and so throw away the little nursery rhyme okay don't even let your kids see it it's not true at all so one of the most difficult things people deal with in life is being hurt very difficult hurt feelings rob us of so many of god's blessings hurt feelings will rob you if we don't understand this today and if we if we refuse to deal with this today you are allowing a robber to exist in your life robbing you of what robbing you of the blessings of god so it sounds to me that this is a this is a a blessing blocker hurt feelings will rob you of god's greater blessings so before we can really move on in life you you must understand how vital it is to take hurt out before you can move on now a lot of people think no i'm moving on in life i'll just you know i'm hurt but i'm gonna move on that's that's that's that's deception and i'm gonna show you why today people think that they can build their lives on the foundation of hurt and you can't you have to deal with the hurt in order to successfully move on in your life or you're going to be deceived and thinking that you've moved on in your life when that's just not the truth see you don't want to build upon a foundation of hurt why two reasons because number one if you start trying to build your life on the foundation of hurt distortion is gonna enter in and and you're gonna be distorted in the decisions you make and your view of everything in your life is going to be distorted i need you to understand what i mean by when something is distorted in other words how you look at it from a place of hurt it's it's it's always going to be a false perversion of what it really is uh to distort means to give a false perverted or disappropriate meaning to something it distortion is is is a misrepresentation of something distorting facts for example uh distortion is about deception uh it's when you look at something your view of something will always be twisted uh when when when when when you try to build a life on a foundation of hurt uh when you look at things you're gonna be you're gonna see things through the eye of a lie it's never going to be the full truth you're it's twisted i like that the synonym it's bent you you look at every view in your life it's bent and and people around you can't understand why can't you see this like it really is because you're hurt and and and everything's distorted your decisions are are going to be distorted because you're trying to build things on the foundation of hurt so number one that's what happens when you say well i'm hurt but i'm gonna go on no no no no no you don't want to try to go on without dealing with the hurt so the second reason you don't want to build on the foundation of hurt is uh this area of bitterness it will make you bitter it'll make you bitter towards others and it'll prevent you from going forward you think you're going to go forward but it's going to make you bitter towards others and it and and it's going to prevent you from going forward and that's the deception somehow in your mind you're thinking you're going forward all of this stuff happening i don't know why this is happening to me why is that happening to me and why is this not working the way it needs to work and why how come i'm not farther down the line uh where i think i should be because you know you're bitter at so many people the blame game shows up and it prevents you from going forward i want you to look at this scripture i found in hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 and 15 in the esv version uh hebrews chapter 12 verse 14 through 15 in the esv version look at this he says strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness and for the holiness without which no man or no one will see the lord verse 15 see to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of god that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble and by bitterness many become defiled do you see those two things first of all bitterness causes trouble and bitterness those who will walk in it the bible says it defiles you you're not going to be able to go on with your life and then become bitter at something and think it's supposed to turn out right you're going to have to settle this in your thinking and i've got to deal with the hurt i've got to deal with the hurt and i'm saying to you who are here today and those of you who are streaming in live you got to deal with the hurt i have buried too many people who died with unresolved hurt which is one of the reasons they died because hurt is designed it is headed towards the grave and i'm telling you today that you can never be heard again if you'll understand what i'm saying look at second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 in the amplified second corinthians 5 17 we must stop finding our point of reference in our past we we continue to find our point of reference in our past and we got to stop doing that my point of reference is not my past pain and a lot of people find their point of reference in their past pain well you don't understand the reason why i act like this is because you know i did this if your point of reference is always your past and we got to stop finding our point of reference in our past well the reason why i'm not a happy person and your point of reference is all your past well the reason why you know i i'm divorced three times and the point of reference is always your past can't you not see how the past pain it's the past pain you keep referring to the past pain which let you know you you hadn't dealt with it and then you keep going back that's your point of reference the past pain people who have daddy issues the past pain you keep going back to that past pain and second corinthians says here's here's what should be your point of reference therefore if any person is engrafted in christ the messiah he is a new creation a new creature altogether and that's got to be your point of reference your point of reference has got to be i am a new creature i am a new creature all together and that's why i can be successful and that's why i have overcome things in the past and that's why i'm able to walk in love and forgiveness because my new point of reference is i'm a new creation in christ all together old previous moral spiritual conditions has passed away those all previous moral dispositions these things have passed away behold the fresh and the new has come say that out loud the fresh and the new has come that needs to be your point of rest reference don't reference the past pain reference the fresh and the new reference the fresh and the new the fresh and the new has come now it's kind of listen the devil's job is to do whatever worked on you to cause you pain his job is to try to bring it up and pour salt in the wounds and your job is to say no i ain't going there with you bro i'll figure out how you play this game i'm not going there with you you just stuck that in my mind cause you're trying to take me somewhere i've declared i'm no longer there anymore are you listening to me please hear me folks we must dismiss what people have done to us no i didn't say you should i said we must dismiss what people have done to us it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what it is and i guarantee you i probably i bet you i've had more people do painful things than me than you and and we're not going to compare but i bet you if i was a better man we must dismiss what people have done to us it doesn't matter what matters is our response we've got to get to the point in our lives where we can never get hurt again i used to think that's just not possible that's just a fairy tale until i begin to understand this study that that can be a reality in all our lives you know we're all we've all been around people who are hurt how many of you have been around people who've been hurt before okay so you're gonna you're gonna be able to say amen to some of the stuff i'm gonna show you because there's some things i want you to notice about being around somebody that's hurt number one just just three little quick things that to notice about people who are hurt when you're around people that hurt you can tell you don't have to be in the spirit you don't have to have a gift of discernment you know you you just know what know what happens when you're around people who have been hurt number one hurt people are unpleasant to be around nobody when you think about hanging out with somebody you don't want to hang around somebody who've been hurting all the time they always talk about what what their what what about their past hurt people think about it they've heard people you've been around they are always talking about their past they always want to uh you know they always want you to read their mind well what's wrong what you think listen my name ain't cleo ain't got no crystal ball tell me they always carry their emotions on their sleeves to get you to ask them about it so they can tell you about it huh what's going on well you know i know the bible says this but now get the blood out of the way and do what the bible says so that's one thing you notice the second thing you notice here when you're around hurt people hurt hurt leads to anger and if that anger is turned inward it'll lead to depression hurt leads to anger and is sometimes turned inward producing depression and so what happens is when we feel hurt we get angry anger is a hurt response you hear about angry people in the world today shooting folks mass shootings all this kind of stuff these people have been hurt they are hurting and they've never learned how to resolve their hurt and hurt people eventually display anger and they begin to feel sorry uh for themselves and they lose they lose the initiative to fight off those negative feelings see once you get you're hurt then you're angry and if that hurt is real deep it's like you know whatever whatever i'm hurt and i'm angry and you know you go to somebody and just say hey and they'll cuss you and you'll be like wow see these days you got to you need to maintain your emotion you'll know what you're feeling right you know how all right yeah i'm gonna say you're not some of y'all be driving in the car somebody could in front of you and you give them the only dry finger you got you got to be careful these days because people so hurt they got a gun in their car and you did that and they gonna speed up they gon they gonna try to shoot you you a generation that's hurt a generation that's depressed a generation that's angry and depressed because of unresolved hurt that they don't have the benefit of coming to a church and sitting down and getting an in all your getting understanding sermon about how important it is to get rid of it it weighs you down that that that that that anger and that hurt weighs you down and it produces depression and guess what it produces it produces stress and stress is becoming the leading cause of premature death you understand it if you've how many have you ever been hurt before don't raise your hand because i don't want to cast out no line demons today because they're going to be some little pretty little christian i've never been hurt holy all about as long as i've been saved and you that's the demon in you right now that lying devil everybody in here have experienced hurt of some type disappointment of some type hurt that most the time mostly occurred from something that happened in a relationship but it's stressful it's stressful in a marriage when words were spoken and they were hurtful it's stressful i mean it's so stressful i remember when tapping out when we were first married and we had our first silent fight everybody know what the silent fight is i'm not talking to you because you hurt me and i'ma walk around the house like i'm gonna be able to avoid you and so i was doing real good and i had a habit of losing my keys all the time and she had a habit of knowing where they were all the time so i had to say something and i turned around and said you seen my man that thing went on for several days and i thought you know you know what this is over let's just apologize and and get it over with and i noticed i never forget this when i when it was over with and we reconciled i was so tired the stress of that whole idea or ordeal just wore me out somehow y'all know some of you man people know i'm talking about just exhausting those silent fights it's almost like a good club side is better than walking around three days with a silent fight let's just cuss each other out real quick get it over here no y'all don't do that y'all saved sanctified people with the holy ghost five baptized got jesus on your mind and talking in tongues mm-hmm here's another thing i want you to recognize about about hurt people hurt people make bad decisions they make bad decisions when we've been hurt we tend to make decisions to protect our feelings instead of making decisions to protect our future think about that when you've been hurt you're kind of careful because you're going to make a decision but i don't want to make that decision because i could get hurt there and that may be a good decision to protect your future but if you're always making decisions to try to protect your feelings instead of making decisions to protect your future we got to stop making decisions to protect our feelings ladies and gentlemen we gotta stop doing that we gotta start making decisions to protect our future i like the last part of luke chapter 10 verse 19. let's look at that luke chapter 10 and verse 19. if you're always going around expecting to be hurt and so even your decisions are governed by your fear of being hurt again look at what he says here this is so good i was i just didn't even recognize it until recently he says behold i give unto you power or authority to tread over all of the alt to straight on serpents and scorpions and over all of the ability power of the enemy but here's the part and nothing shall by any means hurt you i grab hold of that nothing shall by any means hurt me so i don't have to be afraid of making a decision to protect my my future i don't i don't have to be going around making decisions to protect my feelings because nothing will by any means hurt you say this out loud nothing nothing nothing shall by any means hurt me and he told you at the beginning because you have authority over hurt you have authority over over the mastery of the enemy you have authority over demons serpents and scorpions you know that's demonic powers we kind of don't pay attention to that demons he's talking about demonic forces that are doing everything they can to hurt you that's what their job is they come up with a strategy to try to cause you hurt and try to cause you pain because every demon in the demon world knows that he can defeat a christian who fails to use their authority and believe that nothing shall by any means hurt you and you're you're looking at too many horror movies and thinking about demons coming out your wall and all that thing and all that hiding under your bed and all that kind of stuff and those demons aren't doing that they're trying to get you to locate the area of your pain and hurt so they can pour salt in that wound and we still don't believe in demons you talk about demons i don't believe in demons look in the mirror when you start acting crazy look in the mirror that that hurtful thought that hurtful fault one of the most powerful weapons that come from demon powers is suggestion guess who continues to pull you back to the past demons work overtime to try to get you to think all the time about the pain and the hurt of your past to create a fear to try to paralyze you we can become people that cannot be defeated because real destruction in our lives is not going to come from the outside real destruction in our lives is going to come from the inside and same thing with success real success is not going to come from the outside real success is going to come from the inside you got to get this you can't fall in the in the in the form and the formulas of the world and that's what a lot of christians are doing you're trying to use their formulas to try to get real success you know if you're successful on the inside that's going to flow out of you and and materialize on that on the outside but if you are a failure on the inside that's going to come out of you and materialize on the outside real destruction in our lives your life is not destroyed because of what's happening on the outside your life is being destroyed because of what you are allowing to happen on the inside how long have you been carrying that hurt your life is being destroyed because of what you won't deal with on the inside how long have you been carrying that pain 75 years old and you're still carrying a 40-year-old pain and hurt and you're wondering why you're taking all the medications and stuff you're taking because you're being destroyed not on the outside you're being destroyed on the inside so how can we get to the point where we're never hurt again [Music] well there's a right way to get to that point and then there's a wrong way to get to that point i always like to start with the wrong way it amplifies when we talk about the right way there's a wrong way to try to get to that point where you never heard again it's the right way the wrong way uh let me number these so you can keep up with them number one the first wrong way to handle hurt now our natural response to avoid being hurt watch this is to do the hurting first i'm gonna hurt you before you hurt me some people get on the offensive and they do the hurting first and and listen that is they that is a worldly way of dealing with it that's the world solution hurt first that's not god's solution see the problem with that with taking the first punch if you're a christian is you're going to reap what you sow so it's inevitable if if if if you take the first punch and say i'm gonna hurt you before you hurt me then you set yourself up to receive a harvest of hurt you it comes back to you good measure pressed down shaking together and running over in a sense you've you've enacted you've activated the law that's not advisable so don't deal with hurt by saying i'm gonna hurt everybody before they can hurt me as soon as i can see the sickness are hurt i'm gonna do something that hurts you first that's the wrong way to handle that number two we harden our hearts well this is what hamill did with her i'm just going to heart my heart i'm not going to let anybody in i'm just going to heart my heart i'm just going to just be a hermit and so i won't get hurt uh the problem with having a hard heart is that once it gets hard you can't hear from god you can't have meaningful relationships when your heart is heartened you become a prisoner to your own pain you spent time hardening your heart against everybody that's certainly not a way to deal with hurt what is this number three this is really important number three we pretend we are really not hurt so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna pretend that when i am hurt that i'm not really hurt in other words you will perfect phoniness in pretending that you're not really hurt and the problem with that is if you keep walking around pretending that you're not hurt when you really are hurt then the the abuse is going to increase let's say for example you're in a marriage and words are spoken and you pretend like those words don't hurt you well they're going to continue they're going to continue going on because you're you're trying to pretend that that didn't hurt you uh if a wife has been hurt by something her husband said or did she acts as if it it didn't bother her and she goes around saying i'm going to be tough and the problem with that is that if a man thinks that he can get away with something or that it it doesn't bother your wife then he can continue to do it and this invites more mistreatment and more insensitivity on the part of the husband because you know he doesn't know that that particular thing bothers you so that's not a good way to handle hurt number four we decide well hurt is painful i don't want it here's how i'm gonna deal with it uh i'm gonna decide not to trust anymore i'm just not gonna trust anybody anymore now this is this is a path that i took at one time i just thought you know after my my first experience with church yeah i just i just assumed that you know everybody got saved we're all saved we all love each other and this is going to be like the coolest calling in the world everybody's going to love each other we're going to be love love love you know kumbaya experience and it was not like that at all i think i told you this testimony my first few years in church i i went outside in my garage and sat on a green bucket and negotiated with god how do i die how do i get out of this this whole situation this is terrible uh so my solution was i'm i'm just i'm not going to trust anybody and and when i married taffy she said be careful don't create an atmosphere of distrust well i had already created that atmosphere of distrust i was just waiting for the next betrayal i was just waiting for the next we love you we thank god for you and ooh watch your mouth almost got emotional uh i was just amazed at how things were but you know what what what happened to me because of my decision to try to handle it with just i'm not gonna trust anybody i became a cynic i became cynical about everything and pushed away relationships that could have been beneficial relationships that could have been a blessing and that's not the right way to handle it when you refuse to trust again it causes you to become cynical and suspicious of everyone that that that's ever involved in your life even those that could do you good even those that could be a blessing to you and so i i need to make sure i clarify something i'm not saying to put all of your trust in people that's not what i'm saying hear me hear me well now but to close your heart off and to say i'm never trusting anyone ever again may cut you off from godly friends that can be a blessing to your life so these are wrong responses to being hurt and you don't deal with them this way it's just it's not the right way to do it take it from me personally it's not right way to do it thank god i was able to deal with it and i recognize well if there's something about an individual i trust god he'll let me know and he can't you can do the same thing you can meet people you know some of you single people you go out on the first date you meet this dude there'll be signals he didn't even mean to display god will let you know now this ain't the one this ain't the one you gonna call me uh i'm gonna call the law first and then we'll we'll talk about whether or not we're gonna call you okay that's so so very important now let's look at some steps of how to walk out of this because this is this is big time all right how do i step into the freedom from hurt how do i step into the freedom from hurt look at ephesians chapter 6 and verse 16. this is so good number one take up the shield of faith now now for some that sounds so spiritual you're telling me that taking up the shield of faith is a way that i can walk out of hurt yeah if you understand what the shield of faith is all about most christians don't most christians are just caught up with the picture of you know the armor that goes on somebody and and you're not understanding what the shield of faith is the bible says in verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one a shield of faith where you can quench the fiery darts of the wicked one they talk about words my shield of faith is watch this i won't be hurt that's my shield of faith i put that shield of faith up and then the darts come in that that are a bunch of words of hurt you have to you have to establish a shield of faith i will not be hurt so if the shield is what god says about us and that's what the shield is the shield is what god says about us then when we listen to what other people say about us we are putting our shield down see the shield is what god says about me i put it up but i start listening to what other people say about me then i put the shield down it causes me pain because i didn't have my shield up i put what god said about me down and i received what other people said about me up when we put more value on other people's opinions then we've put the shield down instead of putting the shield up if you take what god says about you and keep it up then when those other people opinions show up it's not going to bother you because you already got you already have the shield of faith up and that shield has allowed you to receive all those doubts they say what they want to say but you've already you've already said what god wants you to say as soon as we make what they said more important than what god says we have lord our shield of faith and unfortunately in the lives of a bunch of christians we put down what god says about us or don't understand what god says about us and we start taking everything else and it gets to us because we no longer have our shield of faith up and as a result whatever they tell us becomes our shield and what they said isn't enough to protect us what does god say about you don't don't don't don't don't forget about what he said about you that is your shield of faith that's why it's so important to get in the word that's why it's so important to get in a church that preaches the word of god you that's your shield of faith you've got to know what you have in your armor you've got to know what you have in your arsenal you have a shield of faith and especially the day in the time of social media it's not just sin it's you you've got to know what the bible says about you and that's what you hold up in front of everything the world tells you you're broke no my god shall supply that's my shield of faith i put my shield up sometimes you see the darts coming but before they reach you make sure you stick the shield up and say you can't touch this that's the shield of faith [Applause] number two the second way to step into the freedom of hurt don't wait for an inspirational moment to give inspirational forgiveness [Music] if you've been hurt by someone forgive them as an act of faith don't go through all this this drama of oh well i got to get with them and then it's got to be the right time i ain't got to do none of that if i don't ever see you again between me and god i am not going to wait for an inspirational forgiveness to bubble up in me i set my will to forgive i set my will to forgive and every day of your life you decide i set my will to forgive because if i don't set my will to forgive that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping somebody else will die i'm not going to wait till i'm inspired to forgive you don't forgive them because you feel like it you forgive them because you've made a decision to forgive forgiveness is a decision it is not a feeling it is a decision and so you can decide every day i set my will to forgive anybody for anything no matter what it is somebody said that's bold no that's healthy that's healthy i'm not gonna i'm not gonna [Applause] sometimes we thought if they just apologize or if they just give me an explanation then i'll forgive them don't hold your breath [Music] we say if they change then i'll forgive them see if you can only forgive them when they've changed then you didn't forgive you for sold what does that mean it means you sold your forgiveness to them you didn't give it to them there's a difference between giving and selling giving means you don't have to pay anything for me to forgive you selling means you have to change and then you can buy my forgiveness forgiveness is not for sale forgiveness is for free little lazy clap just keep it god didn't forgive you when he when when you changed think about that when most of us were sinners like we were in hell didn't have no god on our side acting like a fool trying to be cool god forgave us without any change wow well i tell you that grace makes you think about stuff i don't require i don't require you to change before i forgive you i have already forgiven you now you might find out later on that baby i forgave you a long time ago but there's still some people you know you change here's what happened god forgave me before we god forgave us before we changed and guess what happened you changed after he forgave you that's the thing that brought me to the lord when i realized god god is willing to forgive a fool like me all the stupid foolish crazy hurtful painful things he forgave me shoot man i'm ready to change anybody that'll forgive me of that much my god i thought about the forgiveness you know when god tells us to forgive you know somebody it's compared to like a penny god says forgive somebody it's like a penny all right so in compared to what he did think about what he did he forgave every human being that ever came on the planet and it's compared to i mean 50 dollar amount you can't say and then he's asking you to forgive and it's a penny he forgave all of us oh y'all remember how dirty how much of a dirty dog you used to be that nasty self you remember i remember your nasty dirty dog you remember that nasty lying dirty dog and i know some of you i think you sit up here well i know i've never been like that you used to be a dirty dog with your thoughts man you might not have said it but we know dirty was around somewhere and jesus took all your nasty and all your dirty dog stuff and forgave you and now when he asked me to forgive you it's like a penny [Applause] yes amen he's worthy of that thank you lord amen amen so if you need something [Music] you've got to understand this this hurt that you you're dealing with you got to let it go you don't need anybody to treat you a certain way in order to feel better because of what jesus has done it's when it doesn't matter anymore it doesn't matter anymore what they do because your freedom comes from within it doesn't matter what somebody does doesn't matter what somebody says they can live they can just continue to to slander and it doesn't matter do you understand that no matter what people tell you the great hope is still a reality jesus is coming back i don't care how many people tell you he ain't coming back i don't care many people say they don't believe that i don't care i mean if you atheist that you bump into jesus baby he coming back he coming back and that's that's what motivates me to want to stay sane because jesus coming back i i know one day i'm gonna die it's like you don't know that you're going to die one day and you're you're hoping that what the world told you was true it ain't well when you die you're just going to fall asleep it's going to be a hot sleep and you know what happened at night time when it's hot in a room it'll wake you up don't you i forgot which one of my kids used to say the hot place the hot place jesus coming back jesus is coming back my great hope is all right let me put my checklist out here there's some things i want to make sure i'm ready i want to be ready to see him god i i don't want i don't want to see him knowing that i was supposed to do something i didn't do it i want to see him everybody in here you gon die one day there used to be people who used to be in here and they ain't here no more they're dead they graveyard dead and jesus thank god and most of the folks that we're in here they they in heaven amen they're so glad that they believe but for you and i how much of this tom fuller you think the earth can take i'm gonna teach on the end times in in the next few weeks how many how much you think it can take you seeing stuff like that do you know all the stuff you're seeing has been put in the bible i'm gonna show all the stuff you said well i didn't know that was in there it been in there jesus is coming back yeah they've been saying jesus come back why he ain't back yet because he's so full of love he's trying to delay it so more people can get in so more people can get saved see you're not understanding that if he came back a long time ago some of y'all would have missed the boat but thank god through many dangers and talls and snares i have already come it was grace that brought me thus so far and it's going to be graciously emily he coming back he coming back and some of us going to be alive and remain and we're going to see the thing happen if it freaks me out i ain't got to argue with you and fuss with you and debate with you on this all we got to do is wait and see [Applause] he coming back he coming back and i don't know about y'all but i got my war clothes on [Applause] he coming back i'm not i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear i have wrong no man i've defiled no man i've corrupted no man what am i doing i'm receiving what jesus has said about me i'm not gonna get to heaven he said why didn't you just go ahead and put the shield of faith up instead of doing all this other stuff you were doing no no lord i tried i just i just felt you know you don't understand what i went through there you go again i sent a man to preach a message about that and you didn't pay no attention you didn't even you didn't even hit you well i couldn't come to church that sounded well y'all had to hit a button you had a phone with you you couldn't even do that i wanna hear none of that depart from me you worker of iniquity i never knew you that's gonna happen and it ain't gonna happen with just two people i'm looking forward to my great hope there's something that happens when you start looking for your great hope the great hope is the return of the lord jesus christ he says the grace of god will teach you how to live righteous so you can be ready for the great hope of the return of the lord jesus christ but we still going right here i don't believe that i don't believe that you know you know i don't believe this i don't believe that you know nae nae name said it wasn't gonna happen so it didn't happen i don't believe that you know my friend on instagram they didn't say that and see you you look that good what's it called you listening to a bunch of fools a fool says in his heart that there is no god you you listening to the wrong people he coming back i promise you he's coming back hallelujah he's going to break through the clouds the trump of god will sound and the dead and christ shall rise first and those who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet him in the air and there shall they ever be with the lord i don't understand why why we're not preaching that no more well it's the new age got tacos don't be fooled by empty quotes that lead you away from the truth of god's word i like on that church scholar he do it go from scripture to scripture and teach the word that what we supposed to be doing when you go to church there ain't no rap concert i'm not here to just just inspire you so you can be inspired while you're here and then go out and act like a fool when you leave excuse me for hollering number three i think it is number three once you forgive stop reliving it once you forgive stop reliving it stop rehearsing it stop nursing it and learn how to disperse it quit living your pain quit reliving your pain we lit stop reliving your pain i could i could relive my pain all day long it'll it'll it'll give you a tear jerker oh poor pastor we had no idea we didn't know i know that what i told you oh jesus ain't got time for all that quit reliving it laying the bed all morning reliving the i pain believe how they did this to me can't believe him they sit up there and they say this and then you know how we rehearse it they say this and they say that i can't believe it i can't believe it but i'm gonna be all right thank you jesus i'm gonna be all right don't be bringing jesus in that you you're rehearsing it jesus is not coming to that rehearsal you keep having that same rehearsal you keep reliving it he's like i don't want to relive it we have talked about this jesus is so awesome because once you ask him something he'll tell you one time i've had this happen to me over and over again and then you ask him again like you didn't hear him the first time he ain't got nothing to say i never forget oral roberts came and spent the weekend with taffy and and um man i couldn't believe it oral robert's staying at my house and then uh brother copeland came in and that was his spiritual father and they stayed in the house and so he needed he needed a shirt a white button-down shirt he forgot and so i took him to greenbrier y'all y'all already know i ain't even got to say that the people who from him y'all already know when you say uh oh you already know right i took them to greenbrier mall hey and then my people ain't saying what like what i ain't driving way out there the bookhead i'm the green brown mall got a shirt [Applause] so he was walking through greenbrier mall and this little uh black woman came up to him looked up she said oral or roberts he said yes honey it's me so i went to the store ahead of him and told the guy i said listen i'm gonna tell you the truth now he gonna tell you exactly what he wants it'll be in detail you won't misunderstand him do it or you're going to see another oral robot so he came in there he said i want this kind of color i want it to be a white shirt i'd like for it to have this kind of button on it i'd like to be able to have these buttons on the side here two buttons on that side right there and he got it and then the guy started talking to him about another kind of shirt or looked at him and said you're talking to yourself now and walked away that's exactly what happens when you keep going to god with your pain and rehearsing it and reliving it you just talking to yourself now you talking to yourself you keep you keep showing up at that same rehearsal that's singing that same old dancing song routine over and over and over and over again when you let it go you quit reliving it and it's a challenge i don't i don't mean to become so insensitive like this is not a it's a challenge because when you've been hurt you're like you you it's like it's just rolling over and over in your head and you got to pay attention because this thing is causing stress you can't sleep at night you got aches in your body the best thing you can do is get in the word or get in some kind of tape and keep your mouth closed don't rehearse it get somebody to say no no no no no talk about that i'm like i'm mad i want to say something about it and go test something up go chop a tree do something [Laughter] somebody said pass out and chop to all the trees in my house number four stop making excuses why you're so easily hurt stop making excuses why you're so easily hurt well i'm a woman well i'm sensitive i'm italian well i'm hispanic well i'm white living in a black neighborhood well i'm black well i'm sensitive that's just an excuse excuses are used as nails to build houses of failure and you just keep making say no excuse again you got to stop that we're more sensitive because we're more concerned about our past and our future that's what makes you sensitive you're more sensitive about the hurt because you're more concerned about your past than you are your future be concerned about today be concerned about your future put that energy and focus in today put the energy and focus into your future we like to talk about our past we like to revisit our past but imagine what paul went through philippians 3 13 paul says i'm forgetting those things that are behind and i'm reaching to the things that are before you know what he's saying i'm shifting my focus i'm shifting my focus i am not going to stay behind i am shifting my focus that was such a great scripture taffy shirt this morning the fact that god's protecting you from the harm of your past he's protecting you from the harm of your past your past will do you harm you know most christians just never thought about that most christians never thought well hey and i'm wrong we're reflecting your past know what realm dollar time ain't around that i'm staying my past a little bit because some of my paths weren't all bad praise the lord thank you jesus glory to god even even your past victories can stop you from your present-day victories or your future victories even your past successes can stop you from your present-day success or your or your because you're you're trying to relive a success that's not there anymore i don't want to relive the success of you know 40 years back no right now today lord help me to figure out what i need to be doing today today today your future won't be any different from your past until you forget about it your future will not be any different from your past until you learn how to forget about it number five a couple more stop wearing your emotions on your sleeves that's the reason why the devil want to pick at you because you you're you're wearing your emotions on your sleeve all the time when the devil knows something hurts you he's going to keep going after that that that area in your life what what area in your life that you you you hadn't resolved i mean he's going to keep going after that area in your life it's kind of like a a thief that breaks in your house you need to fix the access that he had the last time because he's going to keep coming back to the same access if you hadn't repaired it what do you do or what do you need to do when the devil has taken his best shot at you he's taken your best shot at you someone says what do i do i laugh i counted all joy when i encounter encounter various trials that's what the bible says when you don't went through all kinds of hell and what he intended on happening didn't happen you need to laugh at him you need to laugh and somebody says well i can't see him you need to see him to laugh you need to laugh at it i heard this comedian said that they said the only time no the only time you look like a father is on halloween i said dang i'm like that was that was sticks and thongs may break your bone that that words are hurt like that ain't funny listen to me man don't let the devil pour salt in that old thing get rid of it don't keep inviting him in the same access point let him know now see devil what you don't understand is that's where you could hurt me the last time that ain't available to you no more i've already dealt with that i'm just letting you know not today and not me because i've received what the word says about me number six stop trying to get even with people especially the ones that hurt you i'ma get even with you i've got several scriptures that i don't have time to go through but all of them say the same thing about romans 12 19 first peter 3 9. first thessalonians 5 15 romans 12 21 all of them warn us don't render evil for evil don't render you're making it worse don't render evil for for evil i've had an opportunity to sow what i call a do-good seed in the lives of people who didn't do me good and you know what happened the favor of god showed up i i did something good to people who did so bad and the good came back but if you render evil for evil you hurt me i'mma get you back you know divorce people do that it's a constant i'mma get you back i'm gonna get you back for all of the years yes everything you ever did to me kind of like you remember that scene on whip ago on color purpose say you know what you had i don't know i see that thing got me i'm looking some of y'all did to do that i know jump jump ain't ain't gonna walk jump i got something for you this time i ain't gonna never forget how you used to beat me i need i need you i wish you all put a hand on me now wish it would boy come on come on come on ain't what y'all walk come on come on cleaners come on do not y'all pray for me do not do not render evil for evil it's tempting it's tempting when you go when you go by a little uh uh drive-through like i did last week i had i had a cheat day praise the lord thank you jesus hallelujah bless his holy name and i got upset because on the cheap day i wanted a cookie i i said i had a a club sandwich and and and and some and sea salt tasted chips and i wanted an oatmeal cookie i said ma'am do you have an oatmeal cookie in that she says we ain't got no oatmeal cookies and see i was already uh i was like listen don't don't and i'm like oh lord oh lord and i caught i had to do something like having one with me i was making a pick up for her i said taffy this girl that at the dog on uh window this little young girl at the window gonna step in and talk to me like that she probably wasn't talking no kind of way it was just i was up tech cause she didn't have a dog on oatmeal cookie and then she said you know it was probably polite but what i heard was is it on your ticket i started saying oh no you ain't trying to get smart with me oh you ain't trying to go down with me ain't that safe you ain't trying to go there with me [Applause] cause i know you got an oatmeal cookie cause i had one one time i don't tell them you ain't got nothing because i don't have one all over a whole milk and i'm not telling you look girl come try my look on your receipt talking to me like that all the dog on receipt she said oh no like oh no and then i say uh uh anybody else oh milk cooker's on the way home or something like that she said yeah you just passed the place i ain't turning by nope oliver oatmeal cookie i wanted to render some evil for the evil of her not having no oatmeal cookie she know they got some oatmeal cookies up there in that plate now we have a blundy i don't know what no blending none what an oatmeal cookie that chocolate chip i hate chocolate chip i want oatmeal cookies see that was from my previous bondage the devil was trying to bring that back up again my god i'm smelling oatmeal right ah oatmeal cookie thank y'all oatmeal so if y'all hear me praying in tongues one time and it slipped out and i bought what's saying that oatmeal or own meal [Music] all right this is the last one it's time for me to go because see last one last one last one take communion over it take communion over your pain say jesus based on your body and your blood i release this person right now and i'll never hold anything against them again as long as i live go and take it over communion when things get really rough like when i was diagnosed with that aggressive form of cancer communion was called in you didn't tried everything communion lord i set my will to forgive and over this bread and over this cup i establish it so help me god because some of the things that some of you have gone through it's just been egregious acts against you and it's so painful and it's so hurtful and your heart was played with like a toy but it's not worth holding on to god help me i'm hurting i'm in pain this hurts so much help me and the bible says he's a very present help in a time of trouble get rid of it i want you to bow your heads i want you at home to bow your heads we're going to release it right now all the hurt the pain and the disappointment we're going to let it go right now father in the name of jesus i pray for the world changers nation i pray for them for all who are part of this family deliver them from this pain of hurt allow the authority over serpents and scorpions and over all of the ability of the enemy allow that authority to be used right now that they will never be hurt again [Music] and if you're here and if you're at home i want you to say this after me in jesus name i decide now to never be heard again i decide now to forgive anybody for anything no matter what help me lord to walk in this freedom and i give you praise for it now [Music] in jesus name i am delivered from hurt if you receive that put your hands together and give the lord a big handcrafter [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] right now if you're in this dome you've never made jesus the lord of your life the most important thing you can do as a human being is to get born again and then after you get born again the most important thing you can do is to renew your mind with the word of god [Music] i want you to pray the simple prayer after me those of you who are at home who are who are joining us by our stream and we're just so we're so grateful for you we're so grateful for you that i mean you took the time to pick up a device and to be fed and to join us in our worship with god today we're thankful for that so both where you are at home and those here if that's you repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all of my sins lord jesus forgive me of my sins i make you my lord and my savior [Music] sit on the throne of my heart lead and guide me in my life [Music] thank you for saving me in jesus name i am saved amen now if you prayed that simple prayer with me and you're online i want you to go to the comment section i want you to let people know i just i just prayed that prayer of salvation i'm saved and i want the world changes nation to rejoice with them i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 and if you'll provide your name and email address i'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today if you prayed that prayer with me and you're here uh then you can come to the altar and go to the prayer room with us and um if you're here and you want to uh be born uh uh join the church today you can join the church today e-membership is also available today as well and um you know we're just we're just glad and thankful for for all these things that have done so you can respond properly if you're in the dome you can respond if not i will go on i'm gonna count to three i don't see anybody moving we'll move on and do what we need to do i am just thanking god that so many people have been getting born again every week and it has been an amazing thing every week they've been getting born again [Applause] our [Applause] our prayer room is also open and available to pray with people who need some prayer in special areas of their life we're just we're ready to minister to people and we're ready to believe god amen praise the lord praise god well at this time if you'll follow this gentleman here to the prayer room they'll take you guys to the prayer room and those of you who are online we are congratulating you for what you're doing as well amen well let's go ahead and and complete our worship today through gift giving i believe that our giving is worship i believe that when we give we are giving out of a heart of gratitude we're giving out of a cheerful heart not to try to motivate or manipulate god to do something but we know that he's already done it and so we are in gratitude and thanksgiving uh just grateful for what god has done and so if you would um you want to complete your worship today and it didn't require me saying a lot you guys know god can only multiply what you give he can't multiply what you consume i just want you to think about that anytime you're looking around and talking about oh god why haven't you done that well you got to make sure like a farmer that you're not eating all of your corn seed he can't multiply seed that you consume he can only multiply seed that you give and see that you sow and it is a worship you give today our giving today is is an action that we sow our seeds um out of thanksgiving to god and and sometimes last minute i had a thought this morning about what god did and you know instead of giving electronically i i wrote a check out because i'm like man i want to worship you in this i want to give you praise over this i want to just thank you in jesus name for this and that's my motivation for giving thank you lord i'm grateful and i'm honored to be able to sow and to give so if you're giving online you can give the world changes space uh and the amount to seven four four eight three that's a text world changes space in mount seven uh to the to seven four four eight three if you're in the dome you can um you can scan the um qr code on the screen it'll take you to the text and you just put your amount in and hit send you can also go back get back on the screen okay you can call 1-866-477-7608 if you are giving online you can mail if you're giving online or you can go uh you can mail on in white mail some people believe it or not they still send it in write it in right they check in there's some folks come by the church and say i'm here bringing my my offering i ain't sending i ain't calling i want to make sure it reaches destination and i'm like okay you can give them online there if you have a paypal you can use it there as well um also we're um we got a ways to go on the lobby uh please don't understand we're finished we're not finished yet there's a lot of neat things that are going to happen in the lobby but we do have our our uh connect visitor center that's almost finished that's the glass den area and stuff like that and um it's going to be a little difference in the bookstore not going to be like a bunch of books around we're going to be using technology to try to order stuff and have the stuff beat you before you go home hey man so there'll be qr codes there like if you want today's message you can just walk out hit the qr code and do what you need to do and it'll be sent to you rather than waiting in line we're trying to eliminate all the lines and stuff before everybody shows up trying to perfect some of this stuff now if you like an offering envelope uh lift your hands up those you have have offering envelopes and they want to if you interested in giving through the use of an offering envelope you can do that uh and ushers do a 360 and cover those people that are around you and um so good to see a lot of you today god bless you god's awesome amen good to see you good to see you some of you i hadn't seen in a year and a half good to see you glad you're alive and well and that you're still yet holding on praise god you ever have some of them older people come to say you holding on yes ma'am i'm holding on well hold yet hold on hold on a little while longer then and some people tell me yeah i'm holding on they fell off a long time ago amen but thank god you can get back up amen praise god praise the lord okay with the use of our technology and wherever you are let's go ahead and pray over our seed and offering father we do thank you for this opportunity to sow uh we we thank you for this opportunity to give we thank you for the opportunity to worship you in the beauty of your holiness and to bring this offering and to give glory to your name and so father i thank you that you will bless this world changes nation and cause them to prosper in ways that they never even dreamed of and we thank you for it in advance in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise the lord ushers you can go ahead and receive the offering by envelope those of you who connected with the curator code find you have another one in the lobby if you want to try that out that's okay i got an offer in here it's it's pretty big when you might want to get it uh there we go yeah thank you i think that's the first time i gave in a bucket for almost two years amen praise the lord it's still work praise god it's still good this coming uh wednesday uh we we've been doing the understanding series on wednesday night and that's going to become our new membership discipleship class for some of you who have missed it so that when things happen in your life the death of a loved one you can go and access that and and listen to it before you go to the funeral or something it's been helping a lot of people out before you get married you know what what to do before i say i do practical things baptism of water all those kind of things that we want to get you involved in and if you have children and you haven't put them in the children's ministry you you men they're having a ball over there man i'm thinking god for them kids because they're waking their parents up on sundays and they say we must go and the parents are like no we're not ready yet we're not ready to do it but we are mommy we are here's a mass let's go i must go to children's ministry today love those kids i need to go there and give them an offering praise god if you're a teenager and you haven't been a part of our teen ministry all that stuff is up and running and we are just thankful and grateful to god for all the volunteers who have been volunteered the tons of food that we were able to give in to families that were having a rough time in the midst of all this stuff it's awesome it's we took care of our community it's awesome awesome awesome awesome praise the lord well if all hearts and minds are clear if you would please stand for the final blessing those of you at home can participate this as well father i declare the blessings of god upon these precious people that everywhere they turn this week they will bump into a blessing thank you lord that favor will be made very aware in their lives thank you for your mercy and your grace but we rejoice in your favor i declare divine protection over their lives i declare that no weapon formed against them will prosper i plead the blood of jesus over your lives right now and i pray that something good will happen to you that you were not expecting and that you did not prepare for i thank god for his goodness in your life this week so be blessed in every way every day is my prayer now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 192,580
Rating: 4.889945 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: zBFVrULfimk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 10sec (4690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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